1 ABOUT THE ACADEMY South Australia’s Athletics Academy is a junior development squad that has been developed by Athletics South Australia and Little Athletics South Australia, to provide a targeted preparation program for all young athletes, aged between 11 and 19 years of age. The Academy operates to assist athletes to further their skills, improve technical competencies, motivations and knowledge in the sport of athletics. The Academy covers all facets of Track & Field Events, theory and practical based, which are delivered by highly skilled and experienced coaches. Regardless of their current club or centre, athletes participating in The Academy will be connected with, and have the support of both Little Athletics SA and Athletics SA. THE DEVELOPMENT PATHWAY An Athletics development pathway has been designed for young athletes, to progressively move through the sport of athletics. The pathway will provide opportunities for them to: Gain skills in line with their skill level and maturation Move easily from one stage of involvement to another Be motivated and have fun while developing their skills and interests Inspire them to stay involved in the sport of athletics, for life The Academy has four tiers; Bronze, Silver, Gold and the Target Talent Program (TTP). TTP Gold Silver Bronze 2 BRONZE SQUAD The Bronze Squad is the first tier in the Academy, dedicated in developing athletes’ ability using a multi-event approach. The emphasis will be placed on developing their all-round athletic ability, ensuring sound biomechanical technique for running, walking, jumping and throwing. Each month, athletes will rotate around the following event groups: Horizontal Jumps, Vertical Jumps, Throws, Pole Vault, Sprints and Hurdles, Endurance and Walks. The squad will participate in: Academy Launch Day 9 practical sessions (2 hours in length), conducted by accredited athletics coaches 2 fitness testing days, included in the program Eligibility and Selection Criteria Be in the Under 11 Age group, and above, as per the Age Group Identifier. Have a desire to develop as an athlete. Cost: $150.00 Cost includes: 9 x 2 hour practical sessions, Academy launch day, and fitness testing x 2, bronze squad athletics training top and athletics information booklet. Program Timetable: Dates Sunday 17 May, 2015 Sunday 14 June, 2015 Sunday 12 July, 2015 Sunday 16 August, 2015 Sunday 13 September, 2015 Sunday 11 October, 2015 Sunday 8 November, 2015 Sunday 31 January, 2016 Sunday 14 February, 2016 Time 1pm – 5pm 3pm- 5pm 3pm- 5pm 3pm- 5pm 3pm- 5pm 3pm- 5pm 3pm- 5pm 3pm- 5pm 3pm- 5pm Practical component Launch Day & Physical Testing Physical Testing Location: All sessions will be run at the SA Athletics Stadium. 145 Railway Terrace, (access via Marjorie Jackson Nelson Drive) Mile End, SA 5031 CONTACT: Little Athletics SA on 08 8352 8133 for more information 3 SILVER SQUAD The Silver Squad is the second tier in the Youth Academy dedicated in athletes’ specific development training. This squad will be aimed at potential State Team Members. Each month, athletes will choose what events they would like to attend from following event groups: Horizontal Jumps, Vertical Jumps, Throws, Pole Vault, Sprints and Hurdles, Endurance and Walks. This decision can be made in consultation with the academy coaches. The squad will participate in: Academy Launch Day 9 practical and theory sessions, conducted by accredited athletics coaches o Practical sessions are 2 hours in length o Theory sessions are 30 minutes in length 2 fitness testing days, included in the program Eligibility and Selection Criteria Be in the Under 12 Age group, and above, as per the Age Group Identifier. Have met the selection criteria as listed on page 9 of this document. Have a desire to develop as an athlete Cost: $170.00 Cost includes: 9 x 2 hour practical sessions, Academy launch day, and fitness testing x 2, ½ hour theory sessions, silver squad athletics training top and theory booklet. Program Timetable: Dates Sunday 17 May, 2015 Sunday 14 June, 2015 Sunday 12 July, 2015 Sunday 16 August, 2015 Sunday 13 September, 2015 Sunday 11 October, 2015 Sunday 8 November, 2015 Sunday 31 January, 2016 Sunday 14 February, 2016 Time 1pm – 5pm 1pm – 3:30pm 1pm – 3:30pm 1pm – 3:30pm 1pm – 3:30pm 1pm – 3:30pm 1pm – 3:30pm 1pm – 3:30pm 1pm – 3:30pm Practical component Launch Day & Physical Testing Physical Testing Location: All sessions will be run at the SA Athletics Stadium. 145 Railway Terrace, (access via Marjorie Jackson Nelson Drive) Mile End, SA 5031 CONTACT: Little Athletics SA on 08 8352 8133 for more information 4 GOLD SQUAD The Gold Squad is aimed at athletes who have represented the state at National Competitions and have the potential to progress to the Athletics Australia High Performance stream. It assists athletes by providing practical and educational sessions to support their development. This squad requires both athlete and personal coach engagement. The squad will participate in: Academy Launch Day 5 practical and theory sessions, conducted by accredited athletics coaches o Practical sessions are 2 hours in length, includes 2 fitness testing days o Theory sessions are 1 hour in length 4 specialized practical and theory sessions, where attendance is optional based on athletes needs of specific events o Includes special guest athlete presenters Eligibility and Selection Criteria Athletes and their personal coaches will be invited to participate in the Gold Squad. Selection criteria will be; Be a minimum of 13 years as of 31st of December, 2015. This is in line with the Athletics Australia Entry Standards Athletes who met the Australian Qualifying Standards for the age group they would have competed in at the 2014 Australian Junior Championships. See page 9 for selection criteria Cost: $170.00 Cost includes: 9 x 2 hour practical sessions, Academy launch day, and fitness testing x 2, 1 hour theory sessions, gold squad athletics training top and theory booklet. Program Timetable: Dates Sunday 17 May, 2015 Sunday 14 June, 2015 Sunday 12 July, 2015 Sunday 16 August, 2015 Sunday 13 September, 2015 Sunday 11 October, 2015 Sunday 8 November, 2015 Sunday 31 January, 2016 Sunday 14 February, 2016 Time 1pm – 5pm 10am – 1pm 10am – 1pm 10am – 1pm 10am – 1pm 10am – 1pm 10am – 1pm 10am – 1pm 10am – 1pm Practical component Launch Day & Physical Testing – All events All Events All Events All Events Throws & Pole Vault (subject to change) Physical Testing & All Events Endurance and Walks (subject to change) Jumps (subject to change) Sprints & Hurdles (subject to change) Location: All sessions will be run at the SA Athletics Stadium. 145 Railway Terrace, (access via Marjorie Jackson Nelson Drive) Mile End, SA 5031 CONTACT: Athletics SA on 08 8354 3477 for more information 5 Targeted Talent Program (TTP) The Target Talent Program (TTP) is the highest tier of the Academy and is funded and directed by Athletics Australia, via Athletics South Australia. TTP is the early identification element of Athletics Australia's High Performance Department. Within the overall TTP squad, there are two sub squads; the Under 15 and Under 17 squads. The aim of this program is to encourage and develop the best young athletes around the country, by providing them with an opportunity to train with other talented athletes, learn from professionals and to interact with their personal coach and other TTP personal coaches in a training environment. The TTP squad will cover 7 event groups which include: Endurance, Sprints, Hurdles, Walks, Throws, Jumps and Pole Vault. Whilst there will be core components of the TTP, each event group will have their own event leader that will assist Athletics South Australia by coordinating a specific event program, with their own specific aims and outcomes. Personal coaches are asked to be heavily involved in the program, and will be required for a planning session. Cost There will be no cost to the athletes in the TTP squad. Athletes will receive funding and specialist support to assist them in their continued development. Selection Policy* The following Abled Body Athletes and their personal coaches will be invited to the TTP Squads: Represented Australia at an International Event in 2014, or Selected to represent Australia in 2015, or Have been selected in an Australian Junior Squad, or Placed in the top 8 at the 2015 Australian Junior Championships or Gold medallist in the U16 / U17 / U18 / U19 in the South Australian State Championships The following Para-Athletes and their personal coaches will be invited to the TTP Squads: o o o o Represented Australia at an International Event, or Selected to represent Australia in 2015, or Have been selected in an Australian Junior Squad, or Have met 80% of the world record and above for their classification at the Australian Junior Championships or at the South Australian State Championships Program Structure: To be determined at the Coaches Planning Session in late May, 2015. Date TBC. CONTACT: Athletics SA on 08 8354 3477 for more information *PLEASE NOTE: Athletes in the TTP squad will be notified directly by Athletics SA. 6 POLICIES CODE OF CONDUCT/BEHAVIOUR POLICY Athletes, Coaches, Officials and Staff of the SA Athletics Academy must abide by the following behaviour policies: Little Athletics SA- Codes of Behaviour Policy Athletics SA- Code of Conduct SELECTION POLICY- Bronze Squad 1. Introduction 1.1 The SA Athletics Academy will be held from May 2015 – February 2016. 1.2 Four (4) tiers encompass the SA Athletics Academy: Bronze, Silver, Gold and TTP Squads. 1.3 This document outlines the selection policy for the Bronze Squads only. 2. Eligibility 2.1 All athletes can register for the Bronze squad, if an athlete is not a Little Athletics SA or Athletics SA member, they must pay an additional cost of $10.00 to cover personal insurance. 2.2 Age Eligibility 2.2.1 Be in the Under 11 Age group, and above, as per the Age Group Identifier. 3. Selection Criteria 3.1 There is no selection criteria for athletes in the Bronze squad, other than age. 7 SELECTION POLICY- Silver, Gold and TTP squads 1. Introduction 1.1 The SA Athletics Academy will be held from May 2015– February 2016. 1.2 Four (4) tiers encompass the SA Athletics Academy: Bronze, Silver, Gold and TTP Squads. 1.3 This document outlines the selection policy for the Silver, Gold and TTP Squads only. 1.4 Athletes in the Silver, Gold and TTP squads may be invited individually to participate in the squads, however, all athletes are welcome to join if they have met the selection criteria, as listed below. 2. Eligibility 2.1 All athletes must be registered with Athletics SA or Little Athletics and a member Club/Centre 2.2 Age Eligibility 2.2.1 Silver Squad athletes must in the Under 12 age group and above as per the Age Group Identifier. 2.2.2 Gold Squad athletes must be a minimum of be a minimum of 13 years as of 31st December, 2015. This is in line Athletics Australia Entry Standards 2.2.3 TTP U/17 athletes must be a minimum of 15 years as of 31st December, 2015. This is in line Athletics Australia Entry Standards 2.2.4 TTP U/19 athletes must be a minimum of 17 years as of 31st December, 2015. This is in line Athletics Australia Entry Standards. 3. Selection Criteria 3.1 The selection for the squads is based on results from the previous and current athletics season only. 3.2 Events must be considered from Athletics Australian or Little Athletics Australia or member association’s competitions only. 8 3.3 Silver Squad 3.3.1 Athletes must have achieved two or more of the following qualifications at a state/national championship event in the 2013/2014 and/or 2014/2015 season. Silver Squad- Boys Event Qualifying Standard 100m 13.9 200m 29.5 400m 1:07.6 800m 2:38.0 1500m 5:35.0 1500m Walk 9:00.0 60m Hurdles 10.7 80m Hurdles 15.0 Discus (750g) 25.50 Discus (1kg) 23.00 Shot Put (3kg) 7.80 Javelin 25.10 High Jump 1.41 Long Jump 4.50 Triple Jump 9.00 Silver Squad – Girls Event Qualifying Standard 100m 14.4 200m 30.4 400m 1:12.0 800m 2:43.0 1500m 6:05.0 1500m Walk 9:30.0 60m Hurdles 11.0 80m Hurdles 15.3 Discus (750g) 22.50 Shot Put (2kg) 9.40 Shot Put (3kg) 7.40 Javelin 19.30 High Jump 1.30 Long Jump 4.20 Triple Jump 8.70 3.4 Gold Squad 3.4.1 Athletes and their personal coaches will be invited to participate in the Gold Squad: 3.4.2 Athletes who met the Australian Qualifying Standards for the age group they would have competed in at the 2014 Australian Junior Championships. See below for standards: Abled Body Standards Para Athlete track Standards Para Athlete Field Standards: 9 3.5 TTP Squad 3.5.1 The following Abled Body Athletes and their personal coaches will be invited to the TTP Squads: Represented Australia at an International Event in 2014, or Selected to represent Australia in 2015, or Have been selected in an Australian Junior Squad, or Placed in the top 8 at the 2015 Australian Junior Championships 3.5.2 The following Para-Athletes and their personal coaches will be invited to the TTP Squads: Represented Australia at an International Event, or Selected to represent Australia in 2015, or Have been selected in an Australian Junior Squad, or Have met 80% of the world record and above for their classification 4. Appeals 4.1 Appeals will close at 5pm on Wednesday the 13th of May, before the SA Athletics Academy Launch day. 4.2 To lodge an appeal, please contact Athletics SA or Little Athletics SA. 4.3 A non-refundable administration fee will be required to submit your appeal. 4.4 Appeals will be considered for extenuating circumstances that prevented an athlete from reaching the qualifying standard, provided they apply with all the appropriate documentation. 4.4.1 Examples of appropriate appeals are: illness, injury, family grievance and travel that prevented the athlete from training and competing for a number of weeks. 4.4.2 Competition weather conditions are not deemed to be a satisfactory reason for an appeal. 4.4.3 Silver squad appeals will be taken to the Competition and Event Committee and the Gold and TTP squads will be taken to the development committee for consideration. 10 REFUND POLICY 1. No refunds will be given for Academy sessions missed during the program. 2. In the event that an athlete was medically unable to participate in the Academy, it will be required that he/she provide: A note from a Doctor on letterhead, indicating why the athlete cannot participate. Only once this document has been provided can a refund be discussed. 3. If the athlete has provided a doctors certificate prior to the start of season, and a parent has requested a refund due to medical reasons they will receive a 100% refund. 4. If a child has participated in an Academy session on one or more occasion/s, they may receive a refund based on the amount of programs missed. Please contact Little Athletics SA or Athletics SA. 5. If the Academy is cancelled due to Weather Policies, no refund will be given. WEATHER POLICIES Summer Weather Policy The forecast maximum temperature is that issued by the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) at 4:00pm CDT two days prior to academy program (I.e. 4pm Friday for a program to be conducted on a Sunday.) Members are encouraged to refer to the Bureau’s website which can be found at: www.bom.gov.au Forecast temperatures of 42 and above degrees, the program will be cancelled, and will not be rescheduled. There will be no refund if the program is cancelled due to weather. Athletes should be encouraged to keep hydrated with plenty of water, wear adequate clothing and bring a change of clothes and sunscreen. Winter Weather Policy The postponement, cancellation or continuation of a program due to winter weather will be at the discretion of the Little Athletics SA and Athletics SA, whilst accessing the BOM website. Generally speaking, most programs will continue in the winter weather, unless extreme conditions arise. Athletes should be encouraged to keep warm, wear adequate clothing and bring a change of clothes. Please ensure that you check the Little Athletics SA and Athletics SA Facebook for any additional information regarding weather cancellations of the SA Athletics Academy. Little Athletics SA Facebook Athletics SA Facebook 11 CONTACT US LITTLE ATHLETICS SA: PHONE: 08 8352 8133 WEBSITE: WWW.SALAA.ORG.AU ATHLETICS SA: PHONE: 08 8354 3477 WEBSITE: WWW.ATHLETICSSA.COM.AU 12
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