One Parish, Two Communities Parish Newsletter Our Lady Help of Christians St Ambrose’s 49 Nicholson Street, East Brunswick Telephone: 9380 1844 Fax 9388 0170 Email: [email protected] Website: 287 Sydney Road, Brunswick Telephone 9380 1023 Fax: 9388 8144 Email: [email protected] Website: PARISH TEAM PRIESTS OF THE PARISH: Fr Michael Casey and Fr Vinh Nguyen PASTORAL ASSOCIATES: Sr Diane Cleveland and Sr Julita Buss FAITH DEVELOPMENT AND ADMINISTRATION: Tricia Murray SCHOOL PRINCIPAL: Mr Philip Cachia, SUNDAY MASS TIMES: Our Lady’s St Ambrose’s WEEKDAY MASSES: Our Lady’s St Ambrose’s RECONCILIATION: St Ambrose’s Our Lady’s MARRIAGES AND BAPTISMS: By appointment 6.00pm Saturday Vigil, 9.00am Sunday (Italian/English). 10.30am Sunday. Tuesday to Thursday at 9.15am, Friday at 9.00am Tuesday to Saturday at 10.00am 10.30am Saturday 11.30am Saturday 30TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME – YEAR A 26 OCTOBER 2014 RESPONSORIAL PSALM GOSPEL ACCLAMATION I love you, Lord, my strength. Alleluia, alleluia! All who love me will keep my words, and my Father will love them and we will come to them. Alleluia! I love you, Lord, my strength, my rock, my fortress, my saviour. My God is the rock where I take refuge; my shield, my mighty help, my stronghold. The Lord is worthy of all praise: when I call I am saved from my foes. Long life to the Lord, my rock! Praised be the God who saves me. He has given great victories to his king and shown his love for his anointed. EUCHARISTIC PRAYER II RECENTLY DECEASED: Sr Julian McKenna SGS ANNIVERSARIES: Vincenzo De Fazio, Salvatore De Palma, Joseph Tuyen Nguyen (Fr Vinh’s father), Anthony Murray, Frank Morabito, Frank Gugnetto, Frank Murray, Giovanni Folino, Sr Rosa Zaffino, Antonio Merotto LOVE GOD AND NEIGHBOUR In today’s Gospel, Jesus does not promise us that the love of God and neighbour is going to cost us nothing. Jesus’ law of love involves sacrifice for us individually and as a nation. Through the acceptance of this teaching we are committing ourselves to being our neighbour’s keeper. In another part of the same Gospel, Jesus tells us that ‘those to whom much has been given, much will be required.’ Sadly, many of us want the good life for ourselves, while doing very little to help other countries become more liveable, and then we can reject people who want to share in the blessings we have worked for and inherited. The Gospel of Matthew also gives us the story of Mary, Joseph and Jesus being forced to flee Israel for Egypt as refugees. If the Holy Family were coming our way these days, they might be sent back to King Herod. May this Eucharist see in us a change of heart that enables our faith to act justly toward all people everywhere. May our goodness and hospitality mirror on earth the welcome we hope to enjoy from Jesus, Mary and Joseph in the kingdom which is promised to all, irrespective of where any of us has been born. – Richard Leonard SJ. COMMUNION SERVICES/ MASSES THIS WEEK Just for this week there will be the following: AT OUR LADY’S Tuesday to Thursday – 9.15 Mass Friday – 9.00 Mass AT ST AMBROSE’S Tuesday and Wednesday – 10.00 Communion Service Thursday to Saturday – 10.00 Mass CONFERENCE FOR FR VINH Fr Vinh will be away at a Conference for newly ordained priests from Monday through to Wednesday evening of this week. TIME FOR RETREAT Sr Diane will be making her annual retreat this week. Sr Diane will remember all parishioners and their families from St Ambrose’s and Our Lady’s during this sacred time. Sr Julita also begins her annual retreat today, 26 October. She will return to work in the parish on Monday 3 November. We pray that this will be a restful and prayerful time for her. RCIA INQUIRY NIGHT – THIS WEEK If you know anyone who might be thinking of becoming a Catholic please invite them to contact Fr Michael (9380 1023). Also, let them know about our Inquiry night in St Ambrose’s Community Centre for all adults who are seeking to be baptised or to be brought into full communion with the Catholic Church. It will be held on Thursday 30 October at 7.30pm. ALL SAINTS’ DAY Next Saturday 1 November is All Saints’ Day, a day on which we honour all the saints of our Christian tradition – not only the well-known saints, but also the obscure and unknown ones – the saints that we have met who have inspired us and encouraged us on our life’s journey. We will celebrate the Feast of All Saints at the 10.00am Mass at St Ambrose’s on Saturday. ALL SOULS’ DAY On next Sunday, All Souls’ Day, a Book of Remembrance will be placed in the sanctuaries of Our Lady’s and St Ambrose’s churches. During the month of November, we are invited to write in it the names of our deceased relatives and friends for whom we wish to pray. If their names have already been written in the book, there is no need to write them again. The Book of Remembrance will remain in each church until the end of the month, reminding us to pray for all those named in it. ‘FACING THE TRUTH’ A second parish meeting to give people the opportunity to say how they are feeling about revelations of child abuse in the Catholic Church will be held on Thursday 6 November at 7.30pm in St Ambrose’s Community Centre. The emphasis will again be on creating a respectful atmosphere for people to express and share their feelings. This meeting will be facilitated jointly by Bryan Cussen and Tricia Murray. All parishioners are welcome to attend. SPIRITUAL READING BOOK GROUP On this Wednesday evening, 29 October from 7.00 – 8.15pm the Spiritual Reading Book Group will meet in the Spirituality Room of St Ambrose’s Community Centre. We will begin our discussion of Sr Elizabeth Johnson’s book ‘Ask the Beasts – Darwin and the God of Love’. All welcome! MONDAY MOVIE Sr Julita reminds all Italianspeaking parishioners that they are invited to Our Lady’s Parish House on Monday 3 November at 1.30pm to watch an Italian film and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee together. All welcome! GETTING IT RITE Hosted by the Archbishop’s Office for Evangelisation, the Getting it Rite seminar will focus on preparation for Advent and Christmas. It will be held on Saturday 15 November, 9.00am – 3.00pm at Thomas Carr Centre, 278 Victoria Parade, East Melbourne. The seminar includes a keynote presentation by Fr Anthony McSweeney SSS followed by liturgical workshops. If you are interested in attending please sign the registration form in the gathering space. PICTURE OF JOEL For those who remember our seminarian, Joel Peart, who was with us last year, there is a photo of his ordination group on the noticeboard. Joel was recently ordained a deacon in St Patrick’s cathedral. HELP NEEDED An Ethiopian refugee needs assistance with his written English for about an hour a week. He works in Aged Care and has begun a Diploma in Business. He is available within the following times: − Tuesdays 9.00am – 1.00pm − Wednesdays 1.00pm – 5.00pm − Thursdays 3.00pm—5.00pm If you can help him, would you contact Sr Thérèse Power on 0417 302 045. MEMORIAL CONCERT On Sunday 16 November there will be the inaugural ‘Fr Bill Jordan Memorial Concert’ at St Brendan’s Church in Flemington, 3.00pm – 4.30pm. Entry by donation. Funds raised will form part of the Fr Bill Jordan Memorial Fund which will assist in the training and formation of future liturgical musicians. CTC OPEN DAY The Catholic Theological College is holding an Open Day on Wednesday 5 November. This includes: Study options, a building tour, and refreshments. There will be two programs: from 4.00pm–6.00pm or 6.00pm–8.00pm. Bookings are essential. RSVP to Jenny Delahunt by Friday 31 October 2014. Phone: 9412 3314 Email: [email protected]. 278 Victoria Parade, East Melbourne. MASS AT NORTHERN MEMORIAL PARK On Monday 3 November there will be a Mass for ‘All Souls’ at 5.00pm at Northern Memorial Park (Commemoration Centre) Box Forest Road. All welcome! THE AUSSIE CAMINO There has been enough interest for the parish Camino from Portland to Penola to go ahead next year. Fr Michael will now contact the person who arranges the Camino groups and we will prepare an information brochure about it. There will also be an information evening before the end of the year. Further details and dates will be provided in the newsletter in the next couple of weeks. PARISH PRAYER FOCUS FOR OCTOBER We pray for all people whose lives are affected by climate change. May we be united in responding to this global threat. ON THE NOTICEBOARD • Updates from the Archdiocese • Rachmaninov Vespers at St Patrick’s Cathedral, 31 October at 8.00pm • A Taize ‘pilgrimage’ in Melbourne in February • Excelsis Concert at St Patrick’s Cathedral on 14 November, presented in association with the Melbourne Catholic Migrant and Refugee Office • The Inaugural Fr Bill Jordan Memorial Concert • Lecture: Exploring Iraq Today – Implications for Christians and Muslims in Australia, 19 November in the Cardinal Knox Centre PARISH COLLECTIONS Church: $1219.34 Presbytery: $623.17 READINGS NEXT WEEK: Job 19:1. 23–27; Romans 5:5–11; Matthew 5:1–12 PAGINA IN ITALIANO FR VINH IN CONFERENZA Fr Vinh sarà via in una conferenza per i sacerdoti recentemente ordinati da Lunedì a Mercoledì sera di questa settimana. SERVIZI DI COMUNIONE / MESSE QUESTA SETTIMANA Solo per questa settimana ci sarà la seguente: A SANTA MARIA Da Martedì a Giovedì – 9.15 Messa Venerdì – 9.00 Messa A SANT’AMBROGIO Martedì e Mercoledì – 10.00 Servizio di Comunione Da Giovedì a Sabato – 10.00 Messa TEMPO PER RETIRO Entrambe le Suore Diane e Julita sarano via in ritiro questa settimana: Sr Diane farà il suo ritiro annuale dal 27 Ottobre fino a Domenica 2 Novembre. Sr Diane ha detto che si ricorderà nella preghiera di tutti i parrocchiani di Sant’Ambrogio e Santa Maria in questo tempo sacro. Sr Julita inizia il suo ritiro annuale oggi, 26 Ottobre. Lei tornerà a lavorare nella parrocchia Lunedì 3 Novembre. Preghiamo che questo retiro sia un momento orante e riposante per lei. CINEMA DI LUNEDÌ Sr Julita ricorda a tutti i parrocchiani di lingua Italiana che sono invitati a casa parrocchiale di Santa Maria Lunedì 3 Novembre alle ore 1:30 a guardare un film Italiano e gustare una tazza di tè o caffè insieme. Tutti Benvenuti! SERA DI INCHIESTA RCIA – QUESTA SETTIMANA Se conosce persone chi vorrebbe diventare Cattolici si prega d’invitarli a contattare Fr. Michael (9380 1023). Inoltre, farli sapere a rispito della sera di inchiesta nel Centro Comunitario di Sant’Ambrogio per tutti gli adulti che cercano di essere battezzato o essere portato in piena comunione con la Chiesa Cattolica. Si terrà Giovedì 30 Ottobre alle 7:30pm. GIORNO DI TUTTI I SANTI Prossimo Sabato primo Novembre è il giorno di Tutti i Santi, una giornata in cui onoriamo tutti i Santi della nostra tradizione Cristiana – non solo i Santi ben noti, ma anche quelli sconosciuti – i Santi che abbiamo incontrato che ci hanno ispirato e incoraggiato sul cammino della nostra vita. Celebreremo la festa di Tutti i Santi nella Messa Sabato delle ore 10:00am a Sant'Ambrogio. GIORNO DI TUTTI I FEDELI DEFUNTI Domenica prossima, Giorno di Tutti i Fedeli Defunti, il libro del ricordo sarà posizionato nei santuari delle Chiese di Santa Maria e di Sant’Ambrogio. Durante il mese di Novembre, siamo invitati a scrivere nel libro i nomi dei nostri parenti e amici defunti per i quali vogliamo pregare. Se i loro nomi sono già stati scritti nel libro, non bisogna scrivere di nuovo. Il libro del ricordo rimarrà in ogni Chiesa fino alla fine del mese, che ci ricorda di pregare per tutti coloro che hanno il nome nel libro. FOTO DI JOEL Per chi ricorda il nostro seminarista, Joel Peart, che era con noi l'anno scorso, c'è una foto del suo gruppo di ordinazione nella bacheca della Chiesa. Joel recentemente è stato ordinato diacono nella Cattedrale di S. Patrizio. CONCERTO IN MEMORIA Domenica 16 Novembre ci sarà la prima edizione 'Fr Bill Jordan Memorial Concert' nella Chiesa di St Brendan a Flemington, dalle ore 3:00 – 4:30 pm. Entrata per donazione. Fondi raccolti formeranno parte di Fr Bill Jordan Memorial Fund che assisterà nella formazioni e instruire di futuri musicisti liturgici. MESSA A NORTHERN MEMORIAL PARK Lunedì 3 Novembre ci sarà una Messa per 'Tutte i fedeli defunti' alle ore 5:00pm nel Northern Memorial Park (centro di commemorazione) Box forest Road. Tutti Benvenuti! PREGHIERA PARROCCHIALE PER OTTOBRE Preghiamo per tutte le persone cui vite sono affettati dai cambiamenti climatici. Potremmo essere Uniti nel rispondere a questa minaccia globale.
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