The Byzantine Catholic Churches Of Youngstown's West side St. Mary's Rectory 330-799-8163 Center 330-792-1578 Fax 330-793-5360 Convent 330-757-9186 website saintmarysbyz. corn 356 S. Belle Vista Ave. Youngstown, Ohio 44509 Assumption Social Center (Friend us on Facebook) Served by Fr. Richard Lambert May 10, 2015 Page 189 SUNDAY OF THE MAN BORN BLIND...MOTHER'S DAY Intention of Living & Deceased Mother's SAT. 5:00 p.m. 10:30 a.m. Intention of Living & Deceased Mother's SUN. MON. 11:00 a.m. +Helen Matyi by The Nancy Klanica Family TUE 11:00 a.m. No Liturgy WED. 11:00 a.m. +Margaret Hanigosky by John & Maureen Shandor THU. Page 191 ASCENSION THURSDAY +Louis & Margaret Wallace by daughter, Karen 11:00 a.m. FRI. 11:00 a.m. No Liturgy SUNDAY OF THE FATHERS OF THE FIRST ECUMENICAL COUNCIL Health & Blessings of Parishioners 5:00 p.m. SAT 63rd. Wedding Anniversary of Mr. Mrs. George Lutza by Family 10:30 a.m. SUN. May 17, 2015 Page 196 St. George 1726 Canfield Road, Youngstown, Ohio 44511 SUNDAY OF THE MAN BORN BLIND...MOTHER'S DAY Page 189 May 10, 2015 9:00 a.m. +Intention of Living & Deceased Mother's And 60th Wedding Anniversary of Mr. Mrs. John Haydu May 14, 2015 4:30 p.m. Health & Blessings of Parishioners Page 191 SUNDAY OF THE FATHERS OF THE FIRST ECUMENICAL COUNCIL May 17, 2015 9:00 a.m. +Frank Senary by Margaret Maty Page 196 WHAT IS A MOTHER? It takes a mothers's love to make a house a home, a place to be remembered, no matter where we roam; It takes a mother's patience to bring a child up right, and her courage and her cheerfulness to make a dark day bright; It takes a mother's thoughtfulness to mend the heart's deep "hurts", and her skill and endurance to mend little socks and shirts; it takes a mothers's kindness to forgive us when we err, to sympathize in trouble and bow her head in prayer; It takes a mother's wisdom to recognize our needs and give us reassurance by her loving words and deeds; It takes a mother's endless faith, her confidence and trust.... To guide us through the pitfalls of selfishness and lust; and that is why in all this world there could not be another who could fulfill God's purpose as completely as a MOTHER. BEATITUDES OF A MOTHER Blessed is the mother who understands her child, for she shall inherit a kingdom of memories. Blessed is the mother who knows how to comfort, for she shall possess child's devotion. Blessed is the mother who guides by the path of righteousness, for she shall be proud of her offspring. Blessed is the mother who is never shocked, for she shall receive confidence. Blessed is the mother who answers startling questions in a simple way for she shall always be trusted. Blessed is the mother who teaches respect, for she shall be respected. Blessed is the mother who emphasizes the good and minimizes the bad, for the child himself shall then make evaluations in like manner. Blessed is the mother who trust her child as she would be trusted, for her home shall be filled with happiness. Blessed is the mother who had character strong enough to withstand the thoughtless remarks and resentments of the growing child, for in due time, she shall be honored. FEAST OF THE ASCENSION The Feast of the Ascension, which this year is celebrated on May 14th (Holy day of Obligation) always falls on a Thursday, on the fortieth day after Christ's Resurrection. This is one of the principal feast days of our Lord. It celebrates the memory of Christ's Ascension into heaven and underscores its significance for Christ and for us. Christ left the throne of His Father, humbled Himself in the womb of the Virgin, lay in Bethlehem in a rough stable, fled from Nazareth as a common laborer. Tirelessly He searched for the lost sheep of the house of Israel. His own brethren repaid Him with nothing but unkindness and misunderstanding. Then, beginning on the Mount of Olives and ending on Golgotha, He patiently paid the price of our redemption. All this He did because He loved us, because He sought to free us from Satan's power. This work is now complete. He returns to heaven as a conqueror. The Son stands before the Father by whom He was sent and whose will He so perfectly performed. This feast reminds us that our true destiny lies in God. We must not only do what Jesus commands us, but we must follow Him to the place where He has gone. The feast tells us that our life is not limited to life on earth, but we will experience a new life after death. Now during Liturgy let us open ourselves to God's boundless love...the love of the Father, Son and Holy that He may confirm and strengthen us in our love for Him and for the world. CHRIST IS RISEN ! Mary's....May 3, 2015 Offertory.... $1,068.00 Cemetery... $600.00 St. George...May 3, 2015 Offertory.... $956.00 2ND ANNUAL G.C.U. & BYZANTINE FAMILY DAY All are invited to attend the 2 nd Annual Family Day at Idlewild Park in Ligonier, PA. on May The discounted price is 30th. $20.00 for all ages which day. all rides includes Reservations must be in by May 15th. Please call our office FORTIETH ANNIVERSARY Fr. Richard marks his 40 th Anniversary of Ordination on Monday, May 18. The Liturgy for his intention will be celebrated on that day at St. Mary's Church. On the following Saturday, May 23rd. A Celebratory Dinner will be held at The Assumption Social Center at 6:30 p.m. The dinner is being given by his parishioners and any parishioners of St. Mary & St. George able to attend are asked to call 330-792-1578 by May 15th. NEWS FOR ST. GEORGE You will witness activity at the rectory where the interior will be receiving some fresh paint, and carpets removed. Also, the cement repair work has been completed and resurfacing the parking lot will be done soon. SOCIAL GAMES Games are played every Wednesday & Sunday at 6:45 p.m. Come join us for an enjoyable evening with friendly folks. You just might be one of the lucky ones to walk out with EXTRA CASH in your pocket so you can start planning that Summer vacation. A BINGO FUND RAISER Will be held TODAY May, 10th MOTHERS DAY... to Benefit 3 Local Charities. Doors open 4:15p.m. and Bingo starts 6:45 p.m. Stop by and help support our Local Charities. SIMPLY SLAVIC FESTIVAL MARK YOUR CALENDARS The Heritage Festival will be held June 20th in downtown Yo. From Noon until midnite. There will be many heritage displays, Slavic foods made by local churches, ethnic music and dancers, and Slavic items for sale. There will be a small entrance fee to the festival. HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY We wish to take this opportunity to wish every Mother a most happy and blessed Mother's Day. It is our prayer that our Lord grant each of you peace, health & happiness for many blessed years. You are most deserving of all honors bestowed upon you today and every day. FLAG HOLDERS Remember to take your flag holders to the cemetery. MEMORIAL DAY SERVICE Will be held May 24th at 12:00 NOON at our cemetery.
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