“Let Us Journey Together” Dear Parents & Faculty, June 2015 My final newsletter of the 2014-2015 school year - wow, hard to believe the time has gone by so fast. I know it is so cliché but cherish all the time you have with your children as they DO grow up so fast, and before you know it they’ll be picking a high school, asking for the keys to the car, choosing a college, and on, and on, and on - you fill in the blanks. Make some time with your children over the summer and take advantage of their availability, even if it’s just having dinner on the patio. As you are all aware, we had to cancel our May meeting so we WILL be having a final PTU business meeting on June 10, at 6:30 in the school meeting room off the kitchen. There will be a lot of business to discuss so we hope you can make it and have your voice heard. In addition to appointing two board positions, we will be discussing new events, anticipated dates for next year and closing out this year. The last Market Day pick-up (until August) is June 11 so be sure to get your orders in and show your support for the school by purchasing even one item. In regard to next year, we are hoping to add a couple new events. We are again planning to hold the Trunk or Treat event and are also considering ideas submitted from our members for new events. Recent submissions have included a Father/Daughter dance as well as Mother/Son bowling and even a Wildcat 5K. While I appreciate all the work that has come before this board, I also think we have opportunities to evolve and grow, and that includes putting forth the best events to encourage community, friendship and faith. For those who attended meetings or volunteered at events, thank you for your participation. For those who could attend the Family Bingo Night, we hope you enjoyed it and all the festivities it brought. Congratulations to all the winners, but awarding prizes for your support doesn’t go far enough to show our thanks so please always know it is greatly appreciated. One of the most rewarding aspects of my role is to see how many people step up in a time of need to make sure tasks are carried out. There were times when I had no idea how we would get something done and there always seemed to be a suggested word or a volunteer to lend their time. For that, I say thanks again. I couldn’t possibly list all those who volunteered, but I need to recognize a few individuals for their contributions. Thanks to Brenda Sutton for heading up membership and supporting volunteer coordination, Kim Tenerowicz for chairing the recycling efforts, Tim Ungvarsky and Rob Moskalski for their work during Fish Fry and Jackie McCarthy for her tireless efforts running Market Day. Big note of thanks for all the work that Mrs. O’Gorman, Mrs. Klonowski and Mr. McKay provided through the school and a huge thank you to Mrs. Updegrove for her continued support and guidance. Lastly, thank you to the PTU board for their understanding and flexibility as together we figured things out this year. As we head in to the summer, don’t let up on recycling and continue to fill the bins in both lots. All your “trash” is really paying dividends to the school in the long run and we’ll have the footprints online updated soon to show how your efforts are paying off. Hope to see you at the Carnival and rumor has it there is a fantastic band playing on Sunday night, so be sure to make it for that! Now for our last monthly health tidbit – additional thanks to Mrs. Lembach for her monthly partnership on the tidbits. For most kids, this time of year is pretty exciting. Getting out of school, warmer weather, and no homework are all high points. Usually the biggest concern for kids (and parents) is how to fill all that free time! Although sitting in front of the TV or computer is a common summer hobby, sedentary kids are highly likely to experience unhealthy weight gain during the summer months. In fact, a study published in the American Journal of Public Health reported that the BMI (body mass indexes) of kindergarten and 1st graders increased almost twice as much during summer break as compared to the school year. With that in mind, here are some tips from the experts on how to make 60 minutes of physical activity a part of your child's day: Turn off the TV Make exercise a family affair Create structure Check out day camps (some are free!) Make it fun Keep sports equipment handy Get friends involved Lastly, be sure to include moderate and vigorous aerobic activities in addition to bone and muscle strengthening activities! Have a happy, healthy summer! Almighty God We give you our school. We give you all the teachers and staff who work here, We give you all the children who study here. We pray our school would be place of great discovery, adventure and creativity. May it be a place where we love to learn and where we learn to love, A place where everyone is respected and all are deeply valued. We ask all this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. God Bless, Chris Bentley President, St Charles PTU [email protected]
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