PROUDLY SUPPORTED BY THE ROTARY CLUB OF BLACKWOOD 32 nd ART SHOW AND SALE ART & PHOTOGRAPHY COMPETITION, EXHIBITION AND SALE BLACKWOOD HIGH SCHOOL OPEN SPACE CENTRE Seymour Street, Eden Hills EXHIBITION OPEN: 10am to 4pm Thursday 9th July to Sunday 12th July 2015 And: Thursday 16th July to Sunday 19th July 2015 TOTAL VALUE OF PRIZES: $5,000 ALL PRIZES ARE NON-ACQUISITIVE PHOTOGRAPHS PAINTINGS First Prize $2,000 Second Prize $1,250 Third Prize - Sponsored by $ 800 Bentleys SA - Accountants Youth Encouragement $ 250 ( Under 25 yrs as @ 1/7/2015 ) Peoples’ choice # $ 200 EXHIBITORS Colour $250 Monochrome $250 Winners announced and prizes presented (except #) during official opening KEY DATES: Entries Close Delivery Date Collection Date Friday 19th June Sunday 5th July Sunday 19th July Each painting and photograph, whether framed or not, must be fitted with a secure means of hanging ENQUIRIES Sue Wymond Email: Phone: 0417 312 853 @ “blackwoodartshow” Additional copies of this form available at: [email protected] CONDITIONS OF ENTRY AND SALE - GENERAL CONDITIONS applying to all categories: 1. Number of Entries. An Artist/ Photographer may enter up to four (4) of any combination of un-copied paintings and photographs not previously entered at the Blackwood Rotary Art Show. 2. Entry Form and Closing Date. Each Artist/Photographer must complete and sign an entry form and post the Part A thereof with a cheque, money order or bank deposit for the TOTAL entry fee applicable, to reach the Rotary th Club of Blackwood, Box 20, P. 0. Blackwood, S. A. 5051 by Friday 19 June 2015. 3. Entry Fee. The entry fee is $12.00 for each painting submitted and is NOT REFUNDABLE in any circumstances. The entry fee is $6.00 for each photograph submitted and is NOT REFUNDABLE in any circumstances. 4. Receipts. Receipts will not be issued for entry fees, but are issued for all exhibits on delivery and on sale of exhibits. 5. Receival of Entries. Works of art/photographs will be received at the reception point at Blackwood High School th Open Space Centre, Seymour Street, Eden Hills between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. on Sunday 5 July, 2015. 6. The Judges. The Judge or Judges of the competition shall be such persons as are chosen and appointed by the Rotary Club of Blackwood, Inc. (hereinafter called "the Club") to be judge or judges. The decision of the judge or judges shall be final. 7. Exhibition and publishing of Entries. The Club reserves the right to exhibit publicly such of the entries as its th Selection Committee considers appropriate for a period commencing Wednesday 8 July, 2015 and ending not th later than 3 p.m. Sunday 19 July, 2015. The Rotary Club of Blackwood reserves the right to publish the artists name (but not the artists address or other personal information) and a photograph of any entries in the exhibition catalogue, artist’s newsletter, newspaper and the Rotary Club of Blackwood web site and Facebook pages. 8. Sales at Exhibition. During such exhibition, all works exhibited shall be available for sale to members of the public attending. The Artist/ Photographer must stipulate a selling price at the time of entry. 9. Commission. All proceeds of sale shall be collected in the first instance by the Club which shall be entitled to retain 25% (twenty five per centum) of each sale price (exclusive of any GST) as selling commission. 10. Announcement of Winners. Prizewinners shall be advised and invited to attend the official Opening, where prizes will be presented. 11. Responsibility. Any damage to or loss of any exhibit howsoever and whenever occurring, and whether in transit, on display, in storage or otherwise, shall be the sole responsibility of the Artist/Photographer. The Club shall take every care with exhibits but does not accept any responsibility for any such damage or loss. Artists/Photographers are advised to insure their entries against damage or loss. 12. Collection of Exhibits. Exhibits will be issued only to persons holding the relevant receipt. As the premises th must be cleared, it is vital that all exhibits be removed from the premises between 3 and 4 p.m. on Sunday 19 July 2015. All Artists/Photographers with unsold works and purchasers must attend or send a representative with the receipt(s) at that time. 13. Advice of sold works. This will be posted on Facebook at “blackwoodartshow”. 14. Failure to Collect (and disposal of) Unsold Entries. If any work is not collected by the Artist/Photographer or th his/her authorised representative by 5 p.m. on Sunday 19 July, 2014, the Club will dispose of the work. After sending by registered post to the Artist/Photographer at his or her last known address, one month's notice of the Club's intention to sell or otherwise dispose of such work, or in the event of the address of the Artist/Photographer not being known to the Club, then one month after advertising notice of such intention in a newspaper, may sell such work or works, and after deducting from the proceeds the costs of and incidental to sale shall hold any balance for the Artist/Photographer PROVIDED however that in the event of such work or works being in the opinion of the Club unsalable then the Club may, in lieu of selling the same, destroy or otherwise dispose of it or them in such manner as the Club may deem fit and thereafter the Club shall be under no liability whatever to the Artist/Photographer . 15. Payments Prizes will be presented to the creators of the winning entries at the official opening, or posted to the address on the entry form. Cheques for proceeds of sales, nett of commission, will be posted to Competitors by the Club as soon as practicable, to the address on the entry form. 16. Advice of sold works. Artists/Photographers may telephone the exhibition before it closes to ask if works have been sold. If for unexpected and unavoidable reasons anyone cannot attend at the above time to collect exhibits, it is crucial that they advise Sue Wymond (details below) before the exhibition closes and make definite pick up arrangements. 17. Variation of Conditions. For the proper and orderly conduct of the exhibition, the Club reserves the right in its sole discretion, at anytime, without prior notice to the Artist/Photographer, to amend, alter or vary any of the conditions of the entry or to do any other thing which it thinks fit to ensure the proper and orderly conduct of the exhibition. ENQUIRIES Sue Wymond Email: Phone: 0417 312 853 @ “blackwoodartshow” Additional copies of this form available at: [email protected] ROTARY CLUB OF BLACKWOOD PART 2015 ART EXHIBITION AND SALE A ENTRY FORM post this section to: Rotary Club of Blackwood, Box 20, P 0. Blackwood, S.A. 5051 th to reach that address by the CLOSING DATE --- Friday 19 June 2015 ARTIST'S/PHOTOGRAPHER's NAME: Telephone contact H………………………………. M………………………………. MR/MRS/MISS/MS:....................................... First Name: ........................... Address:............................................................................................ Postcode:............ Email:....................................................................... DETAILS OF ENTRY A - Art P - Photography PLEASE CIRCLE TITLE MEDIUM (DO NOT USE QUOTATION MARKS) SELLING PRICE I (whole dollars) A/P _________________________________________________________________ $ ______________________________________________________________ A/P $ A/P $ A/P $ A/P $ A/P $ _________________________________________________________________ Note: Not more than 4 paintings/photographs. (Unless you are an invited artist/photographer.) Amount of entry fee enclosed/transferred $ .............. I have read, understood and accept the conditions of Entry and Sale Signed ............................................ I am under 25yrs @ 1/7/15 Y/N SEE OVERLEAF FOR GST STATEMENT AND ELECTRONIC PAYMENT DETAILS ROT A RY C LU B OF BL AC KW O OD — A RT S HO W 20 15 Attach this tag to your entry in accordance with Specific Conditions PART B Exhibitors Name. ............................................................. ROT A RY C LU B OF BL AC KW O OD — A RT S HO W 20 15 Attach this tag to your entry in accordance with Specific Conditions PART B Exhibitors Name. .......................................................... Title of Work . .................................................................................. Title of Work . ............................................................................... Selling Price $ . ................................................................ Selling Price $ . ................................................................ ROT A RY C LU B OF BL AC KW O OD — A RT S HO W 20 15 ROT A RY C LU B OF BL AC KW O OD — A RT S HO W 20 15 Attach this tag to your entry in accordance with Specific Conditions Attach this tag to your entry in accordance with Specific Conditions PART B Exhibitors Name. .............................................................. Title of Work . .................................................................................. Selling Price $ . ................................................................ ROT A RY C LU B OF BL AC KW O OD — A RT S HO W 20 15 Attach this tag to your entry in accordance with Specific Conditions PART B Exhibitors Name. .............................................................. Title of Work . .................................................................................. Selling Price $ . ................................................................ PART B Exhibitors Name. .............................................................. Title of Work . .................................................................................. ROT A RYPrice C LU$ B OF BL AC KW O OD — A RT S HO W 20 15 Selling . ................................................................ Attach this tag to your entry in accordance with Specific Conditions PART B Exhibitors Name. .............................................................. Title of Work . .................................................................................. Selling Price $ . ................................................................ KEY CONDITIONS 1. Maximum size (including frame) for art: 1.25 square metres. (Multiply width in metres by height in metres) – Photos max. 51cm x 61cm. 2. Up to 4 Entries (6 for invited artists) - $12 for Paintings, $6 for Photographs. Payment by cheque, cash or money order. 3. Commission to Rotary Club 25% 4. Each entry must be identified by the firm attachment of one of the B Sections of the entry form, with all the details correctly filled in, to the top left hand corner of the back of each painting/photograph. 5. Each painting and photograph, whether framed or not, must be fitted with a secure means of hanging. 6. For the purposes of this Competition, a PAINTING is defined as an original pictorial or abstract representation in any medium and be accurately described on the entry form. For the purpose of this Competition, a PHOTOGRAPH is defined as an original in Media; Silver-halide, Laser print or Inkjet. All components of the photograph must have been taken by the entrant. Specifically excluded are photocopies. 7. Wet paintings will not be accepted. PAYMENT BY BANK TRANSFER Payment should be made to the Rotary Club of Blackwood: BSB 015 210 account: 188634645 Internet reference your surname and initial. In Bank reference – Telephone number as on this form. GST STATEMENT For the supply of the above described paintings and/or works of art PLEASE TICK WHICH OF THE BELOW IS APPLICABLE. Statement A – Artist/Photographer NOT registered for GST • • The supply is made by me as an individual and is wholly private or domestic in nature or relates to a private recreational pursuit or hobby I am not providing an Australian Business Number OR My Australian Business Number is.................................................................. Statement B - Artist/Photographer registered for GST • The supply is made by me in the course or furtherance of my enterprise and I hereby quote my ABN, which is.................................................................. Statement C • None of the above applies to me and tax should be withheld at 48.5% of the article sale price. Signed....................................................................................................... Date ..............................,,... Print name............................................................................................... PRIVACY The information on this form will be kept by The Rotary Club of Blackwood Inc. and used only for the purpose of conducting their Art Exhibitions. Personal details of artists will be used to compile a mailing list for the future exhibitions. If you do not want this to happen, please tick the box on the right.
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