4/28/15 AGENDA, ITEM 1b: CROSSFIT HORSEPOWER 725 CYPRESS AVE SUPPLEMENTAL LETTER SUBMITTED TO THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE FROM ALICIA VILLARREAL ON 4/28/15 AT 2:34 P.M. From: Alicia Villarreal [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2015 2:34 PM To: Elaine Doerfling; Peter Tucker; Nanette Barragan; Carolyn Petty; Hany Fangary; Michael DiVirgilio Cc: Michael Binder; Phil; Tom Bakaly; Robert Walsh; Larry Nak; Estela Hill; [email protected]; Mark Hanna; Michael McKenna; Karen Anderson; Liz Torres; Rebecca Nakamura; Debra Walsh; Lisa Loreen Shea; Jordan Snow; Jim Schroeder; [email protected]; MagicTouchSouthBay; [email protected]; Chris Prenter; Michael Owen - AdColony; Bob Rollins; Melanie Chavira; Michael Jenkins; Michael Webb Subject: Response to Memorandum of Prosecutor's Office Re Crossfit Horsepower Dear Ms. Doerfling: I write to request that the following information be provided to our City Council and the public as part of this evening's agenda item concerning the City Prosecutor's report regarding the Crossfit gym on Cypress Avenue. 1. Please include the email trail, below, which includes the voicemail recording that gym owner Dan Wells, the partner of Jed Sanford in the business venture, left on my cell phone on October 29, 2014, admitting that he was the source of the weight drops that were booming through my home on that day. The prosecutor's report omits the fact that the neighbors complaints about the gym began shortly after the gym began operating, and that the gym owners are aware of the neighbors complaints. The report also omits the fact that victim-neighbors have refuted City Code enforcement staff's unsupported claim that the complained of groundborne vibration may be emanating from nearby businesses on Cypress. For example, my husband has lived in our home for 20 years and I have lived here for 11; neither of us has ever heard noise or vibrations from the Cypress businesses; City staff is aware of this fact and failed to disclose it. Indeed, the auto body shops on Cypress have complained about the gym's impact on their businesses, and this also refutes the claim that these auto businesses are the cause of the disturbance. J&B Plumbing is all the way down at the southern end of the block, and nothing in the complaints of the neighbors supports a conclusion that J&B's activities are in any way related to the groundborne noise and vibrations of which the neighbors have been complaining since last Fall. Indeed, the timing of the commencement of the nuisance alone, refutes these claims. No credible evidence supports a claim that someone or something other than the gym is the source of the groundborne vibrations that is disturbing the neighbors. To the extent the Prosecutor's Report fails to include these material facts, it is flawed. 2. On January 21, 2015, I provided to City staff multiple links to governmental reports and manuals, including the U.S. Department of Transportation Manual, below, regarding groundborne noise and vibration. I did so because the Code Enforcement Staff were under the mistaken belief that because they could not personally hear the noise outside, it did not exist and/or they could not enforce the Code. The USDOT Manual notes that, "Annoyance from vibration often occurs when the vibration exceeds the threshold of perception by only a small margin." As the many neighbors' complaints establish, the gym's weight drop activities are far more than perceptible, they reverberate consistently and annoyingly through our homes. Indeed, the USDOT manual notes that evaluation of the human response, i.e. annoyance, is often measured by complaints. My email to City Staff quoting the USDOT manual and our City's Noise Ordinance, stated, in part: Another link to analysis of Groundborne Noise and Vibration from the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Transportation Administration. See Chapter 7, "Basic Ground-Borne Vibration Concepts. Importantly, the Study notes that "To understand and evaluate human response, which is often measured by complaints, all of [the reported] related effects need to be considered." Our Noise Control Ordinance provides, in part, "The purpose of this Chapter is to strike a balance between normal, everyday noises that are unavoidable in an urban environment and those noises that are so excessive and annoying that they must be curtailed in order to protect the comfort and tranquility of all persons who live and work in the City." 8.24.010 Purpose and Findings. Section 8.24.030 provides that "Unless otherwise permitted in this Chapter, no person shall make, permit to be made or cause to suffer any noises, sounds or vibrations that in view of the totality of the circumstances are so loud, prolonged and harsh as to be physically annoying to reasonable persons of ordinary sensitivity and to cause or contribute to the unreasonable discomfort of any persons within the vicinity." In light of the studies explaining that even barely perceptible Groundborne Noise and Vibrations can cause annoyance to ordinary people, it is clear that the gym's strongly perceptible, repeated weight dropping exceeds acceptable noise standards when it impacts so many residents in the area. Quite frankly, I wouldn't wish this upon any single resident! If you have complaints about the CrossFit Gym at other locations, the I believe it's also incumbent upon you to protect those residents as well. No person or business should be allowed to intrude in this manner on the peace and quiet of someone else's home or business. Despite your inability to hear the noise outdoors, it is strongly annoying inside our homes as too many residents have reported. Please take the time to read the Study linked below. http://www.fta.dot.gov/documents/FTA_Noise_and_Vibration_Manual.pdf Excepts: Ground-borne vibration can be a serious concern for nearby neighbors of a transit system route or maintenance facility, causing buildings to shake and rumbling sounds to be heard. In contrast to airborne noise, ground-borne vibration is not a common environmental problem. It is unusual for vibration from sources such as buses and trucks to be perceptible, even in locations close to major roads. Some common sources of ground-borne vibration are trains, buses on rough roads, and construction activities such as blasting, pile-driving and operating heavy earth-moving equipment. The effects of ground-borne vibration include feelable movement of the building floors, rattling of windows, shaking of items on shelves or hanging on walls, and rumbling sounds. In extreme cases, the vibration can cause damage to buildings. Building damage is not a factor for normal transportation projects, with the occasional exception of blasting and pile-driving during construction. Annoyance from vibration often occurs when the vibration exceeds the threshold of perception by only a small margin. A vibration level that causes annoyance will be well below the damage threshold for normal buildings. ********** 3. The Prosecutor's Report states that the "weight drop test" results "were not consistent with the type of vibrations/disturbances they regularly suffer through on a daily basis." While technically accurate, the glaring omission is that City Staff who were present in my home during the weight test heard each of the weight drops, and I called out each one to them. I further explained to City Staff on that day that the "normal" weight drops are so strong that I can hear the over the noise of the exhaust fan on our stove when I'm cooking, over the volume at which I listen to the radio, over the volume of water hitting my head as I'm shampooing my hair in the shower, and over the volume of my electric toothbrush while I'm brushing my teeth. In other words, the groundborne noise is readily audible. These material facts are absent from the prosecutor's report. Also missing from the report is that the purpose of the weight drop test was to prove causation, i.e., that they gym was the source of the noise and vibration. The weight drop test unequivocally established this fact as it was witnessed in my home by two City staff members and myself. (There are also multiple other facts that establish causation, which I will not cover here). 4. The Prosecutor's Report notes (at March 4 and 23, 2015 entries) that the City retained an acoutics expert to conduct a vibrations test. The report fails to disclose that (1) the test is irrelevant under the City's code, which prohibits the making or causing of "any noises, sounds or vibrations that in the view of the totality of the circumstances are so loud, prolonged and harsh as to be physically annoying to reasonable persons of ordinary sensitivity and to cause or contribute to the unreasonable discomfort of any persons within the vicinity." Nothing in the Code requires the expense of expert testimony to prove a violation; rather a plain language merely requires the testimony of lay witnesses. An experienced judge would therefore appropriately exclude the testimony as a matter of law, as judges, like lawyers, have one eye on appeal when they try cases. Moreover, from a criminal justice standpoint, a prosecutor should never attempt to create law by increasing the government's burden of proof; her role is to enforce the law as it exists and leave it to lawmakers to write the laws. Expert testimony is not only beyond the elements of the offense the City is required to prove, but its introduction would run the risk of creating issues on appeal where none should exist. The prosecutor's report fails to disclose the complications to the government's case the addition of unnecessary expert testimony would create, including laying the proper legal foundation for the operability of the testing equipment (which was being rented by, not owned by, the expert), and the expertise of the tester himself. Moreover, the test was only going to be conducted for a span of 24 hours, a deep flaw in test methodology. (2) Once the expert spoke with victim-neighbors who are themselves engineers by education, it is my understanding that the expert agreed that the test parameters would have resulted in a flawed test. The Prosecutor's Report omits these material facts, making it appear as though the victim-neighbors are manipulating the facts, which is not only untrue and offensive, but evidences an improper bias toward crediting the statements of Code enforcement staff who don't live with the nuisance dayin and day-out over those of percipient victim-witnesses who do. 5. The March 23, 2015 entry in the Prosecutor's Report describing that Code Enforcement Officer Estela Hill "reported that she felt vibrations, witnessed a door rattling, and observed water in a water bottle shaking," establish that the groundborne noise and vibrations far exceed the level of perception, which is what causes annoyance, according to the USDOT manual on groundborne noise, cited above. The remainder of the description of Ms. Hill's opinion should be stricken from the report as it would be inadmissible in a court of law. The Rules of Evidence prohibit a lay witness from opining on the ultimate conclusion of whether the facts amount to a violation of the Code. Rather, it is strictly the province of the jury to decide whether the facts amount to a violation of the Code. Again, the prosecution's crediting of the Code Enforcement staff's statements, even when those statements are irrelevant and inadmissible in court, reveals a troubling thread in how the City has handled this matter since last Fall. 6. The Prosecutor's agreement to interview witnesses came only after I complained that the prosecution had, up until then, failed to interview any victim-witnesses during the conduct of the investigation. In my experience as a federal criminal prosecutor of 14 years, it is unheard of for a prosecutor to make a decision on whether to bring charges without having done so. After all, to prove a case in court, the prosecution must do so through percipient witnesses and relevant documents. 7. A review of the Permit Application the gym owners submitted to the City and related environmental study the City conducted reveals that the gym owners failed to disclose and the City failed to document that the gym's activities would involve dropping of heavy weights. At most, those documents state that the gym's activities, consisting of group classes and all indoor activities, could result in weight "banging," but specifically deny that the gym will create groundborne noise on the Environmental Negative Declaration. Nowhere do the application or City records produced for my review thus far show that the gym owners revealed that they intended to establish a "Crossfit-style gym," a material fact, given the vast amount of complaints and litigation these gyms were facing at the time of the application and still face today around the country for the creation of groundborne noise. A simple Google search yields multiple examples of the problem of groundborne noise due to the weight dropping activities of these gyms. The Prosecutor's report fails to disclose these and other persuasive and material facts in favor of the City's prosecution, instead choosing to paint a picture of obstinance by the victim-neighbors that is far from accurate. The sheer number of email complaints from the victim-neighbors establishes the magnitude of the problem we have been forced to live with since Jed Sanford and Dan Wells opened their gym. The victim-neighbors objections to a test that was both legally irrelevant and therefore inadmissible in evidence, and flawed, should in no way reflect upon the veracity of the victim-witnesses or the seriousness of the problem, and it is troubling that the prosecutor's report alludes to this incorrect view of the facts. 8. As the next email I will forward, which constitutes a public records request and follow up request for action shows, the City Attorney noted during the City Council meeting at which the Council approved the permitted use in the zoning for the gym to commence operations, that the City would be able to bring a civil injunction for a per se nuisance violation if the gym's activities became a problem. After repeated requests for an explanation for why our City has chosen to pursue a criminal remedy, as opposed to a civil one, I have received no response. 9. Finally, I urge the Council to investigate the amount of taxpayer dollars our City has wasted on enforcing a plainly written Code section on our books in this matter. From both a fiscal and public policy perspective, we should resist criminalizing, in the first instance, conduct that should be restrained through citations and fines. It is not only far more cost-effective to do so, but more just. As a matter of public policy, punishments should be incremental, starting with citations and fines, before leading to criminalization. Best regards, Alicia Villarreal From: Alicia Villarreal <[email protected]> To: Bob Rollins <[email protected]>; Michael Owen - AdColony <[email protected]>; Chris Prenter <[email protected]> Cc: Michael Binder <[email protected]>; Phil <[email protected]>; Tom Bakaly <[email protected]>; Robert Walsh <[email protected]>; Larry Nak <[email protected]>; Shelli Margolin-Mayer <[email protected]>; Estela Hill <[email protected]>; "[email protected]" <[email protected]>; "[email protected]" <[email protected]>; Kevin Sousa <[email protected]> Sent: Wednesday, January 7, 2015 1:12 AM Subject: Re: Cypress Crossfit Gym Update Bob and Tom, It is disconcerting that after months of hearing complaints from neighbors, Bob is still at square one, proposing a test by city workers who will try to discern whether the noise and vibrations are coming from the gym. There is no question but that the nuisance is emanating from the gym, as many neighbors have reported to you after having experienced the impact first-hand. Even the gym owner knows that the gym is the culprit. Dan Wells admitted as much in his voicemail to me on October 29, 2014, a copy of which is attached hereto. You'll hear Dan apologize for the booms that day, after he and I had met earlier that morning about the noise problem, admitting they were his own weight drops. He also discusses that he reached out to a contact at a gym in New York who was having similar problems, and that person told him about a foam store where Dan was planning to buy some mats to try to absorb the impact of the weights. This voicemail follows the lengthy conversation Dan and I had in person that morning, wherein he admitted that several neighbors had complained before me, and that he was therefore planning to take multiple actions to mitigate the problem, including trying to separate the shared foundation of his building and an adjacent home by cutting through the concrete. Dan's admissions in his voicemail and in our conversation leave no room for doubt that the gym is the source of the disturbance. The gym owner is aware of and admits the gym is the source, and the neighbors are also aware of this fact. Causation is not the issue, Bob, so your proposed weight drop test is an empty and meaningless exercise that will only serve to delay the relief we have been pleading for. Your stated rationale that you have to experience the matter yourself is nonsensical. In our legal system, judges and juries decide facts every day without having witnessed events first-hand. They do so by relying upon statements from credible witnesses who have had an opportunity to see, hear and experience events. Here, you have multiple witnesses who have reported facts to you which you choose to ignore without explanation. You state that you are concerned about due process, but due process consists of notice to the offender and an opportunity to be heard. It does not extend to a City-funded test on behalf of an accused to determine their liability. Does the City regularly conduct tests of this sort on behalf of suspected violators? If so, I'd like to learn more about that practice and the costs to taxpayers for city employee time and resources involved. Tom, the neighbors would like the opportunity to meet with you, Bob and Estela in person to discuss this matter further. Also, since according to Bob, "Jed Sanford has been quite receptive . . . and has stated his willingness to address the situation," we ask that you also invite him to the meeting. We are all interested in resolving this matter quickly and amicably and getting back to the peaceful enjoyment of our homes, and the ability to conduct our businesses without interruption. Please let us know your availability. Thank you and best regards, Alicia Villarreal From: Bob Rollins <[email protected]> To: Alicia Villarreal <[email protected]>; Michael Owen - AdColony <[email protected]>; Chris Prenter <[email protected]> Cc: Michael Binder <[email protected]>; Phil <[email protected]>; Tom Bakaly <[email protected]>; Robert Walsh <[email protected]>; Larry Nak <[email protected]>; Shelli Margolin-Mayer <[email protected]>; Estela Hill <[email protected]>; "[email protected]" <[email protected]> Sent: Tuesday, January 6, 2015 6:51 AM Subject: RE: Cypress Crossfit Gym Update Good Morning, I appreciate your comments and concerns. At this time, we are still collecting information to verify that the gym is the source of the noise which troubles the neighborhood. Phil has indicated that, as you frequently work from home, you would be the most likely candidate to participate in our proposed “weight drop test”. I am also trying to get a time when Larry Nak will be available, as his home is very close to the gym. If you and Larry could give me some time slots that would work, I will coordinate with the gym owner to have the weights dropped at that time so we can verify that this is, in fact the source. While I appreciate your difficulties, we must give suspected offenders due process. Once it is established that the gym is the problem, we will work with the owner for compliance. Jed Sanford has been quite receptive to this plan and has stated his willingness to address the situation. Your assistance is greatly appreciated. Thanks, Bob Rollins Building/Code Enforcement Official City of Hermosa Beach, CA (310) 318-0219 From: Alicia Villarreal [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, January 06, 2015 1:22 AM To: Michael Owen - AdColony; Chris Prenter Cc: Bob Rollins; Michael Binder; Phil; Tom Bakaly; Robert Walsh; Larry Nak; Shelli Margolin-Mayer; Estela Hill; [email protected] Subject: Re: Cypress Crossfit Gym Update Bob and Estela, Thank you for your involvement in trying to resolve the gym noise problem. Estela came to my home-office this afternoon to discuss the months-long problem we and our neighbors have experienced due to the gym owners' practice of allowing members to drop heavy weights to the ground from a height of six feet or more off the ground. As I said to Estela, the simple physics of dropping heavy weights from such a height requires that the energy of that force go somewhere, so it's sending shock waves outward, into and through our homes. The articles linked below illustrate that the noise and vibration problem with the CrossFit in our neighborhood is not unique. A quick internet search turned up multiple news stories of complaints and lawsuits against CrossFit-style gyms across the nation for the same or similar reasons we are complaining. Bob, in one of your emails you shared the relevant provision of the Hermosa Beach Code, which I want to address. First, let me underscore that nothing in the code suggests that the noise must meet a level "louder than a jack hammer" to constitute a violation, as you said to me a few weeks ago. I assume that was a an off-the-cuff simile, but I am concerned because now the gym's receptionist repeated those same words to my husband when he went by there to complain about the noise last week. I ask that you correct the record with the gym, and refer them to the language of the code itself as the applicable law, not a jack hammer comparison. To be clear, the code prohibits the making or causing of "any noises, sounds or vibrations that in the view of the totality of the circumstances are so loud, prolonged and harsh as to be physically annoying to reasonable persons of ordinary sensitivity and to cause or contribute to the unreasonable discomfort of any persons within the vicinity." On this email trail alone, not considering the many other neighbors who have complained about being disturbed by the gym's obnoxious weight dropping, we have met this test. To find otherwise, you would have to be convinced that every complaining resident, of which there are many, is unreasonably sensitive. Perhaps if only one or two neighbors was complaining, that view might carry some weight (no pun intended), but it utterly fails in the face of the vast number of neighbors who are complaining about the nuisance, have sought relief from the gym owners directly, to no avail, and are now seeking relief from the City. As for the factors A through F listed in the Code, I will address each in turn: A. The volume and intensity of the noise, particularly as it is experienced within a residence or place of business. The noise is loud and intense enough in my residence and law office, which is based from my home, to interfere with my ability to concentrate. It strikes a nerve, because it feels and sounds like an earthquake. Sometimes I have to get up from my desk and walk around to ground myself, because the reverberation makes me dizzy. If ever I have the luxury of a break for a mid-afternoon nap, the shock waves make it impossible to sleep. Thus, the volume and intensity of the noise as it is experienced within my residence and place of business surpass what the code allows. B. Whether the noise is prolonged and continuous. The noise/reverberations happen from approximately 10 am to 4, 5 or 6 pm, and once they start, they come in waves, consistent with a workout routine. Sometimes there is a few minute break between waves, but the multiple hours each day of mini-quakes constitutes "prolonged and continuous" by any reasonable interpretation of those terms. C. How the noise contrasts with the ambient noise level. The ambient noise in our neighborhood consists of neighbors conversing, car traffic, trash pick up, and occasional construction. Other than the loud, drunk bar-hoppers the summers bring, I believe our neighborhood's noise level is tolerable and comparable to the rest of the City's. The gym's noise contrasts with the ambient level noise by sending a uniquely disturbing, booming reverberation into our homes that is different in kind and impact than the ambient noise of the surrounding area. The contrast between the ambient noise and the gym's booms is stark, causing a persistent annoyance. D. The proximity of the noise source to residential and commercial uses. The gym is directly adjacent to homes, which are in turn impacted by the shock waves it send out. It is my understanding that adjacent business are also complaining about the noise and reverberations. My home is across Loma Drive, a block away, yet the impact of the shock waves is still so significant that it destroys my concentration. Those in closer proximity to the gym would likely be impacted even more severely. E. The time of day. As noted above, the gym is allowing its members to send out the jarring shock waves throughout its hours of operation, i.e., all day long. While not at night, the disturbance is nonetheless significant, because it impacts so many neighbors, including other businesses, preventing all of us from going about our daily lives in the ordinary course. F. The anticipated duration of the noise. Given that the CrossFit staff members now reportedly believe their members have a right to drop heavy weights, because the sound is below that of a jack hammer, it is anticipated that the sound will last through the life of the business. It is therefore imperative that the City correct that off-handed quip about the code, and apply instead the standards set forth therein to the gym's operations. The bottom line is that the gym is knowingly and in willful disregard of its neighbors' well-being and peaceful enjoyment of their respective properties, sending jarring shock waves through surrounding homes and businesses. The code doesn't require that the noise be audible from the street. Indeed, the noise is not audible outside my home, but inside my home, which is far more invasive and disturbing. The vibrations reverberate through my home (all three levels), like a bass drum--a low, pulsing boom, followed by echoing booms that taper off, consistent with the weights bouncing on the gym floor before coming to a stop after being dropped. The disturbance is so significant that it breaks my concentration when I am reading or drafting documents, and I have to avoid calling clients while it's happening. The gym is not only interfering with my family's right to the peaceful enjoyment of our home, but it's interfering with my right to conduct my law practice from home. The code prohibits "any noises, sounds or vibrations that in the view of the totality of the circumstances are so loud, prolonged and harsh as to be physically annoying to reasonable persons of ordinary sensitivity and to cause or contribute to the unreasonable discomfort of any persons within the vicinity." Given the number of affected neighbors complaining, it is clear that the noises, sounds and vibrations the gym is emitting are physically annoying to reasonable persons of ordinary sensitivity and are causing or contributing to the unreasonable discomfort of many, not just any, persons within the vicinity. What I find most aggravating about this whole situation is that the gym owner, Dan Wells, admitted to me that there is no reason for the gym members to drop their weights, instead of lowering them to the ground. The simple act of lowering them would resolve the issue instantaneously and at no cost to the gym. Some CrossFit gyms I read about in the articles I found this evening self-police by prohibiting members from dropping weights. Why Dan Wells refuses to implement that simple step in light of the many neighbors who are impacted is baffling. I ask that the City take the following steps: (1) immediately rectify the misstatement to the gym owners about the noise level that the code allows, and point them instead to the code language itself, as well as the numerous complainants, not just complaints, which strongly indicates a prima facie violation of the code; (2) ask the gym to selfpolice by instituting a policy prohibiting the dropping of weights; (3) if the gym refuses to implement this simple solution, then invite the neighbors in the area to a noticed public meeting where we can each describe how the gym's activities have impacted us. We are all very busy people who shouldn't have to be bothered by going down to the City to lodge a complaint, which is why I ask for the latter option only as a last resort, if the City is unable to get the gym to stop disturbing the neighborhood of its own volition or at the City's insistence. Finally, I ask our neighbors to forward this email trail to other neighbors who have complained to you about the noise. It will be helpful for the City (and us) to know just how far the gym's negative impact is reaching. Best regards, Alicia Villarreal 701 Loma Drive North Hollywood recording studio suing next-door CrossFit gym for loud noises from dropping of heavy objects North Hollywood recording studio suing next-door CrossF... LOS ANGELES — The owner of a North Hollywood recording studio used by such artists as Linkin Park and John Fogerty filed a lawsuit today against an adjacent exer... View on www.dailynews.com Recording Studio Suing CrossFit Gym Over Loud Banging Preview by Yahoo Recording Studio Suing CrossFit Gym Over Loud Banging How do you know if there's a CrossFit gym next door to you? Oh, don't worry, you'll know. Because it will sound like a barrage of weights and kettlebells... View on la.curbed.com Preview by Yahoo How do you know if there's a CrossFit gym next door to you? Oh, don't worry, you'll know. Because it will sound like a barrage of weights and kettlebells hitting the floor all the time. A North Hollywood recording studio called NRG Recording Services has filed a lawsuit alleging that their neighbors, CrossFit gym Synapse Strength and Conditioning, are responsible for a great deal of "banging, dropping and slamming of weights and heavy objects," according to the Daily News, and that these sounds create "intense vibrations, extremely loud sounds and reverberations like shock waves" that people inside the studio can not only hear but feel—which is not great for the process of recording music. The lawsuit goes on to say that, although the recording studio was designed with some "sound suppression" features to cut down on noise from the nearby Bob Hope Airport, the noise from the gym still booms in the studio, "akin to an explosion." NRG has been operating for about two decades in the spot, and has hosted John Fogerty and Linkin Park; the CrossFit studio opened in early August. · North Hollywood recording studio suing next-door CrossFit gym for loud noises from dropping of heavy objects [LADN] NYC residents sue noisy gyms NYC residents sue noisy gyms Trendy fitness routines that involve smashing weights to the ground, blaring techno music and flashing lights are driving New Yorkers who live above city gyms bonke... View on nypost.com Preview by Yahoo From: Michael Owen - AdColony <[email protected]> To: Chris Prenter <[email protected]> Cc: Bob Rollins <[email protected]>; Michael Binder <[email protected]>; Phil <[email protected]>; Tom Bakaly <[email protected]>; Robert Walsh <[email protected]>; Larry Nak <[email protected]>; Shelli Margolin-Mayer <[email protected]>; Estela Hill <[email protected]>; Villarreal Alicia <[email protected]> Sent: Monday, January 5, 2015 4:44 PM Subject: Re: Cypress Crossfit Gym Update Is happening now Sent from my iPhone On Jan 5, 2015, at 1:24 PM, Chris Prenter <[email protected]> wrote: It would help to have their class schedule and then go there unannounced during a class because a whole class full of people dropping the weights is what causes the sound. I have heard the sound then walked there and discovered first hand where it was coming from. Thank you, Chris Prenter <pdg_sig_line.gif> Prenter Design Group, Inc. 625 Loma Drive Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 Phone: 310.379.4514 Email: [email protected] Website: www.prenterdesign.com On Mon, Jan 5, 2015 at 12:47 PM, Bob Rollins <[email protected]> wrote: Hi, Estela and I just got back from about 20 minutes at the end of the driveway, and heard and felt nothing. The CUP would apply to an auto repair business, the gym is there by right, so the CUP does not apply. As I have proposed a couple of times, I plan to have weights dropped at the gym and have Larry and Phil home, with me in Larry's house (as it is closest) and another City employee at the gym. We will communicate by cell phone and try to verify that the noise made by the weights at the gym i9s what is causing the disturbance. If it is, then we can evaluate if it is a code violation. Thanks, Bob Rollins Building/Code Enforcement Official City of Hermosa Beach, CA (310) 318-0235 -----Original Message----From: Michael Binder [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Monday, January 05, 2015 11:11 AM To: Phil; Bob Rollins Cc: Tom Bakaly; Robert Walsh; Larry Nak; [email protected]; Shelli MargolinMayer; Estela Hill; Villarreal Alicia; Chris Prenter Subject: RE: Cypress Crossfit Gym Update Bob, This is going on right now and I am working at my home office. This is not ACCEPTABLE!!! Please fix this problem, look up the code, check the prior CUP 17.40.020 because I believe there is something in there that says they cannot have vibrations. I have been living on Loma for a total of 17 years and never complained once about noise of any sort until this gym moved in. Please advise on the code and fix this absolutely annoying problem. Thank you, Binder -----Original Message----From: Phil [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, December 31, 2014 1:11 PM To: Bob Rollins Cc: Tom Bakaly; Robert Walsh; Michael Binder; Larry Nak; [email protected]; Shelli Margolin-Mayer; Estela Hill; Villarreal Alicia Subject: Re: Cypress Crossfit Gym Update Bob, The gym is especially bad today. It started at approx. 11:30 and is continuing. It was so loud I initially thought someone was walking on the deck above my office. I stopped my work and went down there to let them know we're being disturbed. I was very calm and not aggressive but the woman told me we live next to an "industrial" area and they have a right to make noise up to the level of a jack hammer during business hours. They did not seem willing to nor have they stopped or altered their operation in any way. With this attitude, I'm not sure what a test drop of weights will accomplish. I respectfully ask that you and the City take more assertive action. They now think they are operating within the code and don't intend to change. By law and regardless of a subjective code interpretation, we have a right to the peaceful enjoyment of our homes and intend to pursue every avenue available to get them to be good neighbors. Thank you, Phil Friedl Sent from my iPhone > On Dec 13, 2014, at 11:03 AM, Michael Binder <[email protected]> wrote: > > It's 11:02am on Saturday and we are getting a nice bunch of vibration > > Binder > > >> On Dec 12, 2014, at 6:05 PM, Phil <[email protected]> wrote: >> >> Thanks Tom. >> >> Nice to meet you Estela. >> >> >> Sent from my iPhone >> >>> On Dec 12, 2014, at 5:07 PM, Tom Bakaly <[email protected]> wrote: >>> >>> Estela is our code enforcement officer and is working this weekend . >>> You should be hearing from her. Tom >>> >>> Sent from my iPhone >>> >>>> On Dec 12, 2014, at 4:59 PM, "Michael Binder" <[email protected]> wrote: >>>> >>>> I have been feeling it as well since 4:30pm until 4:55pm today. >>>> >>>> Thanks, >>>> >>>> Binder >>>> >>>> >>>>> On Dec 12, 2014, at 4:42 PM, Phil <[email protected]> wrote: >>>>> >>>>> Bob, >>>>> >>>>> FYI- they're at it again. Just rattled the windows in my house. >>>>> I know you're off today, but just want to let you know for the record. >>>>> >>>>> Thanks, >>>>> Phil >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> Sent from my iPhone >>>>> >>>>>> On Dec 11, 2014, at 10:49 AM, Bob Rollins >>>>>> <[email protected]> wrote: >>>>>> >>>>>> Hi, >>>>>> >>>>>> Good, then I have something to follow up on. Did you notice it about the time I described this morning? >>>>>> >>>>>> I appreciate all of your patience and help with this. Am off for the weekend, but will be back at the end of the drive on Monday morning. If anyone hears the disturbance today, I will head over ASAP. >>>>>> >>>>>> Happy Holidays! >>>>>> >>>>>> Bob Rollins >>>>>> Building/Code Enforcement Official City of Hermosa Beach, CA >>>>>> (310) 318-0219 >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> -----Original Message---->>>>>> From: Robert Walsh [mailto:[email protected]] >>>>>> Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2014 10:38 AM >>>>>> To: Bob Rollins >>>>>> Cc: Larry Nak; Phil; [email protected]; Shelli Margolin-Mayer; >>>>>> Michael Binder >>>>>> Subject: Re: Cypress Crossfit Gym Update >>>>>> >>>>>> Yes Bob. That thumping, which is not usually faint, comes along with vibrations inside our homes. It starts most mornings at about that time. >>>>>> >>>>>> I appreciate your continued interest and follow up on this matter. >>>>>> >>>>>> Regards, >>>>>> Robert >>>>>> >>>>>>> On Dec 11, 2014, at 7:47 AM, Bob Rollins >>>>>>> <[email protected]> wrote: >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Good Morning, >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Yesterday on my way to Larry's house at about 7:15, I heard the metallic clanging I have reported in the past. I went to J & B Plumbing and saw that, as in the past, the noise was due to the workers loading pipes and equipment into their trucks. I spoke with management, told them about the 8 am quiet time and she seemed to be sincere in her concern. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Please let me know if this helps reduce noise in the neighborhood. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> This morning I got to Larry's about 7:06. While standing >>>>>>> against the wall at the end of the drive, I heard faint thumping sounds. It sounded like a heavy truck hitting a bump. I heard it about 6 times in three minutes. Did any of you hear this? If so, was it consistent with the ongoing disturbance? >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Thanks, >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Bob Rollins >>>>>>> Building/Code Enforcement Official City of Hermosa Beach, CA >>>>>>> (310) 318-0235 >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> -----Original Message---->>>>>>> From: Bob Rollins >>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2014 6:46 AM >>>>>>> To: 'Larry Nak' >>>>>>> Cc: Phil; Robert Walsh; [email protected]; Shelli >>>>>>> Margolin-Mayer; Michael Binder >>>>>>> Subject: RE: Cypress Crossfit Gym and Loma Residents >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Good Morning, >>>>>>> >>>>>>> I do not think a meeting with Jed would be productive until it >>>>>>> is proven that the noise/vibration comes from his gym. I will be out there again this morning between 7 & 7:30 to see if I can detect anything. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> To be clear, I have been called out by Larry, Phil and Alecia (apologize if I did not spell her name correctly) when they said that the noise was occurring, and have not heard it. All three told me that it had stopped between the time they called and the time I arrived, a lapse of 5 - 15 minutes. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Is it everyone's experience that these sounds are sporadic throughout the day and that they last for 5 to 15 minutes at a time? Your assistance is appreciated. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Thanks, >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Bob Rollins >>>>>>> Building/Code Enforcement Official City of Hermosa Beach, CA >>>>>>> (310) 318-0219 >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> -----Original Message---->>>>>>> From: Larry Nak [mailto:[email protected]] >>>>>>> Sent: Monday, December 08, 2014 4:21 PM >>>>>>> To: Bob Rollins >>>>>>> Cc: Phil; Robert Walsh; [email protected]; Shelli >>>>>>> Margolin-Mayer; Michael Binder >>>>>>> Subject: Re: Cypress Crossfit Gym and Loma Residents >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Bob >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Thank you for investigating the situation. Just an idea but can you set up a potential meeting with all involved on Loma street and Jed. Maybe Jed is unaware that the dropping of the weights is disturbing the neighborhood, probably close to 40 or more people are affected in a negative way. As you know there have been complaints more than halfway down Loma street and also from Residents of Cypress street too. From some of the past conversations it seems like the crossfit gym in general does not understand our overall dissatisfaction with the noise and disturbance created. If all affected and Jed got together I would hope we could find a solution. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> I am sure the gym would want to do exist within the neighborhood in a friendly manner as would we. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Please let me know >>>>>>> >>>>>>> L >>>>>>> Sent from my iPad >>>>>>> >>>>>>>> On Dec 8, 2014, at 1:44 PM, Bob Rollins >>>>>>>> <[email protected]> wrote: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Good Afternoon, >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> I was at the gym and at the end of Larry's driveway from about 7:10 to 7:30 this morning and detected no unusual noises or vibrations. I did have the opportunity to discuss this with Phil's wife Alecia today, and explained my thoughts to investigate this and try to bring it to a conclusion. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> I propose to contact Jed Sanford, one of the owners and ask >>>>>>>> when the free-weight training classes are held. Once I have the schedule I will share it with all of you and try to coordinate the following exercise. I will go to the gym and observe the activity there while one of you are home to monitor. Then I will come to whoever's monitoring and listen there with them. I think this should be able to isolate if the noise/vibration is coming from the gym and if it is a violation of the noise ordinance. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Please share your thoughts about this plan with me. I will >>>>>>>> send the schedule once I get it from Jed. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Thanks, >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Bob Rollins >>>>>>>> Building/Code Enforcement Official City of Hermosa Beach, CA >>>>>>>> (310) 318-0219 >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> -----Original Message---->>>>>>>> From: Phil [mailto:[email protected]] >>>>>>>> Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2014 11:38 PM >>>>>>>> To: Bob Rollins >>>>>>>> Cc: Robert Walsh; Larry N; [email protected]; Shelli >>>>>>>> Margolin-Mayer >>>>>>>> Subject: Re: Cypress Crossfit Gym and Loma Residents >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Bob, >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Thank you for taking the time to chat today and investigating >>>>>>>> the noise and vibrations from the gym. The noise stopped shortly after we spoke, so I'm not surprised you didn't hear it. >>>>>>>> It seems you're not there when the weights are being dropped because it's more of a sound like thunder, not metal clanking. >>>>>>>> It's not a case of one person dropping weights, but rather the whole class. It happened again at around 12:30pm. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> As far as the code for residential is concerned, I believe my neighbors and my wife and I are all reasonable people of ordinary sensibilities. I've spoken to many more of my neighbors, some even further south than us, who have expressed a constant annoyance by the sound. While not constant, it's definitely pervasive. I appreciate your efforts to stay on top of this and will let you know next time it's happening. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Thanks, >>>>>>>> Phil >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Sent from my iPhone >>>>>>>>
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