eSplash Free Artworkz eMagazine Southern Whiteface. © Bob Tate 2015 Leadbeater's Possum Federal Government raises status to 'critically endangered' 118 RIVERSDALE FISHING SPOT 07.05 2015 GHIN GHIN BRIDGE DASHBOARD ACCOMMODATION & REAL ESTATE GUIDE IT'S YOUR TIME FOR A SEACHANGE DOWNLOAD HERE Other free Magazines B ONNIE D OON What's on B ONNIE D OON The Bridge B ONNIE D OON Business Directory B USINESS Directory CEACA Course Guide H IGHLANDS Granite News B ROCHURES eBook T OURISM Websites WIFI Hotspots M ANSFIELD What's On HIDDEN IN THIS ISSUE FREE M AILING LIST CONTACT THE ARTWORKZ TEAM Receive the free eSplash via email [email protected] latest free desktop TOURISM W EBSITE D ISTRICT C ALENDAR THINGS TO DO eBook Artworkz does not always agree with opinions expressed. eSplash is a magazine written by volunteers and is free, unfunded, creative and politically independent. Right of reply is automatic. Artworkz is run by volunteers. We thank you for your understanding regarding the fact that errors will occur from time to time. We also thank all the volunteers that make the Artworkz projects possible. Million Paws Walk - MOSQUITO BITES The natural way to treat an insect bite, including mosquito bites is to use one of the following: Place a used dry teabag on the bite. Rub raw honey on the bite. Apply Apple Cider Vinegar to the bite with a cotton ball. Baking Soda, this is the cheapest and being a dry powder, it can be stored in your pantry for years. Take a small amount and add a little water to make a paste and apply the paste to the bite. Take the skin of a banana and rub the inside part of the banana peel on the bite. Rub the bite with the inside of an Aloe Vera leaf. Courtesy Bob Tate. Greetings from Thornton circa 1910. Courtesy Lloyd Foster and National Library Australia. More soon - ARTWORKZ REPORTER SERIES - R IVERSDALE F ISHING S POT G OULBURN V ALLEY H IGHWAY , A LEXANDRA - 2015 HIDDEN PLANE Relooking at our attractions. The Riversdale Bridge Fishing Spot on the Goulburn River is popular with anglers and boating enthusiasts and has huge potential for improvement. It is also a popular location for photographers. Photographic opportunities abound at this spot. - AMAZING RIVER REDGUMS - The Goulburn River nearing full flow. - B R I C K E D R I V E R B O AT R A M P - Yesterday I noticed that a busload of high school students were using this ramp to offload boats. Seeing so many young adults using a river facility reminded me of a similar situation recently at the poorly maintained VicRoads Thornton Gilmore Bridge. The condition of this lower section of boat ramp has the potential to cause ankle or leg injuries, especially when the ramp is wet or covered by water. The boat ramp is in a reasonable condition, however there are loose bricks at the waterline. - VICROADS INFASTRUCTURE D EPARTMENT : M INISTER : R EGIONAL D IRECTOR : V IC R OADS L UKE D ONNELLAN B RYAN S HERRITT The condition of this table (believed to have been supplied by VicRoads) is beyond belief! It is an embarrassment to the community and should have been replaced decades ago. This picnic table is believed to have been established circa 1965 by VicRoads. - BROKEN RUBBISH BINS D EPARTMENT : M INISTER : R EGIONAL D IRECTOR : V IC R OADS L UKE D ONNELLAN B RYAN S HERRITT The bins likely supplied by VicRoads are often overflowing and one has a broken lid. Stillman Motor Garage circa 1920. Courtesy Judy Smith 2014. Courtesy National Library Australia. Did you know The first major carmaker in Australia was the Ford Motor Company of Australia. The first Australian designed and mass produced production car was made by Holden in 1948. - L O G G I N G T H E R U B I C O N S T AT E F O R E S T - C R I T I C A L LY E N D A N G E R E D THE LEADBEATER'S POSSUM CONSERVATION STATUS HAS BEEN RAISED In April the conservation status of the endangered Leadbeater's Possum was raised to 'Critically Endangered' by the Federal Government. Critically Endangered is the last step before 'Extinct in the Wild'. G OVERNMENT : P REMIER : M INISTER : L OGGERS : C OUPE : L ABOR D ANIEL A NDREWS J AALA P ULFORD V IC F ORESTS F LEA C REEK Courtesy Pengo WikiCCL 3.0 Central Highlands Forests run from Noojee to Mount Baw Baw, Marysville, Rubicon and Toolangi. - T H E L E A D B E AT E R ' S P O S S U M I S V I C T O R I A ' S F A U N A L E M B L E M - RUBICON LOGGING COUPES DESTROYING HABITAT Photographer © Greg Lucas. Courtesy Ken Deacon 2015. VICTORIA'S FAUNAL EMBLEM IS NOW IN THE HANDS OF VICTORIAN PREMIER DANIEL ANDREWS The only place on Earth that Leadbeater's Possums are found - is in the Central Highlands Forest in Victoria. As can be seen here at Rubicon, this forest is being decimated and the possums' habitat destroyed. Even though over half of the possums' habitat was destroyed in the Black Saturday bushfires, Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews continues to support logging here. If support for VicForests continues, it is believed we will see the extinction of Victoria's Faunal Emblem (Leadbeater's Possum) in the wild within the next twenty years. Even our Federal Government recognises this. Did you know that the Government is spending our tax dollars to eradicate the feral cat problem in the Possums' habitat. Interestingly, I have never seen evidence of feral cats in the Rubicon State Forest and neither have other 'bushies' I have spoken with; one of whom has lived in Rubicon for 40 years. Could this be a furphy to distract from the logging issue! Leadbeater's Possums are moving towards extinction at an accelerated rate. - T H E L E A D B E AT E R ' S P O S S U M I S V I C T O R I A ' S F A U N A L E M B L E M - Photographer © Greg Lucas. Photographs courtesy Ken Deacon. This map (right) best illustrates the declining habitat issue. The Map button shows an area almost entirely made up of old and new logging coupes. The possum cannot survive here. Taggerty Artworkz Education Spot Education Library We are regularly updating our Artworkz Education Library First published February 2013. Education eBook CLICK TO DOWNLOAD Children's iPads Series Workbook Grade: 1, Term 1 A simple student workbook for helping grade 1 children to learn about Adjectives F R E E I P A D R E A D Y E D U C AT I O N A L R E S O U R C E S Teachers' Education Spot Building Fluency in Maths I recently surveyed two junior classes and asked them whether they thought they were good at Maths. Seventy-three percent of the students thought they were good at Mathematics, whilst twenty-seven percent said they were not. Many times over the years, I have listened to adults tell stories about how they themselves struggled with Maths at school and continue to lack confidence with it. The topic of Mathematics has the potential to polarize people! Some love it while others hate it, feeling they are either good or bad at it. Self-perceptions about one’s abilities can be constructed early on in life and Mathematics is no exception. Children can come to the conclusion that they are either good or bad at Maths in their initial years of schooling. If the verdict is favourable, then there is no problem. However, if a child decides that they are incompetent in this particular subject area, this perception has the potential to stay with them well into their adult years. How then, can we assist children to gain confidence in their Mathematical abilities? Mathematics often requires numerous thinking processes to occur simultaneously, which can be difficult to keep track of. Helping a child to gain fluency in basic calculations can greatly assist them when this is the case. There are many activities that we carry out on a daily basis that we do automatically and which do not require much conscious thought: walking, cleaning our teeth, tying our shoelaces, etc. This is because we utilise a type of long-term memory called ‘procedural memory’ to carry out these tasks. If children can gain fluency in basic calculations, then this information can be stored in their long-term memory, freeing up working memory for additional mathematical thought processes that may need to take place. Fluency can be developed in children through short regularly scheduled practice sessions. These can be called different names such as ‘Mental Maths’ and a popular one in my classroom, ‘Mad Minute Maths’. Every day (where practical) my students have one minute to complete up to thirty questions. We have the same questions for a week at a time. It is fantastic to watch confidence grow when students are able to increase the number of solutions they can answer correctly. Many different strategies can be brought to fluency with Mental or Mad Minute Maths. These include simple calculations such as adding and subtracting numbers as well as - TEACHING FOR THE FUTURE - Teachers' Education Spot Building Fluency in Maths automatic recall of mental strategies. These include: ‘pairs to ten’ (1+9, 2+8, etc.), doubles (4+4, 5+5, etc.), halves (half of 6, etc.), ‘bridging ten’ (8+5 is 8+2+3), adding or subtracting tens (56+20, etc.). In addition, skills such as partitioning numbers, multiplication and division can also be practised. As students gain fluency in a specific area, they move onto another kind of calculation. As an area becomes fluent in a child’s brain, it moves into their long-term memory, freeing up available working memory for them to navigate more complicated calculations. So if Johnny is faced with mentally adding up 56+34, he automatically knows that 6+4=10. This leaves his working memory free to calculate that 50+30=80 and therefore, 10+80=90. He does not have to start at 56 and count on 4 more, at which point he could lose track and miscount. So how can we assist children to gain confidence in their Mathematical abilities? One of the ways is by providing opportunities for them to develop fluency in basic operations, therefore reducing the load on their working memory and making it available for additional mathematical thought processes. @ Debbie Hibbert Educator and creator Artworkz Education Library For more information on long-term and short-term memory, and gaining fluency refer to: PositScience 2015, BrainHQ > Procedural Memory, Available from: <> [26 April 2015]. Australian Council for Educational Research 2011, Peter Sullivan > Australian Education Review: Teaching Mathematics Using Research-Informed Strategies pp.6-7 & 29-30, Available from: <http://> [26 April 2015]. - TEACHING FOR THE FUTURE - Sap Camera Market Advert Redgate Espresso Jerusalem Creek Marina Advert Advert Marysville Patisserie Quote The superior man thinks always of virtue; the common man thinks of comfort. Did you know that at the Library may due to popular HistoryCafe be returning demand. Confucius - ARTWORKZ REPORTER SERIES - A LEXANDRA S IGN R EPLACED G RANT S TREET A LEXAMDRA - F IXED 28 A PRIL 2015 V IC R OADS L UKE D ONNELLAN B RYAN S HERRITT D XE FI D EPARTMENT : M INISTER : R EGIONAL D IRECTOR : SEE NEXT PAGE On 28 April, four VicRoads contractors replaced Alexandra's main sign. It was damaged, bent and well below the visual standard deserving of our town. We first raised the issue with the Shire 30 April 2014 who unsuccessfully tried to communicate with VicRoads. We then published its poor state 12 February 2015 in eSplash110. The new signpost is fantastic and does away with two extra supports. - ALEXANDRA'S MAIN SIGN - D XE FI The new signpost (previous page) is made from 5 mm thick (150 mm diameter) tubular aluminium buried 900 mm and concreted. It is designed to break at the bottom if hit by a vehicle, to lessen the impact. The new sign replaces this old bent damaged sign, left by VicRoads for nearly a decade. LAWRENCE HOOD COLLECTION District imagery from yesteryear! MILKING THE COW AT PIG & WHISTLE MOLESWORTH C1929 A teenage Elizabeth Charlotte Jeffery of Molesworth is pictured here milking a dairy cow at her family's farm 'Ringwood' in Pig & Whistle Lane, Molesworth. Note the hand hewn timber creation at the cow bail to lock the head of the cow into a milking position. An old delivery box serves as a milking stool for Charlotte to sit on and her durable leather boots were a necessity in the cowyard. As this is an open air construction and milking was an all weather occupation, it would be interesting to know if this was indeed used in all weather conditions. Photograph courtesy Lawrence Hood 2015 BRINGING ART TO LIFE BY CREATING, SHARING AND INSPIRING B ricks WHY MEN ARE SELDOM DEPRESSED Men are just happier people - What do you expect from such simple creatures? Your last name stays put. The garage is all yours. Wedding plans take care of themselves. Chocolate is just another snack. You can be President. You can never be pregnant. You can wear a white T-shirt to a water park. You can wear NO shirt to a water park. Car mechanics tell you the truth. The world is your urinal. You never have to drive to another gas station restroom because this one is just too icky. You don't have to stop and think of which way to turn a nut on a bolt. Same work, more pay. Wrinkles add character. Wedding dress $5000. Tux rental $100. People never stare at your chest when you're talking to them. New shoes don't cut, blister, or mangle your feet. One mood all the time. Phone conversations are over in 30 seconds flat. You know stuff about tanks. A five-day vacation requires only one suitcase. You can open all your own jars. You get extra credit for the slightest act of thoughtfulness. If someone forgets to invite you, he or she can still be your friend. Your underwear is $8.95 for a three-pack. Three pairs of shoes are more than enough. You can tell your life story over the first coffee. You almost never have strap problems in public. You are unable to see wrinkles in your clothes. Everything on your face stays its original colour. The same hairstyle lasts for years, maybe decades. You only have to shave your face and neck. You can play with toys all your life. One wallet and one pair of shoes - one colour for all seasons. You can wear shorts no matter how your legs look. You can 'do' your nails with a pocket knife. You can fix most things with a hammer, kitchen knife and tape. You have freedom of choice concerning growing a moustache. You can do Christmas shopping for 25 relatives on December 24 in 25 minutes. Courtesy Sometimes Grumpy Wilson - ARTWORKZ REPORTER SERIES - G HIN G HIN B RIDGE G HIN G HIN R OAD , Y EA - 2015 End of an era. The magnificent Ghin Ghin wooden trestle bridge to be replaced, bringing to an end its era of usefulness. With it decommissioned, just one functional wooden trestle bridge will remain over the Goulburn River in our District – the Acheron Breakaway Bridge. It was saved in 2012. We encourage you to take photos while you can. - BEAUTIFUL OLD WOODEN TRESTLES - While a new bridge is logical at this location, this lady of the Goulburn will be missed. - L O V E LY W O O D E N R A I L I N G S - The new concrete Ghin Ghin bridge will be dual lane, have a higher load limit and a lifespan reported at being more than a century. View looking south along the length of the historic bridge. - ROAD DAMAGE - A section of the current bridge surface has a hole through which the river is visible. - VIEWS OF THE GHIN GHIN BRIDGE - The bridge is beautiful from all angles. - PERFECT FOR PHOTOGRAPHERS - The moodiness of old bridges creates opportunity for Black and White photography. - OLDER BRIDGE REMNANTS - We encourage photographers to visit and photograph this historic bridge before it is decommissioned. In doing so, you will be capturing a little piece of local history. (Top) Remnants of the previous trestle bridge. (Bottom) a ute crosses the bridge. FEATURED PANORAMA Ghin Ghin Bridge, Near Yea This panorama was taken with an iPhone6 Plus on the Goulburn River at the Ghin Ghin Bridge (right). The Ghin Ghin Bridge in this photograph is a wooden trestle bridge and was taken just weeks before works were to begin on the concrete and steel bridge scheduled to replace it. Wooden Trestle Bridges once adorned our district and in many locations they replaced river fords and punts - where early horse based traffic was able to cross rivers. The introduction of early concrete bridges into our area was not without problems. In the early 1900s it was boasted that the Upper Thornton Concrete Bridge would last a century, however it lasted less than a year before collapsing. The Cremona concrete bridge only partially still stands over the Goulburn at Cathkin, as a stark reminder of poor engineering. Click here for a larger version - ARTWORKZ REPORTER SERIES - TAGGERTY DAY VISITOR AREA O N T HE L ITTLE R IVER Little River Bridge This gorgeous Day Visitor Area located on the Little River at Taggerty, is soon to be home to a new suspension bridge, with works now under way. Council is managing the project in consultation with the Taggerty Reference Group. Our Hidden Memorials OUR LADY HELP OF CHRISTIANS CATHOLIC CHURCH RUFFY 1902 - 1974 Erected in the Jubilee year 2000 in memory of all who worshipped here Page 35 Sugar Ants Get Up - Get Out - Get Exploring
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