€.rtoJi +ihrl+l9 9 .jl,gfrf, O.o+il : oj[*i ' &ll: oolY.../1f/rrl \r1f/r/\. lJ; gU : o f-;.:'.^ 'ticl rpl;>l 9 fY*, l.l il;a" 9;s \f l,Y/.l t;y \?lgcl?Atl oll*l lL; tF ;*,ry, { J9l oi.-*.f g>l{l " tyy lr .S".ryL-,,r I .rcl+ Ot;L .*!.tr ,rl .rrl* 9 ,}tt dit--o cC.L-to jE O9{,.;lt5 J}.J a;plo r( DMLC-PARTI) .it+Irrl {ourl.artsl .+ JL,l ,L;>;*'l d^Q? tt ..rfO \t\oAto\W,.r:*,JS Y. ozL-;.1!!ril: oz_95,:-J;1j.Jtit"- sr*)sjU?.;,:.1 ,).a.)Jdlti.dlr#: .,iUi AA1.Ot.r :r.<i AAlrVtOt 3 AAlfVff'- 1 :;il No.30, Daneshkian Alley, Between Vallieasr Sq. & Zartosht St. Tehran 1415845173 Tel : +009821-88947646-9 & +009821-88947656 Fax: +009821-88905604 .E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] -Website:www.saoi.ir CsJf* 5/30/2075 2:12 PM FROM: FarzinFaxServerl TO: 88905604 PAGE: 001 OF 009 t! b;,. trqrffil $t gliL,7)n,/,rrt) \fluPl?b\1rdj 6ti!trt,,gl,;|, tZr{, i9.tt a kriiS gllrtn {ob-l &llf i{..$, dlf.i5 ir.#l glrl €")Ll619pr dlJSS ,5 i .Jly-t LiSii lrr,T S.rj1 .* 5ri c01(*9o Olilft 15ail cg:1e5r r,/-L-r0.1lf gpllf JFi l:.ls r(l DMLC-Part) Otrltl4.lirl{Dt Jrl,riiq t)Ql :tfr Fqb fry-, jl .,i rtr" rr-di lr+Yl fjY g .,rr-lr-2s zlS s$lf q 6l;l ,r.!1-rl g.rf+e+ ,jt*ll { .ir-Us Lt Jrr*i. a;ab 6i; F,o,6{rjl a.Ur\Dl Jtl Uirr r:*g*r t,l€.rr, c,:d.5ta1lld f \i,,:5.51y lf/f/Yl tlff .eL-.ls 115 +.l4lf 9 +.Ur\.bl fri dI+ +fj ,Sf,*,,|) ,i pjy rrbl"rSl LS*,, ,-,a6i c^qri larglii jl 61J"jl e"U ,\pt p9r uii:rl q*j t loy ^by.:. qr)lrl , &t13lf )tM a5l;r-l q qf ! ljJ .ut' ..r" .$-l J.t q g-;,*r tf* cltf rr culpj!' , rjt{ ,-r" OKlb r5r- &-rE rd9,,s : <t yl oirL ,[ ollbl h.t,> -tLlr,,l s& *-t-b - jyJ -;lr.r;;L -,jt!.ir! , ;,k+1.- -X*,rr -;ti-.,f -Ol5i;")pQ +5 V\/xf ilr\.-.\ a"L a,.-;511 srtl rtl:s # 6:s ,-l-\P E;ii, fl$lJ c".ia ii . iig1 i'Jal'- 15 ; J' tlrb' t't-)' "t) i' t inforpmo.i.r"(,;.{,aVrJlllrzrrnl:,r/lllirL t " #t ,'r,Jrllirrlll s -.' dt'tT t ,A:,, : .iiltlt\-tJ, titAtl|\:t! You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://wwrv.novapdf.conr) 5/30/2075 2272 Pl4 EROM: FarzinFaxServerl dlfrs rlf Or+.uli5 88905604 TOr =ll.r+f PAGE: 002 oF 009 .furlllgrs b.lft;j Jr".ii a,.oh .o.ral €ttolrl (f Flipl ',rtt.lt i,{ dtaF 9 dls Jli;i, 'r;ry,d6hA,lrs a, J7.*r )* as.*brf6 {5 .Jill{ .ir.F 2rti,r orgr,eoo g r# cCL-.lr r-t' r.dlr-.ls .215 Ur#,"ili5 Jro.fu $ar ,6 63yil3i5 r:tly'l Jro.n ,,!5 .ro 6blglS Drj gDti' 6bU",',rlt;..gl1Ci ,tlyacr;n aS 6ly-lp?, Ciert.5targtJ (l .J.i{toi , I .," pt?l Si q ryJ. arL;a d@lrs .t' tsi Olll utbsll;..l , dsL,.,, ,5la,gl;*i (Y glt'l j"ti r;.iL *," {,;l.l ,r-l* 9 JtliL.l ,gllls of ..*If *G g 4* dt}.,9Ui (f t1&te, d.pt .* g L1s\,StedltJ" o,,;t"o .rlnrg6 glt'l ,l"fj $. ,l ft?el {Jta,l ir.t ,tu afiplst ,Jtnrrt;j qI5 (f ,{ritf,l$ .sqe t LN ,.,rti.+i*, , .,!t"A:fl ,GlFl;,rp r;toiAlt ,lP ,f VW srlirt,A?r* ,jf url ,Ct-rs 6lr;*;,;ljS 4l lrlj5 Jtrtt ,2ls *y 9 oS.rJf Ji.oti,jt"ri orfu *+ ,et" gLr-t.a J". I tlb.l &ir*, ,abyl jssi*o t )4 IJUJ rr[Li ,Vg;.-Y E;l9jl ,a5$a r+ I t1tl;. ciL,6 dt{dt 5.rr- ,.,gti.ii J*oj'f b1;. gl5*l , .,tr rp-il*r €p dt{*ltf ,Vy.J\) At,* tsolri .rrtlij jt*S"i.," (FPSO r FSU)qii ,y)lt*9 .5'llSU rt.lr ,)y-{ ,f fl+l r!: -J tF *.t ,t- bt'rL lll * :#a rti jl .,:E .5Lrr,h.1, -i,r! ,r,-1.2.: .*, L;.x gll .Jt+j !;*,1 cirt*r ,fr,l ,J.t .rrti .r5r;:t+ f '/l \/l 9J* qldl G*jy sl-ss ,.g-Q.J-t.i 1l rfy\'/rlY\ -r* -U -u+l-F "Sr-.-: (0 .J*t l.r, ,tu.J** l, c*l *rL,; L9.r- -l.Jl.,;-: ;.1 2r ,.jtt+ *Jtr *rJfi Jji;;][#'; Jl/-l f .t y\y. g 1l,&4;lt41l uLlr $ ,jb_.r:t:.l it6;l,S .fr;y!-.r: {rrl+e ,Jh.lftij q5 Ojrr.. e (MODU):16 J-- !}T.t :s; , g s.y-l c5.rrt^? g-L-p -; *.r,a r l-i 1 iT,i; ;]ff gtL, r9;l5 r,Ll y (3 Jl),|* arL; 21; ;.q-a t gU-l ; ( *(ii t# s *-k)t" r-f ::, 1 { "l.ril-;rL: i'+l .;i.. 'lt--l*;l"b a,s u!l-u_l You created this PDF from an apptication that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http:/lwmv.novapdf.conr) 5/30/2075 2:12 Pl4 FROM: FarzinFaxServerl TO: 88905604 ,-.,J)tl ,q1l' €t*i 9 PAGE: 003 OF 009 ,p-* gtn.rr$ +15 (V glerfLii,gl o;L crLlrl (I O#lf Fr-' Olt' rr or-i O.**; ,gl ojL" slrF Sl*l (t .f ,dlf .r ll'\f/f/f I brjl .,rr \;i (Keel taying)diiLr Ut; &.,8 aS,rshleLi.; SIX dldtr )l! h i,#-i ti e os, +oU &t**rf .itL" L{ii c.+t, 9 a,ii;,ry-U ,rf lP bl:" stlUaj sltj,. ooyat;i seE 9 Ot"jb ,stlr-rs 115 r#_U t{ 6g;lf qlf : fy osy Alig. &ti siL, ,;r-if J* :) l;*Yl fjY ^b1f 6la,,l-Jlrr/-yr. .,r,Yr1 ft+l q D-rj.rr_u g.q rr o,ui l* ,Jif_ dl{#t& qF (f .f .ly,ralgri ,l}.rll,.htg Ot";l* .r*t, t{,.(Jt" OJg>rt JylOttp;,r ta19Ll.3.5l o;t*r lflf/flfl ;t J+ t+I si't, €;S d.*b,tt;; u.r,r; rr (f .f ey,!t* rs or,j f ,,Sl ajL, s1:* )l gb ,.i\ eFl*.itrl";l c4p p;Y,:l.l.l!l ':s+ {Maior Modification).5| ojl,., !J6, ols;; s;f, d .*lr-lr )tS Or*;l?l ci.*1L.ro,c*rl .!i-F Jt"rl Ot"jL" eyan qi.re g"*,1 ,blf 'lflf/l/I1 ;f J+ l$l aJSrs .!.rF Fl+, .51 citt &rb d.*brrfi olLr aJa, tf ,Sg' ,1 , dJb t*9; 4#t? (f .f crlsrj (.,tJrty.jt tr)tL+yl{ U, c5rtril .g.rl ,-r"lllf .f I I .Y.5la*.J"1*l rqisd 'r11U .5b,,rtii stU-ro rlt ; p.lril qr" ojL, d;il*r dl*jl qeYd, {"li$H )tb |f ,4.Li,olf :fs,, (! .f .r:sl ,3llll.r*lr cf ptqpl L,IJI 6*t dh;.r*, a5 .;j.,li r GT $.. UarBU ,:+rb L,Jr,A"i4 ,ll/ r.5b.ll[;,.i qJS Alt b ,JrA.,i. ,11lr7-l gbrftij $J-tr-i .t' r:..11*e r.Clr-.r! +JS Sly.,.Clr-rr tlJr.,:t y-Lr tlQ ls llt 6l+Ltil ayVsl ll5 6*gl a5,),{st, A.Lialt' tib (Y .f gl/ fr?, lr aS ;.lA 9 GT f.. AaltrU,:.JP .gsl ,3r,lll You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://wwrnv,novapdf..com) 5/30/2015 221,2 Pl4 FRoM: FarzinFaxServerl To: )l i*5./LiU 4* q gb.rgtt.ii .tc:*i.r"frf ,. 88905604 pAGE: 004 oF 009 Slt ,st\tr tV LrtLjl qfyrl e A.tiplf )rb (f .f ,6$lis Jr.i 9 {JJ6J| g..f dhri*J pt+l FrrJ, GT6.. $#.r" rniL" tf'lf/f/It e-"-tU jl r+ o5,.Cb.rftii qJ or,"i thsl dk+ilr" (f .f .*iat' 6;s r.Clr-rr,l5 alallsl g osllo a,r ct*.1tr ,ra Slt rst\ritE rrtl"il A.ryrlr *'ti*alf 29;.o pa.s q c4tir L:o.,.arj 6l o;9r 6ta6.rr;l.r plqpl ,g* 1l targ[,,i i;1l dldril Ollo" ,pst.S11li!i 1l ,f .f r.{ 6hr2lrjl,i-rl ,trlrr a; ,l[i;.rl ff fl a.'l ,e*{ r.lftfil A.tlalf qroj g )gb aJ pd. ftqpl Ot jL" .f rf C:l:" Uy t r.Ctlf f 6g|t'5 * rr orj a$f P s5 tff ,Jbrg[i,.i .l.r.lr .a J2e y. ,*;,L;L .u-E e -(L c*p )r a)r r: ,GTa. . t # #liL ,r-i- J; L s,-ln.,rLri 6lx u&t.,15 g.VJ t -t *It',:- {t rrtz .r r_.*ylil ,;2a-lyS;r o.ri g=,.;'.5larrlshl .lrhr ! ,rlk; :^^;9 ;LI;l You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http:/lwunv.novapdf.conr) 5/30/2075 2t12 Pl4 FROM: FarzinFaxServerL TO: 88905604 PAGE: 005 OE 009 ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF TRAN MINISTRY OF ROAD & URB,4N DEWLOPMENT PORT & MARITIME ORGANIZATION MARITIME LABOUR CONWNTION, 2006 DECLARATION OF MARITIME LABOUR COMPLIANCE-PAR:T (Note: this Det:luration nrust Isstted, b tuuched lo lhe ship's Mttritimc Lobour Llertifitute) tutder the Porls & l{ayitime Organi=atiot llilhrespect to the pruvisiotrs of the lvla'itime Labur L'onyentiott, Nanrc ls muiwttined in tu:corduncc wilh Slundurd.l5.l.3 of the The wilersigned cleclares, on behalf 2006 the.fullotingreferencecl ship: IMO Numher of shilt of I G'a.r.s Tonnuge Ccsnvenlictn. the ohtve ftte,fiioiled con pete,tt uilluriry, that: tl The prcsl,is'ions oJ'tlrc MLC, 2005 are contuinetl in lhc ntilictnul prctvisiot* reJbrcncecl bclow; 4 provlsions whcre thcy diflbrJrom thc MLC 2006 uc profittut *,here netcssut),; The,lewiL' ol'an1'suhstantial equivalencies under Aricle 17, parag'npln' 3 atd 4, are ptovi,le.d the sectiort provided Jor tlis proltnse ,il Aru exentplints granled h1; tlrc competeil atihor'it, in accot'dance belou': tilh Titie 3 are t:leaiy indit:oled it the seclinn p'oided.lnr thir pulplse belou,: und ,) lruy:;hip-ttlte,specilic requit'aneuls under rrutional legislation are also relbrenced under the requiremeult contented. l. Minianmege (Regulaliott o Tlte minimum u,qe I.I) of persott Io be emplotetl or lth'ed except ll/asrer urul Clief Ettgineer') un bou'd un h'auiart flaggerl r,esse/ is' /8 yesre/ is 2j vears old. . The ntiniuum uge of zgrso,l, lo be emplov€cl or hired us u Muster or Ai$ Engineer o,, baurtl at lrufiut.flugqed vears nld. Rr.lrr*orr, Irauiart cde oipractiu.!'or'.Ii:sring Revaiidating (l) oc u mc nI n wn be r I' 6- V/ 2 2). 2 ard Retrcying Certificates.for SeaJatels Mcrlicat Certification (Rcgulation 1.2) o The lrafiun Porls & Ma'itime Orgafiztttiol shall rcEtire thul ittior lu beginniug uryrk on an lruiut lluggetl iltip, seufurers httkl a vaiid medical certilicale alte.stirtg tlmt llw.-v are medic,ally fit to peflorm the dutie.; thev are lo cany oul at .tea. o The medii;ul ('ertificote shall be issued by u /uly quulified uul upprovetl b-v lraniau Port & Maritime Ot'guuizutiott meiicul pracliLiouet' itt accordante u'ilh the requfi'enteN.s ol'the Inlentotionai. C,nnyeuiott nn Sta.adards oi'Trainfiry, Ca.tificotion and uutdt keepittg.for Seufurers, t 1978, us aneuded. vulfulillt ol'marimun luo yeurs, n:,lich ulso inchules color visiou exuminutiotr. In urgent tate ir Pnrz,s & i'{aritime lh'gaui:atiort nav Jr.nttit a seaf'arl lo unrk.lnr the peiod of validit-r* o.l'a meditsl ta'iJicate e.xpires in the course ctf u vctT'uge, the ccrtiJicute shull continue inJbrce until the ,xoit port cf'cnll whcre the set4/ttrcr cun ,Lbluin u medica! certiJicate.fi-om a qtaliJied medical p'at:titimter, provided that the pa'iod sltall not excee,l lhree monrhs Relbrence: Irauiau Cnde ol'h'actite.!'or Medica! Fitttess .\landards.lhr Seafhrers and (l)ocument nwnber P6- W3 irsling lhe Relevant Cerlificnte il. You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http:/lwur"v.novapdf.conr) 'i 5/30/2075 2zt2 PM FROM: FarzlnFaxServerl 88905604 PAGE: 006 oF 009 3. Quadficudol o.f Seafarew (Itegaldon t.J) o Sealbrzrs vilor*r)tg on hont'd lrariat flagged ves.sel musl have tlp appropriale training au.l qualifica1iot$ as u,ell as a cefiircur occrediti.ng lheir prolbssional contpelence orl other r1uuliJiculions to pe(brm their.Junctisns, fu\1, issued sr en6orse6 by thc Ports & Maitiue Orguizutiou. o The uttittittg tnd certiJictttion musl tdjust to the nuntlulot.v inslrumenu udoptecl $, the lMO (STCll'/76 w umcndc4l md re4uircmeil estublished in the Nutiutml Legislutiorr. Fttr lhe ]\iutictnttl Lcgislution, Training und cerldicoli.on slutll be in tccst'(lunre with the lnniltt lbrt d iluritime ' O r'.9 u t i z ati o t t r e quir e n e t bde Relerence: lratiurt (l) oc n^. oJ h'ucticelor Sealurers atcl issuittg lhe Relevutt L:eflilit:ute uncnt nu n lt cr I'6 - W 2 2). 4, Seqfarew cmploynunt agrccmculs (Regulation 2,1) Al! seafarut.i unrlirrg ot hoard an lt'anian,flagged vers'eJ shaB hrlue ar employmeill aE'eemettt atd .ytecifie; the inl'ormatiott to he int:luded thcre in: t Al! seal'u'et:r u'nr*iag ot hoard ail), ,rhiJ, shali ttgt'otttnont i-* t Ali seal'arel:r ng r eeme n I each have a,u-qze., oiginal ol'tlrc seaJbra''.s euplol,ntenl agr.eaneil, lo bo signod b7'L,z,th lho tealfitror tmrt tho shilt-otllaot'or tJ ltrpt.olonuuit,o csj'tho thip-c,tr,,not.. .r/tail have b eJb tlv opytrtuttit.v- to etamine. atd :;eek advice oil ilrc rctnt.s and tnudiliottt in and. tlrc lheir ,sealarer',. emploTtnent re sign irg. cnrpltwment dgrcenrcnts, ut'e cilsib, olttuirutble on boord by set[itrers, ind iccessibte Jor reyiew b1, olJiccrs ctf'u cttutpctenl autllotifl, including tlnse in ports lo he visiled. Tlre :sealbrer''s emplovuen! agreemeill.r nta1, he ke.pt on lnar,i irt electr.olic Jbrrnut protided lhes' ure rwdily nvtilable und cun be printcd olJ'iJ'rcquit'cd by individuul sanlitrers or Flag J^kuc ctr l,t-trt Stute In.rJx.ctnr-s. S%? owners shull ensw'c tlutt ' 1'.such the as m approptiate ull ure giren u documcnl con.tui.ning o rccctrd tf'thcir anploytnent t-tn bourd the ship di.tchu'ge honk), aud tlw tlti.r dot:umeu! shaj! ilol t:onlain nn ittJomtaliotr ort the qualih, oi' seuJitrers seaJ'arer's sa{urcr's work or lhcir $agcs. fu ,\taudard ,42.1.4 of'4rc Lfaritime Lalnur Corwenlion. 200i. o The mirintwu lotice period.f,Lr early ter.uiuution is not less than 7 days. Refercrrcec: lrurittrt Labtna. Lavr (chapter ll). i. tlre oJ'aay licensed engagetl u ceNified or rt4ulated pivutc ruct'uitmcnl und plut:emeat senice (Regulution 1.4) in rect'ttitittg seofitrers on behulf of ship-owwrs or placing seuftv'ers u,ith slip-ou,net,s. reuuitmettt und placentent services bused fu han shttll opph:.for uul attui,t upprovul from rhe Miuistr-t, u./' Luboto. t All seafarer t req_uitYntent:t uuder lhe Mariliue LahourConvetiliort, 2006 (llfLc) aud PiltO reqtit.enwnt.r. Al! seal'arer rect'uilment atd placetteil .\etlitb' ha,'ed f h'art tltat iiend lo tan-t: out reuuihnenl and placente.2t aclivilies.for. third ytrtiis s]rull upply /br aul attuitr wt h)nployuent ltegisttotiort Lies,15., jsc.lred wuler tlte llume office uctording lo rlrc SeuJiltcr recruitnent ugcnaies bused in uhd li.uenscd by Sttue I'urtics to lhe MLC ' ot.'4c'e 'Sl;p MLC, r 6. o'lrsll c,prt,c ll*l tvhaa toiel; ox/i,aa. trc rccttgnizecl tgst.lsi2t4an,/ q,tJ yslaoc,ttt,,tt ecr.tio.t b1, the.Tthninistyutor. Ju.ryt.vl i4 !err.tt.i..o.te/ par.l_r. le lltc prttctic(tble, cou^*teut with the reqtdr.e*tetts of ttrc MLC. ,\'/rrp-nurrer.\ Dtt^'\ ertgage any ol'lhe Recogti:e,l Otgaui:atior,s (apltoiuted and outhori:ed ht, llrc A,hninis6-ator) or tlre ,slip {,vner's intcrnul uutlit mechonism tct uttdit seufurer rccfltilment und pku:emenl,rer-y'rce.r. locutetl in counl,ies nol purtS, lo the MLC. .\hiVnwrcrs mav- en.{age seafbt'er recruionen! and placentev sentice alt.ead.v* atdited try ony o.l' the Remgrti:ed Or.gutizatiutts. Shiyau,ners dre reEdred to e,mtt e that such serpices are cansisleti uitlt tlw requh.ements ol the MLC. such sert,ices' ure, as.far ds Hours oJ'work or rest (Regulatioa 2.3) t The uinimwu hours qf rest sholl tot be less a) b) t l0lnws 77 irt any 24-lnur pa-iod; thun: : aul hourt in ilny ta:en-du1, pi:rior!. The reslirtg hout's can he grnuped in nto petiod,' al lhe maxbttunt, one the intentul bclween lwo cctnscculivc rcsting pcriads shull not etceed l4 o|ench slrull o Musler,s,.iire-fighlilry shull o be conducted chtfi al lea5t sit non-irilettupted hot*.s and atd liJbhoat drill,s and drills presctihed ln, tntiona! laws atd regulations au! b intentatiotrul in il munner llrut ntiilmizs the disturbuncc el'rcsl periods uwl does not inducc Jitti.guc. ErrI] Iraiiau.llagged uuthorities, il have h,turs. ves:;el ,rhali totutt an,l plac'e at an earilly acce:;,sihle instrurnertt,^, localinn arul. at ilrc ,lispo.sal ol' the cnntpetertt descri.bing thc organizution oJ'the work otbotu.d. You created this PDF from an apptication that is not licens_ed to print to novaPDF printer (http:/lwnr,,v.novapdf.conr) 5/30/2075 2t12 Pl4 FROM: FarzinFaxServerl 88905604 PAGE: 007 oF 009 o Evet'! lranfunflugged wssel shnll huve u record o.t'the seuJiu'ers duily, resling in accurlttncc to thc fctnnul u1optct! b, the Competent '4uthurit-v.fitr such pwpose lukitg iltta uctuutrt tle guideknes qf the tLO, in orfler k) enslre conTol ontl compliuace. These shull servc us documentur1, evidence thw thc set{itrer's mi.ni.mum resling hours ure mel. Muritinc Orgnlzutirur t lct ttuthorize or regisler collectire ilgreementt permiuing exceptions lo rhc limits set t)ut. Such eweptigns shull, us.{ur as pasible,.fullun'the pruviriurts ufthis Stutulttrtl but tuuy luhc Ltccutlttt uf ruure.frecJyertt ur lu,txtr kuve peri'ds ur the grunting oJ' contpensttory leur:e Jbr wutch keeping seuJhrers or scufttre rs working on bourd ships on shrtrl t,ttyuget. The dailt' recordt nl'the re-sling hours sholl he :'rrrittett in the unrkitg lmryuoge or loryuages ol' llrc ship arul irt Bglislr. SeuJiters shull receive u cop), oJ'the records pertuinitg to theat, which shult be enrloxed b1, tlw cupfuin or b1, thc pcrson thul hc uuthol7.zes, *ul the sedfdret'. Nonetheless, in ull h'atiurr .flugqed lrgsse/s the dail1, records uf restittg how.s cart be eleuruniullv seilt to satJurcrs, as long us these hurl becn uppra,ed by the ctputin or by lhe prson that lw uurhorizes. Refcrence: lrttnittn Code oJ'|I'uclice on Responsibililia oJ Shiplting Contpunies tnd Setlurers STCW Convention, a.s. amended (l)ocument ru.rrther P6-W2g). 7. in l,rgvisigns ql' Resyccl lp lhc llunning levelsfor the ship (Reguldion 2.7) o AIi lranian.flagged ve.ssels ,sltall requit'e Inve a :'ufJitienl numher ol' seaJorer'.t ort ltoat d tn etLtut-e tlwl .slip,t ore nlnr.aletl saJb)y, efficiealy uul nith tlue regard n sel.,rttitlt. livery ship shull be matmed. b1' o oeu, tl.tat is udequule, in terrrts of size uul quulificutictns, lo ens'urc thc s{bty und sccuriq, ol'the ship utd iu personnel, under ull operaling contlitions, in ilcctu1rtnce oJ' t he t int e rnu lion u I i.ns I rumcnt. lilhen deterninitg appruvittg or revisittg mdnnir4g levels, the Ports & Mariine Orgunizatiott sl:l,,ll take into dccou,i the tteetl to avoid ot'minimi:e excessive how's rf'u'ork m euw'e sulfit:ieu resl aud to limit7atigtp, ar well as the ptittt.:iplgs fu npplicahle interrwtionul i,tsfiuments, espeeialll, llrcse of llrc ltfiernationul Marititte Orgatizaliott rtrt muttrtitg letels. Referettcas; Porlit & Matilhne (h'garti:ation,stanlards ql')ocumertl rumitet- Pt 6-Wq). 8.,4 ccom nxtdatiott (R: quluion 3. I 1 ' Evet! ship shull mtinhtin dcrcnt und suJb uccomnrudulionsJbr set{hrers'*orking or living on ptuvisions relued tct the protection ofsena'ity, heahh and prevetfiion uf accitlerir'. , The retluil'emenls which relutc to ship conslrucion um! equipment upty onll'lp botrr! ships cttnsrructefl tn ships in uccttr4unce ttr tlier lhc r, rhc dute whcn lhe ship constntlion und equipmcnt thut urc s'el out i.n the ucconvuodulion oJ crcus cotrr:enlittt untl 1'Rcvised) lg49 (No.D) shull ctttttittuc to appllt lo lhc cxtcnt tltat rhc!, uvrc applicablc, prior to tltat tJuta, uulcr tlrc Juv, ut.practicc o{tltc lla*rbcr cu,rc*.rtcd. lshipshull bedeuned tet huve beatconslntcled on lhedulcwhen its kecl ktitt orwhcn ir is ur usimilur stuge t['construclion. o The Cupluil itall ' ut the petsutt designoted by him be bept i,t a retovd orul be a,railttblc.fitr v,erificatiot The coruPctenl uuthctrill' shul! pfi' reluliott to: tt) b) shall cutduct fi'eEtenl surue-I,s ott busrd ships b-,r the Compet*fi .Autltoyir', a,td puticulilr utrntittn to i4 ordet tu e,,st1e rlut the ,]te poyt Stule Co4xtl. ensuring inrplententufion o!' the requirentenu oJ' rhis L'.gnwtrrion the size ot'rconrs u.nd crther ucutmntutution spuces; heuting auJ yeutilutiott: c)noise und vibrulion und olher rmbientJitclors; d) sanilar_,*.tbcilities: c)lighting; md .fl H nspi t al ac'c omm od at io n. Reference*: Port.s & Marithne lh'garti:atinu,stanlard:; 1L)ocuvteril rumthet;s Pt6-Wt, Pll;-W3, 9. On bourd recreatioaul . Ptlt-Cil. fieilities (Regulutioa 3.1) y'avide approptiute seafarets' reil.euliotul.fucilities, uueniies aarl sa,r.rtcrr-, lhe spec,ia) ueeds of'seaJ'arers v:ln nust liye atdwork nt hoard ship,t. Iu uliitirttt to the requireve,fis relevttrtt ro recredliott.fudlities as slate(l in item ,] dbuve, lhe ship olli,lers slrull poficle as u ttritrirnunt, a leievision, reading maleriol:;. cortluining vocalioual anrl. olher hool* and spae.li.tr.recreatiotal activitie:* al nn c7^tt The ship ot4uet's shull as adapted to nte.el t to lhe seuliu'cr. t t The seal'arers slall he given reasouahle acce.s.r lo sltip-lrv:^ltore rulephorte cornmtmications, afld e-ntail and where uwi.lu.ble, with uny charges Jbr lhe use of lhee sen'ltes bcing rcusonuble in umount. The CaPtain ot' the Petl\on deigtated hy; him slrull conducl .ft'equettt.rolsy{ ot hoat'd .s/ri,rs in order- lrtlelwl ./acililies, tn en5w.e shai! he liept in a recot'd and he availohle Jbr verificatirrl ht the Cmnpelent Autlnt'iry and tlrc Porl .\late Cnttn.ol. Refa'ettcer: Iratian Labnut'Luw (,4rtide,t gl, g5,9lt il76). You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://wrulrrv.novapdf.conr) thal tlrc 5/30/2015 221,2 Pl4 FROM: Farzi-nFaxServerl 10, l,-ood r and cutering $lefllatiou 3.2) provide md uainlain '\'IriPnr,r.'ners sltall the 88905604 PAGE: 008 oF 009 .lhlloving minimum .rtaudards .for .food and cateting on hoat d lt'aniau.flagged v'e,!llJ'c/s.' d) The pt'oyision of .food oncl dritking u'ater shull be of upprupriute quukty. tn$ritiunal volue, qudntit-r' prt:ision of .fucxt anct ttrinhing wtter;ihull b) ,) r . I *ul vn.iery. The inttt ttt:cnunl the number o/'seufttrers on bourr!, lhcir rcligiaus reqttirentenx and cullut'al pt'aclircs as tlrcv- perlain tojnod, od tlrc dut'atiott and ualure ol'llru sl.tip'l; vq'age The orgtnizuliott ttnd equipnrent c$ lhc cutering clepurtment shull be sarc/r rrs lo perntil lhe pror:ision to rhe settJitr.cr.t cl adequate, yaied and uult'iliorts tneds prepared and seruerl it lngieuic condilion. ulso tukc properly troined or ins'trucledJbr their posilitttts. The cutering stufr'shull be ,\'/riPnuners slrull pro$de seaJ'orers ot hoat'duith.food ur'l drinkiug v,ater.ii'ee oJ'charge during the petind oi'engagemenl. Shipowners shilll ensure thilt seuJiuers who ure enguged ts ships-' cooks ilrc lrttined, quuti.lied ond Jbunrt compctent in attordante :nirh ilrc requiremetl.r in nalional lau: and hold o Cet'li/icale nf Pyoiiciencl, ar a .\hip's Clok i.r.r.rred /n, l/ie tldminlxtxttiott, ol othcr certiJfuruc ilcccpted us equivulent by thc ldministrution. The Administratioil a(y:epL\ valid ship's conk certVicates is,srred h), a ,foreign marilime adnini.sh-alion party to the IL] Llerillicution oJ'Coe*s Convention 1946, or porty lo the Mtu'ilime Lubout'Llonveuictn, 2ilil6. Fktg ,TdministrilIit n b1, ot' utulet' nulwritt, of the mastet' struJl be cavial trt t utt bodrd u,ith respecr b: a) Supplies ql'Jbod und drinking woter; b) All spaes wd eEdpmentusetl.fir tht: stotoge aatl ltd,ttlli,N of.fuotl arul drinkiug utuler: atd 4 Gulley uu! other cquiitutcntJor tha preparalictn tnd servit:e cf'meuls. Docttnetfied.fi'equenl irtspeclions, Relbrence: lrtnfun Lbde ll, I'rutticeJbr condw:ting ship's a' P6-W 5,\) oJ (D o cutn enl y umh crLok truining cottrses. Health d$d salcty and accideatpreveilioa (Regulation 4.3) . Shiryowners shdll udopt, hnplcnrcnl ond proutole octuptttionil n\ibr avl hedth policies tnd progunnmes on bou.d ships-, irxluding fisk eyaluatiot as u,ell as trainilry and inttruction n/'sealbt.ers. . Shikouner,s shaJ! provi.de atd erxure rearonahle pretauliottt lo preveiu ot:cupalional accidenls, injuries and disea,re,r ou bourd, indwliug tttedsure$ lo rcduce u,ul prew,tl tlrc nsk of icl(posw'e to lurmfiil levels of urnbient faclor.s uul clterniculs as vall ns the risk of'injury or discuses lhrtl nuq,uriseJi'ew the wc o-/'ecluipmcnt untl m*:hinery sn lrourd ships. t Sliyou,ners shall ertsto'e tlwl on-board pt'ugruumes./br tlr prevetliott of occttltutiu',tal accileAs, injuries atd tliseuses atul ,i'n cottlirutour irnpt'oveuenl ilt occupaliolal saJbtv and health proteL:rion, involving ;;ealnrers' reirr.eserttative,s aul aI olhet. pe}so,ts concerned in lheir implementwiou, lake itio oacourrt preteilive neusures, inclwliug e,tqircering wtd desig,t cortlroi, ntthstittttiott oJ'proces.ses and procedures J'or cnilectiye aul ilulividual usks, and lhe use ol'pet\^otrul pt.otective equiPne,il. r ,\',lriPaur!e-rs ot'maslers at'e reqtdred lo repoil to llrc ,4dnitistt'ator rfii'errrs on boatcl ships, and to alsu concu uusttfe conditiorts. r ,\',[ri/}ouners tonduclirg r:i't evaluatinn ilt reJaliort uppropt'futte sufiilicuJ itfonnutiott.fr'otn 1lwi, ships r .specy-r\ of ncaipational..:q/2q' nnd health slwll reJ'er to wd.frutu generul stutistics provided by the Aduitristt.ulor R el"erences : lhe duties of tlw mastet' ot' Jbr the intplenrcnlution .ship on w:hich lhere are.live Irani an L alnt tr L On board medicat carc , lnanagentent ofoccupatiotal accidenls, irrjtuies aul a person de,sigute,l hy tlrc ma\ter, or hoth, lo tal;e .ytecilic und complitncc v'ith lhe ship's occuptttiorutl suJ'et1, and heulth policies antl pt'ogrammes. Ship-ovrwrs shal! al,so s'peci!' lhe authorily ol tlrc slip'.r seal'arers apitoirtle,l or eleiled a.tsafbh, t'eptese,lfialir'es b ltut"ticipate itt meetittgs of the stip's safety contmiltee. Sutlt a cotttrtritree sltill be estublislted ott bourd o ,\tiPrn+nenr sAaIJ responsibilill' lZ lo octcurr'ence.s ot oJ' tttoie sealarers. au' ('Art ic I e"s 9 1, 9 5, 9 6 & l 7 fi). (Rcguluioil 4.1) Ship {n$nc+ shull inrplemenl mutsures thut prottidcy'.sr huilth protcclion und ntediatl e,rsential deual tare,.i'or' ,reafarer',s working ot hoard lranian ,r*u;:s as./olloutr: ure, including u) Ship owncrs shull providc occuptttio,utl lrculth prolet:lion und medicul curc, incltaling esscntiul deulal care, Jor seal'arer,s relevatt to lheir dulies ort hnnrr! lte ships. I, Ship ottncrs shull providc sculilrcrs hcullh prcttectictn ttnd mcdiutl t:ure us ccuttpuntbb us pnssible Lo ilrat lrlicl i.t generallv availohie to v'orkers ashoru, itcluding prompt acce.rs lo the necessult rnedicircs, medicttl equipment utd focilities.fitt'diapnsis atul treumett and to me,licnl ir{inmalion and expefli,se. Seafitra's shall he ailnte,l nvi,til a qruliJiedmedical ductor ur dgutist u'ilhutt deluy itt ports of cull, u'here pruilicuble. c) Medital cate aud lrcalth p'oleclion ser-vices v'liie a sealaret'i.s on l>oard shilt ot' landerl in a ' .foreigt port shull be proviclul by ship owws ftce uf clrurge to sedfurers. d) ,\'Atp nuter:r shal! prnvide ntea:turei of'a pre.ve.rtio'l, characler' su:h as health promotion atd heuhh etlucatiott plogrdmmes irt udditional lo llrc treuttteu o/'sitk or ifiured seafarers. . Ship twnerc shull arnnge thut tlrc "Mediutl report Jbrm Jbr use bv thc shi.ps' ntustcrs url relevunt You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http:/lwurr,v.novapdf.conr) 5/30/2075 2:12 PM FROM: FarzinFaxServerl TO: 88905604 PAGE: 009 OF 009 On-shore und ctn-bourd ntedictl persennel" oJ'the ")ntet'niltionill tr'ladicul Guitle Jbr S%rps" us umendcd Ji'om titne to tinre, or eEivaleut ,shall be ased r5.y ship's ma;rctl^ and relevanL on-shm'e arul onJtoard medical personuel. The.l'orm, u,hert compleled, ilrut its c{rilents shull be kept cctnJidenlilil and s'hull onllt be userl to./ucilitutc the truttnrcnl tf'settJitrcrs. I l, Ot boail conrylaint procedures (llegulution 5.1.5) t All lruiiwt.fiagqedslips s/u// ltuye o*boarrl compluint procednres lbr the.fuir, ffictive und expeditiuus han,llhry oJ',real'arer complaiils alleging hreaclrcs ol'the requireuents ol'the Coilveilliotr. . On bourd ccuryilttint proccdures slvtll scek lo resolve comltktints Ilou,every, in ulJ tues, sedarers shall consitler . . it & the lowcsl level ptssible. luve uight lo cumpluin db'ed\ tu the master wul, wlw'e the)t necesstry, lct trytpropriarc eilernul tulhevities. The on-hoard complairil |n'oce.dures ,shall include the fighl oJ'the ,sealarur' lo be actompanied nr reprcsentett during the contpluints proccdurc, ils well us suJbguurds ugttitrsl thc pc,ssibility oJ' victimization o{ . seu/ arets .fnr filing c ottrplui nts. In uldirion to u copy of theit' crew ugrccntent, ull seqlirers shull be providetl with (! copy ctf lhc ttn-lnurd Sociul lteilitrc ctr I'orts & Murilime Orgunizulion, und whcre dilJbrent, in tlw sertJitrers' count,y ci'residence, und tlw nunrc u perso,t ot'pet'so,ts on bourd tle ship u'ho con, uu tt cuuficlefiiul busis, pt'ovitle seufarers u'ilh impurliul udvi* on their cofttplui.nt und othctwise tssist lhem in fallowing lhe compktittt prouedurcs uwtiluble lo tlrcm on bou'd the ship. u.f J4. Pqtnrcnt oJ'rcuges 1'Regulation 2.2) Al! sealarer's slrull he paid Jor tlrcir u'nrk regulaily al rn grealer thart monthly ililertals ard in sccot'dance vilh the seuJiuer's employmcnl ilgrecntenl, und wherc ilpplicilblc, uny collccti.rte :bugttining ilgJ'eemant. SeuJiret's shull bc gi'ven u nronth$t ilccount oJ'thc po1'menls due und thrtt the uccounl conkins lhe minimwu inJbmutlion Jields tluu ure rccluircd b), nutiorutl luw. The nile oJ'cu'renc1,e*lutngc shull nol be unJin'oruble to tha seu/furers (Mtrket Erchttnge Rotc). Slipou'ners shull lake meusures to provide seaftlets uillt a meuts lu lrrtnvnil ull or po't o.f tlrir eanri,tgs to lheir.farilies or depeulenu or legul bercficiaries. Meusttres to et$ut'e thu seuforers ure able to h'tt,tstttit Lheir eurnitgs to their fimilies t . . . bu:lu'le: .{ slsterr .far euubliry seu/'arers, at the line o.f tlwir euering employment or during it, to alJot, il' the-v so desire, u prnpnrlion oJ' tlrcir v'ages for remitlance at regdar intavals to tlrcir J'amilies lr.v' hank trans.lers or similar memx; and b) .1 requiremeil thut ullormenls should be rcmitled in due tinte urd directly lu lhe persutt or pet'so,ts twnitated b1t the seufircrs. An), churge tor the scnice undcr hst pttrugruph shull bc reusanable in onxtunl. u) . ReJbrences: lrunion Lttb<tur Ltm I'Chupter )t) (Seal or tump d lhe authody, ns tppropriate) You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://wurr'v.novapdf.conr)
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