April 2015 Newsletter - St. Angela Merici CES

APRIL 2015
Mrs. L. Piccoli
Mrs. Scoleri
Head Secretary
Mrs. Bonfini
Dino Giuliani
“I am the way, the truth,
and the life. No one
comes to the Father except through Me.”
Father Michael
Parish Pastor
Father Claudio
Parish Priests
Virtue for April
St. Angela Merici
Catholic School
Donna Hackett
Prayer for Easter
God our Father
By raising Christ your Son
You conquered the power of death
And opened for us the way to eternal life.
Let our Easter celebration raise us up
And renew our lives by the Spirit that is within us.
Help us live as new people in pursuit of the Christian
Grant us wisdom to know what we must do,
The will to want to do it,
The courage to undertake it,
The perseverance to continue to do it,
And the strength to complete it.
Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
Who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit
One God, for ever and ever. Amen
Bowling for the Children of the
Dominican Republic
Here is a wonderful way in which
our school can make a difference!!
Each year, Father Michael and a
group from St. Peter’s travel to the
Dominican Republic to help the
children. Each year, our school
community supports this parish
charity through fundraising. All
monies raised will go towards educational, nutritional and medical
programs to help these children.
This year, ice cream sandwiches
will be sold for the next 10 weeks,
as well as raffle tickets. More information will follow in separate letters. Thank you for your support of
this charitable initiative and to staff
members Ms. Coronas, Ms. DeLuca, Ms. Cecatini and Ms Manelli.
Oral Communications
We will be holding a SchoolWide Oral Communications
Competition on Monday,
April 13 at 10:30 for our
Intermediates and at 1:15
for our Junior students.
Two junior representatives
and 3 intermediate students
from each class will be selected to participate. The finalists from
each division will be competing at the
Area Finals on April 20, 2015 at St.
Emily’s CES.. We thank Ms. Bagazzoli
for her dedication in organizing this
event. All students must be congratulated for their hard work in writing & reciting their speeches in front of their peers.
EQAO – Grade 3, Grade 6
Preparation for EQAO is ongoing. The students are well prepared and anticipating the test. The grade 3 and 6 classes will
be participating in sample assessments so that they become
familiar with the format and expectations of the upcoming
assessments. The Primary assessment will take place the
week of May 25 and the Junior assessment the week of June
1. More information will be provided to the parents of the
participating students.
Family Fitness Night
Our second annual Family Fitness Night
will be taking place on April 7th from
6:30-8:00 p.m. It is a great evening as students and parents
together participate in a variety of activities that got them
moving. Drumnfit, Zumba, karate, hip hop, skipping, tennis,
speed stacking, and yoga are just a few of the activities that
families participated in.
Kiss and Ride Drop Off
Parents, we must remind you to please adhere to the
safety rules for student drop off and pick up.
Key steps parents/drivers must follow:
 Students must be dropped off at the loop and not in the midst of
traffic or at the front entrance of the school
 Do not park your car in the Drop off area
 Stay in the car and wait your turn
 Drive up and stop at the Kiss and Ride Drop off area
 Children must exit on the passenger side of vehicle on to sidewalk
Picking up students after school
Parents are reminded to pick up their children outside
at the designated exit doors. If you are picking up
your children early then they must be signed out at the
office. Parents should not be coming into the building
at 3:40 pm to pick up the children in the classrooms.
Rosary at St. Angela
Under the direction of Mrs. Amato, parent volunteers
in our community have been leading our students in
reciting the rosary. Our CSC has generously funded
the purchase of rosaries for the students. The monthly
sessions have taught the students a great deal about
this special prayer.
Morning Arrival and Attendance
As a school, we encourage students to arrive on time, have a
good breakfast and a good night’s sleep. Please ensure that
your child attends regularly and avoid booking
appointments during school hours. However, if
your child is ill, do not send him/her to school.
Please make arriving to school on time, a priority
in your home. Children are not be in the
school building prior to the 8:35 am bell unless
requested by and supervised by a staff .
Lost and Found Reminder
The school’s Lost and Found is growing with a
variety of clothing and shoes. Please take the
time to come in and check for any lost items.
Our Lost and Found box is located at the west
Entrance. All unclaimed items
will be donated to a local charity.
Also please write your child’s
name on their clothing in a discreet place. This will help to
identify your child’s belongings.
As the lovely warm spring weather arrives, we kindly ask parents to continue dressing their children appropriately. Proper
outdoor shoes that are water resistant are a must. As well,
kindly provide your children with a change of clothing in
case of muddy and wet accidents. Sometimes the field and
outdoor playground areas may be off limits
due to water, mud and excess sand on the
black top.
Getting Ready for September
Please assist us in determining our staffing needs
for the school year 2015-2016. If you are moving
out of the area or if your child will be attending
another school, please let us know as soon as possible so that our enrolment numbers can be adjusted accordingly.
Congratulations to our grade 2 students who will participated in the Sacrament of First Reconciliation on at St.
Peter’s Church. Thank you goes out to Ms. Maneli, and Ms. DeLuca for their preparations and to Father Michael and his team at St. Peter’s for their spiritual guidance.
Upcoming Dates: First Communion is on Saturday, May 2, 2015 at 5:00 p.m. at St. Peter’s Church
Confirmation is on Tuesday, May 5th, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. at St. Peter’s Church
Boys’ Intermediate Basketball
We would like to acknowledge the Intermediate boys basketball team for the sportsmanship they
demonstrated at our Area 3 Tournament at Father Bressani High School on March 24th, 2015.
The boys demonstrated sportsmanship and teamwork and represented St. Angela Merici with
pride and class. They will be moving on to the Board Tournament at the Hoop Dome on April
9th. Congratulations to all of the players for having a successful season and thank you to parent
coach Mr. Santa Maria for his leadership and commitment as well as Ms. O’Connell and Ms. Zingaro.. A big
thank you goes out to our parent drivers who assisted the team greatly by providing transportation to our tournaments.
Girls’ Intermediate Basketball
The Intermediate Girls’ basketball team represented our school proudly at the Area 3 Tournament on
March 5th at Our Lady of Fatima School. The girls continue to demonstrate true camaraderie, sportsmanship, and fortitude. A big thank you to Ms. Pullano and Ms. Maneli for the time and dedication they
gave to this team. Our parent supporters and drivers are numerous and have also contributed to the success of this
Junior Basketball
Junior Athletics is back at St. Angela Merici. Try-outs for the Junior Boys’ and Girls’ basketball teams are taking
place this month with a boys’ tournament scheduled for May 6th at St. Catherine of Siena’s CES and the girls’
tournament scheduled for May 7th at San Marco. Thank you goes out to Mr. Russo and Ms. Cavuto for coaching
the teams.
Toronto Marlies
Our grade 4, 5 and 6 students travelled to Ricoh Coliseum on March 25, 2015 at 9:30 to watch a
Toronto Marlies game. Transportation has been provided by Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment. Students had the
opportunity to see future NHLers in action! Thank you to Ms. Cavuto for arranging this
U Got Dance and the Kids Fun Factory
The Kids Fun Factory lunch time program will begin on Fridays in April from 12:00 noon until 1:00
p.m. Registration forms are available in the office. The U Got Dance Hip Hop Dance classes began
March 31 for an 8 week term from 12:15-1:00p.m.
Prodigy Math Reminder
The game is a fun way for your child to practice their math skills in class and at home. With
prodigy, your child can continue their learning at home, exactly where they left off at school.
It takes less than 2 minutes to get started:
1. Visit www.ProdigyGame.com and click on the orange “Start Now. Free Forever” button
2. Enter your information to create a free Parent account
3. Click on the orange “+Add Child” button and select “Already has an account”
4. Enter your child’s username and password (ask your child for this)
5. Click on the orange “Play Prodigy” button in the top right to access the game.
Happy Learning!
W5H Club
On St. Angela Merici’s W5H team will be attending the W5H West Regional Tournament at
St. Stephen CES. The tournament will take place at 4:00pm. Good luck! The club, under the
direction of Teacher Librarian Ms. Pasquariello and Ms. Labrozzi who have been tirelessly
practicing their trivia knowledge to help prepare them for the event.
It’s Hearing Screening time!!!
School Screening Association will be visiting our school this year on May 6th to conduct their clinic
Your child’s hearing should be screened every year
Growing children are very susceptible to middle ear problems and one of the best ways to prevent hearing loss is
early detection of middle ear function issues.
A visit to an audiologist costs upwards of $50.00 and is not covered by O.H.I.P. However, if your child is referred to
a hospital clinic by your doctor, the cost is covered by O.H.I.P.
Your child’s hearing is not being monitored unless they are being seen by an Audiologist or and E.N.T.
A fee of $15.00 is collected to help offset the costs of bringing this clinic to our School
A permission form will be sent home with your child, approximately 2 weeks before the clinic date. Please fill out the
form, include $15.00 fee and return to the school prior to the clinic date.
Good Grades start with Good Hearing