Problems for Races 4/16/15 Page 121 1. What is the area

 Problems for Races
Page 121
1. What is the area of the triangle below?
10 cm.
6 cm.
8 cm.
2. The product of the length and width of a rectangle is 24x. What might the length and width be?
3. Greg has been hired to mow some tall grass growing around a barn on an abandoned lot. The area he has
to mow is shaded in the diagram below.
Each grid block represents 1 square yard. How many square yards must Greg mow? Color in the
grid correctly, keeping place value in mind.
4. Mr. Chen is painting one wall of a room in his attic. He needs to determine the area of the wall so he will
know how much paint to buy. The drawing below shows the dimensions of the wall.
12 ft. 9 ft. 15 ft. Write an equation and solve to find the area of the wall in square feet.
5. Keaton has an aquarium that measures 30 inches long, 24 inches wide and 15 inches high. If he fills the
aquarium with water up to 4 inches from the top, what will be the volume of water in the aquarium? Write
an equation and solve.
6. The area of the triangle is 48 square inches. What is the base length of the triangle?
12 in. 7. What is the area of the polygon in bold lines pictured below?
5.5 meters 6 meters 1.5 meters 8. Jim has a rectangular closet that measures 4
feet long and 3
feet wide. He would like to lay tile on of
the total floor space. How many square feet will not be covered with tile?
9. Linda is remodeling her square bedroom. The side measurement of her bedroom now is 10 feet. She
wants to increase the side measurement by 2 feet. What will the area of her bedroom be after she
10. Two equilateral triangles are pictured below.
9 cm 3 cm 4 cm 12 cm How many times greater than the area of the smaller triangle is the area of the larger triangle?
11. Create a coordinate plane. These four ordered pairs (5, 2); (3,-2); (0, 2); (-2, -2) Find the area of this
12. Two rectangular pans that are each 1-inch deep are filled with water. The two pans are pictured below.
x in 21 in. 12 in. 9 in If both pans hold the same amount of water, how long, x, must the pan be in the second figure? Set up an
equality and solve.