Chapter Awardees for 2014 To be awarded at Banquet on May 3, 2015 The Angeles Chapter will honor its members at the Annual Awards Banquet May 3, 2015 at the Brookside Country Club; Silvia Darie, Banquet Chair and Paul Cooley, Awards Chair. LIST OF AWARDS AND AWARDEES Phil Bernays Service Plaque Weldon Heald Conservation Plaque Chester Versteeg Outings Plaque Elna Bakker Nature Interpretation Plaque Lifelong Service Plaque Lori & Robin Ives Excellence in Media Plaque Political Service Plaque Extraordinary Achievement Award Public Policy Plaque Donna Specht Fundraising Plaque Linda Hoyer Staff Plaque Irene Charnock Office Service Plaque Special Award – Conservation Special Award - Media Certificate of Merit Conservation Service Certificates Outings Service Certificates Special Service Certificates MARY MORALES NOT GIVEN RON CAMPBELL NOT GIVEN DAN RICHTER NOT GIVEN HOWARD STRAUSS STAG BROWN BOB THOMPSON JOE YOUNG U.S. REPRESENTATIVE JUDY CHU JOHN LAJEUNESS CHAPTER STAFF 2013-2014 - GEORGE WATLAND, JENNIFER ROBINSON, JANE MACFARLANE, MARY FORGIONE NOT GIVEN ENVIRONMENTAL PRIORITIES NETWORK NOT GIVEN NOT GIVEN ELAINE TROGMAN, DAVID CAMPBELL, KATHLEEN NORMA SMITH, EVA CICORIA ANN PEDRESCHI SHIELDS, CHRISTIAN LATUNOS, JASON HASHIMOTO, PATRICIA BARNES, SCOTT CLOSSON, STEPHANIE GROSS, SYLVIA STEVENSON, ED LUBIN, SID & JOYCE ALPERT, PRISCILLA “PIXIE” KLEMIC JIM ULMER, AL SATTLER, CAROLE SCURLOCK, EVELYN ALEXANDER, GRANT RIGBY, JOEL ORTMANN, KAREN BUEHLER, MARTY KLUCK, NANCY LE, PENNY ELIA, TOM POLITEO, WAYNE NORMAN, MARGEE HILLS, DAVID HYMAN Membership & Fundraising Service Certificate 20'S & 30’S SECTION ORANGE COUNTY SIERRA SINGLES SECTION PALOS VERDES SOUTH BAY GROUP WEST LOS ANGELES GROUP WILDERNESS TRAINING COMMITTEE Each year the Angeles Chapter requests the names of those individuals who deserve recognition for exemplary service to the Chapter in the fields of Conservation, Outings, Leadership, Interpretation of Nature, and Service. Each Group, Section, Committee and Task Force is asked to recommend recipients for the listed Chapter awards based on the following criteria. No elected at large member of the Angeles Chapter Executive Committee and no member of the Awards Committee is eligible for a Chapter award. Any group representative on the ExComm who will be proposed for an award will be asked to leave the room while the list of proposed awards is presented to the ExComm and voted on. The EXTRAORDINARY ACHIEVEMENT CERTIFICATE is awarded upon accomplishing a major goal of the Angeles Chapter that is widely recognized within the Chapter and the Club as well as in the community at large. Generally, the focus of accomplishment is within or near the Angeles Chapter area. It can, however, be given for a major accomplishment outside that area if the predominant leadership comes from within the Chapter membership. The award will not be given annually, but it can be awarded in successive years if warranted. Usually the award will be made to a group of people (group, section, committee, task force, or ad hoc organization), but exceptional accomplishment by an individual can be recognized. The WELDON HEALD CONSERVATION PLAQUE is the highest conservation award conferred by the Angeles Chapter. It is awarded to a Sierra Club member who has provided long-term and outstanding service to the Angeles Chapter in the field of conservation. The CHESTER VERSTEEG OUTINGS PLAQUE is the highest outings leadership award conferred by the Angeles Chapter. It is awarded to a Sierra Club member who has provided long-term and outstanding leadership in furthering the enjoyment and safety of the outings program The PHIL BERNAYS SERVICE PLAQUE is the highest service award conferred by the Angeles Chapter. It is awarded to a Sierra Club member who has provided long-term and outstanding service to the Angeles Chapter in fields other than conservation and outings, such as administration and political activism. The IRENE CHARNOCK OFFICE SERVICE PLAQUE is awarded to a Sierra Club member who has provided long-term and out-standing service to the Angeles Chapter by serving as a Chapter office volunteer. The ELNA BAKKER NATURE INTERPRETATION PLAQUE is awarded for outstanding achievement in the interpretation of nature, using the written word, photography, graphic art or field demonstration. Candidates for this award must display unusual creativity and depth in the communication of knowledge and appreciation of the natural world. This award is not intended as a reward for merely conducting many nature walks. Because of the high qualifications needed for an award candidate, it would be expected that this honor would not be awarded every year. The LINDA HOYER CHAPTER STAFF PLAQUE is awarded for extraordinary contributions, far beyond the normal call of duty, to the Sierra Club and the Angeles Chapter from an employee of the Angeles Chapter. It would be expected that this honor would not be awarded every year. The LIFELONG SERVICE PLAQUE is given to a senior member who has provided consistent long-term service to the Angeles Chapter. The LORI AND ROBIN IVES EXCELLENCE IN MEDIA PLAQUE for Conservation Activism is awarded for the best newsletter, or website, series of articles, radio or television spot, or campaign in any media that promotes conservation action in the Angeles Chapter. The POLITICAL SERVICE PLAQUE Is awarded for long time exemplary political service. ADDITIONAL CERTIFICATES FOR CONSERVATION SERVICE, OUTINGS SERVICE, AND SPECIAL SERVICE are given to Sierra Club members who deserve special recognition for noteworthy service they have rendered to the Angeles Chapter. A CITATION OF MERIT is awarded to an Angeles Chapter entity for its help and support in Angeles Chapter activities and achievement of goals. A SPECIAL AWARD may be conferred upon those individuals who have performed outstanding conservation work outside the Sierra Club regardless of Sierra Club membership. Included in this category are the Media Award, given to an individual professionally employed in a communications media field who has consistently displayed concern for environmental, conservation, and wilderness values and the Public Policy Award, given to an elected public official who has made outstanding contributions to advancing the environmental cause.
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