Spring 2014 Sables eNewsletter Inside 1 Sables Express Appreciation 2 Sables 2014 Luncheon Photo Gallery 5 Continuing Our Outdoor Heritage 6 SCI Italian Chapter Summer Youth Camp 9 AWLS Professor Awarded Fulbright Scholar 11 Sables Shooting Teams Formed for BSA Shoot 12 Hunter Legacy 100 Fund Supporting SCI Foundation Education 14 Education Sables Thank SCI Chapters 15 Ethiopian Nyala Dream Hunt Winner 16 Education Sables Governing Board Elections Sables Mission To further the understanding of our outdoor heritage, including the positive role of hunting, through the creation and support of wildlife conservation education programs that are consistent with the educational mission and purposes of SCI and SCIF. Join Online at www.SafariClubFoundation.org Education Sables memberships: • $50 Education Advocate • $75 3-year membership • $500 Life membership (SCI Life members pay only $250 for an Education Sables Life Membership) For information on Donations, Committees and Membership, visit our website www.safariclubfoundaton.org/sables, contact the SCIF Education Department at 877-877-3265 or E-mail to [email protected] OUR FRONT COVER: We thank Becky and Mike Simpson of Conroe Taxidermy for the beautiful sable mounted art. See more at www.conroetaxidermy.com. c2 SABLES 2013-2014 SABLES GOVERNING BOARD & STEERING COMMITTEES President: Sandra Sadler [email protected] 830-640-3256 Secretary: JoDean Peters [email protected] 253-988-2727 Vice President: Veronica Kosich Treasurer: Ann Maki [email protected] [email protected] 518-965-0283 307-654-7135 DIRECTORS: Director: Robin Jerauld [email protected] 607-988-6875 Director: Merle Shepard [email protected] 313-268-1727 Director: Vicki Swan [email protected] Alt. Director: Stacee FrostKleinsmith [email protected] 907-277-4663 ELECTORS AT-LARGE POSITIONS: Richard McDevitt [email protected] 248-474-7028 Marty Paulin [email protected] 805-736-8035 DISTRICT ELECTORS: Barbara DeGraw [email protected] 858-539-9925 Len Dickinson [email protected] 613-257-7181 Mary Predovich [email protected] 303-688-3591 GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE: Chair: Veronica Kosich [email protected] 518-965-0283 CHAPTER SABLES REP AND MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE: Chair: Len Dickinson [email protected] 613-257-7181 ELECTIONS COMMITTEE: Chair: Eddie Grasser [email protected] 907-745-6166 CONVENTION TEAM Chair: Sherry Maddox [email protected] 502-253-9679 Publications: Ginger Byrum [email protected] 406-287-5076 2013-2014 EDUCATION SABLES COMMITTEES Chair: Sandra Sadler [email protected] 830-640-3256 Vice Chair: Veronica Kosich [email protected] 518-965-0283 EDUCATION FINANCE SUBCOMMITTEE Chair: Ann Maki [email protected] 307-654-7135 GRANTS SUBCOMMITTEE Chair: Robin Jerauld [email protected] 607-988-6875 Vice Chair: Eddie Grasser [email protected] 907-745-6166 AWLS SUBCOMMITTEE Chair: Barbara DeGraw [email protected] 858-539-9925 Vice Chair: Merle Shepard [email protected] 313-268-1727 SCHOLARSHIP SUBCOMMITTEE Chair – Steve Skold [email protected] 515-264-8420 STAFF LIAISONS: Sue Hankner [email protected] 520-620-1220 Todd Roggenkamp [email protected] 520-954-0664 Karen Crehan [email protected] 520-620-1220 Stephanie Gary [email protected] 520-620-1220 Sables Express Appreciation BY SANDRA SADLER, SCIF EDUCATION SABLES PRESIDENT O n behalf of the Education Sables Governing Board and Steering Committee I want to say ‘Thank You’ to the many people who contribute to education programs that move us toward a future where more people have an understanding of conservation, wildlife management and the role of hunting. Their contributions make it possible for us to support education programs that bring youth into the conservation world as stewards of our hunting heritage. We appreciate working collaboratively with SCI in raising funds for education. Sables got their start in 1984 as SCI members who were asked to form a group to raise funds to pay for the American Wilderness Leadership School (AWLS). They formed the group that has become Education Sables. They paid off the AWLS mortgage and have done much more in raising funds and developing education programs. Thank you to Convention exhibitor donors who provide hunts, guns, furs, jewelry, trips, and more that is offered at the Sables Annual Luncheon Show & Auction or are a part of the Benefit Awards Sweepstakes. All proceeds from these auctions and sweepstakes are dedicated to SCI Foundation Education programs. Thank you to the donors and the buyer of the Sables Saturday Night Dream Hunt III. All proceeds from the auction go directly to support programs that enable us to reach more youth with conservation and the important role of hunting message. Thank you to our friend and supporter, Dick Cabela, who recently passed away. Thank you to the many Sables volunteers who set up the Luncheon, sell Benefit Awards tickets, staff the silent auctions, work the Sables merchandise booth, thank donors, acting as hostess, serving chocolates at the door, provide champagne during the luncheon and sell Sables memberships. These Sables dedicate their personal time, energy, enthusiasm and resources to raising funds for our education programs. Thank you to the members of the Sables Governing Board, Steering SCIF Sables governing board, steering committee and auctioneer Scott Chapman. Committee, and the Electors and District Electors for participating in our strategic planning and in the conference calls where we have set strategic goals and guided all of our education programs. Soon, my tenure as President of Sables will end and another Sables member will assume my position when Education Sables election of officers takes place in May. It has been a pleasure for me to serve Sables and to help bring support and recognition to the SCI Foundation education programs that have accomplished so much. While I will not be President, I will remain a member of the Sables Governing Board and look forward to continuing our hunting and outdoor heritage through ongoing participation in oversight and implementation of Education Sables programs. SABLES 1 Sables 2014 Luncheon Photo Gallery T he success of Sables Luncheon Auction comes from the many donors and buyers who support Sables’ Education mission. All funds raised by Sables are dedicated to SCI Foundation Education Programs. Those programs include grants to SCI Chapters in support of their education activities, 2 SABLES college scholarships for students majoring in conservation related fields of study, The Salvation Army Outdoors reaching thousands of youth with conservation education and shootings sports activities, and to the American Wilderness Leadership School conservation education program. Thank you all! See the list of donors in Safari Times. SABLES 3 4 SABLES Continuing Our Outdoor Heritage SCIF Education Sables take this opportunity to recognize their many donors for their continued support of Sables fundraising activities. Because of their generosity, funds raised during the Convention will allow SCI Foundation education programs to flourish. Action Outdoor Adventures Africa Sport Hunting Safaris African Elephant Hair Bracelets African Tradition Alan Michael USA Alpine Hunting Adventure Ltd. Autumn Antlers Trophy Whitetail Lodge Appleby’s Animals B & M Distributors Barlow Classical Wildlife Sculpture Brit West Brockman’s Rifles Brown Precision, Inc. Bud Burger Bronze Call of Africa Celtic field Sports Cerro Indio Safaris Damascus – USA (Charlton Ltd) Diekie Muller Safaris Ethiopian Rift Valley Safaris Eurohunts – Alvaro Villegas Fausti Stefano SRL Footcare / BRH Orthotics Gary Johnson Studio Heritage Collectables Hunt Trip Spain Huntinspain & Alfonso Fabres Jewelry Haven Joan Marie Galleries Joshua Spies Fine Art Kobus Moller Studios, LLC Leather Renditions By Sandi Madubula Safaris Mayo Oldiri Camp McGuire and Hines Studios MG Arms, Inc. Montage West Murray Custom Leather Nalpak Group/Tuffpak New Zealand Hunt/Phil Wilson Ornaments Fine Jewelry Pannonvad Hunting Trips Paparazzi Fur Quinlan Ranches New Mexico, LLC Rata Maire Deer – New Zealand Rex foster Artist Rip Caswell Gallery Russ Smith-Hunting Worldwide, Inc. Safari Season Ltd. Sanctuary II Inc. Sheepskin Coat Factory Sherry Steele Unlimited Shunneson & Wilson Adventures Singleton-Moss Custom Goldsmith & Jewelry Design Su King Fashions Tam Safaris Thabazimbi Safaris The Sheepherder Three Forks Ranch Corp Trophy Hunting Spain Umdende Hunting Safaris Whitewater Adventures, LLC Wild Arts By Raj S. Paul William Furs SCI Foundation Education Sables Committee Programs American Wilderness Leadership Schools (AWLS) Chapter Youth Grants Hands On Wildlife Learning Kit SCIF Scholarships Matching Grants Sables Hunting Heritage Scholarships SABLES 5 SCI Italian Chapter Summer Youth Camp BY ITALIAN CHAPTER T he Safari Club International Italian Chapter has been focusing on young people for some time now. “Education makes a difference in wildlife conservation. Sportsmen and women, avid in their passion of the outdoors, pass on their knowledge to peers and young people to continue our outdoor heritage.” For example, we have set up token memberships for under twenty-fives to get them involved in various activities. But most of all we organized a Summer Youth Camp in 2013 held at “La Selva” wildlife hunting reserve at Castelluccio di Montese (MO) which we sponsored in collaboration with Bignami S.p.A. The courses were set out in week-long camps for youth from 8 to 17 years old, divided into groups based on age with a maximum six participants in each. The Camp was located at the game lodge of the hunting reserve. This recently-renovated comfortable structure is immersed in 800 hectares 6 SABLES mainly covered in woods, with abundant wild fauna, especially ungulates, such as wild boar, roe deer, fallow deer, and stags. During their stay, the young guests attended theoretical classes on the biology of wild animals, including ungulates, migratory birds and small game, learning to recognise them, studying their morphology, habits, vocations for different habitats, and their behavioural differences depending on the season. The participants were also taught about optics, hunting disciplines and legislation and, above all, they were educated in relation to ethics and conservation, respecting and safeguarding nature. The practical part consisted of going out at dusk and dawn, with the instructors accompanying the campers on photography safari quests, with careful approaches to the fauna, or to the numerous turrets located in strategic points of the reserve. Great emphasis was also placed on training hunting dogs, including retrieval tests using artificial traces. A lot of time was also dedicated to target practice with air rifles and archery, which was very popular for its recreational side as well as the training aspect. Around twenty youth from various Italian regions, benefitted from this experience and went away very enthusiastic about the camp. Some of them who did not come from hunting families discovered a new, very surprising world. SABLES 7 Upon completion of the course, the participants received a certificate of attendance and a prize was awarded for the best photograph. They will be guests of the Italian Chapter on the Saturday of the Convention to be held from 23rd to 25th May 2014 at the Royal Hotel Carlton in Bologna. This initiative enjoyed great success and gained much attention from the press, both the local newspapers and through the attendance of Bruno Modugno (an honorary member of the 8 SABLES SCI Italian Chapter). With a television crew filming proceedings, Bruno personally saw to the didactic activities that will be broadcast on the Sky hunting and fishing channel, “Caccia e Pesca.” . Our hope and wish is to have laid the foundations for a long and fruitful series, with the certainty that raising young people’s awareness and getting them involved is a winning strategy for the future of hunting and conservation. For now, we wish to thank once again all those who believed in us from the beginning, and also Daniele Samori, Bignami S.p.A., who also provided the air rifles, the training bows gifted to each participants and the Zeiss optics, all of the instructors, and Elena Fileppo, secretary of the SCI Italian Chapter and member of SCI and SCIF Sables, who has always been a strong advocate of the role of young people and who actively promoted and publicised this event, personally looking after the image aspects. Elena’s thirteen-years-old son Alberto, who attended the course, afterwards commented: “Mum, I would have stayed another week if possible because it was like being in Heaven. I got rid of my fear of insects – just think that there was a hornets’ nest in the turret one evening … but if you don’t move they won’t touch you. I learned how to recognize animals by looking at certain characteristics that set them apart. I learned how to tell the difference between a fallow deer and a stag seen from behind: you can immediately spot the horseshoe design of the deer’s tail, while the stag’s is white and shorter. I learned how to listen to nature in silence, hearing the messages it is sending us. I shared emotions with my friends on the course that I had never felt before. Winning a basketball game is not the same as seeing up close a mother deer playing with its young... The emotions you feel are completely different. It is all much more magical out in the open air. I want to do the course again next year to learn more about nature and to meet up with my true friends again.” AWLS Professor Awarded Fulbright Scholar T he American Wilderness Leadership School offers educators college credit for summer workshop courses. There are two college Dr. Fidel Hernandez professors who teach at AWLS. Dr. Gary San Julian, Emeritus Professor from Penn State, has been teaching at AWLS for many years. Dr. Fidel Hernandez recently joined the AWLS staff to teach one half of the educator workshops while Gary San Julian taught the other half. Fidel was able to motivate educators attending AWLS to learn about wildlife management principles and challenges in today’s world. He recently was awarded a Fulbright Scholar. The Fulbright Scholar program is one of, if not the most, prestigious in the country. Fulbright scholars have gone on to become university presidents, heads of state, ambassadors, and cabinet ministers. Also, Fulbright alumni account for 43 Nobel Prizes and 78 Pulitzer Prizes, more than any other award program. Now, one of Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Research Institutes’ research scientists, Fidel Hernandez, who holds the Alfred Glassell Jr Endowed Professorship, has been bestowed with the esteemed title of Fulbright Scholar. Though his accomplishments thus far are many, being one of this years’ 800 Fulbright scholars chosen from thousands of applicants, is undoubtedly his pinnacle thus far. The Fulbright program, a merit-based program that awards scholarships to students, scholars and professionals to study, research or teach abroad, was created in 1946 by J. William Fulbright, a congressman from Arkansas. Fulbright believed that one of the most effective foreign policies for developing mutual understanding between the U.S. and other nations was the exchange of scholars. Fidel credits his family, particularly his parents, for instilling in him the drive and determination to reach for the things that at first glance might seem unreachable. Native to Zacatecas, Mexico, Fidel’s parents, Santiago and Francisca Fidel, immigrated to the United States in 1954. Santiago was the foreman on the 65,000 acre, Silver Lake ranch near Brackettville. Here they raised a family of 6 children. It was from this agrarian lifestyle that Santiago and Francisca taught their children the value of hard work and the importance of an education. Fidel, the youngest, and his siblings, collectively, have 10 college degrees. Fidel acknowledges and fully understands what his parents gave up, specifically leaving their families behind in Mexico and this has always motivated him to excel. “I think if I can’t pursue every opportunity that comes my way or SABLES 9 really develop my potential it’s as if all their sacrifices were in vain” says Fidel. “It’s my way of thanking my parents for everything they’ve done for us.” Fidel began traveling to South America about five years ago. He had traveled abroad to other foreign lands including Mongolia, China and Australia, but the culture, history, and ecology of South America spoke to him in a way no other place had. It was a desire to get involved with research in this land that drove him to pursue the Fulbright scholar program. For his Fulbright Scholarship, Fidel will be teaching and conducting research on rangeland and wildlife sustainability issues on grazed Patagonian steppe of Chile in partnership with the University of Magallanes. Fidel opened his application with this quote: “The world is an open book, and those who do not travel read only a page.” — St. Augustine. He closed his application with this quote: “The world is an open book. 10 SABLES This is my quest to read it.” Director of the Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Research Institute, Dr. Fred Bryant, referring to Caesar Kleberg, the Institutes’ patriarch, wrote in a recent column announcing Fidel’s nomination, “I find amazing all the fruits that have been borne from one man’s passion for South Texas wildlife. The generation of applied knowledge for the sound management of wildlife resources. The education of numerous students from across the U.S. on wildlife conservation on private lands. The influence of policy for the conservation of wild animals and places. And now, the contribution to conservation in a region more than 6,000 miles away. The legacy of Caesar Kleberg is inspiring and heart-warming. Our goal is to continue it into the future.” Sables Shooting Teams Formed for BSA Shoot F or the second year, Education Sables formed two teams to shoot in the SCI Foundation/BSA (Boy Scouts of America) shoot February 4 in Las Vegas the day before the 2014 SCI Convention. A total of 84 shooters participated in the 2nd Annual Sporting Clays Shoot which doubles the number of shooters in the first year. Skold Construction purchased logo wear shooting vests for the Sables teams to wear and sponsored a shooting station. Fun was had by all as they raised $40,000 to benefit SCI Foundation and BSA. Sables shooters included Sue Skold, Kisha Kaufman, Monty Wandling, Veronica Kosich, Martin Kosich, Larry Steiner, Robin Jerauld, and Kim Arch. See the photo at right. Title sponsor Krieghoff International donated a K-80 Pro Sporter shotgun as the grant prize in a sweepstakes. SCI member C.J. Sibert was the lucky winner. SCI Foundation and Education Sables are partnering with Boy Scouts of America in developing conservation as well as hunting and shooting sports activities in the BSA Venturing program. Venturing is open to boys and girls between the ages of 14 and 20. These are youth moving toward leadership roles to be resources in other scouting programs and to specialize in outdoor activities such as hunting and conservation. SABLES 11 Hunter Legacy 100 Fund Supporting SCI Foundation Education R ecently, the Hunter Legacy (HLF) 100 Fund responded favorably to Education Sables grant requests through funding approval of those requests. HLF is an organization of 100 SCI members who each contributed $100,000 to the HLF Fund. Interest earned from the fund investment is used to support the SCI Foundation mission. 12 SABLES Education Sables in working to grow existing education efforts that reach tens of thousands of youth submitted grant requests to HLF. These programs include The Salvation Army Outdoors partnership, the American Wilderness Leadership School, the Hands On Wildlife Kit, and the new international college scholarship at the Southern African Wildlife College. HLF and Education Sables share in a desire to pass on our hunting heritage. Passing it on to next generations means investing in programs and activities that engage young people in learning about conservation, learning shooting sports skills and learning to hunt. The Salvation Army Outdoors (TSAO) partnership is growing at a quicker pace as an increasing number of TSAO staff is trained to teach youth. Summer 2013 ten TSAO camps in the Midwest Salvation Army territory had 21,000 youth in attendance learning conservation lessons and archery. March 2014 training added more TSAO staff prepared to teach archery with some learning to train other staff. To date, 165 staff has been trained to teach archery. Fifty four staff was trained to teach Basic Rifle Instruction. The HLF grant makes it possible for these trained staff to purchase archery equipment and Crosman basic rifle kits to use in teaching more youth. With equipment in hand, these staff will be able to teach thousands of kids attending either a summer camp or a community based program closer to their homes. Sables and SCI members want to educate more youth. They know one of the best ways for more youth to learn conservation lessons, to develop positive attitudes toward hunting and to be encouraged to participate in shooting sports and hunting is through their classroom teachers and other educators. The American Wilderness Leadership School’s primary focus is in introducing educators to the North American Model of Wildlife Management and teaching them how they can easily incorporate conservation lessons into subject matter they already teach. AWLS demonstrates to educators how they can use the outdoors as their classroom. Surveys of AWLS alumni over the past four years indicates an increasing number of AWLS alumni teach what they learned at AWLS to their students and that AWLS helped them to have a positive attitude toward hunting and shooting sports. HLF funds make it possible for educators to choose AWLS over any other professional development program by paying an educator’s tuition and a $250 travel stipend. HLF AWLS alumni are the best marketers of the HLF AWLS Workshops. They tell their colleagues and friends how AWLS renewed their energy and enthusiasm for teaching. An instructional kit developed by Education Sables to teach conservation to youth – Hands On Wildlife Kit – will be boosted through the HLF grant. HLF funds make it possible to gift the Kit to 40 alumni of the American Wilderness Leadership School and to 40 TSAO staff to use in teaching conservation lessons. Training is important. When given ready-made instructional tools and lessons educators are more likely to teach conservation lessons. In 2013 Education Sables established the first SCI Foundation international scholarship with the generous support of the HLF at the Southern African Wildlife College. The first year was successful. HFL granted funding to increase the number of scholarships into a second year. There will be 2 Protected Area Manager Scholars and 2 Field Manager Scholars. These scholarships give financial support to students from Africa who will continue their professional career in African countries. These professionals are trained in management practices to sustain wildlife populations and in anti-poaching. Southern African Wildlife College selects the students to receive these scholarships with review by SCI Foundation. With generous HLF support Education Sables can work to go above and beyond their strategic education goals for 2014. Sables thank HLF for supporting education, for helping to increase grassroots support for conservation and the positive role of hunting and in continuing our outdoor heritage. Together we will make a difference!” SABLES 13 Education Sables Thank SCI Chapters S ables recognize the many hours of volunteer work SCI members in Chapters commit to raise funds in support of continuing our outdoor heritage through education programs for youth and adults. Putting together an SCI Chapter fund raiser is neither simple nor easy. It takes many long hours of planning and implementing. These dedicated volunteers have a solid desire to pass on a proud hunting heritage. How about this: For more than thirty years SCI Chapters have been raising funds to sponsor educators to the American Wilderness School and to build and maintain this superb education facility near Jackson Hole, Wyoming. It is this dedicated volunteer commitment that makes a difference in grassroots support for hunting. Chapter sponsored educators can pass on a conservation message to their students and a positive attitude toward hunting. Each elementary school educators teaches thirty kids each year at a point in their lives when students are beginning to learn about so much about the world. Middle and High School educators teach in the neighborhood of 50 – 150 students per year depending upon the size of the community. Informal educators at nature centers and community based programs teach hundreds each year. Collectively, they teach tens of thousands of youth each year over the course of many years in their teaching careers. More AWLS alumni are gaining an interest in hunting and 14 SABLES in shooting sports and are looking for mentors to help them take next steps in learning to hunt. The evolution and transformation of their way of thinking about hunting often begins with SCI Chapter recruitment and sponsorship. Many thanks to SCI Chapters who sponsor educators to AWLS and to those that invites those educators to participate with the chapter in youth programs. Sables appreciate your dedication to continue our heritage. We thank you so very much! Harter’s Won the Bid on the Ethiopian Mountain Nyala Dream Hunt Package on and Mary Harter from Michigan won How exciting for the Harters! Another Dthe auction bidding at Convention part of this Dream Hunt package is the for the Education Sables Dream Hunt. They are long time SCI members, Hunter Legacy Fund members and supporters of SCI Foundation Education Mission Programs. Nassos and Jason Roussos of Ethiopian Rift Valley Safaris (ERVS), Joshua Spies Fine Art, and MG Arms, Inc. gave 100% donations to Education Sables to create Dream Hunt III which was auctioned Saturday night at the 2014 Convention. Don and Mary will enjoy an 18-day Ethiopian Safari and a 4-day photographic trip with the Rousssos. Along with the MG Arms custom 7mm Remington Mag Ultra Light rifle they are sure to have a successful Mountain Nyala hunt. This is the last Mountain Nyala license ERVS has available until 2015. original acrylic/oil by Joshua Spies titled ‘Mountain Nyala’ which they will be able to display with their trophy. 100% of auction proceeds from the Education Sables Dream Hunt are dedicated to Education Sables programs that reach tens of thousands of youth each year. It enables Sables to pass on a conservation message and engage youth in hunting and shooting sports. Thank you to everyone who contributed to make Dream Hunt III a success and to the Harters for being winning bidders! SABLES 15 Elections – Education Sables Governing Board T he elections process for officers and directors of the Education Sables Governing Board has begun. Candidates submitted candidate forms and have been determined eligible for the positions they are seeking by the Sables Elections Committee. Education Sables are SCI members, women and men, who believe that passing on a conservation message and the role of hunting to next generations and teaching them outdoor skills is the key to continuing our freedom to hunt into the future. Sables raise funds for SCI Foundation education programs and activities that reach tens of thousands of youth each year. Education Sables strive to advance grassroots positive attitudes toward hunting with educators of youth who in turn pass that positive attitude on to their students. A grassroots movement that is positive toward hunting helps to influence decisions made by elected officials and other public policy makers which supports SCI in hunter advocacy. Eligible voters in this election are all Sables Governing Board and Steering Committee members, At Large Electors and District Electors. District electors are elected by Chapter Sables Committee Representatives within a District. Districts are organized along time zones in the U.S. Canada is also a district. Candidates for Education Sables 2014- 2015 Officers and Directors are: President Vice President Treasurer Secretary Directors (3) Alternate Director Veronica Kosich Ann Maki Vicki Swan Robin Jerauld Merle Shepard JoDean Peters Helen Netschert Len Dickinson New York Wyoming Tennessee New York Michigan Washington Alaska Ontario Results of the election will be announced May 9 at the Education Sables Governing Board meeting. 16 SABLES Featured SCI Chapter Youth Programs We are looking for SCI Chapter youth programs to feature in each issue of the Education Sables news. This issue features the Italian Chapter. In submitting articles and photos please limit the text to about 400 words and photos that are of a higher resolution. This enables us to be able to feature several chapters at one time. So many SCI Chapters are reaching out to youth to pass on our hunting heritage. Submit your article to Sue Hankner, SCIF Director of Education, at [email protected] or mail it to SCIF, 4800 West Gates Pass Rd, Tucson, AZ 85745. Sables Membership Education Sables is dedicated to SCIF Education programs that pass on the conservation message to future generations. SCIF Education programs support hunting advocacy efforts. All funds raised by Education Sables is dedicated to SCIF Education Programs Grants College Scholarships Hands On Wildlife Kit American Wilderness Leadership School Join us in our mission of educating future generations of conservationists and hunters. $ 50 > Education Advocate $ 75 > 3-year membership $ 500 > Life membership (SCI Life members pay only $250 for an Education Sables Life membership) Please visit our website for additional information: www.safariclubfoundation.org/sables, contact the SCIF Education Department at 877-877-3265, or E-mail to [email protected] Safari Club International Foundation Education Sables 2013-2014 COMMITTEE SERVICE APPLICATION Committee Interests: (Serving a one year term) I am interested in Chairing (Mark with a C) or – Serving as a Member (Mark with an M) on the following SCIF Education Sables and/or Sables Committee(s): __ __ __ __ __ SCIF Education Sables Committee Member AWLS Programs ( Work-Weekend, Hands On Wildlife (HOW) Education Finance Convention Team Education Grants (Matching Grants, Chapter Youth Programs Grants) __ __ __ __ __ Scholarships (Foundation, Sables Hunting Heritage) Chapter Sables Committee Reps Sables Governance Sables Membership/Rep Sables Elections Committee Please list any other interests you have and what experience you bring to the organization: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name (please print) ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________________ State _________ Zip Code ________________________________ Email ______________________________________________________ Phone ________________________________________________ Please return this form by way of fax, mail or Email to: 18 SABLES Karen Crehan Phone: 520-620-1220, ext 231 Education Sables Program Coordinator Fax: 520-618-3538 4800 West Gates Pass Road E-mail: [email protected] Tucson, AZ 85745-9490
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