17th May, 2015 THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD - Year B - Worship Schedule Masses this Weekend: Vigil Mass: Saturday 6pm Sunday: 9am Sunday: 6pm Weekday Mass: St Anthony’s Parish 54 Agincourt Road. (PO Box 3670) Marsfield, 2122 Phone: 9888 5222 Fax: 9878 2741 Email: [email protected] Website: saintanthonys.org.au Parish Office Hours: Mon-Fri.9.30am—1pm Parish Staff & Contacts Pastor: Joseva Tuimavule N cm Monday: 9am (Liturgy of the Word) Email: [email protected] Tuesday: 9am Pastoral Associate: Madeleine Pizzuti Wednesday: 9am Email: [email protected] Thursday: 9am Parish Secretary: Rose Goh Friday: 9am Email: [email protected] Reconciliation Saturday 5.30pm Anytime by appointment The Word of God… Parish Secretary: Rita Salameh Email: [email protected] School Principal: Julianne Rook Email: [email protected] 1st Reading: Apostles 1:1-11 Responsorial Psalm: 46:2-3,6-9 God mounts his throne to shouts of joy: a blare of trumpets for the Lord. 2nd Reading: Ephesians 4:1-7,11-13 Gospel: Mark 16:15-20 PARISH DIARY: Sunday, 17 May—24 May, 2015 Kevin Johnson Funeral Mon 18 May 11am If you witness anyone illegally dumping their rubbish on our property, please report straight to the police. Thank you P R A Y E R M I N I S T R Y You are asked to keep in your prayers all parishioners, friends & relatives who are suffering through illness, especially - Ambrose Hee Chong Lim, Rhonda Brown, Rosemary Williams, Merle Ranasinghe, Pam Taig, Eddie Yap, Poh Lian Yap, Konrad Wrzesinski, Magdalena Wrzesinska, Bishop Geoffrey Robinson, Kidir Sitthampalam, Patricia Whiteford, Phyllis Tay, Baby Harper Stapleton, Fr David Catterall, Denise Ghali =============== Due to privacy laws, if you would like the name of a family member or friend to be printed in the Good Oil, please contact the Parish Office. Also, please keep in your prayers those who have died, recently - Kevin Johnson Luciano Calvi Giorgio Gioiello Philip Brown (Brother & brother in law of Frank & Mary Brown) Agnes Orland Sr Anne Nolan DC Sr Beryl Rogan sgs And those whose anniversaries occur at this time: Patricia Restelli (24/5) Felix Dias Abeysinghe (9th Anni) WYD 2016 LAUNCH + YOUNG ADULT WELCOME TO ARCHBISHOP ANTHONY – 19 May All young adults are invited to Sydney’s launch of World Youth Day 2016. This will also be the first time that our new Archbishop will be present at an official Archdiocesan event for young adults so it is a great opportunity to meet and welcome him. It will be a huge night of celebration with Polish food, Polish dancing, information stalls, a catechesis from the Archbishop and even a spot of fine Polish vodka! Come and hear about the exciting pilgrimages that Sydney will be taking in 2016 to the City of Mercy. The evening will be held at St Mary’s Cathedral College Hall on Tuesday 19 May from 7.30pm. The Archbishop will also be presiding at City Silence (the weekly young adult holy hour) in the Cathedral from 6.30pm. For more information see the event at www.facebook.com/catholicyouthservices or email [email protected]. #getexcited #bemerciful DATE CLAIMER: Please note the date change St Anthony’s Parish Fundraiser Ladies afternoon tea for Breast & Ovarian Cancer “High Tea” - Saturday 17 October 2015 Please join us on our Facebook page for all up to date information. Marsfield vinyard A very big thank you to all who were involved in our Mother’s Day Masses last weekend. Thank you for all the organisation from the liturgy committee, musicians, speakers, acolytes, choir, readers, alter servers, the youth and of course to our special mothers who were present. We hope all our mothers had a very special day. Celebrating St Anthony of Padua with an International Food Luncheon To celebrate our Parish Feast Day, we are having a special Mass, on Sunday, June 14th at 10am, followed by an International Food Lunch. We invite people to bring food to share with all our Parish Community! Please register what you intend to bring at the Parish Office on 9888 5222. CHARITABLE WORKS FUND (CWF) PASTORAL APPEAL. The appeal was held successfully by our parish. On behalf of the church community we wish to express our heartfelt thanks for your consideration and support. Through your financial contributions, you allow the Catholic Church to extend its assistance, comfort and care to our brothers and sisters most in need. Your help, however small, is always received with gratitude. We welcome into our Parish Community through the Sacrament of Baptism this weekend: Joanne & Emily (Children of Patsy & William) ‘WALKING THE CAMINO’ TH SATURDAY MAY 30 , 2.00pm. Tenison Room, Mary MacKillop Place, 80 Williams Street, North Sydney. An 80 minute audio-visual presentation by Peter Kearney about a 700 km walk through northern Spain along an ancient pilgrimage path to Santiago de Compostela. Photos, music and live commentary by Peter who has walked the Camino. Suggested donation $10 / $8 concession pp at door. Limited seating. Registration essential via email to Peter: [email protected] Specify event location, session time and number of seats needed. COMMENTS: "Easily the best account of the Camino I have seen. Peter’s commentary and selection of music accompany a brilliant array of photos. (John Dawson) “A beautifully put together 80 minutes”. (Virginia Adlide) Mercy Music & Performance Academy May Workshops This month, OLMC Parramatta is launching the Mercy Music and Performance Academy Parramatta. Building on the strong musical tradition established by the Sisters of Mercy at OLMC, the Mercy Music and Performance Academy cultivates and nurtures the creative talents of young performers. The Academy offers instrumental lessons and workshops for both boys and girls. Students aged 9 – 14 are invited to attend the Vocal Workshop (9am – 12pm) and/or the Woodwind Workshop (1-4pm) on May 23 and May 30 (over 2 days). Cost: $150 per workshop see www.olmc.nsw.edu.au/TheAcademy for more information and to book. WALK WITH CHRIST—SUNDAY, 7 JUNE 2015 Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ Sydney’s Annual Procession of The Blessed Sacrament. Step out in faith! Join thousands of Catholics in procession through the streets of Sydney as we sing and pray for our needs and the needs of our city. Write your wishes and hopes in our Parish’s "Book of Life" which will be carried in the Procession and blessed at final prayers. THE BOOK CAN BE FOUND IN THE FOYER OF THE CHURCH FROM THIS WEEKEND. Starting from St Patrick’s, Church Hill (Grosvenor St), the procession travels through the streets of Sydney and culminates with prayer and Benediction at St Mary’s Cathedral forecourt. Please assemble at Lang Park, opposite St. Patrick's Church Hill at 2pm. The procession will commence at 2:30pm. Walk With Christ provides an opportunity for participants to pray for the needs of the city, to strengthen their Catholic identity and most importantly, to affirm their faith in the Eucharist. Walk With Christ engages Catholics of all ages and backgrounds and revives a rich Catholic tradition of public faith demonstration. Don't miss this extraordinary event! Bring your family and friends and join us as we witness to the presence of Christ in our city. We are having a special collection this weekend at all masses for the Caritas Nepal Earthquake Appeal. This will help raise money for the victims of the Earthquake. You will be aware that over 7,250 people have been confirmed to date, as having perished in this tragedy. Given the urgency of raising funds for the Nepal Earthquake Appeal, it will not be possible to print and circulate an envelope for this Appeal. For those parishioners who require a tax deductible receipt for their donation, it will be necessary for them to either: 1. Give online to Caritas at http://www.caritas.org.au or 2. Telephone Caritas toll free on 1800 024 413 to record their donation. THE CATHOLIC WEEKLY— 17th May, 2015 The gender agenda: when theory doesn’t fit with reality Pope might bring me back to Church: Raoul Castro Francis names Archbishop Fisher to Vatican body Andrew set to reign in Downpour – Pentecost Eve Down among the lepers: pilgrimage to Molokai ‘Africa’s voice must be heard’ in October synod: pope Bishops choose Darwin family to represent Australia at World Meeting of Families in US Catholic schools boss goes back to the classroom In Available at the front entrance to the Church. Please put your $2.00 in the Poor Box. CAPTAINS, PLEASE ENSURE TO REMIND YOUR TEAM COUNTERS ROSTER FOR MAY– JUNE: 17/5-Team 6; 24/5-Team 7; 31/5-Team 8; 7/6-Team 9; Please take home a copy of the Good Oil. However, if you prefer not to, please return it to the trays found at each entrance to the Church. COMMUNION UNDER BOTH KINDS Please consider the following: 1. If you have a cold or flu symptoms (or any other communicable disease, cold sores, etc.) you MUST NOT receive communion from the Chalice. 2. In accordance with the General Instruction, we DO NOT DIP the Host in the Chalice. DON’T FORGET TO TURN OFF YOUR MOBILE PHONE. THANK YOU
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