EARTH DAY IN THE PARK INFORMATION SESSIONS IN THE BINGO BOOTH SUNDAY, APRIL 19 KP PARK, SALMO 12:40 Khaylish Fraser on the Kootenay Bat Project ‐Busting myths about bats, bats ecological value, conservation concerns about bats, how the Kootenay Community Bat Project and you can help bats 1:00 Gerry Nellestijn on Salmo Watershed Streamkeepers Society ‐you probably don't know this but the Salmo(n) River is one of the best characterized Rivers…anywhere. Come learn about it, what species are here, what's our water quality like, how does our beautiful River compare to what it once was and what is that rumour about Salmon reintroduction, can that really happen? How can we help make this Place better?' 1:20 Shelley Grice‐Gold on the Environmental Benefits of Vegan Eating 1:40 Alice Nellestijn on Top Bar Beehives 2:00 Jacquie and Stuart Howes, Cathy Paton and Susan Chew on the Blue Dot Movement ‐ several locals participated in the David Suzuki Foundations Blue Dot Tour last fall. The message: Let’s stand up for our right to live in a healthy environment. Come learn about how your voice can be heard. Throughout the afternoon: BMX riders and members of the Salmo Valley Trail Society will be doing riding demonstrations on the bike track. Bring a bike if you want to join! Laurie MacDonald will be leading yoga in the yoga tent.
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