THE TOWER April 12, 2015 Second Sunday Of Easter SACRED HEART PARISH Hearts Contemplating Christ Hearts Contemplating Christ HEART TO HEART pastor to parish AdvancEd AdvancEd conducts rigorous, on-site external reviews of over 32,000 PreK through 12 schools and school systems across the United States. The Archdiocese is now using AdvanceEd in its own schools. Fun in Front of the Footlights I had a great time at the school musical, Robin and the Sherwood Hoodies. Clearly, a lot of work went into this production. It takes tons of time and effort to learn lines, practice choreography, work with props and costumes, and the myriad of details associated with a full-blown musical production. Congratulations to the cast and crew, to the directing staff and to everyone who helped create this show. After seeing my first Junior Tower Players production, I can’t wait to see what’s in store for us next year. Holy Week Thanks to all those dedicated lay ministers, volunteers and staff members who worked so hard to make the Holy Week and Easter Sunday liturgies so beautiful! All that work helped to make our public prayer fruitful and effective. A special mention is in order for the hard work that went into the music of Holy Week and Easter Sunday. All our music over those special days was uplifting and certainly enhanced the liturgical experience. Music, indeed, is the beating heart of liturgy by which it is given real heft because, in a unique way, music speaks directly to our hearts. . Our parish school is currently going through the AdvancEd review process. This Monday, April 13, I have a pastors’ meeting at the Quigley Center Pastoral Center as part of the AdvancEd process. Please keep our school administrative staff and teachers in your prayers as they continue to navigate the AdvancEd review process. Search Process The two search processes for principal and DRE are continuing. More interviews are scheduled for the next few weeks. Thanks so much to all the school and religious education parents, teachers and catechists who are part of the interviewing process. They’ve put in a lot of time and effort. Ultimately, that time and effort will result in two new leaders, one for our school and one for our religious education program—leaders who will build upon the fine work of our current principal, Sr. Kathleen and our current DRE, Sr. Luanne. Easter The Easter season lasts for fifty days, until Pentecost. We continue to celebrate the Risen Lord these fifty days. We continue to contemplate the mystery of the resurrection and how that singular event not only changes the course of history but of our own lives. Blessings to all in this season of joy. Hearts Nurtured by Faith If God can work through me, he can work through anyone (St. Francis of Asssi) SCHOOL NEWS SPARKED HEARTS RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS Welcome back to Sacred Heart School! We will be back to school from Easter break tomorrow. BE A KAIROS LEADER If you have been on any Kairos retreat you are welcome to apply to be a leader on the next North Side Kairos July 17-20! Check the website for more details and an application. Contact Carol with any questions. The deadline has passed, so if you want to be a leader apply right away! We're back this week after Spring Break. Our 8th graders have dance class immediately after school at Faith Hope & Charity on Monday, April 13th. There will be a SHAC meeting at 7pm in the Faculty Room at school Monday evening. Tuesday, April 14th there will be a PTO meeting in the Parish Center at 8:30am. Please come join the group! There will be a School Board meeting Tuesday evening at 7:15pm in the School Faculty room. Thursday, April 16, 2015, will be early dismissal for our Faculty meetings. JK will be dismissed at 1pm while K-8 will be dismissed from school at 1:20pm. Nite Lites is Saturday night April 18th at Skokie Country Club ! Sacred Heart School thanks all of you for your generosity and support. We are having a new contest for Grand Receipts and Box Tops! The contest begins tomorrow, so please bring in your Box Tops and Grand Receipts now! You can drop off at either the school office or the Gathering Space at church. Thank you for your support to Sacred Heart School. SUMMER SERVICE TRIP will be to McAllen, TX July 26– Aug. 1, where we will work with Habitat for Humanity and Sacred Heart Humanitarian Respite Center. Please contact Carol if you are interested in going on the trip, and adults, I need you, too! JUNIOR HIGH NIGHT is every second and fourth Tuesday of the month. All seventh and eighth graders welcome, AND NOW 6th grade as well! Welcome 6th graders! BYOI Bring Your Own Iron: April 14 we are taking the next step in our studentplanned service project—ironing on the artwork for our ASPCA fundraiser. We will be selling dog shirts with our student design after masses on April 26. Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @SparkedHearts and find us on Facebook! Contact Carol anytime 847446-0856 x. 132 or [email protected] No classes will be present at the 9:00 Mass this weekend as well as on April 26. Next Sunday the 6th graders will be present at 9:00. Religious Education Board meets Monday, April 13 at 7:00 PM in the Library. Registration for the 2015-2016 school year will begin shortly. Catechists are needed for the 20152016 school year. If you are interested, please call the religious education office to volunteer. (847-446-6535) Classes are Sunday mornings 9:00-10:15 most weeks. Continued blessings on your Easter season journey. Hearts Making a Difference The nation doesn’t simply need what we have. It needs what we are. (St. Teresia Benedicta , Edith Stein) ST. COLUMBANUS FOOD PANTRY The St. Columbanus Food Pantry is always in need. The pantry serves between 400 and 500 families every week. How can you help? ELIZABETH MINISTRY ROSARY OUTREACH OPPORTUNITIES The Elizabeth Ministry will say the Rosary in the Chapel upstairs in the Parish offices once a month at 9am on the following Thursday mornings: Tuesdays and Thursdays during the School Year Tutor Elementary students at St. Columbanus School. Leave SH at 9am, return by 1:30pm. April 16 May 14 June 4 1) Bring a few cans of food to Mass next Sunday as a way to remember the poor. 2) Donate your time and energy by volunteering at the Food Pantry any Wednesday morning. Food is packed at 8:00am in the Rectory Garage, and distributed in the Courtyard at 10am. 3) OR gather a group of friends and go down some Saturday morning to pack non-perishable foods. Call Judy Pyke to coordinate. A great activity for a group of families or friends to do together. The Rosary lasts 20-30 minutes and is a lovely way to connect with other women/moms in the parish. MINISTERS OF CARE TRAINING We are in need of Ministers of Care to bring Communion to the sick, homebound and hospitalized of our parish. A training session will be offered this summer and fall at St. Benedict Nursing and Rehabilitation Center Hollbrook Hall 6930 West Touhy Avenue Niles, Illinois. This course is designed with the person in mind who is new to parish ministry. Each session will focus on a particular aspect of the Ministry of Care; however, the unifying thread woven through all is a commitment to helping you develop the skills and confidence needed to be a source of comfort to those who are sick. St. Columbanus can always use our help. If you have a free Wednesday morning, consider spending the time helping others! Sessions will run two hours and will include a talk given by an experienced facilitator accompanied by group discussion and/or an exercise to help you practice a particular skill. If you have any questions regarding the Ministers of Care Ministry, please contact Mike McNulty or Judy Pyke at 847-446-0856. Wednesdays St. Columbanus Food Pantry: Packing of Food at 7am at St. Columbanus Rectory Garage; Distribution of Food at 10am. Thursdays Shadow a Minister of Care at LakeCook Nursing Home or Glen Oaks Nursing Home. Contact the Parish Office for more information. RESPECT LIFE MINISTRY Join our Respect Life Ministry in our weekly prayer for life: That as we recognize Jesus in the broken bread, so may we recognize Him in broken lives, including those we consider burdensome, inconvenient and unwanted. We pray to the Lord! Hearts Alive in Worship My only desire is to unite myself to God (St. Paul of the Cross) THE SARTO FUND Remember the Sacred Heart Sarto Fund established by Msgr. Reynold Hillenbrand? The Fund enables our parish to assist members in need without causing them undue embarrassment. Many have been so grateful that they have later reimbursed the fund, although to do so is not required. As you know our parish supports many worthy outreaches; but this one is reserved for our own. Currently the Sarto Fund is somewhat depleted; we appreciate any financial support you can provide. CAREER RESOURCES Of the many resources available for persons seeking employment, here are just a few that we thought might be of interest: Holy Cross in Deerfield and St Gregory Episcopal have a joint ministry called Career Renewal, which meets at Holy Cross every other month. Its website is: home.html Career Transitions Center, of which Old St Pat's is one of about 20 interdenominational sponsors, is a full time career counseling/skills assessment, etc. operations. Some of its services are free, but some require payment. Holy Name, Old St Pat's, OLPH, St Josaphat, Loyola U, DePaul U, and Kenilworth Union Church are among the sponsors. The center’s website is: http:// We feature private coaching by industry professionals and a wide variety of education and training programs. Our services are individualized, resultsfocused, and affordable. Visit or call 847-295-5626 and ask us about coming in for a tour. Baptism By Appointment We celebrate Baptisms on Sundays following the 10:30 Mass. Our Baptism Guidelines and Baptism Information Forms are available on our website For further information, please contact Trish O’Toole in our Parish Office at 847-446-0856. Baptism Preparation LENTEN MISSION THANK YOU Many thanks to all who attended our Lenten Mission this year. Parishioners seemed to enjoy the discussion sessions (and dinner!) held after the 4:30pm Mass on the 3rd, 4th and 5th Sundays of Lent. Special thanks to our three guest presiders & leaders of our Lenten Mission this year: Fr. John Clemens, Pastor of Our Lady of Hope Parish in Rosemont, Fr. Pat McGrath, SJ, President of Loyola Academy, and Fr. Michael Sparough, SJ, Retreat Director with the Bellarmine Jesuit Retreat House. Each Presider shared wonderful insights with us regarding the Sunday readings and led terrific discussion sessions for the participants after Mass. Thanks also to Dan Hagedorn, Jennifer D’Souza, Rachel Hohner, Theresa Cherone and our Youth Minister, Carol Nowatzke for their help in coordinating efforts with the children’s breakout sessions. 4th Sunday of the month 9:15 - 10:15 am in the Parish Office Conference Room. Sacrament of Matrimony Contact a priest or deacon 6 months prior to the anticipated date of marriage. Sacrament of Anointing Please call one of the priests at 847-446-0856. Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday 9:00-9:30 am Hearts Connected for Community Love is the beauty of the Soul (St. Augustine) SAVE THE DATE STEWARDSHIP GIVING April 5, 2015 Fr. Kisaka’s Farewell Mass & Reception Sunday, May 17th 10:30 AM. YTD Actual Sunday and Christmas Collection: $865,103 YTD Budgeted Sunday and Christmas Collection: $926,813 Shortfall: ($ 61,710) Actual Easter Collection $ 44,194 Budgeted Easter Collection $ 62,000 Shortfall: ($ 17,806) If you haven’t already made your Easter Contribution, it’s not too late! Please help us eliminate our overall collection shortfall. STEWARDSHIP Andrew was born with mild Down syndrome. He loved to go to religion class after Mass on Sunday. Nine other children there learned, laughed, and played together. Andrew was not really part of the group. He did not choose to be different; he just was, and his classmates mostly ignored him. On the first Sunday after Easter his teacher arrived with ten plastic eggs. She gave one to each child and they all went outside to find symbols of new life to put into their eggs. They ran around the church grounds in the spring sunshine and brought their treasures back inside. The children gathered around and the teacher opened the first egg: it held a beautiful flower, and they “ooh-ed” and “aah-ed.” She opened another and there was a little butterfly. In the third egg they saw a fresh green leaf. The fourth egg had nothing inside. The children, as eight-year-olds will, said, “That’s stupid! Somebody didn’t do it right.” The teacher felt a tug on her shirt and looked down. “It’s mine,” Andrew said. The children cried, “You don’t ever do things right, Andrew. There’s nothing there!” “I did so do it right!” said Andrew. “The tomb is empty!” There was sudden silence. From that time on, Andrew became a part of the group. He was set free from the tomb of his difference. Andrew died last summer of an infection that most children could have quickly shrugged off. At his funeral Mass, nine eight-year-old children, together with their teacher, marched up to the altar, not with flowers to cover over the stark reality of death, but with an empty egg—an empty, old, discarded pantyhose egg—and placed it on the altar steps. The tomb is empty! Copyright © 2010, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. Hearts Connected for Community Love is the beauty of the Soul (St. Augustine) THIS WEEK AT SACRED HEART Monday, April 13 SHS Classes Resume Grade 8 Dance Class 3:00PM/Faith Hope & Charity Parish SHS Enrichment 3:15PM/PCR Kitchen RCIA Workshop 7:00PM/PCR Religious Ed Board Meeting 7:00PM/School Library SHAC Meeting 7:00PM/ Sacred Heart Men’s Club Meeting 8:00PM/POFR Tuesday, April 14 PTO Meeting 8:30AM/PCR Sacred Heart Prayer Group 9:00AM/POFR Sacred Heart School Girls Club 3:15PM/PCR Kitchen 8th Grade Washington, DC Trip 7:00PM/PCR School Board Meeting 7:15PM/Teacher’s Lounge Wednesday, April 15 Scripture Study 11:00AM/POFR SH Enrichment 3:15PM/PCR Kitchen Thursday, April 16 JK Dismissal 1:00PM K-8 Dismissal 1:20PM Saturday, April 18 Nite Lites 6:30PM/Skokie Country Club Sunday, April 16 Religious Ed Classes 9:00AM/PCR SCHEDULE Mass Intentions Monday, April 13 7:00am Intentions of Charlie Gardner 8:30am Tom Rupp Tuesday, April 14 7:00am Harry Staffileno Jr. 8:30am Carl Anderson Wednesday, April 15 7:00am Parishioners of St. Columbanus 8:30am Julie Zanotti Thursday, April 16 7:00am Helen Pierson 8:30am The Residents of Glen Oaks & The Grove Nursing Homes Friday, April 17 7:00am Jim Murphy 8:30am Christine Czarkowski Saturday, April 18 8:30am Linda Beiser 5:00pm Maurice O’Brien Sunday, April 19 7:30am Genevieve Conway 9:00am Mimi McNulty 10:30am Intentions of Vivek & Alison Bushell-Mali 4:30pm Parishioners of Sacred Heart MINISTERS OF CARE April 16 Lake Cook/Marijo Erzinger Glen Oaks /Sally Hoban, Mary Newton LITURGICAL MINISTERS—April 18-19 5:00pm Saturday April 18 Presider Fr. Lanza Greeter(s) Dee Hanlon, Ed Kuffert Servers Sarah Cullinane, Mary Bridget Jones, Johnny Joyce Lector(s) Barbara Anderson Eucharistic Ministers Dee Hanlon, Cathy Leonard, Claudia Mann, Patty Sanfilippo, Lamarr Tyler Cantor/Choir Saturday Choir 7:30am Sunday April 19 Presider Fr. Nyache/Deacon Michael McNulty(PR) Greeter(s) Gerry Sunko Servers TBA Lector(s) Chris Lane Eucharistic Ministers Bernadette Broccolo, Roberta Olshansky, Gerry Sunko Cantor/Choir Amy Guinn-Becker 9:00am Presider Fr. Lanza Greeter(s) David James, Mary Newton Servers Bailey Byrnes, Owen Gardner, Ian Graves Lector(s) Chris Hartman Eucharistic Ministers Kris Byrnes, Ryan Gardner, John Madden, Roseanne Madden, Mary Newton Cantor/Choir Amy Guinn-Becker 10:30am Presider Fr. Lanza Greeter(s) Frieda Baker, Christine Kengott Servers Scott Grodecki, Maeve Murdock, Cara Murdock Lector(s) Jim Harrington Eucharistic Ministers Frieda Baker, Julie Conte, Robert Conte, Christine Kengott, Mark Kengott Cantor/Choir Sacred Heart Choir 4:30pm Presider Fr. Nyache/Deacon Michael McNulty(PR) Greeter(s) Marion Powers Servers John Hession, Margo Hession, Rory Hession Lector(s) Brian Norton Eucharistic Ministers Mary Jo Bushell, Catherine Lehman, Marion Powers Cantor/Choir Children’s Choir Altar Servers Daily Mass 8:30am April 20 Ryan Craddock April 21 Bailey Byrnes, Maureen Hines April 22 Rory McGuire, Izzie Schario April 23 Scott Grodecki April 24 Emily Yager April 25 TBA SACRED HEART PARISH CONTACT INFORMATION Pastoral Staff Rev. Steven M. Lanza, Pastor—[email protected] Associate Pastor—Rev. Collins Kisaka Nyache—[email protected] Pastor Emeritus—Rev. Robert E. Ferrigan—847-647-6557, Rev. Robert J. Heidenreich Pastoral Associate—Judy Pyke—[email protected] Permanent Deacons—Michael J. McNulty—[email protected]—Gerry Keenan—[email protected] 773-251-6626 Director of Music—Todd Gresick—[email protected] Children’s Choir—Kathy Janega Keenan—[email protected] Business Manager/Administrative Assistant to the Pastor—Michelle Wasielewski—[email protected] Sacristan Coordinator—June Hocter—[email protected] Youth Minister—Carol Nowatzke—[email protected] Principal—Sr. Kathleen Donnelly , O.P.— 1095 Gage Street—847-446-0005—[email protected] Religious Education Director—Sr. Luanne Wilhelm, SLW— 1095 Gage Street—847-446-6535—[email protected] Support Staff Administrative Assistant & Bulletin Editor—Trish O’Toole—[email protected] Accounting/Census/Contributions/Tuition—Cindy Atsaves—[email protected] Bookkeeping—Suzie Danstrom—[email protected] Parish Office 847-446-0856/Fax 847-501-5311/ Hours: Monday & Tuesday 8:30am—8:00pm, Wednesday—Friday 8:30am-4:30pm School Office : 847-446-0005 Religious Education Office: 847-446-6535 Visit our website Find us on Facebook & Follow us on Twitter: @SHWinnetka CHURCH NAME AND NUMBER — Sacred Heart Church #862 ADDRESS — 1077 Tower Road Winnetka, Illinois 60093 PHONE — 847-446-0856 CONTACT PERSON — Trish O’Toole x 101 SOFTWARE — Microsoft Publisher 2007 Adobe Acrobat 8.0 Windows XP Professional PRINTER — HP Laserjet 1022 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT = 12 SUNDAY DATE OF BULLETIN April 12, 2015 THANK YOU!
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