May 2015
Volume 1, Issue 1
Special points of interest:
 Help your children understand the lessons
they will use in their
 Stress management
through crafting; make
it a family thing.
Sandoval CUSD District 501
“Educational Opportunities For All Focused On the Future”
Parents are the Child’s First Teachers
Developing Empathy
Empathy is a person’s ability to recognize and feel others’
concerns. Parents can help to develop this virtue in
numerous ways:
 Praise your child when he or she behaves in a kind way.
 Point out the positive differences made when your child
performs kind acts, no matter how small.
 When reading with your child, pause to ask how the
characters in the book feel in the situations they face.
 Help your child put a name to the character’s feeling and
then talk about a way to help.
Tell me and I forget. Teach
 If you hear your son/daughter criticize another’s
me and I remember. Involve
actions, discuss how that person must have felt in the
me and I learn.
specific situation.
~Benjamin Franklin
Source: B.M.I., Michelle Borba
Free online resources to help your child with reading and math:
PreK-5th grade abcya.com Junior High—College hippocampus.org
Therapeutic Effects of Crafting
As rates of depression and anxiety among young people in America increase,
it’s an important time to teach stress management skills. Creativity with arts
and crafts, especially ones that require extensive concentration and working
with your hands, have been proven to have effects similar to meditation and
function as a natural antidepressant. The “flow” that occurs during the few moments in time when you are so completely absorbed by an activity that nothing
else seems to matter, is the secret to happiness—a statement supported with
decades of research.