The Byzantine Catholic Churches Of Youngstown's West side St. Mary's 356 S. Belle Vista Ave. Youngstown, Ohio 44509 Assumption Social Center (Friend us on Facebook) Rectory 330-799-8163 Center 330-792-1578 Fax 330-793-5360 Convent 330-757-9186 website saintmarysbyz. corn Served by Fr. Richard Lambert May 3, 2015 SUNDAY OF THE SAMARITAN WOMAN Health & Birthday Blessings of George & Cathy Lutza by Family 5:00 p.m. SAT. Page 186 Health & Blessings of Parishioners and SUN. 10:30 a.m. First Confession of Evan James MON. 11:00 a.m. No Liturgy TUE 11:00 a.m. +Simone Zeoli by Karen Muransky WED. 11:00 a.m. +Doris Lancy by Helen Mislevy THU. 11:00 a.m . No Liturgy FRI. 11:00 a.m. Health & Blessings of Rosary Society Members SUNDAY OF THE MAN BORN BLIND SAT. 5:00 p.m. Intention of Living & Deceased Mothers SUN. 10:30 a.m. Intention of Living & Deceased Mothers May 10, 2015 Page 189 St. George 1726 Canfield Road, Youngstown, Ohio 44511 SUNDAY OF THE SAMARITAN WOMAN May 3, 2015 9:00 a.m. +Julius Hornyak by Martha Ilko Page 186 SUNDAY OF THE MAN BORN BLIND Page 189 May 10, 2015 9:00 a.m. Intention of Living & Deceased Mothers and 60th Wedding Anniversary of Mr. Mrs. John Haydu SAMARITAN WOMAN The woman who came to the well represents the Church, not as already made upright but as still needing redemption. She comes in ignoranpe and fmds Christ. It is part of the pre-figuration that she should come of an alien people, for the Church would be drawn from nations that were strangers to Israel. Let us recognize ourselves in this woman and, through her, thank God in our own behalf. For she was a shadow, not reality, or rather, she herself passed from shadow to reality when she believed in Christ and showed us the way. The woman had brought her own water jar with her and was surprised therefore at Christ's request, for Jews did not use the utensils of foreigners. But He who asked for drink was really thirsting for the woman's faith. Christ thus asks for water and promises water. He is in need and wants to receive; He is rich and wants to quench the thirst of others. "If you only knew God's gift," He says. God's gift is the Holy spirit. But Christ is still speaking in a veiled fashion and only gradually makes His way into the woman's heart. He is teaching her, but how gently and kindly. "If you only knew God's gift and realized who asks you for a drink, you would perhaps be asking Him instead, and He would be giving you living water." What water is this but the water the psalmist speaks of: "in you is the fountain of life?" Christ was promising therefore the quenching of thirst which the Holy Spirit brings. THE WORDS OF OUR LORD The Lord said to the Jews coming to Him: "I am the bread of Life. Your fathers's ate the manna in the desert and have died. This is the bread that comes down from heaven, so that if anyone eat of it he will not die. I am the Living bread that has come down from heaven. If anyone eat of this bread he shall live forever; and the bread that I will give is my flesh for the life of the world." The Jews on that account argued with one another saying, "How can this man give us His flesh to eat?" Jesus therefore said to them, "Amen, amen, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you shall not have life in you. He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood, has everlasting life and I will raise you up on the last day." Trust in God's words and goodness; believe in all that He has revealed. CONGRATULATIONS EVAN JAMES ON YOUR FIRST CONFESSION Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen! Christos Voskrese! Voistinnu Voskrese! St Mary's.. ..April 26, 2015 Offertory... . $1,293.00 St. George. ..April 26, 2015 Offertory... .$ 659.00 ND 2 ANNUAL GC.U. & BYZANTINE FAMILY DAY All are invited to attend the 2nd Annual Family Day at Idlewild Park in Ligonier, PA. on May The discounted price is 30th. $20.00 for all ages which day. all rides includes Reservations must be in by May 1544. Please call our office FORTIETH ANNIVERSARY Fr. Richard marks his 40th Anniversary of Ordination on Monday, May 18. The Liturgy for his intention will be celebrated on that day at St. Mary's Church. On the following Saturday, May 23rd. A Celebratory Dinner will be held at The Assumption Social Center at 6:30 p.m. The dinner is being given by his parishioners and any parishioners of St. Mary & St. George able to attend are asked to call 330-792-1578 by May 15 th. THANK YOU We would like to thank Joe & Helen Leshnack for donating 4 new Flags that we will fly in front of the Church. Thank you for your generosity. NEWS FOR ST. GEORGE You will witness activity at the rectory where the interior will be receiving some fresh paint, and carpets removed. Also, some cement repair work and resurfacing the parking lot will be done soon. SOCIAL GAMES Games are played every Wednesday & Sunday at 6:45 p.m. Come join us for an enjoyable evening with friendly folks. You just might be one of the lucky ones to walk out with EXTRA CASH in your pocket so you can start planning that Summer vacation. every session is PAY-OUT $4,000.00. So stop by don't miss out on the excitement. A BINGO FUND RAISER Will be held Sunday May, 10th MOTHERS Benefit 3 Doors open Local Charities. 4:15p.m. and Bingo starts 6:45 p.m. Stop by and help support our Local Charities. GRANT HIM ETERNAL REST Please remember in your prayers Mr. Frank Senary who passed on to his eternal reward. Divine Liturgy with Christian burial Service for the repose of his soul was held Tuesday at St. George. Interment being at Calvary Cemetery. Grant eternal rest 0 Lord to your servant, Frank and remember him forever. CONGRATULATIONS FIRST RECONCILIATION Congratulations & God's Blessings on Evan James who today receives the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time. Evan received First Communion at the time of Baptism. May God bless you and remain with you always.
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