3rd SUNDAY OF EASTER April 19th, 2015 DAILY WEEKDAY MASSES MON, TUES, THURS & FRI – 12:15 pm, WED, 9:00 am SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION During Wednesday evening eVena Prayer or by appointment SICK & HOMEBOUND EVENA PRAYER SERVICE - WED., 7 pm Meet Our Office Staff & Volunteers Pastor: Fr. Patrick Cosgrove Assistant: Fr. John DeCoste Deacon: Tom Smith Administrative Assistant: Kelley SullivanDurnford Director of Religious Education: Peggy Dupuy Pastoral Assistant: Claire Pottie Parish Council Chair: Rosemarie Sampson Choir Leaders: Saturday 4:00pm: Chris Mader Sunday 9:00 am: Brent MacDonald 11:15 am: Betty Gillis 6:00 pm: Roxanne Pereira Our choirs are always ready to welcome new members. If you are interested in joining a choir please call the office or speak to a choir leader before or after Mass. If you know someone who is seriously ill, in the hospital or homebound that would like a Parish Visitor or to receive Communion, please contact the Parish Office SENIORS' MASSES The Berkeley: Third Wednesday, 10:15 am Northwood Ivany Place: Every Saturday, 11:00 am PRAYING THE SCRIPTURES Readings for next week: April 26 – 4TH Sunday of Easter First Reading: Acts 4.7-12 Second Reading: 1 John 3.1-2 Gospel: John 10.11-18 REGULAR MONTHLY MEETINGS Parish Council: First Thursday, 7 pm, Knights of Columbus: 4th Thursday, 7 pm St. Vincent de Paul Society: 2nd Wed, 6:30 pm Catholic Women’s League: 3rd Saturday, 2 pm Carmelites: First Saturday, 9 am K OF C GRAND KNIGHT: Titus Gomez CWL PRESIDENT: Sharon Forbrigger NO SCENTS MAKES GOOD SENSE! Please refrain from wearing perfume/cologne to Mass. UPCOMING UPCOMING EVENTS APR 20 – ALPHA WINE & CHEESE- 7:00 PM - HALL APR 22 - TOASTMASTERS – 7:00 PM – HALL APR 22 – EVENA PRAYER – 7:00 PM APR 27 – SCANS LECTURE – 10:00 AM – HALL APR 29 - TOASTMASTERS – 7:00 PM – HALL APR 29 – EVENA PRAYER – 7:00 PM MAY 2 – 1st HOLY COMMUNION RETREAT – 9:00 AM – HALL MAY 3 – 1st HOLY COMMUNION – 6:00 PM – RECEPTION FOLLOWING EVENA PRAYER If you do not need prayer, prayer needs you! Would you like to join eVena Prayer? Ask, seek, and knock and we will help you get started. Very rewarding and very strengthening! The best gift you can give others is to pray for them. Ask if you need prayer; our Intercessors will be happy to pray for your intentions! God's grace and blessings, always! Luke 11:9 "So I say to you, ask, and it will be give to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you." HISTORICAL INTRODUCTIONS TO TODAY’S READINGS First reading: Acts 3.13-15, 17-19 The book of Acts tells Gentile converts how their new religion got started. Here the author depicts an early challenge to Jews to embrace Jesus as the fulfillment of their hopes. Second reading: 1 John 2.1-5 The community of John had dissident members who preached a weak doctrine of Jesus, who claimed to special knowledge of God, and who did not practice Jesus' commandment to love one another. This letter tries to heal the wounds caused by these members in the community. Gospel: Luke 24.35-48 The same author who gave us the book of acts gives us this gospel. He depicts Jesus reassuring doubtful disciples, and connecting their heritage to the startling events of their present. PASTORAL PLAN LENTEN SERIES Pastoral Plan Lenten Video Series (Parish Mission) Attached to this week’s bulletin is a summary of the responses to questions that were discussed at our recent parish mission. Thanks to Ursula Wiesner for providing the note-taking! Do some or all of these comments ring true for you? Would you add anything? Thank you! With Fr. John Fletcher, C.C. Tuesday – Thursday May 19-21 7:00 -8:30 pm PLUS!! Friday Night Music And Songs of Inspiration May 22 7:00 pm in the Parish Hall ALPHA As we bring our Alpha program to a close for the season, we will celebrate with a wine and cheese. This time of celebration will be on April 20th at 7:00 pm. All Alpha participants are welcome to bring a guest a guest or two. If you have never taken part in Alpha before, please accept this as your invitation to come and see what it is a bout. We will start our next Alpha session this fall. WORLD DAY OF PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS As World Day of Prayer for Vocations, falls on Sunday, April 26th, let us ask our Founder Father Michael McGivney to intercede for us as we pray and work for more holy vocations for the Church. Few things are more important to the life of the Church than vocations. For this reason, the Knights of Columbus has always offered prayers, spiritual support and monetary assistance for those young men and women who are discerning a life in the priesthood or religious life. We also encourage all Knights to look within their own families - to our sons, daughters, nieces, nephews and Grandchildren - for possible priestly or religious vocations. For more information please contact Grand Knight Titus Gomez at 835 7537, 456 4293 or e-mail, tgomez@eastlink ca THE CATHOLIC WOMEN’S LEAGUE Penny St Amand is the recipient of the 2015 CWL Volunteer Award from the Bedford Volunteer Awards Committee. Congratulations from your fellow CWL Sisters, your Parish of St. Ignatius and your community of Bedford. MEETING DATE CHANGE!! Our next CWL Meeting will be held on April 26, 2015 at 2 pm in the Church Hall. For Info Contact: www.stignatiuscwl.org League President: Sharon Forbrigger 902-832-9260 or email [email protected] Contact: Peggy Dupuy: [email protected] Phone: 835-2360 Reflecting with Children Have you ever searched high and low for something, only to discover that it has been there in from of you all the time? Somehow we can manage to miss something really obvious; we simply cannot see it clearly at that particular moment! In today’s Gospel we hear how two disciples of Jesus didn’t recognize him because they were filled with sadness and feelings of loss at His death on the cross. They were full of doubt and uncertainty which made them “blind” to the truth and they were unable to “see” Jesus as he walked beside them. They were finally able to “see” Jesus when he shared a very special moment with them when he took the bread, blessed it and broke it and shared it with them. PARISH COUNCIL SEEKING NEW MEMBERS! Do you want to make a difference in the life of your parish? Do you know someone who could make a contribution to the parish? The parish council is now seeking new members for a three year term. The parish council is an advisory body to the parish priest and makes recommendations that impact the life of the parish. The parish council does not deal with acts of administration. The Council meets monthly from September to June of each year. If you, or someone you know, are interested, please contact Michelle at [email protected] or Rosemarie at [email protected] SCANS LECTURE: Anthony Trollope, the great English novelist. If you liked Downton Abbey, you will love Trollope's delightful guide through the intrigues and machinations of Victorian England! Fred Vaughan, a Halifax native, constitutional scholar, and devoted Trollope fan, will celebrate the 200th anniversary of Trollope’s birth. 10 am to 12 pm at St. Ignatius Church Hall, 1288 Bedford Highway, Bedford. Public welcome. For more information, call 902-444-7588 or see www.theSCANS.ca Death of His Eminence JeanClaude Cardinal Turcotte Upcoming Presbyteral Ordinations Archbishop Mancini is pleased to announce the upcoming presbyteral ordinations in the Archdiocese of Halifax-Yarmouth at St. Mary’s Cathedral Basilica: His Eminence Jean-Claude Cardinal Turcotte, Archbishop Emeritus of Montreal, died on April 8, 2015, after a lengthy illness. He was 78 years old. The late Cardinal was a priest for 56 years and Bishop for 33 years. He served as the ninth Archbishop of Montreal, from 1990 to 2012. He was made Cardinal by Saint John Paul II at the Consistory of November 26, 1994. Archbishop Anthony Mancini in a recent newspaper interview said of Cardinal Turcotte, “He was a home boy, not a Rome boy,” referring to the sense of importance the Cardinal placed on his ministry to the faithful of his diocese. Archbishop Mancini was a seminary student when he first met the priest who would become a cardinal and describes him as very approachable, down-to-earth and gregarious. As a priest, our Archbishop served in the Archdiocese of Montreal under Cardinal Turcotte who appointed him Vicar General of that diocese in 1998. Archbishop Mancini will attend the funeral of his mentor and friend this Friday, April 17 at Mary Queen of the World Cathedral in Montreal. Salt + Light TV will broadcast the celebration live at 2:00pm Montreal time. To view the official message from the CCCB on Cardinal Turcotte click here. To view Cardinal Turcotte’s official obituary click here. Eternal rest, grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. May 9, 2015 at 11:00am – Br. Pio Libby, FoH August 15, 2015 at 10:30am – Rev. Mr. E. James O’Connor All are welcome to attend the ordinations, and we ask that you keep both of these men in your prayers as they prepare for their ordinations. Steubenville Atlantic The Steubenville Youth Conferences, an outreach of Franciscan University of Steubenville, are a series of 19 conferences across North America that bring 40,000 teens and their leaders closer to Christ ever summer. Our mission is to build the Church by evangelizing youth and their leaders and invite them to embrace the heart and mission of the Catholic Church. Steubenville Atlantic, Canada's only Steubenville Youth Conference is sponsored by the Archdiocese of Halifax-Yarmouth and held annually in Halifax, Nova Scotia. All conference registration is done online and in groups. If there is no group in your parish or community please contact us so we can help organize one! Registration is $225. Register at www.steubenville.ca, The 2015 conference dates are July 3-5, 2015. DIOCESAN EVENTS • St. Rose of Lima Church Youth Musical Hosting Parish: Saint Rose of Lima, Fall River • Rev. Joseph MacKinnon’s 40th Anniversary of Ordination Celebration Hosting Parish: Saint Marguerite Bourgeoys Hammonds Plains Date(s): Sunday, April 26 2015 at 7:009:00pm Date(s): Sunday, April 19 2015 On Sunday, April 19th at 7:00pm, 15 of our youth will be putting their talents on stage for an original musical production about friendship, choices and forgiveness. We also have an excellent band, Agents of The Lamb, who have played at many Cornerstone events as well as the Men's Weekend of Grace. A celebration to recognize and give thanks for the many years of ministry that Rev. MacKinnon has shared throughout the Diocese. The evening begins with prayer at 7:00pm, followed by music and hospitality. Best wishes only — all most welcome! Tickets are $10 per person and will be available at the door or by contacting Christine McDonald [email protected] . All funds raised will send our youth to the Steubenville Youth Conference at Dalhousie University in July. Please consider joining us for an entertaining night of musical theatre for the whole family! • Lecture -“Thomas Merton: A Spiritual Guide for Our Perplexing Times" by Dr. Michael Higgins Date(s): Thursday, April 23 2015 at 7:00pm Hosting Event: Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, Canadian Martyrs Church, 5900 Inglis St. Halifax NS Join us in a celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the birth of world-renowned monk and spiritual writer, Thomas Merton. Award-winning author, broadcaster and Merton scholar, Dr. Michael Higgins, will offer an engaging exploration of the contemporary relevance of Merton's life and witness that will inspire and enrich your own life. Venue: Saint Marguerite Bourgeoys, 1274 Hammonds Plains Road, Hammonds Plains, NS, Canada • 7th Annual Mancini Cup Soccer Fun Day Hosting Parish: Saint Agnes Halifax Date(s): Saturday, April 25 2015 at 00:00 9:00am Opening Ceremonies. 9:30am Junior High Games 1:00pm High School Games Location of event: BMO Soccer Nova Scotia Center, 210 Thomas Raddall Dr, Clayton Park, Halifax. A day of Faith, Fun and Fellowship for the youth of our Diocese. The Junior High Teams play for the Mancini Cup for the 7th year. And for the first time we have High School Teams playing for the Pope Francis Trophy. There’s a canteen on site so drop by for a bite and see some great soccer fun!
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