Archdiocese of Halifax-Yarmouth TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Information: [email protected] Bulletin submissions: [email protected] 1531 Grafton St. Halifax NS B3J 2Y3 (902) 429-9800 #201, 65 Green St. Yarmouth NS B5A 1Z6 (902) 742-7163 WORLD MISSION SUNDAY orld Mission Sunday, organized by the Society for the Propaga- W tion of the Faith, is a day set aside for Catholics worldwide to recommit themselves to the Church's missionary activity through prayer and sacrifice. Annually, World Mission Sunday is celebrated on the next-to-last Sunday in October. As described by Pope John Paul II, World Mission Sunday is "an important day in the life of the Church because it teaches how to give: as an offering made to God, in the Eucharistic celebration and for all the missions of the world" (see Redemptoris Missio 81). In the Archdiocese of Halifax-Yarmouth the collection for World Mission Sunday is incorporated into our Archbishop’s Annual Appeal. A portion of what is received through the Appeal will be forwarded towards the efforts of World Mission Sunday. SISTERS OF CHARITY-HALIFAX NEW LEADERSHIP TEAM S isters of Charity-Halifax have elected a new Leadership Team, effective September 27. Congregational Leader: Sister Joan O'Keefe Congregational Councillors: Sisters Kathleen Crowley, Mary Katherine (Kati) Hamm, Cecilia Hudec, Roberta Kerins and Maryanne Ruzzo. Sister Joan O’Keefe is well-known in Nova Scotia, where she's lived since she first entered the congregation. She taught school in Shad Bay, Herring Cove, Westphal and Hebbville, then moved into parish work in Bridgewater, Liverpool and Bedford. Sister Joan was coordinator of the Single Parent Centre (now Chebucto Family Centre) in Spryfield from 1989-2002. She served on the Congregational Leadership Team 2002-2008, and has been a volunteer doula since then. Sisters Kathleen Crowley and Maryanne Ruzzo currently live in Massachusetts, Sisters Kati Hamm and Roberta Kerins in New York, and Sister Cecilia Hudec lives in Richmond, BC. EVENTS & MEETINGS Oct 29, 7:00pm-8:30pm. An evening of Eucharistic Adoration, Praise and Worship at St. John Vianney Parish, 4 Beaver Bank Road, Lower Sackville. Regardless of where you are in your faith journey, this is a great opportunity to gather before the Blessed Sacrament in prayer, song and witness! Food & fellowship to follow! All are welcome. For information, call (902) 865-2112. Nov 3, 2:00pm & 7:00pm. The Paul Wattson Lecture 2014. Religious Identity in the 21st Century: Virtual Communities, Double Belonging and the Place of the Individual. Guest Speaker is The Rev. Dr. Kristin Johnston Largen, Interim Dean & Associate Professor of Systematic Theology and Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg. Monday, November 3 at 2 pm at AST – St. Columba Chapel, 634 Francklyn Street, Halifax, NS. Monday, November 3 at 7 pm at Saint Mary’s University, Scotiabank Conference Theatre, Sobey Building, 903 Robie Street. The Rev. Dr. Kristin Johnston Largen brings a diverse and expansive background in systematic theology. She teaches a variety of theological loci courses, with a particular focus on soteriology. She also teaches comparative theology and specializes in Buddhism and Hinduism. She is committed to the training of public theologians at Gettysburg Seminary, and believes strongly in the relevance of systematic theology, both to one's public ministry and to one's personal faith life. All are welcome – free admission. Nov 7-8. Symposium. OMI Lacombe Canada's Office of Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation (JPIC) in partnership with Saint Paul University is pleased to invite you at a Symposium that will take place at Saint Paul University, Ottawa, ON. The theme of the Symposium is: "The Global Cry of the People: Mining Extraction and Justice." See the link for individuals to view materials and register. otion=com_content&view=article&id=1414&Itemid=189&lan g=en GOOD FOOD GOOD STUFF Oct 25, 12:00pm-4:00pm. Olde fashion penny and bake sale at St. Bernard Parish, Enfield, in basement. A fun-filled afternoon at our 4th Annual Penny and Bake Sale. Draws start at 3:00pm. Something for everyone. Sponsored by CWL. Halifax Meals on Wheels Volunteers Needed Halifax Meals on Wheels needs volunteers who can give approximately two hours of time once a week, to help drive and/or deliver meals to our clients. If you are interested in joining our group, please call (902) 429-4299 for more information. Thank you. In need of Halifax Meals on Wheels If you are someone, or know of someone, who has difficulty preparing food for themselves, you might want to consider our service. Our volunteers deliver a prepared meal at reasonable cost, with the advantage of a quick visit. For additional information, please call our office at (902) 429-4299. OCTOBER 19, 2014 Vol. 49, No. 39 A R C H D I O C E S E o f H A L I FA X Give to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s. Matthew 22:15-21 ARCHBISHOP’S ANNUAL APPEAL T he 2014 Archbishop’s Annual Appeal starts this weekend in our parishes of this Church of HalifaxYarmouth. The Appeal runs from October 19 until the Feast of Christ the King on November 23. Appeal resource information has been mailed to many parishioners and is also available at your parish. How you can give to the Appeal? Make a pledge! Online! Go to and click on Donate Now to make a pledge or one time donation by credit card. Make a one time donation! By cheque (made payable to your parish), credit card, bequests, stocks, or memorials. Please use the Appeal return envelope and donor card to make a pledge or donation. This envelope can be returned via your parish Sunday Collection at any time. For more information on how to make a donation or on the campaign in general please contact Cathy DriscollCainen at (902) 429-9800 ext. 308, email: [email protected] This year’s overall goal for the 2014 Appeal is $400,000, a portion of which is shared with your parish. Let us help one another take on our mission, support our communities and form ourselves and others to be missionary disciples. May we continue do as Christ called us to do: Go therefore and make disciples! (Mt. 28.19) Thank you for your generosity! Archbishop’s Annual Appeal Prayer 2014 God, Our Father: Thank you for the many blessings you have bestowed upon me. Help me to better recognize and appreciate your love in all aspects of my life. Please guide me as I prayerfully consider how I can best do my part as a Missionary Disciple; to share in the joy of knowing you and to make a positive impact on my community. Amen PASTORAL LETTER RELEASE O n October 24 the much anticipated Pastoral Letter from Archbishop Mancini will be made available to the faithful. Our Archbishop’s Pastoral Letter, “Lord, where are you going?” (Domine Quo Vadis?) is, in part, the fruit of many consultations and conversations with clergy and laity over this past year. This Letter will, through our prayer and the Holy Spirit, inspire in us further reflections and action. To mark this part in our journey of Transformation all members of the diocese are invited to join with Archbishop Mancini for a special Evening Prayer on Friday, October 24 at 7:00pm at Saint Mary’s Basilica Cathedral. All are welcome! The Letter speaks to the needs of our local Church and proposes a shared action plan that aims to help us meet the challenges we face to rebuild our local Church. A summary of the Letter, as well as information on how to access a copy of the Letter in its entirety, will be available at Evening Prayer. May the Holy Spirit continue to guide our efforts to be formed into disciples of Jesus to meet today’s challenges. St. Agnes & St. John The Baptist St. Agnes Parish—6903 Mumford Rd, Halifax N.S. B3L 2H4 Phone: 902-454-8200 fax: 902-455-3831 Website: email: [email protected] Weekday Masses: Wed. & Fri . 12:10 pm Tue & Thu 8:00am Saturday: 4:00pm (anticipated) Sunday: 8:30am & 10:30am Confessions: Saturdays 3pm – 3:30pm. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Wednesdays 9-12 Pastor: Fr. Paul Morris Email: [email protected] Assistant Priest: Fr. Larry Pitcher 902-471-5458 Email: [email protected] Pastoral Associate: Annie Kulczycki email : [email protected] Religious Ed. Dir: Tanya Thomson Direct ph # (454-8281) or [email protected] Office Administrator: Marlene Turpin Parish Office Hours: 7:00am – 3:00pm Pastoral Council Chair: Valerie Bobyk Email: [email protected] Finance Council Chair: Andrew Miller Music Coordinator: Gregory Doyle 902-488-0794 St Agnes Church has a designated Scent Free area on the front right hand side of the church by the tabernacle in the first 6 rows. Signage is visible. St. John the Baptist—26 Purcell’s Cove Road, Halifax N.S. B3N 1R4 Phone: 902-477-3110 fax: 902-455-3831 Website: Weekday Mass: Wed 7pm , - Mon, Tue ,Thu at 9am Saturday: 4:00pm (anticipated) Sunday: 9:00 & 11:00am Confessions: Sat 3– 3:45pm & by appointment Religious Education Tish Sachetti [email protected] Financial—Susan Hann (477-3362) Email; [email protected] Pastoral Council Chair: Brett Woodbury - 477-9358 Email: [email protected] Finance Council Chair: Al Driscoll - 477-3318 Email: [email protected] Marriages: by appointment only. 1 year notice must be given. Please contact the office. Baptisms: Take place on the last Sunday of every month. Please Contact the office. RCIA: Please contact Annie Kulczycki . Hall Bookings: St Agnes call Marlene 454-8200 St. John the Baptist call Susan 477-3362. 29th Sunday Ordinary time St. Agnes Religious Education : Saint Agnes Young Adults Meeting – Sunday October 19th 11:30am – 12:30pm – Father Frecker Room. Let’s get together, enjoy a light lunch and discuss some Faith and Fellowship concepts pertinent to today’s young adults. Our relationship with Christ is ever evolving, let’s share some ideas on how to provide opportunities for continued growth in Christ. If you are any age between 18 & 35 please join us. If you have questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact Tanya Thomson. Saint Agnes Catechist and Children’s Liturgy Leaders Commissioning – Sunday Oct. 19th at the 10:30am Mass. We are very blessed to have wonderful stewards willing to dedicate themselves to passing on God’s Word. Our gifts are meant to be shared and it is with great appreciation for the sharing of their gifts that we will celebrate, bless and commission our 2014/2015 Catechetical Team: Kathleen Sautiere, Ann Marie Sautiere, Mary McGuire, Claire Noel, Lauren Willett, Courtney Thomson, Amanda Fitzgerald, Erin Ring, Bernadine Halliday, Marylouise Wiack, Brooke McNeil, Sinead Murray, Tanya MacDonald, Tricia Murray, Anna Cortello, Lucas Bonner, Barb Jones-Gordon, Denise Fitzgerald, Terence Mulroy, Meaghan Speck, Sarah & Sandie Reyes, Julia & Catherine Droesbeck, Makayla & Carla Sampson, Ivanseth Ong, Justin Cuison, Valeria Del Agulia, Mariana Nutarova, Karen Gillis, Jennifer Punch, Jennifer Lilly Saint Agnes Steubenville Fundraiser – Steeped Tea Party – Sunday Oct.26th 9:30am – 10:15am – Please plan to drop in / stay during Religion Classes the morning of the Oct.26th. We are having a Steeped Tea Party with wonderful teas to sample and lovely homemade sweets (some made with the tea!). This fundraiser is to help us continue to pay off our 2014 Steubenville bill, we took our largest group yet, 62, which also means our largest bill yet too J. Your support would be very much appreciated at the Steeped Tea Party. Saint Agnes Little Church – Do you know the funds from the little church go to support education and good health for our brothers and sisters in Africa? Over the past five years Saint Agnes Little Church supports two young orphaned girls, Josephine and Gorreth, who attend St. Theresa’s Girl’s Boarding School in Kisubi, Uganda. More recently the Little Church has been helping the village of Kamakwie, Sierra Leone with basic education and health needs. Our parish children are participating in discipleship in a most blessed and essential way. Thank you for your family’s Little Church contributions > Little Church = Big Change! Also, please pray for Josephine, Gorreth and the villagers of Kamakwie as they battle Ebola and the strife of everyday life. October 19th, 2014 St. John The Baptist Social Justice Committee seeks donations of gently-used and new items used for household supplement. Ie: kitchenware, small appliances, linens . Double or queen-size bedding (please mark size on bags), towels (bath & hand-size), small TVs, DVD players, microwaves and . Please leave donations in church porch before and after any one of the Masses, Nov. 1-2 and Nov. 8-9. Monetary donations are also welcome. Please place in an envelope clearly marked with your name/address and/or envelope # for income tax purposes. For more info call Carol Bruneau, 902-477-6764, or nd Saint Agnes New Parishioner Meet n’ Greet – Sunday Nov. 2 11:30am in the Leo Day Auditorium. Are you new to the parish? We would love to meet you and welcome you into our parish family. Please drop in on Nov.2nd 11:30am – 12:30am enjoy some refreshments, meet some of our Parish Staff and Ministry Leaders. We look forward to the opportunity to welcome you into the Saint Agnes fold. MOM'S MORNING OUT – Wednesdays 10:30am – 12:00 Saint Agnes Leo Day Auditorium. Moms and their children newborn to preschool are invited to a morning of companionship, support and prayer! This gathering will give you the opportunity to meet other moms, and to allow your kids to play with other children, all while going deeper in your relationship with God. Coffee and tea will be served, and we ask, if able, that you bring a treat to share! There will be toys for the little ones, and our hope is to offer childcare while us mamas break off into another room for a short time of prayer and discussion. Regardless of where you are in your faith, even if you haven't been to Mass in a long time, you are most welcome to join us! Childcare support for Mom’s Morning Out - If you do not have small children, but love children and are free on Wednesday mornings, would you consider helping us by watching the little ones so that our mothers can have some quiet time to pray? Please contact Jackie Lavery 902-877-0548 or [email protected] or Tanya Thomson 902-454-8281 [email protected] Women Walking with Christ Weekend Experience Friday, November 14, 6-9pm and Saturday, November 15, 9:30am-3pm at St Agnes Leo Day Auditorium. Women from age 16-106 are welcome to join us. Each weekend experience is new. We will be joining together to share faith, prayer and discussion. Registration forms are available on the bulletin board in the vestibule of both parishes, please take one and fill it out, you will be glad that you did. If you have any questions please call Annie at 902 454-8200 and press 3. Registration will also be available on line for those who have access to the internet. St. Agnes & St. John the Baptist Upcoming Events. Sunday October 19 SA—Children of Mary Campbell Centre 2pm Monday October 20 SA—Bingo—Leo Day auditorium 6:50pm SJB—CWL Meeting -parish Hall –7pm Tuesday October 21 SJB—Alpha—Parish Hall 5:30pm SA—Meditation—Campbell Centre 1:30pm SA—Acts St. Agnes Rm 2:30pm SA—SVDP—Campbell Centre- 7pm Wednesday October 22 St. Agnes—Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 9am—12 noon SA—Mom’s morning out 10:30—12:00 noon SA—Great Bible Adventure St. Agnes Rm 12:45pm Thursday October 23 SA— Meditation—Campbell Centre 1:30pm SA—Prayer Shawl —Campbell Centre 2:30pm Saturday October 25 SA—Magnificat Breakfast 9—1pm SA—New Players Concert 7pm Sunday October 26 SA—Youth Mass 10:30am - Commissioning of Catechist/reception SJB—October Soup Luncheon 12:00 Magnificat Women’s Prayer Breakfast Saturday October 25, 2014 from 9am to 12 noon in the St. Agnes Leo Day Auditorium; Guest speaker is Heather Taylor. For tickets please contact Marlene Smuck [email protected]. @ 902-443-4665 or Doreen Slaunwhite @ 477-6420. Tickets $15 Saint John the Baptist - Chicken Soup Luncheon: Sun Oct 26 from 12 to 1:30pm; $5.00. Soup, Roll or crackers, Dessert, Tea or Coffee. Donations of dessert would be greatly appreciated (cut in individual servings). Desserts can be dropped off at hall under the Church before 11am Mass. Volunteers are needed Call Sheila Broussard 477-1496. Contact Bruce Marriott at mailto:[email protected] 902 477 -7936, for tickets.
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