Strategic Planning in a Turbulent Environment: Evidence from the Oil Majors Author(s): Robert M. Grant Source: Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 24, No. 6 (Jun., 2003), pp. 491-517 Published by: John Wiley & Sons Stable URL: Accessed: 04/09/2009 11:18 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use, available at JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use provides, in part, that unless you have obtained prior permission, you may not download an entire issue of a journal or multiple copies of articles, and you may use content in the JSTOR archive only for your personal, non-commercial use. Please contact the publisher regarding any further use of this work. Publisher contact information may be obtained at Each copy of any part of a JSTOR transmission must contain the same copyright notice that appears on the screen or printed page of such transmission. JSTOR is a not-for-profit organization founded in 1995 to build trusted digital archives for scholarship. We work with the scholarly community to preserve their work and the materials they rely upon, and to build a common research platform that promotes the discovery and use of these resources. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. John Wiley & Sons is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Strategic Management Journal. Strat. Mgmt. online Published inWiley InterScience Journal Management Strategie J., 24: 491-517 DOI: ( (2003) 10.1002/smj.314 STRATEGIC PLANNING INA TURBULENT ENVIRONMENT:EVIDENCEFROMTHE OILMAJORS ROBERTM. GRANT* McDonough The long-running has formation evidence of Business, School debate involved between caricatures and of whether renders the how Georgetown 'rational of firms companies ' design strategic University, ' and DC, U.S.A. Washington, ' 'emergent process schools but processes, planning the presumption Despite plan. all but impossible, planning that of strategy little empirical environmental the the evidence conventional strategic from are greatly that reports of the demise suggests exaggerated. of strategic planning is tofill this empirical the characteristics gap by describing of the strategic of this paper multibusiness with volatile, systems companies faced unpredictable of multinational, planning case studies business environments. systems of the planning of eight of the world's In-depth in the nature and role of strategic changes planning identified fundamental largest oil companies ' ' to a possible reconciliation and since the end of the 1970s. The findings 'process point of 'design to a process to strategy in The study pointed emergence of planned formulation. approaches turbulence sector corporate The goal which a mechanism decentralized systems provided strategic for coordinating planning a structure within targets and clear corporate of demanding performance and responsiveness, that these planning shows systems fostered adaptation formulation The study strategy guidelines. but showed limited innovation and analytical sophistication. Copyright ? 2003 JohnWiley & Sons, Ltd. INTRODUCTION weakly zational Since the early 1980s, strategic planning?syste to strategy formula matic, formalized approaches come under heavy attack from manage tion?has ment scholars. Criticisms have addressed the the oretical foundations of strategic planning, partic of forecasting ularly the impossibility (Mintzberg, 1994b: 110), while empirical evidence?both lon case studies and Waters, gitudinal (e.g., Mintzberg of strategic 1982; Pascale, 1984) and investigations decision making 1970; Burgelman, (e.g., Bower, to strategies from the 1983)?points emerging Key words: tries strategic planning systems; oil and gas indus to: Robert M. Grant, McDonough School of ^Correspondence Old North Building, Wash Business, Georgetown University, ington, DC 20057, U.S.A. Copyright ? 2003 JohnWiley & Sons, Ltd. coordinated decisions of multiple organi members. Increased environment more makes systematic strategic planning difficult. that are flexi Rapid change requires strategies ble and creative?characteristics accord which, ing to Hamel, are seldom associated with formal volatility of the business 'In the vast majority ized planning: of compa is a calendar-driven rit nies, strategic planning ual ... [which assumes] that the future will be more or less like the present' (Hamel, 1996: 70). Eisenhardt's ronments' into 'high velocity research envi to the of 'semico points advantages that processes strategic decision-making herent' are unpredictable, uncontrolled, inefficient, proac and diverse tive, continuous, 1989; (Eisenhardt, Brown and Eisenhardt, and 1997). If complexity render decision uncertainty making impossible, Received 25 Final revision October 1999 received 15 December 2002 R. M. Grant 492 then self-organization to may be more conducive than hierarchical direction (Pas high performance cale, 1999). The goal of this paper is to explore whether and how companies' strategic planning practices have adapted to a world of rapid, unpredictable The study identifies the key features of strategic planning systems in an industry that tran sitioned from stability to turbulence?the world petroleum industry. It explores the changing char acteristics of the oil majors' strategic planning change. and the changing role of strategic plan processes ning within the companies. The study fills a gap in the literature: despite the intense debate over the merits of strategic planning and continued inter est in strategic decision within firms, processes we know little about the formal systems through which formulate their strategic plans. companies to strategic management The paper contributes in three areas. First, it provides descrip knowledge tive data on the strategic planning of practices some the world's largest and most complex compa nies during the late 1990s and how these practices to increasing in response environment changed turbulence. it informs the long-running Second, debate between the 'design' and 'process' schools of strategic management and suggests a possible reconciliation of the two. Third, it sheds light and control in large, com upon the coordination in fast-changing busi plex enterprises operating ness environments. PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL TURBULENCE: THEORY AND EVIDENCE The literature Interest in strategy as an area of management the diffusion of strategic planning study followed among large companies ('long-range planning') on long the and Articles 1950s 1960s. during in the Harvard range planning began appearing Business Review 1956-61 1956; (Ewing, during Platt and 1957; Maines, 1959; 1957; Payne, Wrap, 1961) and by 1965 the first systematic, Quinn, for strategy for based frameworks analytically Learned et ai, mulation 1965; (Ansoff, appeared 1965).1 Empirical studies of corporate 1 for corporate Professional planners organizations the development of strategy ideas and techniques. Copyright ? 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. planning stimulated The North in the United included, States, Cleland practices (1962), Henry (1967), the U.S. House of Repre on Science and Technology sentatives Committee (1976), Ang and Chua (1979), and Capon, Farley, and Hulbert (1987); and in the United Kingdom, and Lehr (1971, 1972) and Grinyer and Denning Norburn (1975). as an area As strategic management developed of academic study, interest in companies' strategic waned. By the 1980s empiri practices planning cal research in strategic planning systems focused upon just two areas: the impact of strategic plan and the role of strate ning on firm performance in strategic decision making. The gic planning first area spawned many studies but no robust and Camil findings. Ramanujam, Ramanujam, lus (1986: 347) observed: 'The results of this and contradic body of research are fragmented while concluded: 'The (1991) survey tory,' Boyd's overall effect of planning on performance is very weak.'2 The second area of research explored the orga nizational processes of strategy formulation. Lon studies of gitudinal strategy formation (Mintzberg and Waters, and McHugh, 1982; Mintzberg 1985; and Waters, Brunet, 1986) and Pas Mintzberg, cale (1984) identified a process of emergence that to formal, rational, strategic bore little resemblance planning processes. Corporate-level strategic deci sions emerged from complex interactions between individuals with different interests and different 1970; (Bower, 1983). The perceptions Burgelman, debate the advocates of system pitted resulting atic, rational analysis (Ansoff, 1991; Goold, 1992) those who the favored valid against empirical of emergent processes ity and normative merits 1991, 1994a). (Mintzberg, The contribution of both areas of research has been limited by lack of empirical investigation of the phenomenon itself. Planning-performance studies relied upon largely tions of strategic planning superficial practices characteriza based mainly of Corporate Planners was founded in 1961. Society to create the with the Planning Executives Institute Forum). Planning Forum (later renamed the Strategic Leadership In the United the Long Range Kingdom, Society Planning was founded the Strategic Planning in (later renamed Society) American It merged 1966. Both societies launched journals: Planning Review (since renamed Strategy & Leadership) and Long Range Planning. 2 and Cardinal Miller (1994) did find that 'strategic planning firm performance;' influences their 'meta however, positively of 35 previous studies meant the method analysis' accepting ological weaknesses of prior studies. Strat. Mgmt. J, 24: 491-517 (2003) Strategie data.3 The 'design vs. pro upon questionnaire cess' debate has centered on a few well-known case examples?notably Honda's entry into the market (Pascale, 1984; Mintzberg U.S. motorcycle et al., 1996); yet the validity of the Honda case it as a author described remains dubious?its of anecdote' 'small foundation arising from a rather than scholarly ambi 'quest for amusement tion' (Mintzberg et al, 1996: 112). The impact of environmental turbulence Planning the of making The challenge strategy when reconsideration future is unknowable encouraged and of strategy formulation of both the processes to the nature of organizational strategy. Attempts systematic strategic planning with turbu included lent, unpredictable business environments the following. 493 Environment former head and organizational learning. Shell's 'the real purpose of effective of planning observed: planning is not to make to plans but to change the that decision makers carry in their mental models 1988: 73). With scenario analy heads' (De Geus, sis, strategic planning is a process where decision makers share and synthesize their different knowl edge sets and surface their implicit assumptions and the mental models. Strategic reinforced in the business environment Changes In the the case against formal strategic planning. last quarter of the twentieth century, macroeco the nomic disequilibrium, exchange rate volatility, microelectronics revolution, and the emergence of countries marked the end of newly industrializing and postwar economic stability. Since economic market forecasts provided the foundation for strate inability to predict demand, prices, gic planning, exchange rates and interest rates represented a fun to companies' damental challenge ability to plan. in a Turbulent intent and the role of vision in any detailed If uncertainty precludes planning sense, then strategy is primarily concerned with establishing broad parameters for the development of the enterprise with regard to 'domain selec tion' and 'domain navigation' 1980). (Bourgeois, Uncertainty requires that strategy is concerned less with specific actions and the more with establish short-term ing clarity of direction within which flexibility can be reconciled with overall coordina tion of strategic decisions. This requires that long articulated term strategic goals are established, through statements of 'vision' and 'mission' (Van to through Der Heijden, 1993), and committed and intent' Prahalad, 1989). (Hamel 'strategic reconcile Strategic innovation If established Scenario vive, planning seeks not to predict scenario planning Multiple to but the future envisage alternative views of the of in form of distinct configurations the future variables 1993, (Schoemaker, key environmental forecasts in favor 1995). Abandoning single-point of alternative futures implies forsaking single-point plans in favor of strategy alternatives, emphasiz that creates option values. ing strategic flexibility as recognized foremost However, by Shell?the the of scenario within corporate exponent planning sector?the primary contribution of scenario plan so not much the creation of strategic plans is ning a process as establishing for strategic thinking 3 not In some cases questionnaire data were from managers and Hunt involved in strategic planning. Thus, Brews directly and 'overall between strategic planning analyzed relationships firm performance' using written questionnaires given to 'senior and mid-level executives 39 educational programs attending 1999: 896). offered at three business schools' (Brews and Hunt, Copyright ? 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. new companies external are to prosper environments require and sur new strat and Stopford, 1994; Markides, egies (Baden-Fuller 1998). Strategic planning may be a source of 'Search institutional inertia rather than innovation: all those all those strategic planning diagrams, boxes interconnected that supposedly give you nowhere and will you find a single strategies, one that explains the creative act of synthesiz a novel strategy' (Mintzberg, into ing experiences in organiza 1994b: 109); 'The essential problem tions today is a failure to distinguish planning from 1996: 71). Yet, systematic (Hamel, strategizing' to strategy can encouraging managers approaches to explore the scope of their beyond tun 'Good scenarios challenge prior experiences: for nel vision by instilling a deeper appreciation that the future' the myriad factors (Schoe shape inertia may be more 1995: 31). Strategic maker, to do with the planners than of planning per se. teams are characterized If top management by alternatives lack of genetic Strat. diversity Mgmt. and heavy J., investments 24: 491-517 (2003) 494 R. M. Grant of emotional equity in the past, breaking the con servative bias of strategic planning may require members who younger involving organizational are further from the corporate HQ (Hamel, 2000: can also be enhanced innovation 148). Strategic to in a through sensitivity emerging discontinuities evolution?these company's strategy/environment inflection points') offer misalignments ('strategic the potential for radical strategic change (Burgel man and Grove, 1996). Complexity and self-organization and Pascale's in favor of arguments Mintzberg as an infor strategy making organic, unsystematic, mal process have received reinforce conceptual ment from complexity of complex theory. Models for systems developed adaptive mainly analyz evolution have also been applied to ing biological the evolution of organizations (Anderson, 1999). These models offer interesting for implications For faced with strategy. organizational example, a constantly changing fitness landscape, maximiz ing survival (reaching high fitness peaks) implies constant exploration, parallel exploration efforts by different and the com members, organizational bination of incremental steps ('adaptive walks') with occasional major 1999). leaps (Beinhocker, What kinds of strategy can achieve this adap tation? Brown and Eisenhardt's (1997) study of six computer firms points to the role of 'limited probes into the future' that involve experimenta tion, strategic alliances, and 'time-based transition that link the present with the future. A processes' of strategic processes feature is the presence key of 'semistructures' that create standards, plans, and for certain activities, while allow responsibilities freedom elsewhere (Brown and Eisenhardt, ing 1997: 28-29). One application of the semistructure concerns the use concept to strategy formulation of simple rules that permit adaptation while estab from lishing bounds that can prevent companies off the of chaos and Sull, (Eisenhardt falling edge 2001). U.S. corporations. Yet most leading-edge to decisions be made outside of appear strategic formal strategic planning systems. Analyzing 1087 among decisions 127 Fortune 500 companies, Sinha contributions of formal ... are modest' (Sinha, strategic planning systems In unstructured 1990: 489). and fast-moving and contexts, strategies tend to emerge: Mintzberg (1985) identified a 'grass roots' process McHugh by concluded: 'the overall of strategy formulation, while of Intel's exit from DRAM to the 1994, 1996) pointed Burgelman's study chips (Burgelman, smooth and timely to external change that resulted from decision processes forming an 'internal adaptation unplanned selection mechanism.' Evidence of the impact of environmental tur is limited. Cross upon strategic planning sectional studies have produced inconsistent find evidence is fragmented, but ings.4 Longitudinal more consistent: in response to increasing envi ronmental turbulence, systems strategic planning have changed from the highly for substantially malized of the 1960s and 1970s. Busi processes ness Week's that 'strategic (1996: 46) proclamation planning is back with a vengeance' acknowledged that 'it's also back with a difference.' Details of bulence how strategic planning systems have been adapted to increasingly business unstable, unpredictable are sparse. Descriptions environments of strategic are available for some com planning practices Electric e.g., General panies, (Aguilar, Hamer mesh and Brainard, 1993; Slater, 1999), Royal Dutch/Shell (De Geus, 1997), MCI (Simons and Weston, 1990), and PowerGen (Jennings, 2000), while Wilson (1994) provides more general evi dence on changes in strategic planning practices. the evidence less to a 'decline Overall, points of strategic planning' 1994a), than to (Mintzberg, fundamental changes in the ways in which compa nies undertake their strategic planning. evidence Empirical evidence of Empirical points to the coexistence formal and informal strategic planning processes. some form of Most maintain large companies formal Bain & strategic planning. Company's annual as the most popular identifies strategic planning and widely utilized of any management tool while studies the American 1999), (Rigby, by and Quality Center (1996a, Productivity 1996b) of strategic report features systems planning survey of business Copyright ? 2003 John Wiley techniques & Sons, consistently Ltd. 4 and Rue found external (1980) and Kukalis (1991) Lindsay to be positively of associated with uncertainty completeness et al. (1986) found that processes. planning Similarly, Grinyer the use of specialist planners was associated with the vulnerabil core technology to external threats. However, ity of companies' Javidan (1984) found that increased external uncertainty had no significant impact on the extent of planning. Strat. Mgmt. J, 24: 491-517 (2003) Strategie strate these changes in companies' Investigating to richer is likely require practices planning gic data than that used inmost prior studies. Boyd and that researchers (1998) observed Reuning-Elliot have represented strategic complex, planning?a a few indicators. construct?by However, despite their finding that 'strategic plan that can be reliably mea ning is a construct state indicators: mission sured through seven multidimensional ment, term trend analysis, goals, annual competitor goals, analysis, short-term action long research The primary plans, questions that the research questions addressed were: were 1. What the principal features of the strategic multi planning systems of large, multibusiness, national corporations? 2. What has been the impact of increased volatility and unpredictability of the business environ ment upon companies' strategic planning pro cesses? 3. To what extent do companies' systems of strate to the rational, ana correspond gic planning AND approach investigate how companies' strategic planning systems had adapted to increased environmental turbulence, I adopted an exploratory methodology to formal hypothesis in preference testing. This was for two reasons. First, a major goal of the research was to gather descriptive data on contem To porary strategic planning rations and their changes 495 explicit attention has been given to the role of the role formal strategic planning. To understand of strategic planning pro systems in companies' cesses of decision making and change, the first of these sys task is to recognize the characteristics The trol. The Environment tems. evaluation' and on-going (Boyd and Reuning indicators may 1998: 189), even multiple Elliot, of overall the characteristics fail to recognize and their links planning configurations strategic with other processes of decision making and con RESEARCH QUESTIONS RESEARCH METHOD in a Turbulent Planning in large corpo practices over time. Second, there to the design and func is little theory relating tions of strategic planning systems within organi zations. Analysis of the impact of organizational and environmental factors on the characteristics of strategic planning processes (e.g., Lindsay and and Rue, 1980; Javidan, 1984; Grinyer, Al-Bazzaz, Yasai-Ardekani, 1986) has been based upon ad hoc rather than any integrated theory of hypothesizing the design and role of strategic planning processes. is not to imply that my This research was or conduct. My goal was a-theoretic in motivation not simply to generate descriptive data, but to shed the role of man light upon wider issues concerning agement in strategic decision making and corporate the vast literature on organiza change. Despite staff-driven processes associ lytic, formalized, ated with the 'design school' of strategic man agement, and to what extent are they consistent with the emergent strategies school' ? associated with the 'process I was guided by the In researching these questions, literature. The research cited in the previ existing ous section suggested environmental volatility and have the effects on uncertainty might following firms' strategic planning systems: 1. Redistribution decision of strategic planning to Earlier studies pointed making authority. as environmental turbulence de encouraging au of strategic decision-making centralization to from business level (Lind corporate thority 1980; Grinyer et al.y 1986) and say and Rue, role of staff planners relative to that diminishing of line managers (Wilson, 1994). 2. Shorter If strategic plan greater uncertainty ning requires prediction, about the future should shorten planning hori zons. Empirical evidence is mixed: Lindsay planning horizons. little and Rue (1980) and Javidan (1984) found no 5 streams include, inter alia, organizational Theoretical ecology (Hannan and Freeman, 1989), punctuated (Romanelli equilibrium and Tushman, 1981; 1994), learning and evolution (e.g., March, Nelson and Winter, 1982). between planning time spans and relationship external stability; Kukalis (1991) found plan shorter in unpredictable ning horizons were with high and markets levels of innovation competition. tional adaptation Copyright ? to environmental 2003 John Wiley change,5 & Sons, Ltd. Strut. Mgmt. J, 24: 491-517 (2003) R. M. Grant 496 3. Less formality of planning processes. Organiza tional theory predicts that less stable external environments should be associated with less bureaucratization and more flexible decision (Burns and Stalker, 1961; Courtright, making and Rogers, to Fairhurst, 1989). In relation to relates fixed strategic planning, formality timescales for the planning cycle, reliance upon extensive documentation and written reports, use of standardized methodologies, and deploy ment of planning specialists. The empirical evi dence is mixed. Wilson (1994) found external to led greater informality instability (e.g., less documentation and more flexible schedules) and Kukalis that (1991) observed rates of external change (interpreted increased as 'envi ronmental increased the flexibil complexity') of this did ity planning practices. However, not necessarily mean less detailed plans: Lind say and Rue (1980) pointed to firms' attempts to counteract uncertainty with greater planning efforts. Method Most studies of strategic planning processes have used questionnaire data with samples of between 48 (Grinyer et al, 1986) and 199 firms (Lindsay and Rue, data 1980). The result is quantitative to statistical analysis, but that can be subjected which fail to capture the richness and complex ity of firms' planning practices. As Ramanujam et al. (1986: 348) observed: 'Planning systems are multifaceted that are con management systems text embedded. Hence, cannot be adequately they in terms of one or two characteristics described such as based Not "formality".' only are The research I selected the international oil majors for my research site for four reasons. First, the oil majors were among the world's largest industrial corpo rations. By 1996, even after a decade of down sizing and depressed oil prices, 10 of the world's 40 largest industrial corporations (ranked by rev were oil Second, the companies enues) companies. were unusual in their complexity. They were verti and multinational, and cally integrated, diversified, the close linkages between their activities gave rise to complex coordination problems. Third, the had traditionally been at the leading companies of edge strategic planning practices: they had pio neered the creation of corporate planning depart ments and application of economic forecasting, risk analysis, portfolio planning, and scenario anal a radical trans ysis. Finally, they had experienced formation of their industry environment from one of stability and continuity to one of uncertainty and turbulence. After several decades of stabil and masters when had been of ity growth they their destiny, was their competitive environment thrown into turmoil by the oil shocks of 1973-74 and 1979-80, the nationalization of the reserves, and the growth of competition (Grant and Cibin, 1996). The listed 10 leading oil and gas oil majors (as in the 1997 Fortune Global 500) which formed my study sample included the six surviving 'Seven Sisters'?Exxon, Tex Shell, BP, Mobil, with a four compar aco, and Chevron?together to the ranks of the international ative newcomers ENI, Total, and Amoco. majors?Elf Aquitaine, are in shown 1. Table They Data questionnaire of systems descriptions strategic planning 'thin,' they lack consistency (Boyd and 1998: 182). To gain insight into Reuning-Elliott, how the different characteristics of a company's site The collection research proceeded as follows: overly system interacted and interrelated both planning with one another or with the other systems of deci sion making, and control, I adopted coordination, a comparative case study approach. Because my research because did not involve hypothesis testing and the goal was to identify commonalities among companies' strategic planning practices rather than analyze cross-sectional the differences, case of in research disadvantages study limiting the research sample were less critical. Copyright ? 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 1. I wrote to the head of corporate planning of the vice president, typically each company, of strategic plan director, or general manager the of the research and purpose ning, outlining Of the 10, eight agreed requesting cooperation. to participate (these are indicated in Table 1). 2. Interviews were arranged with the head of the corporate planning group and with one or two other strategic planning where professionals, possible, with the manager with responsibility for the administration and support of the strate At five of the companies gic planning process. Strut. Mgmt. J, 24: 491-517 (2003) Strategie 1. Table The world's 10 biggest oil and gas Table corpora in a Turbulent Planning 2. The Environment interviewees 1996 tions, Position (at the time of interview) Company Company Country Sales Employees revenue 1996 1996 ($m) Royal Dutch/Shell3 Neth./U.K. 128,174 Exxona U.S. 119,434 Mobila British 497 Petroleum3 Elf Aquitaine3 Texaco3 Amoco3 101,000 79,000 U.S. 72,267 43,000 U.K. 69,852 53,150 France 46,818 85,400 U.S. 44,561 28,957 38,844 38,691 34,513 83,424 40,820 57,555 32,726 41,723 ENI3 Italy U.S. France Chevron Total Royal Dutch/Shell U.S. 3 in study sample. Included Source: Fortune Global 500, (Shell, BP, ENI, bers from finance also interviewed tionships between other mechanisms trol. Table 2 lists Exxon Planning Management Development Manager, Planning Manager, Corporate Manager, Planning Corporate Department Corporate Division, Strategy Corporate Planning Department Assistant Treasurer Mobil Vice President, Strategic Planning Global Industry Analyst, Strategic staff mem Elf, and Amoco) resources were and/or human in order to explore the rela and the strategic planning for coordination and con covered Planning Vice President, Downstream British Petroleum Elf Aquitaine Planning, Division Coordinator Strategy Manager, Former Strategy Upstream head of Chairman's Texaco Vice President, Corporate and Planning Director of Planning Manager, Corporate ENI Director, Manager, Planning Department Director, Deputy and and and Control Department Director, Deputy Planning Control Department planning and and Control Personnel and Organization Amoco Director, Market Planning Practice Leader, Analysis, Strategic Competency Modeling between strategic planning and coor the other systems of decision making, and control dination, including: capital bud financial control, and human resource geting, management. Planning Strategy Strategy Planning Director of Organization Executive Development and of strategic department, at the business level; planning specialists the role of the strategic planning process within the overall management of the cor office Direction Director, Prospective Economie Strategie Direction Manager, Prospective Economie Strategie the following the planning process, the annual including individuals involved, method planning cycle, content and the and role of ologies employed, and documents; meetings the structure and role of the corporate strate poration; the linkages Group Treasurer General areas: gic Strategist Department Former General 1997. interviews Senior Manager, Group Head, at each com the interviewees were The interviews conducted between pany. March 1996 and April 1997. The interviews were semi-structured. Notes were taken during the interviews and full reports of the inter views were written up immediately after each interview. The Head of Group Planning Organization Effectiveness Consultant on the companies' strategic planning processes. some former strategic plan this purpose, ning managers were contacted. For 3. Interview data were supplemented with infor mation from case studies, research papers, and These were company reports and documents. sources useful of historical data particularly Copyright ? 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 4. A case study describing each company's strate was Where process gic planning prepared. were the gaps or inconsistencies apparent, Strut. Mgmt. J, 24: 491-517 (2003) R. M. Grant 498 interviewees were telephoned to request clarifi cation or additional information. Once written case was the returned to the pri up, study interviewee mary (typically the head of strate comment for and amendment. gic planning) Exxon Economic Review Energy Review Stewardship Review Approval by Mgmt. Committee Financial Forecast Stewardship Basis Corporate Plan about its strategic planning system and Group Scenarios The Business Planning I Cycle\ (annual) |Chairman's| Letter Annual Budget Investment Reappraisals very open Shell_ The Strategic Planning Cycle I (as and when required) Discuss ionwith contact director Business Plans The amount and quality of the data varied between the companies depending on their degree of coop eration and their concerns over disclosing propri etary information. For example, while Shell was -^ Country (Guidelines! Country Premises Appraisal I [ r Country Business Plan Group Premises CL Group Resources Review Texaco Mobil Exec. Committee Message Strategic Outlook Review Business Reviews Annual Performance Review Corporate Strategic Outlook Y Stratview (20 year forecast/scenario) Tactical Plans (1 year) performance targets capex budget operating budget | budge Formulationof 5-year Strategic Plans Corporate Strategic Plan Business Group Plans Business Unit Plans X Financial Plan Annual Performance Commitments Performance Appraisal Also, ongoing performancereview K^gert Corporate Approval ENI Amoco Corporate Strategic Plan Economic Forecast Market Forecast Discussion with top management team (SPC) Draft Business Plan Revised Business Plan Annual Performance Plans Accountability, Mgmt individualobjectives Corporate issues Financial& Strategic Directives to Business Sectors Performance Appraisal Capex Budget v Performance Reporting & Appraisal_ Planning Dept. issues: Economic & Energy Scenarios Project ENI (statement of strategic direction, financial forecast, & provisional capex budget Preliminary Strategic Plans prepared by Sectors and Business Units Planning Dept. issues| Revised Scenario Strategic Plans provide basis for Performance targets ("management-by-objectives") Annual budgets Corporate Plan approved by Board Planning Dept. consolidates Strategic Plans to create draft Corporate Plan Elf Scenario Analysis Prospective Studies Divisional Strategic Plans Performance Auditing Approval by Exec. Mgmt. Committee Investment Reappraisals Discuss ionwith Strategy Group Divisional Annual Budgets 2003 John Wiley Corporate Plan Approval of major projects Figure Copyright ? Approval by Exec. Mgmt. Committee & Sons, Ltd. 1. The companies' strategic planning cycles Strut. Mgmt. J, 24: 491-517 (2003) Strategie in a Turbulent Planning as to some features secretive. Exxon was highly methods employed, At BP and Shell, data collection was hampered changes which meant by large-scale organizational Environment 499 over of energy markets the and supply, prices, planning period?demand, were not so much forecasts margins?which as a set of assumptions to relating prices and that demand conditions and provided a supply common basis for strategic planning across the that these companies' systems strategic planning a detailed were in transition phase. Nevertheless, case study was prepared for each company describ the ing the main features of strategic planning, over their role and in these time, systems changes within broader management processes. Some company. greater put companies empha sis on scenarios?alternative in the energy developments views of possible sector. Second, cor porate management provided overall direction to the planning process through a statement of A key and expectations. priorities, guidelines, was of this direction aspect setting company THE MAIN FEATURES OF STRATEGIC PLANNING AMONG THE OIL MAJORS targets (e.g., 'raise return on performance to 12%,' 'reduce costs per capital employed barrel by 10%,' 'a 110% reserve replacement rate,' 'reduce the ratio of debt to equity ratio to 25% by 2000'). Guidance often related to wide The strategic planning cycle in a in the sample engaged the companies an around built formal, strategic planning process annual planning cycle. Each company's planning cycle (with the exception of BP, which declined to is shown its planning framework) make available in Figure 1. Despite between differences compa nies in the depiction of their planning processes and the terminology it, the they used to describe similarities were sufficient to identify a 'generic' All strategic planning cycle (see Figure 2). The principal process stages of the planning common to all the companies were the following: strategic plans. preparing These guidelines and assumptions comprised two major elements. First, a view of the external environment: This typically included guidance 1. Planning Guidelines Forecasts, scenarios 2. Draft allocation, core 'to take businesses,' shift advantage 'to investment on refocus of opportu 'to increase the and East Asia,' our in reserves.' of gas hydrocarbon proportion were for 2. Draft business plans. Strategic plans the individual businesses mulated bottom-up: their strategic took the initiative in formulating nities in China 3. Discussion ness plans The draft busi corporate. to the corporate submitted some initial analysis After by with were headquarters. 6 For most companies, strategic planning was a three-stage pro cess: business unit strategy, divisional strategy, and corporate as a two-stage I treat strategic planning strategy. For simplicity, between process distinguishing corporate strategy and business and business unit level strategy that comprised both divisional strategies. 4. Revised Business Plans 3. Discuss ion with Business Plans 'to e.g., to upstream,' downstream plans.6 1. Planning guidelines. The starting point for the annual planning cycle was an announcement and the corporate headquarters of guidelines by to in used the businesses be assumptions by their business-level resource from Corporate & \ 6. Corporate Plan v assumptions 5. Annual Strategy Capital & targets & directives Operating Budgets T 7. Approval by Board 8. Annual 9. Performance Performance Appraisal Figure Copyright ? 2. 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. The generic Targets strategic planning cycle among the oil majors Strut. Mgmt. i., 24: 491-517 (2003) 500 R. M. Grant the corporate held between sional was staff, a meeting planning senior corporate and senior divi These management. face-to-face meet ings lasted between 2 hours and a full day and the rationale for the strategies being discussed of these the implications pursued, performance of the and the business strategies, compatibility strategy with corporate goals. 4. Revised business plans. The draft business plans were then revised in the light of the discussions. 5. Annual capital and operating budgets. The stra linked with tegic planning process was closely bud the annual budgeting process. Although and administered by the geting is coordinated the first year of the controller's department, the basis for strategic plan typically provided next year's capital expenditure budget and oper ating budget. 6. Corporate plan. The from the aggregation which was undertaken the prior year. For companies whose financial years corresponded to calendar years, the planning cycle began in the spring, with corporate and business plans finally or December, in November and perfor approved mance reviews occurring around the beginning of the following The year (see Figure 3). of corporate role and organization staffs planning a corporate staff of the companies possessed unit responsible for strategic planning headed by a vice president or a director of corporate planning or strategy (or, in the case of Exxon, a general man All corporate plan resulted of the business plans, by the corporate plan functions of included: departments ager). The ning department. 7. Board approval. of the The final formality strategic planning formulation was approval of the corporate and business plans by the board of directors. 8. Performance targets. From the corporate and business plans a limited number of key finan cial and strategic targets were extracted to pro and for performance monitoring to life of the the plan appraisal. Targets related with a more detailed emphasis on performance targets for the coming year. 9. Performance plans appraisal. The performance for corporate-level the basis appraisal provided vide to In addition performance. a event ongoing performance monitoring, key was the annual meeting the top man between team and divisional senior managers agement to discuss each business's performance during of business-level the basis Development of corporate Board approval of corporate & business plans these corporate planning technical and administrative Providing to strategic management activities. In for corporate companies, responsibility team. The lay with the top management was rate planning staff's responsibility port the corporate executive support all the strategy corpo to sup team in its strate in provid role (for example, gic management the and and information exploring analysis, ing courses and of alternative assumptions impacts the planning pro of action) and to administer cess. Business performance between review meetings divisional and corporate management_ plan, budgets, and performance Corporate plans_ Guidelines & Forecasts Business issued level strategic plans discussed Formulation of business level with corporate strategic management plans_ Figure 3. Copyright ? 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Timing of the planning cycle Strut. Mgmt. J, 24: 491-517 (2003) Strategie political, and market fore Preparing economic, and risk casts, analysis, analysis, competitor of the business environment other investigations to assist strategic planning through the company. between corporate and Fostering communication In some of the compa business management. Shell, Mobil, ENI, and Amoco? nies?notably corporate planners liaised with divisional man agers and divisional planners, and fostered dia log through a common format and terminology for strategic plans. In other companies?notably levels of involvement Exxon and BP?high by was viewed as a bar staff corporate planning rier to strategy chief executives dialog and between business-level top manage corporate ment. Internal consulting. To the extent rate planning departments became of expertise about strategy analysis gic planning techniques, they tended roles in relation internal consulting nesses and other functions.7 Who are the corporate repositories and strate to develop to the busi planners? certain other corporate law, and information systems), functions (finance, none of the com as a career panies recognized strategic planning track. Corporate planners were drawn from line the businesses and, management positions within in some cases, from other staff functions (e.g., finance and IT). Planners typically spent between 3 and 5 years in corporate planning posts before returning to a line management position. The only of career track planners were, first, the few professional economists that resided in cor some and, second, porate planning departments in two companies corporate planning managers with significant public ownership, ENI and Elf, who the plan spent 15 years or more within that ning function. Several companies explained their staffing of corporate planning departments reflected their intention to combine the analytic skills of younger staff with the deep experien tial knowledge of longer-serving At managers. all the companies corporate planning assignments were as important career development viewed and a stages offering exposure corporate-level 7 The are reflected activities of corporate planning departments in their organizational structures. Organization charts for the are available from the author. planning departments Copyright ? 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Environment for perspective 'big-picture' 'fast 501 track' execu tives. Differences Within notable between this common differences the companies there were some framework, In par between the companies. ticular: 1. Formality and regularity. Several companies, Elf and ENI, had planning notably Aquitaine were more formal that systems (e.g., greater reliance upon written reports and formal pre sentations), more regular (in terms of a fixed annual cycle), and less flexible than those of were the other companies. These differences related primarily to differences in overall man and ENI had retained agement styles?Elf more traditional hierarchical structures and for to the mal administrative styles, in contrast BP other companies and Tex (most notably a more that had aco) encouraged entrepreneurial that corpo Unlike examples in a Turbulent Planning Ltd. management style. The degree of formaliza tion of the planning process was also linked to the emphasis given to performance targets in the strategic planning process. The com on that placed the biggest panies emphasis establishing rigorous businesses?BP, financial Texaco, and targets for their Exxon, in par had planning processes that were informal. comparatively Conversely, companies that emphasized Elf, strategic control?ENI, and Shell?placed greater emphasis on writ ten strategic plans and formal approval pro cesses. In terms of regularity, all the companies pursued an annual planning cycle; however, some companies?notably Amoco, Shell, and ticular?also Mobil?had moved away from standardized, calendar-driven annual cycles; they updated environmental analysis and performance targets but called for (or more frequently), annually revision of business strategies only when cir cumstances required. time horizon of strategic plans. Strategic plans were typically for 4-5 years, although in upstream planning horizons tended to be to 15 years in the case of Exxon. longer?up 2. The Several companies?notably Shell, Texaco and a dual system of planning: long Elf?operated term planning that extended for 10 years or more and was typically qualitative and scenario based, and medium-term Strut. Mgmt. planning that was J, 24: 491-517 (2003) R. M. Grant 502 more detailed and quantitative a greater level of commitment. longest horizon for its strategic and involved Shell had the to plans?up 20 years?however, these long-term strategic the took forms of long-term views of plans the business and the environment where the was to term encourage primary object long about the business in the light of and busi underlying technological, political, ness trends. Texaco maintained 15- to 20-year though, like Shell, Texaco's strategic views, long-term plans involved no formal resource thinking commitment. in the role and activities 3. Differences of planning The emphasis placed upon differ activities varied across planning the companies. that had Among companies such internal undergone major reorganizations, as Amoco and ENI, the strategic planning func tion played a prominent role as a coordinat departments. ent strategic Thus, follow ing and integrating mechanism. around 17 Amoco's 1995 ing reorganization business separate groups, the strategic planning department was actively involved in developing across the different business, e.g., cooperation in creating cross-business 'umbrella strategies' more A for individual countries. intervention ist role of corporate planning departments was whose those companies also apparent within corporate planners fulfilled an internal consult internal consulting Shell's ing role. Although in 1992, Shell's planning unit was disbanded an active role in promoting group maintained ideas and and diffusing strategic management ENI's planning depart techniques. Similarly, a strong advisory role and was ment maintained in disseminating corporate-level goals with the broadest and priorities. Companies roles for their corporate planners also had the biggest corporate planning departments. active Table key features of the individual strategic planning systems. 3 summarizes companies' CHANGES SYSTEMS IN STRATEGIC PLANNING lit planning cycle and its key phases?remained tle changed, the content of strategic plans, the and the role of plan strategic planning process, within the systems ning companies' management changed The planning acknowledged major changes eight companies in their strategic planning practices over the previ ous decade and a half. While the basic framework terms of the strategic of strategic planning?in Copyright ? 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. heritage of 'Big Oil' accounts and prior research 1987), Iwas able to identify the (notably, Grayson, features of the major companies' strategic planning of the 1980s. Corpo systems at the beginning rate planning had been adopted by most of the From the interviewees' companies during the early 1960s, in response to the increasing difficulties of coordination and con trol that the companies faced as they expanded their vertical, geographical, and product scope dur the postwar period. Strategic planning began ing within their supply departments, where planning of international flows of oil and refined products had developed in forecasting expertise prices and market trends. By the late 1960s, most of the oil had established majors corporate planning depart ments.8 The task of these corporate planning primary was trends in energy mar departments forecasting kets and the general economy. Macroeconomic of the forecasts provided the basis for predictions demand, supply, and prices of oil and refined prod ucts upon which outputs, revenues, profits, and investment capital requirements were projected. all the planning departments included an Hence, unit typically economics headed by a profes sional economist.9 Diversification during the 1970s of the role the corporate planning depart expanded ments. 1980 the corporate planning By depart ments were involved in: forecasting demand, sup scenar creating ply, prices, and profit margins; risk analysis; building to link economic and ios; undertaking country corporate financial models 8 Conoco in 1953, Stan its planning department Richfield in 1962, Royal Atlantic in 1967, British Petroleum and and Elf Aquitaine Dutch/Shell in 1974. Total in 1968, ENI in 1971, and Chevron 9 to provide The typical functions were 'appraisals of domestic and international patterns and the potential political-economic ... macroeconomic of these patterns; economic consequences dard Oil established in (Ohio) 1961, of the U.S. [and] political, economy; predictions in support and energy policy analysis and consultation of policies, and environmental of the development strategies, and Public Governmental assumptions by the Planning Division, studies All considerably. and economic Affairs Wycoff, Strut. units' and other Company Division, (memo by Robert Vice President, 18, 1974). Planning, Arco, November Mgmt. J, 24: 491-517 (2003) Strategie cd cd oju -1 a x ?upoO cc? Ig? -s a ^s^ cd ? S ?> OX) ! O? S ? Oh' g Oh ?o V5 2 Oh3 O O H O cd? U 3 Oh > *- -O -O ?4-H I O CD1q oog cdS 8>l ff GX *S -C o^ G CD?f. cd ^ S? cd cd ?3c? 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S ?.as Oh ! in in a Turbulent Planning "cd ? CD O X CD Ch "S "cd O Oh u5o?38 a 'S 2 S g ?O S2 H 55 ^h 2 X^ G > w & Oh O -?h *5 G UT3 ^ .G g ^h CD Oh CD cd cd ?cd ?<Oh3 C*3 ? T3 5 wo, il c/5 CD15 CD CD g ? O Oh gX u ^ CD OJO G <DC 'S cd G ? _^ to ?-g J? 'S w G jd .. C/2Oh--h cd CD "cdJS?? Oh C G ri ^ 3 cd 'S'S? -rt G c 2 cd \? Oh c G Oh O ? ? cdt? ?D CD ?JOg cd ? CD cd -O S ? ?! !h L, Cd Cdc?< T? (75?? wr ?u & O in^-S 00 o CD Oh cd CD ?2 Sx G CD ? Copyright ? 'S '3 cr oCD o 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. < PQ S Strut. Mgmt. J, 24: 491-517 (2003) 504 R. M. Grant CD G - ? S 5-HC? a >> ^ G ld G Oh Oh T3 .5 cdOs G 'S I G ?<Tfr X* ? <* Oh? 2 ?o ? c <u ^ G O cd &S 0 G x) .S3 w c yg ti G 5 Oh O O ? ?J0 ?i.s h; cd ?. >. O Oh^ en cd cd g ? X Oh T3 O -2 CDC CD T2 ? ' ? .2 ? ^ cd cd S ^ cd .y ?-H ?P 23 S G -G o X> cd O c? "SX- ^3 -? ?d G "S G O CD CDp G G cd CDU ?? cd T3 cd S G ?+-> 's cd Scd * CD? *r< H X Oh?< g& 1*8 Is ?pI g? 11 g cd c? X Oh CD G S'S 'cd CD CD CD >- S ?? O s? 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CDO CD CD ^ O Bcd H 2 G ^ ? 2 S S g S "S 2 3 ^O .ti T3 ?CDgcd u .r3 ^ed 'ti H . t3 Tt. ?a cd &C ^ ti cd Cd>^ T3 3 as CD <_, > O ?d o ?? cdm CG Oh< S u g PQ "S'a CD Oh < s o X X X o S Copyright ? 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strut. Mgmt. J, 24: 491-517 (2003) Strategie -o Ccd 2 -ti S2 RCD*CD go _c G ti CD? ? ? S " S * CDX Oh ^ ?o ? 2 u S ? IS. g ??? S? CD^> Oh.2 Vh c? G fS ?? cd . G C '?CD_o c?til S?0?Oh G g .Sti-S (Z3O <*>cd ?S G (U G O S rt cj C G fa fa G =5 O CDG 2-^ ti cd O O !_ CD 3 ti OCD C cd ^Oh O Sa ?C CO .G Oh"cLS g >,? c ti ? p Planning in a Turbulent Environment 505 CDG O ??g cd ?? ^ CD? S ? G G If cd 5-HO 2 o ti 5-hO5-h OX -Gti ^'"cd at: CDO * CDOh Ohu g G i <3-> G G G O o G ^ S .sCDc Oh , CDS o oos 3 s-s ?? ?tiO G ? xi ti <->?? X> g C G ?? ?? G [g S P ti CD 'cd G iH Oh fa o -G G S R? S^ ? CO o ?? s Se? <?i ti ^ ,wh G <a ?3 5) 3 "cd cd > CJ^ fa 8.3 \P CD Oh ?? G ti CD G cd > _>>o N *CD * 8 -a ??ti1 ??| S -p P CD cd cd -^ CD U On ti ~H ^> <^ o 2 !? < ti .S$ si Oh.G Oh cdti ? ??o C G oo '?? O? CD X aG S X til G tiD t? O S -ti M Oh^-2 cd C .23 o ti ^ ld X ^ g.s-g. ^ CD G G O ti Oh cd cd G U G cd CD S ti ti ?? G j-h CDS Cd 5-H Oh g ?? G O ti G O o CD o >>g ^c o ??X >% cd S g - i" 2 G Sh ? ti" ti 3 s G CD cd cd ff _ OhS ?a cd Oh o '??^ '?? w 3 I 2 o g PQ crt C/5 ti ^ CD tiCD N c 2 ?1 r-CD o, 5cd ?5 cd Oh c/? CO ?? 5-Hc? O CD .CD<+h ? ?? ?? o Oh ti o S G O S g liai8 1 H? cd cd x ?CD G G cd G CD cd Oh ?d Oh CD Oh ^ *-! ?S ? G > ^ {+_ cd ^4-? ti O ?? c? G C ?-HO "" cd G ,0 X c^ CD cd 'S?-h v-/X> Oh ?h *-H xi wcd cd cT^ ?d u CD > CD ? ?? CD 53 O .OO X "cd CD ?? 5 n c'5 CrtG ("H o ?CDG Gcd ? '?? *?i O CD O o? in Oh?+h CMti J?? ti CO CO o c^ X 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. G CD M t2 ^fa* CD G <^ ti SX-2 ?55 Copyright ? ?3 'S s^ M ? G -, CD ti cd >?h GF-? c? _g .2 cd "cd?? ?? CD tiw ??ti ^ ti 3 3a .S B^'Scd ^ ?^ ?? fa ^ -" CD 5 cd _g ti G J3 -G -S J3 cati o f > ?? ^H t? ^ ti 3 3 ? O?h cti CD X ^ cdwcd ,5 ? S j- ?? (U .fa fa ? g ^ CD+ cd ticd Scd ? X-*-?-g O cd ti G G &?-. j^h >. ?d s^ i O O O ^- Vti ?n crtx >^ cd O T?i o CD Strut. Mgmt. J, 24: 491-517 (2003) R. M. Grant 506 to company forecasts financial perfor the annual strategic plan administering ning cycle; developing planning methodologies and techniques; advising corporate and divisional on strategic issues; and providing management strategic analysis of major capital investment pro market mance; jects. In administering the strategic planning pro the corporate planning departments became intermediaries between and corporate important divisional corpo management?communicating rate goals and priorities to divisional managers, to top business-level assessing plans presented cess, and aggregating business-level management, plans into corporate plans. This pivotal role resulted in them exerting influence not just over significant the process of strategy formulation, but in many instances over its content as well. Forces for change The transformation of energy majors' market envi to uncer ronment from stability and continuity tainty and turbulence also created a far more hos The catastrophic fall in the price at all increased competition value chains put prof stages of the companies' a its under considerable pressure. Simultaneously, and leveraged buyouts cre surge in acquisitions ated amore active market for corporate control that to improve returns to top management pressured shareholders. This transformation had far-reaching struc for the companies' strategies, implications tile environment. of oil in 1986 and tures, and management (Cibin and Grant, processes their strategic planning systems. 1996)?including The changing of strategic foundations planning as forecasts of using medium-term and corporate for business plans painfully apparent during the 1980s, when The dangers a foundation became and market fore of macroeconomic of crude oil prices?declined casts?especially As late as 1992, BP was brought to precipitously. the brink of catastrophe as the result of a strategy the accuracy an oil price of $20 a barrel. CEO remarked: subsequently and the recent pattern of the economic reality, some guidelines and from that set yourself which you can judge your own performance. the 1980s and 1990s, all the companies During reduced their forecasting efforts and downsized or eliminated eco their economist staff. Exxon's nomic forecasting and analysis unit was reduced to a single staff economist. In place of forecasts, the external analysis shifted in two direc companies' tions. The first was scenario planning. While Shell was the only company to base its entire strate scenario anal gic planning process upon multiple other scenario ysis, companies adopted planning to a more limited extent, for example, to explore issues (such as the future of OPEC or particular strategies for the former Soviet Union). Replacing forecasts with alternative scenarios of single-point the future had important implications for the nature of strategic planning. Instead of a single basis for competitive and resource deploy positioning a was scenario tool for contingency ment, analysis that fostered alertness and responsiveness planning to decision-makers cir among changing market cumstances. The reluctance of some companies to as a basis for strategy use scenarios more widely formulation was partly the result of the perceived costs of developing and disseminating scenarios in terms of management time. The second response was to replace forecasts of about these vari key variables with assumptions to the prices of crude in relation ables. Thus, and key oil, natural gas, and refined products intro rates, all the companies currency exchange a basis duced 'reference prices' which provided for financial this and performance targets. projections basis for planning had far for the nature of strategic reaching implications The of reference prices and purpose planning.10 other fixed assumptions about the environment was Again, shifting not to provide a basis for strategic to provide a consistent foundation but decisions, which against could be targeted and mon financial performance itored. This shift of planning ' to that had assumed resource-deployment' John Browne and-performance-goals' return to below. We some gave up trying time ago?we'd that even dict just what learned would from the most the reality All variables. Copyright ? to forecast & Sons, from 4strategy-as strategy-as-aspirations is a key transition that I happen experience can't pre 10 Exxon models sophisticated or any of the other key of oil prices you can do is to look at the current 2003 John Wiley cycle against and several other companies used the term 'reference to price BP used the term 'mid-cycle (referring prices' across the economic that were averaged cycle). assumptions prices.' Ltd. Strut. Mgmt. J, 24: 491-517 (2003) Strategie informality Growing of the planning process Shifting The planning systems of the 1970s and 1980s were highly formalized in terms of documentation, formal presentations, emphasis on techniques and analysis, and the central role of spe quantitative cialist planners. By 1996-97, systems planning were far more less empha informal: there was sis on written documentation, strategic plans were on set was less emphasis shorter, and there between business strategy presentations. Meetings level and corporate executives became shorter and to discus shifted from presentation the balance the companies reported that the annual exec between corporate and business meetings to discuss utives business-level strategic plans were increasingly of a focused around discussion at strategy and issues. Similarly, few underlying sion. All At Mobil from performance 2-day meetings discussion became set of performance shorter: become reviews were with each with to by business managers presentations shorter, more informal interactions where busi ness group management reported to the Execu on 'How we did. What we did. tive Committee What we didn't do.' formal At reviews' the annual Exxon, 'stewardship Man the the divisional and between president or were cut 4 from Committee 3 agement days down to a half-day. These meetings focused indicators upon reports of key performance we feel good about, and things we 'Things bad about.' and feel formality was also evident in a move from a regular, standardized planning cycle to more flex ible and ad hoc process. As noted above, Amoco allowed its business groups to develop new strate gic plans as and when needed, while the long-term, scenario-based projections by Shell and Texaco Copyright ? less of the external two changes in by first, a shift of strategic planning responsibilities: to from corporate responsibility decision-making a of shift business-level second, managers; plan staff to line from planning ning responsibilities Increasing volatility environment was accompanied From corporate Sons, to business management management late 1990s, strategic planning was pri a process. The content of the marily bottom-up were determined mainly at the busi strategic plans ness unit and divisional levels under the principle chief executives were responsi that business-level their business ble for their businesses?including By the manage strategies. This concept of business-level ment 'owning' the business and being responsible to shareholders for its and corporate executives a was strong philosophy management particularly at Exxon influence was and BP. The corporate context in for business the establishing primarily to question, formulation and strategy intervening raised autho during the 1990s all the companies rization levels of individual executives. This transfer of strategic planning responsibili ties from corporate to divisional level was part of a broader shift in the relationship between corpo rate and divisional management. The key priori ties of the 1990s were speedier decision making to respond to fast-changing external circumstances and the increasing returns of shareholders. Strate less about planning systems became gic planning the majors' long-run growth and stability, and more about squeezing from increased profitability slow growth businesses. If business-level were to for strate take managers responsibility was to while corporate management gic decisions, be responsible for shareholder returns, decentral ization of strategic decision making needed to be matched by divisional executives being unambigu for divisional ously accountable performance. By the 1996, primary focus of the strategic planning formance & responsibilities planning and uncertainty processes regular. 2003 John Wiley 507 mature, Less became strategic Environment Decen and cajole business managers. criticize, tralization of strategic management authority was indicated by the increasing levels of discretion unit and divisional man exercised by business over agers capital expenditures. As Table 3 shows, downsized division in a Turbulent managers. on open discus and more piece presentations discussion and the exchange sion. To encourage were adopted: BP dis of ideas new rules-of-play the use of multiple couraged graphs at strategy of slides at the number Amoco limited meetings; review meetings, performance focused around just a smaller variables. As a result, meetings Planning Ltd. Strut. of the targets. majors was medium-term If the primary Mgmt. responsibility J, 24: 491-517 per of (2003) 508 R. M. Grant divisional management was to achieve the levels of expected by corporate management, performance the inevitable corollary was that divisional man agement must be free to select strategies capable of delivering the required performance. The role of the corporate headquarters in strategic planning focused less on endorsing and approving business level strategies and more on negotiation with the over divisions levels and expected performance and the questioning challenging thinking behind to improve the in the proposed order strategies of divisional decision strategic quality making. From staff to line managers Decentralization rate to business of strategic planning from corpo levels coincided with a declin role of staff as corporate and divi ing planning sional line managers became respon increasingly sible for strategic planning. This diminishing role of strategic planning staff reflected the increasing on executives at all levels. personal responsibility to became more accountable As chief executives shareholders sional for corporate performance and divi to became increasingly responsible heads their chief executives for divisional performance, so these executives became individually responsi from bility for strategy. The shift of responsibility to executives staff planners is indicated by the shrinking size of corporate planning departments of corporate plan (see Table 4). This downsizing was staffs reinforced the reduction in eco ning by activities and the outsourcing nomic forecasting to consult of intelligence and analysis activities In staff became addition, ing companies. planning Table 4. Numbers rate planning Amoco BP Elf ENI Exxon Mobil Shell Texaco a Estimated. 1993 1996 90 48a n.a. n.a. 42a 38 48b 40 60 12 15 72 20 n.a. 23 n.a. 30 3 14 65 17 12 17 27 In 1986 Exxon's corporate plan 60. ning staff numbered b In 1985 Shell's Estimated. corporate plan ning Copyright ? staff numbered 2003 John Wiley Sons, The content of strategic plans A detailed analysis of the content of strategic plans was not possible to the reluctance of the owing to make available their plans. Only companies two of the companies made available recent plan it was clear from Nonetheless, ning documents. the interviews that some significant changes had occurred in the content decade. Three previous the companies: of strategic plans over the trends were common to all 1. Shortening time horizons. Table 3 shows the periods for which the companies prepared their strategic plans. All the companies reported a shortening of their planning horizons over the previous decade.11 Among my sample, five out of the eight companies had planning periods of or less. However, the major contrac medium-term term scenario and longer strategic planning planning (Shell, Texaco, and Elf) increased their emphasis on medium-term plan of longer-term ning at the expense projec tions. Foreshortened horizons were planning most strate among companies whose were dominated gic priorities by restructuring, cost cutting, and the need to boost shareholder return (e.g., ENI's strategic plans period was 4 A second trend was to link plan only years). more ning periods closely to the lives of invest apparent ment. Thus, Exxon and Elf each required their sector to plan for 10-15 years as upstream 11 This was consistent with Grayson identified only (1987), who one oil company with a planning period of less than 8 years. 54. & companies. tion of companies' resulted, strategy horizons not from formal changes to their planning peri ods, but from shifting their emphasis from the term. For long term to the short and medium the companies in both that engaged example, departments 1990 and throughout the (approximately) 100 'natural some 470 planning there were businesses' staff. at at the of the 72 ENI, 1995, Similarly, beginning were staff outnumbered the corporate planning by 416 strategic planning staff located in the operating 5 years in corpo employed located within the operating divisions. increasingly For example, at Mobil in 1996, corporate planning staff numbered only 13; however, each of Mobil's 13 business units, groups had its own planning Ltd. Strut. Mgmt. J, 24: 491-517 (2003) Strategie compared chemical to 5 years for their downstream and less concerned became of action, commitments and resource deploy greater emphasis upon more plans. Strategic plans with detailed programs to particular projects, and placed broadly defined goals. For example, Amoco's strategic plan of 1995-99 was specified almost entirely in terms of 'strategic themes' and 'spe cific strategies and goals'. These strategies and goals related to themes that included finan ments, targets ('net income to exceed $3 billion cost and cost reduction 1998') ('achieve by of billion from $1-2 savings restructuring') and international expansion (e.g., 'to develop a global gas business'). This shift to broad cial strategic direction is also indicated by the adop tion by all the companies (with the exception of Exxon and Elf Aquitaine) of statements of 'mission' and/or 'vision' to communicate and their these mission guide strategies. Although and vision statements were partly exercises in the interviewees pointed to image management, their significant role in the strategy-making pro cess in terms of creating a sense of corporate, for corporate scope boundaries identity-setting and establishing long-term strategic intent. 3. Increased emphasis on performance planning. In discussing the shifting relationship between and divisional in the plan levels corporate I the noted processes, ning increasing empha sis placed on performance the targets. During the strategic plans of all the com 1990s, shifted their focus away from fore panies casts and specific strategic decisions that spec ified timetables and resource deployments, and towards targets relating to financial and opera tional performance targets. Thus, of Amoco's six strategic themes of 1995-99, four were couched entirely in terms of performance out comes rather than commitments to take specific actions. The growing preoccupation with per formance goals was also evident in the increas ing emphasis placed upon short and medium performance planning within the strategic plan different terminology? ning process. Despite 'performance Copyright ? plans' 2003 John Wiley (Amoco), 'management & Sons, by Ltd. Environment (ENI), 'stewardship objectives' and 'performance commitments' elements were similar: sectors. to strategic direc 2. A shift from detailed planning tion. Increased environmental instability result ed, not only in less formality and rigidity of the planning process, but also in less precision and greater flexibility in the content of strategic in a Turbulent Planning 509 basis'(Exxon), (Mobil)?the Financial focused total upon targets. These profit (typically net profit and/or operating profit, and in some cases economic profit, e.g. EVA) and profitability ratios (return on capital em ployed was the most widely used). Several com return (typi panies set targets for shareholder to in relation the sector as cally defining targets a whole, e.g., a return 'to achieve to shareholders in the top quartile of the industry'). these might targets. For upstream Operating include production, wells drilled, lease agree reserves ments For added. downstream signed, these might include throughput, capacity utiliza tion, inventories. Safety and environmental objectives. Strategic mileposts?intermediate objectives were which indicators that a strategy was on track. For a division, strategic mileposts relate might cost specific introductions, to entry into specific countries, reduction targets, new product and divestments of specified assets. Capital expenditure limits. these different objectives, the overwhelm for all the ing priority companies was financial was This in the tools evident targets. emphasis Among and techniques used the by companies' plan all the strategy con ning departments. Despite cepts, tools, and techniques developed during the to 1990s?from the competitive analysis analyses of resources and capabilities?most of the new tools and techniques deployed by the oil majors in nature. These during the 1990s were financial included new measures of profitability (e.g., EVA), techniques of shareholder options analysis. were The companies value analysis, and real aware of the acutely of short-term (annual) per problems reconciling formance targets with longer-term performance effective goals?while performance monitoring required quarterly and annual appraisal, maximiza tion of shareholder value required long-term profit maximization. to combine gic with (e.g., all the companies Hence sought short-term profit targets with strate and operational targets that were consistent longer-term competitive building advantage the operating targets and strategic mileposts Strut. Mgmt. J., 24: 491-517 (2003) R. M. Grant 510 to above). Mobil, 'balanced scorecards' referred and Amoco Texaco, for achieving consis short-term performance tency between targets and balanced longer-term strategic goals. At Mobil, scorecards played a key role in 'cascading down' used corporate and divisional strategies to business units and individual departments. to performance plans The essential complements were performance reviews. At all the companies, reviews of business performance against perfor mance targets and strategic plan were central ele ments of the strategic planning process. Most com reviews based panies had quarterly performance on the businesses submitting written performance informal discussion between divi reports with sional and corporate management. The major busi were at the annual interactions ness-corporate reviews that took place in the early performance of the calendar face-to year and involved part face meetings between divisional and corporate top management. in the oil majors' strategic planning to a different role for strate pointed practices the companies. The strate gic planning within Changes systems of the 1960s and 1970s gic planning were mechanisms for formulating strategy?they resources. By the planned growth and allocated late 1990s, strategy formulation was occurring, for the companies' interviewees systems. When gic planning asked to identify the sources of critical part, outside of strate were strate in had made that their companies gic restruc recent years?acquisitions, divestments, initiatives?it and cost-cutting turing measures, was apparent that few had their origins in the from the that companies' strategic plans emerged systems. The typical sequence was the planning decisions other way round: strategic decisions were made to the opportunities and threats that in response incorporated into appeared, and were subsequently strategic plans. If the purpose of the strategic plan to take strategic ning system was not primarily decisions, what Copyright ? it play within the com The interview data pointed role did panies' management? to three key roles. 2003 John Wiley & Sons, as a context for strategic were no if strategic systems planning longer the primary decision paths for making contexts that influenced strategy, they created the content and quality of strategic decisions. Even Even here, the corporate business-level the mechanisms through which center influenced conventionally forecasts and strategies?providing detailed scrutiny?had eroded. This progressively left two key processes which the corporate through to the quality of contributed planning processes business-level strategic management: 1. Influencing the methodologies and techniques corporate plan planning. Although to act as centers continued departments of strategic ning of excellence for strategy methods and strat of planning depart egy techniques, downsizing ments downsized and increased reliance upon outside consultants for analytical expertise con strained this role. Some tools of strategy anal used, including Porter-type ysis were widely value analysis, shareholder industry analysis, and game theory, appraisals of competencies PIMS analysis, and the identifica capabilities, sev tion of critical success factors. However, THE ROLE OF STRATEGIC PLANNING the most Strategie planning decision making Ltd. eral companies, Exxon in particular, were skep tical of most formal strategy techniques and the that they jargon associated with them, believing created a barrier to deploying experience-based and hampered the shift of strategic knowledge from planning staff to planning responsibility line managers.12 2. Providing channels and forums for communica tion and knowledge sharing. All the companies placed greater emphasis on the communication and knowledge sharing role of planning pro cesses. to promote Indeed, the desire dialog businesses and the corporate execu between strategy issues was the for reducing the formality of the planning process. This involved shifting empha from formal presenta sis of strategy meetings discussion where assump tions to face-to-face and critical tions and beliefs were challenged tives on fundamental main motive 12 the experience of General Electric This was consistent with where simplification of the strategic planning system was accom panied by less reliance upon technical strategic analysis (Aguilar et al, 1993). Strut. Mgmt. J, 24: 491-517 (2003) Strategie Shell and Exxon trasting examples of this trend: issues identified. provide con Shell has placed particular weight upon strategic learning. planning as a vehicle for organizational Shell's scenario planning process was primar ily a process for sharing and integrating mul and bases from both within tiple knowledge 'scenario-to group. Shell's discussion work framework involved strategy' which the in scenarios would shops provide foundation for an interactive strategy formula the organizational tion. To maximize learning outside the Shell occurring through the strategic planning process, to make explicit the per Shell has attempted of decision and the various ceptions judgments makers within the strategy process through tech niques such as 'mental mapping.' Exxon's emphasis was upon a strategic planning process that was tightly integrated within a man agement structure that stressed the close bonds of communication and accountability between each divisional and the correspond president on the corporate man ing 'contact director' Thus, while Exxon had a agement committee. well-defined system, the for strategic planning malities discussion, relating to the submission, and approval of divisional strategic plans were and inseparable from the regular communication interaction between the division presidents and the management committee that allowed strate gic plans to be informed and guided by the con tinual of divisional integration level knowledge. and corporate as a mechanism Strategic planning coordination for on planning as a process Increased emphasis of communication and knowledge sharing was intended not only to influence and improve strate gic decisions, but also to provide a basis for coor decision making. The inter dinating decentralized view data suggested that increased environmental turbulence Planning in a Turbulent Environment 511 transition by the corporate center from detailed control towards more general direction and guid ance, and the increased emphasis placed upon build business-corporate dialog and consensus to The this role accorded ing. priority coordinating of strategic planning varied between the compa nies. In general, the more decentralized was strate the greater the emphasis on gic decision making, as a device. Thus, strategic planning coordinating Shell with its 200 separate operating companies had long regarded its strategic planning process as primarily a vehicle for coordination and con sensus within its far-flung business empire. Sim as 17 separate ilarly, once Amoco reorganized business the corporate planning groups, depart ment became increasingly concerned with provid between corporate and ing vertical coordination coor business and horizontal levels, developing different business dination, e.g., through involving 'umbrella strategies.' Exxon's groups in country emphasis upon strategic planning as a coordinat ing device was a central rationale for embedding its strategic planning process within ongoing dia the divisional and 'con log between presidents tact directors.' Exxon's head of corporate plan ning described Exxon's strategic planning as hav evolved ing based' from a 'product-based' to a 'process system. Strategic planning as a mechanism for control can be exerted control which manages the through behavioral and ap inputs into decisions through supervision the proval, and output control which manages outcomes of decisions (Ouchi, 1979; performance control over in Eisenhardt, 1985). Establishing and creasing large unwieldy corporate empires was a major motive for the adoption of strategic plan Hierarchical control in organizations and ning. Corporate planning provided a mediumcontrol mechanism that long-term complemented the short-term controls provided by budgeting sys tems. Under the 'old model' corporate manage ment's ability to approve (or reject) business-level had enhanced the role of the strategic as a planning system coordinating device. As deci sion making had become decentral increasingly was a a there structured pro ized, growing need for cess of dialog, adjustment, and agreement to coor to support strategic and the resource allocations these plans represented a form of input control. func By the late 1990s, strategic planning's tion as a control system had shifted from one based upon strategy content to one based upon dinate strategy outcomes defined in terms of the perfor mance that the strategy would deliver. This shift was apparent from three types of evidence. First, these emphasis on dispersed coordination ber of the changes Copyright ? decisions. was already 2003 John Wiley This evident described, & increased from a num notably Sons, the Ltd. Strut. Mgmt. J., 24: 491-517 (2003) R. M. 512 Grant that shaped business-level the corporate guidelines strate strategic planning (stage 1 of the generic increased emphasis on gic planning cycle) places financial goals. This performance company-wide in the ways in which the shift was also evident statements of revised their mission, companies vision, and business principles. By the late 1990s, to shareholder return pride of place was given most and superior profitability. Second, companies reported that the meetings to discuss business-level plans (stage 3 of the generic planning around focused had become increasingly targets (especially for operating profit performance and return on capital employed). Third, as attention of perfor shifted to the setting and monitoring mance targets, so the performance planning pro strategic cycle) cess strategic planning (stage 8 of the generic became increasingly prominent. Preoccupation with shareholder return was trans lated into rising aspirations for ROCE. Belief in the cycle) think efficacy of 'stretch goals' also influenced and Pra ing about the role of strategy. Hamel halad's (1989, 1994) analysis of 'strategic intent' and 'strategy as leverage and stretch' suggests that to company's per strategy's biggest contribution formance is not so much through superior strategic decisions as in raising levels of aspiration and com mitment goals. through setting challenging on and quan emphasis performance Increasing tification of performance targets was accompanied by less detailed strategic plans. This was most evi that placed the biggest dent among the companies on Exxon, planning?BP, performance emphasis and Texaco. These argued that com companies to ambitious mitments presidents by divisional targets required their taking respon performance strategy. The more corporate sibility for divisional was involved in influencing divisional strategies, the greater the erosion of divisional responsibility the corporate mes and accountability. Increasingly sage was: 'Here's the performance we require. You figure out how to deliver it.' This shift from strate to performance (supported planning gic control was incentives) typically by stronger performance in terms of 'empow by the companies unit managers and business erment'?divisional were accorded greater decision-making discretion, for while becoming more individually accountable described results.13 13 The principle inevitably Copyright ? require on performance targets tighter controls over strategy is consistent controls weaker that 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. DISCUSSION vs. process for design Implications debate on the strategic planning practices evidence of the major oil companies suggests that the long over of rational design debate the roles running in and organizational emergence strategy formula The tion has been the reality of by misconceptions planning. The vivid perpetuated of car strategic by each side of the other's presented bear little of strategy making conceptualization to the realities of strategic planning resemblance as pursued by large companies during the late icatures 1990s. in structure with decision hierarchical Although making power ultimately vested in the top manage ment team and critical inputs provided by corpo rate planning staff, the major oil companies' strate systems of the late 1990s had little gic planning in common with the highly bureaucratized, top caricatured by Henry Mintzberg. down processes a In particular, strategic planning was primarily bottom-up process in which corporate management provided direction, but primary inputs came from the business units and operating divisions. How ever, consistent with the process view of strategy formation, it was clear that the strategies of the oil majors were not created by their strategic planning systems were mecha systems. Strategic planning for improving the quality of strategic deci sions, for coordinating strategic decision making, and for driving performance improvement. How that fundamen ever, the critical strategic decisions and direction tally affected the business portfolios for the of the companies of development were, most part, taken outside formal systems of strategic nisms planning. By disbanding of aspects associated with strategic rational, planning top-down strategy design and embracing adaptive, emergent aspects of strategy making, none of the oil majors to be deluded by Mintzberg's (1994b: appeared In terms 'fallacies of strategic planning.' 110-112) none of the strategic of the 'fallacy of prediction,' conventionally planning systems relied upon precise predictions the tenets of control theory. A system may be controlled either by controlling outputs or inputs, but not both. If corporate taken at divisional the strategic decisions controls level, being from those decisions; it must accept the performance resulting if it is setting performance targets, then the divisions conversely, with must be free to make Strut. needed the decisions Mgmt. 7., to reach these 24: 491-517 targets. (2003) Strategie In terms of the 'fal of key external variables. located pri the of all detachment,' lacy companies with line managers. mary strategy responsibilities In terms of 'fallacy of formalization,' all the com reduced the formality of panies had substantially their planning procedures. In short, the strategic planning systems of the as pro could be described international majors cesses of 'planned emergence.' The primary direc the busi tion of planning was bottom-up?from ness units to the corporate headquarters?and with auton substantial business managers exhibiting At the in strategy making. omy and flexibility same time, the structure of the planning systems con established allowed corporate management in the form of vision and straints and guidelines mission statements, corporate initiatives, and per In bringing together these formance expectations. bottom-up and top-down initiatives through dialog, the systems displayed debate, and compromise, of the that aspects 'generative planning model' to is Liedtka conducive (2000) suggests strategic change. To what extent do these systems of 'both incre mental (Goold, learning and deliberate planning' in adapting effec 1992: 169) assist the companies and opportunities of the tively to the challenges the contribution of strategic 1990s? Distinguishing planning as distinct from other aspects of the com is difficult. What is processes panies' management is that the oil however, apparent, compa major nies were exceptionally successful in adapting to the challenges of the decade. Key strategic adjust ments by the oil majors included: rationalization of downstream in the and chemical businesses face of chronic excess capacity (especially through upon joint ventures and asset swaps), refocusing core energy businesses, into upstream expansion new geographical areas (especially China, the For mer Soviet Union and Latin America), the adop tion of new technologies (e.g., deep-water explo 3D seismic analysis, ration, directional drilling, and environmentally friendlier fuels), adaptation to social and political pressures, and responsiveness to the demands of owners (especially Elf and ENI's transformation from state to shareholder owner ship). Perhaps the strongest evidence of the effec tiveness of strategic adjustment lies in bottom-line 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Table 5. oil majors' The Environment return on equity, 513 1980s 1970s, and 1990s 1970-79 1980-89 1990-98 on equity Return Shell Group 10.76 13.63 11.15 Exxon Mobil BP ENI Elf Aquitaine 13.87 15.30 11.57 12.08 9.07 Texaco 13.82 16.14 12.87 11.09 10.20 4.83 0.13 6.24 11.91 9.37 10.30 8.93 12.30 Amoco 11.57 Average price of crude oil (U.S. wellhead at purchase price 17.1 14.56 28.6 12.54 17.4 constant 1996 $ per barrel) Source: Fortune Global 500 WTRG ; Economics. periods when oil prices were significantly higher (see Table 5). as mechanisms for aligning the com However, more and with their closely panies effectively environment and their changing long-term guiding the effectiveness of the companies' development, strategic planning three respects: may also have deteriorated in 1. The of planning horizons may foreshortening reflect a shift in top management priority from to shortand medium long-term development term performance goals. When investment proj ects have lives that extended to 40 years, strate gic planning horizons of 4 and 5 years limited to relate their cur the potential for companies rent resource allocations with their longer-term vision. 2. The transfer of strategic planning responsibili ties from staff planners to line managers, while and detach resolving problems of formalization ment, also entailed a loss of analytical capabil of our ity. One of the ancillary observations use was the limited the study by companies of strategy concepts and tech recently developed the niques. Despite rapid diffusion of the tools and techniques of strategic management during the 1980s and 1990s, few of these found appli in the strategic planning processes of the oil majors. Although performance management tools?shareholder value analysis, EVA, bal anced scorecards, and the like?had achieved cation performance: despite the low oil prices that pre vailed for most of the 1990s, profitability for most of the companies was higher than during earlier Copyright ? in a Turbulent Planning Ltd. Strut. Mgmt. J, 24: 491-517 (2003) R. M. 514 Grant the same was not appar significant uptake, ent for concepts and techniques of strategy For fre while interviewees analysis. example, to advan referred 'building competitive quently tage,' 'exploiting key strengths,' and 'leverag only one of the com ing core competences,' panies (Amoco) had introduced any systematic process for assessing and developing organiza It is possible that the pri tional capabilities. targets ority accorded to financial performance in strategic planning squeezed out analysis. For example, the reluctance of several of the majors to introduce option valuation into their capital stemmed from the fear procedures budgeting that adding greater complexity might result in losing the discipline associated with unambigu ous hurdle rates of return. of the old 3. While breaking down the rigidities and formalized systems embracing planning the com processes, emergent strategy-making little in terms of positive panies had done measures to encourage in strategy innovation in If changing advantage making. competitive markets depends critically upon strategic inno and Stop vation (Hamel, 2000; Baden-Fuller sources the then ford, 1994; Markides, 1998), of strategic innovation need to be considered. informal strategic planning While bottom-up, the offer systems potential for innovative strate to to the absence of impediments emerge, gies such innovation sures to foster Implications is not the same as positive mea such innovation. of the literature on the implications for strategic planning, turbulence of complexity contribution I noted the potential a the oppos between in bridge theory providing and of the views strategy strategy-as-design ing camps. Several of the features of the as-process oil majors' strategic planning systems are consis of other management the observations of complexity the scholars regarding implications If scaling fitness theory for business management. incremental steps with peaks requires combining tent with 1999; Bein leaps (Anderson, major hocker, 1999), performance-focused strategic plan strategic ning may facilitate this goal. Bottom-up to incremental is conducive adaptation. planning occasional as Shell, BP, ENI, Copyright ? 2003 John Wiley strategic changes. of the companies' My characterization strategic as ones of 'planned emergence' planning processes to Brown and Eisenhardt's corresponds closely of 'semistructures': the planning (1997) concept an created structure, a fixed systems organizational time and defined goals and responsi schedule, while considerable freedom for bilities, offering and initiative at experimentation, entrepreneurship, the business level. Two aspects of this 'semistruc ture' character of strategic planning systems were apparent. First, the strategy planning particularly the concept of simple rules embodied processes of which models complex adaptive systems sug in predicting effective gest can be remarkably and guiding the adaptation of nonhierarchical sys tems to changing environmental conditions (Gell Mann, 1994; Eisenhardt and Sull, 2001). The strat established egy initiatives and guidelines by cor in the form of mission and porate management cost statements for and targets vision reduction, reserve replacement, ratios rep and debt/equity of constraints and objec resented a framework tives that bounded and directed strategic choices. Second, existence of rigid annual planning cycles and the emphasis on breaking down longer-term in the strategic goals into short-term objectives form of strategic milestones, targets, programmed to Brown and Eisen and scorecards corresponded transition hardt's (1997) concept of time-paced to the future.14 from the present of complexity for the management In discussing environmental Yet, falls far short of tar realized performance the natural bias towards incremental geted level, ism is supplanted by pressures for more radical when and Texaco demonstrated, & Sons, Ltd. Implications multidivisional for the theory corporation of the and nature of the characteristics observations multi in large multiproduct, of strategic planning for have also national implications corporations multidivisional the theory of the organizations as developed (1975, 1985) based by Williamson (1962). The upon empirical research of Chandler form ('M-form') of the multidivisional efficiency These activities in organizing prod spanning multiple rests upon uct markets countries and/or multiple device and both as a coordinating its efficiency 14 Although management, is common Strut. to project and Eisenhardt apply the concept the idea of linking change to a clear time schedule to both. Brown Mgmt. J., 24: 491-517 (2003) Strategie In relation to for goal alignment. the oil how shows the study goal alignment, the embodied systems majors' strategic planning the The M-form. of features opportunism-limiting linking of strategic planning authority with profit has created a manage and loss responsibilities as a structure ment system Williamson's much more closely aligned with of 'effective multidivi in relation to 'monitor in a Turbulent Planning Environment 515 as a cor the role of strategic planning changed increased decen control system, permitting porate tralization of strategic decision making and greater to external change. adaptability and responsiveness the successful adaptation of apparently Despite to uncertain unstable, systems strategic planning to the limited the study pointed environments, upon the impact of strategic planning processes and decisions. Decentralization of strategic quality of processes informality strategic planning permit ted access to a broader range of expertise, but there was limited use of new tools and concepts of strate principles sionalization,' especially 'awarding incentives,' ing efficient performance,' to high yield uses' cash flows and 'allocating to efficiency In relation 1985: 284). (Williamson, is only partly con the evidence of coordination, that the systems gic analysis and little evidence to strategic of strategic planning were conducive the existing sistent with theory of the M-form. Williamson draws upon Ashby's theory of cyber netics and Simon's theory of nearly-decomposable to argue that the efficiency of the M systems innovation. for the study of study has implications The features of strategic strategic management. the revealed by study suggest that much planning the 'strategy-as-rational of the debate between The from its separation of high-frequency strate from low-frequency decisions (operating) that the oil decisions. Given majors' strategic gic in the is located as much (if not more) planning as in corporate headquarters, it appears divisions form derives that the critical distinction between corporate and activities is based more upon realms of divisional the divisional than decision knowledge frequency: on focus business managers strategy and corpo rate managers focus upon corporate strategy on the need to be co-located simple basis that decisions with the knowledge pertinent to these decisions. and design' schools 'strategy-as-emergent-process' of how upon a misconception in works the real world. The pro strategic planning cess of 'planned emergence' evident in the compa nies' strategic planning systems is consistent with derived from complexity management principles has been based of complex adaptive sys theory and observations tems, and offers insights into the design principles of the multidivisional firm. 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