Saint Kateri Tekakwitha Church Prayer to Saint Kateri Tekakwitha

May 3th, 2015
Saint Kateri Tekakwitha Church
homebound, or in the hospital and would like to receive Holy
Communion or would like a pastoral visit, please contact
Deacon John McCormack by leaving a detailed message at
914-456-6329 or calling the Parish Office at 227-1710. If you
prefer, you may email Deacon John at [email protected].
Adopt-A-Night (feeding homeless) ........... [email protected] - Vivian LaColla
Adult Faith Form/Bible Study ................... 223-3658 -------------------- Julie Borges
Altar Linens............................................... 227-2807 ------------- Geraldine Natale
Altar Rosary Society .................................. 454-1840 ------------------ Betty Perrino
Altar Servers ............................................. 227-1710 ----------------------------------Baking ....................................................... 221-2741 ---------------- Lorraine Travia
Baptismal Program ................................... 226-8987 -------------------- Deacon Bob
Bereavement Group ................................. 221-2741 ---------------- Lorraine Travia
[email protected]
Blood Drives ............................................. 590-1601 ------------------ Dusty Maiolo
Chapel/Church Cleaners ........................... 223-5650 ------------------ Mary Covucci
Church Decorators.................................... 227-1529 ------------------ Cathy Varano
Cursillo...................................................... 226-5207 ------------------ Tony Martino
Discover Christ.......................................... 223-3658 -------------------- Julie Borges
Ecumenical Group .................................... 223-3658 ------------------- Dave Borges
Eucharistic Adoration ............................... 223-3658 ------------------- Dave Borges
Eucharistic Ministers ................................ 914-456-6329 - Dcn John McCormack
Faith Formation/Family Catechesis…….… 227-1710 x3 ------------------ Heidi Reale
Fund Raising ………………………………………….677-6496-----------------Anthony Cirone
Gardening/Landscaping ............................ 223-5999————-Dennis Rosenfeld
Hospital/Homebound Visits...................... 914-456-6329 ------------- Deacon John
Hospitality ................................................ 677-6496 ----------------- Andrea Cirone
Kateri Can Cook………………………………………223-5951 ---------------- Ellen Newhard
Knights of Columbus ................................. 914-760-1744 -------- Keith McCartney
[email protected]
Lectors ...................................................... 223-8410 --------- Deacon John Barone
Leisure Club ……………………………………[email protected] Biasotti
Liturgical Minister Schedule ..................... 227-1710 ------------------ Denise Casey
Joyful Noise………. …………………………………..227-1710 -------------------- Heidi Reale
Junior High Club........................................ 227-8382---------Larry Ryan/ St. Denis
Marriage Encounter ................................. 223-5661 --------------- Anne Anderson
Men’s Group............................................. 223-3658 ------------------- Dave Borges
Music Ministry/Youth Choir………[email protected] ---- Nina Ricci
Pancake Breakfast ................................... 223-5951 --- Robert & Ellen Newhard
Parent-Child Connection ………………………..592-4322--------------------Kira Gorman
[email protected]
Parish Activities ……………………………………..221-0076 ------------- Ed & Laura Leahy
Parish Council………………………………………...724-5331 ---------------- Marie Sanchez
Prayer Shawl Ministry............................... 223-5001 ----------------- Vivian LaColla
Prayer Network ........................................ 226-4053 ----------------- Nancy Vaughn
R.C.I.A./R.C.I.T. ......................................... 227-1710 --------------- Msgr. Desmond
[email protected]
Respect Life……[email protected] R./Cathy D./Andrew H
Spirit Wind Prayer Group……………………… 440-3519 -------------------- Pat Mackey
Spiritual Life.............................................. 227-1710 --------------- Msgr. Desmond
St. Vincent de Paul.................................... 227-7863 ----------------- Joyce Pfirman
Support for Military Families .................... 635-3623 --------- John & Ruth Recchia
TLC Teen [email protected] ---- Dave and Kathy Bell
Teen Music Ministry………………………[email protected] Ricci
Ushers/Greeters ....................................... 677-6496 --------------- Anthony Cirone
Vacation Bible School ............................... 226-8987 --------------------Judy Horton
Widows & Widowers Club ....................... 223-3097 ----------------------- -Joan Lee
PRAYER NETWORK: The Prayer Network is a way to have
prayers requested. Your intentions may be given to Nancy
Vaughn at 226-4053 to be prayed for by our “vine” of caring
MUSIC MINISTRY: The Youth Choir practices on Wednesdays from 6 to 7:00 pm; Adult Choir practices are Wednesdays from 7:30 to 9:30 pm; Contemporary Ensemble practices are Thursdays from 7 to 9:30 pm. All practices are in the
church. For more information, please contact our Music Director, Nina Ricci, at [email protected].
PARENT/CHILD CONNECTION: The Parent-Child Connection
provides a safe playgroup for young children and an opportunity for adults to share their understanding of early childhood
issues in an environment that promotes Catholic values.
Please visit our parish website to see a complete schedule.
T.L.C. TRI PARISH TEEN GROUP: The teen group is a program for all the high school students in the parishes of St.
Denis, St. Columba and Saint Kateri. The program includes
fun activities such as outings and trips, service activities for
the parish and greater community, and opportunities to learn
more about your faith.
PARISH MEMBERSHIP: New parishioners are always welcome. New Parishioner Forms are available in the church
narthex, at the Parish Office, or online. If you are a regular
contributor, please consider becoming a member to ensure
receipt of a tax statement at each year-end.
ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY: The Society of St. Vincent
de Paul is the world’s most distinguished “Friends of the
Poor”. The Society of St. Vincent de Paul offers assistance to
those in need. Hotline for those in need: 227-7863.
OUR LADY OF LIFE MINISTRY: We meet monthly for prayer
and support of local life needs. Hotline for those in need:
Sisters of Life Mission: 212-737-0221
Birth Right: 1-800-550-4900
Good Counsel: 1-800-723-8331
Prayer to Saint Kateri Tekakwitha
St. Kateri Tekakwitha, favored child and Lily of the Mohawks, I come to seek your
intercession in my present need: (mention it). I admire the virtues which adorned your
soul: love of God and neighbor, humility, obedience, patience, purity and the spirit of
sacrifice. Help me to imitate your example in my state of life. Through the goodness
and mercy of God, Who has blessed you with so many graces which led you to the true
faith and to a high degree of holiness, pray to God for me and help me.
Obtain for me a very fervent devotion to the Holy Eucharist so that I may love Holy
Mass as you did and receive Holy Communion as often as I can. Teach me also to be
devoted to my crucified Savior as you were, that I may cheerfully bear my daily crosses
for love of Him Who suffered so much for love of me. Most of all, I beg you to pray
for me that I may avoid sin, lead a holy life and save my soul. Amen.
Saint Kateri Tekakwitha Church
Fifth Sunday Of Easter
Monday ---------- May 4
9:00 am
For All Parishioners
Tuesday ---------- May 5
9:00 am
The Corcoran Family
Wednesday ----- May 6
9:00 am
William Barnett
By the Cirones
Thursday -------- May 7
9:00 am
John & Agnes Clarke
Friday ------------- May 8
9:00 am
Jean Carlos Guerra
By the Meyer Family
Saturday --------- May 9
9:00 am
Heather Ramsey (L)
By Alethea Schepperly
5:00 pm
For All Mothers
Sunday ----------- May 10
9:00 am
For All Mothers
10:30 am
For All Mothers
12:15 pm
For All Mothers
5:30 pm
For All Mothers
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, beginning at 3 pm and
Benediction at 9 pm, is this Friday, May 1st.
Marriage Banns
III Dana Stivella & Brendan Horton
II Lisa Taurence & Walter Engelke
Monday ------------------- May 4
10 am
Movie Monday
Church Meeting Room
7:30 pm
Adoration (Chapel)
7:30 pm
Confessions (Chapel)
Tuesday ------------------- May 5
10:00 am
Parent-Child Connection
Faith Formation Building: St. Therese
6:30 pm
Confirmation Question & Answer
Church Meeting Room
7:00 pm
Boy Scouts
Faith Formation Building: St. Francis
7:00 pm
Faith Formation Building: St. Nicholas
7:00 pm
District Committee Meeting
Faith Formation Building: St. Patrick
7:00 pm
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Faith Formation Building: St. Cecilia
7:00 pm
Spirit Wind Healing Mass (Chapel)
Wednesday--------------- May 6
After the 9am Mass Confessions (Chapel)
6:30 pm
Confirmation Question & Answer
Church Meeting Room
Thursday ------------------ May 7
7:00 pm
Spring Bereavement Support Group
Chapel & Church Meeting Room
Saturday ------------------ May 9
4:00 pm
Confessions (Chapel)
7:00 pm
Covenant of Love
Church Meeting Room
In Pew Collection: $ 10,728.00
Last Year's In Pew Collection: $8,954.00
This week, we will take up the collection for the Church in
Central and Eastern Europe. This collection supports Catholic
organizations that provide affordable shelter and train seminarians in a region that still struggles with the effects of Soviet rule. Visit (search "Church in Central and Eastern Europe") to learn about the funded projects.
As you are aware, we are conducting the Cardinal's Appeal for 2015. For those who have not
pledged, cards will be available in the back of the
church this weekend. The cards can be placed in
the collection basket. You may also pledge at Make sure you list Saint Kateri Tekakwitha
as your parish. Please be generous.
Eucharistic Ministers
Altar Servers
Sat. 5:00 pm– Msgr. Desmond
Mary Biasotti
Beverly Austin, Ann Mulvey,
Suzanne Power
Rebecca Campos, Rebecca
Dufresne, Olivia Gomez
9:00 am –Fr. Michael
Edward Leahy
Isabella Diaz, Andrea Filachek,
Emily Filachek
10:30 am –Msgr. Desmond
Tony Pulliam
12:15 pm– Fr. Michael
Dianne Chambers
Ray Cavallo, Diane Maddock, Betty Perrino, Diana Schopen, Lorraine Travia
Kathleen Herlihy, Patrick Herlihy,
John Reale III, Alexandra Sullivan,
Shirley Sullivan
Shannon Burke, Andrea Ceonzo,
Rita Rogers
5:30 pm– Msgr. Desmond
Matthew Donnellan, Katie Hogan,
Joseph Whitton
Frank Casey, Annemarie Reale,
Nate Reale
Frankie Byrne, Maggie Byrne,
Kimberly Silva
Evan Jackob, Timothy Jackob
Saint Kateri Tekakwitha Church
Fifth Sunday Of Easter
If you would like to have your name, or know someone who
has given permission to have their name, added to the prayer
list, call Nancy Vaughn at 226-4053.
Registration for 2015-2016
Reregistration for Current Families is in progress. Information sheets regarding the Registration Process are on our
website, under the Faith Formation tab.
Registration for New Families is currently is also in process, between the hours of 10 am-2 pm (Monday-Wednesday)
and 1-4 pm (Thursday). Families must be registered with the
Parish Office. Please bring baptismal certificate and prior
Faith Formation records to the Faith Formation office; these
are needed to begin class registration. Please call the office if
you have any questions; 227-1710 x 3
8th Grade Students preparing for Confirmation
IMPORTANT REMINDER: The Confirmation “Question &
Answer” sessions with Monsignor is on Tuesday, May 5th
and Wednesday, May 6th. Both sessions will take place from
6:30–8 pm in the Church Meeting Room. Each student is
required to attend one of these mandatory meetings
(Parents are not required to attend). Students do not attend their regular 8th grade class for that week (May 4th7th). Msgr. Desmond will answer questions on Confirmation
letters written to him this year.
*****All Christian Service Project Forms were due on
Thursday, April 16th.*****
Please pray for those who are ill:
Denee DeVizio, Frank Fetzer, Anna Florence, Robert Florence,
Sr. Olivia, William Grafer, Dariana Jamison, Kate Madigan,
William Manley, Patricia and Kenneth McCabe,
Johnny Mucha, Ashley O'Gorman, Edwina and Samuel Payne,
Zachary Tank, Mary Celeste Torri
Please pray for our parishioners serving in the military:
Jamie Babon, Michael Baibagallo, Daniel Barone, Timothy
Douglass, Thomas Finn, Brandon Gonzalez, Matthew Howard, Kenneth Jablecki, Zachery Kirchner, Ian Mackay, Vincent
Nichtern, James Tindall, Matthew Walsh
This week, the SVDP's Food Pantry needs instant oatmeal, canned potatoes, and brown or white rice. If you need
assistance, would like to volunteer or want to be a member,
call 227-7863. The next meeting is May, 13 th at 7 pm in the
Convent Meeting Room at St. Columba. For info, visit
+TLC+ events are as follows:
Sunday, May 3rd: Pancake Breakfast
Sunday, May 10th: Mother's Day, no meeting
Sunday, May 17th: General Meeting
Any parishioner 16 or older is invited to consider nominating himself or herself, or someone he or she admires, to serve
on our Parish Council. The adult (18 or older) term is three
years and the teen term is one year. On Sunday, June 7 th at
the 10:30 Mass, the names of those willing to serve will be
placed in a bowl, and four names will be selected at random.
Our prayer is that all nominees are ready and able to serve,
and that the Lord will choose whom He wants for this ministry at this time. Nominations must be received by June 1st.
Please mail this form to the church or drop it off at the
Parish Office no later then Monday, June 1st.
I understand that serving on the Saint Kateri Parish Council
is an important ministry, to be done for the glory of God and
the advancement of His Church. Knowing that, I am willing to
serve and nominate myself:
I nominate this person for possible selection at the 10:30 Mass
on June 7th. (He/she will be called first and must accept)
A healing Mass, with a free flow of the gifts of the Holy
Spirit, will be held on Tuesday, May 5th at St. Kateri. Guest
celebrant will be Fr. Michael Achanyi, newly ordained Parochial Vicar of St. Kateri. Praise and worship begins at 7 pm;
Mass at 7:30. The Mass is sponsored by the Spirit Wind
Prayer Group of St. Kateri. Individual prayers for healing will
follow Mass. For info, call Pat or Joe, 845-440-3519.
"Learn it, Live it, Share it."
"If we build a strong marriage we will have a strong church."
COL meets the 2nd Saturday of every month. Our next meeting is May 9th, 7-9pm, "Not So Newly Wed Game". For info,
call Marcella or Kevin Gaughan at 845-453-8887.
Sunday, May 10th is Mother’s Day. On this special day
we should be attentive and generous in every way to
those who nurture children from conception to birth, and for
all the years that follow. Catholics give the best gift to their
mothers by offering prayers for their mothers at Mass.
We want to help you make their names known to us, and
also provide beautiful religious Mother’s Day Mass Cards for
your use. You are welcome to take one from the table in the
narthex to sign and give the card, and/or write the names of
the women you wish to remember at Mass on that envelope
or any other paper you wish.
All the Masses in our church on Mother’s Day weekend will
be offered for the mothers in our parish, and for the mothers
of our parishioners, both living and deceased. Those that are
returned will be placed on the altar for the Masses on
Mother’s Day and the Masses that follow.
Saint Kateri Tekakwitha Church
* Movie Monday is May 4th at 10am in the Church Meeting
Room. This month features The Seventh Chamber, the story
of Edith Stein (St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross), the Jewish
convert to Catholicism, who died in a concentration camp.
110 minutes.
* On Thursday, May 14th, at 10am in the Church Meeting
Room, the Catholic Classics Book of the Month Club will be
discussing The Screwtape Letters, written by C.S. Lewis in
1942. It is a short, witty account detailing how a senior devil
(Screwtape) attempts to teach his junior devil
nephew (Wormwood) about the techniques necessary for
"converting" a Christian to the dark side.
* On Wednesday, May 20th at 10am we are planning a sing
-along with the residents at the Vassar-Warner Nursing
Home in Poughkeepsie, and we need lots of people to help
us sing! If interested please contact Mary Biasotti at [email protected] or 845-297-9310. We also plan to practice after morning Mass on Wednesday, May13th. No audition necessary!
All are welcome to join us for the May events listed above!
Attention all outdoor enthusiasts. There will be a picnic
held next to the Rail Trail in Highland just over the Walk Way
Saturday, May 16th, 12 Noon. We will attend the St. Kateri
9 am Mass and then head to the Gold's Gym lot, 260 Titusville Road, Poughkeepsie at 10 am to start the 8 mile ride.
Non-bikers can meet at the Park. There will be a sign-up
sheet in the Narthex with a donation box for $5 per person to
cover the cost of the food. Any questions, call Phillip
Newhard at 845-240-5513.
Friday, May 29th at Beekman Golf Course
There will be a lot of fun and exciting activities going on at
this wonderful event, which we will need your help with. If
anyone is able to donate items for the following events it
would be a tremendous blessing!
For our Raffle Table we will be raffling off; Golf clubs,
balls, gloves, bags, shirts, hats, visors, etc., Gift certificates, Children's Items, Baby Baskets & Gift Baskets of
(but not limited to) pasta, wine & cheese, cosmetics,
toiletries. If you can help out with any of these items,
please contact Andrea Ceonzo, [email protected]
or 845-559-7091.
For the Silent Auction we would like to have; Sports tickets, memorabilia, theatre tickets, hotel stays, and more!
If you can help out with any of these items, contact John
McCormack at [email protected] or 914-456-6329.
Whatever you are able to contribute will be greatly appreciated and help to make this event a success for our Faith
Formation Program! Thank you!
This week's topic is celebrating moms and a Mother's Day
craft. Contact Kira Gorman at [email protected] or
Fifth Sunday Of Easter
Last year Arlington High School decided to increase the
involvement of the community in its Annual Relay for Life. Our
Parish hosted a team that was tremendously successful. We
were awarded for being the group that raised the most
money. Everybody that participated had a great time and
indicated they wanted to do it again and get even more involved. As a result we are going to ‘host’ TWO teams this
year: one for more ‘mature’ parishioners, and one for the
younger parishioners. This allows us two tents on the fieldsomething we could have used last year, and hopefully will
bring even greater participation. All of us have been affected
in some way by cancer, and “Relay for Life” is a way to express our concern.
Date: Saturday, June 20th at the Arlington High School
Track from 10 am-10 pm. Special events: Opening Ceremony
at 10 am followed by the Survivors Lap around the track. We
encourage any survivors or those dealing with cancer to walk
this lap. The day ends at 9 pm with a very dramatic walk
around the track lighted with “LUMINARIA” dedicated to
loved ones or friends who have died from cancer. If you have
never experienced this, I urge you to attend at least this portion.
During the day, people can walk or run around the track,
share some of the food at the St. Kateri tents, or participate in
any of the events going on in the field. Last year, a great highlight was seeing the present and former Faith Formation Directors pair up for a 3-legged race, and some people even
paid money to hit the pastor with a whipped cream pie.
How can you participate? Join a team to walk around the
track, sponsor a team member (each team member must receive $100 in sponsorship - but we as a parish will hopefully
sponsor anybody willing to participate), dedicate a Luminaria
for a loved one, or buy a purple ribbon-would love to see all of
our mailboxes decorated with them as does happen in some
towns. The Luminaria and purple ribbons will be available in
the Narthex starting the May 31st weekend. To sponsor someone (any amount) or to volunteer to be on our 30+ or 30team, you can contact Dusty Maiolo (30+) at 845-590-1601/
[email protected], or Joe Whitton (30-) 845-216-5208/
[email protected] or Ben Reale, 845-392-4921/
[email protected]. You may also go to our Parish website
and click on the link to Relay for Life.
Our next regular ARS meeting will be on Monday, May 11 th
at 7 pm at St. Kateri Church. We begin with a Rosary, last
meeting's minutes are read, and then have a raffle. Refreshments are available. At the May meeting, the ladies of the
ARS will be having a baby shower for Birthright. Diapers, formula, new baby clothes or a donation will be welcomed.
Birthright is a group of volunteers that help single moms.
They are located in Fishkill and Poughkeepsie. Come join this
organization with ladies from St. Denis, St. Columba, and St.
Kateri. For information, call Betty Perrino at 454-1840.
Saint Kateri Tekakwitha Church
Fifth Sunday Of Easter
Save the date: Friday May 29, 2015
for the
1st Annual Saint Kateri Parish Golf & Family Footgolf Outing
Proceeds will procure whiteboards and tech upgrades for our Faith Formation Program
Where: Beekman Golf Course, Beekman Road, Hopewell Jct., NY
Time: 10:30 am – Registration, Putting Contests
12:00 pm - Shotgun start
Closest-to-Pin, Driving & Putting, Contests, Lots of Prizes
Golf Format: 4-Player Scramble
Afternoon Family Fun Event begins at 4:00 PM:
Footgolf for all ages - contests, prizes
Foot-Golf is a precision sport where players kick a soccer ball into a 21” cup in as few shots as
possible. As in golf the fewest shots wins; navigate obstacles and penalties, play on par 5, 4, and
3’s, 9 and 18 hole scores. BGC has opened America’s first miniature footgolf course. This is a
great opportunity to learn and have fun playing this exciting new sport.
Per Golfer -$130.00 includes 18 holes, cart, lunch, dinner, non-alcoholic beverages
Adult dinner only - $45.00
Couples dinner only - $80.00
Children (under 17) - $15.00 footgolf, pizza, beverage, ice cream
Adult footgolf & dinner - $50.00
Family Plan – (1 golfer w/ dinner, 2nd adult dinner, children’s footgolf & kids dinner) $160.00 plus $12.00 per child
Go to and click on events