More Than Wheels Business Plan Increasing the Impact of a low income transportation program Terri Steingrebe, CEO 4/13/2012 More Than Wheels Business Plan Table of Contents A. Executive Summary…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4-5 B. Industry and Market Analysis…………………………………………………………………………………………… 6-9 Market Context and Need Current and Projected Demand Ecosystem Analysis C. Strategy and Theory of Change……………………………………………………………………......................10-12 Description of Organization and Mission Description of the Initiative being Scaled Evidence of outcomes/impact to-date Definition of Social Value Proposition D. Scaling Plan…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………13-19 Strategy Target Customers and/or Beneficiaries Distribution Plan Competitive Advantage and Barriers to Entry Core Program Elements and Success Factors (what’s needed to succeed) Timetable, Milestones & Measurable Three-Year Performance Goal 12-month Operating Plan Marketing Plan Projected Social Impact E. Evaluation and Knowledge Dissemination Plan…………………………………………………………………19-21 Plan for Assessing Outcomes/Impact Plan for Communicating Impact of Scaling/Expansion Initiative F. Organization…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….21-23 Organization History Organization Structure and Governance Current Size and Reach Management Team (including succession planning) G. Infrastructure Requirements…………………………………………………………………………………………… 23-24 Page 2 More Than Wheels Business Plan Investments in Infrastructure Required to Support Expansion Other Capacity Building Needs H. Financial Plan for the Scaling/Expansion Initiative……………………………………………………………….25-29 Capital Required to Finance Expansion, by Type of Support (e.g., grants, debt) Fund Development Strategy - Description of Sustainable Economic Model and Timetable Current Funders and Commitments Projected Funding by Sources of Support (e.g., government, foundation, earned income) Pro Forma Financial Projections for 3 Years including cash flow and cost per client Revenue, including assumptions Expenses (including fixed and variable costs) I. Risk Assessment and Contingency Plan……………………………………………………………………………….29-30 Appendices A. B. C. D. E. F. G. More Than Wheels Clients Savings assumptions More Than Wheels 2011 Evaluation Summary – University of New Hampshire New England Market Analysis More Than Wheels – Ways to Work program comparison Organization Chart Senior Management Bios and Board of Directors listing 12 month operating plan Page 3 More Than Wheels Business Plan A. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Julie, a single mom with three kids, came to More Than Wheels (MTW) in 2008 in desperate need of a car to get to her job as a clinical secretary. She had to walk more than 2 miles to get to a bus to take her to one of her two jobs, while trying to juggle getting her children to and from school, activities and daycare. Seven months later, after working with our About More Than Wheels counselors and repairing her credit she was able to purchase a new Nissan Versa at an interest rate of 4.3% Founded in the Upper Valley of NH in 2001, MTW under the MTW purchase program and guarantees. uses the enticement of a new, energy efficient car as the catalyst to provide vulnerable populations -Julie returned to school to obtain her LPN, she has front-line health and community workers, victims of increased her income by more than 35%. To date, More Than Wheels has helped more than 1600 families like Julie’s saving those families over $19.5m in transportation costs and 270,000 metric tons of CO2 emissions.1 MTW clients have demonstrated financial responsibility with a loan default rate of only 5% versus an average of 9-13% for all subprime borrowers nationally. intimate-partner violence, immigrants and refugees, young adults, military families, single mothers, and individuals in recovery, among others -- the skills they need to improve their financial stability, as well as their overall health and well-being. More Than Wheels provides behavioral counseling and credit repair guidance, conducts financial literacy classes, provides car selection expertise, and partially guarantees car loans at reasonable rates with financial institution partners for consumers who would not otherwise qualify for them. MTW is the second largest LICO (Low Income Car Ownership Program) in the U.S. We rank number #1 for lowest default rates and long term behavioral change and are the only program to offer a new car option. According to an independent study conducted by the University of New Hampshire, MTW clients have increased their savings activity by 66%, report a 31% increase in being able to pay their bills on time, and are increasing their credit scores. Clients have increased their access to traditional banking and credit services, while reporting reduced mental and physical health issues, greater access to health care, and improved access to nutritious and affordable food.2 MARKETABILITY & SCALABILITY Although MTW has experienced early success and public attention, we are only beginning to address the market demand. The predatory car sales/lending industry (Buy Here Pay Here BHPH) is an $80bn U.S. annual market. MTW estimates that 4-8% BHPH clients are candidates for the MTW program which is a $3-$5bn opportunity. At the regional level, in New England, MTW estimates the demand at $25M a year which means we have only penetrated 8% of the market. After 10 years of start-up growing pains and lessons learned, MTW has established and tested a plan to capture the market. The strategy to scale is two pronged: 1) intelligent partnering and 2) application of technology. Partnering includes both geographic and 1 2 MTW Client savings assumptions: See Appendix A MTW Evaluation Study, University of New Hampshire: See Appendix B for Evaluation Summary Page 4 More Than Wheels Business Plan programmatic partners, industry focused employers, and local government - building a multilevel network that will be sustainable for the long term. Partnering increases reach, while mitigating expenses. The second leg to the strategy is using technology to improve access to services and dramatically decrease direct program costs. Specifically, we are deploying distance learning (Skype video calls, Web ex meetings) with mobile technology (mobile apps, texting, image capture) and social media (inter-client communication, word of mouth viral marketing) to change the paradigm of service delivery. The smart phone is a key enabler to this strategy. EXPANSION READINESS More Than Wheels is at a crossroads. The foundation has been built, and we are ready to scale services across New England, as well as learn how this approach can be replicated and produce widespread social impact nationally. More Than Wheels has a well developed understanding of its client “funnel” which is a key factor to forecasting overall growth. By leveraging this well understood client model with geographic expansion into Massachusetts, partnering with other non profits and an increased leverage of earned media, MTW drove a 75% increase in inquiries in 2011. MTW has a deep database of operational data going back 6 years and a thorough understanding of both the expense and income side of the business. Through the partnering and technology adoption strategy, MTW is projecting significant growth while reducing the cost per client served by over 40%. Correspondingly, by adopting several new revenue streams, MTW is working towards the goal of making itself breakeven by 2020. More Than Wheels, led by Terri Steingrebe an experienced commercial and non-profit executive and an expanded and growing Board of Directors has a strong foundation to build on including staff, business processes and systems, metrics, and strong partners. The organization has specifically chosen a pace of growth that will allow for continued learning and modifications over the next three years. GO FORWARD More Than Wheels seeks to raise $3.3M over the next three years, of which $1M has already been committed to: Educate 2800 individuals in personal financial management Provide 1,400 immediate family members with the benefits of reliable affordable transportation by partially guaranteeing 780 new loans Emitting 140,000 less tons of CO2 into the environment Saving these families >$7M in transportation costs – including 1.3M gallons of gas Join us in realizing our vision! Page 5 More Than Wheels Business Plan B. INDUSTRY AND MARKET ANALYSIS NEED AND CONTEXT In order to attain self-sufficiency, stabilize their finances, and move up the economic ladder, low to moderate income consumers must be able to connect to good jobs and meet family obligations. A car is often a necessity. Lack of access to a car creates serious difficulties for parents juggling work, medical appointments and physical exercise. Transportation of children to school and after school activities as well as child and elder parent care is a basic necessity. Lower prices and a healthier selection of groceries are often located in areas requiring personal transportation. Cars make commuting at night safer, and people less vulnerable to emergencies. Low to moderate income individuals who often have no bank accounts and poor credit are taken advantage of when purchasing a car. A Brookings Institution report concludes that “Given the strong connection between cars and employment outcomes, auto ownership programs may be one of the most promising options and one worthy of expansion”3 Out of desperation consumers in this income category turn to “buy-here, pay-here” (BHPH) used car dealers, who do not require credit checks, a good credit history, or a minimum credit score. BHPH’s charge greater than market value prices, high interest rates, and require large down payments. In addition to the onerous financial burden, these used cars break down more frequently, often requiring expensive repair. They consume larger amounts of gasoline and release more carbon emissions. It is not unusual for low to moderate income households to have used car loan obligations outstanding even after their cars have broken down and can no longer function as transportation. “I had to save every penny for gas because gas got me to work and paid for the roof over our heads,” says Trahan. Gas took precedence over food — which meant the family ate peanut butter and jelly or macaroni and cheese. In the summer of 2008 high gas prices meant her son didn’t do football and soccer at the local high school. Worse, financial pressures caused by the car lead her to take risks she shouldn’t have. Trahan dropped her auto insurance — which is something you can do in New Hampshire. Fortunately she didn’t have an accident. Less successful was her decision to cut back on her asthma medicine necessitating two trips to the emergency room” Tammy Trahan – More Than Wheels client AUGUST 11, 2011, NY YORK TIMES On the Road, and Out of the Red By LISA MARGONELLI 3 Evelyn Blumenberg and Margy Walken, :The long journey to work: a federal transportation policy for working families, Center for Urban and Metropolitan Policy, Brookings Institute July 2003 p.2 Page 6 More Than Wheels Business Plan Figure 1: Buy Here Pay Here Statistics 4 There are more than 33,000 BHPH dealers across the country, financing over 2.4M cars, for over $80B each year.5 62% of BHPH financing is for consumers categorized as deep subprime with credit scores <550. This lack of reliable cars at decent financing terms for low to moderate income households leaves them no option other than to purchase expensive, unreliable cars again and again, contributing to a downward spiral of poverty. While transportation alone can’t reduce poverty, it serves a critical role by removing a significant barrier to success. Reliable and affordable transportation contributes to poverty reduction by lowering cost to live, enhancing income opportunities, and enhancing health and well being. In the past decade, community and regional banks have merged into national financial institutions, and the banking sector has become increasingly dependent on credit scores and automated underwriting systems. The system helps families with good scores access affordable financing and gives them continued opportunities to access affordable credit and build wealth. The financially excluded, however, are nearly always obliged to use high-cost, unreported products, and have few opportunities to build a score and break the cycle. 7.7% of households are unbanked, and 17.9% of households are under banked representing more than 60M adults6 nearly 20% of low income households (7M households) do not currently even have a bank account. In recent years, increased social awareness of the many unfair and unethical business practices of the for-profit car market has led to the creation and growth of a nonprofit car market. The National Economic Development and Law Center’s Low-Income Car Ownership (LICO) Clearinghouse has identified 150 LICO Programs. Cars obtained through these programs still make up less than 1% of the overall US car market. There is a need to develop the expertise of these programs to bring viable alternatives to the marketplace. 4 Wheels of Fortune, a three part series by Ken Bensinger, Los Angeles Times October 30, 2011 5 Wheels of Fortune, a three part series by Ken Bensinger, Los Angeles Times October 30, 2011 6 FDIC National Survey of Unbanked and Under banked Households December 2009 Page 7 More Than Wheels Business Plan CURRENT & PROJECTED DEMAND: THE NEW ENGLAND MARKET More Than Wheels has operated in New Hampshire for ten years and in Greater Boston for two years. In New Hampshire’s five markets, the annual number of program inquiries from households with incomes ranging from $10,000 to $50,000 varies from 1.8% - 2.6% annually, with the average being 2.4%. The total New England market can generate at least 20,000 inquiries annually. (See Appendix C. for full set of assumptions) NEW ENGLAND SCALING LOOKS LIKE: $25M in low interest auto loans for low to moderate income families – partially guaranteed by More Than Wheels annually Benefiting more than 3600 family members Barriers to market entry are primarily More Than Wheels resource dependent. Market success across New Hampshire and two years of urban experience in Greater Boston have provided enough proof points to believe a conservative 12.5% market penetration is not only possible but probable given the appropriate investment and time for development. annually Saving $18M on total cost of car ownership over the length of the loan, including saving more than 550,000 gallons of gas annually ECO SYSTEM ANALYSIS Figure 2: ECO System Diagram Environmental Conditions Political and Administrative Structures: CRA, IDA's, Consumer Protection Agency Economics and Markets: Used car & Buy Here Pay Here market; LICO Market Geography and Infrastructure: New England Culture & Social Fabric: Green movement; Myths and bias about public transportation Resource Providers: Financial * Banks & Credit Unions * Venture Philanthropy * Foundations * Individuals * Car Dealers Human * Quality of Staff Knowledge * Behavior Change * Personal Finance Networking * Financial Literacy instructors Technological *Video/Internet "meetings" * Mobile Technology *intersection technology & behavior change Competition Friendly: Good New Garage, Ways to Work Unfriendly: Buy Here Pay Here Buystanders: * Large Consumer Lending Banks * CDFI's Customers: * low-moderate income consumers * people with poor credit Beneficiaries: * Lenders (CRA) * Employers (more reliable employees) * Government (less public assistance) Client Selection Behavioral Coaching Credit Repair Loan Guarantees Complementary Organizations/Allies * Boston Fed * Media Outlets * Political Leaders * State and Local Government (CAP agencies) * Employers & Social Service Agencies * Unions * Bankruptcy Lawyers Opponents/Problem Makers * Agressive subprime lenders *BHPH Dealers Impact: Greater economic stability, self-sufficiency, and health and well being for low to moderate income individuals with poor credit through the catalyst of a reliable and affordable car Page 8 More Than Wheels Business Plan More Than Wheels is operating in a complex environment. This environment requires communication to customers, beneficiaries, complementary organizations and resource providers about the practices of predatory lending practices prevalent today. This market is growing at a rate far greater than the rest of the auto industry, and we expect this growth to continue. The most significant competitor to MTW is the Buy Here Pay Here auto industry. The industry communicates to potential customers in a way that is attention grabbing, and portrays the solution to reliable and affordable transportation as a quick and easy process. With the highest profit margin in the industry, print, radio, internet, and TV advertising is readily available for consumers that tout the ease of financing individuals with poor credit for affordable car payments. There is a lack of transparency about the quality of the vehicle, the cost of repairs, and the high interest rates over the life of the loan to consumers. There are more than 150 Low Income Car Programs across the country. Most of these are very small, primarily giving away old vehicles for short term use among the lowest income population. Nationally Ways to Work is the largest Low Income Car program in the country, but they have only a small presence today in New England. More Than Wheels and Ways to Work have shared program knowledge with each other, and explored an option of joining forces in early 2011.7 Within the More Than Wheels eco system are three types of service delivery partners: (1) Programmatic Partners (i.e. UTEC (United Teen Equality Center), Year Up), where the More Than Wheels program is embedded into successful at risk youth workforce development programs. (2) Geographic Partners (Worcester Community Action Council (Central Massachusetts), The Opportunity Alliance (Greater Portland Maine). These partners provide in kind facility space, resources, and computers for clients to connect with More Than Wheels specialists. These partners are large employers who offer a variety of social services and they provide access to More Than Wheels services to their employees, clients, and the community. (3) Referral Partners (i.e. Dana Farber, Partners in Health, Whittier Street Health Center, East Boston Health Center, Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center, City of Boston.) These partners offer More Than Wheels services to employees through benefit fairs, newsletters, brochures, posters, and EAP programs. Sitting on the sidelines today are the largest consumer banks, and CDFI’s (Community Development Finance Institutions). The banks have such large automated lending systems that they have been unable at a practical level to offer lending services. The CDFI’s in New England are focusing their efforts on small business and housing rather than smaller dollar consumer lending. More Than Wheels depends on partnerships for client acquisition, lending, cars, and the delivery of financial training. The beneficiaries other than the direct clients include employers who gain a more reliable and productive workforce and government who may spend less on public assistance and will collect increased taxes as clients become financially stronger members of the community. 7 Appendix D: Ways to Work and More Than Wheels program comparison Page 9 More Than Wheels Business Plan C. STRATEGY AND THEORY OF CHANGE ORGANIZATION & MISSION More Than Wheels addresses the economic issues of income opportunity and unemployment through transportation solutions. Important to this transformation is a philosophy that good financial decision making and good health require personal responsibility. MTW services stress the importance of changing personal behaviors whether they are related to economic well being or healthy living. The mission of MTW is to change the financial behavior of struggling individuals and families where transportation will make a long lasting impact to their overall economic self-sufficiency and contribute to improved health and well being and community sustainability. More Than Wheels is built upon the theory that changing personal financial decision making, with the incentive of a reliable and affordable vehicle, leads to long term positive economic and health and well being benefits. DESCRIPTION OF INITIATIVE BEING SCALED More Than Wheels couples the need for reliable transportation with a set of transformative services designed to produce long term family stability and self-sufficiency. Using behavior change techniques, and providing financial education, credit repair services, and “practice” making an on time car loan payment, More Than Wheels works with low to moderate income individuals and families to obtain a new or slightly used but certified car through a set of car dealer and bank and credit union partners. More Than Wheels helps clients to select a car that fits into their budget and will have value after the loan is repaid, ending a cycle of poor financial decisions made even worse by poor car choices. MTW partially guarantees its loans – based on program confidence and history of client success. More Than Wheels provides ongoing support and advocacy for the life of the loan (generally 66 months), monitors credit scores annually, and provides additional counseling or education as needed to achieve long term success. EVIDENCE OF OUTCOMES TO DATE Personal financial management 55% increase in pre-post financial education quiz scores 88% of all subprime and deep subprime borrowers making on time car payments 5% loan defaults as compared to 9-13% total subprime default rates, dollar default rate < 2% 5.5% increase in credit score (year 1 first cohort group being measured) 75% clients with no or minimal (less than 3 incidents and all resolved) activity on their credit report (year 1 first cohort group being measured) Page 10 More Than Wheels Business Plan 31% increase in on time bill paying (93.5% of graduates paying their bills on time) Clients more than doubled their saving activity (15.2% to 34.8%) 81% clients comfortable doing business with a bank or credit union Health and Well Being Average days of poor physical and mental health measured by days where poor health impacted the ability to do normal activities, declined in graduated clients (3.85 days to 2.28 days -physical health – a 41% decline), (6.71 to 3.33 days – mental health – a 50% decline)8 Using a comparison group less graduates reported issues with transportation for accessing health care services, and less postponement of services due to transportation issues DEFINITION OF SOCIAL VALUE PROPOSITION Figure 3: More Than Wheels Theory of Change Diagram Low to moderate income consumers with damaged credit have limited options when it comes to purchasing a reliable and affordable car and must make choices that often have negative impacts on their lives Use the car buying process as a catalyst for lasting economic improvments to a persons ecnomic stability, self- sufficiency and improved health and well being Target low to moderate income consumers with damaged credit and where reliable and affordable transportation will increase economic opportunity: * Accept them into the program based on clear criteria * Provide financial education in a way that supports personal financial management behavior changes * provide 1-1 coaching and counseling for credit repair & to support behavior changes * provide "practice" at making an on time loan payment * offer access to a low interest car loan * provide car selection and purchase guidance * provide on-going support and advocacy for the life of the loan Use a multi-level network , and a robust technology based solution to offer unique and not readily available value added services that are complementary to other social interventions and make those interventions stronger *Save low to moderate income consumers with poorcredit an average of $10,000 over the life of their loan * Provide an entry for those who are un or under banked into mainstream financial institutions * Provide a personal financial education program with the tools and templates necessary to achieve greater control over household finances * Achieve greater than sub prime credit scores * Achieve long term change in personal financial management *Improve mental and physical stress realted health issues * Provide greater access to health care services Given (1) the education and tools to empower financial management changes, (2) performing the work to repair all credit issues which results in greater confidence and self-respect, (3) practicing these new decisions with encouragement, support and positive reinforcement, and (4) accessing a low interest car loan on a new or certified used car - low to moderate income consumers with poor credit scores will see long term economic and health benefits. The 8 More Than Wheels Evaluation Study see Appendix B Page 11 More Than Wheels Business Plan intervention results in a reliable borrower, thus allowing financial institutions to provide loans to a set of the population that have previously been disregarded on credit score alone. More Than Wheels drives: Changes in awareness: Predatory lending, cost of poor transportation choices Changes in attitude: From feelings of lack of control, overwhelmed by money problems, and experiencing high levels of stress to gaining self-respect and making choices that facilitate a sense of financial freedom Changes in Knowledge & skills: Improved money management tactics including family budgeting, making good choices based on needs vs. wants, practicing on time installment loan payments, learning appropriate ways to use credit Changes in Behaviors: Saving, on time bill paying, on time car loan payments, use of mainstream financial institutions that lower financial fees and provide insured savings All leading to Improvements in Family Financial Stability D. SCALING PLAN STRATEGY More Than Wheels has a proven set of services, and promising outcomes. The scaling strategy is to imbed these services in local agency programs and employer benefits programs, delivering the services through a distance consulting model by using the internet and video technology, and leveraging resources of partners to provide in kind support locally. More Than Wheels is both a stand-alone program that builds consumer self sufficiency as well as a service delivery system that can be integrated, actually embedded, into existing nonprofit organizations already serving vulnerable populations. These nonprofits focused on asset building, education, and health and social service delivery typically do not have a strategy to address serious transportation problems, problems that can actually derail their clients and their own employees from achieving self sufficiency and health and well-being. To enhance these nonprofit programs, leverage existing philanthropic investment, and reduce the overall cost of the service, More Than Wheels provides a joint program solution to address client and employee need for reliable transportation. In collaboration with the “host” nonprofit, More Than Wheels delivers its services using internet/video technology. More Than Wheels customizes its services to fit the local nonprofit culture, integrating the service into existing nonprofit programs, and broadening access to our services resulting in the serving a greater number of people in the community. These partnerships are a multi-level network: 1. Programmatic partnerships where services are directly embedded into at-risk youth and workforce development programs and primary care and mental and behavioral health services (e.g. pilots with United Teen Equality Center in Lowell; Year Up in Boston). Page 12 More Than Wheels Business Plan 2. Geographic partnerships coordinated with organizations that provide multiple services in a specific geographic area (e.g. Service delivery partnerships with Worcester Community Action Counsel in central Massachusetts; The Opportunity Alliance serving Greater Portland, Maine). 3. Referral partnerships with employer and social service agencies’ (e.g. Dana Farber, East Boston Neighborhood Health Center, Whittier Street Health Center, City of Boston, Community Teamwork/Lowell, Partners in Health, Roxbury Resource Center). The enhanced use of technology is critical to the scaling strategy. Technology improvements will be made over the next three years facilitated by a capacity building grant of $385,000 awarded April 6, 2012 from the Richard and Susan Smith Family Foundation. There are three key elements of this capacity building: Increased access to MTW services Interactive, modularized financial education opportunities for clients to practice new financial decision making skills and expanding positive reinforcement through a client portal, and mobile application Staff Productivity – providing extensive documentation requirements on the client portal and connecting that documentation automatically into the current Quick base back end web based client management system More Than Wheels is using Skype and Web ex to meet with clients remotely, allowing greater access for clients. This has directly impacted productivity by being able to serve clients in various cities with a skilled workforce centrally located in New Hampshire and Boston. This will be expanded upon by a greater use of mobile technology. More than half of our clients today have smart phones. This trend is increasing. A study by PEW research has shown that today 40% of 18-29 year olds have smart phones, and Hispanic and African American adoption is increasing with smart phones becoming an individuals’ only access to the internet.9 More Than Wheels will develop a client portal to expand our ability to effectively service this population, including the use of texting, and the creation of a More Than Wheels application for use on smart phones and tablets. This strategy will allow MTW to reduce its cost of servicing clients by 40% over the next four years. TARGET CUSTOMERS AND BENEFICIARIES More Than Wheels targets individuals who are currently employed or who show great promise of employment if they have a car and generally have incomes that fall within HUD low income guidelines.10 The target market has poor credit scores, debt caused primarily by divorce, medical illness or prior job loss, and strong need for a reliable car that fits into a limited budget. The need for the car generally comes from one of two areas, (1) needs related to employment including searching a wider geographic area, turning a one income household into a two 9 PEW Internet and American Life Project Aaron Smith March 1 2012 HUD low income guidelines are published annual by the government and are different by state and size of family and used for section 8 housing and other state and federal low income programs 10 Page 13 More Than Wheels Business Plan income household, or accessing education and training that will improve job prospects and (2) doing everyday tasks that most people take for granted such as accessing child care, being able to schedule and go to medical appointments, taking care of infirmed and elderly parents, being able to shop outside of the neighborhood for groceries in the most economical manner possible, and other everyday tasks. In addition to the direct client beneficiaries of the program, employer partners indicate that reduction in worry and stress related to transportation issues, being able to get to work on time, and being able to take advantage of training opportunities for career growth are benefits for both the employee and the employer. DISTRIBUTION PLAN More Than Wheels will accesses the target market through an indirect distribution strategy. The development of a network of employer, programmatic, and referral partners is the primary method of accessing clients. More Than Wheels also engages through local and state government providing awareness of the program, earned media and social media which is described more fully in the marketing plan. COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE & BARRIER TO ENTRY The most significant barrier to entry of this market are Buy Here Pay Here car dealers and their highly profitable model that allows for significant advertising and ease in servicing subprime customers for car loans without consumers having to do the kind of substantive work that is required in the More Than Wheels program. This ease of doing business comes at a cost to the consumer of between $8,000 and $13,000 in increased cost of ownership over the life of a loan.11 More Than Wheels has a track record of success both in client results, and in developing partnerships with car dealers, banks and credit unions to obtain car pricing and interest rates not generally available to this population. No other low income car program has established these partnerships and has the ability to offer to consumers with subprime credit scores who meet program requirements accessibility to an interest rate currently between 4.3% and 5.5%. CORE PROGRAM ELEMENT & SUCCESS FACTORS Originally scaling through a branch model was envisioned for More Than Wheels.12 After working with this model for several years, it was determined that the model was too costly to scale effectively. Through a meeting facilitated by Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, More Than Wheels worked to understand the Ways to Work loose affiliate model to see if there was an opportunity to join forces. While a decision was made not to be acquired by Ways to Work, More Than Wheels was able to determine that there were four critical components of its own client success: (1) the screening process, (2) the behavior change intervention, (3) content, quality, and hands on approach of the financial education component, and (4) car selection. 11 See Appendix A: More Than Wheels client savings chart vs. BHPH car market More Than Wheels first business plan published as part of Business Planning for Enduring Social Impact, by Andrew Wolk and Kelley Kreitz, 2008 Published by Root Cause 12 Page 14 More Than Wheels Business Plan Rather than scaling branch offices, or contemplating how to ensure the quality of the above critical components in a “franchisee” model, More Than Wheels began to envision how to scale the approach that was generating the positive client outcomes. Screening More Than Wheels completed an analysis of 750 clients to better understand what the characteristics of successful clients are. Based on this analysis, the screening process was modified to best evaluate the characteristics of WAMI. Successful clients have been shown to have a willingness to make changes (open to making different financial decisions on their household budget), Have the ability to read, write and do simple math or have access to someone to help them (they must repair all credit items themselves..with our guidance), motivation, that extends past obtaining a car (educational aspirations, making their children proud, obtaining better employment), and initiative to do the work necessary to attend financial education classes, repair their credit, and prove they can make an on time car payment Behavior Change Intervention Our client facing employees have a unique blend of skills: being able to read people at an emotional level, give praise and encouragement, tough love when warranted, and a shoulder to cry on from time to time. The skills and support for people who will almost always “fall off the wagon” are critical in attaining an intervention that will provide long term success. The “practice” of having to personally repair all negative credit items (with support and tools from More Than Wheels), and proving through a monthly saving requirement that an on time car payment can be made enhances a clients new mode of decision making. Principals of successful behavior change such as frequent reinforcement of positive behaviors and patience with multiple relapses into former behaviors are important elements of this intervention. Financial Education Rather than espousing theories or high level advice, More Than Wheels financial education program is practical and hands on, requiring completion of homework each week. It is a combination of lectures, templates and tools, and interactive participation with others in a similar situation. Clients gain confidence and understand that they are “not alone”. Each client must track their income and expenses daily for five weeks. New ways to go about decision making and understanding choices is stressed. In the end only our clients can control how they manage their money. The program brings the entire family into the classroom – with an understanding that it takes the entire family to make a commitment to change the way they make financial decisions. In addition to the specific financial skills gained, clients gain a renewed sense of self-confidence that has taken a beating from the many collections calls and loss of financial freedom caused by poor credit. Page 15 More Than Wheels Business Plan Car Selection Selecting the right car is critical to long term success. The car selected must be reliable (new or certified used), and the car payment must include a warranty as part of the car payment. The quality of the car and incorporating as many costs as possible into the car payment is critical for success. In the early stages of changing their financial decision making clients need the reliability of one payment that includes as many of the transportation costs as possible. The problem with using a $4,000 to $6,000 used car is that the repair costs must be saved for which often can derail all of the work and expense of the behavior change intervention. Clients receive follow-up support for the life of the loan, including tracking credit score, and credit activity and offering additional counseling as needed. If a clients’ financial situation has changed we assist them to get out of their car loan without damaging the work they have done on their credit. Having the right car makes all of this possible. TIMETABLE, MIELSTONES & PERFORMANCE GOALS Through the support of philanthropy More Than Wheels has developed the infrastructure that can now be scaled including phone and internet screening, client management systems and tools, and metrics reporting. A web based client management tool is in place that allows the organization to monitor in real time the four essential items of client work (1) documentation (2) credit repair (3) establishment of positive payment history (practice of making on time monthly payments (4) financial education course. We track on a client by client basis and for the organization in total which clients are on track and which are off track and require additional support or training. The scaling plan calls for rolling out services using the partner network and technology initiative across New England at a pace that will allow for continuous learning and modifications, drive a lower cost per client served and implement additional earned revenue streams. The execution of the expansion plan will be influenced by the best opportunities for quality partnerships and not necessarily driven by choice of the next geography. However the financials, the timetable and milestones have been developed by geography so as to aid in quantifying the costs and investments required. Key Goals: Expand services through geographic and programmatic partners, industry focused employers, and local government building a multi-level network that will sustain a level of client volumes with a less direct More Than Wheels effort in established geographies Combine behavioral change techniques and technology to create a unique client experience that improves client success rates and can be scaled effectively Drive down the cost per client served over the next three years by at least 40% Build a stronger and more diverse Board of Directors Establish an individual giving program and an additional earned revenue streams Page 16 More Than Wheels Business Plan Milestones and Timeline: Expand services in 2012 to Portland Maine, Brockton and Worcester Massachusetts Expand services in 2013 to Lowell and Lawrence Massachusetts, and Lewiston-Auburn Maine Expand services in 2014 to Springfield Massachusetts, Bangor and Augusta Maine With a newly expanded Board of Directors develop an individual giving strategy for implementation in 2013 Explore the potential of new earned revenue streams – including licensing the financial education program, and obtaining a level of fees for client car insurance support and implement one or more of these opportunities by the end of 2013 Implement a client portal that codifies behavioral change techniques, and provides internal productivity for staff starting in 2012 TWELVE MONTH OPERATING PLAN13 MARKETING PLAN The More Than Wheels scaling plan depends on an “indirect” model for client acquisition and service, through partners. MTW has created “Marketing in a Box” to support partners consisting of: More Than Wheels brochure More Than Wheels posters Email messaging for rolling the program out to employees Client focused articles for employee newsletters More Than Wheels logo link for use on intranet sites, to connect with the More Than Wheels website Opportunities to host webinar sessions (virtual lunch brown bag sessions) for potential clients to hear directly from More Than Wheels Template for joint awareness activities between partner and More Than Wheels More Than Wheels works directly with partners to develop a marketing plan, which consists of awareness within the community of agencies, employers, and local government. In addition More Than Wheels uses: More Than Wheels face book page www.facebook/ and Twitter @ morethanwheels Earned Media to communicate client success stories and stories posted on its website 13 Appendix G 12 month operating plan Page 17 More Than Wheels Business Plan Presentations to local high visibility agencies as part of creating a geographic referral network Partnerships with Bank and Credit Unions to offer declined car loan applicants an introduction to More Than Wheels Media partnerships with banks and credit unions to create awareness Encouragement of graduates to refer others with a small referral fee Participation in employer benefits fairs, and events The marketing effort also includes advocating for our client base in public policy issues of importance. This includes input to government around the issues of predatory lending, consumer finance regulations, and federal policy around individual development programs. It also involves raising awareness around the impact a low credit score can have on employment, insurance rates, and other aspects of an individuals’ life. Targeting and selecting partners for expansion and managing those relationships are key to the success of the marketing plan. Partners wishing to be the primary geographic outlet to obtain More Than Wheels services will have the following characteristics: A history and track record of success with the population being served A leader in the local community, with a large and strong network within the geography Sees transportation as a significant issue for its employees, clients, and the community in general and wishes to provide a transportation option Sufficient size to provide pro bono private facility space for More Than Wheels clients to have internet based video meetings in private, the resources to coordinate meeting scheduled with More Than Wheels and provide potential clients with technology assistance as needed, and with computers available that include video. A desire to work with More Than Wheels to introduce the services to the general community A willingness to do joint fundraising with More Than Wheels to provide necessary client service capacity Long term commitment to the collaboration, and joint achievement of outstanding long term outcomes PROJECTED SOCIAL IMPACT By the end of the three year plan, More Than Wheels envisions: 1. More Than Wheels services are imbedded in successful social programs and workforce development efforts across New England and provided as employee benefits by area Page 18 More Than Wheels Business Plan employers in the health care, retail and hospitality, state & local government, education, and non-profit industries. 2. Key economic stability and health and well being improvements are achieved by the population served. 3. Costs per client served are reduced, and new revenue streams in place, so that further expansion can be funded by local start up investments only 4. Public awareness of predatory lending practices and the role that reliable and affordable transportation can play in achieving greater economic self-sufficiency is communicated through social marketing programs, and advocacy efforts. Clear messages abound on how individual success can be achieved by making different decisions in personal financial management Specifically we will: Educate 2800 individuals in personal financial management Provide 1,400 immediate family members with the benefits of reliable affordable transportation by partially guaranteeing 780 new loans Emitting 140,000 less tons of CO2 into the environment Saving these families >$7M in transportation costs – including 1.3M gallons of gas VISION FOR INFLUENCING SECTOR OR SYSTEM CHANGE Changes facilitated by More Than Wheels and other Low Income Car programs will provide wide-spread alternatives for low to moderate income families to obtain low interest car loans that lead to greater economic self-sufficiency and better health and well being. Programs such as Ways to Work and More Than Wheels gain the traction for serving greater numbers of individuals, and continue to work together in the sector. Long term, providing quantitative results to financial institutions who under the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA), are encouraged to make community investments in a set of services such as those delivered by More Than Wheels. Those investments can turn what is viewed as a high risk low income consumer, into a reasonable risk bringing more consumers into traditional banking and strengthening the local community. E. EVALUATION & KNOWLEDGE DESEMINATION PLAN PLAN FOR ASSESSING OUTCOME/IMPACT More Than Wheels has developed a set of clear indicators that its program is impactful. Those indicators have been segregated into short, intermediate, and long term outcomes. Page 19 More Than Wheels Business Plan Short Term Outcomes (While participants are going through the program) Improve knowledge of personal financial skills while going through the program (12 hours of financial education, and pre/post education test scores) All negative items on an individuals’ credit report are addressed using templates, skills and coaching provided by program specialists (consumer loan applications documents the repair and addressing of all negative credit items - % loan applications approved by bank and credit union lending partners) Car loan payment is no more than 80% of disposable income after all other expenses for housing, living expenses, and debt are paid confirmed by reviewing (individual spending plan (budget)) At least 6 months of practice is achieved for making an on time monthly installment payment (documentation of savings receipts) Intermediate Term Outcomes (during the length of the loan) Car payments are made on time (external reporting from bank and credit union partners) Improvements in health and well being as demonstrated by externally administered surveys Continuous improvements annually in credit scores (internal reporting and communication to clients) Long Term Outcomes (after loan is paid off) Default rates significantly less than national subprime borrowers Credit scores exceed 650 (subprime level) Through an automated client management system, externally supplied reporting, and internal credit score and credit report reviews reporting has been put in place to measure all of these outcomes. In addition total cost of ownership and carbon emission reduction data are analyzed annually based on average client cars when entering and leaving the program. While More Than Wheels has many instances of antidotal examples of the wide and deep benefits that our clients experience, we wanted to take the next step in our evolution, and engaged a third party evaluator to help us better understand how to measure those changes. After an initial research study in 2007, a three year study was completed in 2011. The result of this evaluation is included in Appendix B. While it is not a randomized trial, the experience of conducting an independent third party evaluation has moved the organization forward. We are currently working with OMG Associates in Philadelphia and evaluation expert Dr. Brenda Henry from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, to determine our next steps in both internal and external studies. Page 20 More Than Wheels Business Plan PLANS FOR COMMUNICATING IMPACT OF SCALING INITIATIVES More Than Wheels communicates to a set of interested parties annually on program and client outcomes, as well as learning from scaling activities. Also shared are the changes made based on that learning. Those constituencies include: Financial supporters at all levels (foundations, corporations and individuals) Board of Directors Bank and Credit Union partners Referral partners through conversations and our newsletter that is distributed three times a year In addition More Than Wheels has shared with legislators and other organization followers through our web site and social media the quantitative and qualitative results of our work. We believe that communication is important in raising awareness around predatory lending and consumer lending regulations. F. ORGANIZATION HISTORY More Than Wheels was founded in 2001, spending the first five years developing its core program in the Upper Valley region of New Hampshire. Between 2006 and 2007 the organization attempted its first program expansion from Lebanon NH, to Keene and Portsmouth NH. These experiments while good learning experiences, resulted in a greater appreciation for needing a formal business plan. After winning awards from the Manhattan Institute for Social Entrepreneurship and the Civic Ventures Purpose Prize for social innovation, the organization contracted with Andrew Wolk, President of Root Cause in Cambridge Massachusetts, to assist the organization prepare its first business plan. With this business plan, the organization attracted greater investment, and was able to hire its first CEO, Terri Steingrebe an experienced business executive to lead the organization in its plans to expand services. With funding from a national foundation, The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and a regional foundation Jane’s Trust, More Than Wheels was able to develop a management team, and the infrastructure necessary to scale its work. In 2010 venture philanthropy organization, Strategic Grant Partners invested $1.4M in the organization to take its program to scale in Massachusetts starting in Boston. The organization is now serving all of New Hampshire, and Greater Boston and has begun to expand operations across Eastern Massachusetts and Portland Maine beginning in spring 2012. In order to continue to respond to market demand and increase impact, More Than Wheels will require an additional investment. As part of its initial scaling efforts the organization has refined its mission, developed a web based client management system, a set of reporting dashboards for program and client outcomes, an advanced screening process, and third party evaluation studies. It is well understood what is required to develop a new geography, including a well understood and documented client “funnel” starting from client inquiries. This funnel is shown as part of the Page 21 More Than Wheels Business Plan three year financials. This knowledge is critical in being able to determine the pace at which scaling is practical. ORGANIZAITONAL STRUCTURE AND GOVERNANCE More Than Wheels is organized into three distinct areas: (1) client acquisition and partner development which includes marketing and intake, (2) client services which includes all work from the time of a clients’ enrollment in the program to obtaining a car loan (3) management and administrative services including Finance, Development, and Evaluations. 14 More Than Wheels is governed by a six-member board and board constituted committees for finance and audit, governance, and fundraising.15 The Board of Directors meets quarterly, setting policy, monitoring the organizations financials and management dashboards, and providing expertise in the areas of general non-profit management, finance, and growth strategies. 100% of Board members contributed financially to the organization. Board members include expertise in venture/start-up organizations, large non-profit management, finance, and sales & marketing. The Board has recently completed a Board of Directors Handbook as it enters into a plan to add expertise in the areas of banking, PR, fundraising, and evaluations over the next year. The Board of Director hires the CEO and reviews her performance annually. They approve an annual operating budget, and they delegate the hiring and termination of personnel, and daily operations to the CEO. The CEO oversees Partner Development, Client Services, Finance, Evaluations, and Fundraising. MANAGEMENT TEAM More Than Wheels is led by CEO Terri Steingrebe who was hired to assume the leadership role from More Than Wheels founder Robert Chambers in 2008. She has held a number of executive leadership roles at Digital Equipment Corporation and Avid Technology, as well as executive roles as COO and CFO in two start-up organizations. Her most recent role was as VP of Worldwide Finance and Sales Operations for Avid Technology with P&L responsibility for a $220M sales and services organization in North America, Europe and Asia. She is a graduate of Penn State University, and serves on the Board of Directors of the New London Playhouse, the nations’ oldest summer stock theater. Debra Miller (VP Business Development) was hired in 2010. Her background is in consumer banking and community relations. Her most recent position was Senior Vice President of Corporate Affairs for Citizens Bank. Debby is a graduate of Winston-Salem State University and the Executive Leadership Program I, Harvard Business School, Edinburgh, Scotland. She was formerly the Board Chair at Whittier Street Health Center in Boston, and is currently on the Winston-Salem State University, Board of Trustees. 14 15 Appendix E: More Than Wheels organization chart Appendix F: More Than Wheels Management Team Bios & Board of Directors listing Page 22 More Than Wheels Business Plan David Ryan and Mary Burnett (Directors of Client Services) are responsible for clients from the time they enroll until the time they graduate from the program. Mary Burnett started at More Than Wheels in 2002, as its first employee. Mary has been in the auto industry since graduating from Boston College. She has held a number of executive management positions as general manager at several New England car dealerships and was president of Brattleboro Ford and Subaru as the organizations principal owner. David Ryan joined More Than Wheels in 2011 and has 20 years of experience in financial services. He holds a BA from Wesleyan University in Economic and Politics, and a Masters in Economics from London School of Economics. He held management positions in credit and risk at HSBC in Hong Kong and was Branch Manager for HSBC in London. More recently he was responsible for HSBC’s global e-business out of New York. G. INFRASTRUCTURE REQUIREMENTS INVESTMENTS REQUIRED TO SUPPORT EXPANSION Through previous investments, More Than Wheels has been able to build infrastructure in the following areas: Web based client management system Program and outcome reporting and dashboards Marketing Collateral Website Lending and Car dealer contracts There are three additional areas of support that are required: Consulting support around the addition of new earned revenue streams Building an individual giving program for the organization that consists of both financial support and car donations Technology improvements (recently awarded a three year capacity building grant for $385,000) OTHER CAPACITY BUILDING NEEDS As additional markets are added, resources will need to be increased in two specific areas: (1) Client acquisition and Intake, (2) Client delivery services. New revenue streams as they are planned for and executed against will likely require resources and spending in advance of revenues. It is still to early to have a full understanding of the financials related to these potential new revenue streams, but the business plan will be modified as the organization goes along and learns more about the impact of these or other items that will change over the next several years. Page 23 More Than Wheels Business Plan FINANCIAL PLAN CAPITAL REQUIRED TO FINANCE EXPANSION The cost of running the More Than Wheels program with expansion across New England for 2012-2014 is more than $4.6M. 30% of this total ($1.4M) will be obtained from current earned revenue, and we are looking to raise an additional $3.3M from grants, with $1M of this having been committed to date. FUND DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY & DESCRIPTION OF SUSTAINABLE ECONOMIC MODEL & TIMETABLE By implementing its partner and technology strategy, More Than Wheels will bring down its cost per client served from more than $9,000 per client in 2011 to just over $3,000 per client by the end of 2014. The organizations goal is to achieve breakeven on a steady state of volume, and fund additional growth from local sources where services are being added. In order to achieve this goal, we will need to close an annual deficit of about $1M a year. To reduce a dependency on philanthropy the organization over the next three years will: develop a sustainable fund raising strategy targeting individual giving that includes car donations and provides $350,000 a year in support Add new revenue streams that will provide $250,000 of revenue a year starting in 2014, and will grow over time. There are two current areas under investigation which include a financial education product/service, and a car insurance service. Capacity building costs for these items have been included in the financials while no incremental revenues have been added in. We expect that over this period the individual giving program and new revenue streams will begin to replace foundation support, but we expect that to achieve the full $1M required it will take an additional 5 years of additional but declining corporate and foundation support. We anticipate that National Foundations interested in the scaling aspect of this plan for its applicability in other areas of the country, Local Foundations and United Way organizations in local areas receiving services, and Corporate Sponsors will provide the funding over the next three years, with individual giving gearing up to replace a portion of the foundation support over time and new revenue streams which will allow to the organization to achieve its goal of being break even by 2020. CURRENT FUNDERS AND COMMITMENTS More Than Wheels has two large committed funders, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and Strategic Grant Partners in Boston. The organization also receives consistent funding from Bank of America, Citizens Bank, Sovereign Bank, Peoples Bank, and TD Bank. There has been consistent funding from the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation, and the New Hampshire Community Development Finance Authority. There are also smaller foundations that continue to support our work including Amelia Peabody Foundation, Bean Foundation, Byrne Foundation, Tillotson Foundation, and others. The United Ways across the More Than Wheels service areas support the program, as do several other corporate sponsors including Public Page 24 More Than Wheels Business Plan Service of New Hampshire, and the Seacoast Women’s Giving Circle. More Than Wheels in April of this year was awarded a highly competitive three year technology capacity building grant for $385,000 from the Richard and Susan Smith Family Foundation in Boston. Figure 4: 2011 vs. 2014 sources of funding 2011 Client Program Fees 10% Client Temporary Transportatio n Fees 12% Partner Fees (loan origination fee) 2% Supplemental Fees(warranty * , insurance, curriculum) 2% Sale of Donated Cars 0% From Philanthropy 74% 2014 Plan Client Temporary Transportation Fees Partner Fees 10% (loan origination Client fee) Program 4% Fees 19% From Philanthropy 60% Supplemental Fees(warranty * , insurance, curriculum) 6% Sale of Donated Cars 1% FINANCIAL PLANS AND ASSUMPTIONS Financial schedule 1: Market penetration rate assumptions by market over the next three years are shown below. Data for NH and Boston for 2011 represent actual rates. The More Than Wheels financial model Page 25 More Than Wheels Business Plan is driven off of call volume, so the assumptions around call volume are critical to the overall financials Financial Schedule 1: Current and Projected Expansion Plans for 2012-2014 Call Volume projections Total number of households from $10,000 to $50,000 in Number of Households income 2011 Call Volume Current Coverage Areas: Concord Manchester Portsmouth Lebanon Keene Calls outside of these metropolitan areas Total Calls NH Boston Total Calls 2012 Expansion Areas Nashua Worcester Brockton Portland Maine Total Calls 2012 2013 Expansion Areas Lawrence Lowell-Chelmsford Lewiston-Auburn Total Calls 2013 2014 Expansion Areas Springfield Augusta Bangor Total Calls 2014 16,846 30,045 12,381 14,174 11,419 2011 % market penetration 401 532 431 351 292 235 2,242 1,100 3,342 84,865 391,525 36,995 87,786 33,093 66,039 2012 % market penetration 2.4% 1.8% 3.5% 2.5% 2.6% 2.4% 2.0% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 2.6% 0.3% 0.4% 0.2% 0.2% 0.2% 0.2% 2013 call plan 2014 % market penetration 404 601 310 354 285 125 2,080 1,566 3,646 2.4% 2.0% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 74 132 50 99 4,000 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 24,341 N/A 36,706 N/A 23,196 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 121,642 N/A 18,199 N/A 27,571 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A % market penetration call plan 404 601 310 354 285 125 2,080 1,958 4,037 2.4% 2.0% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 0.4% 0.4% 0.4% 0.4% 148 351 132 264 4,933 0.5% 0.7% 0.5% 0.9% 185 615 165 594 5,988 0.2% 0.2% 0.2% 49 55 35 5,071 0.4% 0.4% 0.4% 97 147 93 6,325 0.2% 0.2% 0.2% 243 27 41 6,637 0.5% N/A N/A N/A call plan N/A N/A N/A These assumptions are conservative, showing a slow penetration of each new market. Historical rates in New Hampshire markets represent fully developed markets over a period for five or more years of awareness building. Page 26 0.6% 404 601 310 354 285 125 2,080 2,349 4,429 More Than Wheels Business Plan Summary Financials More Than Wheels "Funnel" Assumptions Total calls received % calls qualified and scheduled for an initial meeting # qualified prospects scheduled for an initial meeting % initial meetings completed # initial meetings completed % prospects enrolled Enrolled clients % enrolled clients receiving a loan in calendar year # loans # immediate family members benefiting from loan # individuals completing financial education Client car ownership cost savings over life of loan Gallons of gasoline saved over life of loan 2011 actual $ Earned Revenue from client fees (enrollment fee, program fee, loan origination fee, warranty fee) Fees for temporary transportation program Revenue from sale of donated cars Revenue from Philanthropy $ $ $ $ Total Revenue $ Program Expenses: Fixed Costs - Intake and Service delivery Variable Costs - Intake and service delivery Fixed Costs client acquisition/marketing and partner development Variable costs client acquisisition/marketing and partner development Fixed Management costs Variable Management Costs Capacity building costs (one time) Total Cost Net cost (earned revenue less total expense) per client loan % annual reduction in per client cost Beginning Cash Revenue Expenses Ending Cash % required from philanthropy committed 1/1/2012 % cost covered by fees $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2012 Budget 2013 Plan 2014 Plan 3356 4000 5071 6637 41% 41% 41% 41% 1376 1640 2079 2721 56% 56% 56% 56% 771 918 1164 1524 50% 55% 60% 65% 385 505 699 991 32% 36% 36% 36% 123 180 248 352 221 323 447 634 501 657 908 1288 1,105,770 $ 1,614,336 $2,232,626 $ 3,165,602 216,480 316,043 437,088 619,740 177,596 153,367 6,980 965,000 $ 215,484 $ 144,000 $ 10,000 $ 1,000,000 $ 298,015 $ 150,000 $ 15,000 $1,100,000 $ 422,550 $ 155,000 $ 20,000 $ 1,200,000 1,302,943 $ 1,369,484 $1,563,015 $ 1,797,550 56,280 795,904 5,540 183,795 14,290 394,514 $ 57,000 $ 58,000 $ 644,149 $ 780,149 $ 5,500 $ 5,500 $ 176,916 $ 216,916 $ 15,000 $ 15,000 $ 356,913 $ 360,000 $ 125,000 $ 100,000 1,450,323 $ 1,380,478 $1,535,565 9,044 $ 5,630 $ 4,319 38% 23% $ 59,000 $ 912,149 $ 5,500 $ 241,916 $ 15,000 $ 450,000 $ 75,000 $ 1,758,565 $ 3,297 24% 180,000 1,302,943 1,450,323 32,620 $ 49,076 $ 1,797,550 $ 1,758,565 $ 88,061 100% 23% $ 32,620 $ 21,626 $ 1,369,484 $1,563,015 $ 1,380,478 $1,535,565 $ 21,626 $ 49,076 90% 26% 27% 29% 0% 33% SECTION 1: MORE THAN WHEELS FUNNEL More Than Wheels has six full years of data that begins with call volume, and steps through the intake and screening process eventually resulting in a number of loans to be guaranteed. The assumptions used for the financials do not assume any significant improvements to the funnel – although we are now seeing improvements related to changes made over the past four months. Page 27 More Than Wheels Business Plan The most significant change is that we are now enrolling clients at a rate of 70% rather than the 50 – 65% shown above. SECTION 2: REVENUE ASSUMPTIONS More Than Wheels has a number of different revenue streams today. These streams include: (1) Client paid enrollment fee ($68) (2) Client paid service fees (financed into the car loan) ($895) (3) Bank or Credit Union loan origination fee ($200 per loan paid to More Than Wheels from lending partner) (4) Warranty Fee – All cars come with a full warranty provided by More Than Wheels. We offer a 60% discount from standard retail pricing for clients, and earn $300 for each warranty sold (5) Client paid fees for using More Than Wheels temporary transportation services. Clients who need a car while going through the program pay to More Than Wheels a fee of $250 a month for access to a reliable vehicle. More Than Wheels maintains a fleet of 70 cars, which are provided to clients for the fee. Clients provide ongoing maintenance and insurance on the car as well as pay for registration. More Than Wheels pays for more extensive maintenance on these vehicles as well as administration costs for the fleet. This program is managed at a breakeven. The cars are provided by private car donors, or funds to purchase these cars have been provided by grants. (6) More Than Wheels may sell donated cars to funds operations. Today, and for the purpose of this business plan these revenues are minimal – however increasing this source of revenue is part of the strategy for increasing individual donations to the organization which will be implemented over the next several years. The value of what this can provide for revenues has been assumed at a very conservative rate because of a current lack of experience in this revenue source. (7) Revenue from Philanthropy represents the funds raised from individuals, corporations, and foundations for support of the program (8) These financials do not reflect the new revenue sources expected to be developed over the next three years. There was not an ability to make educated and reliable estimates for these sources at this time, and so they were omitted from the financials for reasons of insuring that the financials represents a conservative current view of funds required. EXPENSE ASSUMPTIONS More Than Wheels has very limited fixed expenses. They include office rent, client management systems costs, and phone and internet costs, and annual audit costs. Most expenses are variable and are for resources to: (1) develop client acquisition partnerships, market to clients, and screen clients, (2) provide consultative services and loan application and car selection services to clients, and (3) provide executive management, finance, fund development, and evaluation services for the organization. Page 28 More Than Wheels Business Plan Client intake services have been set up to use both phone (a toll free number) and web based program application. These services screen, schedule, and follow-up with clients until they are either lost or have enrolled in the program. These services can be scaled to meet demand with the addition of additional trained intake specialists with much change in the cost structure other than incremental resource costs. In expansion mode, client acquisition services are more extensive than we believe they will be over time in a steady state mode. The work to develop partnerships, cultivate employer partnerships, and referral partners, and manage earned media opportunities will decline over time, however not in the time period of this plan. We expect that these costs can decrease by 20-25% in a steady state model. RISK ASSESSMENT AND CONTINGENCY PLAN More Than Wheels has examined a number of areas for potential risk, assessed the current situation and developed contingency plans where warranted. The assessment included looking at the following areas: Market sizing and growth plans Assumed productivity gains Technology requirements Staffing needs Raising Capital Governance Management Team There are four areas that have the highest degree of risk: Assumed productivity gains Staffing Raising Capital Governance The productivity gains to reduce the cost per client of services, has been projected to be significant in this plan. To achieve these ambitious goals there are four areas that must be addressed: (1) improvements in technology (2) different staffing model for service delivery (3) outsourcing of car selection to car dealer partners, and (4) improved client pipeline reporting. To address the technology side the organization has been awarded a 3 year capacity planning grant for $385,000 to develop a client portal that will codify the behavior change work and combine our organizational knowledge of behavior change with the “science” of behavior change of clients. The technology grant will also assist in deepening the use of web based documentation that will automatically update back end client management systems. Page 29 More Than Wheels Business Plan In January More Than Wheels re-organized its direct service delivery personnel. New resources with greater skills in behavior change were added, and some resources were let go because the skill sets were not sufficient to meet expectations. In the last three months there is quantifiable evidence that this change has improved productivity, with the percentage of client being enrolled from those qualified rising from 50% to 75%, and time to complete the program showing evidence of being reduced by 20%. In January the selection of cars has been outsourced to car dealer partners, creating greater internal productivity. A new set of client reports that are monitored by the client services team weekly have started to show the teams ability to forecast the timing of loans improving. In addition, the use of interns to provide support to the service team has enabled them to gain additional productivity. In order to mitigate risks in finding new staff with the right skill sets and cultural fit, job descriptions have been documented, including both hard and soft skills. An interview technique has been developed using the assistance of a pro bono psychologist which will now be used in interviewing potential new hires. The Board of Directors has completed a review to identify the skills required for governance and organizational support to assist the organization get to the next level of success. To this end a Board Handbook for new members has been developed, and a committee has been formed that will focus efforts with the CEO to recruit the needed Board Expansion. Alumni networks at Tuck Business School have been tapped for locating potential new Board members and the Board expects to expand to 8-10 members by the end of 2012. Not surprisingly raising capital to support the scaling initiative and developing the capacity to become more financially self-sustaining is probably the largest risk for the organization. Without additional commitments, scaling would need to be pulled back. Regardless of capital raised, More Than Wheels will need to execute on developing an individual giving program and additional earned revenue streams or face a long term problems of solvency. This business plan competition has been entered into for two reasons. It drives the completion of a solid business plan developed by the CEO and management team, rather than by outside consultants, that can be used to make a case to potential investors. Secondarily the opportunity to become a finalist in the competition and present our plan to a group of potential investors is one that More Than Wheels relishes. We have a proven model for client success, a strong and committed management team, a Board of Directors that is transforming itself, and the knowledge, skills, and commitment to bring this program to scale for greater impact. Page 30
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