Ouston Community Association Ltd Iris Crescent Ouston Chester le Street DH2 1RJ Tel: 0191 410 5183 Email: [email protected] Business/ Unit Plan 2012-2014 Registered Charity: 1130833 Company Number: 06750379 Contents Page No 1. Mission Statement 2. Company Details 3. Executive Summary 4. Introduction 5. Background information 6. Activities 7. Outcomes 8. Community Profile 9. Management and Staffing structure 10. Organisational Chart 11. Financial overview 12. Strategic Aims 13. SWOT Analysis 14. Development Strategy 15. A Funding Strategy 14 Cost Planning 15 User Based Research 18 Marketing Strategies 20. Communication 21 Risk Analysis Matrix 22 Exit Strategy 23Action Plan 24Appendices 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 14 & 15 15 16 17 18 18 18 18 18 19 20 Job Description Person Specification 2 Mission Statement We have identified our mission statement as follows: ‘To provide a Community Resource Centre for the people of Ouston through which individuals of all ages, and community groups, will have access to meeting spaces, advice, information and guidance, educational, social and leisure opportunities. We also aim to ensure the longer term viability of this Community Resource by working with others to access community grants and encourage a degree of self –sustainability from income from the services we provide Board of Directors September 2011 3 Organisation Details Ouston Community Association Ltd Registered Charity Number: 1130833 Company Number 06750379 Address: Ouston Community Association Iris crescent Ouston Chester Le Street County Durham DH2 1RJ Telephone 0191 4105183 Email [email protected] Web Site www.oustoncommunitycentre.com Accountants Times Two Accountancy Service 2 Cromarty Ouston Chester Le Street County Durham DH2 1LA 0191 4111140 Board of Directors. 2011. Officers Chairman Treasurer Secretary Norman Badger Zack Scott Peter Scott Board Members Audrey Stephenson Jane Robinson Susan Shand Iain Garth 4 Executive Summary Ouston Community Association Ltd was established in 1976 and operates in an area of great disadvantage in terms of the indices of deprivation, i.e high unemployment, , poverty and a larger than average number of people over 55 with health related issues. The organisation has been in operation for over 35 years and boasts a number of successes both in terms of the range of activities it provides to the community and the variety of groups using the facilities. Despite these successes however and its longevity as an association the Board recognise that today they are operating in a very different financial climate and that as well as being a community resource providing services to the community at an affordable cost they also need to work towards becoming more self sustainable generating income from the services provided and relying less on grants aid for their work. The Development of a Three year Business Plan is the first stage in this process. The Business Plan looks at how and where the organisation has come from has come from and more importantly how it is planning for the future. This plan looks ahead for the next three years and the challenge facing the organisation based on the identified needs of the local community and the resources it needs to meet these challenges both in terms generating income and opportunity and identifying and securing the appropriate personnel to meet these challenges. The Organisation sees this Business Plan as a living working document and the basis of all future activities. The Plan will be reviewed annually and at key stages of our development and the actions for preceding years identified with clear goals and objectives for the coming year. 5 1 Introduction 1.1 This is a 3-year rolling Business/ Unit Plan developed by Ouston Community Association Ltd which illustrates how we will achieve our strategic objectives during the period September 2011 – August 2014 1.2 The purpose of this plan is to: • Provide an overview of the organisation, including its aims and objectives, illustrating how we intend to expand on these aims and objectives with the intention of providing better and additional services to our current and future users. • Identify the financial implications and requirements of current and future services offered by the organisation. • Identify potential funding and other income sources to develop a realistic programme for development over the period of this plan. 1.3 2.4 This plan will be reviewed regularly, every three months, updated annually, and will be the responsibility of a nominated board member working with senior management. Future or changes in objectives will be agreed by: • Effective monitoring and evaluation of the organisation’s work on a regular basis by management, every three months, and review and approval by the board of directors thereafter at least annually • Regular input from the board and all users/ members of the organisation via quarterly forums to ensure that all needs are identified and satisfaction thereof are fully reflected in future developments • Feedback from other relevant organisations such as voluntary, statutory and commercial and potential users from within the community and beyond • Based on the nature and amount of funding and other income available to underpin the proposed services at all times This Unit Plan was developed by the Board of Directors during May- July 2011. The Plan will then be open to the wider community for consultation during the month of August 20011 and will be amended accordingly and ratified by the Board at our September Board Meeting as the way forward for our organisation. The Unit Plan provides a working document for the organisation for the next three years and it will be updated annually following progress, outcomes and ongoing consultation. 6 2: Background Information. 2.1 Ouston Community Association Ltd is a registered Charity 1130833 and a Company Ltd by Guarantee 06750379. The organisation is managed by a Board of Directors elected annually at our AGM. The Board Currently comprises seven individuals with a diverse range of skills and backgrounds. All Board members are from the local community and as such have a feel for the organisation. The Board believe they would benefit from recruiting other Board members to expand their skills and are addressing this issue. 2.2 Ouston Community Association employs several staff to manage the building and its services including two Caretakers and three Nursery Staff. The Centre would benefit from a Key person to take day to day responsibility for the management of the resource and has, subject to funding employed a Manager/Administrator when funding has been available. This post is seen as a pre-requisite to the organisations longer term planning and they are currently seeking funding for this post. 2.3 Ouston Community Association was formed 35 years ago to meet the needs of all the members of the local community. The organisation was a charity for many years and changed its status to become a Charitable Company in 2009. Our general aim is to provide a range of activities and a meeting place for all the occupants. The original funding came from the local community by a ‘Buy a Brick’ campaign and from Durham County Council. The organisation owns the building and land attached on a peppercorn rent from the council. 2.4 Ouston Community Association Ltd (OCA) has developed over the years into an organisation that can demonstrate a degree of self sustainability. The income generated from room hire and activities is enough to fund the centres generic costs and the costs of two caretaker/cleaners, however it does not generate enough income to fund a Manager/Administrator, a role vital to the organisation if it is to move forward strategically in the current climate and to ensure its viability for future generations. Whilst the organisation caters for a diverse range of people we recognise that we need to look at developing a number of distinct areas of provision further. These have been identified under the section Development Plan 7 3 Facilities 3.1 The organisation has a number of facilities available for hire to the general community. It has three rooms as follows Main Hall: The Main Hall is approximately 40 ft wide and 60ft in length. It also has a separate stage area. The seating capacity in the Hall is approximately 150 people. The Hall is suitable for a variety of activities and is marked out for badminton. We have a variety of equipment related to activities including Table Tennis, Karate and Dance and Movement. Front Lounge: The Front Lounge is approximately 25 x 30 ft. It has a seating capacity of 50 – 60 people. It is carpeted and suitable for meetings and community activites. Back Lounge: The Back Lounge is a long narrow room approximately 35 ft in length and 13 ft in width. It is suitable for meetings an small gatherings. It has a seating capacity of approximately 20 – 25 people. Community Kitchen: The organisation has a fully equipped commercial kitchen which is currently used two days a week by local groups working with the elderly. The kitchen is underused and has the potential to operate as a community café providing cheap affordable meals to the community. It also has the potential to provide a Home Meal Delivery Service. Bar Facilities: The centre has fully a fully equipped bar which is used very rarely. The could be developed and marketed more appropriately and tied in with monthly social events which, historically, had proved popular several years ago and which research shows would be successful if revived 3.2 Statistical data shows that during the day (9am-5pm) the rooms are currently used to 50% of their actual capacity and currently generate approximately £25,000 a year in income for the organisation. 4 Activities 4.1 The organisation currently provides a range of activities provided by sections and Private Hire. Sections are community groups who provide an activity or interest to different sections of the community for a membership fee of £3.00 – These fees are paid to the centre in return for free room hire. Private Hirers are individuals or businesses who provide or interest groups on a commercial basis and who pay a hire charge to the centre for the hire of that space: Main Hall £20 per hour, Front Lounge £15 per hour and back lounge at £12 per hour. In addition to the above the facilities are available for private community and family celebrations. There are a range of activities provided at the Community Association by a variety of groups. A summery of those available at the time of writing this plan can be found below. 8 Insert Stats Page Here 9 4.2 These groups offer a wide range of opportunities to members of the community of all age groups, with varying levels of ability, able bodied or disabled. We work alongside Durham County Council offering placements for students, some disabled. We have explored the possibility of widening opportunities for specific categories of people, but believed that options and enhancement of current provisions may be limited. 4.3 Ouston Community Nursery The Community Nursery also use the facilities on a daily basis five mornings a week to provide a service to 10 – 12 children. As a community initiative the service is provided at a reduced rent to support local families and to keep the cost to a minimum. 5 Summary The current usage of the centre does not reflect the potential usage given that the building is at near capacity from early to late evening with space being at a premium. However the period 9am until 4pm is underutilised by about 50% meaning a loss of potential income. With the appropriate resources in terms of time, personnel and a marketing strategy this could be addressed. Equally the centre is reaching children and older people during the daytime and people of working age in the evening. We are doing little however to reach younger people youth and unemployed people. 6 Community Profile 6.1 Ouston It is a small village which lies three miles North West of Chester-leStreet and five and a half miles south of Newcastle upon Tyne. Ouston village as it is known today was mostly constructed around 1961. Over time the village has expanded to its current size with further expansion seen from Pelton and Urpeth, in the early 1970's onwards. There are a few amenities in the village such as a Post Office, a handful of General Stores, two pubs, a petrol station, a Community Centre and three schools: Ouston Infant School. Ouston Junior School, St Benet's RC School, The village also has a number of recreational sites as well an Allotment Garden site. 6.2 A number of interesting facts can be gleaned from the Area Action Partnership Plan for 2011 (DCC AAP Statistical Data 2011) and the statistical data contained within it. The area has a higher than average older population with a third of the people over retirement age. The mortality rate for women is significantly greater than other areas. Chronic ill health is also another factor highlighted as is mental health and related issues. Whilst the number of younger families is smaller than surrounding districts and the level of young people locally appear smaller there are fewer facilities locally to cope with the needs of young people and youth. 6.3 Ouston Community Association, in partnership with other key agencies has highlighted a number of areas for consideration in terms of development. These are listed overleaf with a brief summary 10 • Youth Provision: The area has a problem with anti-social behaviour with some young people. Whilst we cater for the younger children and young people we do little at the moment for young people 11+. A draft pilot project for young people has been developed and an outline proposal submitted to begin tackling this issue. It is envisaged that this pilot project will for the basis of an application to the National Lottery for a three year youth initiative which will enable us to employ several youth workers and to begin tackling this problem. • Nursery Provision. Our current nursery provision is limited in terms of the physical space in which it operates and the limited potential this has. We would like to look at having a purpose built nursery or appropriate dedicated area which will help us tackle the issues raised by the professional bodies which govern this kind of work and enable us to compete effectively with other provision in the area. • Community Based Health Care: Ouston Community Association provides a focal point for the community and could do a lot more if we address the physical space available. The area in which we work demonstrates a higher than average numbers of people aged 50+ with associated health needs. We would like to look at the potential for providing space for a range of community based health services such as chiropody, physiotherapy, health clinics etc but realise to do this we need to look at capacity in terms of space • Employment: The area demonstrates many of the issues of unemployment and associated problems typical of the North East. The facilities available within Ouston Community Association would lend itself to training and working in partnership with others to tackle some of the problems particularly between the hours of 9am until 5pm when the resource is underutilised and traditional training agencies have a problem reaching individuals within particular communities • Capacity: The building we own is limited in terms of physical space and availability of that space however we have associated land and the potential to build outwards and upwards subject to the appropriate permissions and funding being available and or secured to do this 7. Management & Staffing Structure 7.1 The organisation is managed by a Board of Directors which has overall responsibility for the organisation and its work – On a day to day basis this responsibility is passed to the Development Manager (A six month temporary post created this year utilising some of the organisations limited reserves. The organisation also employs two Caretakers and two Nursery Staff. We also rely on a pool of volunteers in supporting our services to Elderly Vulnerable People, working with our Nursery and providing administrative support. The current management Structure is as follows: 11 Structure pre April 2011 Board of Directors Nursery Staff x 2 Volunteer Staff x 15 Caretakers Staff x 2 Proposed Structure Board of Directors Development Manager (Temporary post 6 months) Nursery Staff x 2 7.2 Volunteer Staff x 15 Admin Support Caretakers Staff x 2 We would like to attract funding for a Business Development Manager and appropriate administrative support as this is we feel crucial to the efficacy of the organisation and its future development and these factors have been included in future funding proposals 12 8. Financial Overview 8.1 The Organisation generates approximately £30,000 per annum in fees and hire charges. The expenditure is usually within the same region. The income covers the running of the building and the Caretaker salaries. This does not include income and expenditure associated with the Community Nursery 8.2 The Community Nursery attracts Income from the fees of the children attending and 15 hours per week per eligible child from Durham County Council Early Years provision. In the past the Nursery has been self sufficient and enjoyed a healthy number of children attending. In the last few years however the numbers of children attending has been on the decline as other Nursery provisions have developed. Ouston Community Nursery is now one of 5 nursery’s serving the area and two of these are school based taking children that will eventually attend that particular school. This puts the Community Nursery at a particular disadvantage. 8.3 For the Nursery to continue and to be viable we need to diversify and consider other provisions to supplement the Community Nursery – We need to down size and to offer quality provision to the children and services to the parents. An action plan is in place to address these issues – See Nursery Business Plan 8.4 The organisation currently lacks the funds to employ the Development Manager long term. This role is crucial to the future of Ouston Community Association. The role needs to be at least 20hours per week and will cost the organisation £15,000 -18,000 per annum. Longer term this funding would be found from the increased use of the premises, hires and social enterprise development and increased income generation. 8.5 The organisations Accounts for the period 2009-2010 and 2010-2011 do not make for interesting reading as they suggest a deficit of £!8,000 and £25,000 respectively however this is due to reporting procedures and the organisation not showing debtors and monies outstanding at the end of the financial year. For example in May this year we brought in £21,000 of income which was outstanding from the previous year. Adjustments to accounting procedures have been addressed to show the true income and expenditure for future years and all debtors will be followed up monthly so as not to allow this to accrue 8.5 The proposed income and expenditure for the period Jan 2012 –December 2015 has been detailed below along with the potential funding sources. This is an ambitious proposal but one that we feel is achievable from initial discussion with funders and potential partners. 13 9 Strategic Aims 9.1 The organisation has a number of Strategic Aims these can be identified as follows. • To provide a Community Resource Centre for the people of Ouston providing Education, Social and Leisure Opportunities to the local community and opportunities to access Community Health Services • To provide meeting and conference spaces with access to advice and information and support the local community. • To ensure the longer term viability of this resource by ensuring that it is self sustainable via income generation from hires, enterprises and accessing community grants. • To work in partnership with key agencies to develop this Resource to meet new and future needs by considering the development of its physical structure and the nature of services which can be offered from the resource. • To attract appropriate funding to underpin the salaries of key staff and volunteers to ensure the efficiency of the provision. 9.2 In order to achieve these aims we have carried out a SWOT Analysis on our organisation to see what works well and what does not. We want to look at our strengths, our weaknesses and the opportunities and threats facing our organisation. We will then use these outcomes alongside the objectives we have to develop an Action Plan for change 10 SWOT Analysis 10.1 The organisation has undertook a SWOT Analysis and ad identified the following Strength Weaknesses Opportunities and Threats Strengths Weaknesses Historical Nature of provision Own Building Land Degree of Financial Stability Current Usage Committee Staff Volunteers Dead time Apathy 16 – 30 year olds Funding Climate Opportunities Threats Current Financial Climate Charges in local Authority Provision Potential for Development Apathy Poor Morality and Reserve Building Operational Cost Lack of key staff 14 10.2 Strengths: The historical nature of the provision is one of the organisation strengths. The organisation own their own building and have the land on which it is built on a peppercorn rent. The organisation was built from the ground up by the local community and is still very much used by local need. The organisation has a degree of self sustainability generating approximately £30,000 per annum. The current usage of the building is good and evening provision is at capacity. The Committee, Staff and Volunteers are committed, dedicated and want to succeed. 10.3 Weaknesses: One of the major weaknesses of the organisation is the usage of the building between 9am and 5pm. There is a great deal of time which is a loss of potential room hire. A rough calculation would indicate that this could be as much as 30,000 in potential income. The building is predominantly used by the young in a community nursery 5 days per week and the elderly two days per week. The 9-5pm slot could be picking up Adult Daytime Education Courses, Training for young and unemployed people – There is a degree of apathy to training however the current climate may change all this. 10.4 Opportunities: As mentioned above the current climate appears negative but opportunities exist around employment and training – The building is a focal point for the community and central to the area. Opportunities exist re employment training initiatives. The cut backs and means testing in Local Authorities provision means that cheaper community based services could thrive as could social enterprises as Business Start up Initiatives. 10.5 Threats: The greatest threat we face is Apathy and the fact that things have been tried before. We need an injection of new ideas, new people and enthusiasm – Poor Morale if the fault is a threat as is the increase in building and operational costs. The other major threat is a key member of staff to drive the initiative 11. Development Strategy 11.1 Ouston Community Association can see several areas for development. These are as follows • • • • Capacity Older people provision Young people provision Community based Health Care Provision 11.2 Crucial to this development is securing Funding for a three year period to underpin the post of a Business & Development Manager. The Business Development Manager would be the Day to Day Person responsible for driving the Business plan. S/he would be the link between, the Board, the staff and other potential partners. 11.3 S/he would be responsible for attracting the longer term external funding and utilising the resource to unlock its potential for Income Generation and developing the sustainable future we need 15 12 Funding Strategy 12.1 Outlined below are the costs of funding the organisation from January 2012 2014. We would be seeking to attract funding for a part time Business Development Manager for a three year period and a small budget for running costs. 12.2 The other costs would be met from hires and small Grants from funders for specific projects as well as increasing the income by maximising the potential from the building. The aim would be that at the end of the three year period we would generate. 12.3 Several potential funders may consider an application for a post such as this including the Big Lottery, The Henry Smith Charity, The Esmee Farbum Foundation, The Tudor trust and The Lloyds TSB Foundation. Each organisation would consider a three year funded post either in full or in part with another organisation – My advice would be to talk to the funders prior to submitting a proposal. 12.4 Ouston Community Association would demonstrate their commitment to the post and longer term objective by tapering the bid over three years so that the amount we are requesting reduces in line with our ability to attract funding. 16 13 Three Year Funding Forecast Draft Income and Expenditure Income Year 1 Year 2 2012 2013 Year 3 2014 3 Year Total Total Sections (Rent/Hire) Big Lottery Community Kitchen Henry Smith Lloyds TSB Total 30,000.00 30,600.00 31,212.00 91,812.00 20,000.00 20,400.00 20,808.00 61,208.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 15,000.00 7,000.00 7,140.00 7,283.00 21,423.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 24,000.00 70,000.00 71,140.00 72,303.00 213,443.00 Description Salaries Manager Admin Caretaker x 2 posts x (inc) Nursery Staff General Running Costs Telephones internet Postage Stationery Publiicity and Promotion Training Utilities Gas Water Electric Repairs and Maintenance Repairs and Maintenance Year 1 Legal Costs insurance Accounts Fire And Security PRS Hygeine Totals Year 2 Year 3 Totals 17,000.00 17,340.00 17,686.00 7,000.00 7,140.00 7,282.00 52,026.00 21,422.00 15,000.00 15,300.00 15,606.00 11,000.00 11,220.00 11,444.00 45,906.00 33,664.00 1,200.00 500.00 360.00 1,500.00 1,224.00 510.00 368.00 1,500.00 1,248.00 520.00 375.00 1,500.00 3,672.00 1,530.00 1,103.00 4,500.00 3,400.00 1,000.00 3,400.00 3,468.00 1,020.00 3,468.00 3,537.00 1,041.00 3,537.00 10,405.00 3,061.00 10,405.00 2,000.00 2,040.00 2,085.00 6,125.00 3,500.00 3,570.00 3,641.00 10,711.00 1,000.00 1,020.00 1,045.00 3,065.00 500.00 510.00 530.00 1,540.00 350.00 357.00 365.00 1,072.00 1,200.00 357.00 365.00 1,922.00 69,910.00 70,412.00 71,807.00 212,129.00 17 14. User Based Research 14.1 Organisation such as Ouston Community Association need to be in touch with the need in their locality if they are to develop services which reflect and respond to that need. 14.2 Ouston Community Association will work closely with Ouston Parish Council, Ouston Residents Association, The Local Community, Church and Faith Groups and other Community Associations to identify need. The organisation is currently working closely with all local partners. 15. Marketing Strategy 15 Ouston Community Association would benefit from developing a Marketing Strategy as a number of tools to promote its services. With cost being a major factor for consideration we will be working closely with the University, Colleges if further Education as the Business sector to seek the secondment of an appropriately skilled person to help and develop and promote our facilities. 16 Risk Analysis. 16.1 The organisation has considered the risks to them and the organisation in the coming year. These risks include the County Council Building and Land review. This is a risk, but one that should have a minimum impact on OCA Ltd. OCA Ltd own their own building and have the land on a peppercorn rent. In this sense we are in a stronger position than other centres. Another risk is securing funding for a key member of staff. This is a medium to high risk but one that the organisation have addressed in this plan. The page overleaf highlights the risks we envisage. We have rated them as low-medium and high and outlined strategies for dealing with them (See Risk Assessment overleaf) 18 16. Risk Analysis Risk Rating Resolution County Council Building and funding review. Low Meet with Council to negotiate and agree an asset transfer Loss of short term funding Low to Medium An appraisal of the current situation required and short term funding strategy to be established New Funding Applications submitted. Loss of medium term funding Low to Medium Reports sent to funders on time with strategy in place for any eventuality An appraisal of the current situation required and Medium term funding strategy to be established New Funding Applications submitted. Appraisal of Projects and funding with any potential loss identified with timely response agreed. Need for key member of staff (Manager) Medium to High Reports sent to funders on time with strategy in place for any eventuality Problems have occurred in past strategy should include: • Identifying short/medium term funding for organisation • Review current spending make savings re-allocate money to this area • Look for match funding Consolidate existing provision Identify new Markets particularly at quiet times Keep rents and hires affordable Consultation with users Lack of Usage reduction in rents and hire Low to medium Competition Low to Medium Regular Review of Market Community Consultation re new services Feedback and evaluation from Customers Being Aware of competition Apathy Low to Medium Regular review of staff and Board Members Team Building events Meetings Away Days Involvement in Decision Making Good Communication Keep it new and fresh Shortage of clients for services Low to medium Good Marketing Techniques Provision of services to meet identified need Publicity and Promotion Enthusiasm Feed back from Customers Ability to recognise failure and address it If its not needed don’t do it 19 17. Exit Strategy 17.1 Ouston Community Association would like to reach the potential of being selfsustainable. This is not to deny that we or some of our projects may need subsides or access to grants to succeed. The Policy of the organisation will therefore be to work towards developing and maximising our funding potential from our service and resources whilst also seeking to capitalise on any grant income that may be available – It is this philosophy that will enable us to continue for many years to come. 18 Action Plan 18.1 We have identified below the Action Plan for our organisation for coming year with Targets, Milestones and Outcomes. We will measure ourselves against these key objectives quarterly revising and re-scheduling accordingly. Target/Milestone Date Complete Business Plan pass t0 board for comment Make amendments Pass to partners and stakeholders for comment Nov 2011 Review costs and charges for building and activities, insurance and services Nov 2011 Review Plan and amend –as appropriateaccording to feedback Dec 2011 Agree budgets and Spending for New Financial year (Jan Dec 2012) Dec 2011 Circulate charges and rents to members, sections and groups Outline funding Applications for post of Manager/ Youth Project and Nursery for Board nd Review Funding Applications – Draft 2 Tranche of Bids Dec 2011 Submit funding applications Jan 2011 Re-launch of Community Nursery Jan 2012 Complete Accounts for year 2011 End Jan 12 Organise Community Event (one of four to be held each year) Board meeting Unit Plan update End Jan 2012 Meeting of Sections to Update on Progress End Jan 2012 Review and update funding applications End Jan 2012 Meeting ref Community Kitchen Ref Ouston Christian fellowship- Business Plan End Jan 2012 Accomplished/ Re-Schedule / Action req Nov 2010 Dec 2011 Dec 2011 End Jan 2012 20 Target/Milestone Date Revamp website Marketing Material promote centre space to Community/ Business, Education and Training Providers Ensure Invoice sent out and income received End Jan 2012 I.st Quarterly Forum for sections Feb 2012 Review of Finance and spending Feb 2012 nd End Jan 2012 2 Tranche of Funding Applications (small grants between £1,00 -£5,000 Feb 2012 Launch of Youth Initiative March 2012 Annual general Meeting March 2012 Drafts Application’s Advertise Post Manager Post/ End March 2012 Select Interview Panel Meet to discuss process End March 2012 Answers to first round of Bids End March 2012 If Bids successful begin recruitment if not look at contingency plan Launch of Community Kitchen End March 2012 April 2012 Recruit Volunteer Marketing colleges pro bono etc Link to Target/Milestone Date Appoint Manager or designated responsible person for managing Centre April 2012 Consultation with training training Resource Unemployed people Board meeting Unit Plan Quarter Meeting of Sections to Progress Agencies ref development April 2012 update 2nd May 2012 Update May 2012 on Review and update funding applications nd Organise Community Event (2 be held each year) Review of Finance and spending Accomplished/ Re-Schedule / Action req of four to Accomplished/ Re-Schedule / Action req May 2012 May 2012 May 2012 21 Target/Milestone Date Answer to Funding Youth Imitative Answers to second Tranche of Bids received short list of projects to take forward Begin Consultation process with Health ref Community based health Services at Ouston May 2012 June 2012 Review of Manager Supervision/Appraisal of Staff June 2012 Post Accomplished/ Re-Schedule / Action req June 2012 Review Of Community Nursery June 2012 Review of Community Kitchen June 2012 Set new Targets and review Plan for nd actions 2 6months June 2012 22 Appendices Job Description Person Specification Qualifications 23 Ouston Community Association Ltd Ouston Community Centre Iris Crescent Ouston Chester le Street DH2 1RJ Tel: 0191 410 5183 Registered Charity 1130833 Company Number 06750379 Ouston Community Association Ltd Business Development Manager Post: Business Development Manager Salary: £17,000 Hours: 20hrs Duration availability) 3 Year Fixed Term Contract (subject to funding Reports to: The Board of trustees Key Responsibilities of the Business Development Manager 1.0 Purpose of the job: a) Work with the Chair to ensure that the Board of trustees formulate and regularly review the organisation's mission and strategic plan; ensure it is able to monitor annual plans and targets. b) Be responsible for staff leadership, management and administration of the organisation in the execution of the Board of trustees' policies. c) Work with the Chair to ensure that the Board receives appropriate advice and information on all relevant matters and enable it to fulfil its governance responsibilities. 24 2.0. Principal tasks a) Working with the Board and the local Community b) Ensure appropriate presentation and reporting to the on the progress of the organisation and on all matters relevant to the discharge of its responsibilities c) As agreed with the Chair, develop policy proposals for Board discussion and decision d) Support the Chair in ensuring the continued engagement/involvement of all members of the Board e) As appropriate, monitor and advise on the composition of the Board of trustees its committees and the process of self-assessment and development f) Ensure an annual calendar of meetings of the Board and its principal subcommittees is in place g) Ensure that a long term strategy is in place which can guide the organisation in achieving objectives. h) Enable the organisation to articulate its corporate philosophy and value base; ensure that these are consistently applied across the organisation i) Be responsible to the trustees for the overall financial health of the organisation; ensure that expenditure is controlled in line with budgets as approved by the Board 2.0. Principal tasks (continued) j) Ensure the organisation discharges its constitutional and legal obligations k) Provide leadership to the senior management team, keep under review and appraise the work of staff reporting directly to the chief executive l) Ensure that the organisation has the resources (human, material and financial) to operate as effectively as possible m) Establish and maintain an HR system which ensures leadership and maximises the potential of staff and is in keeping with the mission and values of the organisation 3.0 Promotion of the organisation a) Maintain effective networks with all principal supporters and stakeholders b) Seek opportunities to expand and promote the role of the organisation c) Ensure the organisation is presented in an appropriate and professional manner to its stakeholders 25 Ouston Community Association Ltd Ouston Community Centre Iris Crescent Ouston Chester le Street DH2 1RJ Tel: 0191 410 5183 Registered Charity 1130833 Company Number 06750379 Business Development Manager Personal profile/ Specification Experience Experience and knowledge of the voluntary sector Knowledge of Community Need and people Experience in funding applications Experience in Funding sources Significant leadership and management skills Skills Excellent inter personal communications skills High level of strategic and analytical skills The capacity to work with a wide range of people The ability to make informative and lively presentations Personal Qualities Commitment - to the high standards and ideals of Ouston Community Association. Dedication - to the future success of the organisation Initiative - working with imagination and “drive” Motivation –self motivated with the capacity to inspire others Organisation - effective at prioritising and effective time management A sense of Humour 26 Ouston Community Association Ltd Ouston Community Centre Iris Crescent Ouston Chester le Street DH2 1RJ Tel: 0191 410 5183 Registered Charity 1130833 Company Number 06750379 Ouston Community Association Ltd Business Development Manager Post Qualifications The successful candidate shall be expected to demonstrate any of the following qualifications for the post: • A Community Development Qualification • A Diploma In Business Management & Administration • A HND qualification in Business Management, • A NVQ level 4 or 5 in Business Management • S/he must be able to prove success in identifying “Funding Sources” and securing “Funding” S/he must have suitable experience and be able to demonstrate a successful “Track record” in Community Development Work. S/he must demonstrate knowledge of the duties of a “Registered Charity” to the Community it serves and the Charity Commission The age of the person would reflect the time required to demonstrate suitable experience in all aspects of this important role. 27
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