New England Institute of Technology (NEIT) SPECIFICATIONS for Request for Proposals (RFP) Third Party Evaluation of NEIT’s Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training Grant (TAACCCT IV) New England Institute of Technology RFP for Evaluation Consultant for TAACCCT 4 Grant SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction New England Institute of Technology (NEIT) is requesting proposals from qualified organizations/consultants with the level of expertise to provide the services as detailed in this RFP’s Scope of Work to fulfill the United States Department of Labor’s (USDOL) grant requirements to conduct a rigorous third party evaluation of NEIT’s SAMI Program. SAMI refers to NEIT’s Shipbuilding/Marine and Advanced Manufacturing Institute funded by Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training Grants (TAACCCT) awarded by USDOL. The third party evaluation will determine the net impact of SAMI training programs on the labor market outcomes of program completers. Section 2 provides greater background detail about SAMI and the TAACCCT grants awarded to NEIT. This RFP is specific to the third party evaluation requirements of the TAACCCT 4 grant awarded to NEIT in October, 2014. New England Institute of Technology is a private non-profit, coeducational technical college accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges, Inc. Established in 1940, the college offers Associate, Bachelor, and Master of Science Degrees in more than 50 technical fields. Presently, there are approximately 3,000 full and part-time students enrolled in these programs. 1.2 Instructions and Notifications to Offerors: ● Potential Offerors are advised to review all sections of this RFP carefully, and to follow instructions completely, since failure to make a complete submission as described elsewhere herein may result in rejection or disqualification of the proposal. ● Alternative approaches and/or methodologies to accomplish the desired or intended results of this RFP are encouraged. However, proposals which depart from or materially alter the terms, requirements, or scope of work defined by this RFP will be rejected as being non-responsive. ● All costs associated with developing or submitting a proposal in response to this RFP, or to provide oral or written clarification of its content shall be borne solely by the Offeror. NEIT assumes no responsibility for these costs, and there is no expressed or implied obligation for NEIT to reimburse responding Offerors, individuals, or entities for any such expenses. ● All contingent cost proposals will be considered to be firm and fixed unless otherwise indicated herein. ● Proposals misdirected to locations other than to the address identified in this RFP and submitted by the designated submission deadline will be determined to be late and will not be considered. 1 New England Institute of Technology RFP for Evaluation Consultant for TAACCCT 4 Grant • NEIT does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, disability, age, or national and ethnic origin in the administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and other school-administered programs, nor does NEIT discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, disability or national and ethnic origin or current or former service in the United States uniformed services or other status protected by law, in any phase of its employment process. Sexual harassment and sexual violence are forms of sex discrimination. The college has designated Seth Kurn, Executive Vice President, to coordinate the college’s efforts to comply with Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and other laws, orders and regulations governing discrimination. Any questions or concerns regarding Title IX, Section 504 or other state or local federals laws related to discrimination should be directed to Seth Kurn, Executive Vice President, New England Institute of Technology, One New England Tech Boulevard, East Greenwich, Rhode Island 02818, Tel. 401-739-5000. ● During the evaluation process, NEIT reserves the right, where it deems it to serve NEIT’s best interests, to request additional information or clarification from any proposer. ● NEIT reserves the right to reject or accept any and all submitted proposals ● NEIT reserves the right to enter into negotiations with any Offeror who is selected based on the evaluation criteria as detailed in this RFP ● NEIT has the option, in its sole discretion, to reduce the scope of work for any task or subtask provided for under this RFP. In such event, the Offeror understands and agrees that it may not seek any proposed sums from NEIT as damages or compensation for NEIT’s reduction in the scope of work. In addition, NEIT, for any reason, may issue a stop order directing the Offeror ultimately awarded this project to suspend work or operations under this RFP. Resumption of any further work as part of this RFP is then within the sole discretion of NEIT. SECTION 2: BACKGROUND and PURPOSE 2.1 Background USDOL awarded Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training Grants (TAACCCT) in four rounds of funding to eligible community and technical colleges around the country to expand and improve their ability to deliver education and career training programs that can be completed in two years or less with the primary intent to meet the educational and career training needs of workers who have lost their jobs. 2 New England Institute of Technology RFP for Evaluation Consultant for TAACCCT 4 Grant In February, 2013, the United States Department of Labor (USDOL) awarded a 2.5 million dollar TAACCCT 2 grant to New England Institute of Technology, hereinafter referred to as NEIT. USDOL awarded this TAACCCT grant to NEIT to design and implement SAMI, a Shipbuilding/Marine and Advanced Manufacturing Institute, to train a pipeline of skilled workers for Rhode Island’s shipbuilding and manufacturing industries. The primary occupations within these industries include Welders and Machinists. SAMI was designed and the curriculum was developed in collaboration with Rhode Island employers in need of skilled workers in these occupations and industries. SAMI Services and Activities: The SAMI program is delivered in two phases as follows: Phase I - Participants are exposed to careers in the shipbuilding and manufacturing industries and participate in hands-on skills evaluation modules and assessments to help them make informed training and career decisions. Testing and assessments identify those in need of remediation in order to be successful in training. Phase II - Participants choose one of two Occupational Skills Training Tracks Welding Machine - 260 Hours 300 Hours Remediation, case management, work readiness and OSHA-10 hour training are provided on site as part of the SAMI training program. In October, 2014, NEIT received another TAACCCT grant (TAACCCT IV) from the United States Department of Labor. The TAACCCT IV grant was awarded to NEIT to expand the SAMI training program to include the following occupations: pipefitting, shipfitting, and robotics. Building on its relationship with partner employers, SAMI was able to identify training in these occupations as necessary to meet employer needs. The TAACCCT IV grant allows for three years of program activity and a fourth year for final evaluation. The TAACCCT IV training programs will be delivered using the same customer flow and service delivery model that was developed under the TAACCCT II grant. USDOL has identified the primary target population for TAACCCT funded grants those individuals who have lost their jobs from a company or division within a company that has been Trade certified by USDOL, and are eligible for or in receipt of Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) benefits as the result of this job loss. Because of the size of Rhode Island’s TAA population SAMI has also identified veterans, displaced adult workers and recent high school graduates as part of the target population to be served. 3 New England Institute of Technology RFP for Evaluation Consultant for TAACCCT 4 Grant Through the TAACCCT IV grant, SAMI plans to train approximately 200 unemployed Rhode Islanders in one of the occupations specified above through the TAACCCT grants. The TAACCCT grants have several performance indicators, but those relevant to this RFP include: ● ● Total Number Employed After Program of Study Completion Total Number Retained in Employment After Program of Study Completion USDOL has mandated that grantees utilize wage record data to verify those performance indicators related to employment. NEIT has entered into a Memorandum of Agreement with the Rhode Island Department of Labor and Training, the administrative entity responsible for wage record data in the state, to assist NEIT with carrying out the mandated performance requirement of the TAACCCT grants. The TAACCCT IV grant has a 3-year period of performance to achieve all deliverables and performance indicators, and a follow-up year to complete the third party evaluation. Evaluation will be compiled on an on-going basis. TAACCCT IV Grant Performance Period: TAACCCT IV Evaluation Period: 2.2 October 1, 2014 through September 30, 2017 October 1, 2017 through September 30, 2018 Purpose USDOL’s TAACCCT Grant Program requires all Round 4 grantees to retain a third party evaluator who will design and execute a rigorous evaluation of each funded project. The third party evaluation contractor must oversee the design of the evaluation, the impact/outcomes analysis, data collection and analysis, and development of interim and final reports. As part of its federal contractual requirements for the SAMI Program, NEIT, through this RFP, is seeking a third-party evaluator to perfom the required evaluation utilizing rigorous statistical methods to assess the net impact of SAMI program participation on the labor market outcomes of program completers. The evaluation requires the development of comparison groups of non-participants that have characteristics that are similar to those of participants in the program. Formative and summative reports which analyze the impact of SAMI training interventions will be placed in the context of state and local labor markets. SECTION 3: SCOPE OF WORK The Offeror must demonstrate in their proposal their ability and plan to work with NEIT SAMI Project Leads to provide the following services and deliverables: 3.1 4 New England Institute of Technology RFP for Evaluation Consultant for TAACCCT 4 Grant The Offeror will work with the NEIT’s SAMI Project Leads to become familiar with the USDOL TAACCCT grants as they relate to the third party evaluation requirements and all the elements of NEIT’s SAMI Program. 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.1.4 3.1.5 Understand USDOL TAACCCT IV Grant requirements relating to third party evaluations to include USDOL TAACCCT guidance memos and FAQ’s Gain a full understanding of all of the elements of NEIT’s SAMI Program from Intake to Exit and Employment Gain an understanding of TAACCCT/SAMI participant data tracking and reporting, USDOL performance indicators and reporting requirements and methodologies used to obtain wage record data to comply with USDOL reporting requirements Review program data and reports as provided by the Projects Leads Conduct interviews/focus groups of staff, instructors, participants, and employers as deemed necessary and appropriate to inform evaluation and to develop foundation for analysis 3.2 The Offeror will identify both experience and ability to access and extrapolate participant level wage record data for the purpose of analysis and evaluation. 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.2 Identify experience and expertise utilizing unemployment insurance and wage record data for the purpose of analysis and evaluation Identify ability to develop partnerships and work with state level agencies that administer unemployment insurance and wage record data Identify data security systems in place to guarantee confidentiality and security of data 3.3 The Offeror will provide a descriptive third party evaluation project plan that includes deliverables, methodologies, time frames and staffing 3.3.1 3.3.2 3.3.3 3.3.4 3.2.5 3.2.6 3.2.7 Identify cohort evaluation methodology and timeframes Identify data relevant for third party evaluation for both participant and non-participant cohorts Develop cohort data report templates for SAMI and the State Administrative Agency responsible for unemployment insurance and wage records Identify timeframes and process to obtain wage record data for participant and nonparticipant cohorts Obtain and analyze data utilizing expert statistical methodologies Develop formative and summative reports and evaluations in the context of state and local labor markets Regular meetings with NEIT Administrative Staff and TAACCCT IV Project Leads The Offer will work in collaboration with SAMI Projects Lead on elements of the Scope of Work and NEIT reserves the right to adjust and fine tune the deliverables during the project period. 5 New England Institute of Technology RFP for Evaluation Consultant for TAACCCT 4 Grant 3.3 Timeline This is a three year grant beginning October 1, 2014 and ending September 30, 2017, followed by a 1year evaluation period beginning October 1, 2017 and ending September 30, 2018. SECTION 4: TECHNICAL AND COST PROPOSAL 4.1 Technical Proposal In order to be considered for selection, Offerors must submit a complete Technical Proposal to this RFP, with an original (so designated) and three (3) copies. NEIT will not be responsible for reproduction where an insufficient number of copies have been submitted. The proposals shall be sealed in an opaque envelope, with the outside envelope reflecting the RFP title, and due date. The proposals shall be signed by an authorized representative of the Offeror. The Offeror’s Technical Proposal must provide its response and/or approach to all the requirements of this RFP. Failure to submit all information requested, or satisfactory detail thereof, may result in the lower evaluation of this proposal. Proposals that are deemed to be substantially incomplete or insufficiently responsive may be rejected. Proposals should be prepared in the format and order below, prepared simply and economically in no more than 10 pages (double space and 12 font) providing a straightforward, concise description of capabilities to satisfy the requirements of the RFP, with emphasis on completeness and clarity of content. 4.1.1 o o o o o Introduction RFP title Offeror Name Offeror Address Offeror’s Telephone Number and Email Address Name and title of the designated contact person 4.1.2 Table of Contents The Table of Contents will include a complete listing of RFP content presented by section and page numbers. 4.1.3 Understanding of the Project The Offeror will demonstrate their understanding of the requirements of the project, scope of work and project schedule. The Offeror should include sufficient detail to convey a thorough understanding of the tasks and deliverables and what NEIT is trying to achieve by this RFP. 6 New England Institute of Technology RFP for Evaluation Consultant for TAACCCT 4 Grant 4.1.4 Qualifications and Experience The Offeror will demonstrate their background, qualifications, experience and expertise to successfully implement this project to include a brief history of the company, past performance in implementing projects of a similar nature and scope delivered in a timely manner within the budget projected, as well as resumes of key personnel who will be involved in the project including the Project Lead. 4.1.5 Proposed Project Methodology and Management Plan The Offeror must describe in detail the methodology they will utilize to meet the requirements and deliverables as detailed in the Scope of Work. This section will include a project/management plan that identifies the work, tasks and time frames necessary to implement this project. The Offeror may include any other information that is believed to be pertinent to this project, but not specifically requested Cost Proposal In addition to the Technical Proposal, the Offeror must also submit a separate Cost Proposal that reflects all of its proposed costs to NEIT for third-party evaluation services as detailed in this RFP. SECTION 5: EVALUATION CRITERIA Total Number of Points to score Proposal = 200 5.1 NEIT’s Review Committee will evaluate and score all the Technical and Cost Proposals. 5.1.1 Evaluation Criteria for Technical Proposal Each Technical Proposal will first be evaluated before the Evaluation Committee considers or reviews any Cost Proposals. Any Technical Proposal that fails to garner a Total Cumulative Score of the entire Committee equal to at least 70% of the total available Cumulative Technical Proposal Points will be judged to be insufficiently responsive or substantially incomplete, and will be disqualified from any further consideration by the Committee. The Evaluation Committee will assess each submitted Technical Proposal and may award up to one hundred points (100) for the Technical Proposal based on the elements in section 3 and specified on page 8: 7 New England Institute of Technology RFP for Evaluation Consultant for TAACCCT 4 Grant Technical Proposal Scoring Elements and Points RFP Required Element Offeror’s Understanding of the Project ● Demonstrates a thorough understanding of the purpose of this RFP inclusive of Scope of Work and deliverables ● Demonstrates understanding of the time schedule and ability to meet it Offeror’s Qualifications and Experience ● Offeror demonstrates experience, expertise and history with projects similar in nature and scope, successful completion and implementation, on-time and within budget ● Demonstrates Project Manager and Team Members have education, experience and expertise to successfully manage and complete project ● Demonstrates experience with large scale databases ● Demonstrates experience using unemployment insurance and wage record data as a basis for analysis and doing so a secure and confidential manner ● Demonstrates capacity to conduct evaluation research and conduct analysis utilizing statistical methodologies ● Demonstrates experience and ability to place evaluation in the context of state and local labor markets ● Demonstrates experience meeting FERPA and data security standards ● Demonstrates knowledge of train to work programs ● Demonstrates experience complying with USDOL polices and regulations ● Cite examples of past work that is relevant Offeror’s Methodology and Management Plan ● Demonstrates a methodology that is logical in fulfilling the requirements of the RFP in a timely manner – fits RFP’s needs. ● Methodology matches and contributes to achieving RFP goals ● Management and Project Plan represents a logical approach with tasks and timelines to accomplish RFP deliverables ● Potential issues or problems have been identified and planned for TOTAL Points Available for Offeror’s Technical Proposal Points 25 50 25 100 8 New England Institute of Technology RFP for Evaluation Consultant for TAACCCT 4 Grant 5.1.2 Evaluation Criteria for Cost Proposal The Cost Proposal, which will be submitted at the same time as its Technical Proposal, will be separate from the latter and will be evaluated separately. Therefore, the Technical Proposal shall contain no specific information surrounding the Offeror’s Cost Proposal. The Evaluation Committee will assess each submitted Cost Proposal and may award up to one hundred points (100) for the Cost Proposal based on the elements specified below: Cost Proposal Scoring Elements and Points RFP Required Element Offeror’s Cost Proposal ● Demonstrates a cost that is reasonable and realistic ● Requested amount aligns with project objectives and deliverables ● Follows budget guidelines ● Plan for maintaining budget within fixed price determined TOTAL Points Available for Offeror’s Cost Proposal Points 100 100 5.1.3 Cumulative Score for Technical and Cost Proposal Once NEIT reviewers have completed their evaluations and scoring of the Offeror’s Technical and Cost Proposals, the Cost Proposal score will be added to the Technical Proposal score of each Offeror (provided the Offeror’s Technical Proposal has not been eliminated from consideration after review of its Technical Proposal), and the total amount of points will be the Evaluation Committee member’s cumulative score for that proposal. Each Evaluation Committee member’s cumulative score for each proposal for that Offeror will then be added together to derive the Offeror’s total cumulative score of the Evaluation Committee. The total cumulative score will be up to two hundred points (200) for the Technical and Cost Proposal. TOTAL Cumulative Score RFP Evaluation Categories Technical Proposal Cost Proposal TOTAL Cumulative Points Available for Offeror’s Proposal Points 100 100 200 9 New England Institute of Technology RFP for Evaluation Consultant for TAACCCT 4 Grant SECTION 6: PROPOSAL SUBMISSION The proposal deadline is: April 10, 2015 at 12:00 PM Proposals are to be sent by the deadline above to: Mr. Fred Santaniello Director, Workforce Training Grants and Programs New England Institute of Technology 1 New England Tech Blvd., East Greenwich, RI 02818 10
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