Moose Jaw Housing Business Plan 2011 Developed for Moose Jaw City Council By City of Moose Jaw Housing Business Plan 2011 Table of Contents Executive Summary Section 1: A Model for Housing and Community Development ............................................................ 3 The Housing Continuum & the Role of the Municipality ................................................................... 7 Moose Jaw Housing Business Plan Priorities: An Overview .............................................................. 9 Section 2: Demographic Trends, Projections & Housing Determinants ............................................... 10 Population Growth Projections ..................................................................................................... 13 Education and Labour Force: Trends and Opportunities ................................................................. 16 Section 3: Affordability Assessment Across the Housing Continuum .................................................. 19 Section 4: Community Growth and Development: Ensuring an Appropriate Housing Supply .............. 23 New Home Market ....................................................................................................................... 24 Resale Market .............................................................................................................................. 28 Rental Market .............................................................................................................................. 30 Section 5: Objectives and Strategies ................................................................................................. 33 Priorities ...................................................................................................................................... 34 Potential Incentives ...................................................................................................................... 39 Conclusion ................................................................................................................................... 55 1|Page City of Moose Jaw Housing Business Plan 2011 Executive Summary The Housing Business Plan for the City of Moose Jaw was undertaken in 2010 in order to provide City Councilors with comprehensive information about the community that is important to the direction of residential development in the city. Adequate housing is necessary for Moose Jaw’s continued prosperity as an industrial center and trade hub in the South Central Saskatchewan Region. Residential housing shortages, if not addressed properly, could become a disincentive for continued and increasing business and industry investment in the region. Growth sectors and business in the region require employees and employees require housing in proximity to their employment. The recent population increase in Moose Jaw is occurring on a scale not seen for decades and any unused housing stock has been eliminated, vacancy rates sit at or around one percent and house prices have doubled or tripled in the past few years. The City of Moose Jaw recognizes that housing needs in the community have changed. This Housing Business Plan is an important first step to implementing solutions that will serve to alleviate current housing market pressures. The rate of new housing development in Moose Jaw is inadequate to meet the increased demand from professionals and labourers attracted to the region by burgeoning economic possibilities. New lot construction rates will not attract a sufficient number of developers and builders to quickly and efficiently increase housing stock. In order to rapidly increase the availability of new homes, the City of Moose Jaw must provide more serviced lots to developers. This will help draw in competition as well as increase the tax base as residents move to new residential units in the community. The City Council can use some of this new tax revenue to assist with addressing challenges in various parts of the housing market. Housing initiatives that address needs for low income workers, seniors and students may have to be implemented concurrently with efforts to service lots and attract builders; however, construction and development may also attract further development at a cost savings to developers and to the City. In order to assist with Moose Jaw’s efforts to address housing shortages in the City, the Canadian Home Builders’ Association – Saskatchewan has been contracted to conduct a comprehensive review of both primary and secondary research in order to assess the status of the housing market in the City of Moose Jaw and produce a Housing Business Plan. This plan is intended to present current housing needs and projections for future demand. The research findings are followed by a section of recommendations that the Association believes can be viable options for Moose Jaw to address the housing pressures facing current and prospective residents. All recommendations are suggestive in nature and may or may not be adopted by Council at their discretion. 2|Page City of Moose Jaw Housing Business Plan 2011 Section 1: A Model for Housing and Community Development Municipal Housing Business Plans help municipal elected officials and administrators within a community understand current housing needs while providing a guideline for residential development that supports changing demographics and housing requirements. The Moose Jaw Housing Business Plan is intended to assist the community and the City of Moose Jaw to determine a role and plan of action for housing and residential development for 2011 and beyond. The Plan attempts to identify housing market pressures and potential policy solutions that can most effectively help address the housing necessities of current and future residents. Additionally, the Moose Jaw Housing Business Plan provides an assessment of the Housing Continuum and affordability within the community. With careful consideration of projected growth and development in the region, this Plan outlines various targets, priorities, strategies and incentives that may encourage investment and residential construction in the region so as to support economic activity and the needs of a changing and increasing population. Role of the Municipality With regard to supporting and encouraging an appropriate supply of housing, many municipalities have identified a role for themselves in housing and have implemented policies, programming and incentives as a means of ensuring appropriate housing options are available within their community. Progressive community planning for healthy growth often requires municipalities to develop strategies that address deteriorating housing stock while also supporting and pursuing public and private partnerships that will increase the supply of housing available to various income levels and those with unique housing demands. Given Moose Jaw’s recent growth, deteriorating affordability, and lack of suitable housing options, it is recommended that the City of Moose Jaw consider adopting a more active role supporting and encouraging the supply of housing through proactive planning, policy development and initiatives that facilitate rather than hinder the construction of new appropriate housing. The following includes a brief overview of the information and factors that contributed to the direction of the Moose Jaw Housing Business Plan development. Each of these items is explained further throughout the following sections of the Housing Business Plan. 3|Page City of Moose Jaw Housing Business Plan 2011 Factors That Contributed to Developing the Moose Jaw Housing Business Plan Current and Future Demographics - The province of Saskatchewan has benefitted from strong economic performance and positive overall population growth over the past ten to fifteen years. Between 1996 and 2009, Saskatchewan’s population increased by 11,184 people with an additional 34,000 people moving to the province between 2009 and 2010. Accounting for approximately 3.5 percent of Saskatchewan total population, Moose Jaw has also recorded positive population growth in recent years, the rate of which has actually outpaced population growth trends experienced by the province. If these trends continue, Moose Jaw’s population could reach 50,000 by 2025. Current and Future Housing Stock - Moose Jaw’s housing stock is slowly aging and much of the current stock is deteriorating. While there are many units that will likely be improved by renovation and repairs undertaken by homebuyers, replacing older dwelling units maybe the only option for units that have deteriorated beyond repair. In most neighbourhoods in Moose Jaw, the predominant housing stock was built between 1905 and 1970 under dated building code standards and construction techniques. In addition, many of these older units require significant repair and renovation. There also exists an urgent need to respond to market demand for new housing units, as is demonstrated by the record low vacancy rates and record high resale and new home prices. One factor that has contributed to the escalating housing market pressures is the slow pace of lot servicing in Moose Jaw. Currently, the City of Moose Jaw does not have any serviced lots available for purchase and plans to develop less than 50 lots in 2011. The lack of available serviced lots has certainly increased pressures within the housing market as residential dwelling construction has been severely limited by the availability of serviced lots ready for development. In order to remedy this, the City of Moose Jaw must act quickly to service lots and avoid further hindering the residential construction industry’s ability to supply housing that will support the growth of Moose Jaw’s population. Housing Supply, Demand and Affordability - An appropriate supply of housing is important to the health of any city, especially in times of rapid population growth. In order to facilitate population growth, the supply of housing must match the needs of the population. When the supply of housing does not match the need and demand, the result is often an increase in housing prices and a drop in rental vacancy rates. The housing market in Moose Jaw exemplifies trends associated with communities that fail to meet the housing requirements of their residents. The rapid increase in residential dwelling unit prices and the low vacancy rate discourages those looking to make a permanent home in Moose Jaw. An increase in all housing types is necessary in order to ensure current population growth can continue, with a particular emphasis on the construction of purpose built rental and entry-level housing units. Without an increase in available housing across the housing continuum, the price of housing will 4|Page City of Moose Jaw Housing Business Plan 2011 continue to increase and vacancy rates will remain low, resulting in the stagnation of growth as individuals and families unable to access the housing market look to other Saskatchewan communities. Housing Stakeholders - Public and private housing stakeholders have a vested interest in the health and stability of a community’s housing stock. These groups offered knowledge and insight vital to the development of the Housing Business Plan. Potential recommendations provided by stakeholders were carefully considered and integrated into the goals and targets outlined within the Plan. Failure to Plan Hinders Growth Planning for municipal growth is central to the efficient allocation of resources and use of available and potentially under-utilized structures. Economic growth and development in Saskatchewan requires municipalities to plan for growth with realistic population projections based on recent trends. The pace at which Saskatchewan’s communities are changing should not be underestimated, as failing to plan may result in a failure to grow. Municipal planning departments must be given the resources and tools necessary to formulate and carry out plans that anticipate growth and can adapt to the changing dynamics of the community. Well organized and funded planning departments can help ensure future development meets the community’s needs and makes the best use of existing infrastructure and housing stock. The Moose Jaw Official Community Plan: A Catalyst for Proactive Planning and Housing to Support Community Growth Within the Official Community Plan, the City of Moose Jaw outlines a mandate to ensure that Moose Jaw grows in a healthy and sustainable manner. With regard to Community Growth and Development (Section 4), the Community Plan’s objectives include ensuring that development of new areas encourages variety and diversity in housing; providing services that are environmentally responsible; encouraging the use of infill to increase use of underused areas; and ensuring that all housing is built 1 to acceptable standards. The Moose Jaw Official Community Plan outlines numerous objectives and policies that support an active vision and mission for encouraging the supply of appropriate housing types in Moose Jaw. The City of Moose Jaw Official Community Plan states that “neighborhoods shall be the most important level of residential cluster in the City and shall be used as the primary building block in planning of new suburban areas and the maintenance of existing mature subdivisions.” This statement should provide the incentive to help neighbourhoods to become the vital backbone of Moose Jaw’s development and growth. 5|Page City of Moose Jaw Housing Business Plan 2011 City Administrators and elected officials in Moose Jaw must strive to follow through with the objectives already established in the Official Community Plan regarding residential land use and housing with specific emphasis placed on: Developing new residential areas that offer quality living and meet the needs of various household types and incomes; and Encouraging infill residential development within already built-up areas, such as the downtown core and other established neighborhoods, as well as considering incentive programs to encourage residential infill and redevelopment; and Promoting/requiring the timely maintenance of all residential buildings (private and public) to ensure safe, energy efficient and acceptable living conditions for all residents; and Allowing higher density housing in all residential neighborhoods, with emphasis on locations near arterial roads, or as part of mixed use commercial/residential areas; and Ensuring the City maintain a minimum of two years to a maximum of five years supply of serviced residential land; and Supporting new developments which will incorporate innovative and alternative energy solutions that increase the cost savings of operating a home; and Fostering an appropriate supply of housing options (including purpose-built rental) so as not to discourage potential residents from moving to Moose Jaw. Vision & Mission for Housing in Moose Jaw To ensure that Moose Jaw adopts housing vision and mission statements that align with the City’s Official Community Plan, the following optional statements incorporate the above residential land use, and housing objectives and policies. Proposed Housing Vision Statement - “The City of Moose Jaw will strive to be a community that offers a variety of appropriate housing options that are suitable to numerous income and age levels.” Proposed Housing Mission Statement - “The City of Moose Jaw is committed to encouraging a supply of housing through the implementation of a framework that fosters partnerships and cooperation with industry, the private-sector, non-government organizations, community-based groups and other levels of government.” 6|Page City of Moose Jaw Housing Business Plan 2011 The Housing Continuum & the Role of the Municipality The housing continuum, as described by the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, includes all housing options on a scale from social housing (which incorporates emergency and transitional shelter and subsidized housing) to market housing (which includes market rental housing and market priced ownership housing).1 The value of market priced new, resale and rental housing is linked to the public’s buying power, which in turn has an impact on the type of housing built by builders and developers in response to community demands. Without an adequate supply of housing at various price points, housing affordability for residents is adversely affected by population increases, particularly at the low to moderate price points. When housing supply is constrained, population growth will typically result in a surge in the need for affordable housing at two thresholds: first, the point at which the population increase occurs (demand-side pressure); and second, following the subsequent price increases in the housing market (supply-side pressure). Ensuring that there is appropriate and suitable housing at all levels of the housing continuum requires that housing stakeholders be engaged to help ease escalating prices by increasing the supply of housing so as not to push residents (current and potential) to other communities, inadequate housing or homelessness. Housing Continuum $0 $45,000 Social Housing Affordable Housing $52,000 $70,000 Entry-Level Housing Market Housing Social Housing (Low Income & At-Risk-Of Homelessness) Social housing covers a wide variety of housing types and needs, all of which help those struggling to afford adequate housing. The intended market for social housing ranges from those in need of basic shelter and crisis housing to those in need of supported living housing options, such as low income households and persons with long term disabilities or addictions. 7|Page City of Moose Jaw Housing Business Plan 2011 Affordable Housing (Incomes below Maximum Income Limits) Affordable housing options come in many forms; however, what remains constant is that this housing be attainable for those with incomes below the provincially established Maximum Income Limits (MIL) and that the cost of the units (whether rental or ownership) does not exceed 30 percent of the household’s annual income. Affordable housing may include supported or subsidized rental or ownership developments that are owned and/or managed by government, non-government organizations, community-based and/or faith-based groups, or private corporations. Often these units have received capital funding, land contributions, or other support from various levels of government. Government assistance has helped many of these housing providers maintain affordability despite fluctuating housing market prices. Developments that are the recipients of funding are typically required to remain affordable for a period of ten to fifteen years. Entry-Level Housing (Moderate Income) Entry-level housing attracts those individuals and families that earn a moderate income. Entrylevel housing generally includes units appropriate and attainable to first time home buyers and new entrants to the work force. Most entry-level housing is modest in size and located in neighborhoods with higher densities. The entry-level housing market facilitates ownership; however, entry-level rentals are also important within a community to accommodate those moderate income individuals and families not in a position to become homeowners. The typical housing types for new entry-level products are higher density dwellings, such as townhomes and condominiums, where costs are reduced because less land is required per unit. Market Housing (Medium to High Income) Market housing includes housing of all types that can accommodate the demand for units among medium and high income earners on the open market. Most of these homes are purchased by established professionals, either as individuals, couples or families. Market housing comes in all forms including single-detached, semi-detached, townhouse and luxury condominiums. In many communities, builders and developers tend to focus their efforts on meeting the demand for units among this price range due to the higher profit margins associated with selling market housing. Market housing, especially in new developments, provides greater returns to the city in return for expenses paid for lot servicing. 8|Page City of Moose Jaw Housing Business Plan 2011 Moose Jaw Housing Business Plan Priorities: An Overview Established priorities within the Moose Jaw Housing Business Plan incorporate recommendations from the Moose Jaw Housing Advisory Committee’s Need & Demand Assessment, the Official Community Plan and the primary and secondary source research gathered for the development of the plan. It is proposed that the following priorities under consideration be endorsed and adopted by Moose Jaw City Council: Develop incentives and programs that support and encourage the construction of affordable and entry-level housing (ownership and rental). Foster partnerships that will serve to increase the supply of housing in an efficient manner. Encourage construction and renovation of current housing stock to acceptable standards and construction of an adequate supply of housing to accommodate residents so as to facilitate population growth to approximately 50,000 residents by 2025. Develop efficient land use policies and ensure community planning incorporates consideration of future infrastructure given projected growth. Ensure compliance of all builders and developers through monitoring and enforcement of building standards for housing as outlined by the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation and National Building Code of Canada Standards. Maintain a minimum two year and maximum five year provision for serviced lots developed by the City of Moose Jaw. Promote development of infill housing that will revitalize neighbourhoods and make use of already serviced land while increasing density within Moose Jaw’s core. Encourage the conversion of identified existing structures (i.e. commercial buildings in the downtown) to residential or mixed residential/commercial developments where appropriate. Continue support for the Replacement Housing Incentive Program that provides a tax incentive for demolition and replacement of inadequate housing in Moose Jaw. 9|Page City of Moose Jaw Housing Business Plan 2011 Section 2: Demographics Trends, Projections & Housing Determinants Housing needs and demands within a community are directed by changing demographics and economic trends. This section of the Moose Jaw Housing Business Plan provides an overview of important demographic and labour market changes in the province and the region surrounding Moose Jaw. Accurate projections can indicate the direction City Council should take in order to address current housing shortages and future housing challenges that may arise. With a clear view of how the city is growing and changing, Moose Jaw’s City Council can be in a better position to avoid ineffective policy decisions that will negatively impact development as the community grows. Population growth trends are directly related to the economic performance within a province, region and municipality. In general, greater incentives for talented individuals to reside within a community exist where there are varied career opportunities. Therefore, the demographics of a community can be attributed to education, employment and business opportunities that exist. However, without access to affordable, appropriate and adequate housing options, individuals and families are discouraged or even restricted from settling into a community regardless of opportunities available to them. Employment and career options in Moose Jaw are increasing, but the city’s growth is currently being hampered by a limited supply and variety of housing stock. To maintain the current and projected growth of Moose Jaw’s economy, an appropriate supply of adequate and attainable housing options is required to meet the community’s needs. In 2009, the Saskatchewan Chamber of Commerce set a provincial population target of 1.5 million people by 2030.2 According to the most recent population statistics reported by the Saskatchewan Health Information Network, Saskatchewan’s population reached 1,070,477 persons in 2010.3 Over the last 10 years, Moose Jaw experienced an increase in population of 15 percent and is now growing faster than the provincial average of nine percent.4 Most recently, the same statistics indicate that Moose Jaw’s population increased by 2,730 persons between 2009 and 2010.5 Because of Saskatchewan’s economic growth, the Conference Board of Canada, the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation and Royal Bank of Canada Economics among others are forecasting positive provincial growth in the years to come, which will be reflected in Moose Jaw as well. Rapid population growth and demographic changes in Moose Jaw require careful analysis before a viable and long term housing plan can be considered. Accurate population projections and appropriate community planning require that City Council understand that growth in the province will likely result in continued growth in Moose Jaw, too. Accelerated and extended growth at levels not seen over many decades will present new housing challenges for Moose Jaw. The following subsections provide a summary of demographic changes that will influence growth patterns in Moose Jaw. 10 | P a g e City of Moose Jaw Housing Business Plan 2011 Young Professionals, Recent Graduates, and Students The community of Moose Jaw has a higher proportion of people within the 20 to 45 year age range, a group that comprises a community’s working core. However, in 2006 there was a noticeably lower percentage of 20 to 24 year olds when compared to 2010. This suggests that young people from smaller communities are migrating towards larger urban centers like Moose Jaw.6 The city’s 25 to 45 year old demographic also increased 33 percent between 2006 and 2010, compared to a provincial increase of 20 percent during the same period.7 This highly mobile young professional demographic is typically comprised of post-secondary students, entry-level employees and those filling positions that require less specialized training and experience. The fact that Moose Jaw has managed to draw in more population in this demographic is a positive sign for Moose Jaw’s economy. It should be noted that the 20 to 24 age group has specific housing requirements because a large percentage of them are postsecondary students or new entrants to the workforce; therefore their purchasing power in the housing market is limited. For those attending post-secondary colleges or training institutes, Moose Jaw offers the opportunity to study at the local branch of the Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Science and Technology (SIAST). Satellite campuses like Palliser Campus in Moose Jaw allow young people to stay in their home community and also draw in students from surrounding communities. The challenge is retaining this newly educated and skilled workforce, and encouraging them to remain in Moose Jaw rather than seek other opportunities in the larger centers. As employment prospects in and around the city increase, a larger working population base will be attracted to Moose Jaw; however, concerted efforts will still be necessary to create infrastructure and opportunity that ensures a higher number of SIAST graduates stay in, or move to, Moose Jaw. In order for this to happen, Moose Jaw must encourage development of an appropriate supply of housing that is attainable for this demographic group, as well as factor in the likelihood that growth of this segment of the population will lead to a greater numbers of young families and young professionals. Young Professionals Considered to be “young professionals,” the population segment aged 25 to 45 generally has higher household incomes and younger family members. If this demographic believes Moose Jaw provides both economic opportunities and desirable housing, they will be more likely to move to and settle in the city. As a group, young families are essential to active, vibrant and healthy communities. Statistics show that between 2006 and 2010, population in this demographic increased 18 percent in Moose Jaw with 11 percent of this growth occurring within the last two years.8 Housing needs among this rapidly growing demographic group will result in higher demand for entry-level, larger, single family homes or rental units that reflect growing households and earning potential, demand which developers can meet if given the opportunity to build (i.e. serviced lots). Young professionals are skilled, educated and more experienced members of the workforce, often with middle to high middle income earning potential and higher household densities who are typically able to purchase market price housing that is available to moderate income earners.9 11 | P a g e City of Moose Jaw Housing Business Plan 2011 Senior Citizens Senior citizens comprise a large demographic, not only in Moose Jaw, but nation-wide. Seniors have traditionally accounted for 25 percent of Saskatchewan’s population and 29 percent of Moose Jaw’s population over the past decade.10 The number of seniors residing in Moose Jaw increased by 22 percent between 2001 and 2010, and with 11,015 persons over the age of 55 residing in Moose Jaw, seniors currently account for 30 percent of the total population in the community.11 The Canada West Foundation believes that seniors will account for a quarter of Canada’s total population by 2061;12 because the 45 to 55 year old demographic is dominant in Moose Jaw, there is no expectation that the senior population will decrease in the future. The unique fixed-income situation, and desire of some seniors to move into smaller, more manageable housing units, will have a significant impact on Moose Jaw’s development plans as well as the provision of services. As seniors age, many consider alternative living accommodations that offer less demanding yard, interior and exterior maintenance, greater security and the social support networks offered in retirement communities or residences. A common trend among persons between 60 to 80 years of age is to sell the homes they currently own and move into condo-strata housing or seniors’ rental communities that offer these benefits as well as various other supports and services. Unfortunately, Moose Jaw, like many communities across Saskatchewan and Canada, is unprepared for the impact this large aging demographic group will have. Affordable and accessible housing for seniors will be increasingly important and in shorter supply in Moose Jaw as time progresses. Aboriginal Population The population growth of Aboriginal people has steadily increased within Canada’s urban centers over the past decade due to urban migration patterns. Saskatchewan and Manitoba currently share the largest proportion of Aboriginal population in the country and more Aboriginals are now living in and around urban municipalities.13 Although Moose Jaw has traditionally maintained one of the lowest Aboriginal populations in Saskatchewan, according to the 2006 census, the City recorded a 12.9 percent increase between 2001 and 2006. 14 The Aboriginal population comprises one of the largest, youngest and fastest growing demographic groups in Canada. The 15 to 24 year old category dominates Aboriginal groups generally and overall, Aboriginal communities have higher birth rates.15 Moreover, Aboriginal households tend to have higher household densities than non-Aboriginals, with approximately 3.6 persons per household compared to the 2.5 persons per household average for the rest of Canada.16 If Aboriginal migration trends continue, Moose Jaw will face a demographic shift in its youth population coupled with escalating demand for houses that can accommodate higher household densities. The education gap between Aboriginals and non-Aboriginals means a disproportionate number of Aboriginals are employed in the five lowest paying industries. A shortage of appropriate and affordable rental or homeownership options has a substantial impact on these households and 12 | P a g e City of Moose Jaw Housing Business Plan 2011 may lead to Aboriginal overcrowding and a tendency to live in unsuitable living conditions (a trend more common among the Aboriginal population). Immigrants & Inter-Provincial Migration Over the last several years, Saskatchewan has implemented a number of policies and incentives to encourage interprovincial and international migration to the province. Moose Jaw has traditionally accounted for between three percent and five percent of Saskatchewan’s total immigrant population, but immigration numbers are steadily rising. Increasing 55 percent between 1991 and 2006, the immigrant population now comprises 4.81 percent of Moose Jaw’s total population.17 New immigrants require more and different services to support integration into communities; houses suitable and attainable to this demographic group are best located in close proximity to these sources. Depending on the culture in their country of origin, immigrants often have unique household situations that include higher household densities and extended family arrangements. Upon arrival in Canada, immigrants generally begin employment in lower paid professions and live in higher density households in order to mitigate high housing costs. Settling into a new country is not an easy task and some will require additional support to locate housing as a first step to familiarizing them to their new country. This housing generally must be affordable or entrylevel, frequently of larger size to accommodate large family configurations and with clear guidelines for home procurement and ownership. Cities that assist skilled migrants to find housing and appropriate employment, either through government provided agencies or with designated housing or support programs, are in a better position to enable their active contribution to their new community and integrate effectively. Population Growth Projections Moose Jaw has received a substantial percentage of Saskatchewan’s population influx. Over the last four years alone, Moose Jaw’s population grew by over 13 percent, compared to a provincial average of just over five percent.18 In 2006, Moose Jaw’s population accounted for 3.2 percent of the total provincial population; in 2010, Moose Jaw’s population accounted for 3.5 percent of the provincial population.19 Currently, Moose Jaw has a population of 37,046 people, and recorded an increase of 4,914 people over just four years,20representing an average increase of 1,228 persons per year. If these trends proceed and Moose Jaw’s economy continues to grow at or near its current pace, it is reasonable to assume that Moose Jaw’s population could reach between 50,000 and 60,000 people by 2030. If the Saskatchewan Chamber of Commerce’s estimated provincial population projection of 1.5 million people for all of Saskatchewan by the year 2030 is realized and Moose Jaw’s percentage of the province’s total population remains constant, the total population could increase to 52,500 people. 21 It should be noted, however, that Moose Jaw has outpaced past provincial growth rates, suggesting that even this estimate could prove conservative for the time frame. 13 | P a g e City of Moose Jaw Housing Business Plan 2011 Income Trends As Saskatchewan’s economy expands, so too does its workforce and population. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that the average household income is rising, both in the provincial averages and in the City of Moose Jaw. Statistics Canada census data for 2005 indicates that the median annual income for a full-time employed person over the age of 15 in Moose Jaw was $38,070, while the provincial median was $35,948 and the household average income for 2005 was $54,440. 22 The Moose Jaw Regional Economic Development Authority released its 2009 estimates for average household income for Moose Jaw, reporting a six percent increase in the annual income to $57,742, compared to an overall provincial forecasted increase of 9.2 percent.23 Despite the rise in annual income levels, the increasing costs of housing in the new home, resale and rental markets has far surpassed income growth levels across the province and in Moose Jaw. Therefore, real wage in Moose Jaw have not grown as much as it appears because of the increased cost of living. Income as it Relates to Housing An assessment of current income and demographic data for Moose Jaw is essential for producing a viable housing strategy that addresses the needs of all residents in the community. Having adequate income to cover essential costs of living in addition to securing appropriate housing is vital to attaining a higher quality of life. The Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) defines “acceptable housing” as adequate, suitable, and affordable shelter that can be obtained without spending over 30 percent of before-tax household income. Adequate shelter is housing that is not in need of major repair, while suitable shelter is defined as un-crowded housing with sufficient number of rooms to accommodate the occupying 1 household members according to National Occupancy Standards requirements. In 2006, Statistics Canada surveyed the average household incomes in the City of Moose Jaw and categorized the data into “income blocks”. According to the data, 735 households reported an income of less than $10,000 annually while 1,985 households reported income between $10,000 and $20,000. This means that nearly 20 percent of all households in Moose Jaw had an annual income lower than $20,000.24 According to current Canadian guidelines that stipulate housing affordability benchmarks be no more than 30 percent of income, the most this income group could reasonably afford to pay for housing, whether ownership or rental, is $500 per month. Age as it relates to income is an important factor when considering housing needs in a community, as one’s age is linked to their earning potential, income situation and housing requirements. For example, retired seniors on fixed incomes require housing that protects them from sudden increases in market prices, whether in affordable and designated seniors 14 | P a g e City of Moose Jaw Housing Business Plan 2011 housing developments or in supportive rent-geared to income units. Younger people often students on limited budgets or heavily reliant on financial assistance, are in need of housing that is attainable and within close proximity to educational institutions or public transit routes. If not students, then these individuals are typically new entrants to the workforce who require housing options that include affordable, entry-level and market rental product so that they may gain work experience, participate in the community and ideally begin a family and remain active residents of the community. As opposed to those nearing retirement, students and new workers usually have positive rather than static earnings potential. Household Income by Location The Moose Jaw Regional Economic Development Authority has identified four major areas within the City of Moose Jaw: East, West, South and Central. According to data obtained in 2006, Moose Jaw’s population is more or less distributed evenly, with the exception of Moose Jaw West, which contains 1,300 more households than Moose Jaw Central. Moose Jaw West was the most affluent area of the city in 2006, with 760 households earning over $100,000 annually. In contrast, Moose Jaw Central was reportedly the least affluent neighbourhood with 550 households reporting incomes below $19,999 annually. Moose Jaw East and South each lie between the high and low income levels of Moose Jaw West and Central, indicating the presence of middle-class neighbourhoods.25 Neighbourhood Composition in Moose Jaw Moose Jaw is divided into residential districts, commercial and industrial districts and green zones. Due to economic growth of the city, the City of Moose Jaw is planning to expand for residential and commercial purposes. The majority of high-income neighborhoods are located in the northwest sector of the city, in predominantly low density residential areas. As well, some high-income residential properties are located in neighborhoods in the southwest end. Low-income households are mainly concentrated in the downtown area. High population concentration neighborhoods are located in the downtown area along Main Street North. This includes the neighborhoods of Rosemont, High Park, CPR, Hill Crest, Windsor Park, and Crescent View. Other highly populated neighborhoods are located near Palliser Campus, including Palliser Heights, Regal Heights, Caribou Heights, City View and Dunmore. Moose Jaw’s population is less concentrated in commercial and industrial districts where heavy and light industrial production takes place. As well, neighbourhoods such as Sunnyside, Westmore, Prairie Heights, Fairview, University Heights, Crescent Heights, Rothesay Park, and River Park are not densely populated, due mainly to larger lot and house size. According to the City of Moose Jaw, these sites range in size from 0.75 acres to 3 acres and are priced from $150,000 per acre to $225,000 per acre. While there is no clear division regarding the age of the population in Moose Jaw neighbourhoods, there are several nursing homes and seniors residences located throughout the city. Senior residential developments are mainly located in the downtown area in close proximity to hospitals, commercial districts and other amenities. 15 | P a g e City of Moose Jaw Housing Business Plan 2011 Currently, there are no designated student housing units or residences provided or maintained by Palliser Campus. Students rent only what they can afford while some are able to live with relatives while attending Palliser. The high density neighbourhoods around Palliser are ideally located for student housing; however, other considerations are important when implementing plans for student housing. Ideally, student housing should be located near potential employment, public transit, entertainment and amenities such as grocery stores and restaurants. Commercial and Industrial Developments: Locations & Relevance for Housing Land intended for commercial and industrial development exists, and is for sale in the expanding area along Thatcher Drive East, located close to the Trans Canada Highway with access to both the Pacific Railway and Canadian National Railway.26 Since the industrial and commercial districts are currently concentrated in this new area, it is ideal for proposed expansions. Industrial and commercial lots, are currently available in the Grayson Industrial Park subdivision, situated in the northeast corner of the city. Ideally, commuters employed in these developments would be able to access transportation routes that allow for a reasonable commuting time from residential neighbourhoods. For this reason, the development of new subdivisions should be completed the involvement of from transportation departments and should consider the infrastructure requirements of commuters. Education & Labour Force: Trends & Opportunities In recent years, Canada has begun to recognize that a large portion of the skilled and experienced labour pool in the country will be leaving the workforce upon retirement. This loss will result in competition among many industries and communities to fill skilled labour shortages, this is already a problem in industrial and mining locations. Moose Jaw has a large demographic of 45 to 55 year olds that are preparing to retire within the next five to 10 years. This shift will present challenges and opportunities for Moose Jaw: the City will have to leverage the resources necessary to address rapid demographic shifts and labour market changes. Recent labour force participation rates are positive, and increased immigration and Aboriginal and Métis labour participation may help offset future shortages. Labour force trends and shifts in available employment are essential factors in the age and income of people who are attracted to particular urban centers. Therefore, labour needs, as well as employment and education opportunities associated with economic performance in the Moose Jaw region, are linked to new demand patterns for housing as well. As previously stated, different income levels associated with various employment opportunities also have an impact on housing need and demand. For this reason, an assessment of the labour force is required to provide a better understanding of why Moose Jaw’s housing requirements are changing and how future trends are predicted. 16 | P a g e City of Moose Jaw Housing Business Plan 2011 Economic Growth & Development: Saskatchewan, the Corridor & Moose Jaw Saskatchewan is projected to experience strong economic performance over the short-term, with positive forecasts for 2010 to 2020.27 Given the strong projections for natural resource and agricultural production in the area, Moose Jaw is likely to experience significant investment directly and indirectly related to these industries, especially in mineral extraction, processing and transportation. Industry and business are attracted by Moose Jaw’s proximity to resources and the availability of affordable infrastructure services (water, power, communications and transportation networks). These and other opportunities have been the foundation for projected economic growth within the Moose Jaw-Regina Industrial Corridor and within the City of Moose Jaw itself. The Moose Jaw-Regina Industrial Corridor offers considerable advantages including significant cost-savings, a favorable location for the transportation of goods and resources, and research support. These advantages coupled with low utility costs and property taxes, competitive tax rates conducive for business investment, existing infrastructure to support industrial expansion, and an ideal location with access to four major highways and two operating railways and the largest rail terminal between Winnipeg and Calgary have been instrumental in driving economic development for the province. 28 The Corridor region also produces some of the highest quality agricultural products in the world and is a central hub for nitrogen, potash and phosphate distribution.29 The Moose Jaw-Regina Industrial Corridor has opportunities and resources that facilitate growth in the entire region. Currently, the Corridor has the largest labour force in the province, home to 175,000 workers and is unsurprisingly the most populous region in Saskatchewan with 24 percent of the province’s total population.30 Since 1996, the fastest growing industries in Moose Jaw have been the mining, oil and gas industries, each of which has grown at a rate of nearly nine percent per year and 103 percent over the past 15 years, followed by the commercial and residential construction industries, both of which have grown at a rate of seven percent per year and 98 percent over the past 15 years.31 Examples of industrial interest in the area include a contract, signed in 2009, between the Mosaic Company and SaskWater to construct new pipelines that will supply non-potable water for the solution potash mine in Belle Plaine in order to accommodate expansion there. 32 Other expanding sectors include the agricultural, manufacturing and wholesale industries; Britco Pork was recently provided with a loan from the federal government to refurbish a hog processing plant in Moose Jaw. 33 Examples of international investment in the region include the potential development of a wholesale distribution center for Chinese manufactured products by Queenstower Developments of China.34 These new investments and national and international confidence in the region have provided an economic boost that benefits the entire province. The problem that arises with sudden spikes in industry and infrastructure investment is finding and retaining the skilled labour force to make growth possible. Despite substantial immigration to the Corridor, there are increasing concerns that the rate of attrition of workers coupled with steadily and rapidly increasing 17 | P a g e City of Moose Jaw Housing Business Plan 2011 demand could cause a serious labour shortage. Efforts that ensure these new employees have access to appropriate housing is vital to protecting the national and international reputation of the Corridor as a place to invest capital and locate industry. Academic Institutions In order to address the challenges associated with the pending deficit of skilled labour within the region, educational institutions and industry leaders within the Corridor must continue to focus and increase training and recruitment efforts. SIAST’s Palliser Campus in Moose Jaw can play an essential role in addressing the shortages within the skilled trade sector by providing additional opportunities to train and retain skilled labour within the region. SIAST has taken on the responsibility of encouraging and supporting the pursuit of occupations in the skilled trades, applied sciences and technologies; these efforts help to ensure economic growth in the province through an adequate supply of an expertly trained workforce.35 In 2009, Moose Jaw retained or gained only four percent of SIAST graduates as part of their labour base.36 This low retention percentage may mean that Moose Jaw will be unable to adequately meet the increased need for skilled labourers in the region. A concerted marketing effort by all stakeholders, including industry, communities, municipalities and educational institutions could help increase awareness among new graduates throughout the province about career opportunities within the region. Regional and municipal growth in Moose Jaw depends on the supply of skilled workers to fill available positions within new and existing industries and in the expanding resource sector through the corridor. Any effort intended to increase the flow of skilled workers into Moose Jaw must be coupled with efforts to increase the supply of appropriate housing stock be available to individuals, students, new families and new entrants to the workforce. Regardless of new employment opportunities in and around Moose Jaw, without housing for new workers, many labour opportunities may remain unfilled. Housing the Current & Potential Labour Force The Moose Jaw Housing Business Plan can help ensure that the community is in a position to capitalize on the opportunities associated with recent and projected growth while also keeping pace with population growth and demand for housing so as not to hinder development and prosperity in the region. The Moose Jaw-Regina Corridor can only continue to attract interprovincial migrants, immigrants, new graduates and families to the region if an appropriate supply of housing options is available and attainable to a variety of income levels. The need to address the limited supply of housing is urgent as is the need to maintain housing affordability as potential employees will not move to Moose Jaw if housing prices escalate beyond their means. 18 | P a g e City of Moose Jaw Section 3: Housing Business Plan 2011 Affordability Assessment across the Housing Continuum Municipalities can play a role in directing development within the community and surrounding areas. Provided that elected officials and administration understand how housing impacts economic stability and future growth, municipalities can plan to accommodate, support and encourage growth through housing policies and agendas. Changing demographics and an influx of population also require municipalities and housing stakeholders to consider the affordability and suitability of available housing options in their community. Statistics Canada and the This section will help clarify these terms and put them in context with current income levels in Moose Jaw, as well as help identify gaps in the housing continuum. Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation offer definitions and guidelines for what constitutes affordable and attainable housing for different income levels. Affordable housing is defined as housing that can be obtained without spending over 30 percent of before-tax household income. Affordability among Key Demographic Groups This section is intended to highlight some of the demographic groups that characteristically have characteristically unique housing needs, often requiring access to affordable housing options that are both suitable and appropriate to their situations. Seniors Retired seniors living on a fixed income are more susceptible to even slight price fluctuations. According to Service Canada, a single person with no other income can receive to $1,185.92 a month from Canada Pension and Old Age Security, 30 percent of which is $355 per month. Those seniors who choose to move from owner-occupied single family residences to higher density housing with fewer maintenance responsibilities, and supports and services need affordable rental and ownership options. Ideally, designated seniors housing or retirement communities will be located near hospitals, public transit and shopping centers in areas that are safe and encourage active community involvement. It should also be noted that, many seniors today are healthier and more active upon retirement than has been the case in the past. Though they may wish to downsize, they may not yet require access to supports and services offered by assisted living seniors’ residence. Options are necessary to accommodate these seniors as well, including gated townhouse communities or condominiums. The decision to sell and move from single, family homes into more manageable units also releases single family dwelling housing onto the resale market, which can ease housing market pressures in a community. 19 | P a g e City of Moose Jaw Housing Business Plan 2011 Students Where post-secondary educational institutions exist, so too does the need for appropriate affordable housing options for students. Appropriate options include student residences (owned and operated by educational institutions,) secondary suites within existing dwelling units, room and board, or rent sharing single dwelling units or apartments. It should be noted that student housing is rarely occupied as “permanent housing”: the average degree or certificate program requires four or fewer years to complete, therefore, there will be a high turnover rate among student housing. Ideally, student housing options should be located in and around their educational institution and be relatively accessible to amenities such as grocery stores and retail areas as well as entertainment (where student may also be employed). Student housing that is situated in close proximity to Moose Jaw Palliser Campus and allows for ease of access to the campus and public transit increases the likelihood that students will attend Palliser Campus. New Entrants to the Workforce As new workers gain experience their incomes typically increase as well. New entrants to the workforce require access to entry-level and affordable housing options that provide them with stability and permanency, allowing them to increase their earnings and move upwards on the housing continuum. There is a strong demand for housing among new workers that both meets their needs and allows them to gain a foothold in the housing market, whether by increasing their equity through homeownership or renting units that allow for a savings margin. With an estimated entry-level annual income of $25,000 to $35,000, the most these new entrants to the workforce should spend on housing and housing related costs is $625 to $800 per month (based on the 30 percent affordability threshold). On the housing continuum, these new workers fall under the ‘affordable housing’ category. Low Income Categories Statistics Canada has determined that there is a level of annual income for individuals and families below which it is expected that they devote a larger share of their income on the necessities of food, shelter and clothing than average due to the high cost of living compared to income.37 According to Statistics Canada, these “low income cutoffs” indicate a reduced standard of living but not a level of poverty. In 2009, the low-income cutoff in Moose Jaw for a household with two people was $18,725 after taxes.38 At this estimated income, these groups fall under the ‘social housing’ or affordable housing category on the housing continuum and could afford to pay no more than $460 per month on housing and housing related costs. There are three main demographic groups that are most likely to be disproportionately represented in the low income cut-off categories: families, Aboriginal and Métis persons, and new immigrants. Families - Statistics Canada data from 2006 indicates that out of 13,345 households in Moose Jaw, 2,600 reported income of less than $20,000 per year and within range of the low-income cut-off threshold.39 In order to meet the recommended shelter cost to income ratio, this income category should be spending no more than $500 per month on housing. However, families typically require more bedrooms for children and room for growth as 20 | P a g e City of Moose Jaw Housing Business Plan 2011 their children get older, as well as proximity to amenities such as schools and grocery stores. Immigrants and Newcomers - With similar needs in relation to the shelter cost-to-income ratio, immigrant newcomers also require different services in order to assist them to integrate into the community and to increase their earning potential. New immigrants especially experience a number of barriers to accessing good jobs that can support them and allow them to access appropriate housing. This is reflected in higher percentages of new immigrants that have to pay over 30 percent of household income on housing. Housing that is appropriate for new immigrants has to be affordable to those earning less income with larger families to support. Higher household densities may be the result of larger families, but may also result from attempts to reduce costs of living by residing with multiple or extended families. High household densities are not the solution to housing shortages or to the gap between income and cost of housing: more needs to be done to increase the number of appropriate housing options for new immigrants. Aboriginals - Aboriginal demographics have similar household characteristics to immigrant households, with higher household densities and extended families living in one dwelling. As previously mentioned, Aboriginals characteristically need larger houses because of larger families but are also disproportionately represented in lower paid professions. While susceptible to the same disadvantages as immigrants, Aboriginals are fast becoming a recognized source of labour potential which increases the likelihood that more Aboriginal people will be moving to larger urban communities to take advantage of work opportunities. Affordable housing of adequate size is required to allow Aboriginals to settle permanently in these larger centers so that they may move up on the housing continuum. Entry-Level Housing Young professionals are typically recent entrants to the workforce. Often first-time home buyers, this group may be employed in careers with upward earning potential and have expanding household sizes. As their careers become more established, the likelihood that their entry-level housing will be upgraded to market priced housing increases. Intended as the first step into the housing market, entry-level housing may include mid-priced and medium density condominiums, town-houses and smaller and older resale homes in established neighbourhoods. These units are generally more affordable for new buyers that can only handle a modest down payment but wish to exit the rental market. Families with a combined household income close to the median income in Moose Jaw (around $45,000) are considered to be moderate income families. These households can afford to buy a house given a mortgage payment (and other household related expenses) of approximately $1,150 per month. For moderate income families, suitable housing means appropriate space for the size of family with no major repairs needed that would push them over the 30 percent affordability threshold in the long term. For a household with a $3,700 per month combined 21 | P a g e City of Moose Jaw Housing Business Plan 2011 income, assuming approximately $100 per month in property tax and a down payment of $10,000, an attainable mortgage would be within the $200,000 range. Market Priced Housing Market price houses are sold to the highest bidders on the open real estate market or rented to tenants able to afford rents set according to demand. These units include housing in new developments, existing resale homes, condominiums and town houses and any rental units outside the range possible for other lower income categories. The City of Moose Jaw’s target to provide a certain number of serviced lots for the foreseeable construction period will be necessary to ensure new market priced housing continues to meet demand. Due to this increased demand, market housing in Moose Jaw is now priced to suit income demographics earning over $70,000 per year. Established professionals and high income earners are most able to buy what is provided by this level of the market. It should be noted that the value of market priced housing and rentals in relation to average income in a community is an excellent indicator of how current housing supply is able to meet demand. Sudden, unexpected or overwhelming increases in price may indicate serious shortages in the amount and quality of market housing provided. In addition, new market housing subdivisions are an essential component of a healthy community tax base. Purchases of new housing in new developments contributes the tax revenue collected by the municipality which, when coupled with appropriate pricing for serviced lots, can help pay for more services and subsidize or support housing initiatives that meet demands along other areas of the housing continuum. 22 | P a g e City of Moose Jaw Housing Business Plan 2011 Section 4: Community Growth and Development: Ensuring an Appropriate Housing Supply to Meet Needs and Demand This section provides an overview present housing conditions in Moose Jaw and focuses on community housing determinants, including an assessment of the housing market. In order to determine status and needs of housing in Moose Jaw, a full diagnosis of the new home, resale and rental market was completed. Previously presented information regarding future demographic pressure points will also be used to outline appropriate housing options relative to current and future supply as well as housing needs in the community. Future housing supply will be contingent upon the amount of residential development within the community, including the availability of serviced land. A Brief Overview of the Housing Development in Moose Jaw The City of Moose Jaw’s housing market remained somewhat stagnant between 1950 and 2000, with population holding steady at about 32,000. Between 1980 and 2000, Moose Jaw experienced a minor decline in population, as did most of Saskatchewan. Due to slow growth or sometimes declining population, the need for new housing was low and demand was met by the existing housing stock. However, the result of the slow population growth and limited number of new housing starts has become evident in the average age and condition of existing housing which has deteriorated. Additionally, the lack of new purpose built rental units between 1970 and 2000 has resulted in a decline in available rental units, a situation worsened when apartments are converted to condominiums, and older buildings deteriorate due to lack of investment. Between 1980 and 2000, Moose Jaw’s housing sales activity shows a steady but slow increase in both the volume of housing bought and sold and the average price of housing.40 These two decades experienced only moderate price increases, with the average sales price of homes rising 43 percent over twenty years, from $43,035 in 1980 to $64,157 in 2000.41 This gradual rise is remarkable in comparison to the price increase over the last decade; between 2006 and 2010, the housing market became more costly to enter due to increased demand the and low stock of new, resale and rental housing available tightening the market and driving up price. These trends pushed the average resale price of a home from $101,254 in 2006 to $186,360 in 2010. In addition to the housing pressures on the resale market, the new home market has not kept pace with demand given limited servicing and residential construction capacity. The decrease in building permits issued in 2010 reflect the reality that most of the available housing stock in Moose Jaw is pre-owned and new housing is not being added to supply. Most housing available 23 | P a g e City of Moose Jaw Housing Business Plan 2011 today was built between 1905 and 1970 and in need of varying levels of repair or even of replacement in order to bring residential buildings into compliance with current building code. Fewer permits also reflect Moose Jaw’s limited supply of serviced lots to provide to builders despite record high demand for new housing; unfortunately builders and developers are unable to acquire lots for new home starts at this time. This further constrains supply and exacerbates housing prices. As the population increases and the housing market tightens, much of the housing stock has become unattainable or ill-suited to meet the population’s needs. Therefore, the cost of living in Moose Jaw has increased (and will continue to do so) because of the costs associated with owning or renting, the low availability of housing, and increasing demand. Recent trends in Moose Jaw indicate that the available housing stock will not be able to accommodate current, or future, housing demand. New Home Market 2000-2010 The new home market in Moose Jaw has not kept pace with demand given the lack of opportunity for developers and builders to come into Moose Jaw with long term expansion goals that can increase efficiency and decrease costs. Builders are most attracted to communities that offer critical mass building opportunities or long term development options so that they can build a higher number of houses at one time. The fact that population in Moose Jaw has increased coupled with increased prices for homes indicates that demand for new houses exists and is sufficient to attract developers and builders—provided enough serviced land is available. The supply of new housing is low, and most available homes for sale in Moose Jaw were built prior to 1970. Due to high demand, people are forced to purchase older homes that may require extensive repairs and are much more expensive to maintain. The most recent multiple listing service (MLS) data indicates that there are only five new residences available for purchase: three single detached/ semidetached dwellings and two condominium/townhomes. The average listing price of the single detached homes was $450,000 and the condominium/ townhomes were listed at $390,000. The price of both 1 dwelling types far exceeds that which can be afforded by most of the working population in Moose Jaw. The supply shortage has meant that the market lacks new housing at attainable price points. In February, there were no new houses listed for sale below $350,000 and the average listing price for a new built home in Moose Jaw was $441,850, about seven times the average annual household income.42 This situation intensifies the problem of housing shortages and puts up barriers for those that earn entry-level or higher wages and wish to enter the housing market: available housing options are inaccessible to them. This has the effect of making Moose Jaw uninviting even to those who know there are quality employment opportunities available to them in the community. 24 | P a g e City of Moose Jaw Housing Business Plan 2011 Given the limited number of units available in the new, resale and rental markets, the age and appropriateness of much of the housing stock, and current prices, immediate efforts are required to address the deficit of housing in Moose Jaw. Increased population is resulting in a higher demand for housing; one of the most important means for ensuring housing is available to address limited servicing and enable residential construction activity within and surrounding Moose Jaw. The Moose Jaw Official Community Plan stipulates that the city should maintain a minimum of two years and maximum five year provision of serviced lots; despite this, the City of Moose Jaw currently has no available serviced lots for purchase and plans on developing fewer than 50 lots in 2011. An appropriate supply of serviced lots will help attract builders and developers, thereby increasing the capacity of the residential construction industry to complete new subdivisions in an efficient timeframe. The construction of appropriate housing options in these subdivisions could also help ease the housing market pressures across the housing continuum. Moose Jaw’s New Home Market Statistics The new housing market in Moose Jaw currently caters to a small portion of the overall market, with the present level of two and three bedroom home construction not being sufficient to the needs of Moose Jaw’s changing demographics. Real estate listings do not include any new two or three bedroom homes. As mentioned earlier, Moose Jaw’s residential building permits have fallen since 2008 despite the increase in demand. In 2007, the City of Moose Jaw approved 81 building permits for single-detached residential dwelling units, and 10 permits for multi-unit residential dwellings. In 2008, building permit approval increased to 107 for single-detached residential dwelling units and 26 for multi-unit residential dwellings; these numbers have decreased in 2010 to 68 single-detached residential dwellings units and 6 multi-unit residential dwelling permits (see Table 1). Table 1: City of Moose Jaw Building Permits Year Approved Single Family Approved Multi-family 2007 81 10 2008 107 26 2009 24 2 2010 68 6 Source: City of Moose Jaw Building Permits 2010 25 | P a g e City of Moose Jaw Housing Business Plan 2011 In 2010, of the 68 single family building permits approved, 53 were located in four Moose Jaw neighborhoods. Westheath had the most new development with 29 building permits, followed by Old 96 with 10 permits, Sunningdale with eight building permits and Victoria heights with six building permits. Building permit data indicates that the estimated building cost per unit is also rising. The average estimated building cost for residential building permits in 2010 was $289,850; only two building permits had estimated building costs below $200,000. The estimated average building cost of the 53 residential permits in the Westheath, Old 96, Victoria Heights and Sunningdale neighborhoods was nearly $300,000, with the highest average estimated building cost being $377,000 (see Table 2). Table 2: Estimated Building Price Moose Jaw Building Permits Neighborhood # of Permits Estimated Build Cost Avg. Westheath 29 $ 285,470.69 Old 96 10 $ 282,681.82 Sunningdale 8 $ 298,575.00 Victoria Heights 6 $ 377,041.67 Elsom 2 $ 212,400.00 Hillcrest 2 $ 225,400.00 C.P.R 1 $ 300,400.00 Crescent View 1 $ 200,000.00 Fairview 1 $ 304,000.00 Park Pac 1 $ 293,000.00 Prairie Heights 1 $ 211,200.00 Riverview 1 $ 437,800.00 Windsor Park 1 $ 179,000.00 Total 64 $ 289,846.15 (avg.) Source: City of Moose Jaw Building Permits (2010) Residential multi-unit building permit activity has also not been sufficient to accommodate current and expected need and demand in Moose Jaw. Multi-unit residential building permits have fallen to 26 multi-unit residential building permits issued in 2008, and only six permits issued in 2010. The decrease in building permits is not a result of decreased demand but rather a reduced capacity to build due to the lack of available land for multi-unit residential dwellings and an overall decrease in residential construction. The six multi-unit residential building permits approved in 2010 will increase supply by a total of 50 units: four buildings will be located in Sunningdale and will add 10 units total, and two in Old 96 . 26 | P a g e City of Moose Jaw Housing Business Plan 2011 The two projects in Old 96 will provide 40 new units but will cater only to those looking for luxury market housing. Terrace East, one of the two approved multi-unit residential building permits located in the Old 96 neighborhood, will accommodate 36 units ranging in price from $300,000 to $900,000 per unit. Residential Development in 2011 Although there has been a decline in housing activity in Saskatchewan, CMHC forecast the housing market in Saskatchewan to remain balanced. This implies that increases in new home construction will likely move inventory levels higher next year. A slower pace of price increases may benefit resale home buyers in Saskatchewan as the number of homes on the market is expected to remain high throughout 2010 and going into 2011.43 If Moose Jaw intends to keep pace with provincial growth trends, the rate of readying and supplying serviced residential lots (water, sewer, electrical, gas) must be increased. The current proposals for development in 2011 do not increase stock sufficiently, nor will it address shortages in the supply of housing across the continuum (other than market priced housing). Moose Jaw’s proposed residential housing development for 2011 is located in three separate residential subdivisions: West Park, Iron Bridge and an extension of Westheath. Each development will consist primarily of single-detached residential dwelling units with a total of 219 lots available for development in 2011. The West Park development will encompass 84 single-detached dwelling unit lots and an option for 81 multi-unit residential dwellings in the form of townhouses or 130 apartment style condominiums, and will be the most expansive development scheduled for 2011. Proposed development in Iron Bridge is focused on development of market priced housing and will result in the addition of 91 single-detached residential dwellings at sizes to start at 1,400 square feet. The City of Moose Jaw is also proposing an addition to the Westheath neighborhood that will contribute approximately 44 more single-detached residential market priced dwellings. Despite new home stock increases promised by these proposed residential developments, the total number of units being added to the market will only accommodate half the projected population increase (based on 2.5 persons per unit) in 2011. The three new developments in 2011 are intended to attract those looking for market housing with only West Park including provisions for multi-unit residential dwellings that could offer more attainable and entry-level price points; however, the final price of these units will be determined at the discretion of the individual builder. Given current and planned residential development activity, the community of Moose Jaw will not be able to accommodate individuals and families in need of affordable and entry-level housing options. 27 | P a g e City of Moose Jaw Housing Business Plan 2011 Moose Jaw’s Resale Housing Market Moose Jaw’s resale market changed during an economic growth phase between 2004 and 2010, and as such, the average price of a house increased by 120 percent in a six year period.1 In fact, the average price of a home in Moose Jaw was $84,847 in 2004; by 2010, it had more than doubled to $186,360.44 The increase in prices results from greater demand for housing in Moose Jaw, and can be quantified by the amount of residential housing sales during this time. For instance, between 2004 and 2007, the resale market improved 55 percent, increasing from 529 to 818 listings. Although the number of sales has declined since 2007, sales have remained higher than in 2004. In 2010, 625 units were sold in Moose Jaw, representing an 18 percent increase over sales reported for 2004. While annual sales have increased by 18 percent, the value of the listings has grown by 120 percent which indicates an increase in resale home values due to shortage of housing stock. If more people want to purchase homes and only a fixed number of dwelling units are available for immediate occupation, competition for available housing will drive up market prices. Units sold in Moose Jaw in 2004 were undervalued relative to income and quality; however, market trends have caused similar units to become overvalued in 2010. In 2006, the average price of resale housing was approximately $100,000 and the average household income was $57,000, representing a housing affordability rating of 1.75 (this rating is determined by dividing average price of housing by average household income and are listed for comparison in Table 3). While housing in Moose Jaw was considered “very affordable” in 2006, by 2010 the average price of resale housing had increased nearly 85 percent to $185,000 (see Table 4) and average household income only increased 7 percent to $61,000. Hence, the affordability index rating rose to 3.0, just under what is considered marginally affordable. If housing prices continue to increase faster than income levels, housing in Moose Jaw may soon become moderately unaffordable based on these ratings. Table 3: Housing Affordability Rating Category Rating Median Multiple Affordable 3.0 or Less Moderately Unaffordable 3.1 to 4.0 Seriously Unaffordable 4.1 to 5.0 Severely Unaffordable 5.1 & Over th Source: 7 Annual Demographia International Housing Affordability Survey: 2011 28 | P a g e City of Moose Jaw Housing Business Plan 2011 Table 4: Moose Jaw Resale Housing Market 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 Value of Units Sold $116,475,100 $123,017,100 $105,605,500 $106,550,800 $61,157,300 No. of Units 625 668 614 818 604 Avg. Value of Units $186,360 $184,157 $171,996 $130,258 $101,254 Yearly % Change 1.20% 7.10% 32.04% 28.64% 4.19% % Change since 2006 84.05% 81.88% 69.87% 28.64% --Source: Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) Database Based on average household incomes, Moose Jaw’s current housing may be considered affordable by the standards outlined by CMHC and in comparison to the rest of Canada, but the dominant income group within Moose Jaw earns less income than the average Canadian. Approximately 19 percent of Canadians have an annual household income above $100,000; However in Moose Jaw, 15 percent of the population falls within the $10,000 and $20,000 income group, comprising the dominant income group in the community. The affordability of housing within Moose Jaw is based on average income which does not indicate the percentage of population that would be considered without affordable housing options, despite overall statistics. Current Listings There are no longer many units listed below $150,000 in Moose Jaw and those on the market are either in unsuitable living condition or inadequate to sustain an average sized family. With only a few new houses on the market, the median age of homes currently listed were constructed in 1964 but the average price of a home listed was $236,798, which would require almost four times the average annual household income in Moose Jaw. 45 Unfortunately, this price point is out of reach for many individuals and families hoping to enter the housing market. While the average price of a listed home built before 1950 is $168,240 (lower than the market average for all resale homes), these houses may fall short of the acceptability standard and require extensive renovation and investment to render them acceptable, costly renovations ultimately makes these homes unaffordable. As in any city, location also factors into the price of a house. In Moose Jaw, the most expensive resale units were listed in newer subdivisions such as Sunningdale, Victoria Heights and Westheath, with more attainably priced homes located in City View, Elsom, and Prairie Heights. For example, the average resale price in Victoria Heights is $418,875, compared to $181,891 in City View.46 Many of the resale listings within Moose Jaw are centered in a small number of neighborhoods, including Old 96 and Sunningdale, which have 55 of the 153 current listings in Moose Jaw, (32 and 23 respectively). Hillcrest and City View follow with 12 and 11 listings. Old 96, Hillcrest and City View all represent established neighborhoods and the large number of listings from these 29 | P a g e City of Moose Jaw Housing Business Plan 2011 areas demonstrates that many of the homes currently for sale are most likely older, and that repairs and renovations are more likely required on these homes listed. Moose Jaw’s Rental Housing Market Moose Jaw’s rental market has become more competitive as demand has increased and stock decreased. An overall decrease in rental units between 2007 and 2010, due mostly to conversions of rental apartments into condominiums, resulted in the overall number of units dropping by 221. Additionally, over the six year span between 2004 and 2010, vacancy rates in Moose Jaw decreased as rental prices increased. For example, vacancy rates have dropped as much as 85 percent in certain residential areas while the average rental price increased as much as 55 percent during this same period.47 In fact, vacancy rates have been consistently decreasing over the last several years in Moose Jaw, with the current vacancy rate nearing one percent. As of October 2010, Moose Jaw had the second lowest vacancy rate in the province at 1.4, second only to Regina and below the provincial average of 2.5 percent. The vacancy rate for a bachelor apartment in 2005 was 12.4 percent; in the fall of 2010, the vacancy rate for the same category had decreased to 1.6 percent.48 Unfortunately, not all rental units are in adequate condition, and as vacancy rates decrease, some units are continually occupied even if major repairs are necessary. The average rental price for a bachelor apartment increased by 55 percent from $297 to $462 in the period between 2005 and 2010.49 The increase in rental accommodation prices has outpaced the income levels in Moose Jaw. Over a nine year period from 2001 to 2010, average wages increased 28 percent from $54,773 to $61,423 in Moose Jaw,50 while average rent over all apartment types increased 40 percent, from $470 in 2004 to $658 in 2010.51 Although average rental prices typically rise over time, average rent prices have outpaced the rate of wage increase, in recent years. This means that tenants will have to pay a higher percent of their income towards household accommodations. (See Table 5 and 6) Table 5: Private Apartment Vacancy Rates (%) Date Bachelor 1 Bedroom 2 Bedroom 3 Bedroom Total Fall 2010 1.6 2.5 0.5 ** 1.4 Spring 2010 3.2 3 1.6 ** 2.3 Fall 2009 0 1.6 0.5 ** 0.8 Fall 2008 1.7 0.9 0.2 ** 0.6 Fall 2007 ** 2.2 0.9 ** 1.6 2006 10.7 6.9 2.1 3.4 4.7 2005 12.4 4 2.9 3.6 3.8 Percent Change -85.5 -52.8 -83.3 - -67.4 Source: CMHC Housing Market Outlook: Prairie Region Highlights. 2004- 2010 30 | P a g e City of Moose Jaw Housing Business Plan 2011 Table 6: Private Apartment Average Rent Prices ($) Time Bachelor 1 Bed 2 Bed Fall 2010 462 596 726 Spring 2010 436 586 693 Fall 2009 373 529 670 Fall 2008 345 482 634 Fall 2007 323 459 587 2006 349 441 566 2005 314 428 551 Percent Change 55.6 44.7 31.3 3 Bed - Total 658 633 593 556 522 499 486 40.0 Source: CMHC Housing Market Outlook: Prairie Region Highlights. 2004- 2010 Housing Stakeholder Concerns in Moose Jaw As part of the Moose Jaw Housing Business Plan development initiative, community stakeholders with a vested interest in the supply of housing were engaged to provide insight and input into areas of concern related to recent community and housing market trends. This information was considered and included throughout the development of the Moose Jaw Housing Business Plan. The following includes a brief overview of the highlighted concerns among stakeholders. Areas of Concern Common areas of concern centered on the lack of affordable and suitable housing available to low income families and individuals. The majority of stakeholders stated that finding affordable housing is the main challenge within Moose Jaw and indicated that the lack of appropriate affordable housing affects young adults, seniors, disabled persons and immigrant families, people that are in the most need of affordable and entry-level housing options. Affordable rental housing providers reported long wait-lists for units, with some wait-lists far exceeding the total number of units managed. Many stakeholders also acknowledged that the most suitable housing types required to accommodate community needs included multi-unit residential ownership and rental housing (with and without support), at affordable and entry-level price points. It was further stated that the number of housing units in Moose Jaw does not match the needs of the community and that there are too few seniors’ residences to support the current and future population. Stakeholders also suggested the implementation of programs and initiatives to encourage the supply of affordable housing, specifically to increase the supply of appropriate purpose built rentals for low income families and individuals, including the addition of more subsidized rental units. It was further recommended that affordable and entry-level home ownership programs be considered to assist low to moderate income earners attain home ownership. The benefits 31 | P a g e City of Moose Jaw Housing Business Plan 2011 of this are twofold. Firstly, people that qualify for the home owner assistance programs will become permanent residents within the city and help grow the tax base of Moose Jaw. Secondly, by helping people attain home ownership, the rental units previously occupied by these residents become available—this helps alleviate pressure within an over-burdened rental market. Nevertheless, the lack of newly constructed rental and ownership housing prompted stakeholders to recommend increased development in all housing sectors. Respondents indicated that current housing challenges would require a collaborative approach that engages various stakeholders, including all levels of government, current housing providers, non-profit and community-based groups, builders and developers. When asked “What should be the role of the municipality in encouraging the supply of housing,” the vast majority of respondents indicated that the City of Moose Jaw could and should have a role in supporting housing development in the community. 32 | P a g e City of Moose Jaw Housing Business Plan 2011 Section 5: Objectives and Strategies Overview The final section of the Moose Jaw Housing Business Plan provides targets and priorities that help to ensure housing stock can support growth and economic development in the region. The targets and priorities incorporate recommendations previously identified and endorsed by City Council in the Official Community Plan as well s housing stakeholder comments. The suggestions take into account Moose Jaw’s current and projected housing need, the current capacity of the city to support new initiatives, projected capacity based on increased tax revenue as well as demographic trends. Potential incentives are listed, accompanied by a brief description of their strengths and how Moose Jaw could incorporate them into a development strategy. Also included for reference are examples of other municipalities where similar programs or incentives have been successfully implemented. Targets, priorities, incentives and recommendations are intended to be suggestive only and may or may not be adopted by administration and Council; however, they are intended to increase efficiencies, capacity and housing options to accommodate the growing and changing demographic in Moose Jaw. Targets Establishing appropriate targets is important to guide a community in a unified direction. The following are general targets that could serve to guide Moose Jaw’s efforts to encourage increased housing capacity, options and affordability. Development in Moose Jaw needs to address concerns that current community growth is not keeping pace with recent changes in economic outlook and population increases. Moose Jaw should target efforts that will increase the number of serviced lots and attract developers to build new housing. The City of Moose Jaw requires affordable housing and entry-level dwellings as soon as possible. Initiatives should be implemented quickly to encourage development of purpose built rental units and units intended for owner occupancy. The City of Moose Jaw and Community stakeholders should build relationships with the private sector to advance development in purpose built rental units for growing populations that have unique housing needs, including students, seniors, low income earners and new immigrants. 33 | P a g e City of Moose Jaw Housing Business Plan 2011 Priorities The following are priorities that require immediate attention based on Moose Jaw’s current demographics, the concern of community stakeholders and the target areas outlined in the Official Community Plan. While all issues presented in the previous sections must be addressed, these priorities represent core areas that, if endorsed by council, will provide a starting point for future development plans. Based on information presented in Moose Jaw’s Housing Business Plan, priority areas for Moose Jaw include: Increased Supply of Serviced Lots - The Official Community Plan recognizes that Moose Jaw has not kept pace providing serviced lots for developers. The Plan also encourages Council to ensure that a two to five year supply of serviced lots is maintained. Population projections require that the supply of serviced lots be increased and maintained at a much higher level than current limited stock of serviced lots provides for future use. Increased Housing Supply (All Sectors) - The shortage of rental accommodation and inflation of house prices not commensurate with their actual value indicates that people need housing in Moose Jaw. Developers and builders must be welcomed and encouraged to help address housing need within each market sector. Increased Availability of Rental Accommodations - The availability of rental accommodation is an essential part of attracting new workers and families. The current supply of rental units is far too low and special attention must be given to encouraging purpose built rental construction in convenient and desirable locations. Increased Purpose Built Developments - Moose Jaw has large demographic groups in need of specific housing supports. Purpose built housing is intended to assist those demographics by ensuring housing stock appropriate to their needs is offered and intended specifically for them. Moose Jaw’s current housing market is priced to exclude these vulnerable income demographics. The City should take responsibility to help increase options for rentals and housing that are provided for seniors, students, new immigrants, larger families and low income earners. Increased Infill Development - One of the core objectives of the Official Community Plan, infill development can revitalize underused areas and replace aging houses with new targeted development. The average age of homes in Moose Jaw indicates that many homes are due to be replaced rather than renovated in order to bring all housing up to building code standards, improve energy efficiency and suitability. 34 | P a g e City of Moose Jaw Housing Business Plan 2011 Increased Consultation with Developers and Community Stakeholders - Moose Jaw’s Official Community Plan stipulates that as Council focuses on developing an appropriate growth strategy with the involvement of interested community members. By consulting with organizations familiar with housing needs and with developers who are aware of how to best meet community demand, Council can be better informed for future planning. Continued Analysis and Review of Policies - Council must commit to a periodic review of housing stock, population and demographic shifts and ensure that the Housing Business Plan is updated annually to track progress and address changing housing needs on a continuous basis. The planning process is dynamic and all policy changes should be responsive to alterations. Expansion of the Request for Proposal (RFP) Process - Request for Proposal can be used to market and invite developers and builders to submit a plan for a housing development (usually intended for designated site with a predetermined target housing market or mix). Developers respond with project proposals that will best suite the site. The process also allows for potential risks and benefits to be identified early in the planning and development process. The process allows builders and developers to present their own concepts or plans for the potential site, and requires them to adhere to outlined architectural controls, densities and development standards as established by the municipality. Individual Request for Proposals can be created with varying details; usually residential development proposals requires fairly clear information and specified requirements to ensure that municipalities place trust and funds in projects that will positively impact the community. An inquiry on level of interest can be sent out prior to the Request for Proposals in order to obtain information from various companies of interest, and to eliminate candidates early that do not meet the requirements to save time and resources. (An example of a Request for Proposal Template is attached in Appendix A) 35 | P a g e City of Moose Jaw Housing Business Plan 2011 Housing Incentives and Financial Assistance Current Programs in Moose Jaw The following programs and incentives have been implemented in the City of Moose Jaw to encourage the construction of new housing. An assessment of these programs was completed and suggestions are also provided that may improve efficiency and increase uptake of these programs. Replacement Housing Incentive The Replacement Housing Incentive was approved by Council in April of 2003 on a trial basis, and was intended to stimulate the construction of new housing in Moose Jaw. Approved by Council on a permanent basis in 2007, the program offers a tax exemption for residents intending to demolish an existing house on a lot and construct a new home on the same lot. This incentive targets neighbourhood revitalization and may increase the construction of new home. Entry-level housing or market housing in established areas. Strengths: Encourages replacement of older homes in established neighbourhoods that may no longer conform to appropriate building standards. The period of tax exemption would be followed by an increase in tax rate for a higher valued home. Weaknesses: Tax exemption is non-transferable. Homeowners are less likely to replace a house they currently own than invest in buying a newer home. Initiative lacks a communication strategy. There is a lack of awareness about the existence of the program. Improvements: Allow for a one time transferable tax exemption. This would encourage builders to buy older homes, replace them and sell them at market value because they can pass the incentive to the buyer. The builder can then market the homes with the tax exemptions that the new homebuyer will receive. Allow the level of tax exemption be different depending on the neighbourhood. For example, a 100 percent tax exemption could be applied in areas where there is a greater need for improvement or revitalization and with the greatest percentage of middle income homeowners. Smaller tax incentives can be applied in areas where there are fewer older homes that need replacement. 36 | P a g e City of Moose Jaw Housing Business Plan 2011 Speculative Housing Program Approved by Council, the Speculative Housing Program is applicable to all lots sold by the City of Moose Jaw. Under this program, single family dwellings constructed for sale purposes by a builder are eligible to receive a tax exemption for a maximum of 1 year from the date the agreement is executed or until such time as the house is occupied or sold (whichever comes first). The sale of the lot for a speculative house will be based on a $2,000 deposit with the balance payable when the house is occupied. This incentive targets new market housing on serviced lots to be sold at market price. Strengths: Provides an incentive to local builders to build new single family dwellings. Allows small builders with less starting capital to grow their business. Encourages rapid construction of new homes supplied due to the one year deadline. Weaknesses: Too small of a monetary incentive to encourage sufficient uptake. Not enough serviced lots to accommodate potential interest. May be unnecessary to encourage construction if developers are already interested and waiting for newly serviced lots. Not adequately advertised to builders to generate sufficient interest. Recommended Improvements: Immediate increase of serviced lots to accommodate potential interest in this incentive, but also in developing new subdivisions in general. Implement a marketing strategy to advertise the benefits of the program to builders and homeowners. Show Home Program Under the Show Home Program, the City of Moose Jaw works with home builders to identify optimal locations for newly constructed single family show homes. Approved by Council, the program provides lots for show homes at prices discounted by 5 percent from their market price. The sale of the lot for a show home is based on a $1,000 deposit with the balance payable when the house is sold or up to a maximum of two years from the commencement date of the agreement. Recommendations: This incentive does not target any of the priority areas outlined in other sections of the Housing Business Plan. This incentive should be reviewed to determine the intended beneficiary and the projected outcome. Should it be determined that this program, or any revised version, addresses one or more target areas outlined in the Plan, it may be considered relevant and continued. 37 | P a g e City of Moose Jaw Housing Business Plan 2011 Policy Development This subsection will present some policy changes that Moose Jaw can review, consider and begin to implement immediately. It will form the basis for the direction Council should take in order to put the plan into action. Each policy recommendation is accompanied by an outline of strengths and weaknesses, the intended sector of the housing continuum addressed by the incentive and the applicability to Moose Jaw. Each policy description also includes a brief reference to communities that have implemented similar recommendations and their experiences. For reference: Housing Continuum $0 $45,000 Social Housing Affordable Housing $52,000 $70,000 Entry-Level Housing Market Housing 38 | P a g e City of Moose Jaw Housing Business Plan 2011 Potential Incentives These incentive suggestions are intended to encourage the supply of ownership or rental housing options. In the past, Moose Jaw has not offered programs that provide rebates or tax incentives to developers or investors interested in constructing high density low cost units or other housing options that address affordable or entry-level housing and rental needs. Secondary Suites Direct Sale of City-Owned Land and Property for Residential Developments Waiver of Levies for Residential Development Density Bonuses Encouraging Community Stakeholders and Groups to Develop Housing Land Cost Subsidy Program Tax Abatement for Rental Housing Perpetual Entry-Level & Affordable Home Ownership Program Rental Land Cost Rebate Affordable Housing Capital Incentives Equity Loan Program Mortgage Flexibility Programs Rent Bank Pre-designation of Land The following pages include an expanded explanation of the above incentives. 39 | P a g e City of Moose Jaw Housing Business Plan 2011 Secondary Suite Permit Fee Rebates52 Description: A Secondary Suite is any self-contained dwelling unit that is separate from the principal dwelling. Secondary suites are usually constructed within in single-detached homes, although some jurisdictions allow secondary suites in duplexes or condominiums. They can be located either within the principal dwelling or in an accessory building on the same lot as the principal dwelling. A Secondary Suite Permit Fee Rebate would refund all building and plumbing permit fees for new secondary suites upon completion of a new secondary suite. The fee to legalize an existing suite should also be rebated back upon legalization of 53 existing suite. Intended Sectors: Market Housing; Entry-Level Housing; Affordable Housing Housing Type Encouraged: Rental Strengths: An inexpensive way to increase stock of affordable rental housing Integrates rental housing options throughout all neighborhoods Maintains the character of houses in the neighborhood Provides units without additional infrastructure pressures Rental income can offset a homeowner’s mortgage and housing costs Challenges: Tendency in smaller and rural communities to permit suites on larger lots further from the core of the community rather than closer to downtown where they are most needed Public concern that renters will change neighborhood character Ensuring secondary suites are legal and constructed to National Building Code Standards Existing Programs: Revelstoke, B.C - Faced with the impact of increased population on real estate prices, the shortage of secure rental housing and the lack of affordable housing, the City of Revelstoke looked into creating incentives for private construction of secondary suites. According to Statistics Canada 2006 Census Data for Revelstoke, less than 2 percent of the housing stock was secondary suites. After the City had implemented incentives for secondary suites, more than half of the 2,225 homes (representative of 72% of the housing stock) in Revelstoke are now permitted to have a 54 secondary suite. The initiative resulted in a significant increase in rental stock. Saskatoon - Incentives for the construction and legalization of secondary suites are offered as a part of the Housing Business Plan. Development, building, and plumbing permit fees for the construction of new secondary suites are refunded upon completion of the work, an average of $288 per unit. Also, a portion (75 per cent) of the fee for 55 legalizing of an existing suite is also refunded, a $250 rebate. Applicability to Moose Jaw: The current low vacancy rate and decreasing number of rental units indicates high demand and encouraging secondary suite development could help relieve pressure on the rental market. Through incentives that encourage secondary suites, such as tax abatement and grants, the City has more control over development of legal rental suites. The incentive would also ensure that secondary suites meet specific requirements for safety and living standards. By promoting legal secondary suites, illegal suites are less prevalent as home owners are more likely to legalize suites if incentives reduce the costs. 40 | P a g e City of Moose Jaw Housing Business Plan 2011 Direct Sale of City-Owned Land and Property for Residential Development Description: This initiative allows the City to increase residential spaces through the direct sale of city owned serviced lots to builders and organizations intending to construct or convert structure housing. The City can request development proposals from various builders and organizations from inside and outside Saskatchewan and arrange a direct sale with the application that best suits the City’s needs at the time. As land becomes available or identified within a municipality, the municipality can invite proposals through the Request or Proposals (RFP) process. The municipality would encourage builders and organization from all areas to participate in the process. The City would then evaluate and choose the proposal that best suits the land available and communities needs. The City sells the land directly to the selected proponent approved developer. Intended Sector: Market Housing; Entry-Level Housing; Affordable Housing Housing Type Encouraged: Ownership, Rental Strengths: Inexpensive way to increase stock of housing Projects must be approved by administration and Council projects deemed inappropriate are refused Can help integrate affordable housing throughout all neighborhoods City can specify the type and density of housing that is to be developed (market, entry-level, affordable, mixeduse) City sets architectural controls and guidelines Challenges: Can take a significant amount of time to receive and consider all applications Limited supply of City-owned lots can slow release of Request for Proposals or construction Sometimes requires a large number of lots or a significant parcel size to attract developers Existing Programs: Ottawa – Action Ottawa is a program offered by the City of Ottawa, as part of a comprehensive package of incentives for non-profit and private affordable housing developers. Action Ottawa provides long-term leases on city owned surplus land, as well as development fee relief, tax reductions and capital grants. The program has helped develop 368 affordable housing units since the program’s inception in 2002. Edmonton – The City of Edmonton has implemented policies and procedures to regulate how City owned land will be leased and/or sold in support of affordable housing developments. The policies and procedure specify the kinds and rates of discount for various social housing agencies, including the City’s own housing organizations, and other affordable housing developers. Applicability To Moose Jaw The direct sale of city-owned land or property within Moose Jaw could drastically increase the volume of new residential development. Currently Moose Jaw lacks serviced residential lots that are ready for sale. By implementing a program that directly sell lots, development on these identified sites or conversion of existing structures, both serviced and non-serviced, at a discounted price the city could encourage developers to buy and quickly develop housing that best suits the land and the community. The City of Moose Jaw could use the Request for Proposals process to facilitate development of the land. 41 | P a g e City of Moose Jaw Housing Business Plan 2011 Waiver of Levies for Residential Development Description: The City can waive offsite levies for various developments, including affordable and/or entry-level housing. Special consideration could be give to projects in established neighborhoods and infill development. Developers are required to meet established criteria in order for the development to qualify for the waiver. A City can establish a specific set of guidelines to decide the percentage of the discount, based on the type of development, density and area. The municipality would require waiver applications from interested developers, builders and organizations intending to develop housing. The municipality could then approve or refuse the waiver. Intended Sector: Market Housing; Entry-Level Housing; Affordable Housing Housing Type Encouraged: Ownership, Rental Strengths: Implementation and approval process is relatively uncomplicated Requires builders to meet specific requirements for housing developments Waivers can be determined based on evaluation of criteria process and can vary from a partial to a full-waiver Waiver helps alleviate costs associated with development, including utility connections, building permit fees, money in lieu of dedicated land, and other off site fees. Challenges: Ensuring developers follow through with intentions outlined in proposals ( i.e. New Home Warranty, Energy Efficiency) Implementing an effective communications strategy to ensure awareness of program among builders and developers Existing Programs: Hamilton - The City of Hamilton, in conjunction with the Regional Municipality of Hamilton-Wentworth, provides refunds and exemptions for local planning development fees. The refunds are given for affordable housing developments that require applications such as Official Community Plan amendments, zoning bylaw amendments, site plan approval, and building permits. The exemptions are determined for each individual development and encourage residential development in the downtown area. Santa Cruz, California - The Municipal Code for the City of Santa Cruz allows residential housing developers to apply for waivers of utility connection, planning application, building permit, dedicated land, parking deficiency, and fire fees when developing affordable residential units for low income individuals and families. Applicability to Moose Jaw The City of Moose Jaw could easily implement an incentive that allows for waiving levies for residential development. By eliminating the on and off- site costs associated with residential development, significant cost savings can be passed onto rental tenants or homebuyers. The cost savings can also translate into potentially higher profit margins for developers which may help encourage them to build in Moose Jaw. 42 | P a g e City of Moose Jaw Housing Business Plan 2011 Density Bonuses56 Description: Density Bonus Programs encourage developers to build to higher densities in the community. This can also increase the supply of affordable and entry-level housing with higher densities. Density Bonuses are publically offered by the city to builders and developers. Density bonuses can be expressed as a percentage of the density allowed under normal zoning regulations; Examples of bonuses include easing height restrictions, the provision for more allowable floor space and a reduction in required parking per unit. Intended Sector: Market Housing; Entry-Level Housing; Affordable Housing Housing Type Encouraged: Ownership; Rental Strengths: Increases the number of housing units at no loss (or additional land cost) to the builder or additional cost to the municipality Promotes efficient use of available land Works well in higher density neighborhoods and locations where cluster development is possible Challenges: May not be sufficient to motivate a developer to build affordable housing units Can result in small pockets of geographically dispersed units, making management difficult Challenging to properly communicate to developers, buyers and sellers Implementing an effective communications strategy to ensure awareness of program among builders and developers Existing Programs: Burnaby - The City of Burnaby introduced a Community Benefit Bonus Program to increase amenities and the supply of high density affordable housing units without compromising neighborhood character or livability. The Program was comprised of two phases: the first provided developers with an opportunity to contribute amenities of affordable housing units whether on or off site, in exchange for increased density; the second offers a cash-in-lieu option for all rezoning generating less than $800,000 in value. The cash-in-lieu fund is also used for other amenities such as childcare centers, parks and civic facilities. The value of the community benefit, in terms of a direct amenity or cashin-lieu, is equivalent to the increase in the value of the land attributable to the increase in density. Applicability to Moose Jaw: The City of Moose Jaw could adopt a Density Bonusing Program that could target specific market types, ownership or rental developments, or a particular demographic group (i.e. students or seniors). 43 | P a g e City of Moose Jaw Housing Business Plan 2011 Encouraging Community Stakeholders and Groups to Develop and Manage Housing57 Description: Current and potential housing providers (i.e. non-profit organizations and community based organizations) that have a vested interest in the supply of housing should be encouraged to submit housing development proposals and concept plans to the City. These organizations represent important elements when looking to increase housing supply efficiently. Many are well suited to manage housing units (i.e. rentals) and some may even own land or property suitable for development or redevelopment. A community based or non-profit organization with interest in provision of housing for a target population group may present housing development projects for consideration, development approval and/or funding contribution to various levels of government. The City should endeavor to support the efforts of these groups by providing feedback and guidance throughout the planning process. In addition, the City can encourage partnerships among like minded organizations, builders and developers to help ensure the project’s success. Target groups are usually specified by the organization and may reflect the individual organizations mission and mandate (i.e. Aboriginals, immigrants, students, seniors, etc.). Intended Sector: Entry-Level Housing; Affordable Housing; Social Housing Housing Type Encouraged: Ownership, Rental Strengths: The proponent develops and manages the housing units Affordable housing is more likely to be built and managed effectively when an organization is dedicated to long term goals of providing quality housing that aligns with their mission and mandate Ensures ongoing maintenance of rental units as they age and housing needs change in the community Challenges: Groups often require funding and/or development assistance where experience and resources are limited Requires a viable business plan and often initial support from various levels of government if developments offer affordable or low-income housing. Reliance on organizations with limited experience and resources can be time consuming and the development of projects is not guaranteed even after preliminary planning efforts Existing Programs: Whistler - The Whistler Housing Authority leveraged $6 million to borrow $13 million to build 144 units of rental housing. By 2007, the total inventory of residential housing (rental and ownership) had grown to 1400 units. Now, Whistler Housing Authority has an annual budget of about $2 million from gross rental income. This example shows how a housing organization can become sustainable and concurrently provide new affordable housing options, which in Whistler’s case house 4000 local employees and families (equivalent to one third of their workforce). Applicability to Moose Jaw Moose Jaw can encourage the involvement of various housing organizations in addressing the community’s housing challenges. There are already well established organizations in the City of Moose Jaw that have successfully provided excellent non-market housing management. The City of Moose Jaw should continue to support organization that have an active role in housing, as these organization play a vital role in providing appropriate housing solutions currently and will continue to provide assistance in the future. 44 | P a g e City of Moose Jaw Housing Business Plan 2011 Land Cost Subsidy Program Description: Affordable housing developments often have difficulty obtaining adequate land for development when land costs increase and the cost of development begins to exceed finances available for the project. Due to financial shortcomings, many proposed affordable housing projects do not make it past the concept stage. The Land Cost Subsidy Program relies on pre-designated, city-owned land identified as appropriate for affordable housing development. The City can use a Request for Proposals process for this Program. A Land Cost Subsidy Program would encourage the development of affordable housing. The program can be combined with other programs, such as pre-designation of land. The City would tender a Request for Proposals for affordable housing developments and approve the proposal that best meets the requirements of the City and the pre-designated land selected. The City can choose whether to provide the subsidy before or after the project is complete, recognizing that most developers prefer the subsidy be paid prior to the project in order to help secure financing. After completion, the City would ensure units within the development meet the requirements outlined in the initial proposal from the developer. Intend Intended Sector: Entry-Level Housing; Affordable Housing Housing Type Encouraged Rental; Ownership Strengths: Builders and developers can use subsidy to leverage finances for the project Encourages others to propose affordable housing development in order to qualify for larger subsidies Can be used to integrate affordable housing throughout all neighborhoods Challenges: Attaining the approval of Council and ensuring the capital to properly implement the program Deciding if the land cost subsidy will be paid before development, or upon completion Developing an inventory of City-owned land or property suitable for affordable housing projects Existing Programs: Saskatoon - The City of Saskatoon implemented a Land Cost Subsidy Program in which sites for affordable housing are sold to non-profit affordable housing providers through a Request for Proposals (RFP) Process. The City may purchase sites for this program if suitable sites do not exist in current inventory. In lieu of providing a ten percent capital grant the City discounts the price of the land by a comparable amount assisting the housing provider with cash 58 flow. San Francisco - The City of San Francisco is directed by a municipal ordinance to identify and transfer surplus city land to the Mayor’s Office of Housing. The Office of Housing enters into deals to lease or sell the lands to affordable housing agencies and other developers for less than market value, and to enter into contracts to preserve the longterm affordability of the land. Applicability to Moose Jaw The Land Cost Subsidy Program could help encourage the development of affordable housing in Moose Jaw by non-profit organizations and builders. Sometimes these organizations have a difficult time attaining the capital to buy land for projects, especially during times of rising land prices. By offering a Land Cost Subsidy, the City of Moose Jaw may help these groups move forward with projects that previously would have been halted or encourage them to consider developing affordable housing. The subsidy is usually determined as a percentage discount on the land, and can be provided in conjunction with other programs. The program could easily be implemented by the City of Moose Jaw with a set amount of capital expenditure. 45 | P a g e City of Moose Jaw Housing Business Plan 2011 Tax Abatements for Rental Housing Description: The City may consider implementing a tax reduction or abatement for any rental housing construction in any Moose Jaw neighbourhood. The Tax Abatement for Rental Housing could include specific conditions and periods of time for the tax exemption and reduction. Under this incentive a City forgives taxes on newly constructed purpose-built rental dwellings in the form of full tax exemption or tax abatement – tax abatement could be offered for a predetermined length of time (i.e. 5 years), taxes do not increase based on the increased value after the project’s completion. The City can outline specific guidelines for the tax abatement based on percentages for different forms of development. Tax abatements could be provided in conjunction with other programs so that housing stakeholders can maximize savings, thereby increasing the incentive to develop housing. The incentives usually require that the developments remain rentals for set number of years (i.e. so that conversion to condominium strata housing cannot occur for 15-20 years). Intended Sector: Market Housing; Affordable Housing; Entry-Level Housing Housing Type Encouraged: Rental Strengths: Promotes the development of purpose-built rental housing at various price points Can be implemented in conjunction with other incentives to increase savings Easy to implement Challenges: Marketing the program to the groups that will develop purpose-built rentals in a timely fashion Ensuring developers maintain affordable rents for the predetermined period of time Addressing public concerns that renters will change neighborhood character Existing Programs: North Battleford - The City of North Battleford approved incentives for the development of new multi-unit rental housing, including a five year property tax exemption if new construction is commenced and completed within a 12 month period. They also offer a $1,000 per unit grant for new multi-unit rental construction. The grant is limited to a total of $20,000 annually. The tax exemption and grants apply to at-grade and high-rise apartments and multi-unit developments with four or more units per building. The exemption does not apply to condominiums, governmentfunded dwelling units or mobile homes. Saskatoon - The City of Saskatoon program offers a tax abatement for up to 1,000 rental units over a five year span. The abatements are contingent on units being purpose-built rentals and must remain rentals for 15 years (cannot be converted to condominiums) and can be rented at fair market value. The abated portion of the taxes is based on taxes assessed as a result of the construction. Property owners still pay taxes as assessed prior to the housing development. The tax abatement is most beneficial for bare land development. It is often offered in conjunction with the Rental Land Cost Rebate which provides a cash rebate of $5,000 per unit for the construction of purpose built, multiple-unit rental housing through an application process. The program was created in response to the high number of condominium conversion and the low vacancy rate in Saskatoon. Portland, Oregon - The Portland Development Commission administrates several tax abatement programs on behalf of the City of Portland. These programs provide tax abatement for residential developments and improvements such as transit-oriented developments, rental unit developments/rehabilitation, multiple-unit housing construction, and low-income non-profit housing development. Applicability to Moose Jaw: This program could be implemented in conjunction with other rental incentives to encourage the development of purpose-built rental dwellings at various price points on an annual basis. The tax abatement can be based on a percentage adjustment or a complete tax abatement for a number of years. Based on the needs in Moose Jaw, a tax abatement program that forgives tax payments for five years would help to attract potential developers. Other municipalities have declined tax increases that are based on assessments of property value after development is completed, meaning that bare-land developments receive the most savings. The City of Moose Jaw can determine whether tax abatements should be more significant for infill development, or redevelopment or whether a uniform tax abatement suites the needs of Moose Jaw. 46 | P a g e City of Moose Jaw Housing Business Plan 2011 Perpetual Entry-Level & Affordable Home Ownership Program59 Description: This program would limit the resale price of those homes that had been previously purchased at lower than market value under affordable or entry-level home ownership programs supported by the municipality. The restriction can be tied to a resale price formula that is assessed at predetermined percentage of below market value at the time of sale. This program is usually tied to new affordable or entry-level home ownership developments. Potential homeowners apply to purchase a home under an establish home ownership program. Approved home buyers must be residents of Moose Jaw, and have an income below a specific level (MIL’s). When the homeowner decides to sell their home, the amount cannot exceed a pre-determined value; the restriction is registered on the title before the initial sale. The predetermined value become closer to market value as the tenure of the original owner becomes longer. Intended Sector: Entry-Level Housing; Affordable Housing Housing Type Engaged: Ownership Strengths: Ensures affordable and entry-level ownership housing developments remain attainable and less subject to market fluctuations and price increases Maintains the contribution to affordable and entry-level housing as a community benefit Provides a fair process for resale that is not subject to market process Allows homeowner to realize some equity Challenges: Does not allow the owner to fully benefit from increased market value Requires substantial oversight and regulation of the resale process May be challenging to properly communicate to developers, buyers and sellers Success of these programs relies heavily on good communication about the parameters of the program so that purchasers have a clear understanding of the resale restrictions. Existing Programs: Burnaby - The Verdant project in Burnaby, B.C. consists of 60 affordable homeownership units. Homeowners purchase units at 20 percent below market prices with three key conditions: first, they would live in the residence, (not buying as an income property); and second, when owners decided to sell their unit, they would first have the home appraised to determine current market price, and then final sales price would reflect a 20 percent discount from the assessed market value. Buyers still benefit from price appreciation, but units will be sold below market to benefit others in need of attainable home ownership. The effect of the price restrictions is a continual stock of purpose built affordable, quality homes available to moderate income families that allow families to build equity in housing and save money. Whistler - The Whistler Housing Authority (WHA) oversees the development of various affordable housing units. The WHA administers the resale and price restrictions placed on the title of the entire parcel at rezoning and then transfers the title to each unit at the time of sale. In 2006, the WHA decided to ensure perpetual affordability relative to the purchaser’s ability to pay using a formula attached to the Core Consumer Price Index (CCPI) for Canada. Today, these affordable housing units sell at 30 percent of market value. The process for resale relies on a waitlist and open house system. The waitlist (first come, first served, once qualified) is maintained by the WHA and divided into categories by project and unit type. Over a ten year period,, there were 475 affordable housing units produced and 60 offered under this program, ranging from studios to four bedroom single-detached homes. Applicability to Moose Jaw: As the price of housing increases in Moose Jaw, fewer people will be able to attain adequate housing, or become homeowners. A Perpetual Entry-Level and Affordable Home Ownership Program would allow for savings to be passed down every time one of the homes is sold on the resale housing market. Current demographics in Moose Jaw indicate that a housing initiative such as this could help young professionals and recent graduates remain in the city. Moreover, if housing market trends rise, individuals can leverage any equity to finance the purchase of market priced housing, thereby allowing new applicants to move into the entry-level or affordable accommodations which will still be priced below market value. 47 | P a g e City of Moose Jaw Housing Business Plan 2011 Rental Land Cost Rebate Program Description: Rental Land Cost Rebate Programs provide a cash rebate for the construction of multi-unit rental housing on a per unit basis. These programs are beneficial where vacancy rates are low and condo conversions prevalent. The program can be applied in conjunction with other programs or tax abatements. The rental rebate amount per unit can be determined based on need for rental housing. The program can also stipulate that condominium conversion cannot occur for funded units over a predetermined period of time (i.e.10 to 15 years) as determined by Council. A municipality can provide the program grant on a per unit basis, for the construction of purpose-built rental housing. Developers apply to the municipality by submitting of a proposal or development plan. The municipality considers the proposed plan, can recommend changes, and can approve the development if it fits the requirements of the program. Some communities choose to provide grants on a per unit basis so that an easy formula for payout can be implemented. While others have added a minimum unit requirement to encourage developments with higher number of units. Intended Sector: Entry-Level Housing; Affordable Housing Housing Type Encouraged: Rental Strengths: Can provide enough capital to encourage the construction of purpose-built rental projects Allows builders to pass savings onto renter by offering more affordable rental rates Units cannot be converted to condominiums for a set amount of time ensure a more stable stock of rental units Can be used in conjunction with other programs to increase development incentive Challenges: Can require a significant amount of capital to implement rebate (depending on grant amount) Difficult to monitor rental rates and ensure condominium conversions do not occur Existing Programs: Saskatoon - The City of Saskatoon provides a Rental Land Cost Rebate of $5,000 per unit for the construction of purpose-built, multiple unit rental housing. The program was implemented in response to a low vacancy rate and increased condo conversions. Kelowna, British Columbia - The City of Kelowna offer $200,000 in grants to encourage the construction of affordable rental units. Funds are distributed based on the number of dwelling that qualify and the grants are available in two categories: Up to $5,000 per unit is provided to for non-profit organizations that construct affordable rental housing development, and up to $2,500 per unit is provided to affordable rental housing constructed by for-profit firms. All units that qualify for funding, based on the City’s current definition of affordable rental housing or core needs housing in Kelowna’s Official Community Plan, are identified by a Housing Agreement with the City and registered on the title of the property to confirm that the units will remain affordable rental housing. Applicability to Moose Jaw The City of Moose Jaw can offer a Rental Land Cost Rebate Program to encourage in the construction of purpose-built rental units. The program would require some capital investment, could be determined on a per unit amount based on feasibility assessment done by the City. This would maximize the benefit for builders, the community, and for the City. 48 | P a g e City of Moose Jaw Housing Business Plan 2011 Affordable and Entry-Level Housing Capital Incentive Program Description: An Affordable Housing Capital Incentive Program is usually implemented to offer a capital grant to for the construction of affordable or entry-level housing. Typically, a maximum pool of capital funding is established by the municipality. Individual grants are usually calculated based on a percentage of the total cost of the development. In addition, the units must remain affordable or entry-level price points for a predetermined period of time (i.e. five to ten years). An Affordable and Entry-Level Housing Capital Incentive would provide a capital grant for affordable or entry-level developments. Potential housing providers can submit a proposal or housing development plans to the municipality to be considered for the capital contributions. A percentage of capital, (i.e. five to ten percent), could be provided for affordable housing projects intended for residents with households incomes below the provincially established Maximum Income Limits. The program would be subject to maximum funding limits, and could be implemented at a percentage rate by the City. Intended Sector: Entry-Level Housing; Affordable Housing; Social Housing Housing Type Encouraged: Rental; Ownership Strengths: Ensures units are available at entry-level or affordable price points Maintains the contribution to housing as a community benefit If offered in conjunction with the Perpetual Entry-Level and Affordable Home Ownership Program, it can provides a fair process for resale that is not subject to market price fluctuations Challenges: May be challenging to properly communicate to developers, buyers and sellers Contributing enough capital to encourage housing providers to increase supply of units Existing Programs: Regina – The City of Regina’s Social Development Reserve offers an Affordable Housing Capital Contribution Program, which provides a capital contribution of $10,000 per unit for affordable housing developments. Priority is given to non-profit, First Nation and Métis, and co-op housing organizations. The capital contribution may be provided in addition to or in lieu of property, building or other in-kind assistance. Toronto – The Let’s Build Program in Toronto provides a comprehensive list of potential incentives, including grant funding. Funding is provided by the City’s $11 million Capital Revolving Fund for Affordable Housing. This program has assisted in the construction of more than 650 affordable housing units in Toronto. Applicability to Moose Jaw: The City of Moose Jaw could implement an Capital Incentive Program to help alleviate pressure on the entry-level and affordable housing market (rental and/or ownership). The City could determine the grant per unit or based on the total capital cost of an affordable housing project. Eligibility requirements could be income-based and grants could be limited to a maximum amount based on housing type. 49 | P a g e City of Moose Jaw Housing Business Plan 2011 Equity Loan Program Description: Equity Loan Programs can assist moderate income households make the transition from renting to homeownership. These programs allow households earning just above the Maximum Income Limits to earn equity over time and enable them to move up the housing continuum. This can also help free up rental units in the short and long term. Equity Loan Program could apply to individuals and families with a combined household income between $44,500 and $70,000. Applicants apply to receive a down payment loan, which is repaid over a pre-determined period of time. Qualified applicants receive the down payment loan from the City through a partnered financial institution, to purchase housing units categorized as entry-level by standards established in the city. Applicants are typically renting within the city limits and cannot own other property within the City. The program is intended to help individuals and families transition from renting into homeownership, ease pressure on the rental sector and help those who normally would not be able to afford a down payment to become homeowners. Intended Sector: Entry-Level Housing Housing Type Encouraged: Ownership Strengths: Encourages resident permanency and ongoing contribution to the Moose Jaw tax base Frees up rental spaces Helps foster stability in neighbourhoods as the prevalence of homeownership increases. Challenges: Requires a partnership with the financial sector to ensure proper delivery May require a partnership with Saskatchewan Housing Corporation required to assess applicant eligibility Educating the public about the program in order to minimize backlash associated with misunderstanding the program Marketing the program to the individuals and families that qualify and explaining the marketing value to builders and developers Existing Programs: Saskatoon - The Equity Building Program assists households with incomes between $44,500 and $70,000 with the purchase of an entry level home. Eligible households receive a down payment loan for 5% of the purchase price which must be re-paid over a five year period. Homebuyers must be currently renting in Saskatoon and can purchase any 61 home in the city that is priced between $180,000 and $280,000. Cypress, California - The Cypress Redevelopment Agency Home Equity Loan Program has been developed to provide first time home-buyers with the financial assistance necessary for home ownership. This program provides loans up to $25,000 to eligible first-time home-buyers for help with the down-payment, including a portion of non-recurring closing costs. Immediate repayment is due upon sale, transfer of title, or certain refinances. Applicability to Moose Jaw: The current strain on the rental housing market in Moose Jaw could be mitigated by an Equity Loan Program that would assist individuals and families transition from rental to ownership. An Equity Loan Program increases number of homeowners and opens rental units to individuals and families who may not be looking to own. The proposed program can help alleviate pressure on both the entry-level housing market and on the rental market. The program also encourages individuals and families to make permanent homes in Moose Jaw and build their equity. 50 | P a g e City of Moose Jaw Housing Business Plan 2011 Mortgage Flexibility Support Programs Description: Under this program, home builders and developers construct homes to be priced below market value to be sold as affordable home ownership to eligible home buyers (incomes below the provincially established Maximum Income Limits). The home buyer receives a down payment grant from the municipality as well as potential mortgage insurance flexibilities if the program is offered in partnership with CMHC. Under a Mortgage Flexibility Program, the City would designate approved new affordable housing units (determined based on a proposal or development plan submission or a Request for Proposals process) as eligible to receive down payment assistance. A portion of the down payment is provided as a grant from the City to the homeowner in cooperation with the financial sector and the home builder. The program can also potentially be funded by the municipality and the private sector, such as a large employer in the community with an interest in increasing the housing supply. The down payment grant is repaid to the city through the re-direction of property taxes over a set number of years. Intended Sector: Entry-Level Housing; Affordable Housing Housing Type Encouraged: Ownership Strengths: Increases the supply of affordable housing within a community Increases housing affordability for homebuyers below Maximum Income Limits Relieves pressure in the entry-level and rental housing markets May be funded by the City of in partnership with the private sector If supported by various partners, the administrative burden can be lessened Effective marketing tool for newly constructed affordable housing units Municipality’s one time investment is repaid through property taxes Challenges: Requires serviced lots on parcels of land in an amount/size large enough to draw builders and developers to Moose Jaw Requires partnership with federal and provincial governments and the private sector Existing Programs: Saskatoon - In 2009, the City of Saskatoon partnered with the Saskatchewan Housing Corporation (SHC), the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) and private home builders to assist low income households purchase a new home. Homes built by private developers are affordable to households and individuals with income between Maximum Income Limits. Applicants are screened by the Saskatchewan Housing Corporation and successful candidates are required to participate in homeownership training. The City of Saskatoon provides the a 5 percent down payment grant to the purchaser which is repaid over a period of time through the redirection of property taxes for the units. Applicability to Moose Jaw: The City of Moose Jaw, with cooperation from community stakeholders and developers could implement a similar Mortgage Flexibility Program to encourage the development of affordable housing and increase the prevalence of homeownership. The lack of attainable ownership housing options in Moose Jaw illustrates the need for a program that assists people with household income below the provincial Maximum Income Limits to purchase homes. By increasing the number of new homeowners, rental units open up and the tax base will be increased. 51 | P a g e City of Moose Jaw Housing Business Plan 2011 Rent Bank Description: Rent Banks provide emergency funds to tenants who are at risk of being evicted due to an emergency or unforeseen circumstance, resulting in short-term rental arrears. Rent banks are designed to assist tenants on a short term basis until they are able to overcome their setback. Municipalities can allocate funds to individuals and families at risk of homelessness from potential eviction due to emergency situations, such as job loss, health issues or death of a family member. The funds are used to pay rent so that the affected individual or family may remain in their homes and be in a better position to overcome their difficulties. The funding is usually intended to help in the short-term until the tenant is in better financial standing. The small loans are forgivable and do not require interest payments; however, there is an option for the tenant to repay assistance. These programs can be managed and delivered by a community based or non-profit organization, if provided funding from the municipality. Intended Sector: Affordable Housing; Social Housing Housing Type Encouraged: Rental Strengths: Helps those in emergency situations at risk of homelessness to remain housed Small capital funding contribution required Reduces turnover in rental dwellings, helping continual tenancy Tenants can have the option of repaying rental assistance Challenges: Requires case-by-case assessment and monitoring to ensure that tenants are not abusing the program Requires a contribution or assistance limit (1-2 months) as determined by Council or administering organization Requires a good working relationship with rental providers Existing Programs: Toronto - The Rent Bank Program provides limited, interest free loans to seniors, individuals, and families who face eviction for rental arrears. The maximum loan available to a household can be up to two months’ rent. The Rent Bank Program also provides emergency rental deposit loans to people affected by the recession who require first and last month’s rent to move to more affordable housing. Surrey - The Surrey Rent Bank offers assistance to low income individuals and families living in Surrey to pay rent in arrears or utility bills by providing emergency loans to low income earners in crisis. In addition, the Surrey Rent Bank provides tools to teach them to better manage their limited financial resources. Applicability to Moose Jaw: The City of Moose Jaw may want to investigate the possibility of establishing a Rent Bank Fund specifically intended for those in risk of becoming homeless due to unforeseen circumstances. Moose Jaw could send out a Request for Proposals to gauge groups’ interest in managing the delivery of the program, to be funded by the City (and/or other partners). 52 | P a g e City of Moose Jaw Housing Business Plan 2011 Pre-designation of Land Description: Pre-designating land allows for the more efficient allocation of a specified market or type of housing to be developed in an area identified to be ideal for that particular type of housing. Pre-designation is useful in times when available serviced land is low or when a municipality wants to encourage housing stakeholders to develop a suitable project idea. Early in the planning process a city pre-designates land for various uses. Using a Request for Proposals process, the City advertises the pre-designated parcel and solicits competitive proposals from community-based organizations, builders and developers. Proposals are evaluated, and the proposal that best suits the pre-designated site is approved by the City. The land is then sold to the successful proponent. If the City chooses to designate a parcel for affordable housing (rental or ownership) the land may be offered below market value to reduce end housing cost for the renter or owner. Land can be designated to suit a variety of housing needs in the community and can include designations for market, entry-level, affordable or mixed-use developments that include ownership and/or rental units. Intended Sector: Market Housing; Entry-Level Housing; Affordable Housing Housing Type Encouraged: Ownership, Rental Strengths: Ensures development of specific types of housing in new or established neighbourhoods Implemented early in the planning process Allows proponents to propose projects and concepts that address housing need- takes some of the concept planning responsibility off the municipality Allows the City to select the best project concept out of a variety of proposals Challenges: Must clearly outline parameters and expectations for development Compiling an inventory of City-owned sites for pre-designation Marketing the program to potential proponents and in a timely manner Often requires a large enough parcel of land to make contributions viable for proponents Existing Programs: Saskatoon - The City of Saskatoon pre-designates land for affordable and entry-level housing (ownership and/or rental) in order to ensure that neighbourhoods include an appropriate blend of housing types. The City identifies suitable locations for affordable, entry-level and purpose-built rental housing within new or established neighbourhoods where the City owns land. These pre-designated sites are advertised and offered through the Request for Proposals (RFP) process. The land is then sold to the proponent whose proposal best suits the site and the communities needs (evaluated on a point-system). The City also encourages private developers to pre-designate land for entry-level and rental housing in their new subdivisions on a voluntary basis. Applicability To Moose Jaw: The City of Moose Jaw currently requires housing of all forms. The Pre-designation of Land process is particularly useful when there is a low inventory of available sites from both City and privately-owned sources. By implementing a Pre-designation of Land Program the City of Moose Jaw could encourage housing in all neighbourhoods without extensive capital expenditure. 53 | P a g e City of Moose Jaw Housing Business Plan 2011 Local Area Planning Initiative Description: Local Area Plans outline the future goals and priorities of district or neighbourhood, group of districts or neighbourhoods, and the means of attaining the goals and priorities. Local Area Planning gives residents an active role in determining the future of their neighbourhood. Residents, business owners, property owners, community groups and other stakeholders are engaged by the City to develop goals and strategies aimed at improving the long-term success and vitality of their community or neighbourhood. Intended Sectors: All sectors may be included Housing Types Encouraged: All types may be encouraged Strengths: Contributes to the development of specific goals and targets for individual areas and provides guidelines for decisions made by administrators and Councilors Broader benefit because Local Area Planning typically addresses many components of a neighbourhood, such as traffic, business location and access, industry location and parks Allows for public engagement and consultation in the planning process Promotes public involvement and cooperation resulting in less confusion and back-lash Challenges: Limited planning capacity hinders ability to properly develop Local Area Plans Can be challenging and time consuming to engage the public in a full consultation process Communities in Participation: Saskatoon - The City of Saskatoon has developed various Local Area Plans with the cooperation of stakeholders and residents. The City of Saskatoon currently has twelve local area plans for various neighborhoods, and has continual consolation with stakeholders in each area to update plans. Victoria - The City of Victoria, District of Saanich has created twelve separate Local Area Plans to help isolate the individual priorities and goals of each community. Each Local Area Plan has special guideline for developing bike lanes, public transit, road networks, locations for multi-unit dwellings and strict architectural controls. Calgary - In April 2010, the City of Calgary released a Municipal Development Plan that included a comprehensive review of the criteria for Local Area Plans. Calgary implemented policy to facilitate public consultation through Local Area Plans and specific guidelines for residential development including the local area plan process. Applicability to Moose Jaw: Current housing needs in Moose Jaw require specific consideration for planning and development. Consultation with the public is an important part of the planning process. Local Area Plans will allow the public to be engaged in the future planning of Moose Jaw. The public consultation process will help educate groups with specific interests and potentially reduce confusion from concerned individuals and groups. Local Area Plans can also allow residents to voice their concerns about age and quality of housing, and the need for revitalization and ownership. Developing Local Area Plans in Moose Jaw can help identify whether specific demographic groups are concerned about the lack of housing options in their community. For example, aging residents that currently own may want rental housing options in their neighbourhood so that they can remain in the area if they decide to sell the units they currently live in. 54 | P a g e City of Moose Jaw Housing Business Plan 2011 Conclusion The City of Moose Jaw, in collaboration with the Canadian Home Builders’ Association – Saskatchewan, has developed the Moose Jaw Housing Business Plan as a proactive measure to ensure future municipal planning can accommodate community growth. The Plan was developed to assist City Council in their efforts to address the changing housing needs of Moose Jaw’s growing population. Realistic population projections, based on economic growth and provincial trends suggest that Moose Jaw may see its population grow to 50,000 people within the next two decades. Collaborative efforts to prepare for growth will require support for responsible housing development in the City. Moose Jaw’s main priority will be addressing the need for all housing types at all price ranges. At this time, the most pressing need is the provision of a high number of serviced lots. This will help attract investment and residential construction to the city. Developers with the capacity to provide a large number of units are interested in building on large parcels or planning entire subdivisions. Without the serviced lot capacity to attract builders and developers on larger scale, Moose Jaw will be at a disadvantage when competing with other communities for development capacity. Encouraging builder and developer interest and investment in Moose Jaw will benefit the community through increasing tax revenue as new residents move to the City. Increasing the supply of housing options will also benefit new homeowners and renters in Moose Jaw where limited options currently exist. Lastly, residential construction activity in the community as many businesses are directly and indirectly impacted by new home construction. Saskatchewan is facing challenges associated with rising housing costs and decreased availability, and many communities are not prepared to deal with critical housing shortages associated with the new level of prosperity. Moose Jaw is not immune to the economic expansion occurring province wide; in fact, as a mid-sized and centrally located city surrounded by growing industry, Moose Jaw is more likely to expand at rates that surpass the provincial average. The economic outlook is positive for Moose Jaw; in order to benefit from the revived economy, city administrators and elected officials must maximize efficiency in community planning and make responsible decisions to address residents’ requirements. Low vacancy rates and high rents are pushing more people towards homeownership, but the choices are limited and for many unattainable. A sufficient supply of housing at each level of the housing continuum can help alleviate pressure from increased demand and decreased supply, while enabling the City to direct expansion to meet future needs. Moose Jaw will now face new challenges associated with implementing proposed incentives and programs intended to influence and encourage development. One consistent challenge presented by the suggested incentives will be is the efficient and targeted marketing and communication of the new programs to the public and housing stakeholders. In order for the approved programs to be effective, the City must generate widespread public awareness that incentives are available for organizations, developers and builders willing to help increase the supply of housing. City Council has the opportunity to support continued economic growth in Moose Jaw – this opportunity is worth celebrating as these initiatives are intended to benefit 55 | P a g e City of Moose Jaw Housing Business Plan 2011 the entire community. Administration and Council must review the policies, participate in considering their application and implementation, and communicate the possibilities to the public to encourage participation and support. The Moose Jaw Housing Business Plan presents City Council with a base from which to move forward with new and exciting development plans that will contribute to future prosperity. Moose Jaw’s role in the development process begins with the review of this document and continues with an evaluation of current practices and policy revisions to maximize efficiency and results on an annual basis. This must include a continual revaluation of the demographic trends and economic opportunities of the region required to keep the Housing Business Plan current. With the framework established, City Council can build a foundation of growth and guide future planning to ensure a healthy and sustainable housing supply for now and into the future. 56 | P a g e City of Moose Jaw Housing Business Plan 2011 1 Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, “Canadian Housing Observer,” 2009. Online. Accessed February 22, 2011 <>, 15. 2 Saskatchewan Chamber of Commerce. Online. Accessed October 13, 2010. < > 3 Saskatchewan Health Information Network, Region’s Covered Population, 2010. Website. Accessed February 25, 2011. <> 4 Record population lows for the both Saskatchewan and Moose Jaw in the 2001 and 2006 census years. According to Statistics Canada, Community Profiles, 2001-2006 and Saskatchewan Health Card data obtained from Saskatchewan Ministry of Health’s Covered Population reports, 2009 and 2010. Online. Accessed January, 2011. <> 5 Rebecca Lawrence, “Moose Jaw registers 37,046 with Sask Health,” The Moose Jaw Times Herald: Times Herald Edition. December 10, 2010, Available Online. Accessed December 15, 2010. 6 Statistics Canada, Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan (table): 2006 Community Profiles, 2006 Census, Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 92-591-XWE. Ottawa. Released March 13, 2007. Accessed December 1, 2010. <> 7 Ibid. 8 Calculated from sourced primary data: Saskatchewan Health Information Network. Online. Accessed January2011. <>; Statistics Canada 2006 Census Data. Online. Accessed December, 2011. <> 9 CanaCode Cluster Descriptions, Minufold Date Mining Inc., Online. Accessed November 12, 2010 <> 10 Ibid. 11 Ibid. 12 Canada West Foundation, “State of the West”, Report 2010, page 12 13 Elliot, Doug. “Selected Demographic and Economic Characteristics of the Aboriginal Population in Saskatchewan,” Sask Trends Monitor, Presented to the Canadian Bar Association Mid-Winter Meeting, January 31, 2008. Online. Accessed December 16, 2010 < percent20Bar percent20Assoc.pdf> 14 Statistics Canada, “2006 Aboriginal Population,” Government of Canada, Online, Accessed December 2010. <> 15 The Aboriginal population is growing at a higher rate than the general population of the province, and demographic projections indicate that the Aboriginal proportion will grow to 32.5 percent by 2045. Today, Aboriginal peoples occupy an increasingly important role in the province, with 2001 census figures indicating 83,745 Status Indians, 43,695 Métis, and 190 Inuit-together amounting to 13.6 percent of the population. Online. Accessed December 23, 2010. <> 16 Statistics Canada, “2006 Aboriginal Population,” Government of Canada, Online, Accessed February 23, 2011 <>. 17 Statistics Canada, “2006 Aboriginal Population,” Government of Canada, Online, Accessed February 25, 2011 jaw&SearchType=Begins&SearchPR=01&B1=All&Custom=. 18 Stats Canada, “Population by Year, by Province and Territory,” 2010. Online. Accessed December 23, 2010. <> 19 Ibid. 20 Rebecca Lawrence, “Moose Jaw registers 37,046 with Sask. Health,” Moose Jaw Times Herald, December 10, 2010. Online. Accessed December 23, 2010. <,046-with-Sask-Health/> 21 Saskatchewan Chamber of Commerce, “Sustainable Growth Strategy,” June 2010. Online. Accessed January, 2011. <> 22 Statistics Canada, Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan (Code4707039) (table). 2006 Community Profiles. 2006 Census. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 92-591-XWE. Ottawa. Released March 13, 2007. Online. Accessed February 18, 2011. <> 23 Moose Jaw Regional Economic Development Authority, “Moose Jaw Region Taking Flight: Moose Jaw Regional Profile,” 2009, 12.0. 24 SaskBiz, “Community Profile for Moose Jaw”, Sourced from Statistics Canada 2006 Census. Online. Accessed February 23, 2011. < Moose%20Jaw&COMM=150&UNITS=1&CURR=1> 25 Moose Jaw Region Economic Development Authority: Economic Profiles. Online. Accessed December 22, 2010. <> 26 City of Moose Jaw, “Industrial & Commercial Land,” City of Moose Jaw, December 2010. 27 The Canada West Foundation, “The Economy of the Rural West: 2010-2015-2020,” The Canada West Foundation, Online. Accessed November 8, 2011. <> 28 Moose Jaw Regional Economic Development Authority, “The Moose Jaw – Regina Corridor,” Online: Accessed: November 12, 2010 <, > 29 Ibid. 30 Unknown Author, “The Moose Jaw-Regina Corridor,” Moose Jaw Regional Economic Development Authority, 2008. Online. Accessed February 15, 2011. < percent20Moose percent20Jaw percent20Advantage percent20percent20Moose percent20Jaw-Regina percent20Corridor.pdf> 57 | P a g e City of Moose Jaw Housing Business Plan 2011 31 Statistics Canada, Moose Jaw Census 2001 and 2006. Government of Saskatchewan. “SaskWater and the Mosaic Company Sign Contract,” News Releases, November 20, 2009. Online. Accessed January 2011. <> 33 Farm Business Communications, “Feds Back Moose Jaw Pork Plant Renovations,” Country Guide, Eastern Edition, December 3, 2010; Discover Moose Jaw, “Pork Plant Upgrades Begin,” Online, Accessed September 29,2010. <, > 34 Discover Moose Jaw, “Waiting on Chinese Investors,” Available Online,, (Date Accessed: September 29, 2010); Discover Moose Jaw, “China Looks to Moose Jaw,” Available Online,, (Date Accessed: November 12, 2010); Mayor Glenn Hagel, “China Looks to Moose Jaw,” Media Conference, Audio Available Online,, (Date Accessed: November 24, 2010). 35 Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Science and Technology, “Aboriginal Student Success Strategy: Final Report of the Committee,” Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Science and Technology, (2009), 6. 36 SIAST Graduate Employment Report: 2008-2009 Graduates. 2010. Online. Accessed March 1, 2011. <> 37 Statistics Canada, “Low-Income Cut-Offs”, Statistics Canada Website. Accessed February 23, 2011. <> 38 Statistics Canada, Low Income Cut-Off Table, Online. Accessed February 22, 2011. <> 39 SaskBiz Community Statistics. Online. Accessed February 22, 2011. < Moose%20Jaw&COMM=150&UNITS=1&CURR=1> 40 Canadian Real Estate Association Database, Total Sales and Listings 1980-2010. Online. CREA Database. Accessed February, 2011. 41 Canadian Real Estate Association Database, Average Annual Sale Price 1980-2010. Online. CREA Database. Accessed February, 2011. 42 Multiple Listing Sales, Average Price New Built Homes, 2011. Online. Accessed February 18, 2011. <> 43 CMHC Housing Market Outlook: Prairie region Highlights. Fourth Quarter 2010 44 Canadian Real Estate Association, “Average Resale Home Price”, 1980-2010. CREA Database. Online. Accessed February, 2011. 45 Multiple Listing Sales. Total Sales and Listings. Accessed February 18, 2011. 46 Ibid. 47 CMHC, “Rental Market Report”, Compiled from reports years 2004 to 2010, Online. Accessed December 2011. <> 48 Ibid. 49 Ibid. 50 SaskBiz, “Financial – Income Report for Moose Jaw,” and “Household Income – 2001 Report for Moose Jaw”, Online. Accessed February, 2011. <> 51 CMHC, “Rental Market Report” 52 Curran, Deborah and Wake, Tim. “Creating Market and Non-Market. Affordable Housing: A Smart Growth Toolkit for BC Municipalities.” SmartGrowthBC. March 2008; 19, 22 53 Bevill, Jacquie. “Project Profile: City of Saskatoon Housing Business Plan.” Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation. 15 November 2010; 3. 54 Curran and Wake, 26,27 55 Bevill, Jacquie. “Project Profile: City of Saskatoon Housing Business Plan.” Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation. 15 November 2010; 3. 56 Curran and Wake, 31,32. 57 Curran and Wake, 63,64. 58 The City of Saskatoon, Housing Business Plan, 2010. Pg. 14 59 Curran and Wake, 41,42. 60 Curran and Wake, 45,46. 61 The City of Saskatoon, Housing Business Plan, 2010. Pg. 14 32 58 | P a g e City of Moose Jaw Housing Business Plan 2011 Appendix A: Request for Proposal Sample Template: (Organization) Project Title Neighbourhood/Site Request for Proposals 1) Purpose [The purpose for the Request for Proposal. A description of the project, its goals and details.] 2) Project Overview a) Company Profile [Organization information] b) Program Overview *How the project fits into the organization’s overall program+ c) Project Context [Include site measurements, zoning classification and surrounding area density (residential, commercial and/or institutional)] d) Site Setting [Detail adjacent properties, nearby transit routes, surrounding amenities. Also include future development plans of the area.] e) Pricing [Selling price for the land. Include any applicable incentive programs.] f) Architectural and Development Controls *The controls which pertain to the site’s zone classification+ 59 | P a g e City of Moose Jaw g) Housing Business Plan 2011 Servicing [List the services included with the site, i.e. sidewalks, street lighting, natural gas, electrical etc. Also mention any service costs not included in the land price.] h) Intentions for the Property [Include the objectives of the project as well as any key features that are needed for a successful proposal] 3) Scope of the Project a) Qualifications The Proposal should include the information on the proponent’s background and general information on the proponent’s ability to complete a project of this size. Submissions from both the private and not for profit sectors are welcome. b) Project Objectives i) General [Project summary] ii) [Specific features] [Specific features or goals of the project (i.e. price targets, demographic, design)] c) Proposal Content Submissions should contain the following items demonstrating how the project objectives will be met: a) b) 4) [requirements] ... Process a) Invitation [How the request for Expressions of Interest will be distributed] b) Submission [Provide details of the submission process] 60 | P a g e City of Moose Jaw c) Housing Business Plan 2011 Selection [Include how the submissions will be reviewed, selected and the successful proponents contacted] 5) Standard Conditions a) Right to refuse any submission The [organization] ([organization short-form]) reserves the right to reject any or all proposals or to accept any proposal received in response to this Request should they deem it in their interests to do so. No fee shall be payable by [short-form] to proponents for the preparation of or presentation in response to the Request for Proposals. [short-form] may, in its own discretion, waive any irregularity or insufficiency in any proposal selected. b) Responsibility for accuracy of information The information contained within this document, and any plans or drawings or supporting documentation that may be provided by [short-form] are for the assistance of the proponent. [short-form] takes no responsibility for the accuracy of information in this document or in any accompanying documentation. In the event of any discrepancies or omissions appearing, differences of opinion, misunderstanding, or dispute arising between the proponents and the [organization] relative to the intent or meaning of the terms set out in this Request for Proposals or in any accompanying documents, the decision and interpretation of [short-form] shall be final and binding upon all parties, and from which there shall be no appeal. c) Waiver of rights in proposals All submissions and any accompanying information submitted by proponents will become the property of [short-form] and may not be returned to the proponents. Each proponent acknowledges and agrees that [short-form] is likely to receive and be required to deal with a number of competing proposals, each of which may contain or disclose information considered by the proponent to be special, unique or proprietary nature. Details of all proposals will be kept confidential until the final selection of the proponent. d) Indemnity of Corporation by proponents Each proponent shall indemnify and save harmless [organization], and their respective staff and consultants from and against all claims, actions, suits and proceedings, including all costs and expenses of every nature whatsoever incurred directly and indirectly by [organization] in connection with such claims and actions in respect to the 61 | P a g e City of Moose Jaw Housing Business Plan 2011 infringement or alleged infringement of any patent, copyright, trademark or industrial design or the use or misuse in connection with the proposal. e) Conflicts of interest No employee of [organization] shall submit or be directly involved in the submission of a proposal. f) Condition of site i) [notable condition and/or provided reports] ii) [organization] makes no other representations or warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied, as to the condition of the pre-designated site, the soils conditions or the use to which it may be put. The successful proponent must accept the site in an “as is” condition. g) Proponents costs The City shall not be responsible for any costs or expenses incurred by the proponents in the preparation or presentation of proposals. 6) Incentives Available from the City of Moose Jaw a) b) c) d) 7) [city-specific incentives] … … … Further Information and Feedback The [organization] is interested in receiving feedback on this project and wants potential proponents to identify any major impediments which in their opinion could prevent them from under taking this project such as timeline, project size or any other condition listed in this document. Please submit feedback or questions of clarification to: [mailing and/or email address] [Remaining pages could include attachments relevant to the project, (i.e. zoning information, site map, development standards.)] 62 | P a g e
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