Session #370 Gymstick H20 Presented by Marietta Mehanni Contact details: [email protected] Website: Introduction The Aqua Gymstick is an adaptation of the Gymstick, originally created in Finland. Using rubberised bands in water fitness classes is not a new concept, but what is truly unique about the Aqua Gymstick, is it’s attachment to a stick. With this innovative design, stationary, propulsive and travelling exercises can utilise the added resistance of the bands. Another clever feature of the Aqua Gymstick is the ability to ‘roll’ up the bands, thus creating greater tension. This is ideal for catering for different strength and fitness levels, especially in an aqua exercise format. The benefits of using the Aqua Gymstick Provides a high level of neural activation by challenging the nervous system to react to the unstable movement patterns, which enhances movement reaction times and development of heightened proprioception (righting reactions) Requires greater recruitment of the core muscles Can use the stick to create turbulence in addition to the resistance in the bands to add further challenges Excellent tool for rehabilitation Can be used effectively in shallow pools, where some other aquatic tools can be awkward to use e.g. dumbbells and noodles Easy to use and instruct Aids in the development of postural awareness Challenges aerobic and anaerobic fitness effectively It can provide excellent variables for modifications / progressions The ideal combination of strength and stability training A vast range of innovative and interesting new exercises Empowerment to those who find it difficult to exercise on land effectively Gymstick H2O 2015 email: [email protected] © Copyright. All Rights Reserved. Marietta Mehanni & Gymstick International Oy 1 Population groups who will benefit from using the Aqua Gymstick Mainstream aqua participants Those just commencing exercise and who are self conscious Overweight and obese Elderly Rehabilitation Pregnancy Athletes Sporting groups Personal training clients Resistance The Gymstick Aqua is very simple tool that can be implemented into any aqua exercise timetable. Cardiovascular and muscle conditioning can be performed simultaneously and the Gymstick Aqua can be adapted to most exercises. The resistance of the bands can be manipulated simply by winding or unwinding the bands around either end of the stick. This can be performed quickly by rolling the stick with the wrists and fingers. To increase resistance, wind the bands around each end so that the bands become shorter and require more effort to stretch. To reduce tension in the bands unwind the Gymstick Aqua until the desired resistance has been achieved. Resistance in the bands come in 3 colours and strengths Light Green - is designed for rehabilitation and exercise for beginners and older adults. The resistance of green exercise bands ranges from 1 to 10 kgs Medium Blue – is designed for junior athletes, men and women who want to start exercising. The resistance of blue exercise bands ranges from 1 to 15 kgs Strong Black – is designed for fit men and women and athletes. The resistance of black exercise ranges from 1 to 20 kg For most clients, the blue Aqua Gymstick is the appropriate starting resistance to provide the necessary challenge. Specifications The Aqua Gymstick design is slightly different from that of the Gymstick Original. Length: The Aqua Gymstick is 117cm in length which is 13 cm shorter than the Original Gymstick. There are several reasons for this. Gymstick H2O 2015 email: [email protected] © Copyright. All Rights Reserved. Marietta Mehanni & Gymstick International Oy 2 1. This length will fit between the standard lane rope width, which caters for swim kick drills 2. When held under water it is difficult to see. A shorter stick allows for more space around each user 3. The longer the stick, the greater the turbulence and the more challenging it will be to manoeuvre the stick through the water. The stick is also made of fibre glass so it will float when it is not held. Foam: The soft close cell foam used to assist with gripping is unique to the Aqua Gymstick. It is chemical resistant and does not absorb water, making it ideal for the pool environment. Bands: The bands on the Aqua Gymstick are made of TPR which is chemical resistant and with some care (see maintenance), should last over 24 months. The material straps are also adjustable which is a feature not included in the Gymstick Original design. This is to ensure that the straps stay on the feet and do not loosen during the workout. Gymstick H2O Gymstick H2O is a unique cardiovascular and muscle conditioning class because it incorporates multiple fitness principles: Cardiovascular fitness Muscle strength Muscle endurance Balance Joint stability Coordination Postural awareness Trios 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The workout consists of sets of 3 exercises called a Trio A Trio is 3 exercises performed twice within a 5 minute block. The purpose of the Trio is to focus on fatiguing one muscle group while incorporating balance and coordination to add a further challenge to the body Each exercise is performed for 30 seconds, with a 10 second break between the first and second exercise and a 20 second break between the two halves of the trio. This provides the instructor the opportunity to communicate how to execute the next exercise. For example: Roll over and under with the stick overhand for 30 sec followed by 10 sec rest Roll over and under with the stick and jumping jack overhand for 30 sec followed by 10 sec rest Roll over and under with the stick and aerial jack overhand followed by 20 sec rest Repeat Trio as above – optional change of grip to underhand 40 sec rest and begin next Trio Each Trio is separated by a 40 second break to prepare for the next Trio. Within the Trio, the first exercise is called the Primary exercise. The second exercise is a progression of the primary and it is thus called Progression 1. The third exercise in the Trio is another progression of the second exercise and this is called Progression 2. Gymstick H2O 2015 email: [email protected] © Copyright. All Rights Reserved. Marietta Mehanni & Gymstick International Oy 3 Gymstick Exercises Warm Up No bands on feet Trio 1 Stick in front of body Emphasis - adductors Trio 2 Stick in front of body Emphasis – Deltoids and core Trio 3 Stick in front of body Emphasis – Biceps Legs 1. Jog 1. 2. 3. Wide jog Jack 2. 3. 4. Cross Country Ski 1. Jack 2. Jack 3. Ariel jack starting with feet in wide stance 1. Feet wide stance 2. Cross country ski 3. Cross country ski 1. 2. 3. Feet wide stance Starting with feet together, split jump Alternate straight leg lift behind 4. 1. 2. 3. Gymstick Push and pull stick in and out from torso (over and under hand grip). Stick behind body, tricep pull up Paddle action (over and under hand grip). Circle over and under (over and underhand grip). Stick behind body, shoulder extension Swivel the stick (over and underhand grip) Yoga pose Circle over and under (over hand) Circle over and under (under hand) 1. Swivel stick (over and under hand grip) 2. Yoga pose 3. Swivel stick (over and under hand grip) 1. Bicep curl (underhand grip) 2. Bicep curl on either leg (underhand grip) 3. Bicep curl (underhand grip) Trio 4 Stick behind the body Emphasis – Triceps and posterior deltoid 1. Feet wide stance 2. Jack 3. Ariel jack starting with feet in wide stance 1. Shoulder extension (under hand grip) 2. Shoulder extension (under hand grip) 3. Shoulder extension (under hand grip) Trio 5 1. Donkey kick 2. Right leg kick forward and back 1. Hold stick in crease of hips 2. Push the stick forward as the leg kicks back and pull towards body as the leg kicks forward (over hand grip) 3. Swivel the stick (over hand grip) Stick in front of body Emphasis – Quadriceps, hamstrings and glutes Trio 6 Stick in front of body with double twist Emphasis – Abductors Trio 7 Stick in front of body with double twist Emphasis – Glutes and anterior deltoid Trio 8 Stick in front of the body with double twist Emphasis – Abductors and deltoids Trio 9 Stick in front of body Emphasis – Anterior deltoid and heart rate Trio 10 Stick behind body Emphasis – Triceps and posterior deltoid Repeat Trio with the opposite arm in the 1st exercise 3. Right leg pendulum swing forward and back 1. Single leg abduction / adduction 3. Ariel jack starting with feet together 1. Moving stick to opposite side (over hand grip) 2. Swing stick in opposite direction (over hand grip) 3. Upright row (over hand grip) 1. Single leg extension 2. Single knee repeater 3. Alternate straight leg kicks behind 1. Forward raise (under hand grip) 2. Low row to waist (under hand grip) 3. Swivel stick (under hand grip) 1. 2. 3. Feet wide apart Ariel jack Jack (option 2 – ariel jack) 1. Shoulder press (over hand grip) 2. Yoga position 3. Shoulder press (over hand grip) 4. 5. 6. Feet wide stance Wide jog Single leg kick to side 4. Paddling action (over hand grip) 5. Paddling action (over hand grip) 6. Paddling action to opposite side 2. Pendulum 1. Feet wide stance 2. Jack 3. Ariel jack starting with feet wide apart 1. Single arm tricep pull (under hand grip 2. Double arm tricep pull (under hand grip) 3. Double arm tricep pull (under hand grip) Gymstick H2O 2015 email: [email protected] © Copyright. All Rights Reserved. Marietta Mehanni & Gymstick International Oy 4
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