Office of Communications
Planning a Parish event? Visit our Event Calendar at to help choose a date.
Events, including retreats and jamaicas, are listed. Call us at 806-792-3943 Ext. 218 or e-mail
[email protected] with any parish event of interest to the diocese by noon on Tuesday.
Sign up for weekly updates: Please send your request to [email protected]
to receive the Pastoral Update by email.
April 21, 2015
Top News – Most Recent
SPECIAL COLLECTION – Catholic Home Missions – this weekend – April 25/26 - This appeal
strengthens the Catholic Church in the U.S. and its territories in 87 Latin and Eastern Catholic dioceses.
The collection funds a wide range of pastoral services, including evangelization, religious education, and
the maintenance of mission parishes, and the training of seminarians and lay ministers.
The Diocese of Lubbock receives back in grants more than ten times the amount collected in our diocese.
GRACE BEFORE MEALS – Father Leo Patalinghug, STL, host and creator of EWTN’s Grace Before Meals
and featured on other networks nationally, will be the speaker for two nights at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church,
1120 52nd Street, Lubbock. An Evening for Couples – “Spicing up Married Life” - Saturday, May 2, 6-8 p.m.
$35/couple includes meal. Register at or by calling 806-763-0710. If you register online,
mail $35 to Evening for Couples, Our Lady of Guadalupe Church, PO Box 3947, Lubbock, TX 79452.
Also featured is Youth Night – Sunday, May 3, 5-7 p.m. Free, no registration required! For more information
on Father Leo, please see
FIRST FRIDAY FISH FRY – May 1, 5-7 p.m., Holy Cross Parish, Post. All are welcome
LEARN TO COOK CLASSES – May 6-27, Free nutrition classes, cooking classes, dietitian appointments.
Contact Catholic Charities, Nutrition & Wellness Department, 806-765-8475 or [email protected]
CURSILLO FOR WOMEN – May 21-24, in English. For information: Deacon Joe Morin, 806-543-5686
MEMORIAL DAY MASS: Catholic War Veterans will host a Memorial Day Mass on May 25 @11 a.m. at
Christ the King Cathedral. All are welcome to attend.
TEEN ACTS (TACTS) RETREAT – July 16-19. For information: Ignacio Vasquez, TACTS Liaison- 806790-6422 or [email protected]. Online:
registration Please mail your registration form (Parts A and B) to: ACTS Community of Lubbock, P.O. Box
16827, Lubbock, TX 79416. Please include the fee of $150. A minimum deposit of $75.00 is required to be
put on the list; the entire $150 is due before the retreat. Make checks payable to: ACTS Community of
Lubbock. If cancellation is made within one week of the retreat, $50 of the retreat fee will be retained.
CATHOLIC FOUNDATION GRANTS TO PARISHES: The Catholic Foundation awards grants to
Catholic parishes, schools and organizations. Thanks to the generosity of its donors and to favorable earnings on
investments, The Catholic Foundation has increased the total grant distribution to $15,000 this year. Individual
grant awards will be for $500, $750 or $1,000. Any parish/parish organization or Catholic school within the
Diocese of Lubbock may apply for these grants. Projects may include, but are not limited to, construction or
renovation projects, youth activities, equipment or software, catechetical materials, scholarships, start-up
expenses for new projects, retreats, and so on. Only one request will be funded per school or parish/parish
organization. Application must include the signature of the pastor. Application forms are available at Completed applications are due via email, fax, postal mail or delivery to
the Catholic Foundation on or before 5 p.m. on May 15. Applications will be reviewed and recipients selected
by the Catholic Foundation Board of Directors at its Annual Meeting. Parishes and projects will be notified of
decisions and will receive grant funds no later than June 30. For more information, please contact Rachel
Martinez at 806-792-3943 extension 207, or [email protected].
Office of Evangelization & Catechesis
ARISE MISSION TRAINING: The Mission is a parish-wide event which is offered to "inspire in all the
faithful a true longing for holiness, a deep desire for conversion and a personal renewal." (St. John Paul II) It
also provides an opportunity for the entire parish to reflect and celebrate and share our faith.
Contact: Alicia Alvarez: (806) 792-3943 ext. 222. The ARISE Mission Trainings are scheduled by deanery:
April 21-Brownfield Saint Anthony, 7 p.m.; April 23-Plainview Our Lady of Guadalupe, 7 p.m.;
April 25-Catholic Renewal Center, 10 a.m.-Noon.
Parishes and Around the Diocese
MARRIAGE RALLY – Come one, come all! Saturday, April 25, 12-3 p.m., Catholic Renewal Center, 4th
& Toledo, Lubbock. (Also will be present at 10:30 at Christ the King Cathedral, 4011 54th, during the Youth
Rally.) The Marriage Rally is sponsored by the Marriage and Family Life Office in support of the March for
Marriage in Washington, D.C. happening at the same time. The US Bishops have approved and strongly
encourage participation in these rallies: Marriage = One Man + One Woman. The Marriage March is
scheduled three days before the U.S. Supreme Court hears oral arguments on the constitutionality of states
preserving the legal definition of marriage as the union of one man and one woman. Two of the bishops
supporting the March wrote: “This will be an opportunity to stand for the good of marriage in our nation, to
pray for our Supreme Court justices, and to demonstrate our commitment to the well-being of children.”
STYLE SHOW & SILENT AUCTION – “Run for the Roses,” Saturday, May 2, Christ the King Family
Activity Center, 4011 54th Street, Lubbock. Doors open at 10 a.m., Lunch at Noon, Style Show from DREST
by Scott Malouf at 12:45 p.m. $28 for individual seating, $280 for reserved table of 8, $300 sponsor table with
preferred seating. Put on your best hat and join the CTKC Women’s Organization for a fun time. Tickets sold
until Sunday, April 26. [email protected], the roses
#FlatFrancis Across the U.S. – Please share #FlatFrancis with your youth, young adult and parish ministries.
Go to to download a cutout of Pope Francis to help build excitement for Pope Francis’ visit
to America in September. Encourage Catholics to take a photo with the cutout and post on Twitter or Instagram
using the hashtag #FlatFrancis, or send photos to [email protected]. Catholic Extension will
send them to the pope to show him the many faces of American Catholicism.
GRADUATION PHOTOS: High school and college graduates may submit photos for the annual supplement
published by Bishop Rodriguez in the South Plains Catholic. Wallet-sized photos are best, but any close-up will
do. Be sure to include your name, address, school, and parish on the back of the photos, and include $1 and a
self-addressed envelope for your photo to be returned. Mail to: Graduation Issue, PO Box 98700, Lubbock TX
79499-8700. Photos may be e-mailed to [email protected]. Include the above information in your
e-mail. Deadline for receiving photos: May 15, 2015.
SAINT ISIDORE RURAL LIFE MASS- Monday, May 4, at Tracey & Laurie Kitten Farm, 6822 E. County
Road 7900, Slaton. Please bring a side dish and/or dessert to share. Mercy Center will furnish fajitas, rice &
beans. (Directions from Lubbock: Drive south on I-87, turn east on FM 41. Drive 5.3 miles to County Road
3000 (road curves, but keep going straight). Turn south (right) on dirt road, drive one mile, turn left at first
intersection. Kitten farm is ½ mile down, first house on right.) Contact: Tracey Kitten-806-777-9321
HOLY SPIRIT SAUSAGE FESTIVAL- April 26, 11:30 a.m.-3 p.m., 9821 Frankford, Lubbock. Dinner will
feature homemade German sausage, grilled chicken, sauerkraut, green beans, pinto beans, potatoes, bread and
desserts. Cost: $10/adults, $5/children 12 years and under) Tickets for meal and raffles can be purchased at the
festival or in advance from the church office. Information call: 806-786-2500.
Peace & Justice Ministries
The Texas Catholic Conference (TCC) tries to be judicious in issuing alerts and does so when contact from
constituents will make a difference at a critical moment in furthering the agenda of the Bishops of Texas. You
may direct questions to Jeffery Patterson, TCC Executive Director, at [email protected]
PEOPLE OF FAITH AGAINST THE DEATH PENALTY- The State of Texas will execute a death row
inmate on Thursday April 23 NS Tuesday, April 28. The Catechism of the Catholic Church (#2267) teaches
that the death penalty should be used very rarely, if ever. You are invited to an ecumenical prayer vigil during
the approximate times of these actual executions (5:45-6:15 p.m.). During this time we pray for the victims of
the crimes, the accused, their families and those who carry out the execution. The vigils are held at the corner
of 15th Street & University Ave. across from TTU in front of St. John’s UMC. Questions? Call St. John
Neumann parishioner Anne Cochran-795-9745.
Office for Youth
YOUTH RALLY – “Made in His Image” - April 24: Registration 5:30–6:30 p.m.; Rally Activities 6:30–10
p.m.; April 25: 8 a.m.-10 p.m. Keynote Speakers: Sean Forrest: nationally known and a favored Steubenville
speaker; and Monica Ashour: Director of TOBET, Theology of the Body Evangelization Team in Austin. Fill
out a Group Registration form and send to [email protected], or to Diocesan Youth Office, PO
Box 98700, Lubbock 79499. Fee increases to $25 after April 20, and correct T-shirt sizes are not insured.
Payment can be made the rally, but names must be submitted by April 20. Bring payment along with Form E
(found online at for each youth.
CONFIRMATION RETREAT: Saturday, May 16, Saint Joseph Church Parish Center, 19th & Division
Streets, Slaton. This retreat is being designed to draw students closer to the Holy Spirit and make ready to
receive the Spirit. Any confirmation candidate (any high school student is welcome). Schedule: 8 a.m.–
Registration; 8:30 – begin; 12:00 – lunch; Exposition and Adoration; 5:30 p.m. Mass. Cost: $5 for lunch. Bring
a bible. Contact: Dan Franklin - [email protected]
Office for Marriage & Family Life
CATHOLIC MOMS OF LUBBOCK meet every Thursday (weather permitting) for a family picnic on the
lawn of the Diocese, 4620 4th Street, at noon. Check for updates.
CATHOLIC ENGAGED ENCOUNTER (CEE) – April 24-26- Mercy Retreat Center, Slaton. Cost is
$225/couple. CEE provides quality marriage preparation for couples planning to marry in the Catholic Church,
but non-Catholics are also welcome to attend. For more information, contact Richard & Elaine Ybarra, 806792-3943 ext 231, [email protected], or see (New 2015
brochure on website—note change in fee.) Late registration fee of $60 will be charged for registration with two
weeks before your weekend. Please make checks out to Lubbock CEE, mail to Family Life Office, Diocese of
Lubbock, Box 98700, Lubbock, TX 79499-8700. Weekends are also scheduled for: April 24-26, June 5-7, Oct
9-11, 2015.
Office for Vocations
For young men: QUO VADIS CAMP - Tuesday, August 4 – Friday, August 7, 2015
For young women: FIAT CAMP - Monday, August 10 – Thursday, August 13, 2015
Contact: Vocations Office - 806-792-3943 ext 227
Office of Stewardship and Development
STEWARDSHIP REFLECTIONS: Fourth Sunday of Easter- April 25/26- in today’s Gospel reading we
hear Jesus referring to himself as “the good shepherd.” His sheep know him, trust him, listen to him and follow
him; having faith that no harm will come to them as long as they stay close to him. We reaffirmed our faith in
Christ when we renewed our baptismal promises at Easter. As stewards of our relationship with Jesus Christ,
are we, like the sheep, willing to listen to Jesus, follow him, trust him?
Cuarto Domingo de Pascua - En la lectura del Evangelio de hoy escuchamos a Jesús refiriéndose a sí mismo
como “el buen pastor.” Sus ovejas le conocen, confían en él, le escuchan y le siguen; tienen fe en que ningún
mal les sucederá mientras permanezcan cerca de él. Nosotros reafirmamos nuestra fe en Cristo cuando
renovamos nuestras promesas bautismales en la Pascua. Como corresponsables de nuestra relación con
Jesucristo, ¿estamos nosotros dispuestos/as como las ovejas, a escuchar a Jesús, a seguirle y a confiar en él?
To access the entire month of readings, please see Stewardship e-bulletin:
Retreats/ Spiritual Development
EASTER SEASON RETREAT: Saturday, April 25, 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m., Saint Elizabeth Church Conference
Center, 2324 Broadway. “Jesus Rising Within You! Keep the Easter Season alive in you!” Speakers include:
Deacon Max Perea of Saint John Neumann, Deacon Pedro Juarez of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Lubbock, and
Oscar Reyes of Saint Elizabeth. The retreat is free for all participants! Registration-from 8:30– 9 a.m. To preregister: Call the parish office, 762-5225 or email Cindy- [email protected] Persons 16 years and older are
encouraged to attend. No child care provided. Lunch will be provided by the parish for retreatants.
RACHEL’S VINEYARD - “But God raised him up, releasing him from the throes of death, because it was
impossible for him to be held by it.”- Acts 2:24
Come be released from what is holding you away from God and allow Him to restore life inside of you again
after your abortion. Come on a Rachel’s Vineyard™ Retreat with us. Confidential contact:
[email protected] and 806-577-5912.
RINCON DE RAQUEL - “Pero Dios lo libró de los dolores de la muerte y lo resucitó, pues no era posible que
quedase bajo el poder de la muerte.” -Hechos de los Apóstoles 2:24
Venga a liberarse de lo que lo está alejando de Dios y permítale a Él restaurarle la vida por dentro de nuevo.
Venga a un Retiro del Viñedo de Raquel™. Sanación Después del Aborto Confidential contact:
[email protected] and 806-577-5912.
Recurring (Weekly) Activities
SINGLE AND PARENTING program Mondays, 6:30-8:00 p.m. To register, please call Family Life office –
806-792-3943 ext. 231 or [email protected]
YOUNG ADULT FAITH GROUP : Meets Mondays @ 8 p.m. at Lubbock Saint Elizabeth Pallotti Building.
Catholic post-college adults including graduate students, medical and law students and young professionals in
the Diocese of Lubbock. For more information, contact Leia Arteaga, [email protected], 806-543-6265.
GRIEF SHARE program Wednesdays, 6:30-8:00 p.m. and runs for 13 weeks.
To register, please call Family Life office – 806-792-3943 ext. 231 or [email protected]
MASS ON TEXAS TECH CAMPUS: Wednesdays at 12:10 p.m., Graduate Center Conference Room,
basement of the Administration Building. Visit for Student Center information.
BIBLE STUDY: Brother John's Catholic Books & Gifts (13th & Slide Road) Mondays @7 p.m.
COUNSELING: Affordable marriage and family counseling offered by the Marriage and Family Life Office,
in collaboration with TTU Marriage & Family Clinic. To schedule an appointment call Dr. Nicole Springer at
806-742-3074. Counselors can meet at Saint John Neumann Church.
Office of Communications
OUR LADY OF VICTORY RADIO: Visit 102.9 FM website at to hear live
streaming of EWTN. For program schedule, please see
TWITTER: Follow Bishop Rodriguez: @BpRodriguezCMF
CONNECT WITH THE DIOCESE OF LUBBOCK: Follow: @CatholicLubbock on Twitter & Instagram
SHARE YOUR ARISE EXPERIENCES: Use #AriseLBK on social media to share your experiences!
SEND South Plains Catholic story ideas, stories, and photos (including names and explanations) to: PO Box
98700, Lubbock, Texas 79499-8700, or [email protected]. The next deadlines are:
April 29
--April 21-25 – Monica Ashour, Theology of the
Body events
--Catholic Charities Night to Remember- June 7
--Teen Acts (TACTS) retreat- July 16
--Quo Vadis Camp – August 4, 5 & 6
--Fiat Camp—August 10, 11 & 12
--World Meeting of Families – September 22-27,
--July 25, Saint Mary Magdalen, Floydada, 9 a.m.midnight
--July 26, O’Donnell Saint Pius X, 12-8 p.m.
--July 26, Saint Theresa, Hale Center, 12-8 p.m.
-- Lockney San Jose, August 1
--Brownfield Saint Anthony – August 1, 12-8
--August 2, New Deal Our Lady Queen of Angelsnoon-7 p.m.
--August 8, Post Holy Cross, 11 a.m.-11 p.m.
--August 8, Shallowater Saint Philip
--August 15, Slaton OL Guadalupe, Noon-12 a.m.
--August 16, Lubbock Our Lady of Grace
--September 5, Spur Saint Mary, 12-12
--June 7, Lubbock Saint Theresa, Mass @10 a.m.Jamaica until 7 p.m.
-- Saint Patrick’s, June 7, 12-7 .p.m.
-- Saint Philip Idalou, June 14, Noon to ?
--Wolfforth Saint Francis, June 14, 12-7 p.m.
--June 21, Lubbock OL of Guadalupe-11 a.m-9:30
--June 27, Anton Saint Anthony, 12-7 p.m.
--Lubbock Saint Joseph,
-- June 28, Saint Joseph, Lubbock
--June 28, Olton Saint Peter, 10:30 a.m.-6p.m.
--July 11, Ralls Saint Michael, 3-11 p.m.
--July 12, Tahoka Saint Jude, 12-10 p.m.
--July 18, Abernathy Saint Isidore, 11 a.m.-8 p.m.
--July 19, Woodrow San Ramon, 12-7 p.m.
--July 19, Saint John Neumann, 12:30-8:00 p.m.