The Parish of St. Edward the Confessor Registered Charity no. 234025 Father Peter Cryan 145 London Road, Macclesfield SK11 7RL Tel: 01625 423576 E-mail: [email protected] Parish web-site: School web-site: Newsletter for the week of 15th February 2015 TODAY: Retiring collection for C.E.S. - the Catholic Education Service - the Bishops’ of England & Wales national agency for Education. For the support work it does see: GREETINGS from ST. PETER’S MAGWAGWA Fr. Peter brings back from his stay in his former parish in Kisi Diocese in Western Kenya greetings to, grateful thanks for the financial help and prayers from the parishioners for St. Edward’s parishioners & parish. He brought £300 to the fundraising at St. Mary’s Mesobwa Centre, then £225 to build a badly needed boys Toilet for St. Peter’s Nyakenyomisia Secondary School, £200 for windows or desks for the new St. Clare’s Gekendo Girls Sec. School & £75 to Fr. Walter Obara, the assistant priest, to service his diesel pick-up vehicle. Fr. Peter also viewed all the Centres which have been helped by parishioners of St. Edward’s & saw the developments done in the last year & also viewed future possible opportunities in newly established centres & schools e.g. St. Samuel’s Nyabione. APPRECIATIVE THANKS Much thanks on behalf of the whole parish to those who ensured the parish’s smooth running while Fr. Peter was away: the Sacristan’s, the Keys Holders, the Newsletter compilers & printers & the team of Eucharistic Ministers providing Services of Word & Communion and the quite a few who continually provide ministries of Liturgy, Music, Cleaning, Flowers, Children’s Liturgy, Welcomers & Eucharistic Ministers bringing Holy Communion to the Housebound and sick. Thank you. THANK YOU for YOUR GENEROSITY Last Sunday’s Offertory £213.25 ASH WEDNESDAY This Wed 18th Feb- the Start of Lent. - 11.45am Mass with blessing & distribution of ashes - 7.00pm Mass with blessing & distribution of ashes - A Day of Fasting (1 full meal only) & Abstinence from meat for healthy & able-bodied adult Catholics. Lent is the Church’s period of Penance & Preparation to take part worthily in the celebration of Holy Week & Easter. So do consider how you may take part in this Season of grace and renewal. STATIONS of the CROSS After Friday 7.00pm Evening Mass. Would two parishioners per week kindly get together & inform Fr. Peter to lead this traditional devotion of following in the steps of the last hours of our Saviour. PRAYER VIGIL FOR RELIGIOUS FREEDOM Next Sat 21st Feb. 3- 4.30pm at Shrewsbury Cathedral Join Bishop Mark, Shrewsbury Cathedral Clergy & the Catholic Charity ACN (Aid to the Church in Need) in a Prayer Vigil for Religious Freedom for 90 minutes to learn about, reflect on & pray for all those Christians in the world who are currently suffering great hardships because of their faith. See poster. MARRIAGE & FAMILY LIFE Invitation The Parish Pastoral Council has taken up the invitation of the Bishops of England & Wales to reflect on the Gift of Marriage & Family Life to arranging for us to reflect on the six questions, applying them to our experience of marriage and family life providing feedback for the Bishops’ delegates going to the Synod in Rome next October whose theme is: The Vocation & Mission of the Family in the Church & in the Contemporary World. Fr. Peter hopes that many will involve themselves in the arrangements which have still to be made. DIOCESAN LOURDES PILGRIMAGE 2015 The annual Pilgrimage to Lourdes is 28th July -5th Aug overland & 29th July- 4th Aug by air. Booking Forms are available from St. Peter’s Hazel Grove, St. Alban’s Wallasey & from 900 people from the diocese, led by Bishop Davies, have joined in making the pilgrimage to Lourdes. All are welcome to join the pilgrimage including newcomers and especially nurses & health care professionals to assist the care of the sick and less able. BANNER GROUP Meets next Sat 21st Feb 1-4pm in the C. Room. BOOK GROUP Wed 25th Feb 7.45pm Community Room. We’ll discuss “The Signature of All Things” by Elizabeth Gilbert. Just come along or phone: 01625 611075 for more info. WALK for CHRISTIAN AID Please take part in a sponsored walk to raise funds for Christian Aid on Saturday held at Tittersworth Water. See Jean Bell for details (After Sunday Morning Mass or tel: 01625 426572 CHURCH CLEANING Can you spare 1-2 hours about every 6 weeks to keep our church clean? Please contact Barbara or Richard Stringer at [email protected] CONGRATULATIONS Blessings and prayers for Edith Hitchener who celebrates her 90th Birthday this weekend. DIARY of EVENTS - Fri 27th Feb Cafod Lent Fast Day - Fri 6th March Women’s World Day of Prayer - Sat 7th March 2nd Step for Children for 1st Sacraments - Sat 14th March Parish Lent Soup Lunch - Sun 5th April Easter - Sun 17th May (Ascension Day) 1st Holy Communions - Fri 19th June 7 Confirmation MASS TIMES Sunday 15.2.15 10.30am 6th SUNDAY in ORDINARY TIME People of the Parish Monday 16.2.15 9.30am Clifford Mason RIP anniv. Tuesday 17.2.15 9.30am (7 Founders of the Servite Order) Bertha Adams RIP (SVP) Wednesday 18.2.15 11.45am Ash Wednesday (with distribution of ashes) People of the Parish 1.00pm (Hospital) 7.00pm Ash Wednesday (with distribution of ashes) People of the Parish 1.00pm (Hospital) Thursday 19.2.15 9.30am David Garside RIP (SVP) Friday 20.2.15 7.00pm (followed by Stations of the Cross) Edith Hitchener (Blessings) Saturday 21.2.15 10.30am 11-11.30am Sacrament of Reconciliation 5.30pm 1st Mass of the 1st Sunday of Lent People of the Parish Sunday 15.2.15 10.30am 1st Sunday of Lent People of the Parish Today Sunday: Children’s Liturgy in the Community Room 10.25am Today after Sunday Mass, all are invited to come through to the Community Room for refreshments Readings for Ash Wednesday: Joel 2:12-18; Psalm 50; 2 Corinthians 5:20-6:2; Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18 Readings for 1st Lent Sunday: Genesis 9:8-15; Psalm 24; 1Peter 3:18-22; Mark 1:12-15
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