233 West Gay Street • West Chester, PA 19380 Phone: 610-692-2990 • Fax: 610-692-9623 Web: www.saintagnesparish.org Parish Staff PASTOR Rev. Alfonso J. Concha ( Fr. Al) PAROCHIAL VICAR Rev. Laurence J. Gleason WEEKEND MINISTRY Rev. Stephen J. Baker, O.S.A. Rev. John Franey DEACONS Deacon Victor Gonzalez Deacon Clement J. McGovern Deacon Thomas Shurer Sr. Dorothy Mayer, I.H.M., Superior of Convent-610-692-9430 Sr. Joan Felicia, I.H.M., School Principal-610-696-1260 Felicia Navarro, Coordinator of Religious Education-610-436-4640 Sr. Helene McGroarty, I.H.M., Hispanic Ministry-610-344-7224 Sr. Martha Staarman, O.S.U., Hispanic Ministry-610-436-5580 Mr. Sean McElwee, Dir. of [email protected] Mrs. Barbara Kirby, Dir. of Outreach Services-610-429-0697 Mr. John Mattia, Facilities Manager- 610-692-2990 Mrs. Joan Fogarty, Business Manager- 610-692-2990 Mr. Samuel Riccardo, Jr., Cemetery Manager- 610-692-4421 Schedule Sacraments MASSES BAPTISMS Saturday: 8:00 a.m. & 5:15 p.m. (Sunday Vigil) Second, Third and Fourth Sundays: 1:30 p.m. Sunday: 7:00, 9:00 & 10:30 a.m. & First Sunday in Spanish: 1:15 p.m. Saint Agnes Catholic Church Pre-Jordan, First Sunday (TPH), 12:00 p.m. 12:00 p.m. (Spanish), 5:15 p.m. 233 West Gay Street Weekdays: 6:30 & 8:00 a.m. CONFESSIONS West Chester, PA. 19380 First Friday: 6:30 & 9:00 a.m. Saturday: 4:00-5:00 p.m 610-692-2990 Holy Days: 5:15 p.m. (anticipated), 6:30 & 8:00 a.m. Vigil of Holy Days and www.saintagnesparish.org 12:10 & 5:15 p.m. (Spanish), 7:00 p.m. First Friday Eve: 4:00-4:30 pm MARRIAGES To register for Pre-Cana, www.philamarriageprep.com EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Wednesday: 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. June 14, 2015 If you know of a parishioner who is homebound and unable to come to Church please ask them to call the Rectory at 610/692-2990 and request a visit from a priest and an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion. Someone will contact them to schedule a visit. Congratulations to the following couple married at St. Agnes Church Brandon Kratz & Danielle Corrado REFLECTIONS ON DIVINE MERCY THE ROSARY A TREASURE Jesus told St. Maria Faus na that the Blessed Sacrament is the "throne of mercy on earth and to adore the Blessed Sacrament, My Heart which is full of Mercy." "I want Adora on to take place...for the inten on of imploring Mercy for the world." (Divine Mercy Diary 1070) "At mes when Chris anity itself AdoraƟon every Wednesday following the 8 a.m. Pray the Rosary daily and the Caplet of Divine Mercy following the 8 a.m. Mass. seemed under threat, its deliverance was a ributed to the power of this prayer, and Our Lady of the Rosary was acclaimed as the one whose intercession brought salvaon."(St. John Paul ll) Mass concluding at 8 in the evening. O COME LET US ADORE HIM CONGRATUALATIONS St Agnes Graduates Class of 2015!!!! Page 2 - 171 Week of June 14, 2015 Sunday: Eleventh Sunday In Ordinary Time (green) 9:00 AM: Frances Alesiani by Denise & Grey Stamas 10:30 AM: Arthur J. O’Connor III by Debbie Evans 5:15 PM: James McDonnell by Bridget Boyle Monday: Weekday (green) 6:30 AM: Richard Gullifer by Tom & Jill Farrelly 8:00 AM: Frances Alesiani by Jessie Howe Tuesday: Weekday (green) 6:30 AM: Timothy Deane by Family 8:00 AM: Mary & Mar ne Kerrigan by Jean & John Kerrigan Wednesday:Weekday (green) 6:30 AM: Frances Alesiani by Steve Marcocci 8:00 AM: Timothy Deane by Family Thursday: Weekday (green) 6:30 AM: Beatrice Roth 8:00 AM: Cheryl McGlinchy by Parker Family Friday: St. Romuald Abbot (green/white) 6:30 AM: Philip Braun Jr. by Kate Camden 8:00 AM: Frances Alisiani by William’s Family Saturday: Weekday (green/white) 8:00 AM: Helen Rothrock by Chris na Carroll USMC: Cpl John Mitas, 2nd Lt. , Pvt. Joseph Rochford,Jr., Sgt. Isaac Pineda ,Sgt. Joshua Feliciano USAF: Capt. Timothy J. Baldwin, 1st Lt. Kathleen Styron, Capt. Jared Yankech, Major Katie Sullivan, Major Lt.Adam M. Sema, 2nd Lt. Jessica Clark USN: LT Charles G. Schappert, CTR2 Alexandra Haney,CTR3 Reilly Haney,Lcpl Anthony Serrato USA: Specialist Jason Hall, Capt. John Paul Snook, Sgt. James Mac Fadden,1st Lt Eric Lugo, David P. Estes, Private 2nd Class, Specialist Ian Donoghue,1st Class,2nd Lt. Walter R. Snook, Capt. Jessica Bayer Chominski 1st Lt. John Eife, SPCMatthew Conway.2nd Lt.James DiBello SATURDAY,JULY 4TH 9:00 AM Daily Mass and 5:15 PM Vigil Mass Please remember in your prayers all those who have died Daniel Moore Debra Donohue Barbara Purcell Lisa Jacobsen, Samantha Calfapietra, Charles Gebel, Carol Theis, Geralyn Mattera, Bob Hoeveler ,Barbara Watkins, Kenneth Wylie,Tiffany Brandt,Breelyn Valentine, Phil Kennedy, Zachary Trexler, Megan Whitman, Alexandra Kendell, Isabella Large, John Frank, Joseph Zaber, Patty Rositter, William Joyce , Daniel Baumann Page 3 - 171 From St. Agnes Day Room: Congratulation and gratitude to Eliza Dorf, a fourth grade student at St. Agnes School, who recently received The Respect Program’s 2015 “Star Student of the Year Award”. The Award is presented by J.P. Mascaro and Sons who also kindly made a donation of $250.00 to the St. Agnes Day Room, as the chari‐ ty of Eliza’s choice. We are all proud of Eliza for being a respectful student with a generous spirit and grateful for the gift she earned for people in need in our community! As our thoughts turn toward summer vacations please consider helping us with our wish list: children’s sunscreen and bug repellent, water bottles and healthy snacks for our young campers. We also are in need of bar soaps, cleaning supplies and laundry detergents as well as non perishable items for our food bank. Praise God for all the ways in which this community helps us care for the needs of the poor! PARISH COUNCIL NEEDS YOU Are you a forward thinker? Do you care about the future of our parish? Would you like to share your gifts and talents with the parish? Please consider nominating yourself or someone else to serve a three year term on the Saint Agnes Parish Council. Parish Council meets once a month (usually the first Monday of the month from 7 – 8:30 p.m. in TPH). We need to have a diverse representation of the parish in order to be strong. If you would like more information, please contact a member of Council to find out about the work. To nominate yourself or another person by July 20, please email/call [email protected] or [email protected] or [email protected] or mbarcus Sunday CollecƟon Report Sunday Collec ons:6/7/2015– $29,229.28 (includes direct debit of $1706.50) Sunday Collec on: 5/25/14–$24,934.33 (includes direct debit of $1520.50) Thank You for your generosity to St. Agnes Parish! Greenleigh Chorale Concert On Sunday , June 14 at 3:00 pm the Greenleigh Chorale and Orchestra will present SIX CENTURIES OF PSALMS of JOY, HOPE, LOVE AND CELEBRATION. Included,, among others, are "To God Let Us Sing Our Praises" by Charpen er, "O Blest Are They" by Mozart, "From The End of The Earth" by Hovhaness, and "The Lord Is My Shepherd" by Ru er. We are grateful to be able to bring this wonderful sacred choral music to you, and hope you will be able to share in its excitement and beauty. 2nd CollecƟon For Relief in Nepal $3,266.00 Thank you for your generosity. Page 4 - 171 Enjoy Authen c Mexican food and help support our Mexican community . Proceeds are for the Celebra on of Our Lady of Guadalupe. TODAY , SUNDAY 6-14-15 !!! In the St. Agnes Cafeteria 9:00am to 2:00pm YOUTH DAILY MASS CHALLENGE JULY 20 –24 Join Ms. Felicia Navarro & Mr.Sean McElwee Meet at 8AM Mass each day and then gather for Breakfast aŌerwards on the steps of the Church. Need more info email [email protected] VacaƟon Bible School “EVEREST” Is July 13-17, 2015 Don’t miss out on this "Great Adventure” with God's Mighty Power Registra on Form is available on the Parish Web Page Under Faith Forma on – PREP/CCD ScripSummer Youth of St. Agnes (Grades 7-12) Come join us on Tuesdays from 7pm-8:30pm At 207 W. Gay St. (Between the School and the Convent) Rob –N- Raine can’t wait to see you there. June 29-Rectory Drop –Off July 28-Rectory Drop-Off August 27th-Cafeteria 6-8:ooPM (Welcome Back Fair) or Rectory Drop-Off All script is ready for pick up the following day. Page 5 - 171 PARISH E-MAIL SUBSCRIPTION Would you like to know more about what is happening here at Saint Agnes? For those of you who would enjoy receiving email’s concerning upcoming events here at Saint Agnes, please subscribe to our Saint Agnes Email by sending your name and email address to [email protected] or go to the school website (h p://saintagnesschoolwc.org/) and click on the email icon. Look for your first email to arrive some me this September! Changes in the Policies for the Protec on of Children and Young People Background Checks and Clearances Please note: The state has strengthened the Child Protec ve Services Law (CPSL). Some individuals who were not previously required to obtain the FBI Fingerprint Clearance must obtain it now. Excepons can no longer be made , related to the start date, July 1,2015. Anyone who is a paid staff member or a volunteer must have all clearances. Please visit www.childyouthprotecƟon for informa on. Adult Faith Formation School of Community – weekly companionship & reflection on the presence of Christ in our lives using writings promoted by Communion & Liberation, a lay movement founded by Msgr. Luigi Giussani Meets: Tuesday evenings 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm Day Room Contact: Barbara Kirby (610) 429-0697 Women’s Bible Study – “Walking toward Eternity” Meets: Thursday mornings 9am – 11 am TPH Contact: Sharon Chevalier (610) 738-7720 Men’s Bible Study Meets: Friday mornings 6:30 am – 7:30 am TPH Contact: Denny Masson –484-354-9601 The King’s Men Contact: Denny Masson—[email protected] Adult Evening Study -Please keep an eye out for upcoming evening study sessions Contact: Rob and Terry Gallagher at (610) 996-6761 or [email protected] Breaking Open of the Word- is a time to come together as a community and share how God speaks to us through his Word in Sacred Scripture proclaimed in the Sunday readings at Mass. Breaking Open the Word is every Sunday immediately following the 10:30 Mass. Both take place in the Religious Education Office. All are welcome to come and learn about the faith or share it with others. Anyone interested may contact Claudia Robuck at [email protected] or the Religious Education Office at (610) 436-4640. Crown of Thorns Prayer Ministry The ministry prays for healing of people with mental, emotional and physical illnesses, conversion of hearts and souls to God, and reparation of sins. Contact Chris Turner at [email protected] or call at 484-459-3838. Are You a Young Adult in Chester County? If you're a Catholic adult in your 20s or 30s, we want to meet you! Catholic Young Adults of Chester County (CYACC - pronounced "kayak") exists to offer you social, spiritual, and service opportuni es. Join us this Wednesday for a talk at Ss Peter and Paul parish in West Chester! Check us out on Facebook, at www.cyacc.org, or email us [email protected] for more informa on. Legion of Mary-Join us for work and devotions, Contact: Carmela Cinquina at [email protected] Page 6 - 171 IGLESIA SANTA INÉS 14dejuniode2015 Undécimo domingo del empo ordinario Ciclo B Misa en español Todos los domingos a las 12:00 (mediodía ) y días de precepto a las 7:00 pm. Horario de confesiones: Sábados de 4:00 a 5:00 pm en la iglesia. Bautizos: El primer domingo de cada mes a la 1:15pm. Comuníquese con la hernana Martha para registrarse a tiempo.(610) 436-5580. Clases de Inglés: Grupo A: Lunes y Jueves de 6:30 a 8:00 PM , y Grupo B: Martes y miércoles de 10:00 a 11:00 AM. Empezando en la semana del 15 de septiembre. Pláticas pre-bautismales: El último jueves de mes a las 7:00 pm, en la capilla. Comuníquese con Eva Henríquez al teléfono (610)692-4708. Grupos de Oración: Se reunen en el Thomas Patrick Hall (TPH) los miércoles a las 7:00pm. Para información, comuníquese con el señor Mauricio García al teléfono (484) 319-2910 ó (484) 319-0648 . Boleơn: Para cualquier anuncio que desee publicar en esta página del bole n, favor de llamar a Eva Henriquez al teléfono (610) 692-4708 o enviar mensaje: [email protected] Comité Parroquial: Se reune todos los 3er lunes de cada mes enThomas Patrick Hall a las 700pm. Rosarios en las casas: Si desea el rezo del rosario en su casa comuníquese con Maria Or z al teléfono (610) 696-7192 Hermanos, habéis aprendido cómo el reino de los cielos, con toda su grandeza, se compara a un grano de mostaza. Si la debilidad de Dios es más fuerte que el hombre, y si la locura de Dios es más sabia que el hombre, esta pequeña cosa, que es propiedad de Dios, es más espléndida que toda la inmensidad del mundo. Nosotros solamente podemos sembrar en nuestro corazón esta semilla de mostaza, de modo que llegue a ser un gran árbol del conocimiento, sobrepasando su altura para elevar nuestro pensamiento hasta el cielo, desplegando todas las ramas de la inteligencia. Cristo es el reino. Como una semilla de mostaza, ha sido sembrado en un jardín el cuerpo de la Virgen. Creció y llegó a ser el árbol de la cruz que cubre la erra entera. Después de que hubiera sido triturado por la pasión , su fruto produjo bastante sabor para dar buen gusto y aroma a todos los seres vivos que lo tocan. Porque , mientras la semilla de mostaza permanezca intacta, sus virtudes quedan escondidas, pero despliegan toda su potencia cuando la semilla es molida. De igual modo Cristo quiso que su cuerpo fuera molido para que su fuerza no quedase escondida. Cristo es rey, porque es el principio de toda autoridad. Cristo es el reino, porque en Él reside toda la gloria de su reino. Page 7 - 171 St. Agnes School News CongratulaƟons to the St. Agnes School Class of 2015 On Thursday, June 11, 2015 the 44 members of the 142nd gradua ng class of St. Agnes School joined together for a final celebra on. This was the celebra on of our Catholic iden ty as we joined for the beau ful gradua on liturgy. Father Al reminded the graduates to keep learning about the faith and to be faithful to a ending Mass each week. Johanna Arevalo Miguel Fuentes Vayda Monroe Gabriel Arizin Daniel Gillinger Joseph O'Malley Mary Byerley Robert Guldi Aaron Parker Erin Byrd Michael Hayes Ashley Reilly Madilyn Cahill Julia Hirs Rebecca Richard Stephen Caliendo Samantha Jones Shane Rokke Lauren Cavanaugh Desmond Jones Jr Natalie Ryder Katherine Chevalier Marek Kazimierczyk Marie Shurer Liam Cooney Mac Kozinski Elizabeth Talluto Annelise Daly Riley Longenderfer Maura Taylor John Daniels Matthew McCarthy Luke Wierman Theresa Dever Ehrin Mears Colin Wolfe Our mission at Saint Agnes Catholic School is to develop every student spiritually, intellectually, physically, emoƟonally and socially in a joyful, faith-based environment that inspires integrity, ciƟzenship, leadership and service to others in the Church and in the world. Page 8 - 171 Page 9 - 171 InformaƟon Page Church: St. Agnes Bulle n No. 171 Pages: 9 Contact Informa on: Mar ne Simonis 610-692-2990 OS: So ware: Windows XP Publisher 2010, Acrobat Standard X Transmission: Wednesday, Noon Page 10 - 171
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