First Sunday in Lent - February 22, 2015

First Sunday in Lent - February 22, 2015
ALTAR SERVERS/ Week of February 23
Genesis 9:8-15
The Rainbow Covenant
People give things up for Lent, but they also do some things extra. They enter into the renewal that God desires for all creation.
Renewal often demands both strategies: giving up and doing extra.
Noon Jim Gates, Sean Creed, Zach Hudnall
Noon Larry Veeneman, Cameron Littell,
Trey P;lumeri
Wednesday Noon John Mudd, Glennon & Gus Orthober
Noon Steve Sternberg, Keller Riede,
Jake Bonafede
Noon Bob James, Jackson & Olivia Conner
Saturday 4:00pm Glennon Orthober, Gus Orthober,
Zach Hudnall, Cameron Littell
8:30am Sulli Meyer, Tucker Greive, Brady McCaw,
Lucy Champelli
10:30am Carly Crawford,, Ellie Crawford,
Trey Plumeri, Cole Hoehler
Take God, for example. At the end of the story of Noah, God
gave something up. You remember the story. People had behaved
so badly that God sent a flood to wipe out creation. But God took
pity on Noah, his family, and pairs of animals. As the floods recedEXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY
ed, God established a new cove-nant with Noah and set a rainbow
COMMUNION/ February 28 & March 1
in the sky as its sign.
4:00pm..…Corrie Block, Capt., Bob Massey, Jim Gates,
Donna DeZarn, Amanda Degrella, Parker Ashlock
What did God give up? God gave up global floods. "There shall 8:30am…..Sharon Roberts, Capt., Jack Sullivan, Susan Melcher,
Charlie Roth, Kelley Gates, Kevin Powers
not be another flood to dev-astate the earth." God gave up giving up
10:30am....Mark Raque Capt., Jack Raque, John Mudd,
on peo-ple.
Angela Dutton, David Linsey, Carolyn Halvarson
The story of our relationship with God did not end there. We
know at the beginning of Lent where that story will end at Easter.
God did more than give something up. God did something extra.
God sent us a redeemer. By ending destruction and offering redemption, God set a perfect exam-ple of renewal.
MINISTERS OF THE WORD/ February 28 & March 1
4:00pm… Bob Massey & Judy Gates
8:30am… Laurie Lannone & Tony Nall
10:30am.. Kenyon Meyer & Anne Raymond
Lent is like a desert. It is also like a flood. But most of all, it is 4:00pm…. David Worland, Capt., Joe O’Toole, Chris Martinez
like the balance of sun, water, and soil that yields a bountiful har8:30am…. Mark & Donna Kalein, Capt., Tim & Cathy Schroering,
Readings for Next Sunday
March 1, 2015
Gn 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18
Rom 8:31b-34
Mk 9:2-10
Mike Baron
10:30am…Meyer Family (Leonard, Mary Lou, Howard, Marlene,
Bob, Susan), Angela Denham
GIFT BEARERS/ February 28 & March 1
4:00pm…. Tiffany Shirley & Family
8:30am….. Michelle & Alex Bozich
10:30am… Millie & Tom Fleischer
Reflection for Sunday February 22, 2015
“Jesus appeared in Galilee proclaiming God’s good news: ‘This
is the time of fulfillment. The reign of God is at hand! Reform your lives and believe in the good news!” Mark 1:14-15
The good news of stewardship is that giving can
change our lives. Countless Christians have discovered the joy that giving can bring into their lives.
Our motto should be: “Give to live” or “Give until it
feels good.”
Week of February 23
Monday 2/23
Tuesday 2/24
Wednesday 2/25 Noon
Thursday 2/26 Noon
Friday 2/27
Saturday 2/28 4:00pm
Sunday 3/1
Isabel C. & Michael Clark
Nancy Suehrstedt
David Higgins
Bettie F. Russell
W.M. Russell
Mary Daniels
St. Raphael Parish Community
June & Dick Raque
Music Rotation
March 1
8:30am...Wesley Thomas, Cantor, Hannah Hall, Pianist, Mike
Schroeder, Mandolinist
10:30am...Mike Nash, Cantor, John Combs, Pianist, Mike McKune,
Mass intentions are a standing custom of our Catholic faith. A mass
can be requested as a means of extending prayerful support to a
family whose loved one is deceased. Additionally, a Mass Intention
can be an appropriate way of prayerfully celebrating the life-giving
moments of an individual, couple or family. To request a Mass, contact the Parish Resource Center 458-2500.
Marriage Encounter—a gi to any marriage
A weekend retreat for married couples
who desire time away to enrich their
marriage. Next Louisville area weekend Sept. 26-27. To learn more, visit
This year's SRS "Giant" Picnic is scheduled for June
18,19, and 20. We are beginning the planning stages
now and will need plenty of help from volunteers to
sponsors. Look for more details to follow.
Retrouvaille - a gi for struggling marriages
This ministry provides a weekend retreat
experience plus six post sessions. Next
Louisville area weekend - Sept. 18 - 20. To
learn more, visit
St. Vincent DePaul
Our SVDP conference invites any member of the parish to join our organization for the upcoming year. We
have an immediate need for an individual who would
communicate with other SVDP conferences via phone
when there is a need @ St. Raphael. All communication is during the day. If you have an interest, I ask
you to contact me for additional information about
this most needed position. I can be reached @ Home
459-0841 or [email protected].
John Raque
2015 Stewardship
Please remember to turn in your Stewardship Cards.
Each year they are being used more and more to help
identify volunteers and prepare the parish budget.
Please make sure you fill out the new census forms.
We are updating everyone’s information because many
times volunteers cannot be reached due to parishioners
having changes in address or phone numbers and do
not relay this information to the Parish Resource Center.
Spotlight on the School
Students just completed the Assessment of Catholic Religious Education (ACRE) in grades 5 and 8!
Results help us plan for religious instruction for
the coming school year.
Parishioners, parents, and prospective school families are invited to join us for the following
Upcoming Events:
Monday 2/23 8:10am Value Session: Stations of the
Cross: Teresa House
Thursday 2/26 9:00am K-5 Mass: The Golden Rule:
Ms. Schrader’s class
Friday 2/27 11:30am Craft Fair in the Media Center
to Benefit the Home of the Innocents
Queen’s Daughters
The Queen’s Daughters organization is planning to celebrate its 100th anniversary on April 19. The organization would like to update its mailing list to invite current and former members, Queen’s Daughters Junior
Catholics United for Life invites you to a once-in-aCircle members and those who have received Queen’s
lifetime event on Sunday, March 8, 2015, “An Evening with Monsignor Hilary C. Franco,” Ven. Sheen’s Daughters’ scholarships. To submit current contact
co ntact
Kl u mp
closest friend and collaborator and author of the book i n fo rmation ,
[email protected] or 634-5559.
Bishop Fulton J. Sheen Mentor and
Friend. Location: Sacred Heart Campus (Ursuline Arts
The Queen’s Daughters Spring Fashion Show and
Center), 3113 Lexington Road, Louisville. Doors open
Luncheon will be held on Tuesday, March 10, 2015, at
at 6:30 p.m., presentation at 7:00 p.m., book signing
and refreshments to follow. Tickets may be purchased, the Olmstead (3710 Frankfort Ave). Doors open at
in advance or at the door, by making a tax-deductible 11am. Lunch is at noon with fashions from Oxmoor
donation of $15 or more to the 2015 Ignite Your Torch Center and Mall St. Matthews to follow. Proceeds benefit the Mother-Infant Care program and the scholarCatholic Youth Conference.
ship fund. Tickets are $40 and reservations are required. Please call Margaret Reinhart at 425-5517 for
Monsignor Franco will hold additional book signings
information and reservations.
on Saturday, March 7, 2015 at Tonini’s Church
Supply, 966 Breckenridge Road, from 11:00 a.m. to
12:00 p.m. and at A Reader’s Corner, 2044 Frankfort
Avenue, from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Tickets for Sunday’s “An Evening with Monsignor Hilary C. Franco”
will also be available for purchase. For more inforMarch Madness for Moms Retreat
mation, please contact Theresa Smith at 270-3253061 or email at [email protected].
“March Madness for Moms,” a weekend retreat, will be
presented by Judy Ribar at the Loftus House on the
grounds of Mount St. Francis Retreat Center in Southern Indiana March 14-15. The cost is $100 and inMen for Chirst
cludes lunches and supper. There will be opportunities
for prayer, journaling, walking and sharing with other
Men for Christ--What does it take to know your voca- women. The limit is five women. For reservations and
tion? Could God be calling you to priesthood? Single, information, contact Lynn Reker at 812-923-8817 or
Catholic men ages 18-40 are invited to a discernment [email protected]. Contact Ribar at juretreat on March 13-15 to pray, listen to presentations [email protected].
on discernment and meet our seminarians. Registration is required. Please contact the Vocation Office at
636-0296 or [email protected] for more information.
Catholics United for Life
Support Group
St. Bartholomew Parish...Every Lent the Church encourages us to intensify the threefold practice of prayUps and Downs, a support group for those dealing
with depression, grief or anxiety, will meet on Feb. 26 er, fasting, and almsgiving in order to detach ourselves
from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in the couch room at St. Mi- from the world and embrace the Gospel of Jesus Christ
chael Church, 3705 Stone Lakes Drive. For more infor- with greater passion and commitment. We're happy to
mation, call Father Richard Sullivan at 266-5611, ext. host Splendor of Truth Ministries founder Dr. Nicholas
Lebish for a biblical, spiritual, and practical study of
2. All are welcome. There is a $5 fee.
this threefold path to holiness on Tuesday evening,
March 3rd, from 78:30pm at St. Bartholomew Parish. For more information about the ministry, visEucharistic Adoration
it Free and Open
to the Public
The Passionist Community will offer Eucharistic Adoration on Fridays during Lent (the first will be Feb. 20)
from noon to 3 p.m. in the community’s chapel, 1924
Newburg Road.
We extend a warm welcome to
all our visitors. If you are new
to the area, we invite you to
register in the parish. Registration forms are available from
the Parish Resource Center.
Upcoming Baptism Dates
April 19, 2015 at 12:00 pm
June 14, 2015 at 12:00 pm
September 13, 2015 at 12:00 pm
November 8, 2015 at 12:00 pm
Sunday Collection
February 15, 2015
Not available
Prayer Requests
PLEASE let us know if you have a family member who has
moved into a nursing home or assisted living. We want to
continue including them in the parish community and will
send parishioners to visit with them. Call the Parish Resource
Center at 458-2500 to let us know.
Sponsor Spotlight
Allgeier Brewing Company
Allgeier Family parishioners
Mary Lee Anderson
John Anson
Bill Bates
Frank Berens
Kara Bratcher
Pat Bratcher
Mary Rose Brizendine
Mary Brown
Cynthia Burkhead
James Caudill
Leo Ciacio
Brian Cowell
Eunice Marie Cronin
Alan Cronin
Martha Davis
Mary Lou Dempler
Gayle Nelson-Fertig
Daniel Flynn
George Gates
Gena Gerth
Jay Gibson
Cindy Goldsmith
Karl Graft
Jeanne Gravatte
Jesse Hargan
Sue Harris
Patricia Heughlin
Dolores Heuser
Marietha Higdon
Jennifer Hood
Ben Hull
Robert Kern
Edward P. Kiefer
Lessie Kiesler
Gabe Kinderman
LaVerne Knabel
Martha Krebs
Elizabeth Lauer
David Lawalin
Maureen Lawless
Gasper Lentini
Richard A. Lougee
Ruth Lougee
Charles Lucas
Janie Massey
Andrew McKinley
Anna Morris
Doris Morris
Thomas Morris
Patricia Mucci
Jim Mueller
Mary Nowaki
Larry O’Connell
Malinda O’Daniel
John J. Orthober
Dot Patterson
Kathleen Paul
Dr. Richard Phelps
Connie Ramsey
Jeanne Reinstedler
Griffin Rose
Margaret Schulz
Eileen Shaughnessy
John Sommerman
Katherine Spalding
Mary Anne Storch
Terry Stocksdale
Cora AM. Swindell
Jane Wagner
Carol Walls
Joseph Wehner
Sarah Westerfield
Sondra Williams
Joan Winkler
Doris Wine
Dorothy Wulf
Cici Zoeller
March 24 Patton Museum at Fort Knox and lunch
The coach will leave St. Raphael @ 9:00 AM on March 24. We will tour the museum, then reboard
our comfortable coach for a brief trip to Colton Steak House where we will enjoy a tasty lunch. We
will return to Lancashire Ave. by 3PM. Reserve your place soon.
The cost is $22.00 per person. Lunch is on your own at Colton Steak House. Please mail this part
of the page and your check (made payable to St. Raphael) to Sarafun 2141 Lancashire Ave. 40205,
or drop through Parish Resource Center mail slot. Deadline to receive reservations March 19.
Phone___________________ Amount Enclosed____________
LENTEN Prayer Opportunities at St. Raphael the Archangel
Exposition of the Holy Eucharist and Benediction from 6-7PM and Compline from 78pm on the following Wednesday’s in Lent:
February 25, 2015
March 4, 2015
March 11, 2015: There will be a Communal Reconciliation at
7pm FOLLOWING Exposition of Holy Eucharist with no Compline this night
March 18, 2015
March 25, 2015: Mass at 5PM for “The Annunciation of the
Lord” and then Exposition of the Holy Eucharist followed by
April 1, 2015
Compline (Night Prayer) from 7-8:00 pm which will be done
via music and singing on all nights that there is Exposition of
the Holy Eucharist and Benediction. This is an open invitation
to bring your instruments, your voices and anything else you
can think of in which to give of yourself musically. We will sing
all types of songs and play any and all instruments around our
new piano in order to give glory to God.