Sambro Ketch Harbour Elementary School May 2015 Beacon Have you Heard? Reminders: Our students were treated to an awesome performance of The Sound of Music at Sir Charles Tupper Elementary School. We wish to thank Ms. Tara for arranging the invitation for us. A great time was had by all! May 4 PTA @ 5:30 pm; SAC @ 6:30 pm May 9 Mother’s Day Brunch @ St. James United Church The staff of Harrietsfield Elementary School for 2014-15: Students in grade 5 and 6 are raising money for their end of year trip to Bayside camp. Tickets are currently on sale for a fabulous Mother’s Day basket (value approx. $300). If you are interested in purchasing tickets, please let the office know and we will send some home to you. The grade 5 & 6 students are also busy making greeting cards featuring photographs of Sambro and surrounding areas. These will be available for purchase starting late next week. May 15 PD Day – no classes for students May 20 Visit from the NS Sports Hall of Fame May 25 New primaries visit; Track and Field (grade 6) May 26 Track and Field (grade 4/5) The PTA is hosting a Mother’s Day Brunch to honor all the special women in our lives; mothers, grandmothers, aunts and special friends. The brunch will be held on Saturday, May 9th at St. James United Church starting at 9:00-12:00. Tickets are on sale for $7.00. Get yours now before they are gone! Tickets for the Mother’s Day basket will also be available at this event and the winner will be drawn at the close of the brunch. Principal – Tracy Marchand Administrative Assistant – Pat Dempsey 3725 Old Sambro Road Sambro, NS B3V 1G1 Phone : 868-2717 Safe Arrival: 868-2802 Fax: 868-1808 Website: http://sambro.ednet.ns .ca Email: s e s @ h r s b . c a Remember to check the website at h t t p :/ /s a m br o . ed n et. ns . ca for this newsletter and the most up-to-date information 1 Sambro Ketch Harbour Elementary School May 2015 Beacon Reminders: May 4 PTA @ 5:30 pm; SAC @ 6:30 pm Why is Problem Solving such a Focus in Math? [one of our school goals] Teaching through problem solving empowers students to be confident in their work, explore alternatives and take mathematical risks. Problem solving requires and builds deep understanding of concepts while engaging students, developing perseverance and providing opportunities for students to collaborate and communicate their learning. May 15 PD Day – no classes for students May 20 Visit from the NS Sports Hall of Fame Students develop their own problem solving strategies by listening, discussing and trying different strategies. If students have already been given the way to solve the problem, then it is not a problem but merely practice. In the past, math was taught by introducing a procedure and then having students practice the same procedure repeatedly. This limits both the application of the learning as well as the opportunities for new learning. By teaching through problem solving students learn how to use their current knowledge to develop creative, innovative solutions for any problem, not just the situations they have practiced. May 25 New primaries visit; Track and Field (grade 6) May 26 Track and Field (grade 4/5) You can help develop your child’s problem solving by asking questions such as “How would you..?” or “How could you …?” Doing puzzles and playing games that use logic and reasoning like Clue, Sodoku and Blockus also provide opportunities to problem solve outside of the classroom. Getting to Great Survey: Principal – Tracy Marchand Administrative Assistant – Pat Dempsey Welcome to another year of “Getting to Great” Halifax Regional School Board’s continuous school improvement survey. Getting to Great Surveys allows all parents/guardians, teachers, and students in grades 4-12 to share information that will help us improve schools. The HRSB remains committed to making every school a great school, but we cannot “get to great” without you. Your voluntary participation in this survey will help us to identify the strengths and challenges at our school, so we can do our part to enhance the opportunities for students to learn. Your input is valuable in helping us make improvements that will directly impact your child’s learning and school experience. Remember to check the website at h t t p :/ /s a m br o . ed n et. ns . ca for this newsletter and the most up-to-date information May 9 Mother’s Day Brunch @ St. James United Church 2 3725 Old Sambro Road Sambro, NS B3V 1G1 Phone : 868-2717 Safe Arrival: 868-2802 Fax: 868-1808 Website: http://sambro.ednet.ns .ca Email: s e s @ h r s b . c a Sambro Ketch Harbour Elementary School May 2015 Beacon To support schools with completion rates, the online survey will remain open until May 8th.. Please visit the website: and select Sambro Ketch Harbour Elementary to start the survey. Thank you for your participation; your input is very important to us! Reminders: May 4 PTA @ 5:30 pm; SAC @ 6:30 pm EXCEL News: May 4th - General Registration begins for all EXCEL Before & After school programs at 8:00 a.m. on May 4th. Applications may be submitted via the online system or the EXCEL office at 25 Alfred Street, Dartmouth. Individuals paying by Pre-Authorized Payment, MasterCard or Visa ONLY may register on-line. Go to to access. May 15 PD Day – no classes for students May 20 Visit from the NS Sports Hall of Fame We encourage parents to submit their applications in a timely manner to ensure the greatest opportunity for entry into the program as demand often exceeds capacity. Notifications for acceptance into the program will be forwarded to applicants as per the following schedule: ENTRANCE PRIORITY After Only 5 days/week After < 5 days/week May 9 Mother’s Day Brunch @ St. James United Church May 25 New primaries visit; Track and Field (grade 6) NOTICES TO PARENTS: Notifications for A-FT applications to be processed beginning April 28th, 2015 Notifications for Part-Time applications to be processed beginning June 29th, 2015 May 26 Track and Field (grade 4/5) Principal – Tracy Marchand Administrative Assistant – Pat Dempsey 3725 Old Sambro Road Sambro, NS B3V 1G1 Grade 5 and 6 Trip to Bayside Camp: Phone : 868-2717 Safe Arrival: 868-2802 Fax: 868-1808 As an end of year treat, the whole school will be going to Bayside Camp on June 23rd for a day of outdoor activities. We are excited for everyone to be all together at such a beautiful facility. Information pertaining to the trip will come home as we get closer to the date. Grade 5 and 6 students will be attending for 2 days and they will be staying overnight on June 23rd. They will also be staying late on June 24th, returning home after supper. The rest of the students will return home on June 23rd by regular dismissal. Remember to check the website at h t t p :/ /s a m br o . ed n et. ns . ca for this newsletter and the most up-to-date information Website: http://sambro.ednet.ns .ca Email: s e s @ h r s b . c a 3 Sambro Ketch Harbour Elementary School May 2015 Beacon Reminders: May 4 PTA @ 5:30 pm; SAC @ 6:30 pm May 9 Mother’s Day Brunch @ St. James United Church Classroom Configurations: It is getting close to the time where teachers and additional school staff start thinking about classroom placements for next year. School staff works tirelessly on this process in an attempt to make well informed decisions in the best interest of students. A great deal goes into this process and many considerations are taken into account: gender balance, learning style, strengths, challenges, student relationship with other students, and other specific programming details. No student is assigned to a classroom without thoughtful, professional conversation taking place. At this time I would like to invite you to share any characteristics of your child’s learning that you would like us to take into consideration when configuring classrooms. Without requesting specific teachers, I am encouraging you to forward an email or letter to my attention for future planning. Although I cannot guarantee requested placement as those decisions are made by a professional team, it will certainly provide more data for us to consider when making these decisions. I am confident you will trust in our ability to work with you to make the best educational decisions possible for your child. Please forward the requested information by Friday, May 15th. May 15 PD Day – no classes for students May 20 Visit from the NS Sports Hall of Fame May 25 New primaries visit; Track and Field (grade 6) May 26 Track and Field (grade 4/5) Principal – Tracy Marchand Administrative Assistant – Pat Dempsey Nova Scotia Sports Hall of Fame: 3725 Old Sambro Road Sambro, NS B3V 1G1 The Nova Scotia Sport Hall of Fame is coming to talk to the whole school on May 20 from 10:10-11:10 in the gym. We have not been told who the speaker is, but we are confident it will be a great experience for all. Phone : 868-2717 Safe Arrival: 868-2802 Fax: 868-1808 Website: http://sambro.ednet.ns .ca Email: s e s @ h r s b . c a Remember to check the website at h t t p :/ /s a m br o . ed n et. ns . ca for this newsletter and the most up-to-date information 4 Sambro Ketch Harbour Elementary School May 2015 Beacon Reminders: May 4 PTA @ 5:30 pm; SAC @ 6:30 pm May 9 Mother’s Day Brunch @ St. James United Church New Primary Orientation Sessions: In order to ease the transition for our new primary students coming to us next year, we are holding two sessions for the students to come in and spend time with Ms. Henneberry and the other children that will be in their class. We did this the last couple of years and found that it greatly increased the comfort level for the children’s start in September. The first session will take place on May 25th from 9:00 – 10:00 a.m. The second session will be held on June 5th from 10:00-11:00 a.m. We would like to request that parents stay with their child at the second session only as vision screening by the Public Health Nurse will take place. We look forward to meeting all of our new primaries. May 15 PD Day – no classes for students May 20 Visit from the NS Sports Hall of Fame May 25 New primaries visit; Track and Field (grade 6) May 26 Track and Field (grade 4/5) Emergency Management Planning: The safety and security of our students and staff continues to be a top priority at our school. On May 8th and May 14th, staff will be practicing safety drills with students about how to respond in emergency type situations. These are called Hold and Secure and Isolation drills. The Hold and Secure drill will take place on May 8th and the Isolation drill will take place on May 14th. Staff will take the time to explain all procedures to students in a developmentally appropriate manner. We do this sensitively with the student’s age and development factored into the learning. These drills are required by policy and must take place two times a year (once in the fall and once in the spring). Principal – Tracy Marchand Administrative Assistant – Pat Dempsey 3725 Old Sambro Road Sambro, NS B3V 1G1 Phone : 868-2717 Safe Arrival: 868-2802 Fax: 868-1808 Website: http://sambro.ednet.ns .ca Email: s e s @ h r s b . c a Remember to check the website at h t t p :/ /s a m br o . ed n et. ns . ca for this newsletter and the most up-to-date information 5 Sambro Ketch Harbour Elementary School May 2015 Beacon Reminders: May 4 PTA @ 5:30 pm; SAC @ 6:30 pm Indoor/Outdoor Footwear: It is safe to say that the weather has been less than ideal. A great deal of rain and melting conditions has created a very messy playground. We are asking that students have two pairs of footwear here at school for both indoor and outdoor use. This reduces the amount of mud coming into the building. It also reduces wet floors which create a safety hazard. If this poses a challenge for any parent, please do not hesitate to let us know in the office. Thank you for your continued support! Nepal Fundraiser: In an effort to show our support for the recent tragedy in Nepal, SKHES will be hosting a Yoga evening sometime in May (date to follow). All donations received at this event will go directly to supporting disaster relief efforts. Students in grade 5 & 6 has also stepped up and has committed to donating some of the proceeds of their photography greeting card campaign, aligning with their work this year with We Act Program. Thank you everyone for your support! May 9 Mother’s Day Brunch @ St. James United Church May 15 PD Day – no classes for students May 20 Visit from the NS Sports Hall of Fame May 25 New primaries visit; Track and Field (grade 6) May 26 Track and Field (grade 4/5) Track and Field: Principal – Tracy Marchand Mr. MacDougall is once again organizing a Track and Field Meet taking place at Saint Mary’s University. Qualifying students will be attending the meet with Mr. MacDougall on May 25th (grade 6 students) and May 26th (grade 4 & 5 students). We would like to thank Mr. MacDougall for all his hard work in organizing this event for all participating schools. Administrative Assistant – Pat Dempsey 3725 Old Sambro Road Sambro, NS B3V 1G1 Phone : 868-2717 Safe Arrival: 868-2802 Fax: 868-1808 Website: http://sambro.ednet.ns .ca Email: s e s @ h r s b . c a Remember to check the website at h t t p :/ /s a m br o . ed n et. ns . ca for this newsletter and the most up-to-date information 6 Sambro Ketch Harbour Elementary School May 2015 Beacon Reminders: May 4 PTA @ 5:30 pm; SAC @ 6:30 pm Science Fair: May 9 Mother’s Day Brunch @ St. James United Church Science Fair preparations will soon be off and running. Information will be coming home shortly but please note that students are invited to participate; however it is not mandatory that they do so. The tentative date set for the fair is June 12th. May 15 PD Day – no classes for students May 20 Visit from the NS Sports Hall of Fame Important Dates for Grade 6’s: Grade 6 students have a couple of important dates coming up – please see below: May 25 New primaries visit; Track and Field (grade 6) May 13th – Trip to Junior High School for orientation (10:00-11:00 a.m.) May 14th – Invitation to Junior High Dance June 22nd – Closing Celebration @ 10:00 a.m. May 26 Track and Field (grade 4/5) Professional Development Day: There will be no school for students on Friday, May 15th as it is a Professional Development Day for teachers. Principal – Tracy Marchand Administrative Assistant – Pat Dempsey 3725 Old Sambro Road Sambro, NS B3V 1G1 Phone : 868-2717 Safe Arrival: 868-2802 Fax: 868-1808 Website: http://sambro.ednet.ns .ca Email: s e s @ h r s b . c a Remember to check the website at h t t p :/ /s a m br o . ed n et. ns . ca for this newsletter and the most up-to-date information 7
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