Sponsor Packet - Tri-Town Safety Village

Tri Town Safety Village, Inc.
1350 Eagle Ridge Drive Schererville, Indiana 46375
Office 219.865.9600
Fax 219.864.9673
Website: www.safetyvillage.us
March 30, 2015
To Whom it May Concern,
We are currently looking for sponsorships for our first 5K/10K Walk/Run to be held on May 23, 2015 and hope
you will consider sponsoring this event. Your support would be greatly appreciated. Simply complete the
enclosed form and mail to Tri Town Safety Village, 1350 Eagle Ridge Drive, Schererville, Indiana 46375 no
later than May 10, 2015. The Safety Village is a 501c3 registered organization.
Tri Town Safety Village is the only facility in Northwest Indiana that provides comprehensive training in all
areas of safety. Students get HANDS ON experiences addressing Railroad Safety, Fire, and Police safety. We
have a Survive-A-Live house; this is a scaled down house where children can be taught how to safely exit their
home when their smoke detectors are active and send a warning signal. The Survive-A-Live house fills up with
theatre smoke, and under the careful watch of our volunteer fire & police officers, students are encouraged to
make their way quickly and safely out of the home. Last school year alone, we trained over 4,000 children
throughout the region.
We have a great reputation across the state of Indiana, but we want to be even better in what we offer our
community members!! As a result of this desire and in partnership with Tom Clark, Social Studies teacher at
Lake Central High School, and Lake Central High School’s Interact and History Clubs, we have a goal to provide
a veteran museum on the Safety Village campus that will recognize and honor our veterans, including the
placing of valuable military artifacts. Your contribution will help us in the construction costs of this future
Veterans’ Museum on our campus.
William Jarvis, Executive Director
Tri Town Safety Village
1350 Eagle Ridge Dr.
Schererville, IN 46375
Tri-Town Safety Village,
1350 Eagle Ridge Drive Schererville, Indiana 46375
Office 219.865.9600
Fax 219.864.9673
Website: www.safetyvillage.us
$500 + Sponsor Level: Donator’s name on Mile Marker, back of runners’ t shirt, program. ________________
$250 -$499 Sponsor Level: Donator’s name on back of runner’s t-shirt and program _____________________
$100 - $249 Sponsor Level: Donator’s name on program ___________________________________________
Other amount: _____________________
Donator’s Name: ___________________________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________ Phone Number: __________________________
Email Address: _____________________________________________________________________________
Mail to Tri Town Safety Village, 1350 Eagle Ridge Drive, Schererville, Indiana, 46375 by May 10, 2015! Thank
All donators may include “approved” coupons/small flyers in the goody bags that are given to participants on
the day of the event.