GSA Gym for All School Gym Challenge GfA Schools Competition 2015 COMPETITION Handbook Wednesday 9th September 2015 9:30am – 2:45pm Provisional ENTRIES CLOSE : Monday 10th AUGUST 2015 Definitive Entries CLOSE: Monday 24th August 2015 MARION LEISURE CENTRE CNR OAKLANDS AND ROSEDALE AVE MORPHETTVILLE THIS IS AN EVENT FOR ALL SCHOOLS Thanks to Gym NSW for their help and resources in Team Gym Any further queries do not hesitate to contact GSA Office – Brenton Dicker 8294 8288 Or email : [email protected] Gym for All School Gym Challenge 1 GSA Gym for All School Gym Challenge Mission Statement The mission of the Gym for All Challenge is to offer all gymnasts regardless of age or ability the opportunity to experience the diverse benefits of competitive Gymnastics Goals The goals of the Gym for All Schools Challenge are to develop and nurture the gymnasts in a safe environment striving for the following: FUN FRIENDSHIP FUNDAMENTALS CONFIDENCE FITNESS PERFORMANCE GENERAL INFORMATION 1. The Challenge is open to ALL School participants from Years 3-9 who will compete against others in their respective Year Level. 2. Gymnasts should wear apparel that reflects their school colours. Females may wear leotards, bike pants or crop tops and pants or in a t-shirt and shorts, Males may wear singlet/school PE top & Shorts. 3. All schools entering the event will be required to supply two judges for the event. It is essential that we ensure that all judges recognise that this is a schools competition with an emphasis on the opportunity to participate and enjoy the event. 4. Schools will also be rostered to supply competition personnel to assist with the smooth running of the event e.g Music operator, Presenters for Awards etc 5. Equipment requirements: GSA has a complete Olympic style gymnasium but schools should note on the entry form if additional equipment is required. The vault can include the use of a spotting block, vaulting horse (foam tiered style) or Pegasus. 6. Entry fee for the event will be $12.50 per gymnast 7. The Competition will commence at 9:45am sharp. It will conclude at approximately 2:40pm (depending on entry numbers) 8. General warm up will occur from 9:45am for 15mins. Apparatus warm up will be allowed before each rotation. Each team will have a one touch of the apparatus for warmup. 9. Gymnasts will select skills from one Level for each apparatus. The Levels will usually match the year level of the gymnast. However selection of a level above or below the year level will earn a positive or negative bonus. Gymnasts are encouraged to select the Level that enables them to perform safely and successfully. 10. Gymnasts will compete in their year level irrespective of their age or ability. Gymnasts may compete in a year above their year if there is no team available at their year level. No one may compete in a year below without approval of the organiser. Excluding Team Gym Apparatus which is in only one division (Skills Vary from Easy to Hard) Gym for All School Gym Challenge 2 GSA Gym for All School Gym Challenge 11. Gymnasts will compete as a team. Team sizes will be from 3 – 10 participants in one team. 12. Gymnasts must remain in the same team for the entire event. 13. Team members must all complete at least 5 skills each, it is crucial the team works as such and all members are a part of the performance. 14. Beam / Bars: Team members may perform singularly on an apparatus (tag team) or with more than one on the apparatus at a time (Recommended). Eg Beam Routine may use 2 or 3 beams in “Syncro” or bars may use 2 athletes at a time performing on the same bar. 15. The team will be judged on 5 different skills only. These skills should be nominated on the Judges Skill Sheet. There will be one score for the team 16. Judging for the above apparatus will be 10 points for execution of skills and routine. Bonus will be then added or subtracted to determine the final score. The maximum bonus shall be plus or minus 2 points (Due to using skills above or below year level) 17. Vault: Teams will perform 2 passes (of different or the same skills) and will line up at the completion of each pass and march back as a team (Different locomotion’s are encouraged here) 18. Mini Tramp: Teams will perform in Syncro perfroming 2 Syncro Passes (Both Athletes have the same jump) and 1 Individual Pass (Its encouraged that all the athletes are arranged in order of easiest to hardest skills) Not all athletes need to perform in each pass but there must be a minimum of 3 athletes performing. 19. Floor: Teams will perform on floor as a large group (e.g all members from the same school) Teams must use choreograpy to move together and perform a basic routine with the requirements listed under floor. 20. Music is optional for MiniTramp, Tumbling and Floor although recommended its not compulsory. Music should be age appropriate and should not contain any inappropriate words or moves. 21. Skills will be judged on aesthetics and teamwork as per the judging table. 22. Awards 1st – 6th ribbons / 7th – 10th certificates will be presented to the teams. This is an apparatus competition and no overall or individual awards will be presented. Each participant will receive a participation certificate with scores either after the competition or by post (at the competition directors discretion) 23. Training event for Judges and Coaches will be held on request from the schools, each school is asked to supply at least 2 judges for the event, this could be an older student or someone willing to help with the event. Gym for All School Gym Challenge 3 GSA Gym for All School Gym Challenge GSA Gym for All Gym Challenge FLOOR: Teams Will compete as a whole school display and must include at least 1 jump or leap (1C & 1D), 1 individual balance (1E) and 2 group acrobatic all performed at the same time (1A & 1B). At least 2 formations must be used (Examples on pages to follow) Judging Criteria will be as attached at the end of this document and will be assessed by 2 GSA Technical Members and one representative from each school. Balance and acrobatic skills should be held for 3 seconds The routine Maximum is 3 Minutes and there is no minimum time limit (GymNSW Rules state 1 Minute minimum if the school is looking to compete interstate) Gym for All School Gym Challenge 4 GSA Gym for All School Gym Challenge Gym for All School Gym Challenge 5 GSA Gym for All School Gym Challenge FORMATIONS THAT COULD BE USED: Gym for All School Gym Challenge 6 GSA Gym for All School Gym Challenge MINI TRAMP (Trampette): Teams will perform 2 Syncro Passes (Both Athletes have the same jump at the same time) and 1 Individual Pass. Its encouraged that all the athletes are arranged in order of easiest to hardest skills) Not all athletes need to perform in each pass but there must be a minimum of 3 athletes performing at any one time and the whole team must participate. (GymNSW Rules State 2 syncro passes and 2 Individual passes) Mini Tramp (Trampette) Skills Straight Jump Star Jump Tuck Jump Straddle Jump Jump ½ Turn Tuck Jump ½ Turn Wolf Jump Pike Jump Jump 1/1 Turn Jump 2/1 Turn Dive Roll Front Saulto Variations Layout Variations Gym for All School Gym Challenge 7 GSA Gym for All School Gym Challenge BARS: Only 5 skills can be performed including mount and dismount. Gymnasts may mount the bar more than once. YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 YEAR 6 YEAR 7 Bent leg swings x 1 Bent leg swings x 2 Back hip Pull over (coach assisted) From box glide swing back to floor Lift to L hang Bent leg swings x 1 Jump to front support from box Jump to front support from box Jump to front support cast to box immediate jump to front support Cast x 1 (hip to clear bar) Cast x 1 (hip to clear bar) Tension swing x 2 Jump to support L-hang or tuck hang Cast to 45 Back Hip pullover to support Glide or tuck swing Fwd roll to L-hold Cast to free support Fwd roll to candle hang or Pike Hang Cast back hip circle (maybe coach assisted) Back hip circle Fwd roll to tuck hold Fwd roll Back hip pull over 1x Cast Basket hang Tuck/Pike hold Single leg knee hock Candle hang Toe shoot dismount (maybe from standing on the bar) Basket hang Underswing Mill circle Underswing, 2 x basic swing Glide swing Toe shoot or underswing dismount (can be performed with a ½ or full turn to land.) Tap Swings x3 on Highbar Gym for All School Gym Challenge 8 GSA Gym for All School Gym Challenge BEAM: 5 skills to be performed. Skills may be performed in any order but a skill sheet must be presented to the Judges prior to competing. YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 YEAR 6 YEAR 7 Jump to front support, lift leg over to straddle sit, swing legs to squat, then stand Jump to front support, lift leg over to straddle sit, swing legs to squat, then stand. Jump to front support, lift leg over to straddle sit, swing to kneeling scale Jump to front support, lift leg over to straddle sit, swing to kneeling scale Jump to front support, lift leg over to straddle sit, swing to kneeling scale Forward attitude steps x 2 Straight jump with foot change Walks forward x 4 Pivot walks x 2 Forward attitude steps x 2 Releve Hold 3 sec Releve walks forward x4 Step forward kicks x2 Step forward kicks x 2 Passe ½ t to Releve ½t High Kicks Forwards x4 Arabesque Hold Straight jump Straight jump with foot change ¾ handstand Releve Walks forward x4 ½ turn on two feet in releve Tuck Jump Arabesque Hold Releve ¼ t Straight jump dismount ¼ turn, straight jump dismount Lift leg to side passé, bring knee to front, foot down Lift leg to side passé, bring knee to forward passe, foot down, lift to releve, ½ turn on two feet Split Jump, Straight Jump Series Body Wave Punch Jump Dismount. ¾ handstand Punch Jump Dismount Split Jump Tuck Jump Punch Jump Dismount Gym for All School Gym Challenge 9 GSA Gym for All School Gym Challenge Tumbling: 2 Passes to be performed with a minimum of 2 skills in each pass. Participants should line up at the landing zone and march back as a team using different locomotion’s (eg all members skip). Participants should start their tumbling just as the participant in front has finished to create a “Stream” of athletes tumbling in only one direction. Participants should be arranged in Skill order from easiest to hardest as per the table below: Tumbling Skills Any Jump or Leap Traveling forwards Bunny Hop Forward Roll Variations Backward Roll Variations Handstand Cartwheel Variations Handstand Fwd Roll Handstand Pop/Flight with Hand Support Roundoff Roll to Handstand Handsprings Saulto Any other skills could be added with permission of the competition organiser. Gym for All School Gym Challenge 10 GSA Gym for All School Gym Challenge JUDGING THE EVENT This Worksheet is supposed to be a guide to judging the event with the top half being deductions and the bottom half being additions. If there is no deduction a 0 should be carried. ITEM GRADING TEAMWORK (Did the team work together?) -0.3 -0.5 -0.8 -1.0 PERFORMANCE (Was the performance effective and mistake free?) TIDYNESS (Bent arms and Legs?) -0.3 -0.5 -0.8 -1.0 TOTAL -1.5 -1.5 -0.3 -0.5 -0.8 -1.0 -1.5 NUMBER OF SKILLS Missing (BARS, BEAM ONLY) If 1 Skill Missing -1 etc -1, -2, -3, -4, -5 SUBTOTAL Execution INTENSIFICATION (Did the routine get harder with each participant?) STREAMING (Did the routine flow, e.g one person right after the other has finished?) +0.3, +0.5, +0.8, +1.0 +0.3, +0.5, +0.8, +1.0 SUBTOTAL Difficulty (+ Bonus for Level up or down here, e.g. level 5 doing all level 6 skills = +1.0) Final SCORE Gym for All School Gym Challenge 11 GSA Gym for All School Gym Challenge GYMNASTICS SA Team Gym Recording Sheet Please Circle: If a team is to complete the same skills please just add “ Tumbling / Trampette / Floor / Bars / Beam / Vault LEVEL AT SCHOOL_______ LEVEL COMPETING_______ Participant: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Participant: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Skill/Pass 1 Skill/Pass 3 Skill/Pass 2 Skill/Pass 4 Skill/Pass 5 In Syncro Team members 1&2 Would be Participant 1, Members 3&4 Would be Participant 2 etc. Gym for All School Gym Challenge 12 GSA Gym for All School Gym Challenge Competition Entry Form Competition Details Event Name GYM FOR ALL SCHOOL CHALLENGE Event Date CLOSING DATE: SCHOOL Details Name of SCHOOL Address Phone Email Contact Person Nominated Coaches GA No. (1 per team) GA No. GA No. Nominated Judges GA No. (2 per SCHOOL) GA No. GA No. ENTRY FEE: INDIVIDUAL Entry fee for the event will be $12.00 (incl GST) SEND NO MONEY NOW! Schools will be invoiced by GSA after the competition for the number of gymnasts entered into the event. No entries will be received on the day of the competition. Office use only: Payment No. of Gymnasts Office Use Only x Entry Fee Number of apparatus Total Fee Enclosed Receipt No. Gym for All School Gym Challenge Invoice No. 13 GSA Gym for All School Gym Challenge Competition Entry Form - (Continued) All details must be completed. Please print or type participant’s name(s) and make sure spelling is correct as the Participation Certificates are compiled from this form. Please group those in the same Year. School: First Name Surname Jim Nastics Year at school 3-7 School TEAM 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TEAM 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Gym for All School Gym Challenge 14 GSA Gym for All School Gym Challenge Competition Entry Form - (Continued) All details must be completed. Please print or type participant’s name(s) and make sure spelling is correct as the Participation Certificates are compiled from this form. Please group those in the same Year. School: First Name Surname Jim Nastics Year at school 3-7 School TEAM 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TEAM 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Gym for All School Gym Challenge 15 GSA Gym for All School Gym Challenge Competition Entry Form - (Continued) All details must be completed. Please print or type participant’s name(s) and make sure spelling is correct as the Participation Certificates are compiled from this form. Please group those in the same Year. School: First Name Surname Jim Nastics Year at school 3-7 School TEAM 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TEAM 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Gym for All School Gym Challenge 16
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