West Boca Forum WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2015 ON THE SPOT: PINKBALL 8 • VOL. 28 NO. 34 • SAND VOLLEYBALL CLASS OFFERED WWW.SUNSENTINEL.COM/WESTBOCA 18 EDITORS EAT: GIRL SCOUT COOKIES ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ party celebrates women BUILDING HOUSES FOR CHANGE MARCI SHATZMAN SAMARITANS Jesse Polsky, 11, left, and Max Reichstein, 10, of the Samaritans365 Club at Waters Edge Elementary School, help raise money for Family Promise of South Palm Beach County, through Houses for Change, by assembling house-shaped collection boxes they will fill with change. STAFF PHOTO/MARTA MIKULAN MARTIN ■ SEE MORE PHOTOS ON PAGE 12 Maccabi Games for all ages MARCI SHATZMAN M S H AT Z M A N @ T R I B P U B . C O M Philanthropist Marleen Forkas intends to bowl, and volunteer Marcy Bezark will bring her A game to the tennis courts. They’re both supporting the Adolp h & Rose Levis Jewish Community Center’s first Adult Maccabi Games from 8:30 a.m. through the afternoon of Feb. 15. The “games” are for adults 50 and older in basketball, bench press, bowling, couples ballroom dancing, horseshoes, joke telling, military bridge, swimming and tennis. First-, second- and thirdplace finalists in each age group will get medals in each DERMATOLOGISTS ROBYN SIPERSTEIN MD NICOLE CONRAD MD ELISSA NORTON MD 9897 Hagen Ranch Rd, Boynton Beach 561.364.7774 RSVP Required Penny Burke, left, and Amy Botwinick stand in front of the movie poster. tract a wide age range of women up for frank talk about female sexuality with a playful approach to the subject. continues on 16 CHANGE THE BELIEFS • HEAL THE MIND HEAL THE INNER SELF continues on 26 FEB 21st 10am-4pm Educational Event M S H AT Z M A N @ T R I B P U B . C O M A divorce coach turned author and producer, and the woman who wrote the book on how her widowed mother got her groove back, have teamed up for a showing of “Fifty Shades of Grey” with a private pre-movie party. The movie is based on the erotic best sellers by E. L. James about a literature student whose life changes after she meets a tormented billionaire. The event is billed as “A Celebration of Women: Girl’s Movie Night Out,” and starts at 6 p.m. Feb. 17 in a private room at Bogart’s Bar & Grille above Cinemark Palace 20. Tickets are $50 and include a glass of wine, popcorn and light fare, bingo with sexy prizes, a swag bag with chocolate, and valet parking at power-50.com/ 50-shades-of-gray. The speaker is Dr. Maureen Whelihan, a West Palm Beach obstetrician/ gynecologist and the author of “Kiss & Tell: Secrets of Sexual Desire from Women 15 to 97.” In fact, West Boca divorce coach Amy Botwinick and author Penny Burke are hoping their event will at- HYPNOSIS WORKS GET help with: G R A N D O P E N I N G PA R T Y Meet our BOARD CERTIFIED 29 • Smoking • Weight Loss • Bad Habits • Fears • Regression Therapy • and much more. Garry Melfa C.H.T. • A.C.H.E. and I.A.I.H. BOARD CERTIFIED Royal Palm Towers 1650 S. Dixie Hwy. Suite 302 Boca Raton, FL 33432 It’s not mystical, It’s not magic, it’s not scary. Allow your subconscious mind to achieve your greatest good. MILLENNIUM HYPNOTHERAPY “ It’s our BELIEFS, that makes us who we are ” Call today for a FREE CONSULTATION 561-303-9474 • www.millenniumhypnotherapy.com Open House February 4 - 13, 2015 Medical professionals believe it is important for people age 50 and over to have their hearing evaluated annually, so I am sponsoring a FREE Hearing Evaluation to assess your hearing health. Your FREE Hearing Evaluation will be offered February 4 - 13, 2015. In addition, I will use state-of-the-art Fiber Optic Otoscope technology to inspect the inside of your ear canal. This procedure is completely painless. THE ENTIRE EVALUATION IS FREE, AND YOU ARE UNDER NO OBLIGATION. www.sunsentinel.com/westboca WBF A Fiber Optic Otoscope exam may reveal such common problems as: • Excessive wax build-up • Damage to the eardrum • Fluid accumulation in the middle ear • Other conditions Beltone provides innovative digital hearing instruments that will match your lifestyle, budget and virtually any type of hearing loss. Appointment times are limited. Call today to schedule your FREE Hearing Evaluation and FREE Fiber Optic Otoscope Exam! 2 WEST BOCA FORUM Wednesday, February 4, 2015 DO NOT CASH • THIS IS NOT A CHECK Expires February 13, 2015 DOLLARS THE SUM OF: Six Hundred Dollars and 00/100* $ CENTS 600 00* PAY TO THE ORDER OF: Sample A Sample 123 Oak Street City, State Zip *Towards the purchase of the Beltone First™ 17 or 9 hearing system, based on two instruments. $300 off of a single instrument. Discount taken off MSRP. Cannot be combined with any other offer or discount. Not valid on prior purchases. Limit one check per person. www.beltone.com BELTONE HEARING CARE CENTERS SUNRISE MARGATE LIGHTHOUSE PT. EAST BOCA WEST BOCA DELRAY BCH BOYNTON BCH LAKE WORTH ROYAL PALM BCH JUPITER 800-336-2580 800-811-2212 800-229-5643 561-409-5637 561-409-5572 561-666-9060 561-600-4626 561-459-3278 561-409-5574 561-529-4651 RESERVATION #: FP0204 Beltone Hearing Care Centers are independently owned and operated. Benefits of hearing instruments vary by type and degree of hearing loss, noise environment, accuracy of hearing evaluation and proper fit. Participation may vary by location. See individual centers for details. ©2015 Beltone CRIME & SAFETY The following information is provided by local jurisdictions and reported by Forum Publishing Group. These are selected incidents and not a complete listing. ROBBERY BUSINESS Jan. 16, 3:26 p.m. 18600 block of Anchor Jan. 14, 7:48 p.m. 9100 block of Glades Road The right passenger window was shattered and the center console was open. There was minor damage to the rear bumper. A witness saw a red Jeep fleeing the area. Jan. 15, 6:39 a.m. 8600 block of Eagle Run Drive Two vehicles parked outside the residence were burglarized, and $30 and a garage door opener were removed. DRUNKEN DRIVER Jan. 18, 9:44 p.m. South State Road 7 and Palmetto Park Road A driver was arrested for DUI after a breath test. BURGLARY Prepared By The Marketing Department 7 Deadly Mistakes That Will Cost You Thousands When You Sell Your Home 4500. You can call any time, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Get your free special report NOW to find out how you can get the most money for your home. HANYECZ VANDALISM Jan. 16, 7:26 a.m. 14700 block of Lox Road Suspects on all-terrain vehicles smashed windows and doors in heavy construction equipment overnight using rocks. Jan. 18, 7:20 p.m. 10800 block of Via Violeta Two juveniles allegedly threw rocks at cars, causing damage to two vehicles. ASSAULT Jan. 17, 7:56 a.m. 9000 block of Kimberly Boulevard The suspect spit and punched the victim in the suspect’s vehicle. The victim did not prosecute. AFFORDABLE LEGAL SERVICES “Over 45 Years Combined Experience” LAW OFFICES OF HOFFMAN & HARDING SIMPLE WILL - $49 & up DIVORCE Barry G. Hoffman POWER OF ATTORNEY $89 up& HEALTHCARE SURROGATE $899 up& LIVING TRUSTS $295 &up CRIMINAL LAW • PROBATE REAL EST CLOSINGS $395 &up TRAFFIC TICKETS • LIVING WILL $20 INJURED IN AN ACCIDENT? Florida & N.Y. Bar NO FEE OR COSTS UNLESS SUCCESSFUL Tyler Harding SLIP & FALL, AUTOMOBILE, MALPRACTICE & WRONGFUL DEATH Including Broken Sidewalks, Uneven Walkways, Spills, Potholes, Broken Railings, Rugs/Mats, Liquid, Grease, Inadequate Security or Lighting Florida & Federal Bar ON CALL 7 DAYS A WEEK *The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that shouldn’t be based solely on advertisement. Before you decide, ask us to send you written information about our qualifications and experience. 9070 Kimberly Blvd., Suite 57 Boca Raton 561-482-2000 NEW LOCATION 8461 Lake Worth Rd. Lake Worth 561-649-2711 Crexent Business Center (Just West of Turnpike) 12230 Forest Hill Blvd. Wellington 561-649-2711 Consultation by appointment House Calls Available 2101 Vista Pkwy. West Palm Beach 561-649-2711 (Near Okeechobee & Turnpike) Consultation by appointment 3 (Boca Hamptons Plaza near Lyons and Glades) Call For CONSULTATION WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2015 disadvantaged when they put their homes on the market. As this report uncovers, most home sellers make 7 deadly mistakes that cost them literally thousands of dollars. The good news is that each and every one of these mistakes is entirely preventable. In answer to this issue, industry insiders have prepared a free special report entitled "The 9 Step System to Get Your Home Sold Fast and For Top Dollar". To hear a brief recorded message about how to order your FREE copy of this report call toll-free 1-800-554-4052 and enter Wanted as of Jan. 22 Name: Matthew Hanyecz Alias: “Matt” Date of birth: Jan. 23, 1988 Description: 5’11”, 140 pounds, blond hair, hazel eyes Identifying marks: multiple tattoos and piercings Last known address: Sleepy Brook Way, Boca Raton Occupation: sales Felony: violation of supervised own recognizance, dealing in stolen property, false verification of ownership, grand theft To leave an anonymous tip: toll-free 800-458-TIPS (8477) or crimestopperspbc.com WEST BOCA FORUM Palm Beach County A new report has just been released which reveals 7 costly mistakes that most homeowners make when selling their home, and a 9 Step System that can help you sell your home fast and for the most amount of money. This industry report shows clearly how the traditional ways of selling homes have become increasingly less and less effective in today's market. The fact of the matter is that fully three quarters of home sellers don't get what they want for their homes and become disillusioned and - worse - financially CRIME STOPPERS WWW.SUNSENTINEL.COM/WESTBOCA BURGLARY RESIDENCE VEHICLE WBF Jan. 16, 9:18 a.m. 21600 block of South State Road 7 Two men wearing all black descended from the ceiling as an employee opened the safe. They held her at gunpoint with semi-automatic pistols while taking cash, then fled in a dark sedan. Drive Rooms were ransacked after someone forced open the front door. A neighbor saw a small white vehicle in the driveway. Jan. 13, 8:21 p.m. 22500 block of Southwest 66th Avenue A security video showed a neighbor suspiciously entering the victim’s apartment after she reported $1,600 went missing from a dresser drawer. Jan. 16, 1 p.m. 9500 block of Tavernier Drive The rear sliding-glass door was smashed, and items were stolen. A witness saw a white fourdoor sedan in the driveway. NEWS MARCI SHATZMAN M S H AT Z M A N @ T R I B U N E . C O M When the rock band Krush took the stage at Jazziz Nightlife, the celebrity judges and standingroom crowd just smiled. The children were just 10 years old, and the other nine bands competing in “Jam for the Cure, Battle of the Bands ALS” were at least teenagers. But lead singer ’s Ben M e l l e r ’ s T- s h i r t s a i d “watch this,” which should have been the first clue. And by the end of their song, the whole room was on its feet, screaming. Krush won the $1,000 prize. Watch there Jan. 25 winning performance at youtube.com/watch?v= lJZsR8NhvM8&feature =youtu.be. “If I had a hat, I’d be tak- WEST BOCA FORUM 4 ing it off to you,” said judge Nicko McBrain, Iron Maiden drummer and Coral Springs restaurateur. “ You were worth the trip. I am sold,” said Tommy Mitchell, former lead singer for Blood, Sweat & Tears. “We’ve been playing tog e t h e r f o r a y e a r an d a half,” Ben said backstage. Nicholas “Nicky” Rothschild, 10, has only been playing guitar for three years, the Boca resident said. Among the other Boca bands that competed for exposure and the charity that night were the Mason Pace Band, Anastasia Max, Phinally Famous and Lobster Socks. “We haven’t been in a lot of competitions,” Mason said before the show. Entertainer Deborah Silver decided to raise money for ALS with her sister battling the illness, also known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease. Her son, Spencer Silver, a student at Claire & Emanuel G. Rosenblatt High School at Donna Klein Jewish Acade m y, c r e a t e d a n d p r o duced the show. He played guitar and sang with his band Milkage as the opening act, but didn’t compete. “Deborah got the heavy hitters,” said emcee Dale McLean, arena host for the Miami Heat. Also at the judges table and offering pointers were Dennis Lambert, who wrote 600 IN CHARGE: From left, judges Dennis Lambert, Mary Walkley, Nicko McBrain, Paul Hoyle and Tommy Mitchell with Spencer Silver, 17 with guitar, who produced JAM FOR THE CURE, a Battle of the Bands to Battle ALS, at Jazziz Nightlife in Boca Raton. FPG PHOTO/ HAL COPELAND songs from “We Built this City” to “Baby Come Back”; vocal coach Mary Walkley, and music producer and Latin Grammy winner Paul Hoyle. “You started off a little shaky but started to gel,” McBrain told one band a la “The Voice” and “Ameri- can Idol.” The Mizner Park venue was listed as the official Jam sponsor. “It’s the right thing to do for the right cause,” said Dr. Steven Fagien, who coowns the club and restaurant with his twin brother Dr. Michael Fagien and his wife Dr. Zakiya Fagien. “When Debbie Silver approached us, there was no hesitation. Our whole purpose is to bring music to our community and with this health care issue, too, we’re physicians.” Mayor Susan Haynie read a proclamation on stage and listened to the bands with Deputy Mayor Constance Scott and Councilman Bob Weinroth and his wife Pamela. Royal PalmHearing Aid Center Dedicated to Helping the Hearing Impaired Since 1964 “Try Be fo You Bu re Progra y m” NS. AARP I ALTH E UNITED H ER PROVID Wednesday, February 4, 2015 www.sunsentinel.com/westboca WBF Krush rules in Battle of the Bands fundraiser Best “Voted Last of Bocars” 5 Yea SALES & SERVICE ALL MAJOR MAKES & MODELS Advanced Partner Siemens Hearing Instrument Mel Sorkowitz, Au. D. (former director of the Albert Einstein Audiology Center), Sondra Sorkowitz, B.A., Bob Scheppske, HAS. BC-HIS, Elissa Sorkowitz Lejeune, HAS. BC-HIS Boca’s oldest family-owned Audiology/Hearing aid center “CONNECTING YOU TO YOUR WORLDTM” Trouble Hearing On The Phone? e W ffic NE ca O EN o OP B st We NOW LAKESIDE CENTER SHOPPING MALL You may qualify for a FREE CaptionCall phone. Call Us! (SW Corner of Boca Rio Rd & Glades Rd facing FL TPKE) • 8122 Glades Rd, Boca Raton, Florida 33434 561-368-7600 ROYAL PALM PLACE (Corner of Esplanade & Via Naranjas) • 180 Esplanade, Suite 52A, Boca Raton, Florida 33432 www.royalpalmhearing.com 561-393-8955 * Visit www.usa.siemens.com/hearing/clinicalproof. Hearing instruments help many people hear better, but no hearing instrument can solve every hearing problem nor restore normal hearing. Copyright NEWS ANDY REID SUN SENTINEL Homes may rise on county’s prime farmland Beach, where some of the state’s warmest year-round temperatures make the region ideal for growing vegetables. To try to strike a balance between farming and encroaching development, the county requires developers building in the Agricultural Reserve to set aside the equivalent of 60 percent of properties for agricultural uses, conservation or water storage. A l s o, P a l m B e a c h County voters in 1999 approved spending $100 million that was used to buy about 2,400 acres in the reserve that now gets leased out for agriculture. Despite those efforts, environmentalists and other advocates for pro- tecting open spaces say county officials have been too flexible with Agricultural Reserve rules through the years, allowing a hospital, schools and other types of development to spread into the farming region. Thomas Produce farms thousands of acres of land in Florida, but its 37 acres that house the packing plant and some cropland west of Boca Raton is the company’s only property owned in the Agricultural Reserve, according to development consultant Ken Tuma, who represents Thomas Produce. The packing house prepares produce for shipping, but now has a Publixanchored shopping center across the street . WHO IS MCCI? And nearby, neighborhoods cover much of the former farmland that once made Thomas Produce’s packing house so strategically located. Thomas Produce plans to relocate its p a c k i n g p l a n t t o Fo r t Pierce, according to Tuma. In its place, Thomas Produce proposes that the county allow the new homes along with 238,500 square feet of building space for shops and other commercial development. Nearby residents, as well as advocates for preserving land for agriculture, have opposed changing building rules to allow more homes on the Thomas Produce property. “We have such a limited amount of [agricultural] land, why don’t we keep it ag-related?” asked Roni Freedman, of the group Save The Ag Reserve. If not, she said, “every other developer is going to say, ’You did it for them.’ ” Delaying the commission vote is intended to provide more time to try to address concerns, Tuma said. The development proposal for the Thomas Produce property comes as the County Commission is already considering easing building limits throughout the Agricultural Reserve. Commissioners in March are expected to weigh in on a proposal to allow more privately owned farmland to be converted to neighborhoods and shopping centers. OUR PALM BEACH AREA LOCATIONS (with more in Miami-Dade and Broward) Jupiter Boca Raton Jupiter Lakes Burns Road Lantana Delray Beach Palm Beach Gardens Flagler West Palm Beach Greenacres/Riverbridge West Palm Beach/Dixie Hypoluxo West Palm Beach/Congress 190 JFK Drive Atlantis, Florida 33462 9030 Kimberly Boulevard Boca Raton, Florida 33434 Our vocation is to keep our patients healthy. We focus on preventive care so they can live their lives fully. OUR OUTSTANDING SERVICES At MCCI, our priority remains the very reason for our existence – to care for others. • Home Medical Visits 3375 Burns Road, Suite 107 Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33410 • Personalized Medical Attention • Courtesy Transportation • Physician Specialists 5317 W Atlantic Avenue Delray Beach, Florida 33484 • Diagnostic Tests • Extended Hours • and many more.. 1411 Flagler Drive, Suite 6800 West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 6864-B Forest Hill Blvd Greenacres, Florida 33413 1-855-520-6224 www.mccigroup.com 7031 Washington Avenue Lantana, Florida 33462 126 Center Street, Suite B3 Jupiter, Florida 33458 210 Jupiter Lakes Blvd. Suite 4105 Jupiter, FL 33458 401 W. Lantana Road, Suite 4 Lantana, Florida 33462 9121 N Military Trail, Suite 111 Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33410 5849 Okeechobee Boulevard, #301 West Palm Beach, Florida 33417 6215 South Dixie Highway West Palm Beach, Florida 33405 1590 S Congress Avenue West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2015 Atlantis WEST BOCA FORUM MCCI is a South Florida physician group created by physicians. Our patients receive all the medical services they need in one place. We are committed to providing medical services of the highest quality – and part of that is to alleviate the stresses that often accompany the healthcare process. WWW.SUNSENTINEL.COM/WESTBOCA money have been used to protect agricultural land from development. If allowed, the development proposal “would circumvent” efforts to limit building in the Agricultural Reserve, according to a county report to commissioners recommending against the changes. In response to concerns from the county and nearby residents, Thomas Produce representatives have asked to delay a County Commission vote Thursday on the proposal to give the property an exception to Agricultural Reserve building limits. The county-designated Agricultural Reserve covers 21,000 acres west of Delray Beach and Boynton WBF Development could claim another piece of Palm Beach County ’s prized Agricultural Reserve if Thomas Produce Company gets its way. Owners of the produce packaging and shipping facility located on the southern end of the prime farming region want county commissioners to loosen building limits. That could allow 299 homes and a new shopping center to grow from Thomas Produce’s 37 acres at the northeast corner of Clint Moore Road and State Road 7. But county officials have raised objections to the plans for the property, located in an area where stricter building limits and $100 million in taxpayer 5 THE FORUM EDITORIAL EDITOR Kari Barnett [email protected] 561-228-5560 REPORTER Marci Shatzman [email protected] 561-718-0198 PHOTO DIRECTOR Beth Black [email protected] 954-574-5327 6 WEST BOCA FORUM Wednesday, February 4, 2015 www.sunsentinel.com/westboca WBF ADVERTISING SALES MANAGER Mickie Carusos [email protected] 954-574-5329 ADVERTISING CONSULTANTS Mandy Forrester, Harvey Glatt, Adrienne Collins, Jodi Felice EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF ADVERTISING Tom Adams VICE PRESIDENT OF EDITORIAL Pamela Doto CONTACT News Fax 954-429-1207 Advertising 954-574-5341 Fax 954-420-0415 Coupon Book 954-574-5341 Home Delivery 855-410-5624 Business 954-698-6397 OPINIONS & VIEWS EDITOR’S NOTE The aim of Forum Publishing Group’s Editorial Board is to craft opinions representing our papers’ stand on issues we think have an impact on our readers and the communities we cover. We welcome and encourage your feedback. Please send your comments to: Pam Doto, Vice President/Editorial 6501 Nob Hill Road Tamarac, FL 33321 [email protected] Editorial Board: Pam Doto, Vice President of Editorial Ruben Cueto, Community News Managing Editor Judith Zizzo, Forum Publishing Group Managing Editor Kari Barnett, Palm Beach Editor Beth Black, Photography Director Alan Goch, Jewish Journal Editor Jennifer Jhon, South Florida Parenting Editor Dan White, East Broward Editor WHERE TO GET YOUR WEEKLY FORUM Mae Volen Senior Center — 1515 W. Palmetto Park Road Boca Museum of Art & School — 801 W. Palmetto Park Road Boca Linda North Condominium — 1241 NW 13th St. Boca Terrace — 800 SW Ninth St. Circle Community Center — 150 Crawford Ave. Boca Raton Library — 200 NW Second Ave. Boca Raton City Police — 100 NW Boca Raton Blvd. Also, a digital version is available at ForumPubs.com. For home delivery customer service, call 855-410-5624. LETTER GUIDELINES Letters must be signed with name clearly legible along with a phone number and complete address. No unsigned or anonymous letters will be considered for publication. The Forum reserves the right to edit the letters for spelling, grammar, news style, good taste and available space. Letters from the same author will not be published more often than every 60 days. E-mails to columnists may be used as letters to the editor. All letters to the editor should be sent to: West Boca Forum 6501 Nob Hill Road Tamarac, FL 33321 E-mail: [email protected] The West Boca Forum is published weekly by Forum Publishing Group, Inc., a subsidiary of the Sun Sentinel Co. The corporate office’s mailing address is 6501 Nob Hill Road, Tamarac, FL 33321. © 2015 Sun Sentinel Company, LLC All rights reserved. All property rights for entire contents of the publication shall be the property of Forum Publishing Group, Inc. No parts hereof may be reproduced without prior written consent. CORRECTIONS The headline on page 18 (West Boca Forum, Jan. 28, 2015), should have identified Helena Levine as Donna Klein Jewish Academy’s new head of school. In the story, “’Veil’ explores exile and love,” (West Boca Forum, page 5, Jan. 28, 2015), Israel-iborn artist Izhar Patkin’s glass table sculpture should have been described as being “inspired by a book that angered Yitzhak Rabin at the time, and predicted the Messiah would arrive on a lowly donkey.” I Quick, Henry, the Flit ’ll bet you don’t remember that one — “Quick, Henry, the Flit.” We ’ r e smack in the middle of a season most of us regard as more repulsive than Hurricane Season, and nobody is doing much about it: Mosquito Season. Some Broward communities have campaigns and programs, and one — is it Plantation? Fort Lauderdale? Pembroke Pines? Can’t remember, and they don’t seem to do it every year — has a lumbering airplane that flies through the streets, about 200 feet up, spewing insecticide onto the finish of our cars. Don’t worry about that, because we haven’t seen any evidence of it this early in the year. What’s most puzzling is that 21st century science has pretty much wiped out polio and smallpox. What the heck, those required considerably more expertise and research and dollars than eradicating mosquitoes. But get this: some scientists say we need mosquitoes because they’re a principal food source for some birds and whatever. There are some 3,500 species of mosquitoes. Why can’t they just nail the ones that bite us and cause malaria? The hummingbirds still can enjoy a tasty skeeter and we can enjoy a scratch-free rainy season. Can you imagine “aquatic entomologist” as an actual profession? Yep, the career exists, and an aquatic entomologist at Michigan State University is quoted as saying, “Mosquitoes are delectable things to eat, and they’re easy to catch.” OK profess o r, c o m e o n d o w n t o Broward County and chomp on a load of ours. That same “expert” says in the absence of mosquito larvae, hundreds of species of fish would have to change their diet to survive. Uhhh ... waiter, cancel my order for fish and replace it with musk ox. It wasn’t that long ago that instead of some spray cans sitting unadvertised at Publix or Winn-Dixie, mosquitoes were celebrities at this time of year. A major campaign, year after year, showed an attractive but frantic woman yelling, “Quick, Henry, the Flit!” Know who the artist was who illustrated that campaign? Theodore Geisel, b e t t e r k n o w n a s “ D r. Seuss.” It made sense, because Dr. Seuss was always after evil creatures such as grinches and on-beyondzebras. I said it wasn’t that long ago, but maybe it was. The campaign ran from 1928 to 1945, and Flit itself was a competitive insecticide well into the 1950s, when a number of insecticides whose power stemmed from DDT disappeared from the marketplace. Are you still wondering why I brought this up at all? CURMUDGEON AT LARGE VOLUME 28 | NUMBER 34 HERSCHELL GORDON LEWIS SERVING WEST BOCA RATON It’s because I feel reasonably safe predicting that even as you read these words, somebody in your neighborhood will end up at Broward Health or Holy Cross or Joe DiMaggio Hospital, with malaria or yellow fever or dengue. On a one-to-one basis, these are a lot more deadly than a hurricane. And they account for a great many more human problems. For example, dengue fever averages 50 to 100 million cases every year ... including the one from your neighborhood. With DDT long gone, the current king of insecticides is DEET. Sometimes, though, people report results from DEET that parallel saving your house from a hurricane by blowing it up with dynamite. It’s strong enough to melt nail polish, so imagine what it can do to exposed skin. Ah well, it’s up to each one of us to leave mosquitoes to birds and fish. And in keeping with our sporting instincts, I’ll bet that more people go to bed tonight without the benefit of mosquito netting and citronella candles than those who do. After all, the season isn’t in full swing yet. Lewis is an author, director and longtime South Florida resident. FREE APPRAISALS • We come to you • Call 561-301-9421 for an appointment. ALL ANTIQUES WANTED www.EliteAuction.com Call Us First! High Prices Paid Immediately! Now accepting consignments for our February 7th Decorative Arts sale. WBF WWW.SUNSENTINEL.COM/WESTBOCA Watches & Jewelry Silver A few of our Satisfied Clients: Binder and Binder Law Firm; a former owner of the NBA Indiana Pacers; the family of a 2007 PGA Champion. Clocks & Statues Chinese Carvings & Porcelain Gemologist on Premises Free, no-obligation evaluation. We will fly anywhere in the country upon request. Buying 20th Century Modern Furniture/Metal Objects 1/2 mile west of I-95 on Gateway Blvd. ELITE ESTATE BUYERS, INC. Quantum Town Center, Q Center 1034 Gatewayy Blvd., Blvd Suite 106, 106 Boynton y Beach, Beach FL 33426 PALM BEACH 561-301-9421 • BOCA 561-998-4332 • BROWARD 954-205-3446 #AB2984 7 WE BUY GOLD GOLD, DIAMONDS AND FINE JEWELRY JEWELRY! WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2015 Family formerly public administrators hired by the state of New York to liquidate contents of homes and estates – Deal with confidence. Porcelain WEST BOCA FORUM Oil Paintings & Artwork ON THE STREET At the Budding Artist Competition at Boca Raton Fine Art Show: What is your winning art? My selfportrait is in charcoal on cardboard. Jessica Pan WEST BOCA FORUM Wednesday, February 4, 2015 www.sunsentinel.com/westboca WBF PARKLAND I won Best of Show for “Friends in a Quiet Moment.” Kirsten Kelly LAKE WORTH I won for my nature photograph. Pierce Herrmann BOCA RATON I painted records mounted on metal. 8 Shelby Goldring BOCA RATON ON THE SPOT MICHELLE STALLONE Founder and organizer of Pinkball Your sixth annual Pinkball: Striking Out Breast Cancer event is set for 10 a.m. March 28 on the baseball fields at Burt Aaronson South County Regional Park. Are you doing anything different this year? Softball for adults and children and kickball games started last year. Mostly kids play, but we get a couple of family teams and adult teams, too. Pinkball is sponsored by West Boca Youth Baseball, and we also need sponsors for bleachers, home plate and the fields, among other things. Why do you want people to know? We want to make sure everyone who wants to play can play, and there’s early bird signup through March 1 for $30 for adults and $20 for children at bocapinkball.com/. After that it’s $40 for adults and $30 for children. There’s no fee to come, only to play. Anyone can come out and have fun; there are so many things to do. Who signs up for this? Is it existing teams or people who form teams just for this event, like a walk? It’s both. I have people returning who come with the same group every year or people can register on the website bocapinkball.com and we’ll put them on a team if they don’t have one. We really need sponsors, too. Can you describe the event? We’re on four baseball fields in the park off Yamato Road. At 10 a.m., players start registering. There’s an opening ceremony and a breast cancer survivor throws out the first pitch. The games begin at11a.m. How many people play? Last year we had 300. Then what happens? Games continue until 6 p.m. All day long we have bounce houses, games, food, raffle prizes, a deejay, the pink fire truck from Palm Beach County Fire Rescue, the Mammovan and the pink squad car from Palm Beach County Sheriff ’s Office. We have pink soft balls and pink kickballs, and we turn the entire park pink. Are there winners? In the middle of the day we have a homerun derby, which people love and they do get trophies for that. Anyone who signs up for that get first-, second- and third-place trophies. How much did you raise last year? We raised $18,000 for the Go Pink Challenge. Our goal would be to raise at least $20,000 this year. The money raised goes into the Pink Ball Fund through the Go Pink Challenge for Boca Raton Regional Hospital patients who need breast imaging but do not have health insurance. What else do you want people to know about you? I’m a mammography technologist and patient care coordinator at the Christine E. Lynn Women’s Health & Wellness Institute at Boca Raton Regional Hospital. My husband Bobby owns Stallone’s Italian Kitchen in West Boca. Our children are Robert and Giannamarie. OPINIONS & VIEWS EDUCATION COLUMNIST stories about young children suffering terribly from the strain, which may be good news for those in the ulcer-treating business, but not for kids or their parents. A truly enlightened education world would use the results as indicators for next year about what areas to work on and improve. The tests, therefore, don’t have to be judge, jury and executioner. Instead, they could be signposts, pointing to academic weaknesses to be worked on. Did you know that Florida will be leasing its test from Utah for a price tag of $5 million a year? Education Commissioner Pam Stewart declared that this new test is the “best choice for Florida students.” This reminds me of a local pri- vate prep school (whose name I ought not mention) that conducted a “national search” for its next principal a few years ago. Then, after an expensive process, the chosen principal turned out to be totally unfit, and she had to be let go after only one year of her three-year contract, requiring the school to pay off the remaining two years. After that disaster, the school chose to promote a respected educator from its own staff, and the school has benefited. Why not do the same with this test? Instead of leasing tests from Utah at such a high price tag, why not have respected Florida educators gather to write them? Assemble teachers from every county in the state, show them the information in each curriculum, and they write tests based on that content, like teachers have always done. What a concept! Focus on Florida. Isn’t that what Gov. Scott and his Republican legislature did? They’ve taken the federal Common Core standards, agreed to by 20 states, and renamed it the Florida Standards Assessment. Why? Because we hate “federal intervention,” as Gov. Scott put it. Because Tallahassee has to say no to anything coming from Washington while a democratic president resides there. Billions for highspeed train travel? No! Billions for Medicare for our poor? No! So, where we might use the tests already agreed on by those 20 states at no cost, better to spend $5 million (a year) leasing Utah’s. Where we might show respect for our public school teachers by having a select group of them design appropriate homegrown tests for their (our) students, we instead take a road trip to Utah to rent theirs. And none of this addresses a basic failing in Common Core: the value of creativity. For example, high school students will be shown spelling and grammar errors in a passage and then make corrections. Fine. Our students should be literate. But for them to make meaningful contributions to society, they’ll need to be creative. And I don’t see us importing any creativity from Utah. GREAT DEALS FOR THE NEW YEAR!! Come Visit Our Huge Warehouse & Save! WWW.SUNSENTINEL.COM/WESTBOCA to 100 percent of class time will be focused on skills necessary to succeed on the new tests. If your academic future – or your livelihood – depended on succeeding at these tests, you, too, would focus your entire energy on achieving testing excellence. It’s not that Common Core standards are wrong-headed. Many of the academic skills may be worthy. It’s the stakes that are so objectionable … which lead, naturally, to stress. Third-graders, for instance, will still be tested and still held back from promotion if their scores are low. This has produced a staggering number of WBF ow do you feel about our students spending a full third of their school time prepping to take standardized tests, taking the tests and then reviewing test results? What’s that? Yo u thought that with the demise of FCAT testing last year, these stressful, pointless tests would go away? Actual learning and fostering creativity and intellectual depth would now prevail in the classroom? If only. And if only a third of school time was devoted to tests. Until the actual tests rear their ugly heads in March or April, you can be pretty confident that close LOU LIFSON H Toxic testing WEST BOCA FORUM 9 Tues. – Sat. 10am – 5pm | www.pastperfectconsignment.com WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2015 561-544-0950 • 1801 NW 1st Ave, Boca Raton, FL 33432 Look 10 Years Younger The Lunch Time Face Lift!!! One of our first and most noticeable sign of aging is that sagging skin on our face and “turkey” neck. As we age we all experience a natural loss of skin elasticity. This new face and neck firming treats the face, neck, eyebrows and jowls. Some say that the sagging skin can add ten years to our looks. 10 WEST BOCA FORUM Wednesday, February 4, 2015 www.sunsentinel.com/westboca WBF Fortunately there is a new FDA-CLEARED NON-INVASIVE facial service that can take up to 10 years off your looks, without surgery of downtime. This is good news for those who do not want to go under the knife. This non-invasive treatment is accomplished in one treatment, in about one hour, at a small fraction of the cost of a traditional face lift. This unique procedure is done without incisions and will lift and tighten up the face, neck and eyebrows. The treatment uses ultrasound, which is very safe, affordable and has provided results that can rival a surgical procedure. The ultrasound is able to lift the skin in the face, neck, chin, eyebrows and sagging jowls that are inevitable with age. At a fraction of the cost of a traditional face lift. Many Hollywood stars have opted for “Ultherapy” due to its effectiveness and the natural appearance it leaves. FDA CLEARS NON-SURGICAL LIFT !!! Lunchtime Facelift VALENTINE SPECIAL • 1 Treatment • 1 Hour • No Downtime • At a fraction of the cost of traditional face lift 25% OFF JJust mention this ad Call today for a compl complimentary consultation in Boca Rato Raton or Plantation 954-440-1834 *Offer expires 2/22/15 IT WORKS! www.foreveryoungandtrim.com 954-440-1834 Safe – Affordable – Effective Offices In: Boca Raton • Plantation Naples HIGHER THOUGHTS Answered prayers CROSS POINTS many people willingly accept God’s “no” to their earnest petitions. They need clarification, and when they cannot get it, they walk away from God. But what good is your faith, if you can see and understand everything? What purpose would God serve in your life if you could peek into tomorrow and get a glimpse of your outcome? Hannah had no idea what to expect when she prayed to God for a son, but she knew God would be listening. She focused most of her energy on calling out to God. Her prayer was honest and emotional, and God was moved by it. That same day after she left the temple, she went home with her husband. God remembered her, and she conceived a son. When the time came, she gave birth and named the child, Samuel, which means “asked of God” (1 Samuel 1:20). Daniel prayed and fasted for three weeks when he learned about a great war that was coming. An angel appeared to Daniel in a vision to inform him that his prayers had been heard and the reason for the delay was because of some opposing forces (Daniel 10:12-13). Elijah prayed for rain and sent his servant to check the forecast. Each time his servant went and looked toward the sea, the skies remained unchanged. Finally, on the seventh trip, the skies turned black and clouds began to form. Soon after, there was a huge rainstorm (1 Kings 18:41-45). These stories reveal that God answers the prayers of the righteous, especially when their desires correlate with His will. Sometimes, He says “yes” right away, sometimes He keeps us waiting, and sometimes He gives us more than we expect. Even when He says “no,” it always works out for our good. In the final analysis, when we focus all of our attention on God, as opposed to our worries, fears and selfish needs, we receive the answers we need in ways we could never imagine. Columnist Ifonia Jean explores biblical teachings and local, everyday living. Email her at [email protected], and visit Facebook.com/South FloridaChristianJournal. Rosaries are not jewelry THE GOD SQUAD theless pray frequently asking God to intervene in the lives of others with grace, healing, strength, etc.? — A., via cyberspace A . Yo ur question is about the efficacy and theological integrity of petitionary prayers. If we’re free to choose our way in the world, how can we ask God to intercede on our behalf? There really is no conflict between free will and asking for God’s help. Through such prayers, we’re not asking God to do something for us while we sit back and watch God work for us. What we’re really doing is asking God to help our freely chosen actions have the effect we intend. We act freely, but we can’t be certain how our actions will turn out. So we pray to God. When we pray for a sick friend or relative, or for ourselves, we’re not asking God to alter the course of disease. We’re really praying for strength and courage to accept whatever happens and move forward with hope. When we pray for peace, we’re not asking God to defeat the evildoers without our help but to give our leaders the courage to lead us to victory. I used to pray to God before every sermon I preached. I would pray, “God, help me to speak your words truly.” I chose the words, but I could not choose how they would be heard. That prayer comforted me and still does. Send questions and comments to [email protected]. 11 The Jewish Star of David is not a ritual object, but wearing it is a statement that one is proudly Jewish. This is acceptable, but not when people wear the star just because they like the way it looks or think it might be a neat kind of amulet. People have shown me necklaces featuring both a cross and a Star of David. That’s just confusing. Many of the choices people make when they get dressed are strange or even inappropriate on some level, but they are their choices, not yours. The next time you pray the Rosary, just know that you’re using those beads as they were intended. Q. How do your views on free will reconcile with people like me, who believe as you do, yet never- WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2015 miraculous mysteries of the faith. The beads help space six prayers, including “Our Father,” “Hail Mary” and “Glory Be to the Father.” It’s not even proper for Catholics to wear Rosary beads as jewelry, and if they’re worn at all, it should be in a modest way under clothing. The popularity of Madonna, who’s worn Rosaries as decorations for stage costumes most would hardly call pious, sparked the interest you witnessed at the doctor’s office. Religious symbols are also ways of publically announcing that someone is a member of a certain faith. To wear them when one is not a member of that faith is hypocritical, insensitive and confusing to others. WEST BOCA FORUM You’ve written numerous columns on being sensitive toward others’ beliefs. Was her act a sign of ignorance, lack of respect for herself and others, or just one way of expressing the idea that today anything goes? If so, I’m glad I’m old! — V., Cary. N.C. A. You’re right to be upset. Religious artifacts are not jewelry for selfadornment. They are prayerful spiritual tools for self-improvement. Rosary beads are tools to help Catholics keep count while they’re praying decades of the Rosary, which help Catholics remember and reflect upon 20 deep and WWW.SUNSENTINEL.COM/WESTBOCA same. Needless to say, I met all the requirements, the program was not a competitive one, and the school was not the most sought-after institution. Yet, the director could not offer me an explanation when I demanded to know why I had not been accepted. It seemed like even God was ignoring my request for an answer. One day it finally dawned on me that God had indeed given me a response. The rejection letter from the school was His way of leading me in the right direction. Sure, I may never understand why the school was not a great option – although I must admit it was very pricey and would require more loans – but I had to trust that God had my best interest in mind. U n f o r t u n a t e l y, n o t WBF Q Today, at the doctor ’s office, the woman checking me in was wearing two rosaries with crucifixes. I a s k e d h e r, “Are those rosaries?” She s a i d , “ Ye s , ” with a bit of a smug look. I asked, “Are you Catholic?” She said, “No.” I said, “Oh, so you’re wearing them as jewelry?” Her response: “ Yes. Have good day.” I noted that her nails were very long and painted with pictures of some kind. I walked away thinking – a Madonna groupie. I tried not to overreact or judge, but it was difficult. I felt if she only knew the purpose of the beads. IFONIA JEAN H ave you ever desperately prayed for something only to receive no answer or, better yet, not the answer you wanted? I have learned that God is under no obligation to answer all of our prayers with a “yes.” Since He is privy to the risks (that we are unable to see) involved, knows what the outcome will be (contrary to what we believe) and has a much better plan, His answers are always for our best. One of the things I always pray for is guidance, especially when I am about to make a big decision. I don’t ever want to put myself in a position that is going to be detrimental for me. Since God is all-knowing, I always ask Him to lead me in the right path. But sometimes the answers to such prayers come in ways I least expect. Fo r e x a m p l e , I w a s praying about a specific school that I wanted to attend. I wanted to make the right choice. When the school rejected me, I had a hard time dealing with the decision. I tried re-applying numerous times, but the answer always came back the RABBI MARC GELLMAN “Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known” (Jeremiah 33:3). 12 WEST BOCA FORUM Wednesday, February 4, 2015 www.sunsentinel.com/westboca WBF THE WEEK IN PICTURES THE FINEST ARTS The sixth annual Boca Raton Fine Arts Show by Hot Works had 160 booths with international fine arts and crafts artists at Sanborn Square and North Federal Highway on Jan. 24. At left, Alyssa Adams, 10, and her dad, Corey Adams, from Boca Raton look at wood artwork at the show. Above, Gail Vera of Boca Raton admires the artwork of Sara Lierly, at back on left, from Watercolor, Fla. CRAFTING A SOLUTION Members of the Samaritans365 Club at Waters Edge Elementary School learn about homelessness and help raise money by building house-shaped collection boxes to fill with change. Below, Maria Kazimirov, 9, decorates her box. 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WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2015 Visit tdbank.com/crossborderbanking or call 1-877-700-2913 WEST BOCA FORUM Whether it’s transferring money, getting cash easily, or paying U.S. bills, know you can do so conveniently with TD Cross-Border Banking. Open a U.S. based account today with TD Bank, America’s Most Convenient Bank. WWW.SUNSENTINEL.COM/WESTBOCA Enjoy convenient banking in the U.S. We have over 1300 TD Bank locations. WBF Leaving Canada doesn’t mean leaving your comfort zone. YES... WE CAN FREEZE YOUR FAT AWAY..... GUARANTEED S by Stacy Reed TUBBORN FAT – WE ALL HAVE IT ! Many of us do not want surgical liposuction. So, we remain forever frustrated by our inability to reduce our waist, hips and thighs. Coolsculpting is just the solution you have been waiting for. away permanently. This non-invasive device is the only non-surgical device FDA cleared to kill your fat cells that are then eliminated from the body. The procedure is done in office, in one treatment, without surgery, needles, diet, exercise, pills or downtime. When the treatment is done you simply get up and can go back to work, or do anything else you want to do. TREATMENT FREEZES FAT WHICH IS THEN NATURALLY ELIMINATED! ONE TREATMENT • FDA-CLEARED • NO SURGERY • NO DOWNTIME 14 WEST BOCA FORUM www.sunsentinel.com/westboca One factor that separates surgical liposuction from all the other methods of fat reduction, is that the fat cells are removed from the body. NON-SURGICAL LIPOSUCTION Coolsculpting procedure works (“FAT ELIMINATION”) just like liposuction, because of its Coolsculpting is a new technology ability to permanently eliminate developed by Harvard scientists that is the fat cells. safe and literally freezes your fat cells Wednesday, February 4, 2015 WBF Even though we maintain our health and looks through diet and exercise, we are genetically predisposed to store fat in the belly, hips and thighs. And its stubborn fat that stays put, no matter how much we diet or exercise. We now have a safe, FDA cleared, new non-invasive weapon on the war against fat: COOLSCULPTING !! LIPOSUCTION SURGERY VS COOLSCULPTING There are a variety of machines on the market today that shrink the fat cells but do not eliminate them. These cells remain in the body. RESULTS FDA cleared l dd device i kill kills fat f cells ll that h are th then naturally ll eliminated!. li i d! Coolsculpting is a safe and highly effective method to eliminate that “stubborn fat.” It freezes only fat cells, so it will not affect healthy cells. The results look natural and smooth, unlike liposuction surgery, which may be uneven and lumpy. Some see results from Coolsculpting in as few as a couple of weeks with more dramatic results occurring between one to two months. For a free consultation call 954-440-1830. ONE TREATMENT-NO SURGERY-NO DIET As featured on DR OZ, GOOD MORNING AMERICA, TODAY SHOW, CBS EARLY SHOW and in VOGUE, ALLURE, SHAPE AND MANY OTHER MAGAZINES. IT WORKS! OFFICES IN www.freezefatforeversfl.com BOCA RATON PLANTATION NAPLES SPECIAL UP OFFER TO 20% OFF JUST MENTION THIS AD - EXP. 2/20/15 CALL FOR COMPLIMENTARY CONSULTATION 954 440 1830 Broadway Cabaret Series presents SCHOOL OF CREATIVE ARTS LEVI KREIS February 9 & 10 Crest Theatre Monday & Tuesday, 8 pm Enjoy an intimate evening with this award-winning actor and recording artist! Levi won the TONY for his role as Jerry Lee Lewis in Broadway's Million Dollar Quartet. Painting by Carla Golembe, instructor Catch A Rising Star presents February 12 Thursday, 8 pm Known for his rapid-fire delivery of good, clean comedy, Minervini is a veteran of standup, former owner of Long Island’s premier East Side Comedy Club, and he appeared on The King of Queens. YESTERDAY & TODAY The Interactive Beatles Experience February 17 Tuesday, 8 pm Rock to the music of the Beatles... it’s a tribute show like no other! The audience creates the playlist of songs and stories. UNITED KINGDOM UKULELE ORCHESTRA Crest Theatre Friday, 8 pm; Saturday 2 & 8 pm Sunday, 2 pm This talented orchestra -- known for their mastery of the bass, baritone, tenor, concert and soprano ukulele -- combines oldies, classics and current hits with typical British humor. Intro to Using a Digital Camera Photography on the Move l Fine Art Photography Digital Imaging THE WRITERS’ COLONY Creative Writing: Fiction/NonFiction Memoir Writing l Critique Groups Open Readings (2nd Thurs., 6:30-8:30) YOUTH CLASSES Classes for ages 6 & up/Portfolio Preparation Ask about NEW Winter Term classes! Register at DelrayArts.org or call 561.243.7922, x478 LANGUAGE ART through March 8, Cornell Museum of Art Join the conversation! Text and imagery collide in art that explores emotional, social and other themes. This group show features works by 11 national artists. EN PLEIN AIR through March 8, Cornell Museum of Art Celebrating the art of painting outdoors. Landscapes of Palm Beach County painted by regional artists. Presented in partnership with Plein Air Palm Beach. Museum hours: Tuesday-Sunday, 10 am-4:30 pm DelrayArts.org 15 561.243.7922 (Box Office, ext. 1) 51 N. Swinton Avenue, Delray Beach 33444 This project is sponsored in part by the State of Florida through the Florida Department of State, Division of Cultural Affairs, and the Florida Council on Arts and Culture All dates, times, programs subject to change without notice. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2015 February 20-22 RESIDENT & VISITING ARTIST WORKSHOPS PHOTOGRAPHY - THE ART OF SEEING WEST BOCA FORUM Crest Theatre (no instruction/live model/great networking!) WWW.SUNSENTINEL.COM/WESTBOCA Vintage Gym Drawing l Painting l Acrylic l Oil l Pastel l Watercolor Collage and Mixed Media l Members’ Studio WBF RICHIE MINERVINI ART CLASSES A Five Star Independent, Assisted Living and Skilled Nursing Community TO YOUR HEALTH KEITH ROACH WEST BOCA FORUM Wednesday, February 4, 2015 www.sunsentinel.com/westboca WBF D One Senior Community Stands Alone It’s easy to stand apart when your address lies within the acclaimed Deer Creek community. Here, manicured grounds give way to meandering waterways and the emerald greens of the adjacent Deer Creek Country Club. Of course, the service and care are exceptional, whether it’s chauffeured transportation to cultural outings, shopping and casinos, or inspired chefs unveiling their signature dishes. Social, exercise and wellness programs abound, and enduring friendships come easy. Come discover a rich and fulfilling senior lifestyle that truly stands alone! You deserve a life like this! • Daily chef-prepared meals • Distinctive restaurant-style dining • Happy hour with live entertainment • Abundant social opportunities • Exercise and wellness programs • Local transportation • Maintenance-free living • Monthly rentals (no buy-in) G O O D H E A LT H No need to sanitize machines in gym ear Dr. Roach: Our over-55 community has a fitness center that is well-attended. Management provided spray bottles containing water and hydroxyalkyl amine oxide. We are encouraged to spray and wipe down each machine after use. Is this sanitation effort really necessary to maintain good health? -- G.D. I would consider the risks of using the product against the risks of not using the product. Hydroxyl amine oxides are common detergents used in many cleaning products. Although they are classified as skin irritants, at low concentration, such as from a spray bottle, most people do not have a skin reaction to them. They are effective at killing most germs. H o w e v e r, t h e r e j u s t aren’t a lot of germs capable of causing disease that we carry around with us and could spread through sweat. If I were about to use the exercise equipment, I think I would prefer a wipe-down from a clean towel in between users, and reserve the spray detergent for the end of the day. Dear Dr. Roach: I am generally healthy, but my one problem is my tongue. I have a condition called geographic tongue, and it is white, patchy and with gashes. Some days it is fine and normal. Why is this happening? -- A.P. While geographic tongue, also called benign migratory glossitis, is not Write to Dr. Roach at ToYourGoodHealth@ med.cornell.edu. “This is for women only who are single or married,” said Botwinick, whose credentials include “Congratulations on Your Divorce – The Road to Finding Your Happily Ever After,” “Divorce Party and Moving on Handbook” and “Divorce Party: The Musical.” Guests will assemble in a private room and at 6:15 p.m. the naughty bingo starts with erotic prizes and catalogs from the Bedroom Kandi line. At 7 p.m. Whelihan will speak and take questions. “She’s very professional but she’s fun,” said Burke, a lawyer who wrote “From Granny Panties to Thongs, The Mourning After ” after her father died about her mother’s recovery from widowhood to remarriage. At about 7:30 p.m. the guests will be seated for the movie in a theater upstairs. “ T hi s wi ll b e a safe place for women to connect and talk about a subject they want to talk about,” said Botwinick. “This is a non-judgmental zone,” Burke said. “We want all ages at the table.” The two women have partnered on two other occasions and had a launch party they called “Dating 101” and sponsored a financial seminar. They’re hoping this subject will appeal to women, too. Women at different stages in their life have “different stories, but the moving on and picking up the pieces is the same,” Botwinick said. continued from 1 3001 Deer Creek Country Club Blvd., Deerfield Beach, FL 33442 954-698-6269 • www.theforumatdeercreek.com 16 Assisted Living Facility #7461 Independent Living Apartments Starting at $2,450/month Anytime, anywhere, anyway you want it. as uncommon as you might think, it’s a complete mystery as to why it occurs. The lesions on the tongue can look like ulcers, and they come and go over hours or even minutes. Many people have exacerbations and remissions of the lesions, but they usually are asymptomatic, or may have some discomfort or burning sensation. Geographic tongue can be misdiagnosed as a fungal infection, which can lead to ineffective and unnecessary treatment. Most people need nothing more than reassurance that it is both common and benign. TO YOUR HEALTH MATTHEW KADEY E N V I R O N M E N TA L N U T R I T I O N N E W S L E T T E R Strive for nutrient-dense diet and broccoli that deliver the most nutrients for the least cost. In addition, items like lower-fat dairy, eggs and seafood are also often rich in nutrients without an appreciable caloric cost. We are 21,000 members strong with 53 chapters in Palm Beach, Broward, and Miami-Dade counties—there is one in your community. Help us raise the funds researchers at Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center need to continue creating more effective treatments that save lives. RESEARCH MATTERS • RESEARCH SAVES LIVES DONATE – JOIN TODAY 877.495.8100 www.thepapcorps.org 17 THE PAPANICOLAOU CORPS FOR CANCER RESEARCH, DBA THE PAP CORPS, IS A REGISTERED 501(C) (3) ORGANIZATION. A COPY OF THE OFFICIAL REGISTRATION AND FINANCIAL INFORMATION MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE FLORIDA STATE CONSUMER SERVICES BY CALLING 800-435-7352, TOLL FREE WITHIN THE STATE OR VISIT WWW.800HELPFLA.COM. REGISTRATION DOES NOT IMPLY ENDORSEMENT, APPROVAL OR RECOMMENDATION BY THE STATE. REGISTRATION #CH2450. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2015 NUTRIENT-POOR “These would be foods that are high in calories, but low in nutrients, such as processed foods, oils, refined grains and sug- ALL CALORIES NOT EQUAL Increasingly, science shows that a calorie from a nutrient-loaded avocado is not the same as a calorie from a nutrient-poor, sugary muffin. Indeed, nutrient-rich items can be both very low and, surprisingly, higher in calories. Almonds, for example; while a mere ounce of the nuts delivers about 164 calories, it possesses a range of vitamins, minerals and healthy fats that make them a nutrient-rich food, despite the calories they contain. The Pap Corps has donated over $50 million to support research on ALL types of cancer in men, women and children. WEST BOCA FORUM NUTRIENT-RICH BONUS A nutrient-rich eating style gives you a concentrated amount of the valuable vitamins, minerals, fiber, essential fatty acids and antioxidants needed for healthy aging. A University of Florida study discovered that people who consumed more plant-based foods and, in turn, higher amounts of nutrients, such as phytochemicals and minerals, maintained healthier body weights and experienced less internal inflammation linked to chronic diseases than people with lower intakes of nutrient-dense foods, even though both groups took in about the same number of daily calories. Consider, too, that people who spend a greater amount of time on home food preparation consume a diet consisting of higher quality calories, reports a 2014 study in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine. ars,” says Hever. Many highly processed, packaged foods marketed as “low-calorie” or “low-fat,” such as baked potato chips or white bread, provide little in the way of vital nutrients in their calorie load. For example, refined white rice contains fewer calories cup for cup than brown rice (205 vs. 216, respectively), but you’d have to consume about four times as much white rice just to get the same amount of magnesium found in the brown rice, a mineral linked to lower heart disease risk. Diets too heavy in foods that provide mainly empty calories, such as soda and pastries, are the reason people can be overweight yet still nutrient-malnourished. WWW.SUNSENTINEL.COM/WESTBOCA NUTRIENT-RICH SHOPPING Hever says foods from nature, such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, wholegrains, nuts and seeds are often the most nutrientdense edibles in the grocery store. In particular, she extols brightly colored vegetables like red bell peppers and dark, leafy greens for giving you a significant nutrient and antioxidant windfall for little caloric cost. A University of Washington study found that among whole vegetables it was potatoes (both sweet and white), carrots A study found people who consumed more plant-based foods and, in turn, higher amounts of nutrients, maintained healthier body weights than people with lower intakes of nutrient-dense foods. WBF When you turn over a packaged product in the grocery store to read the nutritional breakdown, it’s tempting to look at the calories first. We’ve been bombarded for years with messages that calories count most when it comes to the battle of the bulge. Yet, nutrition experts are increasingly using the terms “nutrient density” and “nutrient-rich” to describe the foods--fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins--we should be eating more of, with less focus on their calories. What does nutrientrich mean? Nutrient-density equals nutrients per calorie, says Julieanna Hever, M.S., R.D., C.P.T., author of “The Vegiterranean Diet.” “Thus, the more nutrients packed into a food calorie, the more beneficial it is toward making every calorie count most efficiently,” Hever notes. In addition, nutrientdense foods are items that have not been diluted by the addition of calories from added solid fats or added sugars, according t o T h e 2 010 D i e t a r y Guidelines for Americans. SPORTS GARY CURRERI SPECIAL TO THE FORUM 18 WEST BOCA FORUM Wednesday, February 4, 2015 www.sunsentinel.com/westboca WBF Sand Turtles volleyball class is headed to Boca Raton The Turtles are coming to Palm Beach County. The Sand Turtles Volleyball program, currently in Coral Springs and Coconut Creek, has been teachin g ch ildr en and adults how to play sand volleyball for more than five years and now they are headed to Boca Raton. “A f t e r [ t h e U n i t e d States’] success in the recent Olympics, we have seen a huge growth in the interest of our sport,” Mark Lewkowicz, owner of Sand Turtles Volleyball, said. “The sand is the best surface you can play on.” The program name comes from Lewkowicz’s daughter, Julia, who loves turtles. According to him, she recently signed with Florida Atlantic University to play sand volleyball. “Her nickname is Turtle or Tortuga, so I named my team Sand Turtles,” Lewkowicz said. Lewkowicz said between the Coral Springs and Coconut Creek locations, he has about 85 players ranging from 8 years old to adult. He is hoping for 15 to 20 players in Boca Raton to start. “ We t e a c h t h e b a s i c skills of bumping, setting and serving and we do some physical things like games,” Lewkowicz said. “We do things to get the kids up and moving. I am Let Service AmericA heLp you keep your reSoLution to SAve with A new high efficiency Air conditioner. a big advocate of getting them off the couch and out from behind the computers and getting [them] up and running.” The adults will also learn beginning moves, according to Lewkowicz. The head coach in Boca Raton will be Alexandra Scheiber, who is the girls’ junior varsity coach at Zion Lutheran in Deerfield Beach and also a coach at UPPS Performance Volleyball based in Deerfield. Lewkowicz started the program in Coral Springs six years ago when Broward County dropped middle school volleyball because of budget cuts. The middle school program is back this year. “I think the most gratifying part is seeing kids or people who knew absolutely nothing become a decent player,” Lewkowicz said. “They can go out and play in any pick-up game and not embarrass themselves…” Local residents who want to learn to play sand volleyball can start with a free clinic on Tuesday, Feb. 17 from 6:45 to 8 p.m. at Meadows Park, 1300 Northwest Eighth Street, in Boca Raton. The class space is limited to the first 28 people due to court size. After the free clinic, training will start Thursday, Feb. 19 and continue through Tuesday, Mar. 31. Classes are twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:45 to 8 p.m. The cost is $135 per person. For more information, visit SandTurtlesVolley ball.com or call 954-345-0500. 0% DOWN with Special Interest Financing for 36 months* AND $ Offering home service plans to cover your air conditioning, appliances, plumbing and electrical repairs. 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WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2015 2R>=@;#R=T=&P /DS) 4DP 0)');;DT9 1DS#TP H;D@7#@) WEST BOCA FORUM ;!J$@68A@JD 56$I?J8@&J 16'&6G", 1)+) WWW.SUNSENTINEL.COM/WESTBOCA . 2$$J!A@&E 288 36&0$0 C86&D MR7);RDT K)>#@#R) Q);#D7;#@9 WBF %"6( 8" 0 CJ"G# 9JG&6&"J%, 1)+) 19 ON U FITAlterations • Alterations for all kinds of clothes • Custom made clothes, all types • Remodeling • Leather alterations • Pillows, Drapes, Bed Spreads and Baby Linens • Gift Cards Making Boca Raton More Beautiful For Over 24 Years! Voted Best Cosmetic Surgeon Best of Boca 10% OFF All Alterations Offer not good with any other offer. Must present this coupon before purchase For Consultations Call 561-347-7777 Westwind of Boca Plaza Shopping Center 9774 Glades Road, Suite A-6, Boca Raton, Florida 33434 • Phone 561-482-6645 Next to Jamba Juice BENNINGTON CARPET Voted Best of Boca 2009, 2011, 2013, 2014 1 From $ 99 Sq. Ft. Carpet Pad with Install Min. 20 sq. yds Lots of Remnants! • Restretches / Repairs 561-488-1333 Mon.-Fri. 10:30 AM - 6:00 PM Sat. 10:30 AM - 3:30 PM Who is the 1 2014 ! 7 DAYS 4-7PM Come see the New Arrivals. als... The results are Amazing! Since 1983 CARPE RPET • TILE WOOD D • MARBLE GRANITE TE • KITCHENS 561.393.0021 | 1964 NE 5 th Worth the drive from anywhere! www.conti nentalboca.com Avenu enue • 5 Avenue Shops, Boca Raton th Nominate Your Favorite Business in Boca Raton! eB Best of Bo oca “WINNER OF BEST NAIL SALON IN BOCA” SINCE 2007 Animal Hospital of Boca Raton Full Set of Acrylics..... $28 Fills (2 weeks).............$22 Manicure ....................$13 Eyelash Extensions Full Set........ starting at $150 Now offering Gelish Dr. Angel is Celebrating 30 Years of Compassionate Care for Pets! To Welcome ALL Pets and their Family Members Extends your manicure up to 2 weeks Must present coupon at time of service Specializing in Pink & White Solar Acrylics Licensed Skin Care Specialists Ana & Melissa Now Offering Facials, Now Offering Microdermabrasion Full Waxing Services Buy 3 WALK-INS Get 1 FREE WELCOME Call today for an appointment REQUESTS HONORED COMPLIMENTARY 20% Off FIRST EXAM! ALL Exp. 2/28/2015 Cannot be combined with other offers. Coupon not valid on Sundays nor Emergency Hours. VACCINES Exp. 2/28/2015 561-883-5699 To Receive Specials MENTION CODE: FPGBR15 9912 Glades Road 9101 Lakeridge Blvd. • Boca Raton 561-852-8182 OPEN MON.-SAT. • (B/T Lyons & 441 On Yamato Rd.) Who is the Best Wining & Dining Bagel Shop _______________________________________________________ BBQ ____________________________________________________________ Breakfast ________________________________________________________ 1 # Authentic Homemade Greek Food Winner Best of Boca 2010, 2011, 2013 & 2014 Piccadilly Square Shopping Plaza 8221 Glades Road - Suite #1• Boca Raton, Florida 33434 Northwest corner of Glades & Boca Rio • Next to the International Jewelers Exchange. 561-477-3272 Visit our website: www.jimmythegreekfl.com Buffet ___________________________________________________________ Burgers__________________________________________________________ Attorney (Specialty Lawyer & Firm) _____________________________________________________ Home Design ________________________________________________ ______________________________ Cuban Food ______________________________________________________ Art Gallery___________________________________________________________________________ Jewelry Store ________________________________________________ ______________________________ Deli _____________________________________________________________ Auto Repair Service ___________________________________________________________________ Kids Activity/Entertainment ___________________________________ ______________________________ French Food______________________________________________________ Barber Shop _________________________________________________________________________ Kids Store __________________________________________________ ______________________________ Greek Food ______________________________________________________ Car Wash ____________________________________________________________________________ Massage ____________________________________________________ ______________________________ Happy Hour______________________________________________________ Children’s Gymnastics _________________________________________________________________ Men’s Clothing Store _________________________________________ ______________________________ Ice Cream/Yogurt _________________________________________________ Chiropractor _________________________________________________________________________ Nail Salon __________________________________________________ ______________________________ Cigar Shop ___________________________________________________________________________ Optical Store ________________________________________________ ______________________________ Italian Food ______________________________________________________ Consignment Clothing _________________________________________________________________ Orthodontist ________________________________________________ ______________________________ Consignment Furniture ________________________________________________________________ Pediatrician _________________________________________________ ______________________________ Cosmetic Surgeon _____________________________________________________________________ Pilates/Yoga _________________________________________________ ______________________________ Cultural Arts Groups __________________________________________________________________ Pre-School __________________________________________________ ______________________________ Dance School _________________________________________________________________________ Plumber ____________________________________________________ ______________________________ Pizza ____________________________________________________________ Day Spa _____________________________________________________________________________ Podiatrist ___________________________________________________ ______________________________ Pub _____________________________________________________________ Winners will be announced Dentist ______________________________________________________________________________ Private School _______________________________________________ ______________________________ Seafood __________________________________________________________ March 18th. Dermatologist ________________________________________________________________________ Realtor (Specify Full Name & Real Estate Office)__________________ ______________________________ Sport Bar ________________________________________________________ Doctor_______________________________________________________________________________ Reflexology__________________________________________________ ______________________________ Steakhouse _______________________________________________________ Dry Cleaner (Specify Branch) ___________________________________________________________ Summer Camp ______________________________________________ ______________________________ Subs ____________________________________________________________ Flooring Store ________________________________________________________________________ Tailor/Dress Maker ___________________________________________ ______________________________ Sushi ____________________________________________________________ Florist _______________________________________________________________________________ Tattoo/Piercing ______________________________________________ ______________________________ Gift Shop ____________________________________________________________________________ Veterinarian _________________________________________________ ______________________________ Hair Salon ___________________________________________________________________________ Weight Loss Center___________________________________________ ______________________________ Health Food Store _____________________________________________________________________ Woman’s Clothing & Accessories _______________________________ ______________________________ 20 Hearing Aid Center___________________________________________ ______________________________ CMYK CMYK Chinese Food _____________________________________________________ Japanese Food ____________________________________________________ Mediterranean Food _______________________________________________ Mexican/Spanish Food _____________________________________________ New Restaurant___________________________________________________ Wine & Spirits____________________________________________________ Wings ___________________________________________________________ This once-a-year magazine features the People’s Choice Awards for the Best of community leaders, food, places and services in greater Boca Raton. Just write the name of your favorite next to the category and mail to: Best of Boca 6501 Nob Hill Road Tamarac, FL 33321 Ballot must be received no later than February 9th, 2015. Name: ______________________________________ Address_____________________________________ Phone: ________________________________________________ E-mail: _______________________________________________ 21 Assisted Living _______________________________________________________________________ WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2015 Health / Fitness Club ( Specify Branch) __________________________ ______________________________ WEST BOCA FORUM Accountant___________________________________________________________________________ Wednesday, February 4, 2015 # and WEST BOCA FORUM 23074 Sandalfoot Plaza Dr., Boca Raton (next to Western Beef) Sandalfoot Square • All Major Credit Cards Accepted www.drdavidapplebaum.com Boca 20 2012, 2013 WWW.SUNSENTINEL.COM/WESTBOCA www.sunsentinel.com/westboca Stock Colors Only 1599 NW 9th Ave, Boca Raton of WBF WBF Angela Voted Best DAVID J. APPLEBAUM, MD, F.A.C.S ON U FITAlterations • Alterations for all kinds of clothes • Custom made clothes, all types • Remodeling • Leather alterations • Pillows, Drapes, Bed Spreads and Baby Linens • Gift Cards Making Boca Raton More Beautiful For Over 24 Years! Voted Best Cosmetic Surgeon Best of Boca 10% OFF All Alterations Offer not good with any other offer. Must present this coupon before purchase For Consultations Call 561-347-7777 Westwind of Boca Plaza Shopping Center 9774 Glades Road, Suite A-6, Boca Raton, Florida 33434 • Phone 561-482-6645 Next to Jamba Juice BENNINGTON CARPET Voted Best of Boca 2009, 2011, 2013, 2014 1 From $ 99 Sq. Ft. Carpet Pad with Install Min. 20 sq. yds Lots of Remnants! • Restretches / Repairs 561-488-1333 Mon.-Fri. 10:30 AM - 6:00 PM Sat. 10:30 AM - 3:30 PM Who is the 1 2014 ! 7 DAYS 4-7PM Come see the New Arrivals. als... The results are Amazing! Since 1983 CARPE RPET • TILE WOOD D • MARBLE GRANITE TE • KITCHENS 561.393.0021 | 1964 NE 5 th Worth the drive from anywhere! www.conti nentalboca.com Avenu enue • 5 Avenue Shops, Boca Raton th Nominate Your Favorite Business in Boca Raton! eB Best of Bo oca “WINNER OF BEST NAIL SALON IN BOCA” SINCE 2007 Animal Hospital of Boca Raton Full Set of Acrylics..... $28 Fills (2 weeks).............$22 Manicure ....................$13 Eyelash Extensions Full Set........ starting at $150 Now offering Gelish Dr. Angel is Celebrating 30 Years of Compassionate Care for Pets! To Welcome ALL Pets and their Family Members Extends your manicure up to 2 weeks Must present coupon at time of service Specializing in Pink & White Solar Acrylics Licensed Skin Care Specialists Ana & Melissa Now Offering Facials, Now Offering Microdermabrasion Full Waxing Services Buy 3 WALK-INS Get 1 FREE WELCOME Call today for an appointment REQUESTS HONORED COMPLIMENTARY 20% Off FIRST EXAM! ALL Exp. 2/28/2015 Cannot be combined with other offers. Coupon not valid on Sundays nor Emergency Hours. VACCINES Exp. 2/28/2015 561-883-5699 To Receive Specials MENTION CODE: FPGBR15 9912 Glades Road 9101 Lakeridge Blvd. • Boca Raton 561-852-8182 OPEN MON.-SAT. • (B/T Lyons & 441 On Yamato Rd.) Who is the Best Wining & Dining Bagel Shop _______________________________________________________ BBQ ____________________________________________________________ Breakfast ________________________________________________________ 1 # Authentic Homemade Greek Food Winner Best of Boca 2010, 2011, 2013 & 2014 Piccadilly Square Shopping Plaza 8221 Glades Road - Suite #1• Boca Raton, Florida 33434 Northwest corner of Glades & Boca Rio • Next to the International Jewelers Exchange. 561-477-3272 Visit our website: www.jimmythegreekfl.com Buffet ___________________________________________________________ Burgers__________________________________________________________ Attorney (Specialty Lawyer & Firm) _____________________________________________________ Home Design ________________________________________________ ______________________________ Cuban Food ______________________________________________________ Art Gallery___________________________________________________________________________ Jewelry Store ________________________________________________ ______________________________ Deli _____________________________________________________________ Auto Repair Service ___________________________________________________________________ Kids Activity/Entertainment ___________________________________ ______________________________ French Food______________________________________________________ Barber Shop _________________________________________________________________________ Kids Store __________________________________________________ ______________________________ Greek Food ______________________________________________________ Car Wash ____________________________________________________________________________ Massage ____________________________________________________ ______________________________ Happy Hour______________________________________________________ Children’s Gymnastics _________________________________________________________________ Men’s Clothing Store _________________________________________ ______________________________ Ice Cream/Yogurt _________________________________________________ Chiropractor _________________________________________________________________________ Nail Salon __________________________________________________ ______________________________ Cigar Shop ___________________________________________________________________________ Optical Store ________________________________________________ ______________________________ Italian Food ______________________________________________________ Consignment Clothing _________________________________________________________________ Orthodontist ________________________________________________ ______________________________ Consignment Furniture ________________________________________________________________ Pediatrician _________________________________________________ ______________________________ Cosmetic Surgeon _____________________________________________________________________ Pilates/Yoga _________________________________________________ ______________________________ Cultural Arts Groups __________________________________________________________________ Pre-School __________________________________________________ ______________________________ Dance School _________________________________________________________________________ Plumber ____________________________________________________ ______________________________ Pizza ____________________________________________________________ Day Spa _____________________________________________________________________________ Podiatrist ___________________________________________________ ______________________________ Pub _____________________________________________________________ Winners will be announced Dentist ______________________________________________________________________________ Private School _______________________________________________ ______________________________ Seafood __________________________________________________________ March 18th. Dermatologist ________________________________________________________________________ Realtor (Specify Full Name & Real Estate Office)__________________ ______________________________ Sport Bar ________________________________________________________ Doctor_______________________________________________________________________________ Reflexology__________________________________________________ ______________________________ Steakhouse _______________________________________________________ Dry Cleaner (Specify Branch) ___________________________________________________________ Summer Camp ______________________________________________ ______________________________ Subs ____________________________________________________________ Flooring Store ________________________________________________________________________ Tailor/Dress Maker ___________________________________________ ______________________________ Sushi ____________________________________________________________ Florist _______________________________________________________________________________ Tattoo/Piercing ______________________________________________ ______________________________ Gift Shop ____________________________________________________________________________ Veterinarian _________________________________________________ ______________________________ Hair Salon ___________________________________________________________________________ Weight Loss Center___________________________________________ ______________________________ Health Food Store _____________________________________________________________________ Woman’s Clothing & Accessories _______________________________ ______________________________ 20 Hearing Aid Center___________________________________________ ______________________________ CMYK CMYK Chinese Food _____________________________________________________ Japanese Food ____________________________________________________ Mediterranean Food _______________________________________________ Mexican/Spanish Food _____________________________________________ New Restaurant___________________________________________________ Wine & Spirits____________________________________________________ Wings ___________________________________________________________ This once-a-year magazine features the People’s Choice Awards for the Best of community leaders, food, places and services in greater Boca Raton. Just write the name of your favorite next to the category and mail to: Best of Boca 6501 Nob Hill Road Tamarac, FL 33321 Ballot must be received no later than February 9th, 2015. Name: ______________________________________ Address_____________________________________ Phone: ________________________________________________ E-mail: _______________________________________________ 21 Assisted Living _______________________________________________________________________ WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2015 Health / Fitness Club ( Specify Branch) __________________________ ______________________________ WEST BOCA FORUM Accountant___________________________________________________________________________ Wednesday, February 4, 2015 # and WEST BOCA FORUM 23074 Sandalfoot Plaza Dr., Boca Raton (next to Western Beef) Sandalfoot Square • All Major Credit Cards Accepted www.drdavidapplebaum.com Boca 20 2012, 2013 WWW.SUNSENTINEL.COM/WESTBOCA www.sunsentinel.com/westboca Stock Colors Only 1599 NW 9th Ave, Boca Raton of WBF WBF Angela Voted Best DAVID J. APPLEBAUM, MD, F.A.C.S 22 WEST BOCA FORUM Wednesday, February 4, 2015 www.sunsentinel.com/westboca WBF GAME OF THE WEEK SWIM Top left, Theresa Sandbrook, 15, of Plantation Swim Team, swims the butterfly at the Long Course Senior Invitational swim meet sponsored by the Nova Southeastern University Club Swim Team and the Plantation Swim Team at Nova Southeastern University Aquatic Complex in Davie on Sunday, Jan. 25. FLA Aquatics Swim Team, based in Boca Raton, participated in the three-day meet, along with teams from around South Florida, the Caribbean Islands and the Bahamas. Top right, Victoria Abad, 14, of Plantation Swim Team, swims the backstroke during an event. Middle right, Taylor Politi, 13, of FLA Aquatics Swim Team, swims the breaststoke. Bottom left, Sal Perez, 14, of FLA Aquatics Swim Team, swims the freestyle. Bottom right, swimmers begin an event from the starting blocks. STAFF PHOTOS/ORIT BEN-EZZER Practicing mindfulness By June Allan Corrigan I WBF WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2015 23 challenge, their system will be more primed to access a state of calm or hit a pause button instead of acting habitually when a stressful situation does occur. The Take-Away Individuals can be mindful of anything – seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling, touching. They can be mindful of thinking, mindful of washing the dishes, mindful in conversation. It’s even possible, with practice, that your middle-schooler will put his cell phone down for a minute and be mindful in a conversation with you. Still it’s a mistake to assume mindfulness creates some sort of perfect state where we always do one thing at a time and are always calm when multiple things are happening. “It’s less about aiming for perfection as a parent or as a human being and more about aiming for a shift in our relationship to the varying experiences of chaos and surprise and challenge in our lives,” Cowan said. How to get kids to practice mindfulness • Model it yourself • Never force the idea upon them • Aim for 1-5 minutes each day How to breathe mindfully Maintain your usual breathing pattern Focus on the air you inhale and the air you exhale. Count your breaths in pairs: Inhale, exhale, one. Inhale, exhale, two, and so on for 5 counts. If your mind wanders, note what you were thinking about and return to counting your breaths. WEST BOCA FORUM breathing. For families with older kids, pick a mealtime when everyone is present and try observing a minute a silence or taking a few mindful breaths before beginning to eat. “Establish really simple, really short routines that can become integrated but don’t have to feel like you’re taking time away from something else that needs to be done,” Cowan says. The Benefits The idea of practicing mindfulness to combat today’s stresses and increase focus can be attributed to Jon Kabat-Zinn, a MIT-educated scientist. He developed a curriculum called Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) in 1979 and about 1,000 certified MSBR instructors teach mindfulness techniques across the U.S. and in more than 30 countries. Naturally, neuroscientists have followed close behind to determine if any of it really works. Studies have shown practicing mindfulness does affect the nervous system in a positive way. Cowan has observed that if there’s a tendency in a child toward worry, anxiety or overexcitement, a regular short length of mindfulness practice can start to shift his or her ability to handle those experiences. “Mindfulness is not just about being calm. Mindfulness is about learning to navigate the entire spectrum of our emotional experience,” she says. As a parent, it’s a good idea to establish some familiarity with mindfulness and moments of calm in your children, because trying to evoke this state in moments of exasperation or stress is often futile. If you encourage them to practice mindfulness when there’s no overt WWW.SUNSENTINEL.COM/WESTBOCA t’s no secret that kids’ attention spans are notoriously short. Remind a middle schooler to take his lunch, and chances are he’ll forget in the time it takes to walk across the kitchen -- with the odds increasing tenfold if he’s got a cell phone in hand. Try to converse with a younger child about his school day, and you’ll likely be competing with a video game or some other distracting uplink on a digital tablet. Technology has made it easier than ever to fracture attention into smaller and smaller bits. In our multi-tasking society, it’s become de rigueur to always be thinking or doing more than one thing at a time. This may up our rate of accomplishment, but at the same time, it’s driving stress levels higher and robbing us of the ability to enjoy life in the present moment. It could be argued that kids are even more susceptible to the pitfalls of technology, having never lived in a world without cell phones and PCs. Many adults have begun to cope with the ramped-up stresses of today’s world by turning to a concept known as mindfulness. If distraction is the devil of our age, then mindfulness may be its panacea. Introducing the idea to children at a young age might not be a bad idea, either. Mindfulness is intended to help practitioners calm a busy mind, live in the moment, be less affected by things that have happened in the past or will happen in the future. It’s rooted in Eastern philosophy, specifically Buddhism. Its spiritual aspect might be appealing to some, and a turn-off for others, so that’s why mindfulness advocates like to promote a commonsense approach. If you think of attention as a muscle, and you want to strengthen that muscle, it makes sense to exercise it. The Method Starting at a young age, parents can encourage children to practice mindfulness in a number of ways. First and foremost, you have to model the behavior yourself. “If you want there to be mindfulness in your home, it has to start with you,” says Megan Cowan, co-founder and director of Mindful Schools, a San Francisco Bay Areabased program that seeks to integrate the practice of mindfulness into education. Begin by setting aside a period of time each day to be still and sit in silence. Yes, it’s akin to meditation, and as an adult you may be able to lengthen the time devoted to this practice each day. With kids, however, aim for 1 to 5 minutes a day, and only if the child wants to do it. In other words, it’s OK to suggest that your children join you in your mindfulness practice, but don’t force the issue. “Don’t let mindfulness become another task, another burden, because then they’ll develop a relationship of resistance to it,” Cowan says. If you sense reluctance, back off and wait several months before introducing the idea again. Consistency is also key. You’ll have more success establishing a mindfulness practice by committing to the same place, same time, and same length each day. With younger kids, try folding it into the bedtime routine. During this natural winding down phase of story time and tucking into bed, include a minute of mindful “BEST OF BOCA 2010, 2011, 2013 & 2014” TAKE 2 MARCI SHATZMAN Best Mediterranean Cuisine 2010 & 2011 & Best Greek Cuisine 2013 & 2014 Fresh Fish Served Daily 24 WEST BOCA FORUM Wednesday, February 4, 2015 www.sunsentinel.com/westboca WBF Bronzino-Yellow Tail-Snapper -Fresh Rainbow Trout (based upon availability) Let Us Cater Your Next EVENT PRIVATE Room Available We Serve Beer & Wine Gift CERTIFICATES AvailablE Piccadilly Square Shopping Plaza 8221 Glades Road - Suite #1, Boca Raton, Florida 33434 Northwest corner of Glades & Boca Rio, Next to the International Jewelers Exchange. 561-477-3272 Visit our website: www.jimmythegreekrestaurant.com 10% OFF ENTIRE DINNER CHECK VALID ON DINNER ENTRéES ONLY - CASH ONLY OR FREE GLASS OF WINE WITH DINNER ENTRéE ONLY - CASH ONLY. with coupon only. NOT TO BE COMBINED WITH ANY OTHER COUPON • EXPIRES 2/11/15 SUN. 12 NOON - 9 PM MON. - SAT. 11 AM - 9 PM M S H AT Z M A N @ T R I B P U B . C O M Museum outdoor show at Mizner this weekend Atsuko Okamoto won the graphics and drawing first-place blue ribbon at the Beaux Arts Festival of Art at the University of Miami a few weeks ago. Now the Boynton Beach geometric abstract painter is bringing her work for the third time as one of 230 artists in the 29th annual Boca Raton Museum of Art Outdoor Juried Art Festival on Saturday and Sunday in Mizner Park, 327 Plaza Real. “She likes to use cool shapes and hot colors,” her husband and business partner Michael Shatz said in an interview with his wife, born in Yokohama, Japan. “The compositions are sharply focused and the bright vivid colors create a visual magnet to explore what she calls ‘the architecture of the imagination.’” The artists work in jewelry, art glass, fiber art, painting, sculpture, ceramics, pottery, wood, mixed media, photography and crafts, said Inga Ford, the museum’s associate director of Innovations & Communications. This will be her fifth show. “Their work is from Belgium, Hawaii, Canada and almost every state and 25 and 30 percent are Florida artists,” she said. “Some 1,000 to 1,200 applied.” Admission is free. Artists’ tents will occupy the amphitheater and be set up around Mizner Park from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. both days. Museum staff visible in red shirts at information booths throughout the venue will have maps of the show, she said. Anyone who donates at least $5 to the museum Art School’s Scholarship Fund will receive complimentary admission to the museum, the pink building next to the amphitheater on the north end of Mizner Park. Walter O’Neill, director of the Boca Raton Museum Art School, will judge this year’s show with Allan Pierce, a photographer and instructor and a member of the museum’s Artists’ Guild with fellow guild member Ralph Papa The artist selected as Best in Show will receive $3,000 and nine Merit Awards of $1,000 each will be presented. With a blue ribbon at another prestigious Florida show to her credit this year, Okamato and her husband are looking forward to the museum show. “We’re able to talk to our customers Atsuko Okamoto’s Colorscape Red The artists work in jewelry, art glass, fiber art, painting, sculpture, ceramics, pottery, wood, mixed media, photography and crafts. nicely, and they don’t always buy something the first time,” Shatz said. “People always want to see something new.” Logistically, all four of Mizner Park’s free garages will be open for parking, and only the street that runs through the park in front of the amphitheater will be closed during the festival, Ford said. No gift goes further. And stays closer. SunSentinelChildrensFund.org WEST BOCA FORUM You give. It’s matched. Kids win. WWW.SUNSENTINEL.COM/WESTBOCA Since 1991, through the Sun Sentinel Children’s Fund, a McCormick Foundation Fund, more than $38.5 million has been granted to local nonprofit agencies that help local children and families in need. With no administration fees and a 50% match on every contribution from the McCormick Foundation, the Children’s Fund gives at-risk kids a better chance at a brighter future. WBF A solid education. A nutritious meal. A stable home. A safe haven. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2015 25 Tired of Being ”Over Treated” by Florida Dentists??? (New York Trained) 26 WEST BOCA FORUM Wednesday, February 4, 2015 www.sunsentinel.com/westboca WBF Robert Adami, DDS Jerome Vitale, DMD Andrea Santo, DMD Natalie Pennington, DMD Initial Exam and $ Dental Cleaning (Regular D1110 or Deep D4910) ($200 Value) 800-391-3952 OCEANFRONT CONDO Prestigious Hillsboro Beach 1 Bedroom Completely Remodeled $160K Jim (954) 263-8650 Driver PT - Time Permanent Light to Medium Delivery GOOD PAY 2-3 Mornings A Week, Clean Driving Record, Dependable & Flexible, Perfect for Retired Person PERFECT ENGLISH CALL 954-425-0355 65 New patients only. Cannot be combined with any other offer. FOR A RADIANT, CONFIDENT SMILE Without the Extravagant Price! All Phases of General and Cosmetic Dentistry for your Entire Family BRIGHT LIKE A DIAMOND TILE & GROUT CLEANERS • Dental Cleanings • Crowns & Bridges • Root Canals • Dentures • Mini/Full • Implants • Invisalign g & 6 Months Smile • Veneers • White Fillings g * BEST RATES IN TOWN * QUALITY SERVICE * MAKE YOUR TILE AND GROUT SHINE “BRIGHT LIKE A DIAMOND” $1,999.00 Implant, Crown, & CT Scan 954-214-8510 CALL J.C. @ NO INSURANCE? Ask about our 99 Advanced Care Membership. $ 2 FREE cleanings, Full series annual X-rays, 2 Free exams and 30% off all needed dental work! Call Today for all the amazing details! ($500 value) FREE CONSULTATIONS & X-RAYS. CALL TODAY! 561.637.4443 5% Medicare Humana Gold Providers Senio Discount.r Cannot be combined with any other offer. [email protected] • www.DesignerDentalGroup.com Conveniently located on 441, 1 mile south of Atlantic Ave. Complimentary Sedation & Nitrous Laughing Gas For a Relaxing Dental Experience Sell your Baseball Cards, Memorabilia, Old Comic Books & Old Coins 561-340-9970 event. Age groups are 50 to 59, 60 to 69, 70 to 79 and 80 plus. The cost is $18 for one event, $25 for two and $30 for three; bowling requires an additional $10. There’s no online registration. Advance registration is encouraged by calling 561-852-3117 or emailing [email protected], but people can even sign up the same day. There are two registrations: for morning activities, from 8 to 8:30 a.m., and for afternoon activities, from noon to 12:30 p.m., at the Levis JCC Sandler Center, 21050 95th Ave. S. The center will serve as the headquarters. The Sandler Center is on the campus of the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County, off Glades Road just west of Lyons Road. People will be required to show their license at the security gate. Some activities will require a short drive on campus between the center and the JCC. A welcome and light refreshments are at 8:30 a.m.; joke telling 9 to 9:30 a.m.; basketball and tennis at 10 a.m. at the JCC, and bowling at Strikes@Boca at 10:30 a.m. The rest of the activities begin at 1 p.m. The framework for the Maccabi Games was already in place since the Levis JCC was the site of the real thing last summer. “We had just hosted the Maccabi Games for the teens and wanted to do something similar,” said Nancy Carroll, Levis program director. “They had 900 athletes and we’re hoping for 200. We are looking to invite the community to be part of this. During the games we used Strikes for the teens, and will now use it for adults.” Strikes@Boca is 5.88 miles from the Sandler Center at 21046 Commercial Trail in Boca Raton. continued from 1 “We had just hosted the Maccabi Games for the teens and wanted to do something similar.” Nancy Carroll, Levis program director “This is a fun competitive event,” said Carroll. “Everybody can take part in this, whether you’re throwing a horseshoe or bowling ball. We were very strategic that way. You can play bridge.” Betty Mitz, a Sandler volunteer who was in charge of food and the closing ceremonies at the Maccabi Games, is chairwoman of this event. Her husband Danny will handle the bowling. “Nancy came up with the idea as a way to reach out to more people in the community,” she said. “Hopefully they’ll come back and join the JCC.” Forkas is on not only on the board; the Marleen Forkas Summer Camps inc l u d e C a m p Ka v o d f o r kids with disabilities. Feb. 15 is also her late husband Harold Forkas’ birthday. “He would be 96,” she said. She looked at all the sports: “I don’t swim and I d o n’ t p l a y t e n n i s , ” o r bridge.” But she did lead the bowling team at Boca Pointe, so that’s what she chose to do. “I think it’s wonderful,” she said. Bezark worked at one of the agencies on campus, so she knows the people and worked behind the scenes at the Maccabi Games. A t e n n i s p l a y e r, s h e signed up for singles. “That’s my first love, but I’ll help with the registration. I’ll stay all day if they need me.” IS KNEE PAIN LIMITING YOUR FLEXIBILITY? WBF ® ® A robotic-assisted b i i d treatment for knee pain. ® technology, allowing the surgeon to preserve the knee’s healthy bone and surrounding tissue, while repairing the diseased portions. It also may require smaller incisions and a shorter hospital stay than traditional To find a physician specializing in MAKOplasty,® call 866.904.WBMC 9262 21644 State Road 7 | WestBocaMedCtr.com WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2015 techniques. That can mean a faster, easier and comfortable recovery. WEST BOCA FORUM MAKOplasty Partial Knee Resurfacing is a remarkable procedure that uses robotic arm WWW.SUNSENTINEL.COM/WESTBOCA MAKOplasty MAKOplasty 27 EVENTS WEDNESDAY 4 Expires 3-4-15 28 WEST BOCA FORUM Wednesday, February 4, 2015 www.sunsentinel.com/westboca WBF Expires 3-4-15 Expires 3-4-15 Brass in Blue Concert This group, a component of the United States A i r Fo r c e B a n d o f t h e West, will perform a variety of traditional military marches, symphonic masterpieces, Jazz and Broadway show tunes. 7:30 p.m. Wednesday at the Keith C. and Elaine Johnson Wold Performing Arts Center 3601 N. Military Trail, Boca Raton. Call 561-237-9000. Eco -Watch Lecture Series Boris Tezak will discuss “A Novel Approach to Identify the Sex of Marine Turtles.” For age 14 a n d o l d e r. 7 - 8 : 3 0 p . m . Wednesday at the Gumbo L i m b o N a t u r e C e n t e r, 1801 N. Ocean Blvd., Boca Raton. Call 561-544-8615. $5 donation. Hammock Trails Explore this rare rem- Plan Your Summer Here! SHAMPOO, BLOW DRY OR SET FROM A FUN OUTING FOR THE WHO LE FAMILY • Crafts • S’mores • Magic Magic Shows • Face Painting • Entertainment • Sports Teams • All Activities Free • Scavenger Hunt Call to reserve a table for your camp or related business 1-800-244-8447 • www.SouthFloridaParenting.com 50 $ (Includes haircut & styling) MANICURE & PEDICURE ONLY 20 $ 10 $ 15 & up Animal Feedings Listen to a short lecture on a specific animal while watching it get fed. 3:15 p.m. Friday at the Daggerwing Nature Center, 11435 Park Access Road, Boca Raton. Call continues 5 61- 6 2 9 on 30 8760. Free. HAIRCUT $ 17 MANICURE & EUROPEAN SPA PEDICURE WITH MASSAGE $ 24 ACRYLIC FILLS $ (two weeks) GEL FILLS or SHELLAC NAILS 17 $ 21 With coupon only. Expires 2/11/15 HAIR COLOR Clairol or Wella $21 Men’s or Ladies’ Reg. $25 With coupon only. Expires 2/11/15 MANICURES ONLY $ Mon. - Thurs. Curling Iron $3 Extra PERMS & BODY WAVES FREE EVENT Support Group Meeting Male caregivers who are helping a loved on with Alzheimer’s or dementia are welcome to attend this meeting. 10-11:30 a.m. at Advent FRIDAY 6 VOTED BEST NAIL SALON IN DELRAY 2014 Open 7 Days Sunday, March 8 11 am to 6 pm 8000 West Broward Boulevard, Plantation Plantati THURSDAY 5 Square, 4798 N. Dixie Hi ghwa y, B oca Raton. Call 561-865-5511. “Undo” A couple decides to get a divorce by running their wedding backward down to the last detail — with the exception of food. 7:30 p.m. Thursday-Saturday, 3 p.m. Sunday through at The Studio at Mizner Park, 201 Plaza Real, Boca Raton. Call 866-811-4111 or visit Paradeproductions.org. Cost is $35. New You HAIR & NAILS Camps, Travel and Family Activities Broward nant of coastal hardwood hammock and get a glimpse of the past. Take a guided walk on the elevate d q u a r t e r- m i l e - l o n g boardwalk. 10-11:30 a.m. Wednesday at the Gumbo L i m b o N a t u r e C e n t e r, 1801 N. Ocean Blvd., Boca Raton. Call 561-544-8615. Free. Poetry Reading Jibade-Khalil Huffman will share some insightful poetry. 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in the Ritter Art Gallery at FAU, 777 Glades Road, Boca Raton. Call 561-297-2966. ! Matrix $27 W O W Majirel $31 HIGHLIGHTING Cap 50 $ & up Foil 60 $ & up EUROPEAN FACIALS $ 30 Minutes 30 60 Minutes $45 WAXING EYEBROWS, LIP OR CHIN – $7 ½ ARM – $20 • UNDERARM – $15 ½ LEG – $25 • FULL LEG – $35 BIKINI – $20 FULL LEG & BIKINI – $45 Long Hair & Thick Hair Slightly More Mon. - Sat. 8:30 - 5:00 PM • Open Sundays 8:30 - 3:00 PM 7431-46 W. Atlantic Ave., Delray Beach In ORIOLE PLAZA Between Publix and Walgreens 561-495-5341 (AND DRINK, OF COURSE!) JOANIE COX-HENRY [email protected] $ 200 ™ NT ADDITIONAL DISCOUS ON FLOOR MODEL NO CHAIR MEDICARE & SUPPLEMENTAL OFFERS WILL PAY $ YOU MORE Y 239 86 POSITIONS P IF YOU ARE QUALIFIED. • ULTRA LEATHER™ • 12 DECORATOR COLORS • 6 SIZES SMALL, MEDIUM, LARGE TALL, SHORT & MEDIUM Largest Selection Of Lift Chairs In Florida 100 OFF purchase of $ any lift chair Only with coupon at time of purchase. Expires 2/28/15 More Positions = More Comfort M ore Po Watch TV Improve Circulation Relieve pressure PARTIAL LIST OF PRODUCTS AIR MATTRESSES 3 IN 1 COMMODES WALKERS SOME ORTHOPEDIC SUPPORTS CANES 1 OR 4 PRONG LIFT CHAIRS (PARTIAL) UROLOGICALS SPECIAL DEAL LIGHT WEIGHT 4 WHEEL WALKER FREE CANE & CELL PHONE HOLDER W/PURCHASE 99 $ CASH ONLY WHILE THEY LAST RENTALS & REPAIRS MONDAY TO FRIDAY 9 TO 5, SATURDAY 10-2 MEDICAL SUPPLY DEPOT • 561-499-8181 RAH RAH RAISIN, LEFT, AND TOFFEE-TASTIC Village of Oriole Plaza, Atlantic Ave. & Hagen Ranch Rd. 29 7239 West Atlantic Avenue • Delray Beach WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2015 POWER WHEELCHAIRS STANDARD WHEELCHAIRS REHAB CHAIRS TRANSPORT (COMPANION) CHAIRS SCOOTERS HOSPITAL BEDS MATTRESSES/SIDE BARS GEL OVER LAYS WEST BOCA FORUM MEDICAL SUPPLY DEPOT IS PROUD TO ANNOUNCE THE AWARDING OF CONTRACTS WITH MEDICARE THAT WILL ENABLE US TO SELL AND BILL MEDICARE FOR VIRTUALLY ALL THE PRODUCTS THAT MEDICARE REIMBURSES. WWW.SUNSENTINEL.COM/WESTBOCA For information about purchasing Girl Scout Cookies locally or online, call 866-727-GIRL or visit gssef.org. UP TO Maxi Comfort WBF I n the immortal words of Troop Beverly Hills, “It’s cookie time!” Ahh yes, Girl Scout Cookie season is upon us. From Jan. 22 to Feb. 15, more than 7,500 Girl Scouts will be selling their delicious cookies outside of Publix stores, in local neighborhoods and at other special locations. The usual suspects are back this year: Thin Mints, Trefoils, Samoas, Tagalongs, Savannah Smiles and Do-Si-Dos. However, there are some new, tempting additions to the bunch, including Rah Rah Raisins and the gluten-free Toffee-Tastic cookies. And that’s not the only innovation the Girl Scouts have made for 2015. This year, the organization has gone digital to make sales safer for the girls and to reach more customers. The Digital Cookie program will allow Girl Scouts to take digital credit card orders and ship cookies directly to customers. We recently had the good fortune of receiving a box of every Girl Scout Cookie flavor here in the newsroom. I was particularly interested in sampling the new gluten-free Toffee-Tastic, as I have developed an affinity for gluten-free baked goods. The cookie was buttery, crispy and not overly sweet. I liked it, especially the little toffee bits throughout, but I wasn’t in love. While I never thought anything could come between me and my passion for Thin Mints, I have to admit that I went bananas over the new Rah Rah Raisin. Packed with two of my favorite foods – raisins and Greek yogurt – these plump little pals are quite tasty and induce less guilt than most of the other delicious options. All of the recipes have impressively taken on new health standards. Thin Mints are now vegan, and no high-fructose corn syrup is used in any of the cookies. Now that’s something we can all bite into. ZERO GRAVITY POSITIONING TECHNOLOGY COUPON THE EDITO EDITORS E AT Scouting out the perfect cookie LIFT CHAIR SALE Come enjoy every delicious bite! SOUTH FLORIDA GLUTEN & ALLERGEN-FREE WELLNESS EVENT SUNDAY FEBRUARY 22 BOCA RATON MARRIOTT 30 WEST BOCA FORUM Wednesday, February 4, 2015 www.sunsentinel.com/westboca WBF 5150 TOWN CENTER DR. 10 AM – 4 PM Admission: $10 adult $8 military and senior ID (available at door only) FREE to children under 13 FREE Samples of delicious allergen free foods FREE Bag for shopping to first 2,000 attendees FREE Lectures from experts in living allergen free FREE Parking Pre-Register at www.gfafwellnessevent.com for a FREE year of Delight Gluten Free Magazine - $24 value for only $10 admission Land and Sea: A Lover’s Feast Join Chef Jimmy and Steve for tips and a demonstration on creating a Va l e n t i n e ’ s D a y m e n u with seafood and vegetables. 6-7:30 p.m. Friday at W h o l e Fo o d s M a r k e t , 1400 Glades Road, Boca Raton. Registration required. Call 561-447-0000. Cost is $15. Wetlands and Wildlife Go on a 3⁄4-mile guided boardwalk tour to learn more about Florida’s wetland birds and ecosystems. Ages 7-adult. 3-5 p.m. Friday at Gumbo L i m b o N a t u r e C e n t e r, 1801 N. Ocean Blvd., Boca Raton. Registration required. Call 561-544-8605. No fee. continued from 28 SATURDAY 7 “About Boating Safely” Course Learn boating terminology, boat handling, navigation rules, aids to navigation, federal and Florida regulations, safety equipment and more in this boating class. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday in the HQ building at Spanish River Park, 3939 N. Ocean Blvd., Boca Raton. Reservations required. Call 561-391-3600. Cost is $35. Bath Fizzies Create luxurious, scented, bath fizzies for yourself or as a gift. For grades 6 and up. 2:30 p.m. Saturday at the West Boca Branch Library, 18685 State Road 7. Call 561-470-1600. Little Wonders Enjoy little hikes, crafts, and stories inspired by nature with your little ones. For children ages 3 and 4 with adults. 10-11 a.m. Saturday at the Gumbo Limbo Nature C e n t e r, 18 01 N . O c e a n Blvd., Boca Raton. Registration required. Call 561-544-8605. Cost is $5 for members and $8 for non-members. Lynn Philharmonia #4 Under the baton of Guillermo Figueroa, the Philharmonia will perf o r m S y m p h o n y N o. 4 “Italian” by Mendelsohn, Concerto for Flute and Orchestra by Ranjbaran and Harold in Italy by Berlioz. 7:30 p.m. Saturday and 4 p.m. Sunday at the Keith C. and Elaine Johnson Wold Performing Arts Center 3601 N. Military Trail, Boca Raton. Call 5 61- 2 3 7 - 9 0 0 0 . C o s t i s $35-$50. Mancontinues grove Padon 32 dle West Boynton Flooring SPEND $1000 WITH US AND GET A FREE E OM IN H ATES M I T S E 50 GAS CARD FREE $ SPECIALS EVERY DAY ON TILE Fina Av a i n c i n g lable LOOK AT THESE UNBELIEVABLE VALUES • HARDWOOD MADE IN USA $5.99 Sq. Ft. INSTALLED • CARPET $1.79 Sq. Ft. INSTALLED • LAMINATE MADE IN USA $3.39 Sq. Ft. INSTALLED Prices include all materials and installation Tel 561 771 1302 • 561 727 9409 Fax 561 771 1303 • Toll free 1 800 796 6949 8543 W. Boynton Beach Blvd. on North side of street, just west of the Florida Turnpike If interested in vending, please contact us at [email protected] Open Daily, Mon-Sat • Sundays by Appt. Licensed & Insured Featuring Products By: All Major Credit Cards Accepted Se Habla Español w IT’S ALWAYS VALENTINE’S DAY AT THE ALLIANCE OF DELRAY RESIDENTIAL ASSOCIATIONS 2015 CONDO & HOMEOWNER ASSOCIATION VENDOR FAIR RETIREMENT RETIRING AND HAROLD’S JEWELERS INVENTORY MUST BE SOLD DOWN! THIS IS THE SALE YOU DON’T WANT TO MISS! Lee & Harold FREE ADMISSION and RAFFLES MEET YOUR ESSENTIAL VENDORS BECKER & POLIAKOFF CEU COURSES SCHEDULED 11-12 GOVERNING DOCS; 12:30-1:30 COLLECTIONS; 2-3 EMPLOYEES OVER ER 5, 5,000 PIIE ECES ES AT LI LIQUIID D ATI TION PRIIC CE ES AL ALL DES S! ESIG IGNER ER L LIINES ES HE EA AV VIILY LY DIS ISCOUNTE TED. GLADES PLAZA | | MONDAY — SATURDAY 10 AM UNTIL 5:30 PM You will meet with vendors who specialize in all types of services including Property Management, Landscaping, Pool Maintenance, Painting, Paving, Roofing, General Contracting, Telecom, Janitorial Service, Insurance, Accounting, Legal, Banking, Security, Administration and much more! Light lunch will be available to all attendees For additional information contact the Alliance: Telephone: 561.495.9670 [email protected] 31 | 2200 WEST GLADES ROAD BOCA RATON FL 561-392-0502 Come to the Fair and in one day you will find the solutions you need to help manage your Association. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2015 w 60 % OFF COMMUNITY PRESIDENTS and OFFICERS BOARD AND COMMITTEE MEMBERS ALLIANCE DELEGATES and ALTERNATES PROPERTY MANAGERS WEST BOCA FORUM ALL FIIN NIIS SHED FIIN NE JJE EWELRY IS IS Presented exclusively for ASSOCIATION DECISION MAKERS: WWW.SUNSENTINEL.COM/WESTBOCA — SINCERELY, SOUTH COUNTY CIVIC CENTER 16700 JOG ROAD DELRAY BEACH WBF SALE AFTER 38 YEARS HAROLD IS FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2015 10 AM TO 3 PM Discover the magic of the mangroves with a b o a r d w a l k t o u r, f o l lowed by a paddle through sheltered mangrove trails and into the Intracoastal. 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday at the Gumbo Limbo Nature C e n t e r, 18 01 N . O c e a n Blvd., Boca Raton. Reservations required. Call 561-544-8605. Cost is $15 for members and $22 for nonmembers. Piano Student Showcase Enjoy a variety of selections performed by students in the conservatory. 7 p.m. Saturday in the University Theatre at FAU, 777 Glades Road, Boca Raton. Call 561-297-3820. Donation of $10. Sensory Snow Day Use materials such as 32 WEST BOCA FORUM Wednesday, February 4, 2015 www.sunsentinel.com/westboca WBF continued from 30 cotton, marshmallows and shaving cream to create snow. For ages 4 to 7. 3 p.m. Saturday at the Glades Road Branch Library, 20701 95th Ave., Boca Raton. Call 561-482-4554. 29th Annual Art Festival There will be a variety of paintings, sculptures, jewelry, fiber art, photography, ceramics and more by hundreds of U.S. arti s t s f o r p u r c h a s e . 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday at Mizner Park, Boca Raton. Visit bocamuseum.org. SUNDAY 8 Concert: Jazz Combos The Jazz Band, “Wings of Swing” presents jazz standards and new works for big band. 3 p.m. Sunday in the University The- atre at FAU, 777 Glades Road, Boca Raton. Call 561-297-3820. Suggested donation of $10. I c e C a s t l e Fe s t i v a l and Play Day Build a giant ice castle with more than 300 blocks in the middle of our warm South Florida winter and enjoy other family activities. 2-5 p.m. Sunday at the Patch Reef Park, Boca Raton. Call 561 482-3412. MONDAY 9 Early Afternoon Explorers: Navigation Expectation Explore this science topic through hands-on activities. Ages 6-12. 1 and 2 p.m. Monday at the Children’s Science Explorium, Sugar Sand Park, 300 S. Military Trail, Boca Raton. Cost continues on 36 i s $10 f o r PALM BEACH INTERNATIONAL EQUESTRIAN CENTER Friday Night Stars Saturday Night Lights at the Adequan® Global Dressage Festival at the Winter Equestrian Festival January 9 - March 27 Register NOW Go to www.CampPalmetto.com Website Open for Enrollment in-person registration Monday, Feb. 9th & 23rd 6:30pm-7:30pm at Loggers’ Run Middle School CAMP PALMETTO AT LOGGERS’ RUN MIDDLE SCHOOL “SUMMER CAMP” Early Bird Sign up Discounts Available until end of February Apply Online for Summer Counselor Positions www.CampPalmetto.com 561-852-3690 February 6, 2015 Gates Open at 6 PM FEI Grand Prix Musical Freestyle CDI 5*, presented by Diamante Farms Free General Admission and Parking The Stadium at PBIEC 13500 South Shore Blvd, Wellington, FL 33414 www.globaldressagefestival.com 561.793.5867 January 10 - March 28 February 7, 2015 Gates Open at 6 PM 6th Annual Great Charity Challenge presented by Fidelity Investments® Free General Admission Free Off-Site Parking at 13421 South Shore Blvd. Wellington, FL 33414 Shuttle Service Provided to Venue Main Grounds at PBIEC 3400 Equestrian Club Drive, Wellington, FL 33414 www.PBIEC.com 561.793.JUMP For people with hearing loss who have been waiting for revolutionary hearing technology. Main EvEnt ConCErt Sunday March 1 . 3 p.m. Carole and Barry Kaye Performing Arts Auditorium 777 Glades Road FAU Boca Campus INTRODUCING... The world’s First and Only hearing aid Clinically Proven* to provide Better Than Normal Hearing. Hearing Aids “Original jewish fusion music played by the expert and Spirited KCO” Exclusively from HearUSA ~ The Miami Herald 2015 Ultra Effective! Enjoy 360 degrees of hearing. There is no more need to turn toward whomever is speaking. Ultra Smart! Take total control of your hearing aids with our app on your smartphone. 5-Year Protection Plan • FREE 5-Year Protection • FREE Unlimited Reprogramming • FREE Unlimited Office Visits • FREE Hearing Aid Batteries $1,500 Value Only available through HearUSA! Clinically Proven* to Provide Better Than Normal Hearing Concerts FREE! Author Demonstration of the new Ultra Hearing Aids! Hear the difference between traditional hearing aids and the amazing “Ultra Hearing Experience.” FREE! Hearing Screening Call for details. Comedy Tickets www.fauevents.com w On Sale Now! 1.800.564.9539 Now open in our new location! Westwinds of Boca Shopping Center 9858 Glades Road, D-2, Boca Raton Call Toll Free: 855.804.2610 www.hearusa.com © 2015 HearUSA, All Rights Reserved. 33 * Studies conducted at University of Northern Colorado (2014) and Oldenburg Horzentrum (2013) showed that Speech Reception Thresholds (SRT) in cocktail-party situations improved up to 2.9dB for wearers with mild to moderate hearing loss using the latest BestSound™ Technology with Narrow Directionality, compared to people with normal hearing. This corresponds to over 25% improvement in speech understanding. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2015 Film WEST BOCA FORUM Hear better in noisy situations than someone without Ultra Hearing Aids. They automatically turn background noise down while focusing on the sounds you want to hear. That’s something a person with normal hearing simply cannot do! WWW.SUNSENTINEL.COM/WESTBOCA A seven-day celebration of Jewish culture: concerts, comedy, authors and film. Industry Leading Ultra Amazing! Experience better than normal hearing in noisy restaurants — clinically proven!* WBF Aaron Kula’s 25-member Klezmer Company Orchestra with guest vocalists Rebekah Diaz-Fandrei and Graham Fandrei performing classic Klezmer melodies re-mixed with energetic orchestrations, exotic percussion and gypsy jazz with a post-modern edge. For the last 5 consecutive years Halachic Guidelines Strictly Observed Tom (954) 557-8439 No Saturday Calls Please 34 WEST BOCA FORUM Wednesday, February 4, 2015 www.sunsentinel.com/westboca WBF oca Serving B r e v o for 30 Years RUBEN’S Barber Shop Inc. ALL TYPES of HAIRCUTS / 12 BARBERS Experienced Barber Wanted SUNDAY pm 10:am-3:45pm Walk-ins Welcome Open 7 Days a Week Mon-Fri 8:30am-6:30pm Sat-8:00am-4:45pm Kids under 12 between $13 & $15 Teens and Men between $16 & $18 9973 Glades Road • Boca Raton 56 8 52 5 561-487-2152 Shadowood Square (NE corner of Glades & 441 across from Old Navy) SAVE UP TO $2000 a MONTH On Quality Assisted Living From $1995 a month Just minutes from Boca and Delray Incl: Bathing • Medication Assistance • Licensed Nurses Available Daily • Medicaid & Veterans Benefits Accepted Separate Secured Alzheimer’s Section From $2495 a month The Renaissance 1050 S.W. 24th Ave., Deerfield Beach 954-360-7667 www.renaissancealf.com AL8697 IMMIGRATION STEM grads’ rules may change Q I am an F-1 international student working here with Optional Practical Training (OPT) employment authorization. Will President Barack Obama do anything to help people like me? I got an OPT extension under the special rule for science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) graduates. My OPT expires in July. M y c o m p a n y d o e s n’ t sponsor employees for H -1B p r o f e s s i o n a l worker visas. — Nebiyou Mandefro, Arlington, Va. A. President Obama plans changes in practical-training rules for STEM graduates, but has not given specifics. My guess is that he will allow STEM graduates to stay in the United States longer than under current rules. He may also expand the types of degrees that will qualify graduating students for the extended benefits. F-1 students now qualify for at least one year of OPT for each degree earned. The law calls this “optional” because students have the option of using their practical training while still in school. Individuals with a bachelor’s degree or higher in a STEM subject, whose employer participates in the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services’ E-Verify employment-verification program qualify for up to 29 months of OPT employment. The OPT extension for STEM graduates provides time for employers to petition professional workers for H-1B status. I expect the Obama administration to announce an extension and expansion of the STEM OPT program early this year. Meanwhile, you may want to look for an employer willing to sponsor you for H-1B status. Even with an extension, your OPT will eventually end. Q. Can someone with Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) travel to Puerto Rico and safely return to the United States? — Name Withheld, Brooklyn, N.Y. A. Yes. Those benefiting from President Obama’s programs for undocumented immigrants, granting them the right to stay and work here, can travel to Puerto Rico without concern. For immigrationlaw purposes, Puerto Rico is considered part of the United States. Q. I have two children born here, but I came here in 2012. Do I qualify for DAPA (Deferred Action for Parental Accountability)? — Name Withheld, Boston A. No. Only undocumented immigrants here on Jan. 1, 2010, qualify for DACA or DAPA . P resident Obama chose those dates thinking that granting benefits to individuals here for five years would be most politically acceptable. Q. I petitioned for a green card for my first husband. We divorced, and now I want to remarry and file to get papers for my new husband. Since this is the second time for me, do any special rules apply? — Joselyn, via email A. No special rules apply, but you will want to take care to provide lots of evidence that your new marriage is bona fide, or “real.” Nothing prevents you from petitioning for two husbands, or more, for that matter. IMMIGRATION & CITIZENSHIP Mausoleums $4000 per person Ground Spaces from $3500 per person Representing 20 Chabad Sections from ALLAN WERNICK STAR OF DAVID Allan Wernick is an author, attorney and a professor at Baruch College, City University of New York, where he directs the Citizenship and Immigration Project. Email [email protected]. OCEANFRONT CONDO Prestigious Hillsboro Beach 1 Bedroom Completely Remodeled $160K Jim (954) 263-8650 ★★A COMPUTOR TUTER★★ Hardware/Software Beginners a specialty Your computer or mine Reasonable Rates Anytime, anywhere, anyway you want it. or 954-263-4458 954-341-6256 V & N Cleaning SServices ervicces We Get The Job Done! ne! Don Offices, Homes/Apts $10.00 OFF 1st Cleaning (561) 860-0936 www.vandncleaningservices.com WANTED ACCUMULATIONS & COLLECTIONS OF STAMPS. Also Military items. Call 954-467-7128 or Cell 954-614-2562 TOUR THE Y! GET A FREE 2 DAY PASS UP TO A $60 VALUE GET MORE THAN A GYM! WBF ACURA WWW.SUNSENTINEL.COM/WESTBOCA Win one of tWo ® ILX SedAnS WEST BOCA FORUM SundayS, February 8 & 22 2:00pm - 6:00pm Grand prize: acura iLX On POwerLIne rd., SOuth OF AtLAntIC BLvd. 777 Isle of Capri Circle • Pompano Beach, FL 33069 www.theislepompanopark.com Peter Blum Family YMCA of Boca Raton 6631 Palmetto Circle South Boca Raton, FL 33433 800 250-1987 Visit ymcaspbc.org *Monthly membership fees apply. Offer valid through Feb. 8, 2015. The Y is the leading nonprofit committed to strengthening communities through youth development, healthy living and social responsibility. 35 © 2015 Isle of Capri Casinos, Inc. Acura is a registered trademark of Honda Motor Co. Isle is a registered trademark of Isle of Capri Casinos, Inc. Terms subject to change. Management reserves all rights. Must be 21 for slots. Must be 18 for poker and racing. Gambling problem? Call 1-888-ADMIT-IT. DeVos-Blum Family YMCA of Boynton Beach 9600 South Military Trail Boynton Beach, FL 33436 800 322-8453 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2015 Limited Time Offer* residents and $12.50 for non-residents. Call 561-347-3913 or visit ScienceExplorium.org. Neil Berg’s 102 Years of Broadway Neil Berg, along with a cast of singers, will perform skits from their own Broadway roles, including songs from the Broadway songbook. 8 p.m. Monday and Tuesday at Spanish River Church, 2400 Yamato Road, Boca Raton. Call 561-445-9244 for tickets. continued from 32 36 WEST BOCA FORUM Wednesday, February 4, 2015 www.sunsentinel.com/westboca WBF TUESDAY 10 Boca Raton Noon Toastmasters Improve your public speaking and leadership s k i l l s . 12 :15 -1:15 p . m . Tuesdays at the Count de Hoernle Pavilion, 747 S. Dixie Highway, Boca Raton. Call 561-251-4164. Cooking the Books Discuss and share recipes and techniques with foodie/librarian Stacy Alesi. 2 p.m. Tuesday at the We s t B o c a B r a n c h L i brary, 18685 State Road 7. Call 561-470-1600. Turtle Talk! A representative from the Daggerwing Nature Center will talk about native turtles with a live one on display. For ages 5 to 9. 3:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Glades Road Branch Library, 20701 95th Ave., Boca Raton. Call 561-482-4554. Valenteen’s Day Party Join your peerfs for treats, crafts and more at this party. For ages 11 to 17. 6 p.m. Tuesday Glades R o a d B r a n c h L i b r a r y, 20701 95th Ave., Boca Raton. Call 561-482-4554. WEDNESDAY 11 Hammock Trails Explore this rare remnant of coastal hardwood hammock and get a glimpse of the past. Take a guided walk on the elevate d q u a r t e r- m i l e - l o n g boardwalk. 10-11:30 a.m. Wednesday at the Gumbo L i m b o N a t u r e C e n t e r, 1801 N. Ocean Blvd., Boca Raton. Call 561-544-8615. Free. Positively Africa! Enjoy playing African instruments and learn simple Swahili songs with Julius and Julia Sanna. All ages welcome. 3:30 p.m. Wednesday at the West B o c a B r a n c h L i b r a r y, 18685 State Road 7. Call 561-470-1600. The Roots of Western Civilization Adjunct Professor Leonore Freedman will discuss ancient civilizations through Greece and Rome, followed by the second lecture on the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. 2 p.m. Wednesday at the Glades Road Branch Library, 20701 95th Ave., Boca Raton. Call 561-482-4554. Zonta Club Meeting Join this Boca Raton worldwide organization of women in business for its monthly dinner meeting. 6 p.m. Wednesday at the Holiday Inn, 2809 S. Ocean Blvd., Highland Beach. Call 561-482-1013. THURSDAY 12 “The Single Mothers Club” This production is about three mothers who go through the modern day struggles of being a single parent. 7:30 p.m. Thursday-Saturday; 3 p.m. Sundays and Wednesdays at The Studio at Mizner Park, 201 Plaza Real, Boca Raton. Call 866-811-4111 or visit paradeproductions.org. Cost is $35. “Undo” A couple decide to get a divorce by running their wedding backwards down to the last detail with the exception of food. 7:30 p.m. ThursdaySaturday; 3 p.m. Sunday at The Studio at Mizner Park, 201 Plaza Real, Boca Raton. Call 866-811-4111 or visit paradeproductions.org. Cost is $35; $30 for groups of $15 or more. ART AND CULTURE Plein Aire and Portraiture This exhibit will feature landscape painting and portraits by artist Elfrida Schragren. On display through Feb. 21 in the Friends Art Gallery at the Spanish River Library and Community Center, 1501 Spanish River Blvd. Call 561-393-7852. ANNOUNCEMENTS Volunteers Needed The Boca Raton Museum of Art is looking for volunteers to become a docent and commit as little as four hours per week to share hands- on with children and families. They also need someone to manage the gift shop and assist with the phones. Call 561-368-6875. Your chance to win prizes visit SunSentinel.com/insider HIGHER PRICES PAID FOR FINE ART & ANTIQUES ARCHIVE GALLERIES • Gold Jewelry all kinds • Antique Jewelry • Watches • Gold & Silver Scrap • Gold & Silver Coins UGLY TUBS? Call the Rest Then Call “BEST” Tiles? Shower Stalls? Vanities? Appliances? Cabinets? Countertops? Save $$$ Lic.#325-0010483 • 5 YR. WARRANTY BEST REFINISHING 954-427-1176 • 561-715-8238 www.bestrefinishing.net 1-800-274-8907 Courteous In-Home Service Your ad could be here. LICENSED & INSURED To place an ad in the next available issue please call FREE ESTIMATES SERVICING ALL OF PALM BEACH COUNTY 561-289-7192 [email protected] 954-574-5357 To place an ad in the next available issue please call 957-574-5357. Do you have a unique product or service for the home? Place an ad in the Home Improvement Guide and your ad could be seen by over 600,000 potential new customers a week. To place an ad in the next available issue please call 954-574-5357 for rates and information. 37 Payments Upon Request LIC#U11924 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2015 Call Now for a Free Consultation, No Obligation Cash 561-392-9195 / 561-445-0688 WEST BOCA FORUM One Piece or Entire Contents Purchased Special Attention Given to Estates & Attorneys PAINTING INT / EXT POPCORN / KNOCKDOWN SMOOTH CEILINGS CROWN MOULDING / BASEBOARD HANDYMA T H E O M PA N Y N C We Also Buy A Large Array of Ladies’ Vintage Items Including: • Designer vintage clothing • Handbags: Crocodile • Lieber Silver Jewelry • Mexican Marcasites • Anything Pucci, Gucci, Hermes, Vuitton • Costume Jewelry all kinds • Old perfume bottles And Much, Much More!! PROFICIENT PAINTING INC. WWW.SUNSENTINEL.COM/WESTBOCA • Sterling Silver • Sculptures • Bronzes • Porcelain • Figurines For more advertising information call: 954-574-5357 WBF • Oil Paintings • Oriental Rugs • Fine Furniture • Service Plates • Fine Crystal Home Improvement Guide Florida F lorida Statewide Network twork Ads For information on placing a network ad that will run throughout many of Florida’s community newspapers contact us at 954-574-5357 54-574-5357 or Email: fpgclassifi[email protected] MISCELLANEOUS ATTENTION VIAGRA 100 MG/Cialis 20 mg, 40 Pills + 4/ free, for only -$99! No Prescription needed! Discreet Shipping. Call Now 888-800-1280 1-SIGNATURE DIVORCE OR MISSING SPOUSE DIVORCE! (Starting at $65) Children/ property ok! Also Adoptions and Wills! All Florida Since 1992. Court Documents, Inc. Free Info! 1-800-973-6698 Get the Big Deal from DirecTV! Act Now-$19.99/mo. Free 3-Months of HBO, Starz, SHOWTIME & CINEMAX FREE GENIE HD/DVR Upgrade! 2014 NFL Sunday Ticket Included with Select Packages. 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FREE info! 1-800-462-2000 Ext. 300 Baycor & Associates, Established 1973 DISH TV Retailer- SAVE! Starting $19.99/month (for 12 mos). FREE Premium Movie Channels. FREE Equipment, Installation & Activation. CALL, COMPARE LOCAL DEALS! 1-800-438-8168 Every childves deser thet bes polio, measles, chic opportunities life . hastetanus to offer and others. o, even S Especially yours. eOf Course, you’re th sure your chi odds of her playing date pro and on schedule her baby shots, ask your basketball are .a But longthe shot visit. Itt.coul chances are more than 1 every in 4 that your baby isn’t protected t agains In fact, it couldotgive to childh ood diseases be like atar s in y profession. an Even if you’re sure, ask again. 1-800-232-2522 FCN7023 38 WEST BOCA FORUM Wednesday, February 4, 2015 www.sunsentinel.com/westboca WBF A childless successful woman seeks to adopt. Will be hands-on mom with large extended family/friends. Financial security. Expenses paid. Habla Espanol. Juana and Adam. HOTELS FOR HEROS- to find out 1-800-790-5260. Adam Sklar, more about how you can help our Esq. #0150789 service members, veterans and their HELP WANTED LAMPSHADES CROSSWORD PUZZLE gion 14 Sap-sucking insect 16 Put on board 17 Learning ctr. 18 “Being John Malkov- 37 Smell bad 38 Old DJ’s platters 39 India Pale __ 42 Shapeless mass 43 Start of a selection process 45 Didn’t stay put 46 “Thanks, but I’m set!” 47 Actress Plummer 49 Hackneyed 50 __ Island 52 Bibliog. catchall 54 Brief refresher 55 Solitaire foundation card 56 Wimple wearer 57 Credit-weighted no. © 2015 Tribune Content Agency, LLC YOU’VE TRIED THE REST... NOW TRY THE BEST “WINNER OF BEST NAIL SALON IN BOCA SINCE 2008!” Lic’d Skin Care Specialists Ana & Melissa Now Offering Facials and Expert Waxing Services orx Adriana, formally of HairWorx Specializing In Pink & White Solar Acrylics is joining our Nailize family. y. Call today for an appointment. ent Buy 3 Get 1 FREE, Call for an Appt. Today WB Now offering EYELASH EXTENSIONS FULLSET starting $150.00 NOW OFFERING GELISH (EXTENDS YOUR MANICURE UP TO 2 WEEKS) Must present coupon at time of service 9101 Lakeridge Blvd • Boca Raton • 561-883-5699 Open Mon. -Sat. • (B/T Lyons & 441 on Yamato Rd.) Dr. Jason S. Feit • Dr. Susan C. Goldberg “Podiatric Center of Excellence” Residency trained in all facets of Podiatric Medicine, Surgery and Wound Care. Ronnie Greissman, DPM VIP One-on-One Care • All Medical Care Provided by Your Doctor!! Most Insurance Accepted Richard M. Nettboy, DPM Open Saturdays for your convenience! (561) 482-3338 Margate/Tamarac Coconut Creek (954) 984-9700 www.associatedfootandanklecare.com • Educational women’s seminars • Health screenings • Free complimentary light breakfast and lunch • Exhibitor booths with women’s products, health, travel, financial planning & entertainment info Robert C. Balandis, DPM 39 Nicole Dabul, DPM 9:00 am to 3:00 pm South County Civic Center 16700 Jog Road, Delray Beach, FL 33446 Call 954-574-5341 for exhibitor or sponsorship information Se habla Español Boca/West Boca Parkland/Coral Springs March 31, 2015 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2015 Associated Foot & Ankle Care A Free Community Event WEST BOCA FORUM Now Offering Microdermabrasion Full F lll S Set off A Acrylics.....$28.00 li $28 8 00 Fills (2 Weeks)...........$22.00 Manicure...................$13.00 WWW.SUNSENTINEL.COM/WESTBOCA Across 1 Beginning on 5 No ordinary party 9 Keister 13 Big Island coffee re- 64 Icelandic literary work Down 1 With hands on hips 2 Northern Mexican state 3 GM navigation system 4 Meant to be 5 __-relief 6 iPhone purchase 7 See 12-Down 8 Enjoy the Pacific Crest Trail 9 Literary arcs 10 Redeemed from captivity 11 Carpenter’s tool 12 With 7-Down, punny message site 15 Make leaner 19 Leave at the altar 23 Expert on feet? 24 Foot part 25 Wrecks completely 27 Tetley offering 28 Estonia, until 1991: Abbr. 31 Doomed 1588 fighting force 32 Gigs for 22-Across, often 33 Expressive rock genre 35 Bribing 36 Rescue op WBF BY GARETH BAIN EDITED BY RICH NORRIS AND JOYCE LEWIS ich” director 20 Bit of dust 21 Readies for another voyage 22 “Mr. & Mrs. Smith” co-star 26 Portions out 29 One making waves 30 Sean Lennon’s mom 31 Occasionally 32 Three-time Hopkins role 34 At hand 35 Slangily, overimbibe; literally, what the starts of 18-, 22-, 49- and 54-Across can do 38 Fictional archaeologist Croft 40 Bakery array 41 Promises 44 “Hawaii Five-0” actor Daniel __ Kim 45 Cellular messenger 48 Ambien maker 49 Saddle storage area 51 Longhorn rival 53 Mandlikova of tennis 54 Nervous habit 58 Prophet’s concern 59 Promgoer’s concern 60 Really enjoy 61 One of 28 Monopoly cards 62 Places for hats 63 Jazz singer Horne JOSEPH’S CLASSIC JOSEPH’S ’S DAY VALENTINEN ER FOR 2 IN D IB R E AKS PRIM IME RIB STE B OVEN ROAST ) MAINE LOBS TERS ED POTATOES , GR & JOSEPH’S HOMEMADE ILLED CORN COLE SLAW! A SLICE OF RED VELVET HOMEMADE MILE HIGH CH EE SE CA Also Includes a bottle of Jo KE PERFECT FOR 2 Many varietie seph’s Private Label Win e— s to choose fr om! STEAM 2 (8 oz) PDRTO PERFECTION! COOKE OR RICE, E OF POTATO LAD YOUR CHOIC ABLE, FRESH GARDEN SA ET EG V F O H E IG IC H ILE YOUR CHO OMEMADE M CT FOR 2 A SLICE OF H PERFE E K CA SE EE RED VELVET CH of Joseph’s Private Label Wine— bottle so Al Includes a y varieties to choose from! Man SATURDAY, AVAILABLE TH , 2015 FEBRUARY 14 0 490 $ S ALWAY ! H S E FR PLAIN OR MARINATED 9 WBF www.sunsentinel.com/westboca Wednesday, February 4, 2015 WEST BOCA FORUM 40 99 Lb. FRESH GROUND 3 349 BEEF, PORK & VEAL 3 $ PORK ROAST....................... OR CHOPS ............................ $ BONELESS BONE BO NELE NE LESS LE SS C CENTER-CUT ENTE EN TER TE R-CU CUT CU T 49 Lb. Lb. 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NO ADDITIVES OR PRESERVATIVES 6 $ 99 LACEY SWISS CHEESE ........... 9 ITALIAN CUCUMBER SALAD $ 99 3 OR BEET SALAD........................ $ 99 GENOA SALAMI ................ 7 $ DI PARMA PROSCIUTTO............ 1999 BOAR’S HEAD, LOW SODIUM $ 99 CLASSIC CHICKEN BREAST ........ Lb. BOAR’S HEAD Lb. JOSEPH’S, MADE FRESH DAILY STEAMED S FRESH! ORDER AHEAD! LIVE MAINE $ 99 LOBSTERS.............. LOBSTERS .............. 2-3 LB AVG. SCOTTISH Lb. GOURMET TO-GO Lb. 5 YOUR YOUR CHOICE OF SPAGHETTI MARINARA, RIGATONI BOLOGNESE, PENNE ALLA VODKA OR LINGUINE POMODORO 10 $ 99 AHI TUNA STEAKS .............. 8 JUMBO SHRIMP.................. $ 1199 $ 99 COD FILLET .......................... 7 E-Z PEEL Lb. 16-20 CT NEW ENGLAND Lb. Lb. JOSEPH’S CLASSIC, HANDMADE $ 99 CRAB CAKES ................ 5 8 $ SALMON FILLET......................................... 1899 $ 99 MIXED ROASTED VEGETABLES .............. 5 $ 99 PASTA FAGIOLI SOUP................................ 3 $ 99 STUFFED CHICKEN BREAST...................... Lb. CORDON BLEU OR FLORENTINE JOSEPH’S CLASSIC™ Lb. HONEY MUSTARD OR CITRUS TERIYAKI JOSEPH’S CLASSIC™ Lb. MIXED VEGETABLES TOSSED IN EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL & SEA SALT JOSEPH’S, HOMEMADE 16 oz. Ea. PASTOSA 699 JUMBO CHEESE RAVIOLI $ BONGIOVI PASTA SAUCES MARINARA, GARDEN STYLE & ARRABBIATA VALENTINE’S SPECIALS SEA SCALLOPS, LOBSTER TAIL ALL SIZES, CHILEAN SEABASS, COLOSSAL SHRIMP, SHRIMP COCKTAIL PLATTERS AND MUCH MORE! WINE & CHEESE JOSEPH’S CLASSIC, IMPORTED FROM ITALY $ 99 PRIVATE LABEL WINES .................... PINOT GRIGIO, CHIANTI & MONTEPULCIANO D ABRUZZO www.josephsclassicmarket.com • Like Us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter: @JosephsCM Hours: Mon.-Sat. 8am-8pm, Sunday 8am-6pm 5 750 ML LA PLAYA WINES .............................. $ 99 CARBERNET SAUVIGNON, MERLOT, CHARDONNAY & SAUVIGNON BLANC ILE DE FRANCE 750 ML 1099 $ MOSCATO ....................... MONTE MARIA 750ML BRIE CHEESE .................... $ 99 5 8 oz. PRESIDENT $ 99 TRIPLE CREAM BRIE CHEESE ........ 5 EA. BUY ONE GET ONE FREE 699 $ 5 OFF $ any purchase of $25 or more. With coupon only WBF Exp. 2/10/15 Limit one per customer, per visit. Boca location only. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES The weekly specials are on our website every Wednesday, become a preferred customer and we will email you our weekly specials every week. Visit us online to become a preferred member: 8 8 oz. STRAIGHT FROM BROOKLYN 12 CT ROUND INTRODUCING EA. MADE FRESH WITH REAL LUMP CRAB MEAT CABERNET SAUVIGNON, MERLOT, CHARDONNAY, JOSEPH’S CLASSIC™ Lb. GRADE A HORMEL DILUSSO IMPORTED FROM ITALY 11 $ 99 SALMON ............................ Lb. Lb. 24 OZ. 4900 $ DELI $ 99 PASTA MANIA ............ LB. STRAWBERRIES (16 oz.) $ 99 & RASPBERRIES (6 oz.) .......... EA. SUGAR SWEET JOSEPH’S CLASSIC™ JOSEPH’S FAMOUS PRODUCE DRISCOLL ALWAY HOMEMA S DE! COME SEE OUR SWEETHEART CUPCAKES, PREMIUM CHOCOLATE-COVERED STRAWBERRIES AND MUCH MORE! SKIRT STEAK ............. $ “GREAT FOR THE GRILL” BAKERY Decadent Heart Shape Cake e OLD-FASHIONED BUTCHER SHOP USDA CHOICE C VALENTINE LASSIC ’S DAY LOBSTER 2 (1-1.5 L DINNER FOR 2 All Prices Good: Wed., Feb. 4 - Tues., Feb. 10, 2015 TO ALL SENIORS: 5250 TOWN CENTER CIRCLE, BOCA RATON 10% Senior Discount will ONLY be available the first Tuesday of every month. *Discount not to be combined with any sale or discount offer. On Military Trail, 1 Mile N. of Palmetto Park Rd. All Major Credit Cards and EBT accepted at all locations. Joseph’s is not responsible for typographical errors. (561) 347-2314
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