Keep Same Hours;! Classes Begin One Horn- Early | Vioincn to although classes will be moved ahead one hour, campus and therefore coed hours and senior privileges, will remain as they are when the change-back to eastern war Daily Student Publication of Michigan State College .wks, mldntgh^ ton{ght' according to Dean j vol. 33z.332 tath Conrad8t t,me ... 33z.332 . ^^^iA^ciesRU9hjRomme| Work Food.! on . motld Cf^tU8Thurs- PaV. l()l >' Cll I'l > J9 VJlil If be Vulture meets, students I \ 8 a. will m.) instead p. of lead college than time. 12.000 were Marshal was a LONDON, Gen. , of the Hes¬ smiely conduct install*rrrcinnnles for their admit- j lo He Sent Home into the vvoro to ■ their local i> In* son! ; .made" is the request t ,t. F. N. v Miller, public "tlicer of the 310th i .chment stationed in «♦ I M : u ,11s. When Tempo- l Lack nf™ 194\, thc naval lhl(, tonight. ever-increasing peril." he added "We will make further additions in 1944 to insure' the oblitera¬ tion of Japanese sea power ai d to sweep the German and !'»)- — j lan U-boa's from the n and women will irate rooms Monday :n. for the third leci instances of Sifin for X - II ays free Ahbotb ,V tuberculosis •cording to Miss 1 representative oi X-rays. irhiga Tuberculosis as chance tin* rei ;t e lower deck Monday itmg with the ful i health center, will give uro in the horticulture room. fit: his li <AP)-A ..a nther km j kollej Paris I » dkn TJrls radio radi0 today, to***- quoting duoUng » Jjggdtch 8iS Un targets France" the z\ir J*" L7" lhlt ln» hl«h «»8t> Allied military ftoniciit "*»"*• £Strs uere Uer* conferring at Gl- 10nig tonight. At dusk in conRUnt ^•tjr "in constant session" was *®»^t by Uie *«dcast the German-con- i. Op. 53, s from Allied ountered in months—preven nbservation of the full results ,(. attack, which the Air m try described as 'heavy But even through the thick loads the red glow ot many --oaring fires could be seen in locomotives the target area, returning pilots in northern i reported. said | ministry while there was no .. Announcement, announcement, of of immediate the the specific specific ... the i■ targets the lhe principal princjpa| objectives Mosquitoc? At dusk Mosquitoc^ ^ ^ lhe bombed an(1 and heavily debomber command attacked in , in ^ jn the past pjst have have j fended Ruhr in the dustrial dustrial objectives objectives. "From three. bcen Ft<{ the great indtotrial industrial cities ' .. f the t g operatidub_j\onc of U our ^ Esscn from rrom La Llnea Ltoca in operatidnsJione our aircraU aircraft jj ^ is missinf" ^oiTTFm^tlo and Clara planes. and three solce- including Chopin, (Capt. I.udwlg Sertori us, Ger¬ military commentator, said man the flat coastal area over which Homeml's forces are is "most unfavorable for de¬ fense" and that Axis troops retreating being given no <'tiaint"_to relax.) Americans Landed United States troops, highly were praised at a press conference by Gen. Sir Harold [,. Alexander,* the Allied commander of ground tor transport under the destruc¬ tive assaults of relays of Allied special feature. "The Mor¬ Melody Kings," male quar- bombers. It was announced that who will arrive here after a of appearances in army lumps, minutes '•During the day aircrait fighter and army coopera¬ tion command attacked and! . 9 the -eras Rhine. April on s Rommel's el." itar- of armor Scarlet P "iigaged the earlier in the week while osIic How; the Adventun eighth army smashed him at Wadi El Akarit, continued to to bo shown today in College lUtnli hi mat H p hi . according plug eastward and were report¬ ed to have captured the Djebel I S. E Crowe, chairman e series. This stirring story Mazaita, a height north of Makn- French Revolution based nassy. There was a strong possibility play by Robert Sherwood replace the originally that the retreating Ax's divi¬ Illicit Last ot the Muhic- sions were running short of mo¬ tit la dusk and from Le Havre to thc; several K li Nazis Outflanked Under the steady hammering Petri lias appeared in con¬ it the British at their r< nr. the certs throughout Europe and the •ricans, French and United States, devoting most of j A British their inland flank and the his time in recent years to the State* where he has become a i great Allied aerial fleet familiar figure to concert audi-! head, Rommel's beaten men were fleeing toward the port of Sfax, 22 miles on to the north, His program Tuesday night and were retreating northeast¬ ■.ill include the following nutnward from the inland (mint lers: Four Chorale-Preludes bv of Mozzouna, it was disclosed Bai h-Busoni, Beethoven's Sohere. mon British plane was damaged as Schumann. A in the sweeps, which from mid-morning to the and forces, for having kept the bulk downed four enemy over the Strait of Dover. Not a Gabes. of • Industrial (enters I/5NDON. April ranged under the wire artist dustrial - i Itlrenlitre Series Frourtmt lie vised , the chemistry lecThe men's speaker, l lot land, head of t hi Pi sky. Grieg, Brahms, ' tn ' Sharp Minor. Petri will conclude his proam with Rachmaninoff's pre¬ ludes in G Major and G Minor. concentrations n.'-ct "Biological As- oft-battered Cologne arc Varrlagc" will include pounded again today in and physiology, and attack by swift mosquiti ers of the R,\F, wind mi adressed by Dr. Lydia daytime aerial otlen .'. head of the women's which Spitfires shot u ! educational department, supply trains in Fran 'Marriage series, north ! leaving nearly 12,000 troops Ballade in F Minor, Nocturne in f) Flat Minor and Scherzo in C o II be abandoning Mahares, miles offensive on the Month lino March 20. Allied air forces op¬ erating in Noi'-OT Africa have shot down 302 enemy planes compared to a loss of iin Allied lirst )lti\ Still II ilk \Jiah l lit litis tmtl I j I 50 • |RAF Siveejts p ! today, Artist Dutch pun ist, will and Split i—1^ for Senior Series p omen "t this war lies ahead of us. and German under-sea power is an Bv DANIEL D.K LUCE this term, next Tuesday. Born in a musical atmosphere, Petri's life lias been influenced by such eminent artists as Tschaikow Kgon inane getting (l„,|l>M.,i an't afford interrupenant Miller said. He .nstead, that the woepared to sing back to i at the World Adven- -< II Al prepared address. VVarning that "the worst the Men. Women isolated in his request, but toe specded-up study programs of the air- Digits few craft—than there were lighting ships in service at the end ot of appreis not the cause tion of i ami phasis on airplane carri'e destroyer escorts, was tr;i islated into stirring facts and figure Secretary Knox tonight a Indianapolis rally opening the second War Loan campaign The navy in 1943 will com¬ plete more new lighting ships exclusive "f nun - combatant Silence Is Golden homes prc- govern- shed the Scries S'.fVS* KliOX . iftpcftr to evacuate his (irisoners of the British and American forces since 11o• eighth army's break-through .1 lite Wadi El Akarit last Tuesday. It also was disclosed officially that since the opening of the air tain Br .inch further stated. —The growing might United States navy, wil mltlierv - to their their orders. the ma jority of senior calls have'not come in as yet. Cap¬ , fraternity house. The last!r,<r'> ,V""X fraternity on campus, the INDIANAPOLIS. Apr . ill junior F.RC calls wived by the military finitely. according to ('apt (ic>Arj*r II Brunch, adjutant. Although there have town Double Present became a national unit this week at the same time the arrov took over its house a9 a military barracks" for student • I j n (AP) — ALLIED HDQ. IN NORTH AFRICA, April !) (AP) — Marshal Erwin Rommel's forces hastened their retreat tlt'partn lent yesterday and will .J.,f lUUUting SellClllll national organlza- society . i ( yen iocs INI i psiion. they'll have lo rot a ran permission to use i VI.,.,, II) meni from Rome. . .i tion of 1 Is First C.oneert Nearl y perian uncr Felri Will Junior KHC, Orders unless it would promote the war. effort. 2. The War Labor hoard in¬ structed its regional office* to See CEILINGS—Page 1 When members | paring Dwight D. Eisenhower fright) or the U. S. army. Allied commander in North Aincu. -hakes hands with Gen. Sir Ber¬ nard L. Montgomery, chief of the British eighth army, during a recent lour or the southern Tunisian front after the British break-through at the Mareth line. ,Associated Press photo by radio from Cairo.) implement a section ot the presidential order authoriz¬ ing WMC to forbid a worker to taking a new job at higher pay I'lease, Sirs April j lini was understood to be gram to Campus London patch today that Premier Alusso. i sions as a result of lhe Presi-1 dent's order: 1. War Manpower Commis¬ sioner Paul V. McNutt and his aides began working on a inn- Today's Sicily, quoted. I Reuters reported In a Zurich dis- ma-' series of other started - diselo jor developments and repercus- (API- of his key oilland technicians from Tuni- sources °"es; there 10 has some -ia lo Messina, I Roosevelt at a press conference, said OPA hoped to "roll back" prices in a number of instances, but did not mention any specific Workers Can t Shift Along with these April Rommel evacuating rers Ij'jivc Troops LONDON, Lansing will be one hour Stabilization Director James the state capitol time. F. Byrnes, sitting in with Mr. .u,> students are advised to . Abandoning Maliaras ,,i understand the situation .,mh to avoid collecting ti„n Nazis many cost-of-living items anil, with other agencies, hastened to carry out President Roosevelt's! sweeping anti-inflation order. watches as they arc, go to une hour earlier, come ,t the same time they al,,mc home, -and stay away "1,'vics in Lansing unless ... . indicated! today as OPA drafted do!-1 9 lar-and-conts ceilings for Lansing time will be one ,-ter foods some allowed to stay out until i freshmen, 9 p. m. and i! . By WII.LIAM T. PEACOCK WASHINGTON. April living in col- (AP)—Lowered prices for! residences I ited ,, . m. classes at 7 a. eastern war time). women , , ^'SVItllOtVer MccIS MOlll"(HIH'I Y f) when the State Board .... 7 APRIL 10, 1943 jpieeillff from Allies beginning chedules ItllCHIGAN^ATURDAY. EAST LANSING. a£tDuiscure. and Duiseurs. Early will furnish the first 25 aged in the past two day". >>f entertainment ac¬ cording to Crowe. Because of the postponement if the dance scheduled tor to. •l'ght, air students will attend the movie. They will sit in the balcony while the civilian stu¬ dents 130 enemy vehicles hud been de¬ stroyed and another 200 dam¬ will occupy the Allies Bomb Madang AUSTRALIA, April 10 (APIDestroying six planes and strik¬ ing at Japanese supply bases on New Guinea, American and Aus¬ sie planes bombed Madartg In a main surprise attack yesterday. seats. IJ-Boatw Sink Destroyer LONDON, April 9 (AP)— Axis U-boats attaching an At¬ lantic convoy last month sank Britain's famous hero class de¬ Britain s famous nero ciass u Harvester, the admiralty Harvester, the admiralty stroyer stroyer disclosed today, but the loss was disclosed today, but the loss was avenged by the Fighting fighting French corvette corvette Aconit, Aconit which which of the. submarines." of the submarines. sank sank two two time table slN1,Ay_ in F«ult^d nln» ™ ri^m Union Union Christian Fellowship, 5 p. m. Bethel .Manor GetMonday Up Saturday, Apri fage Two Grin and MICHIGAN STATE NEWS Entered m poetofMce, E*»t Lanstn*, Mich. Annex, room 8. eeeond-claae matter at the ground floor of east wing of Union Building Publtvhfd daily except Sunday and Monday morninga f Mr and weekly on Thoraday morninga during aummer Mtaker A.«.d.t«l Coll„I.U IT— located on aMpus chwchb OBtorn during the regular by the etudente of aeaa on Michiv.n State collet. Telephone—College Phone S-1SU. W1\ C • a ftorial Office-Ext. 269; Buainett Offle* National Advertising Service, inc. -Ext. 26«. College Publishers Representative Subscription rate*—8c per copy; tt.00 420 Macibon Ave NrwVoBK. n.v. P" V" by; $1 AO per y«r by cA- r,,NCIMJ college carrier to atudenta; 12.26 p«r year by college carrier to non-atudenta. ..n,., .4 . « ... rostom , a, tlfN.L • . . irt • . ASSOCIATED PRESS MEMBER OF THE Ttie Associated Pree« is exclusively entitled to the use bfwi (TiKpatchfi cr»fliu»d to it or not otherwise credited in feral r,> pi.bliahed therein. All right* of publication on are n!a<» re«cr\'ed. Manauinir Editor, Faculty Advieer A. A. - --- .. PROP WASHINGS From I In: ENGLISH language. HE lengthy conversations a single word of English — army drill masters have perfected a completely novel pronuncia¬ tion for ordinary commands that never falls to baffle new without using we rerognlrahle dialects. If you speak English, eny other Eng¬ lish-speaking person eon under¬ stand you, though you may slur virtually possible to —Which makes It have been taught, is one of the few 011 the earth that has no the topic. Musical follow at 7 p. m. nism." Detachment) carry on with "This i -Believe" vespers to 7 p. m. as APPI.W5ATK 'Communism' Is Subject ' Lutheran Student club is scheduled to meet at 7 p. in. in organisation rooms 1 ahd 2 of the Union to hear Dr. Paul Honigsheim. associate professor of sociology, speak on "Commu¬ Disregarding army slanguage CVT. K. E. llAI.MOS, JR. Abbot Halt Bv services of Peoples church tomorrow. Student Christian Union will meet for a fireside hour from 5 of *U 310th Airrfow (College Training on in the School of the 9 and 11 a. m. , Bunlfiea* Ma nSvtr. ErIBor Viehi speak this paper and a!»o tne apeetal di'patrhee here- I.KN BARNES Kf.l.TS BRANDT D&y The rev. n."Registration a. mccune win Christ" at The College Lutheran church, meeting in the State theater, will hold its weekly worship service at 10:30 a. m., -and Rev. Willia'm Young will speak on "In the Shadow of the Cross." J FAN WHtTtNO The Bible class preceding the lliVrti-.Ha HafTorrl service meets at 10. for republication . Edif.»ri«! 1>iro,.tor. B.\ Bear It The Wosleyan Methodist church, at E. Michigan and n. Magnolia in Lansing, will be highlighted by Pastor"* .Royal Woodhead's sermon on • "Out Sanctitlcation" tit II !Y. ~m. to¬ morrow. The evening ftervice tit 7:30 will continued series i>0 Jesus with "Christ, Our First Teacher" as the topic. • Masses Slated at Csual' Ttnies St. Thomas Aquinas' churcn*' on Abbot road in East Lttbsing,will hold its regular masses at background and experience I should f : eiyerimental department perfectly - I used '■ "With tup your hat designer!" and at m. during the.-, week. given at a your "R's" or broaden your Chaplains with U. S. armed forces .are using chain-, "A's" or huve other idiosyncra¬ training base sound to recruits Open forums will be held Wed¬ as though the commander was nesday at 5 and 7:30 p. m. in gold plate over an iron base. Copper and brass will n<>! sies in pronunciation. manufacture articles of religious devotion until after " That's true, excepting in the g.-.U'ling violently, ending each room ! of the Home Kc building. Public i ; This open letter to men in fhe xrrt'ic n Service weekly feature of nlstanding emits on Michigan State News, dcucribiiig tin | campus. Clip it out and mail it to a frit the acre tee. i Ill JOHNNY: The First Pvesbvterian gfrurch. the corner of Capitol and Al¬ legan in Lansing, is continuing a series of Lenten sermons by Rev Peter Monsma with "The Gond Shepherd," at 11 a. m. to¬ a for wlio can In , . j ing Along " Caissons Go Roli- titled the big disappointment of What might be J1 | ' realty too, we heard, it AT CORAL GABLES SCOTTIE McNEAL postponed until May 1 by Or. for the best because it will was ami His Orrhrslra HELEN SCHMIDT and Bv the week was which was scheduled C F. Holland, head guardian of the college's health, and I.t William D. Anthony, medical officer for the 310th CTD Although it was quite a blow lor 1,000 coeds and the air students, the auditorium was in Dance to liUDD BEI I Ouartcrs | the fact that the coed-aircrewmen dance for tonight SATURDAY MGIIT Campus • everything from "Around Her Neck" to "The help WAWdWWAV.Y.V.V.VAVAVAV.W.V. will be AFTER this weekend the Sig¬ ma to a Kappas worn frazzle unless they are Bowling Olympic superhuman . . the doings ,'ith started yesterday aftei combat the cold germ that is floating around, have A'hi i a tea in honor of son: e national Probably by'this time all the ERC Spartan , been awaiting their orders are winding up their alfaii i, for all | untUprovince officers who are i report I this week orders have been sent to ?00 men a day visiting them thrti ■'guests of April 13 or 14 to either Fort Custer, Fort Sheridan, Cat p Grant, I honor will be the grand I or Scott Field president, Mrs. L W. Corbett; Oh yes, the 240 senior ROTC men who have been living in grand secretary. Mrs Ivan I fraternity houses were placed on active duty last Wednesday. Schneider; antl province presi¬ dent. Mrs Russell Cole. They will go to Fort Coster sometime next week to be sworn | into the army, and given their physical examinations, and they beSome new Sigma Kappas will showing their pins proudly will return as sergeants or. corporals with the regular army pay. I viupl at morrow. week. Big news is the aircrew students overlook the fact that art atmosphere of strictly business has hit the campus"' And i do mean hit it hard. I There are flights to the right of us, and flights to the lett of us I and ail of them nutrehing and singing different songs . It's been quite | III Our drive to get Into the scrap, the most useful i>l .< 11 heaps is the one on which we have our prejudices. the church.* Saturday. April 10, 1943. , I inquiry classes will Monday and Friday continue on at 8 p. m nt II eehlv Letler to Men in I In* the m. tomorrow, n. PROP WASH—Page 4 See army. | 9 and 11 7:15 a. recruits. Most comhwnds . . . - - Billiards Rainbow || ;| . uniforms for [ But Ihey will have to forsake their nice officer awhile. And Johnny, the women are really ruling the campus now and have even invaded publications row. At the State News I office, seven women are filling posts vaented by men who left for the armed forces. Pretty*- soon I think they will call it ' * ' harem row. Well, this i them off, and | is all for now, I'll do the but good luck , , with the letters. Love, keep knocking . same • DEE. , initiation and banquet after the today . they will be . . Connie Dee Dearing, Barbara Christiancy. Betty Butter. Mdtg Howald and Marion Murdock. Sigma Nus Honor Brother The Sigma Nus are. bestowing a post-mortem honor Upon one of their brothers lite in World War Helmer, PURSE , is being made for outstanding hero, the croix de gueri palms, the distinguished service —III KKV COSTUHitOUK TOltAV I TO 11 P. >1 lUy Mlll.nd — Itrttv l irld Husbands Necessary" "Are AI«o I.AST IUV- - Nr., . I'itlmn - MnMt.ll STARTS SUNDAY * /* A MICKEY'S NEWEST IS HIS BEST! A ^JkMICKEYROONEY ^i®lYAHlOlET0N* * vm ummui . w<rt . V iiuufa fwuwi BARTHOLOMEW AIM /-s-v umoi • QBKUT • imur (2&\ NORMAN TaUROG rH5" j JjSU kiiiit UIH .. 2, TV .M < ■ HUNTER *» —bU Oirxtelbr • ♦ EXTRA l-NIT TREATS * • 'Latest World and War News" - "Paratroopers" - Cartoon the silver star and cita¬ his commanding of¬ ficers and Marshal Retain. The love life of the campus seems to be taking a definite cross, tions from slump in spite of its being spring term evidently most of the" . men . . took care thing before term. There of that the sort end of only are of last three along that line this time. Teh, Tch Only i Couplings Ted Himmolein. Kappa Sig" and graduate of last year, has given his stre and crescent to Lee Leland, Chi O A sister Chi O, Maryruth Barlow, is now flashing a diamond from Bill Shuttleworth, Theta Chi - . Mary Elaine Childs received a ring from Cmpt. Jack Welch, Kappa Sig of Ohio Stater -" In order to get into thee right mood at the very beginning of Like You Never Did . , . . . . Victory by Contributed in the Interest of . the term, tt\e Alpha Ch is The New Hut Steak House always #ood food are go- tmoorrow. . •T"»rnr," rumiinnmi Before] items . I J April 10. 1943 nday. MICHIGAN five State W restlers Win First Round AAU Bouts Maxwell, jriiiiiujis. Frosii to j Johnson, Kniirud Survive )|arrs. STATE NEWS Page Three VISIT VANDERVOORT S two big- - Men Tra MILITARY SUPPLY DEPARTMENTS Fi I (tcmicirs — fur" "v ■ the AAU (irsity Squad I wrestling through went 5® afternoon 5 "name" grapplw. i Si',Jhe 5°m'n8 dun! c the :'(Ttinnal and eolteftlte ",e bc ,lcld ' without losing a sin- *4 )„ *1saw |1 ay Michigan readying, meet with ! here next i action in the sevlasses that were Whit. a„t by their opening > t . ! •VanDervoorl Sport Equip. at Grand Ave. 213 East Grand Itivrr Ave. EuHMiim ^e time tr.a s were j ?? y slated to he run otrj ;; but the threatening nnd ..ppanents, \v!th the possi- hy^.tbe' caused the time to he! He ane'e exception of Newt Cop- j " ®d "P « day :,,,r | " I > LOCATED AT— •VanDervoort Hdw. (o. .... With an eye on the cloudv! i,s ®,,es1' 1 Kilrl Schlademan > antics tonight and j Put ",s charges through a stren-1 parting field of 140 L!i'ork"0"I »nd time trials: • 'ufJiiuii-hip ' annual-1 that first round of 'Mg circus ■ • I on East Lansiiio , Sllll Tsui t otfOil 101) CAN'T GO WRONG WHEN Y00 BOY ARMY invitation titleholdacniadenian s chief ,s w"v> looking for any potential point! Lincoln, Neb. t * >—no inmn m,dwe-t 1 - - inim , Match hommsifes I *Jtfc nr-t . ...... V..T-V New ,„ut. M-.,i,iitrtt m.chitrnn ... s,,it, Pair for ,,t . Weymouth. Wrinkle Free YALE-FLEX shoo COLLARS in Garrison of mcidentallv who and 200 n't. even's mainstay for the fresrman and is show- !?s p!ent-v of : improvement new name yearling ranks | is John Von Kbcrstein Oak. Von , <>l THE BOOKS out Eberstein of Royal for track come I and shows plenty of talent, j pecially along the 440 II IN Sports Records jm Sparc Morochts (Any Branch of SefYire) , 95c hi s just this soring i Frinwdifi C.omfllelint: With Kraid Trim on, |bc outdoor oval . A I mis spring in the t-n Gaps squad winter term j i-inn.i lo.nit h..ney. WITH meet " las, | Detroiter Allan Waite was the 440 i 2:57. itote. OFFICERS' SHIRTS jI ^ate high school sPnng round. Michigan «U-v 'flrnt ^ is •'<"* Steclmnn Birmingham, | ., • O freshman prospect | won the 100 Nintmr ! :is'K I jKII I'l i: Biggest M'lLhe dasbts fttntn. *-<• <--cond . tin. squad several new jtbhc bash Prospci. .mt-1 Net™. N. J.. ,-.»k..»»ki. " 'Mpnund stntc. MtcSfcrhn mottino. —. In-ti- tlrrouhdi" llJ-fxHind rlnss and M(ch1tr.n ; ,ho jOSs „f n,ninst hj|lf .)r roundt liable point makers to tr e armed Michiuon State, forces at the end of the tern, Hnth.why, i. jj looking better lor i U'ith the addition of iN.Y.i fi-eshman members. (dot mundi Wot Sid.-.YMCA v.-pound I—t ch.mpktn.hlr. Si", -pound t | makers among the freshmen Nntio..-, developing them Thin«s the mmch.- in ... , ENLISTED HEN'S MILITARY fn^Wnt winner ,n the two-mile events during the completedi ^n,er r'"' »>" »"*>' w,n i„have un-' s'r°n| »1ut« j Bill Scott. tilling in! a in gaps 'u history s work SHIRTS is to an j old| liege ties Bill Marshall from through publications 'died Ai r, I A l.... Yale Warrant Hler Mercerized Tv ill Count j along with Sophomore Hill Roberts, will be the Spartans' mam informa- j contenders in tht pole vault and written j *2.93 seeking Hotchin, member i since their loss of Ted Woneh to >f 1912, for yearn the ERC. j They comply with rrery Aimy j Barbour will also be competing specification and, in addition, ; they have hobby of collecting In the broad jump event will resting bits of in-j be Jim Barbour of East Lansing athletes at the collaborated in mt ,,.s I m the 220-yard dash. Another strong man in the broad uimr> is Dick Papps, freshman from ' Roseville who has as his sideline. I'm Baseball Card ;; Michigan Normal. 1" t. i-' 11—Wisconsin, Northwestern, iliHsdale College. oi 2" U of Detroit. •M«y 2.7 Western Mich. May 2« -U. of Michigan. -v 21 Seifridge Field. jut,.- 5 Western Mich. , As yet Schludeman has tound no prospective high jumper . at present is searching foi son to fill this spot. one - ■ ' |i.. D. W. Kuyken'i,e Liberal Arts There ' -re . ^ 1 f ■rrv ■he ' ■ ac- hv. are a 1 0, 0 vacancies for lifted canciidate, cut shoulders to allow plenty of room standiip Yale-Flet permanently smooth by the patented and all seams are double-stitched. The Gmmiiander Poplin Broadcloth with ,Kr ?!r Sports 7""d DEAIlING Michigan State's topnotch wo man swimmer, Lois Newman captured fifth place in the 100 yard breast stroke event at the Michigan AAU meet held last j in $2.95 . Saddle Shoe Shine Kil.s 75c it p U. $. ARMY Weave Sun $5.50: The Drake Gabardine Weave High Couni By DEE colors, The Miami Beach Tropical $2.95 39c for action, and art form-fitting at tiic waist. Tliey have collars, made S'Vtiti" Kite. YM.E generously in the sleeves and across the The (htm pit s Women's nieaning for lhey »re inter- ,'i'ortunities, |e- arc Complete selection of regulation fabrics and sizes H lo IV, sleeve lengths 32 to 35. a new : 'lf ■er> I- Shirts and durability. For instance, III., will be aiding Sophomore Migiiaeeto in the weight event, as well as huriing the dis- i<> Senior ■women Are Posted s- -marines'* features that give Celancse process, in* Oj»«n Srr-nu extra many him during the indoor season. Phil Durante from Wheuton. j compete beside Jim Milne, and Hume games. 1 hurdles Nick Michigan Nonfnal. Seifridge Field. 24 low KaveifT Back In Hurdles Sheldon KavicIT will be the Spartan freshman mainstay m the hurdle event-. Kaviett ,. transfer student from Detroit, left an impressive record behind \pr 17 f (,f Michigan. 'Apr 21 Notre Da'me. Apr J t t. 24—Ohio State. Apr 27 Notre Dame. I 'May 1 U of Detroit. SI.75 line I Running in the halt mile with j John Liggett will be Joe Kcn| of nedy of Niles who was another the freshmen's best men in¬ Knmodig, itssistnnt doors. athletics and the ofL.vke Is Strong Distance Man ; of records for State, Wardell Lyke from Copemish, hi his spare time in - - es- Sun Tan Color All Above Shirts in Regultion Officers* SLEEVE INSIGNIA AND CLQC yU. / J CHEVRONS Style night in Detroit. Joan Province of Detroit was j (Sst-iY' n"T Completed their winner of the event again this j -...i"" with the -placement year. The winning time was fc' u'"1'en jW< ■J Liberal Arte laud x "widi' " m Room 3, Union so immediie,1l2Uvurge*' and check thebul- "!>d do boaml which i« 1:32.2. Miss Newman's timing was improvement over last year's 1:41. located Miss Newman broke her 301:36, an yard breaststroke record in the ■Michigan State pool three differ¬ ent times last winter term, ing it down from 24 23.2 seconds. bring¬ seconds to TWO STORES .LANSING #EAST IANSING Saturday, April 10. PROP WASH Foxhole Follies Campus of Display jkoU MacKmalr. McCartney. John Jr., ps } (J,orK* William McKinrtry, Kill* May. Thomaa Imiffh, Jr., Mannar,.. Mich*. Myron H»nllll Milnh.ll, Any.Jo Miller. l-'rank h FRATERNITY ADVISERS ASSOCIATION— The Fraternity Advisers assoeiatlon will hold a dinner on the llnion sunporeh at 6:30 .Monday night, and regular monthly meet¬ ing will be held Immediately alt¬ er the the dinner. Reservations dinner should be made Heath's office no later Monday morning. Ron IIILLKL— Hillcl will hold its first for at than thiir meet this term tomorrow, at 7:15 in the Spartan room of the Union. The meeting is open to all Jewish men and women. The main business will be nomination ing .p. m., of olliccrs. SIC.MA XI— Dr. C, A. Elvehjein. profes¬ sor of biochemistry at the Uni¬ (Continued from Page 1) stop all wage increases "except clearly come within cent limitation of the formula." Mr. Roose¬ order banned general those that the 15 per little steel velt's wage increases except under versity of Wisconsin, will speak this formula or to correct sub¬ on tile "Present Status of the Vitamin B Complex" Monday, standard conditions. 3. John L. Lewis, demanding 7:30 p. m.. in Musie auditorium. S2 a day wage increase for coal The publie is invited. miners, made clear in New York he was not giving any ground as STUDENT CLUB— Student club has- titled .its a result of the President's order meeting tonight "In the air, or He declared miners' wages arc at Student club, it's fun." The sub-standard and commented that the anti-inflation order left program will consist of square and folk dancing, games, and "the mine workers still hungry oafs; it will be in the social hall and resentful in having their of Peoples church at 8 p. m. All demands lor bread made a po¬ are litical invited. CAMPUS BOOK OPPOSITE pawn." STORE UNION 'ERY SPECIAL SWEETHEART GIFTS BOTH MARJORIE DEE SHOI On tlie corner Xntvr diagonally across from the State Theatre 228 Abbott Road East Lansing S | Church colors for o!l Branches of the U S. Service and for Correct ife Directory FIRST UTIIERAN STUDENTS AND SERVICE MEN MORNING Inter OF CHURCH Ktvtn East Lansing CHURCH SUNDAY Civilian Wear. CHRIST. SCIENTIST CHRIST LITIIERAN 'Mlwourl Synod) ... Maaenie SERVICE Tempt*. 314 M. A. C Sunday School 9:30 A A Othor Arm M Accessorio Sunday Srrricau it A. M. torn. W-dn-sday Ermine Service 9 O clock Reading Room and Les.lire LRrary, til Buildinu. Abbot Open bi:y V 4 3"., f from 11:30 A. M Sunday* from i to 9 I' trd M. Botany Tics McGregor >1 -SIc<ap Sweaters MIFFLIN AVE. T>*IGIN«Ll* THE PEOPLES CHURCH itrntfiiMiinatMMl I Service* »( Wvrikip D:ll an4 11;M REGISTRATION DAY IN THE copies of mi mencit ZNCYCioncta or eaaniNiNO IN dictionaiytoau at onl> II.9J tbumb .ad.xcJ □ 13.49 without thumb-iadexQ Q Remittance heiewiih □ Scad C.OJX me K Ace. C. A. Brack. Miniater W drum* Gentlemen: bend S. Mitlin 3M ONLY JIamlv Arm) Church of the Nazarene IIU1 SCHOOL OF CHRIST Stadenu aad Sunday Srlmol 19 to Morning Worship 11 All aervicea on LANSIflC AMP a. at. vwv oaerr n. or. Eventny Service T:S9 p. N. A. MrCllNE Caere* All Service* m Eaaitrn War Time Two Mock* .ooih of Mack-can Ayr. just inside of I.a>atar city limit*. Take CoUoge-Fuber boy & if i;: ■UBlHHnHHB to Franc* Open | • J CAST IA' Lie" Cii Vr v'** fcv«nN Lansinc *isit,' Sattirda> When in Downtown M°re
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