192 PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS May the joy of the Risen Lord Be yours this EASTER DAY and ALWAYS! Fr. Vincenzo, Fr. Giampietro & Fr. Anthony Thank You! - The St. Vincent de Paul Society extends its grateful thanks to our parishioners for their donations during our Easter Food Drive. The FEAST OF THE DIVINE MERCY will be next Sunday, April 12th, with the Novena beginning at 3:00pm. All our parishioners are invited. SHARELIFE 2015 - Working wonders for those in our community…. “When Robert completed high school, there were very few options available to him. We were blessed to find St. Jude’s Academy of the Arts. The positive social interaction at St. Jude’s has allowed Robert to grow and mature as a person. St. Jude’s educational program has a wonderful, positive impact on Robert and others like him.” Last year, over 43,000 services were provided to people with special needs from ShareLife-supported agencies. ShareLife Sunday - April 12, 2015 Sunday Please give generously. You can work wonders! THE ST. PASCHAL BAYLON CHARISTMATIC PRAYER GROUP Life in the Spirit Seminar starting April 13th. For registration call Gloria at (905) 881- 2801 or Rosa at (905)883-1567. FIRST COMMUNION CEREMONY – Saturday, April 18th 10:30am For students from Blessed Scalabrini, Holy Family and St. Antoine Daniel and other school Rehearsal April 14th at 1:30pm 1:30pm For students from St. Paschal Baylon School Rehearsal April 15th at 1:30pm All students please be in the Parish Hall 30 minutes before the Ceremony. MASS April 6th – 12th 2015 Monday, April 6th 8:00am Raymond Andrew th Tuesday, April 7 8:00am Susana Cabral 7:00pm Rosario Jiongco Wednesday, April 8th 8:00am Theresa Shin Jung Sook 7:00pm Francesco Cipriano Thursday, April 9th 8:00am Gabriele Ranieri 7:00pm Int. Joseph & Sandy Jung Fam., Int. Palmyra Pasea, Int. Cecilia, +Francesco & Giulietta Di Giuseppe, Cresencio & Paciencia Cantuba, Oreste & Rosina Tenuta, Danilo Samonte, Proceso & Luise Santiago, Angela Li, Yelka, Julieta De Los Santos, Jaime Colorado Sr., Pacita Surtin, Antonio Natale, Ofelia Baguistan, Maria Petosa Friday, April 10th 8:00am Maria Lui-Chan 7:00pm Joyce Fredricks Saturday, April 11th 8:00am Dec. Mem. Lopresti & Marando Fam. 5:00pm Angela & Alfonzo Rainone Sunday, April 12th - DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY 8:00am Dec. Mem. Zucco & Gorza Fam. 9:30am In onore della Divina Misericordia, Giovanni Matrundola, Nicola De Acetis, Armando & Santina Colucci, Def. Fam. Palumbo, Rinaldi & Morotta, Def. Fam. Caterina & Francesco Piccolo, Lucia & Gabriele Ranieri, Def. Fam. Michele Bartolomeo, Antonietta Di Fonzo, Sebastiano & Lulla Tantalo, Def. Fam. Tony Marando, Edvige Yug, Domenico Costellano, Silvio Martini, Ferdinando & Anna Maria Ciccone, Giovanni, Antonio & Alessandro Ciccone, Sr. Bernardina Genitti, Def. Fam. Bianchi & Coccia, Carnaroli Galdino, Pietro & Natalina Pontello, Luisa, Domenica & Liberato Narducci, Tina Avena, Def. Fam. Gibellini, Loretta Cristini, Assunta Scala, Vincenzo Peticca, Giuseppe, Maria, Donato Moscati, Giulia Mallozzi, Leo Troiani MONTHLY HEALING MASS on Monday, April 20th at 7:00pm. COINS FOR LIFE – Campaign Life Coalition Campaign Life Coalition thanks you for your generosity. Your contribution will help save countless innocent lives now and in the future and help CLC Pro-life workers to continue to run the March for Life. Please return the containers and contents on the weekend of April 11th & 12th. ST. PASCHAL YOUNG ADULTS 4th annual Retreat on the weekend of April 25-26, 2015 at St. Francis Retreat Centre in Caledon, ON. Led by Fr. Hansoo-Park, it will be a weekend of young adult reflection and fellowship. Cost: $95 for students and is $115 regular adult fee. Please e-mail [email protected] for more information or speak to any member of the St. Paschal Young Adult Group. Thank you. INTENTIONS 11:00am 1:00pm 4:00pm INTENTIONS OF OUR PARISHIONERS Donna Lightbody Jose Carlos Goncalves ANNUNCI PARROCCHIALI La gioia della Risurrezione di Cristo Sia con voi in questo giorno di PASQUA e SEMPRE! P. Vincenzo, P. Giampietro & P. Anthony GRAZIE La Società di S. Vincenzo de Paoli vi ringrazia per la vostra generosità nell’aiutare i poveri con le vostre donazioni di cibo. LA FESTA DI GESÙ MISERICORDIOSO è Domenica prossima, 12 Aprile. Alle 3:00pm si pregherà la novena in Chiesa. SHARELIFE - La Seconda Domenica di raccolta delle offerte sarà il 12 Aprile. Insieme possiamo fare meraviglie! CELEBRAZIONE PRIMA COMUNIONE- Sabato 18 Aprile: 10:30am per gli alunni delle Scuole di Blessed Scalabrini, Holy Family e St. Antoine Daniel e per quelli che frequentano le scuole pubbliche e private. Le prove saranno il 14 Aprile all’1:30pm. 1:30pm per gli alunni della Scuola di S. Pasquale. Le prove saranno il 15Aprile all’1:30pm. Per la cerimonia i bambini devono trovarsi nel salone parrocchiale mezzora prima. Campagna per la Vita – “Monete per la Vita” Grazie per le vostre offerte a favore del Comitato in difesa della vita. Se avete preso uno dei contenitori per riempirlo con le vostre monete, per piacere riportatelo in ufficio entro l’11 o il 12 Aprile. RADIO MARIA CANADA COMPIE 20 ANNI Domenica 19 Aprile ore 4:00pm, nella Parrocchia S. Carlo Borromeo, si farà la Celebrazione Eucaristica presieduta dal Nunzio Apostolica del Canada S.E. Mons. Luigi Bonazzi. Siete tutti invitati a festeggiare con noi l’anniversario di Radio Maria che è da sempre una voce cristiana nella vostra casa. S. MESSA DELLA GUARIGIONE Lunedì 20 Aprile alle 7:00pm. Venite a pregare per tutti quelli che soffrono nel corpo e nello spirito, per essere aiutati e fortificati nella loro malattia.
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