St Mary the Virgin and All Saints Potters Bar 26th October 2014

St Mary the Virgin and All Saints
Potters Bar
26th October 2014
The Last Sunday after Trinity
(Bible Sunday)
The next lunchtime recital is on Tuesday 4th November
at 12.30pm, when we shall be joined by organist
Anthony Gritten. Lunches will be served from 12 noon.
A warm welcome to St Mary’s,
especially if this is your first time here.
Refreshments are served after Parish Communion.
We look forward to meeting you and seeing you again.
A warm welcome back to Fr Gareth Randall,
Priest-in-Charge of St Bartholomew’s, Dinard and
our Honorary Assistant Priest from 1998 to 2007
Old Testament Reading: Nehemiah 8 vv 1-4a, 8-12
reads the law to the people.
New Testament Reading: Colossians 3 vv 12-17 St Paul
exhorts the Colossians to live in close union with our Lord and
gives practical advice.
Gospel: Matthew 24 vv 30-35
God has revealed himself
through the ages and his words remain as a guide to how we
should live our lives.
Hymns: 345, 407, 438, 308, 392, 486
This week’s flowers have been arranged by Pearl Shepherd
and donated by June Twyman in memory of Gerry
The Week Ahead
St Simon & St Jude
9.30am Holy Communion
12 noon Knit and Natter Group meets
James Hannington (transferred)
9.30am Holy Communion
10.00am Study Group meets
11.40am Mayfair Lodge service
3.00pm Service of Remembrance and
Thanksgiving (see below)
8.00am Holy Communion
11.30am Meeting of the Centenary and Fundraising
Groups in St Michael’s Chapel
The readings next Sunday will be: Revelation 7 vv 9-17;
1 John 3 vv 1-3 and Matthew 5 vv 1-12.
Parish Notices
We shall remember our departed loved ones at a
Service of Thanksgiving next Saturday at 3.00pm. This
will be a service of hymns and prayers, followed by tea.
If you can help with providing cakes for the
refreshments, please let Jenny Pearce or Richard know.
Our All Souls’ Requiem Eucharist will take place this
year on Tuesday 4th November at 9.30am.
Please note any names you wish to be remembered at
these services on the sheet at the back of church, noting
at which service you would like the names read out.
Remembrance Sunday is Sunday 9th November.
Please note that Parish Communion is at 9.30am on that
day. The Service of Remembrance will be at 11.30am,
following the War Memorial Ceremony at 11.00am.
Our Quiz Night is on Saturday 22nd November,
7.00pm for 7.30pm. Please sign up for tickets (£10) on
the noticeboard at the back of church. Supper will be
included in the ticket price.
Concert for Cats will return on Sunday 23rd November
at 4pm. Please join us for this organ recital by James
Matley to raise funds for The Scratching Post Cat
Rescue. Refreshments will be available before and after
the performance along with crafts for sale. Free entry but
donations of money, cat food & cat litter are welcome!
Christmas cards sold in aid of The Children's Society
are now available at the back of the church.
Also available are Christmas cards & some generic ones
produced by Rebecca Matley in aid of St Mary’s. There
are a few available at the back of church; please speak
to Rebecca or James if you would like to purchase them.
Planned Giving New weekly envelopes are available
at the back of the church. If anyone else would like to
join this scheme, please contact Pearl Shepherd, email
[email protected] or tel: 655062
Watchers & Welcomers Please let Heather Hawkes
have any holiday dates during December and January.
Matthew Bevan is bravely taking part in a sponsored
abseil down the Avon Gorge in Bristol in aid of Christian
Aid on 15th November. You can sponsor him at:
We are updating our prayers lists for the sick from the
start of November. If you wish names to remain on the
lists, please indicate on the sheet on the notice board.
For your prayers :
The sick
Geof Masters, John Gamby, Sheila Wiggins,
Dominic Hilton, Joan Charlton, Audrey Penn, Marjorie
Schofield, Ivor Stringer, Geoff Fletcher, Linda Higgins, Fr John
Cuthbert, Hilary Joel, Pam Glenister, Ben Kuschel, Chris
Murphy, Maisie, Dorothy Bishop, Colin Woodford, Margo
Gough, Myrtle Lisk, Sally & John Honeychurch, Annette, Hazel
We also remember
Christine Hancock, Mary Embleton,
Hilary Davis, Nicola Stiff, Graham Williams, Mollie Brown,
Margaret Bowers, Simone Cowie, Molly Hines, Margaret Cox,
Nancy Harris, Marjorie Zerfahs, Ellie Monk, Susan Brown,
Noreen Davies, Len Overall
The recently departed
Those whose anniversary of death falls this week
Margaret Dare, Marjorie Roberts, William Chessum, Elizabeth
Walker, Michael Whittle, Rhoda King, William Burrows, Joseph
Parsons, Annie Ely, Annie Jubb
Our parish We remember those who live in Cotton Road,
Daleside Drive and Dancers Hill Road
Fr Peter Bevan, Vicar Tel: 644539
Email: [email protected]
Items for next week’s sheet to Richard Osborn (Tel: 07803 756088 / e-mail: [email protected]) by Thursday
Fr Peter would be grateful to be informed about illnesses or any other emergencies affecting parishioners.