LOT 1 MEALY C ZA WRPU 2007/2679 ‘GOLDEN’ COCK’ WINNER PURE OSCAR DE VRIENDT C ZA 2005/18853 OSCAR DE VRIENDT Bred a lot of winners H ZA 2004/6982 OSCAR DE VRIENDT Bred a lot of winners 2679 is responsible for more than 25 winners for myself and other fanciers. Himself a Beaufort West winner and consistant racer, together with LOT 2, bred LOT 12 who achieved ‘Best Young bird’, Best Bird’ and ‘Best Overall’ Golden Medal Union winner. They also bred ‘Best Bird’ in the KRPS club LOT 17. Their babies also bred ‘Best Bird’s in Clubs and Unions for other fanciers. He raced a few races, damaged his wing and was put to stock. This cock together with ‘the Golden Hen’ LOT 2 is known as ‘THE GOLDEN ‘click pair by many fanciers. Some of their babies are LOT 12, 17, 38, 49, 62, 80 & 85. (See also babies under the cock) This pair is responsible for making many a champion across South Africa. This cock is worth his weight in gold and cannot be missed on this sale. This can be the next owner’s foundation cock as it will improve ANY serious fancier’s stockloft. 2008 1st Beaufort West 2 open 3rd Strydenburg 2 open 3rd Winburg open 1 5TH WRRPA 23RD WRRPA 34TH WRPU LOT 2 BB H ZA WRPU 2007/3517 C SA 2002/4977 H BELG 2000/2385189 7th Drie Susters open 1 18th Richmond 2 Open 67th WRRPA 124th WRRPA ‘GOLDEN HEN’ HOUBEN/LIMBOURG 4X WINNER HOUBEN BRED 9 WINNERS INCL. 2 DOUBLE WINNERS ERIC LIMBOURG BRED 28 WINNERS 3517 is an outstanding pigeon both in the races and in the stockloft. This hen together with ‘the Golden Cock’ LOT 1 is known as ‘THE GOLDEN ‘click pair by many fanciers. They are responsible for more than 25 winners for myself and other fanciers. Together with LOT 1 she bred LOT 12 who achieved ‘Best Young bird’, Best Bird’ and ‘Best Overall’ Golden Medal Union winner. They also bred ‘Best Bird’ in the KRPS club LOT 17. Their babies also bred ‘Best Bird’s in Clubs and Unions for other fanciers. Some of their babies are LOT 88, 119, 134, 136, & 137. (See also babies under the cock)Together this pair is responsible for making many a champion across South Africa. This hen is worth her weight in gold and cannot be missed on this sale. This can be the next owner’s foundation hen and if you can buy the pair, you will never look back as they can only improve ANY serious fancier’s stockloft. From 2008 - 2011 1st Modderrivier YB 1st Bloemfontein open 1st Henneman open 1st Winburg open 2nd Richmond open 4th Victoria West Gold cup 25th Gariepdam YB LOT 3 BB C 2011/40845 C BELG 2008/6362236 H BELG 2008/6362237 4TH WRRPA 3rd WRRPA 8TH WRRPA 2ND WRRPA 10TH WRRPA 31ST WRRPA 126TH WRRPA ‘KING’ 10th Aliwal North Derby 12th Three Sisters open 1 49th WRRPA 18th Strydenburg open 2 71st WRRPA 20th Britstown Derby 112th WRRPA rd 23 Theunissen open 29th Beaufort West Presidents Cup 27th Hertrogville open 138th WRRPA PURE VAN RIJN-KLOECK PURE VAN RIJN-KLOECK - LOT 55 PURE VAN RIJN-KLOECK – LOT 56 40845 was line bred for stock out of my Van Rijn-Kloeck imported pair who bred me many winners and consistent racers. ‘KING’ together with ZA 2010/14833 LOT 4 bred the SANPO Middle distance Gold Medal winner ZA 2013/D5109 – LOT 5. They also bred a Union winner for Jan Bester in the WRRPA as well as a section winner for Nick Mathee WPU which he won with 10 min. from the 2nd bird. This pair is one of my breeding ‘click’ pairs with great potential to be any loft’s foundation pair. Bred out of this pair 40845 really did honor to the famous VAN RIJN-KLOECK bloodline. Three of ‘KING’s babies in one season were also union winners. LOT 4 BB PIED C H H ZA 2010/14833 ‘QUEEN OF THE LOFT’ 2 X WINNER & SALE RACE WINNER LIMBOURG/CATTRYSSE/VAN RIJN-KLOECK ZA 2008/00485 PURE LIMBOURG 5x WINNER– LOT 32 ZA WRPU 2002/2637 ‘QUEENY’ CATTRYSSE/VAN RIJN-KLOECK the dam of ‘GOLDSPOT’ – LOT 9 14833 is a star amongst stars. This double winner plus a Sale race in which she won about R10,000 is worth her weight in gold. The first three babies I bred out of this hen with LOT 3 were all Union winners. She also bred a SANPO MIDDLE DISTANCE GOLD MEDAL winner LOT 5 that was also the ‘Best Young Bird’ in the club, 2 nd Best Young Bird in the Union. Under her babies was also a Union winner for Mr. Jan Bester, the Chairman of the WRRPA, as well as a section winner for Nick Mathee WPU. 1st Strydenburg open 1 5TH WRRPA 9th Beaufort West Presidents Cup 57th WRRPA Results of Lot 4 continue 1st Modderrivier open 1 2ND WRRPA 14th Hopetown open 1 62nd WRRPA 3rd Bethuli open 7TH WRRPA 17th Bloemfontein th TH 6 Richmond open 1 34 WRRPA 25th Britstown open classic 144th WRRPA th TH th 7 Christiana open 79 WRRPA 26 Leeu Gamka open 1 99th WRRPA LOT 5 BB W/F H ZA 2013/D5109 ‘GOLDEN LADY’ VAN RIJN-KLOECK/CATTRYSSE UNION WINNER SHE IS THE SANPO MIDDLE DISTANCE ‘GOLD MEDAL WINNER’ FOR THE 2014 SEASON C ZA 2011/40845 PURE VAN RIJN-KLOECK H ZA 2010/14833 ‘QUEENY’ CATTRYSSE/VAN RIJN-KLOECK the dam of ‘GOLDSPOT’ – LOT 9 D5109 is the proverbial ‘gold is where you find it’ hen to have in your racing team. In her first racing season as a young bird, she won the SANPO Middle distance Gold Medal. She is also a double winner of which Jamestown was a Union win. Amongst her other achievements is 2 x 2nd positions. Bred out of click pair LOT 3 & 4 this ‘GOLDEN LADY’ has the same potential as her greatgrandmother ‘Queeny’ to become famous in the pigeon world. 1st Jamestown YB 1st Three Sisters Gold Cup 2nd Aliwal North YB Championship 2nd Smithfield YB 3rd Noupoort Derby 1st WRRPA 3rd WRRPA 6th WRRPA 7th WRRPA 5th WRRPA 7th Gariepdam 10th Reddersburg YB 26th Colesburg open 1 27th Graaff Reinet open1 LOT 6 BB PIED C ZA 2013/18738 C BELG 2010/3047152 H BELG 2011/4020177 VANDENABEELE/SABLON/AELBRECHT ‘BLIKSEM’ GABY VANDENABEELE – LOT 13 305/‘BAK 17’ SABLON/AELBRECHT - LOT 44 28th WRRPA 27th WRRPA 85th WRRPA 77th WRRPA 18738 is one of my star racers this past season. He more than met my expectations so I paired him with my SANPO Gold Medal Middle distance winner LOT 5. I am sure this pigeon will be a breeder like the parents. In this one season he flew 11 positions and was the 6th Best Bird in the club and 12th in the WRRPA Union. 7th Verkeerdevlei YB 8th Glen YB 9th Winburg YB 2 10th Colesburg open 1 10th Winburg YB 1 12th Three Sisters Gold Cup LOT 7 BB C BELG 2009/5108112 C BELG 2008/4314196 H BELG 2006/5100522 14th Reddersburg 17th Jamestown 22nd Leeugamka open 1 23rd Sterkstroom open 1 29th Graaff Reinet ‘JONGE NAPAN’ ARMAND SCHOOLMEESTERS OUT OF KLN DOCHER ‘NAPAN’ OUT OF LIJN ‘MAGIC STAR’ FROM SOONTJES 5108112 together with the ‘Kanibaal’ hen LOT 8 is one of the best ‘click pair’s in my loft. In 2012 I bred a winner and double ‘Best Bird’ ZA 2012/2814 in the WRRPA Union for Braam v Molendorff of KRPS in the 2014 season. She was the Best Overall Bird as well as the Best Open Bird in the Union. In 2013 she was the 2nd Best young bird in the WRRPA Union and the Best Young bird in the KRPS club. His daughter LOT 68 bred a double winner for me. Together this pair bred 5 winners of which was double winners in a very short period. This is an outstanding stockbird for any loft. LOT 8 CHEQ H BELG 2009/5108134 C BELG 2006/6210879 H BELG 2004/5065669 ‘KANIBAAL’ SCHOOLMEESTERS BRED WINNERS ‘KANIBAAL’ LINE DIRK van DYCK ‘ZACHT GESCHELPT of CHATEAUROUX This hen with the perfect body was bred out of the ‘Kanibaal’ of Dirk van Dyck, out of which, together with LOT 7 I bred a winner and double ‘Best Bird’ ZA 2012/2814 in the WRRPAssociation for Braam v Molendorff of KRPS in the 2014 season. She was the Best Overall Bird as well as the Best Open Bird. In 2013 she was the 2nd Best young bird in the WRRPA and the Best Young bird in the KRPS club. This pair bred 5 winners of which are double winners for me and they are one of my ‘click pair’s that made a champion out of me LOT 9 BB W/F H SA 2004/35691 C SA TRPF 99/11003 H SA GRPA 2002/2637 ‘GOLDSPOT’ CATTRYSSE/VAN RIJN-KLOECK CATTRYSE/Van RIJN-KLOECK- M MARQUES ‘QUEENY’ CATTRYSSE 3x WINNER 35691 is one of the strongest foundation hens in my loft. She is a triple winner and flew many other positions as well in the one and a quarter season that I raced her before putting her to stock. She was 21 x my first bird home in succession, week after week. She should’ve earned many more 1st positions but she became clock-shy and didn’t want to be trapped. The best racing bird that I have ever bred. This hen bred many, many winners for myself and different fanciers. Her offspring are also winners and produce Gold and a SANPO Silver Medal winners and strong consistant racers. Some of her babies on this sale are LOT 11, 14, 26, 28, 50, 63, 66, 73, 78, 84, 102, 106, 108, 139, 146 & 153. 1st Aliwal North 3 YB 1st Winburg 1 YB 1ST Aliwal North 3 open 2nd Reddersburg 1 YB 2nd Jamestown 1 open 7th Winburg 1 open 8th Aliwal north 1 YB 10th Jamestown 2 YB 4TH WRPU 7TH WRPU 4TH WRPU 6TH WRPU 5TH WRPU 12TH WRPU 16TH WRPU 31ST WRPU 10th Glenn open 16th Glenn 1 YB 16th Jamestown 1 YB 23rd Glenn 2 YB 23rd Winburg 1 Open 25th Aliwal North 2 YB 31st Reddersburg 2 YB 42nd Molteno 1 YB 37th WRPU 45th WRPU 67th WRPU 78th WRPU LOT 10 L CHEQ W/F C ZA 2004/35664 C SA 1999/31621 H SA BRPF 1998/7002 ‘JONGE SKILDERY’ PURE CATTRYSSE PURE CATTRYSSE BRED MANY WINNERS PURE CATTRYSSE BRED BY NICO DREYER 88th WRPU 87th WRPU 35664 is my foundation Cattrysse cock and produced 15 winners of which was Union winners. This is the best Cattrysse blood bred out of my famous ‘Cradock’ bloodline that was bred from the original Cattrysses I imported from Jules Gallez. Don’t miss this top class cock. LOT 11 BB W/F C ZA 2011/D3715 C ZA WRPU 2007/3514 H SA 2004/35691 ‘STAR’ UNION WINNER HOUBEN/CATTRYSSE HOUBEN/LIMBOURG WINNER - LOT - 97 ‘GOLD SPOT’ CATRRYSE/VAN RIJN-KLOECK – LOT 9 D3715 is a star!! He is one of those pigeons that can only be a plus in any stockloft. He flew a few races and damaged his wing so I put him to stock. Bred out of champion bloodlines like his sire and dam which is one of my foundation hens. He should become a very good stock bird in any loft. 1st Richmond open 1ST WRRPA 23rd Hopetown open 2 28th Drie Susters Gold cup 105TH WRRPA LOT 12 MEALY C H C ZA 2010/D6582 SA WRPU 2007/2679 SA WRPU 2007/3517 ‘RED PRINCE’ OSCAR/HOUBEN/LIMBOURG 3 X WINNER and BEST BIRD IN THE WRRPA OSCAR DE VRIENDT WINNER BRED 8 WINNERS HOUBEN/LIMBOURG 4 x WINNER BRED 8 WINNERS LOT 1 LOT 2 D6582 is a once in a life time pigeon to breed from.He was bred out of my ‘Golden’ click pair(LOT 1 & 2)and more than proved himself in the one year that he raced before he was put to stock. He is a triple winner and was Best Young Bird and Best Bird overall Union Gold Medal winner as a young bird in 2011. Some of his babies are LOT 26 & 27.He flew 11 races with 11 positions of which he was each time the first bird back to the loft in the one year that I raced him .He should be an excellent stockbird. 1st Hopetown YB Championship 1st Gariepdam YB 1st Winburg YB 2nd Modderrivier YB 3rd Britstown YB Derby 8th Christiana YB 3RD WRRPA 10TH WRRPA 20TH WRRPA 35TH WRRPA 12TH WRRPA 52ND WRRPA 8th Victoria West 1 Open 9th Springfield YB 10th Glenn YB 14th Three Sisters 1 Open 16th Bloemhof YB 39th WRRPA 143rd WRRPA 51st WRRPA 60th WRRPA LOT 13 BB C BELG 2010/3047152 C BELG 2005/3006583 H BELG 2004/3069721 ‘JONGE BLIKSEM’ ‘ROYAL BLUE’ ‘MONA’ PURE GABY VANDENABEELE GABY VANDENABEELE BLIKSEM GABY VANDENABEELE BLIKSEM 3047152 was bred from the best of the best in Gaby Vandenabeele’s lofts and a grandson of the famous ‘BLIKSEM’. This bird was directly imported from Gaby Vandenabeele. His dam ‘MONA’ is out of the legend ‘Bliksem’ that was the best of the best. From the first round of babies out of this cock, he bred winners for me. He bred 6 winners as well as a 2nd Best Young Bird with LOT 6. He also bred winners with the SABLON hen LOT 44. He bred winners with LOT 8 as well. This is an excellent bird to have in your stockloft for this ‘BLIKSEM’ Gaby Vandenabeele bloodline can make you famous. He is a full brother to LOT 77. LOT 14 BB H ZA 2009/D04977 ‘SILVER LADY’ SANPO LONG DISTANCE SILVER MEDAL CATTRYSSE/VAN RIJN-KLOECK/LIMBOURG WINNER AND VICTORIA WEST WINNER C BELG 2004/2021208 ERIC LIMBOURG IMPORTED BY JACO THERON H SA WRPU 2004/35691 ‘GOLDSPOT’ CATTRYSSE/VAN RIJN-KLOECK – LOT 9 D04977 is a star in my loft. In the 2011 racing season she flew four long distance races, scored in all 4 and took the SANPO Silver medal. In that year she was the Best Long Distance Bird in the WRRPA Union and KRPS club. She also scored other positions as well. Thereafter she was put to stock. D04977 already bred winners with LOT 12 and LOT 34. Her mother ‘GOLDSPOT’ is my foundation hen LOT 9 who bred many winners including double and triple winners plus a longdistance Best Bird. The father is an outstanding stockbird in my loft. This is the type of pigeon you need in your loft to breed long distance racers . 1st Victoria West open 1 2nd Leeu Gamka open 1 2nd Richmond open 2 3rd Springfontein open 4th Strydenburg open 1 LOT 15 MEALY C H C 2ND WRRPA 6TH WRRPA 5TH WRRPA 10TH WRRPA 20TH WRRPA ZA 2012/11350 ZA 2010/6582 ZA 2009/D04977 5th Modderrivier open 17th Gariepdam open 17th Hopetown open 24th Hopetown 2 13th WRRPA 106th WRRPA 121st WRRPA ‘RED BARON’ ‘RED PRINCE’ ‘SILVER LADY’ UNION BEST OVERALL BIRD LEEU GAMKA WINNER AND BEST BIRD OSCAR/HOUBEN/LIMBOURG - LOT 12 CATTRYSSE/VAN RIJN- KLOECK/LIMBOURG LOT 14 11350 is a champion in the fullest sense of the word. As a young bird he took the ‘Best Overall bird’ trophies in both the KRPS and WRRPA Union. He is the son of a Gold Medal Union winner and a SANPO long distance Silver Medal winner. He raced for one season and was put to stock. This is an excellent foundation cock for any loft. 1st Leeugamka open 1 2nd Modderrivier YB 3rd Richmond open 2 3rd Strydenburg open 1 7th Beaufort West Presidents cup 7th Bloemhof YB LOT 16 BB W/F H ZA 2010/15930 C ZA 2009/29243 H ZA 2009/29258 13th Hopetown YB 2 16th Winburg YB 18th Gariepdam 19th Bloemfontein sprints 23rd Springfontein YB ‘MY LADY’ RICHMOND WINNER CATTRYSSE/LIMBOURG CATTRYSSE/LIMBOURG MATJIESFONTEIN COMBINE WINNER ‘STOMPIE’ INBRED CATTRYSSE 15930 is an excellent stock bird that proved herself in the racing department. She carries the best winning CATTRYSSE blood in my loft. Not to be missed. She has already bred a winner 1st Richmond open 2 2nd Leeu Gamka open 1 6th Colesberg open 2 11th Winburg YB 19th Strydenburg open 1 24th Three Sisters Gold Cup 24th Leeu Gamka open 1 28th Bloemfontein YB LOT 17 MEALY C H H ZA 2011/40406 ZA WRPU 2007/2679 ZA WRPU 2007/3517 ‘THE RED QUEEN’ OSCAR/HOUBEN/LIMBOURG BEST OPEN BIRD IN KRPS CLUB ‘GOLDEN COCK’ OSCAR de VRIENDT – LOT 1 ‘GOLDEN HEN’ HOUBEN/LIMBOURG - LOT 2 40406 is a brilliant hen bred out of the ‘GOLDEN’ click pair. She more than proofed herself in the racing field as well as the breeding loft. She was the ‘Best Open Bird’ and 3rd ‘Best Bird’ in 2013 in the club. She is a full sister to the ace bird LOT 12 who is a triple winner and was Best Young Bird and Best Overall Bird in the Union as a young bird in 2011. She carries the best winning blood of my loft. This hen can only be a pleasure in any loft as she has the genes to produce winners for any pigeon fancier. 2nd Winburg open 3rd Glen open 3rd Leeu Gamka ope 1 4TH Colesberg open 1 6th Glen open 9th Beaufort West Presidents cup 9th Bloemhof open 10th Richmond open 1 LOT 18 BB H ZA 2008/62460 C SA 2005/50786 H SA GRPA 2004/5701 12TH WRRPA 102ND WRRPA 14TH WRRPA 11TH WRRPA 75TH WRRPA 23RD WRRPA 77TH WRRPA 40TH WRRPA ‘THE LADY ’ 14th Sterkstroom open 1 15th Christiana YB 16th Three Sisters Gold cup 17th Britstown open classic 19th Graaff Reinet open 1 21st Bethuli YB 23rd Verkeerdevlei open 24th Bloemfontein open 64th WRRPA 56th WRRPA 82nd WRRPA 50th WRRPA 62nd WRRPA 67th WRRPA CATTRYSSE/LIMBOURG 2x WINNER BEST OPEN BIRD ‘YSTER’CATTRYSSE 4xWINNER LIMBOURG/CATTRYSSE 3x WINNER 62460 was bred out of a winning half-brother/sister pair for stock. When I decide in 2010 to race her, she flew 9 positions in one year and ended up in 2010 as Best Open bird and 2nd Best Bird in the club and 16th in the WRRPA Union. In her 3rd year of racing she ended as a double winner and were put to stock. 1st Modderrivier open 8TH WRRPA 1ST Winburg sprints 2nd Britstown open classic 5TH WRRPA nd 2 Hoopstad open 4th WRRPA 2nd Strydenburg open 1 (beaten by loft mate) 16TH WRRPA 5th Gariepdam open 25TH WRRPA TH 5 Winburg open 41ST WRRPA 5th Three Sisters Gold cup classic 5th Leeu Gamka open 1 31ST WRRPA 6th Modderrivier open 16th WRRPA 8th Colesberg open 42ND WRRPA th 8 Glenn open 29TH WRRPA LOT 19 BB H ZA LIM 2008/06662 C SA 2004/35664 H SA WRRPA 2002/4917 ‘GREEN EYE SPECIAL’ 9th Hertzogville open 10th Strydenburg open 1 11th Henneman open 14th Victoria West open 19th Edenburg open 11th Glen open 24th Three Sisters open 24th Bloemfontein open 24th Springfontein open 26th Hopetown open 2 30th Springfontein open 52nd WRRPA 56th WRRPA 95th WRRPA 88th WRRPA 98th WRRPA 99th WRRPA 147th WRRPA ‘GREEN EYE’ CATTRYSSE INBRED CATTRYSSE – LOT 10 INBRED CATTRYSSE 06662 was bred for stock out of my best Cattrysse bloodlines. The dam is one of the foundation hens in my loft bred out of my original ‘Cradock’ Cattrysse bloodline. She is the dam to many winners, double and triple winners. She is the dam to LOT 31, 95 & 143. This is a legend in my loft. LOT 20 BB PIED H ZA WRPU 2008/00087 C SA 97/96300 H SA GRPA 2003/1240 INBRED SPRITZI BRED BY BOUWER & SCHMIDT - LOT 175 SPRITZI – BRED BY KOERT GROBLER OUT OF THE FAMOUS ‘BRAHMAN’ 00087 was inbred to the ‘Brahman’ bloodline for stock and met my expectations. This bloodline produced winners all over South Africa and made many pigeon fanciers Union and Federation winners. She produced many good pigeons and is the last of my SPRITZI bloodline. Her babies on this sale is LOT 57, 67, 140, 149 & 155. Don’t miss this hen. This bloodline made Roland Bouwer and Johan Schmidt famous in South Africa. LOT 21 CHEQ PIED C ZA WRPU 2007/1019 C SA 97/96300 H SA GRRPA 2003/1240 ‘KLEINE BRAHMAN’ PURE SPRITZI BRED BY BOUWER & SCHMIDT - LOT 175 SPRITZI BRED BY KOERT GROBLER out of ‘BRAHMAN’ SPRITZI 1019 was inbred for stock. This pigeon bred well with different hens. He produced winners including a Sale race winner. His offspring performed well for me and other fanciers. This ‘BRAHMAN’ bloodline is a winning bloodline. This made Bouwer & Schmidt famous in South Africa and made a Union champion out of Koert Grobler. LOT 22 BB H ZA 2013/18042 ‘JONGE KANIBAAL /’VANDENABEELE/ SCHOOLMEESTERS C BELG 2010/3047152 ‘BLIKSEM’ GABY VANDENABEELE – LOT 13 H BELG 2009/5108134 ‘KANIBAAL’ SCHOOLMEESTERS – LOT 8 18042 this hen was a consistant racer in her short career of racing with the ability to become a winner. She will definitely breed winners like the father and mother. This is a perfect balanced pigeon. Handle her yourself and decide. Any bird bred out of these two birds, LOT 5 and LOT 8 can only improve your breeding loft. This must not be missed!! Out of the world GOLD Bliksem bloodline of Gaby VanDenabeele LOT 23 MEALY C ZA 2009/29272 C ZA WRPU 2007/2679 H ZA WRPU 2007/3517 OSCAR de VRIENDT/HOUBEN OSCAR de VRIENDT – LOT 1 HOUBEN/LIMBOURG – LOT 2 CONSISTENT RACER 29272 bred out of the ‘GOLDEN’ click pair, LOT 1&2, this is a bird to have in your loft. He was a consistent racer until he damaged his wing. I kept him in the stock loft and was not disappointed. Being bred out of Gold Medal winning bloodlines, he himself bred very consistent pigeons on overall distances. Do yourself a favor and buy this cock for he will most certainly follow in his parents footsteps. 2nd Leeu Gamka open 2 3rd Three Sisters open 2 3rd Richmond classic 6th Colesburg 2 11th Strydenburg 13th Gariepdam open 24TH WRRPA 29TH WRRPA 10TH WRRPA 59TH WRRPA 63RD WRRPA 55TH WRRPA 19th Strydenburg open 2 23rd Victoria West open 2 23rd Three Sisters Gold Cup 24th Britstown Derby 29th Leeu Gamka open 1 128th WRRPA 99th WRRPA 100th WRRPA LOT 24 RED CHEQ C ZA 2013/D5126 OSCAR/HOUBEN/LIMBOURG C ZA WRPU 2007/2679 ‘GOLDEN COCK’ OSCAR DE VRIENDT – LOT 1 H ZA 2011/40406 ‘RED QUEEN’ OSCAR/HOUBEN/LIMBOURG - LOT 17 D5126 is inbred to the ‘GOLDEN’ cock LOT 1 with his daughter ‘RED QUEEN’ LOT 17 who was the ‘Best Open Bird’ and 3 rd ‘Best Bird’ in 2013 in the club. He also carries the same bloodline and genes that produced Gold Medal Union winners such as the ace bird LOT 12 who is a triple winner and was Best Young Bird and Best Bird overall in the Union as a young bird in 2011. He carries the best winning blood of my loft. This cock can only be a pleasure in any loft as he has the ability to produce winners for any pigeon fancier. LOT 25 CHEQ H SA WRPU 2005/4730 C SA 99/3606 H SA 97/21982 ‘BEAUTIFUL EYES’ PURE OSCAR De VRIENDT ‘BLOU OOG’ PURE OSCAR De VRIENDT INBRED OSCAR De VRIENDT 4730 is the mother of numerous top-class Union and Combine winners. She was inbred for stock out of my famous ‘BLOU OOG’ OSCAR de VRIENDT bloodline. Her offspring produced gold and silver medal winners on short and middle distance races. LOT 26 RED PIED H ZA 2012/11355 ‘DOLLA’ C ZA 2010/6582 ‘RED PRINCE’ H SA 2004/35691 ‘GOLDSPOT’ PURE MATHEE OSCAR/HOUBEN/LIMBOURG – LOT 12 CATTRYSSE/VAN RIJN-KLOECK - LOT 9 11355 was bred for stock out of ‘RED PRINCE’ the Best Bird in the Union for 2011 and my foundation hen ‘GOLDSPOT’. ‘GOLD IS WHERE YOU FIND IT!! This is it!! This hen’s father is out of my famous ‘GOLDEN’ click pair, LOT 1 and 2. The mother is ‘GOLDSPOT’ LOT 9. This is one of the best stockbird that you can acquire to improve your stockloft as she has the ability to breed winners and become a foundation hen in any sock loft. Do yourself a favor and buy this one!! LOT 27 BB C ZA 2012/08079 ‘BLUE DIAMOND’ UNION WINNER VICTORIA WEST C ZA 2010/6582 ‘RED PRINCE’ OSCAR/HOUBEN/LIMBOURG - LOT 12 H ZA 2009/D04977 ‘SILVER LADY’ CATTRYSSE/VAN RIJN- KLOECK/LIMBOURG LOT 14 08079 was bred out of two winning bloodlines His sire was bred out of my ‘GOLDEN’ click pair (LOT 1 & 2) and the dam is the SANPO Long distance Silver Medal winner.This pigeon is one of the best buys on the auction that will breed winners for any fancier. 1st Victoria West open 1 1ST WRRPA nd 2 Verkeerdevlei open 3RD WRRPA 3rd Hopetown 2 YB 12TH WRRPA 3rd Colesburg open 1 9TH WRRPA rd 3 Beaufort West Presidents cup10TH WRRPA 5th Winburg sprints 15th Gariepdam YB 50TH WRRPA LOT 28 BB W/F H ZA 2009/28994 C SA 2005/50786 H SA 2004/35691 16th Richmond open 2 16th Sterkstroom open 2 19th Winburg sprints 24th Bloemfontein open 24th Three Sisters open 2 29th Hopetown YB Champ 30th Gariepdam open 67th WRRPA 124th WRRPA 85th WRRPA 127th WRRPA 113th WRRPA 97th WRRPA 131st WRRPA ‘KLEINE GOLDSPOT’ CATTRYSSE/VAN RIJN-KLOECK ‘YSTER’ CATTRYSSE 14x IN ONE RACE SEASON FIRST BIRD BACK AT LOFT AND ‘BEST BIRD’ ‘GOLDSPOT’ CATTRYSSE 21x FIRST BIRD TO THE LOFT – LOT 9 28994 was inbred for stock to the CATTRYSSE/VAN RIJN-KLOEK bloodline out of this brother/sister pair. ‘GOLDSPOT’, LOT 9 is one of my most reliable foundation hens. Both she and her brother produced winners and their children produced winners. This hen bred a Sale ring winner that brought in a huge amount of money. In my opinion she is capable of replacing her mother ‘GOLDSPOT’. LOT 29 GRIZZLE C ZA 2009/28995 C SA GRRPA 2001/5005 H ZA 2008/14134 ‘DIE VOS’ PURE VOS JEAN-JENNES PURE VOS JEAN-JENNES PURE VOS JEAN-JENNES 28995 was inbred for stock out of the world-famous Vos Jean-Jennes of ‘Het Rykste’. He bred winners for myself and other fanciers and you will have to search far to get better Vos Jean-Jennes blood than this. This bloodline made Johan van Zyl from Potgietersrus champion year after year. LOT 30 BB W/F C ZA 2009/29257 C ZA WRPU 2007/1026 H SA 2004/34210 ‘VIOLET’ PURE OSCAR De VRIENDT OSCAR de VRIENDT BRED 3 WINNERS OSCAR INBRED MOTHER TO ABOVE COCK 29257 is inbred to my best Oscar bloodline out of my original ‘BLUE EYE’ OSCARS. He is one of my foundation OSCAR bloodline carriers. This bloodline bred many a winner for Sakkie v Heerden, Johan v Zyl, Riaan de la Rey, Nic Mathee and Mr. Kader Ahmet, the great champion from the Cape Town Border Union. This bloodline helped to make and keep me a Union champion. His is the best of the best. Not to be missed!! LOT 31 L CHEQ W/F C ZA 2011/40988 C ZA 2004/35664 H ZA LIM 2008/06662 ‘INBRED JONGE SKILDERY’ PURE CATTRYSSE CATTRYSSE BRED 15 WINNERS CATTRYSSE BRED 5 WINNERS + 2 X BEST BIRD –LOT 19 40988 was bred out of one of my Cattrysse foundation cocks with a progeny of my famous ‘Green eye’ hen for stock. He has a perfect breeding eye and is a truly top class cock. This cock will breed winners on hard and long distant races. LOT 32 BB C ZA WRPU 2008/00485 ‘TYSON’ 6 x WINNER Incl A UNION WINNER AND 2008 BEST BIRD AS A 2008 BABY BRED AND RACED IN THE SAME YEAR OF 2008 C BELG 2004/2021208 ERIC LIMBOURG BRED MANY WINNERS H BELG 2000/2385189 ERIC LIMBOURG BRED MANY WINNERS ERIC LIMBOURG IS RATED AS ONE OF THE BEST PIGEON FANCIERS IN BELGIUM 00485 is a champion bred out of a champion pair from Belgium. He is a champion in my loft and was a triple winner in the first year I flew him as a baby of 2008 and was the ‘Best Young Bird’ in the club. The second year he was a double winner after which Continue of Lot 32 he was pulled to stock. As a young bird he produced a winner in 2008 –D4259 LOT 47 and in his years in the stockloft he produced many winners for myself and other fanciers all over South Africa. They don’t come like this very often. He produced winners and his children produce winners. Don’t miss out on this one!! 2008 as a baby of 2008 1st Colesberg 1st Edenburg YB 1st Norwalspont 1 1st Glenn YB 1st Beauford Wes Presidents cup 1st Kroonstad 1 2nd Hanover 1 3rd Trompsburg YB 1ST WRPU 21ST WRPU 4TH WRPU 4th WRRPA 9TH WRRPA TH 20 WRPU 28TH WRPU 4th Middelburg 1 5th Reddersburg YB 7th Smithfield 7th Winburg 1 YB 13th Aliwal North open 11th Windserton Rd 15th Theunissen YB 20th Winburg 2 YB 36th WRPU 37th WRPU 29th WRPU 53rd WRRPA 113th WRRPA LOT 33 BB C ZA WRPU 2008/00848 ‘YSTERMAN’ PURE CATTRYSSE C SA 2005/50786 ‘YSTER’ CATTRYSE - BEST BIRD H SA THU 98/3873 CATTRYSSE bred by G v d Walt ST ND SHE WAS 1 and 2 FED TROMPSBURG WINNER. IN ONE YEAR A TRPF AND FED WINNER ON MANNY MARQUES’ SALE BOUGHT 00848 is the type of stockbird needed in every loft. Bred out of a ‘Best Bird’ and winner he is a breeder of winners and a ‘Best Bird’. In the one and a half season that he raced, he was a consistent racer that was in the clock with every flight and was never out of the first 20 positions in the club. 2008 as a baby of 2008 2nd Reddersburg Beaten by his loft mate with seconds 3rd Norwalspont 2 3rd Noupoort 1 5th Hanover 2 5th Richmond open 1 6th Bloemfontein open 8th Modderrivier YB 8th Winburg 1 YB 9th Colesberg open 3 10th Smithfield YB 10th Britstown open 1 LOT 34 CHEQ H SA WRPU 2006/3399 C SA THU 2000/2051 H SA WRPU 99/3364 ‘MATJIES HEN’ 10th Springbok YB Championships 11th Drie Susters open 1 11th Beaufort West open 2 13th Middelburg 2 13th Winburg 2 YB 14th Edenburg YB 14th Colesberg open 1 17th Colesberg 2 18th Bloemfontein 1 20th Britstown open Derby CATTRYSSE/VAN RIJN-KLOECK CATTRYSSE/v RIJN-KLOECK CATTRYSSE/v RIJN-KLOECK 8x WINNER 3399 is one of the birds that made me long distance champion for many years. She was a star racer from the first year that I raced her until I put her to stock. Her blood runs strongly through my whole loft. This is the blood and genes you need to breed hard and long distance racers. She is the dam of winners and very consistant racers. Achievements 2nd Matjiesfontein 1050km Beaten by her loft mate 2nd Matjiesfontein 2nd Aliwal North YB 2 2nd Richmond open 2 3rd Richmond open 7th Matjiesfontein 7th Bloemfontein YB 7th Jamestown YB 2 8th Glen open 10th Molteno YB 2 14th Three Sisters open 16th Three Sisters open 2 17th Beaufort West Presidents cup 19th Winburg 2 23rd Aliwal North YB 23rd Prince Albert Road 1 LOT 35 L CHEQ C SA WRPU 2006/3864 ‘MATJIES COCK’ UNION MATJIESFONTEIN WINNER JANSSEN/CATTRYSSE C SA NRHU 2000/956 7 X WINNER JANSSEN out of 30X WINNER from HOLLAND H SA GRPA 2002/2637 3 X WINNER ‘QUEENY’ CATTRYSSE BLOEMFONTEIN WINNER 3864 is the best of the best. This is my long distance foundation cock that won Matjiesfontein with 2½ hours before the second pigeon which was 3399 - LOT 34, which was only clocked more than an hour from opening time the next morning. He also won the WRRPA with more than an hour. Strydenburg was also a win for him. He was put to stock after that season. He bred many a winner for myself and other fanciers. This is a MUST in any loft. 1st Matjiesfontein 1st Strydenburg 2nd Richmond 1ST WRRPU 5TH WRRPA 9TH WRRPA 9th Edenburg 15th Gariepdam 56th WRRPA LOT 36 CHEQ C BELG 2007/4018254 ‘JONGE MARADONNA’ PURE JANSSEN/ARENDONK C BELG 2001/6366619 ‘MARADONNA’ PURE JANSSEN/ARENDONK H BELG 2005/4408928 ‘CHANTILLY’ PURE JANSSEN/ARENDONK 4018254 is the father of two Leeu Gamka (931km) winners. He bred 9 winners, incl. 3 double winners that range from the shortest to the longest distance races. This is the best Janssen blood in my loft and an absolute acquisition if you buy him. His offspring bred winners for many fanciers. Frank Daelemans, one of the most trustworthy pigeon exporters and one of the biggest breeders of this bloodline that he acquired directly from the Janssen brothers which bred many a winner for me and other fanciers. LOT 37 CHEQ W/F C ZA 2010/D6593 CATTRYSE/VAN RIJN-KLOECK C ZA WRPU 2007/1030 ‘QUEENY’ CATTRYSSE/Van RIJN-KLOECK – LOT 96 H ZA 2009/28993 ‘GOLDSPOT’ CATTRYSSE/Van RIJN-KLOECK D6593 is an inbred Cattrysse/Van Rijn-Kloeck out of the well-known Van Rijn-Kloeck bloodline. This is a winning family both in racing season and in the stock loft. This bird can become a foundation cock in any breeders’ loft . LOT 38 BB W/F H ZA 2011/D3714 ‘GOLDEN CHILD’ OSCAR/HOUBEN/LIMBOURG C ZA WRPU 2007/2679 ‘GOLDEN COCK’ PURE OSCAR De VRIENDT – LOT 1 H SA WRPU 2007/3517 ‘GOLDEN HEN’ HOUBEN/LIMBOURG – LOT 2 . D3714 is one of my star pigeons without which I would never have become a champion. Bred out of my ‘GOLDEN’ click pair this is a hen that have the abilities to produce excellent babies and become a foundation hen like her dam. This is a must in any loft 2nd Leeu Gamka open 1 4th Gariepdam open 6th Jamestown open 7th Verkeerdevlei open 7th Smithfield open 10th Glen open 11th Strydenburg open 1 LOT 39 BB C ZA 2008/D4262 ‘LORD DERBY’ C ZA WRPU 2007/1030 H ZA WRPU 2006/3996 14th Aliwal North open 15th Beaufort Wes Presidents cup 17th Hopetown open 1 20th Britstown Derby 23rd Drie Susters Gold cup 28th Leeugamka open 1 BEAUFORT WEST WINNER PURE CATTRYSSE ‘QUEENY’ CATTRYSSE - LOT 96 CATTRYSSE 4262 is one of those pigeons you need in your loft that you can always rely on especially on hard and long distance races. This pigeon will definitely breed winners for any fancier. This is worth every sent spent to buy him. 1st Beaufort Wes Presidents cup 2nd Britstown Derby 3rd Winburg 1 YB 4th Winburg 2 open 4th Hopetown 2 Open 4th Strydenburg 2 Open 5th Beaufort West open 2 6th Richmond open 2 6th Leeu Gamka open 2 9th Richmond open 2 9th Leeu Gamka open 1 11th Drie Suster open 2 11th Modderrivier open 12th Colesberg open 2 19th Springfontein open 22nd Hopetown open 23rd Colesberg open 3 24th Gariepdam 26th Winburg open 29th Colesberg 2 open LOT 40 BB H ZA WRPU 2007/1020 C SA WRRPA 2000/7574 H SA 2004/34210 ‘STAR LADY’ PURE OSCAR de VRIENDT ‘BLUE EYE’ OSCAR de VRIENDT ‘BLUE EYE’ OSCAR de VRIENDT This pigeon is inbred for stock out of my original ‘BLUE EYE’ OSCARS that helped to make a champion out of me. She is one of my foundation OSCAR bloodline carriers and responsible for many winners. This bloodline bred many a winner for Mr. Kader Ahmet, the great champion from the Stellenbosch Homing Union. LOT 41 D CHEQ C BELG 2009/5108119 ‘JONGE ZWARTE’ SCHOOLMEESTERS VIA PROS ROOSEN C BELG 2008/5184479 ‘ZWARTE FREDDY’ - VANDENHEEDE H BELG 2006/5100582 DOGTER ‘MAGIC MISS’ 5108119 is a real pleasure to have in your stockloft. He bred winners and racers that score many positions in clubs and unions for me and other fanciers including two winners for Nic Mathee and very consistent racers for Braam van Molendorff. The ‘ZWARTE FREDDY’ is world famous as well as the dam’s bloodline from ‘MAGIC MISS’. This is a winning bloodline out of the best of Belgium. LOT 42 CHEQ C ZA WRPU 2007/3557 C SA WRPU 2006/3157 H SA WRPU 2006/3194 BEST BIRD AND SPRINGFONTEIN WINNER WINNER - LIMBOURG HERBOTS ‘BOEMERANG’ 3557 This is the champion you want in your stock loft. Bred out of champions he was a winner plus 2nd and many other positions. He won R16,000 for me in the club Sale race and proofed himself to be an excellent stockbird. Also Best bird in club and 2nd Best in WRRPA 1st Springfontein Open 2nd Colesburg Open 2 3rd Gariepdam Open 3rd Beauford Wes Open 2 5th Middelburg 2 6th Britstown Open 1 7th Reddersburg YB 7th Glen Open 8th Drie Susters Open 1 8th Richmond Open 1 5TH WRRPA 9TH WRRPA 27TH WRRPA 33RD WRRPA 36TH WRPU 48TH WRRPA 9th Colesberg open 2 14th Trompsberg YB 14th Edenburg sprints 16th Springfontein open 20th Windserton Road Open 21st Hoopstad Open 22nd Drie Susters Open 1 23rd Richmond open 27th Matjiesfontein 76TH WRRPA 88TH WRRPA 39th WRRPA LOT 43 BB C ZA WRPU 2006/1391 C ZA WRRPA 2000/7574 H SA 2004/34210 58th WRRPA 52nd WRRPA 134th WRRPA 125th WRRPA ‘STAR EYES’ PURE OSCAR de VRIENDT INBRED ‘BLUE EYE’ OSCAR de VRIENDT BRED MANY WINNERS PURE OSCAR de VRIENDT BRED MANY WINNERS 1391 was bred for stock out of my original ‘BLUE EYE’ OSCARS that helped to make a champion out of me. He is one of my foundation OSCAR bloodline carriers and responsible for many winners and ‘Best Bird’s in my loft. This bloodline bred many a winner for Mr. Kader Ahmet, the great champion from the Cape Stellenbosch Homing Union. LOT 44 BB PIED H BELG 2011/4020177 BAK 17 C BELG 2010/4123305 H BELG 2010/4302533 SABLON/BAK 17 AELBRECHT ‘De RAUW SABLON 305 PURE AELBRECHT 533 BAK 17 4020177 has bred two winners and a second ‘Best Bird’ with the Gaby Vandenabeele cock LOT 13. She comes from the Aelbrecht BAK 17 bloodline and DeRauw Sablon which is of the best bloodlines in Belgium. Her sire’s grandfather is the wellknown ‘SMALLEN 414’ from De Rauw Sablon. She has all the bloodline genes to breed winners and consistant birds. You will not make a mistake by buying this pigeon. LOT 45 CHEQ H DV 2009/08071/429 C DV 2002/08071/1220 H DV 2003/08071/744 PURE DESMET-MATTHIJS ‘SOHN 412’ DESMET-MATTHIJS DESMET-MATTHIJS 429 was bought at the $1 000 000 Sun City auction. This pure Desmet-Matthijs hen bred winners from the first time she was paired in my loft. She became one of my top breeder hens. She bred winners with three different cocks and a double winner with the imported Steketee Belgium cock LOT 46 a gift from the champion fancier Kader Ahmet in Cape Town. LOT 46 BB W/F C BELG 2007/4018297 ‘STEKETEE’ JAN AARDEN BRED WINNERS 4018297 was a gift from the well-known Cape Town champion Mr. Kader Ahmed. He imported this pigeon directly from Steketee in Belgium. This pigeon carries the renowned Jan Aarden bloodline. In 2012 he bred me 4 winners with different hens. He bred a double winner with the German Desmet-Matthijs hen LOT 45. This is a breeder of hard and long distance champions. LOT 47 BB H ZA 2008/D4259 C ZA WRPU 2008/00485 H BELG 2000/2385189 ‘MY LITTLE LADY’ WINNER VICTORIA WEST LIMBOURG 6x WINNER – LOT 32 ERIC LIMBOURG BRED 28 WINNERS D4259 is an inbred Limbourg, a double winner and a great breeder. The dam of this bird bred 28 known winners and as you can see, the father is also a 6 x winner. This is the type of bird every fancier wants in the loft. You breed this once in a lifetime that an inbred bird perform like this. Don’t miss out on this very special pigeon that has a perfect breeding eye and a perfect body. 1st Victoria West open 1 2nd Gariepdam open 6th Christiana open 9th Wolmaranstad open 11th Richmond open 1 2ND WRRPA 3RD WRRPA 56TH WRRPA 62ND WRRPA 51ST WRRPA 12th Hopetown 13th Bloemhof open 14th Leeu Gamka open 1 20th Victoria West open 55th WRRPA 79th WRRPA 147th WRRPA LOT 48 BB C ZA 2008/00296 ‘WITBEK’ PURE CATTRYSSE C SA 2004/35664 CATTRYSSE out of the ’SKILDERY’ bloodline – LOT 10 H SA WRRPA 2002/4917 CATTRYSSE out of my ‘Cradock’/’Skildery’ bloodline 00296 Bred for stock out of the best of the best of the best Cattrysse bloodline. He bred top achievers on long distances in Clubs and Unions. Coming out of my ‘CRADOCK/SKILDERY’ bloodline this cock can only be an asset to any fancier’s stockloft with a perfect breeding eye. LOT 49 BB H ZA 2008/D4265 C ZA WRPU 2007/2679 H ZA WRPU 2007/3517 4x WINNER OSCAR/ HOUBEN/LIMBOURG OSCAR de VRIENDT LOT 1 HOUBEN/LIMBOURG LOT 2 D4265 is a 4x winner out of my ‘GOLDEN’ click pair. A winner bred out of winners. A star in the stockloft and in the races as she flew other positions as well. I believe she will breed many more winners. You should not miss this pigeon for she could become THE foundation hen in your loft. 1st Hopetown open 2 4TH WRRPA 6th Hertzogville open 28th WRRPA 1st Strydenburg open 1st Britstown open 1 1st Theunissen YB 3rd Hopetown open 3rd Beaufort West open 1 4th Wolmaranstad open 13TH WRRPA 3RD WRRPA 21ST WRRPA 6TH WRRPA 11TH WRRPA 36TH WRRPA 7th Warrenton YB 8th Strydenburg open 1 14th Bethuli open 19th Richmond open 1 21st Glenn YB 58th WRRPA 48th WRRPA 52nd WRRPA 102nd WRRPA 129th WRRPA LOT 50 BB W/F C ZA 2008/D4269 ‘JONGE BULLDOG’ CATTRYSSE/van RIJN-KLOECK C ZA WRPU 2006/1389 ‘BULLDOG’ van RIJN-KLOECK CATTRYSSE H ZA 2004/35691 ‘GOLDSPOT’ CATTRYSSE/VAN RIJN-KLOECK – LOT 9 D4269 was bred for stock out of the best of the best in my loft. I bred a 6x winner out of the father and the dam was 21x my first bird back from the race. She made history in the pigeon world. This bird should be an asset to any loft LOT 51 CHEQ H ZA 2014/09372 C BELG 2012/4048400 H BELG 2012/4048390 GABY VANDENABEELE BRED BY F DAELEMANS GABY VANDENABEELE LOT 147 GABY VANDENABEELE LOT 141 09372 was bred out of the ‘BLIKSEM’ winning bloodline of Gaby Vandenabeele. She has the bloodline and genes that should make her an exceptional stock bird in any loft. This bloodline is well-known in Belgium and South Africa for breeding the birds that makes champions out of pigeon fanciers. See her pedigree LOT 52 CHEQ C BELG 2013/4097116 C BELG 2006/3183380 ‘DWARSLIGGER PEIREN’ H BELG 2002/306428 ‘DIDI DUIVIN PEIREN’ PURE NOȄL PEIREN PURE NOȄL PEIREN PURE NOȄL PEIREN 4097116 this Peiren pigeon was bred by Daelemans from one of the best longdistance birds in Belgium. The foundation of this young cock is from the Barcelona bloodline from both parents. Because this bird is only a 2013 his whole career is still in front of him with the same potential as the bloodline that he was bred out of. This bird can take your loft to a high level by breeding the best longdistance bird in your club and union for it carries the genes to perform. LOT 53 L CHEQ C BELG 2007/3196112 C BELG 2001/3039819 ‘De WITER’ NOȄL PEIREN H BELG 2002/3067046 DAUGHTER OF ‘PRINS BARCELONA’ NOȄL PEIREN 3196112 is out of the world known hard and long distance bloodline bred directly by Mr. Noël Peiren. He comes from the ‘BARCELONA bloodline. What a bird to have in your loft for long distances and hard racing pigeons. The race performances of the parents are available on the pedigree. LOT 54 GRIZZLE C ZA YSC LIM 2009/00500 C ZA YSC LIM 2004/1117 H ZA YSC LIM 99/48051 ` PURE VOS JEAN-JENNES PURE VOS JEAN-JENNES PURE VOS JEAN-JENNES 00500 was bred by Johan van Zyl of Limpopo out of his nr. 1 VOS JEAN-JENNES pair that he gave to me as a baby. This bloodline made Johan v Zyl the champion of the North. He was put straight to stock and I was not disappointed with his offspring. This is one of the best of the VOS JEAN-JENNES bloodline still available today. LOT 55 CHEQ C BELG 2008/6362236 C BELG 2000/6394022 H BELG 2006/6093618 ‘NOTARIS DUIVER’ PURE VAN RIJN-KLOECK ‘NOTARUS’ Van RIJN-KLOECK ‘VLASLINE’ Van RIJN-KLOECK 6362236 was imported direct from Van Rijn-Kloeck and bred me many a winner as well as a ‘Best bird’. His son LOT 3 bred me a SANPO Gold Medal winner LOT 5. His children is the calibre that helped me stay a champion. This is the last of the Van RijnKloeck line that is available so don’t miss out on this bird. LOT 56 BB H BELG 2008/6362237 C BELG 98/6284836 H BELG 2006/6093608 ‘LUITENANTJE 237’ PURE V RIJN-KLOECK ‘LUITENANTJE’ Van RIJN-KLOECK ‘ULLA’ Van RIJN-KLOECK 6362237 was imported direct from Van Rijn-Kloeck. Her mother ‘LUITENANTJE 237’ was the daughter of 1st ACE Pigeon Fondclub 2000 in Belgium. She bred me many a winner as well as a ‘Best bird’. Her children is the calibre that helped me stay a champion. This is the best of the Van Rijn-Kloeck line that is available so don’t miss out on this bird. Grand-dam to Gold Medal Winner LOT 57 BB PIED C ZA 2013/19361 C ZA 2010/46290 H ZA 2008/00087 PURE SPRITZI PURE SPRITZI PURE SPRITZI – LOT 20 19361 was inbred for stock back to the world famous ‘BRAHMAN’ bloodline. This is the winning ‘BRAHMAN’ bloodline that made Bouwer & Schmidt famous in South Africa and made a Union champion out of Koert Grobler. The fancier who buy this one will truly improve his stockloft with a winning bloodline. LOT 58 WHITE C ZA BFP 2008/D1414 C SA 99/481134 H BELG 2008/2270320 VOS JEAN-JENNES – GEORGE GORDON VOS JEAN-JENNES BRED MANY WINNERS VOS JEAN-JENNES BRED MANY WINNERS D1414 was inbred for stock out of the world-famous Vos-Jean-Jennes of ‘Het Rykste’. He bred 9 winners for Frans Oosthuizen of which was a double Sale winner. The Vos-Jean-Jennes bloodline also made champions of fanciers like Johan (Slang) van Zyl, Mr. Murat of Cape Town and George Gordon of Bloemfontein. D1414 bred winners for myself and Union winners for Barnie Deetlifs of Pretoria as well as other fanciers. Don’t miss out on this one’ you will have to search far to get better Vos Jean-Jennes blood than this. LOT 59 BB C SA WRPU 2006/3183 UNION WINNER THREE SISTERS LOUIS WOUTER/CATTRYSSE ONLY BIRD ON THE DAY C SA 2004/34197 LOUIS WOUTER H SA WRRPA 2001/11859 PURE CATTRYSSE 2 x WINNER 3183 is one of those once in a lifetime cocks that you breed. This bird performed overall and was a triple winner of which 2x was Union winners. 1st Three Sisters open 2 3rd Prince Albert Rd 5th Richmond 5th Middelburg open 8th Matjiesfontein 15th Hopetown 1ST WRRPA 31ST WRRPA 16TH WRPU 15th Molteno open 2 18th Colesburg open 2 18th Three Sisters open 25th Modderrivier open 26th Jamestown YB 59th WRPU 119th WRRPA 78th WRPU 103RD WRRPA LOT 60 BB H BELG 2009/5108154 C BELG 2007/5110061 H BELG 2008/4351763 THE ROOMY HEN SCHOOLMEESTERS out of FREDDY & NAPAN KLNZN SUPERKWEKER FREDDY VANDEHEEDE KL.DOCHTER NAPAN FREDDY VANDEHEEDE 5108154 is one of those imported pigeons that you can’t miss out on. Inbred to ‘Freddy’ and ‘Napan’, this is the hen that will boost your stockloft and put you on a winning path. The name ‘Schoolmeesters’ is synonym with winning because of this bloodline. Don’t miss out on this one!! (Via Pros Roosen) The World Famous Freddy Vandeheede LOT 61 BB C ZA 2010/D7579 C BELG 2004/2021208 H BELG 2000/2385189 WINNER WINBURG PURE LIMBOURG LIMBOURG IMPORTED BY JACO THERON PURE LIMBOURG BRED 28 WINNERS D7579 was out of the pure LIMBOURG bloodline and proved himself to be an excellent racer before he was put to stock. Both of these parents bred many winner together and with different cocks and hens. 7579 bred a ‘Best Bird’ in the club. To own a pigeon like this makes the sport a pleasure. 1st Winburg open 4th Bultfontein open 4th Verkeerdevlei sprints 5th Strydenburg open 2 5th Beaufort West 6th Beaufort West open 10th Richmond open 12th Modderrivier 12th Jamestown open LOT 62 BB W/F H 2010/D6581 C ZA WRPU 2007/2679 H SA WRPU/2007/3517 13th Colesburg open 2 15th Victoria West open 2 15th Bloemhof 19th Hopetown open 21st Colesburg open 1 21st Springfontein 25th Graaff Reinet open 2 30th Leeu Gamka open 2 OSCAR DE VRIENDT/ HOUBEN/LIMBOURG ‘GOLDEN COCK’PURE OSCAR DE VRIENDT –LOT 1 ‘GOLDEN HEN’ HOUBEN/LIMBOURG 4x WINNER LOT 2 D6581 is the nestmate to ‘RED PRINCE’ - LOT 12 and performed on the same level as he. Bred out of my ‘GOLDEN ‘click pair this bird is just a pleasure to have in the stockloft. This bird flew 10 positions in her first racing season as a baby and ended 2nd BEST YOUNG BIRD in the KRPS club, beaten only by her nestmate LOT 12, 7th in the WRRPA Union, 11th BEST BIRD in the club and 31st in the WRRPA Union. If you really look to put quality in your stockloft, this is it. This hen can for sure become a foundation OSCAR hen in any stockloft. You will do yourself a favor by buying this exceptional bird. 3rd Hopetown YB 2 3rd Springfontein YB 4th Gariepdam YB 6th Winburg YB 7th Christiana YB 14th Victoria West open 1 17th Bloemhof YB 18th Glen YB 21st Britstown YB Derby 30th Modderrivier YB LOT 63 CHEQ H ZA 2010/14921 WINNER C ZA WRPU 2006/3864 ‘MATJIES COCK’ H SA WRPU 2004/35691 ‘GOLDSPOT’ CATTRYSSE/VAN RIJN-KLOECK CATTRYSSE/VAN RIJN-KLOECK LOT 35 CATTRYSSE/VAN RIJN-KLOECK LOT 9 14921 was a Britstown classic winner that also won the Sale race and was 2 nd in the other leg of the Sale. She brought in a lot of money for me. Bred by two of my best stock birds, this hen performed on the hard and long distance races. She should breed exceptionally good babies for hard and longdistance races like her sire and dam. 1st Britstown classic 4th Three Sisters Gold cup 7th Richmond classic 8th Leeu Gamka open 1 9th Leeu Gamka open 1 9th Victoria West open 2 11th Richmond open 2 16th Strydenburg open 1 16th Strydenburg open LOT 64 BB H BELG 2005/6413623 4 GENERATIONS GRONDELAERS 100% PURE C BELG 99/6066824 SON OF ‘TYFOON’ GRONDELAERS H BELG 99/6066803 ZUSTER ‘BLICKSEM’ GRONDELAERS 6413623 is a super breeder in my loft. She bred many a winner for me, my brother and many other fanciers through the years. This pair was hand-selected in Belgium. Her children also produced winners wherever they go. She still delivers the goods to carry forth the pure GRONDELAERS bloodline of four generations and will boost your existing bloodline. This bloodline is nearly not available anymore. The GRONDELAER line bred many winners all over the world. I have had many a pleasure out of this bloodline. LOT 65 BB H ZA WRPU 2007/1031 CATTRYSSE/VAN RIJN-KLOECK C SA TRPF 99/11003 CATTRYSSE/VAN RIJN-KLOECK BRED BY MANY MARQUES H SA GRPA 2002/2637 ‘QUEENY’ CATTRYSSE 1031 was inbred for stock to retain this bloodline which produced many a winner for me. The father of this bird was an excellent breeder on middle and long distances. ‘QUEENY’, the dam of this hen is one of my favourite foundation hens and also the mother of ‘GOLDSPOT” LOT 9 on the sale. 1031 bred winners on all distances. This is the bloodline to have in your stockloft for winners from the first to the last race. They breed them all. Do yourself a favor and buy this bloodline to improve your stockloft. LOT 66 BB C ZA 2012/11058 C ZA 2010/6582 H SA 2004/35691 PURE MATHEE ‘RED PRINCE’ OSCAR/CATTRYSSE/HOUBEN – LOT 12 ‘GOLDSPOT’ CATTRYSSE/VAN RIJN-KLOECK – LOT 9 11058 is nest mate to 11045 – LOT 73 and also a brother of ‘DOLLA’ LOT 26. This cock was also bred for stock to improve my stockloft. Bred out of two winning bloodlines from my foundation hen ‘GOLDSPOT’ – LOT 9 and the son of the triple winner ‘RED PRINCE’ - LOT 12 that was Best Young Bird and Best Bird overall in the Union as a young bird in 2011, he can only produce the goods needed to make a champion out of you. LOT 67 BB PIED H ZA 2013/19368 C ZA WRPU 2007/1019 H ZA WRPU 2008/00087 PURE SPRITZI PURE SPRITZI – LOT 21 PURE SPRITZI - LOT 20 19368 is inbred for stock to a brother/sister pair back to the world famous ‘BRAHMAN’ bloodline. She is a half-sister to LOT 23. This is the winning ‘BRAHMAN’ bloodline that made Bouwer & Schmidt famous in South Africa and made a Union champion out of Koert Grobler. She is a half-sister to LOT 57. This will be an acquisition for any loft. LOT 68 CHEQ C H H ZA 2012/11044 BELG 2009/5108112 BELG 2009/5108134 ‘KLEIN DOGTER KANIBAAL’ 2 x WINNER PURE SCHOOLMEESTERS ‘NAPAN’/SOONTJES SCHOOLMEESTERS – LOT 7 ‘KANIBAAL’ LINE SCHOOLMEESTERS – LOT 8 11044 was bred from imported Schoolmeesters pigeons that proved to be worth every sent paid for them. This is a brilliant pair that bred many winners including 11044 whose nest mate sister was also winner and double ‘Best Bird’ ZA 2012/2814 in the WRRPA Union for Braam v Molendorff of KRPS in the 2014 season. She was the Best Overall Bird as well as the Best Open Bird in the Union In 2013 she was the 2nd Best young bird in the WRRPA and the Best Young bird in the KRPS club. 1st Colesberg open 1st Bloemfontein open 4th Christiana YB 3RD WRRPA 5TH WRRPA 15TH WRRPA 5th Strydenburg open 1 17th Bloemfontein YB LOT 69 CHEQ H ZA WRPU 2008/00496 C SA WRPU 99/3606 H SA 2004/34210 ‘MYNE’ PURE OSCAR de VRIENDT ‘BLOU OOG’ OSCAR de VRIENDT OSCAR de VRIENDT 00496 is the best of the best, bred for stock out of foundation ‘BLUE EYE’ Oscar bloodline that bred many, many winners in my loft. This blood is rare and hard to obtain. Her offspring performed well on hard, long distance races. This hen bred winners and very consistant racers like her parents. She carries the bloodline and winning genes over to her offspring that bred many winners for me and other fanciers. LOT 70 BB C ZA 2007/D1504 C SA VPU 2004/104 H SA WRPU 2005/50559 TROMPSBURG UNION WINNER CATTRYSSE ‘SKILDERY’CATTRYSSE CATTRYSSE – WINNER OF R100,000 SALE RACE, 4x WINNER D1504 is one of the outstanding pigeons in my loft. He was a star racer and is an excellent breeder. He more than proved himself in the two racing seasons he had before he was put to stock. He was a Trompsburg Union winner as a baby and bred winners and best birds for me and other fanciers. An absolutely perfect pigeon for your stock loft. 1st Trompsburg open 2nd Middelburg 2 2nd Hopetown YB 2 3rd Richmond 5th Modderrivier open 9th Three Sisters open 1 1st WRPU 2th WRPU 4th WRRPA 5th WRRPA 15th WRRPA 12th Springfontein open 12th Colesberg 1 14th Springfontein YB 14th Theunissen 16th Colesberg open 1 76th WRRPA 39th WRPU 125th WRRPA 81st WRRPA 69th WRRPA LOT 71 CHEQ C BELG 2007/6386621 ‘SCHONE GESCHELPTE SOONTJENS’ C BELG 97/6117748 ‘GESTUKTE TOM’ SOONTJENS H BELG 05/6188606 ‘LICHT GESCHELPT 609/05’ SOONTJENS 6386621 was imported from Frank Daelemans to breed high velocity pigeons for my stockloft and was not disappointed.. The SOONTJENS bloodline is known as a high velocity bloodline in Belgium and South Africa. This bloodline helped to let the wellknown Guys Louw became a TRPFederation and VPU Champion. This pigeon will be an asset to any stockloft. LOT 72 BB W/F C ZA WRRPA 2014/03270 C ZA 2011/40845 ‘KING’ H ZA 2010/14833 ‘QUEEN’ BROTHER TO GOLD MEDAL WINNER PURE VAN RIJN-KLOECK – LOT3 LIMBOURG/CATTRYSSE/VAN RIJN- KLOECK - LOT 4 03270 bred out of my ‘ROYAL’ click pair who bred a SANPO Middle distance Gold Medal winner LOT 5 for me. This pigeon is a full brother to LOT 5 and should definitely be a great asset to any stockloft. The previous racing season another three pigeons out of this pair was Union winners. This pair has bred winners and consistant racing pigeons for me and other fanciers in the years they were in my stockloft and this baby has the full potential of doing the same. LOT 73 MEALY C ZA 2012/11045 C ZA 2010/6582 H SA 2004/35691 PURE MATHEE ‘RED PRINCE’ OSCAR/CATTRYSSE/HOUBEN – LOT 12 ‘GOLDSPOT’ CATTRYSSE/VAN RIJN-KLOECK – LOT 9 11045 this cock is specially bred for stock out of two winning bloodlines from my foundation hen ‘GOLDSPOT’ – LOT 9. He is a son of the triple winner ‘RED PRINCE’ - LOT 12 that was Best Young Bird and Best Bird overall in the Union as a young bird in 2011. He is also a brother of ‘DOLLA’ LOT 26. LOT 74 BB H ZA 2009/44521 C SA 97/96300 H SA WRPU 2006/D234 SPRITZI/OSCAR BRED BY BOUWER & SCHMIDT - LOT 175 OSCAR de VRIENDT 2x WINNER 44521 was bred for stock and she more than proved herself during the past years. She is a brilliant stock pigeon with a perfect breeding eye. Her sire with the Spritzi blood out of the ‘BRAHMAN’ made many pigeon fanciers’ champions. The dam of this beauty was a double winner bred out of my ‘BLUE EYE’ OSCAR de VRIENDT bloodline and bred 5 winners and very consistant racers that brought in the points during racing seasons, for me and other fanciers. LOT 75 BB C ZA WRPU 2007/025 CATTRYSSE/VAN RIJN-KLOECK C SA TRPF 99/11003 VAN RIJN-KLOECK/CATTRYSSE BRED BY MANNY MARQUES H SA GRPA 2002/2637 ‘QUEENY’ CATTRYSSE 025 was bred for stock. The father and mother of this cock was a ‘click’ pair that produced many a winner. The father of this bird was an excellent breeder on middle and long distances. ‘QUEENY’, the dam of this cock is one of my favourite foundation hens out of the original ‘SKILDERY’ from Nico Dreyer out of my ‘CRADOCK’ bloodline who was a 3 X Union winner. She also the mother of ‘GOLDSPOT” LOT 9 on the sale. 025 bred winners as well as very consistant racers for myself and other fanciers like Nick and Steven Mathee, Riaan de la Rey and Braam v Molendorff. LOT 76 CHEQ C BELG 2009/5108155 C BELG 2007/5110061 H BELG 2008/4351763 ‘JONGE FREDDY’ FROM SCHOOLMEESTERS ‘FREDDY’ DERAUW SABLON of PROS ROOSEN KL DGT ‘NAPAN’ WON 1ST NATIONAL BOURGES 5108155 is a super breeder from Armand Schoolmeesters. This bloodline of ‘Napan’ bred a National winner from Bourges and fastest birds out of 11 600 pigeons. The grandfather was ‘TOP KWEKER FREDDY’ 94/4407032 out of the ‘Antigoon’ This blood is of the best out of Belgium to boost your stockloft with. LOT 77 BB H BELG 2010/3047151 ‘KLN DGTR BLIKSEM’ PURE GABY VANDENABEELE C BELG 2005/3006583 ‘ROYAL BLUE’ GABY VANDENABEELE H BELG 2004/3069721 ‘MONA’ GABY VANDENABEELE 3047151 has the bloodlines of the famous ‘BLIKSEM’ and the renowned ‘WITTENBUIK’ that bred the ‘ROYAL BLUE’ for Gaby Vandenabeele and was bred from the best of the best in Gaby Vandenabeele’s lofts. Her dam is ‘MONA’ that was bred out of the legend ‘Bliksem’ that was the best of the best. She is a full sister to LOT 13. LOT 78 BB C ZA 2009/D04980 C BELG 2004/2021208 H SA 2004/35691 ‘DIE KROMME’ CATTRYSSE/LIMBOURG LIMBOURG –BRED 9 WINNERS CATTRYSSE ‘GOLDSPOT’ – LOT 9 D04980 broke his leg and was put in the stock loft. His nest mate, 04977, was a WRRPA winner. Also took a 2 nd WRRPA and was the LONG DISTANCE BEST BIRD in the WRRPA as well as the South African silver medal longdistance winner at NAMPO. The sire of this bird bred 9winners and the dam was ‘GOLDSPOT’ LOT 9 on the sale which is one of my super foundation hens. For stock you can’t do much better than this. LOT 79 BB C ZA 2009/29240 2x WINNER CATTRYSSE/VAN RIJN/LIMBOURG nd 2010 ‘Best Young bird’ 2 ‘Best Bird’ in the club 12th ‘Best Bird’ Young bird in the Union 2011 ‘Best Open Bird’ and 2nd ‘Best Bird Overall’ in the Union and club C SA WRPU 2008/00848 ‘YSTERMAN’ CATTRYSSE/VAN RIJN – LOT 33 H ZA 2008/D4399 CATTRYSSE/LIMBOURG BEST BIRD 29240 is a double winner and one of the best constant racers that I have ever bred. He was twice the Best Pigeon in the Union and club. From the very first year that he raced he was an all-round winner. In his first year of racing he was ’Best Young Bird’, 12th in the Union, 5th ‘Best Bird’ in the club and 32nd in the Union. The next year he was back with a vengeance and won ‘Best Open Bird in the Union and club, 2nd ‘Best Bird’ in the Union and club just beaten by his loft mate. This is the best of the best. He was ‘Best Young bird’ and 2nd ‘Best Bird’ in the club as well as 12th ‘Best Bird’ Young bird in the Union. He was 15th ‘Best Bird’ overall st 1 Springfontein YB 40th WRRPA 7th Strydenburg open 1 16th WRRPA 2nd Hertzogville YB 25TH WRRPA 8th Hopetown 2 YB th TH 6 Gariepdam YB 24 WRRPA nd 2011 ‘Best Open Bird’ and 2 ‘Best Bird Overall’ in the Union and club beaten by his loft mate ZA 2010/D6582 1st Bloemhof open 8TH WRRPA 6th Strydenburg open 1 41st WRRPA rd TH th 3 Richmond open 1 14 WRRPA 10 Glen open 53rd WRRPA 4th Christiana open 45TH WRRPA 11th Springfontein open 78th WRRPA 6th Beaufort West 1 25TH WRRPA 12th Modderrivier open 46th WRRPA th TH th 6 Hopetown open 24 WRRPA 18 Gariepdam 111th WRRPA 2010 Continue Lot 79 2012 2nd Beaufort West Presidents cup8th 2nd Victoria West open 1 13th Glen open 2013 5th Christiana open 26th Strydenburg open 2 28th Bethuli open 29th Britstown open 66TH WRRPA 16th Beaufort West PC 40th WRRPA LOT 80 MEALY C 2011/40894 ‘RED BARON’ VICTORIA WEST WINNER OSCAR/HOUBEN/LIMBOURG C ZA WRPU 2007/2679 OSCAR de VRIENDT - LOT H ZA WRPU 2007/3517 HOUBEN/LIMBOURG - LOT 40894 is a brilliant cock, bred out of the ‘GOLDEN’ click pair and brother to the Best Bird Gold Medal winner in the WRRPAssociation. He has three sisters that was Best Open Birds’ in the club and Union. He more than proofed himself in the racing field as well as the breeding loft. He bred winners and is one of those pigeons that you need to be club champion year after year. This bird can only be an asset to any loft. 1st Victoria West 1 open 3RD WRRPA 3rd Winburg open 14TH WRRPA 3rd Winburg open 10TH WRRPA th 4 Graaff Reinet open 1 7TH WRRPA 6th Glen open 125TH WRRPA 6th Leeu Gamka ope 25TH WRRPA th 6 Verkeerdevlei 2 sprints 2 8th Christiana open 88TH WRRPA LOT 81 BB W/F C ZA 2010/46292 C ZA WRPU 2007/1030 H ZA WRPU 2009/28993 9th Sterkstroom open 2 11th Bethuli YB 13th Winburg sprints 15th Bloemfontein sprints 19th Colesberg open 1 19th Beaufort West Presidents cup 21st Verkeerdevlei 3 sprints 24th Three Sisters Gold Cup 66th WRRPA 52nd WRRPA 66th WRRPA 115th WRRPA 81st WRRPA CATTRYSSE/VAN RIJN-KLOECK ‘GOLD SPOT’ CATTRYSSE – LOT 96 ‘GOLD SPOT’ CATTRYSSE 46292 was inbred to this brother/sister pair for stock and is another champion on sale. This bird was inbred to the ‘GOLDSPOT’ CATTRYSSE/VAN RIJN-KLOECK bloodline. The dam bred many winners. This bloodline makes champions out of fanciers. LOT 82 CHEQ C ZA WRPU 2007/3551 PURE SPRITZI C SA 97/96300 SPRITZI ‘BRAHMAN’ BRED BY BOUWER & SCHMIDT H SA GRPA 2003/1240 BRED BY KOERT GROBLER out of ‘BRAHMAN’ LOT 175 3551 is a son of ‘The Jonge Brahman’ and one of the first Spritzis’ that I bred for stock and a super breeder of this bloodline. His offspring proved true to the blood that they carried and was consistant racers during the years that I flew them. This made Bouwer & Schmidt famous in South Africa and made a Union champion out of Koert Grobler and many other fanciers. This is an excellent stockbird to improve your loft with. LOT 83 BB H ZA WRRPA 2014/03101 C ZA 2009/29240 H ZA 2008/62460 CATTRYSSE/LIMBOURG CATTRYSSE – L0T - 79 LIMBOURG/CATTRYSSE – LOT 18 03101 was bred for stock out of two of my winning ‘BEST BIRD’s. Both her parents were double winners and ‘Best Bird’s. The sire was ’Best Young Bird’ and 5th ‘Best Bird’ in the club and 12th in the Union in his first year of racing and in his 2nd season of racing he was ‘Best Open Bird in the Union, 2nd ‘Best Bird’ in the Union and club just beaten by his loft mate. His dam flew Best Open bird and 2nd Best Bird in the club and 15th in the Union. This is not to be missed. For stock you can hardly make a better choice. Out of Gold and Silver Medal Winners bloodline LOT 84 MEALY C ZA 2013/18719 C ZA 2010/D6582 ‘RED PRINCE’ H SA 2004/35691 ‘GOLDSPOT’ PURE MATHEE OSCAR/HOUBEN/LIMBOURG – LOT 12 CATTRYSSE/VAN RIJN-KLOECK – LOT 9 18719 was bred for stock out of two of the most brilliant winning bloodlines that ever graced my loft. This pigeon will be an asset to any stockloft and has the ability to breed the winners and ‘Best Birds’ that came out of this pair’s bloodlines. LOT 85 BB H ZA 2012/D2380 C ZA WRPU 2007/2679 H ZA WRPU 2007/3517 OSCAR/HOUBEN/LIMBOURG ‘GOLDEN COCK’ PURE OSCAR de VRIENDT – LOT 1 ‘GOLDEN HEN’ HOUBEN/LIMBOURG 4 x WINNER – LOT 2 D2380 a consistant racer bred out of my ‘GOLDEN’ click pair and scored everytime I raced her. This pigeon has all the makings to produce the same quality offspring as his parents who more than proved themselves in the race and stock loft this can only be an asset to any loft. 2nd Bloemfontein sprints 3rd Winburg open 1 5th Modderrivier YB 12th Hopetown YB championship 15th Springfontein YB 26th Beaufort West open 2 27th Winburg YB LOT 86 BB H ZA TRPF 2011/03019 INBRED ‘BLIKSEM’ GABY VANDENABEELE C BELG 2010/3047152 BRED OUT OF ‘THE ROYAL BLUE’ FROM ‘PIPO WITTENBUIK’ AND ‘MONA’ OUT OF ‘BLIKSEM’ – LOT 13 H BELG 2010/3047151 BRED OUT OF ‘THE ROYAL BLUE’ FROM ‘PIPO WITTENBUIK’ AND ‘MONA’ OUT OF ‘BLIKSEM’ – LOT 77 03019 was inbred back to the famous ‘BLIKSEM’ of GABY VANDENABEELE through this brother/sister pair. This was a gift from the Late Mr. Monty v d Burg just before he passed away and has the ability to become a foundation hen in any loft. The ‘BLIKSEM’ was one of the best racers ever to grace the Belgium pigeon world. This baby is worth a fortune. To hold her in your hand is to feel pure pigeon gold. LOT 87 BB C BELG 2011/4020178 C BELG 2010/4123305 H BELG 2010/4302533 BAK 17 SABLON/BAK 17 AELBRECHT ‘De RAUW SABLON 305 PURE AELBRECHT 533 BAK 17 4020178 has all the potential to breed winners as he comes from the Aelbrecht BAK 17 bloodline and DeRauw Sablon which is of the best bloodlines in Belgium. His grandfather is the well-known ‘SMALLEN 414’ from De Rauw Sablon. I have not had the opportunity to breed out of this pigeon but he has all the bloodline genes to breed winners and consistant birds. His nest mate sister LOT 44 bred two winners and a second ‘Best Bird’. You will not make a mistake by buying this pigeon. LOT 88 BB H ZA 2011/40966 C ZA WRPU 2007/2679 H ZA WRPU 2007/3517 WINNER ‘GOLDEN COCK’ ‘GOLDEN HEN’ OSCAR/HOUBEN/LIMBOURG PURE OSCAR de VRIENDT LOT 1 HOUBEN/LIMBOURG LOT 2 40966 is one of the star birds in my loft. She proved herself in the racing loft and are sure to be a star in the stockloft as well. Bred out of my ‘GOLDEN’ click pair this can only be an asset to any loft. She was 6 th ‘Best Open Bird’ in the club and Union and was also 8th ‘Best Bird’ and 13th in the Union. This is a hen that is worth her weight in gold. 1st Three Sisters Gold cup 3rd Colesberg open 1 3rd Hopetown open 2 LOT 89 CHEQ C ZA 2013/18017 C BELG 2007/4018254 H BELG 2008/4143656 4TH WRRPA 5TH WRRPA 16TH WRRPA 5th Modderrivier open 14th Hopetown open 1 27th Strydenburg open 22nd WRRPA 40th WRRPA PURE JANSSEN DAELEMANS ‘MARADONNA’ JANSSEN/ARENDONK - LOT 36 out of ‘BLUE STAR’ PURE JANSSEN/ARENDONK – LOT 115 18738 was inbred to the pure Janssen-Arendonk bloodline that Frank Daelemans acquired from the Janssen brothers.. This is the purest Janssen blood obtainable anywhere. The cock bred 9 winners for me including a double winner and a Sale race winner for Nick Mathee. Riaan D LA Rey from Ugie imported the dam and bred many winners out of her. If you are looking for pure Janssen blood to improve your stockloft, this is the pigeon to buy. LOT 90 BB H ZA WRPU 2008/00802 C SA GRPA 2002/4977 H SA GRPA 2002/4978 ‘VICKEY’ 2 x WINNER AND UNION VICTORIA WEST WINNER PURE HOUBEN PURE HOUBEN 00802 is a brilliant pigeon that proofed herself in the Racing seasons and in the stock loft by producing winning offspring as well. The father 4977 was inbred out of a brother/sister pair BELG 2001/6255483 Jonge Artiest/Kletskoppie Houben and BELG 2001/6255486 ‘Jonge Artiest/Kletskoppie Houben. She was double winner a consistant performer over all distances. 1st Victoria West open 2 1st Colesberg 3rd Reddersburg YB 3rd Hanover 1 LOT 91 BB C ZA 2010/10645 C SA WRPU 2006/3864 H SA WRPU 2006/3399 1st WRRPA 11th WRRPA 13TH WRPU 21ST WRPU 3rd Bloemfontein YB 5th Noupoort 2 12th Winburg 1 YB 15th Trompsburg YB 42nd WRPU 28th WRPU CATTRYSSE/VAN RIJN-KLOECK/JANSSEN CATTRYSSE MATJIESFONTEIN UNION WINNER – LOT 35 CATTRYSSE ‘MATJIES HEN’ - LOT 34 10645 is a beautiful pigeon who was a consistant racer that performed, true to my CATTRYSSE bloodline in his second racing season. Bred out of a winning pair, he also produces winning and consistant babies on hard velocity and long races. The sire of this bird was bred out of the 30x Janssen winner from Holland. He will give his buyer a lot of pleasure and surely prove himself in the stockloft. He is a grandson to my Matjiesfontein CATTRYSSE foundation click pair 3rd Strydenburg open 1 4th Beaufort West Presidents cup 5th Colesburg open 2 6th Leeu gamka open 2 13th Hopetown open 1 23rd Bethulie open LOT 92 CHEQ PIED C BELG 2010/6345369 KLEIN SEUN QUEEN OF BELGIUM SCHROYENS RAS HOUBEN C BELG 2009/6222915 BR OF ‘QUEEN OF BELGIUM’ RAS HOUBEN OF SCHROYENS H BELG 2009/6222045 DGT OF ‘LOTUS’ RAS HOUBEN OF SCHROYENS 6345369 is one of the pigeons you don’t want to miss out on. Coming out of ACE pigeons of Belgium from the renowned ‘QUEEN OF BELGIUM’ bloodline, containing the genes of the famous HOUBEN blood, it can only be an asset to any fancier’s stockloft. LOT 93 BB C ZA 2013/18724 C BELG 2004/2021208 H ZA 2011/37573 LIMBOURG/ CATTRYSSE/VAN RIJN-KLOECK PURE LIMBOURG IMPORTED BY J THERON CATTRYSSE/VAN RIJN-KLOECKDAUGHTER OF ‘GOLDSPOT’ - LOT 153 18724 was bred for stock out of two winning bloodlines and should become a top breeder in any loft as he has the potential from both his parents to do so. The bloodlines from both parents bred Gold and Silver medal winners. LOT 94 CHEQ H ZA WRRPA 2014/03212 C BELG 2009/5108112 H BELG 2009/5108134 SCHOOLMEESTERS OUT OF ‘NAPAN’ BLOODLINE – LOT 7 OUT OF THE ‘KANIBAAL’ LIJN of Dirk van Dyck – LOT 8 03212 is a full sister of the ‘Best bird’, Best Open Bird’ and 2nd Best Young Bird in the Union that I bred out of this click pair for Braam van Molendorff. She is also a half-sister of the SANPO Long distance Gold Medal winner. This is a very special baby that should breed many all-round winners as she carries the winning bloodline of ‘Kanibaal’ and ‘Napan’ winners for Schoolmeesters in Belgium. You only stand to gain when buying this youngster. LOT 95 BB PIED H ZA 2013/19399 PURE CATTRYSSE C SA 2005/17825 PURE ‘DE KLEINE’ CATTRYSSE BRED 7 WINNERS H ZA LIM 2008/06662 PURE CATTRYSSE BRED 5 WINNERS – LOT 19 19399 was bred for stock out of the best CATTRYSSE bloodlines in my loft and should breed winners. The sire and dam are of my foundation CATTRYSSE pigeons. You cannot make a mistake in buying this pigeon if you want to improve your stockloft with hard and long distance racers. LOT 96 BB C ZA 2007/1030 C SA TRPF 99/11003 H SA GRPA 2002/2637 ‘QUEENY’ CATTRYSSE/VAN RIJN-KLOECK VAN RIJN-KLOECK/CATTRYSSE BRED BY MANNY MARQUES CATTRYSSE 1030 was bred for stock. The father and mother of this cock was a ‘click’ pair that produced many a winner. The father of this bird was an excellent breeder on middle and long distances. ‘QUEENY’, the dam of this cock is one of my favourite foundation hens and also the mother of ‘GOLDSPOT” LOT 9 on the sale. He is a nestmate of 1031. 1030 bred winners as well as very consistant racers for myself and other fanciers like Nick and Steven Mathee as well as Braam v Molendorff. LOT 97 BB C ZA WRPU 2007/3514 C SA 2002/4977 H BELG 2000/23851589 HOUBEN/LIMBOURG PURE HOUBEN – bred 9 winners ERIC LIMBOURG 3514 was bred for stock. This bird is bred out of the best of Eric Limbourg, who bred 28 winners out of the dam, of which some was double and triple winners. The sire is directly out of the imported Houben bloodline of ‘The Jonge Artiest’ and ‘Kletskopje’. I combined this two bloodlines, who bred 9 winners and the product was this exceptional cock that bred winners and consistant racers for me and other fanciers. LOT 98 BB H ZA 2010/15932 C BELG 2008/6362236 H BELG 2008/6362237 WINNER ‘NOTARIS’ ‘LUITENANDJE’ PURE VAN RIJN-KLOECK PURE VAN RIJN-KLOECK – LOT 55 PURE VAN RIJN-KLOECK – LOT 56 15932 was bred out of this click pair from the world famous Van Rijn-Kloeck bloodline. This is a winner and a very consistent racer especially on hard and long distances. She hurt herself in her first racing season and was pull to stock. This bird should enhance any stockloft. 1st Bethuli open 2nd Three Sisters gold Cup 2nd Leeu Gamka open 2 2nd Glen open 3RD WRRPA 3RD WRRPA 5TH WRRPA 10TH WRRPA LOT 99 CHEQ H ZA 2012/D2369 C BELG 2008/6098432 H NL 2003/2317703 3rd Three Sisters Gold Cup 11th Strydenburg open 12th Winburg Open 15th Springfontein YB 17th WRRPA 52nd WRRPA 110th WRRPA MEULEMANS MEULEMANS BRED MANY WINNERS MEULEMANS BRED MANY WINNERS D2369 is a valuable bird from two of the best known bloodlines in Belgium. This is a beautiful young hen and a true acquisition for your stock loft. This is a breeder of fast velocities on any distance. LOT 100 BB H ZA 2012/11348 C SA WRPU 2006/1391 H SA WRPU 2007/1020 PURE OSCAR PURE OSCAR BRED WINNER – LOT 43 PURE OSCAR BRED WINNER – LOT 40 11348 was bred for stock out of my pure Oscars bloodline. This hen can only be a pleasure in any loft as she has the ability to produce winners in any pigeon loft. Don’t miss this one. LOT 101 CHEQ H ZA WRPU 2008/00253 C SA WRRPA 2000/7564 H SA 97/21982 INBRED OSCAR de VRIENDT PURE OSCAR de VRIENDT PURE OSCAR de VRIENDT 00253 was bred for stock out of my original ‘BLUE EYE’ BARON Oscar de Vriendt bloodline. To have this pigeon in your stockloft can only be an asset. She has the ability to produce the same calibre pigeons as her parents . She bred winners with different cocks. LOT 102 WHITE C ZA BORDER 2010/00207 ‘WHITE GOLDSPOT’ CATTRYSSE/V RIJN-KLOECK C SA WRPU 2008/3864 CATTRYSSE MATJIESFONTEIN WRRPA WINNER BY 2H30min – LOT 35 H SA WRPU 2004/35691 CATTRYSSE ‘GOLDSPOT’ – LOT 9 00207 was specially bred out of the best of the winning blood in my loft. In my opinion this bird should breed many a winner. His dam ‘GOLDSPOT’ LOT 9 was 21x the first bird back to the loft and his father won the Union from Matjiesfontein with 2½. What more can you ask for?!! LOT 103 BB C ZA 2012/08374 C BELG 2010/3047152 H BELG 2011/3047151 BLIKSEM BLOODLINE ‘BLIKSEM’ GABY VANDENABEELE – LOT 13 ‘BLIKSEM’ GABY VANDENABEELE – LOT 77 08374 was inbred for stock out of one of the best bloodlines of Belgium, the well-known ‘BLIKSEM’ bloodline that bred many, many winners. This is an excellent pigeon and should breed winners LOT 104 BB H BELG 2007/4018363 C BELG 2006/6407578 H BELG 2005/4093816 SOONTJENS/HUYSKENS-VAN RIEL TOM SOONTJENS 816 HUYSKENS-van RIEL 4018363 was bred by Frank & August Daelemans out of the well-known Soontjies and Huyskens v Riel bloodline that is renowned as high velocity pigeons. This bird bred 4 winners with different cocks and her offspring are very consistant racers on the short to middle distances for me and other fanciers. She also bred winners for Riaan de le Rey. This is the type of bird to bring into your stockloft to breed high velocity pigeons. LOT 105 CHEQ C ZA 2012/11352 LIMBOURG/HERBOTS/CATTRYSSE C ZA WRPU 2007/3557 ‘UNION BEST BIRD’ LIMBOURG/HERBOTS - LOT 42 H ZA 2010/15930 ‘MY LADY’ CATTRYSSE/LIMBOURG – LOT 16 11352 was bred for stock out of the ‘Best Bird’ in the Union and ‘MY LADY’ that was also a winner and one of the most consistant racers in my loft. This should make an excellent stockbird for any fancier. LOT 106 BB C ZA2012/11053 C BELG 2010/3047151 H BELG 2010/3047152 INBRED TO THE BLIKSEM GABY VANDENABEELE ‘BLIKSEM’ GABY VANDENABEELE – LOT 13 ‘BLIKSEM’ GABY VANDENABEELE – LOT 77 11053 was inbred for stock out of the world famous ‘BLIKSEM’ from Gaby Vandenabeele and was imported direct from Gaby himself. 11053 is in my opinion one of the best bred of the Gaby’s from the ‘BLIKSEM’ bloodline. Do yourself a favour and buy this cock he will breed champions. LOT 107 WHITE H ZA BPF 2008/D1438 C SA 99/481134 H BELG 2008/2270320 VOS JEAN-JENNES – GEORGE GORDON VOS JEAN-JENNES BRED MANY WINNERS VOS JEAN-JENNES BRED MANY WINNERS D1438 was bred for stock into this bloodline and was a gift from George Gordon from Bloemfontein. She produced 4 winners for me and other fanciers. This bloodline made George Gordon and many other fanciers’ champions in our country. This is a true investment for your stockloft. LOT 108 L CHEQ W/F C ZA 2010/D7584 CATTRYSSE/VAN RIJN-KLOECK C SA WRPU 2006/3864 CATTRYSSE MATJIESFONTEIN WRRPA WINNER BY 1 HOUR – LOT 35 H SA WRPU 2004/35691 CATTRYSSE ‘GOLDSPOT’ – LOT 9 D7584 comes from the cream of the crop. His mother was 21 times my 1 st bird back at the loft. ‘BEST BIRD’ and my champion hen. He is a special pigeon bred for stock and is producing the goods for me to stay a champion. His babies race long distance and hard races. He is out of the best bloodlines. There is no better for stock. LOT 109 CHEQ H ZA WRPU 2007/D263 PURE JANSSEN C NL 2001/1411380 HERMAN BEVERDAM JANSSEN - BRED 10 KNOWN WINNERS incl. 2 DOUBLE WINNERS H NL 98/1327050 PIET MAANDERS – BRED 15 KNOWN WINNERS D263 was bred out of the best Janssen bloodlines in Belgium and put to stock. She bred club and Union winners. The dam of this pigeon was my foundation Janssen hen that bred many winners for me and other fanciers. If you are looking for a good Janssen pigeon, this is the one to buy as she is one of the best on sale. LOT 110 BB W/F C ZA 2011/37560 C SA WRPU 2006/1391 H ZA WRPU 2007/1020 PURE OSCAR De VRIENDT OSCAR LOT 43 OSCAR LOT 40 37560 is inbred to my best OSCAR ‘BLUE EYE’ bloodline and will, in my opinion, be a star stockbird. He has got a fantastic breeding eye. This will be money well spent. LOT 111 BB PIED H ZA 2010/10691 C ZA WRPU 2007/1030 H ZA 2009/28993 ‘GOLDSPOT’ BLOODLINE CATTRYSSE/ Van RIJN-KLOECK ‘QUEENY’ CATTRYSSE/Van RIJN-KLOECK - LOT 96 ‘GOLDSPOT’ CATTRYSSE Van RIJN-KLOECK 10691 was bred for stock and is an inbred Cattrysse and Van Rijn-Kloeck bloodlines and is out of the best of the best of Belgium and South Africa. This is a winning family both in racing season and in the stock loft. Do not miss out on this one for she is something special. LOT 112 CHEQ C BELG 2008/4143670 PURE JANSSEN-ARENDONCK from DAELEMANS C BELG 2006/4271226 ‘SCHALIE’ zoon van ‘CHANTILLY’ out of ‘DONKERE CHANTILLY’ and ‘ ‘DIAMOND PRINCESS’ H BELG 2006/4271112 ‘JONGE RAKETJE’ out of ‘GESCHELPTE RAKETJE’ 4143670 is a pure bred Daelemans Janssen that bred winners and very good stock birds. This pigeon is an excellent stockbird. He bred many winners for Riaan de la Rey including a Combined winner in the Border Union. This bloodline is of the best from Belgium. See pedigree. LOT 113 BB H BELG 2010/6345370 PURE RAS HOUBEN OF SCHROYENS C BELG 2009/6222915 BR OF ‘QUEEN OF BELGIUM’ RAS HOUBEN OF SCHROYENS H BELG 2009/6222045 DGT OF ‘LOTUS’ RAS HOUBEN OF SCHROYENS 6345370 is the full sister of I6345369 LOT 92 and another one of the pigeons you don’t want to miss out on. Coming out of ACE pigeons of Belgium from the renowned ‘QUEEN OF BELGIUM’ bloodline, containing the genes of the HOUBEN blood, it can only be an asset to any fancier’s stockloft. LOT 114 BB C ZA 2010/46302 C SA GRRPA 2002/4977 H SA BPF 2007/D4427 PURE HOUBEN PURE HOUBEN OUT OF THE DIRECT IMPORTED PIGEONS FROM HOUBEN HIMSELF – Bred 9 winners PURE HOUBEN OUT OF THE DIRECT IMPORTED PIGEONS FROM HOUBEN HIMSELF bred by Tat Greyling 46302 was inbred for stock back to the bloodline out of this brother and sister pair, to the ‘Jonge Artiest’ and ‘Kletskopje’. He is also from the bloodline of ‘Lucy’, ‘Jef’ and ‘Nadia’. This is the best out of the Houben loft. LOT 115 CHEQ H BELG 2008/4143656 JANSSEN- ARENDONCK C BELG 96/6376117 ‘BLUE STAR’ ORIGINAL JANSSEN-ARENDONK H BELG 2002/6478482 ‘LICHT GESCHELPTE’ ORIGINAL JANSSEN-ARENDONK 4143656 was bred out of the famous original Janssen-Arendonk bloodline by Frank & August Daelemans. This hen bred many winners including Combined winners for Riaan de la Rey. This is an exceptionally good stock hen. This hen bred a Leeu Gamka winner with the ‘Marradonna’ cock on a 1400 velosity. In my opinion it is one of the best original Janssen-Arendonk pigeons imported from Daelemans. Frank Daelemans acquired this bloodline directly from the Janssen brothers. LOT 116 BB H ZA 2010/D7583 C BELG 2004/2021208 H BELG 2000/2385189 PURE LIMBOURG PURE LIMBOURG PURE LIMBOURG D7583 this pigeon was bred for stock out of the winning bloodlines direct from Eric Limbourg. Her nest mate brother is a Winburg winner LOT 61 that bred a ‘Best Bird’. Her parents bred many a winner. The dam bred atleast 18 winners of which 4 was Union winners. The Limbourg pigeons bred Union winners for me and other fanciers all over South Africa. This pigeon can only improve your stockloft. LOT 117 BB C ZA 2013/18715 ‘BLIKSEM’ BLOODLINE PURE GABY VANDENABEELE C BELG 2010/3047152 ‘JONGE BLIKSEM’ GABY VANDENABEELE – LOT 13 H BELG 2010/3047151 ‘KLEINE FRIEDA’ GABY VANDENABEELE – LOT 77 18715 was bred for stock out of these exceptional Gaby Vandenabeele brother/sister pair imported directly from Mr. Gaby Vandenabeele. This cock can only improve your stockloft as it has all the makings of a good stock pigeon. LOT 118 BB H ZA 2009/29271 C ZA WRPU 2007/3514 H ZA 2008/62454 HOUBEN/LIMBOURG/CATTRYSSE HOUBEN/LIMBOURG BRED WINNERS – LOT 97 CATTRYSSE WINNER 29271 I is something special for stock out of a winning line and of the best blood in my loft. She was a consistant racer that produced excellent babies that is consistant racers. One of my best stock birds was bred with her and LOT 32 . 6th Hertzogville YB 7th Britstown Derby 14th Springfontein open 15th Bloemfontein open 16th Leeugamka open 1 20th Victoria West open 2 20th Henneman YB 22nd Three Sisters open 2 LOT 119 RED CHEQ C ZA WRRPA 2014/02901 C ZA WRPU 2007/2679 ‘GOLDEN COCK’ H ZA WRPU 2007/3517 ‘GOLDEN HEN’ OSCAR/ HOUBEN/LIMBOUR OSCAR DE VRIENDT – LOT 1 HOUBEN/LIMBOURG – LOT 2 This pigeon is bred for stock out of the ‘GOLDEN’ ‘click’ pair who together is responsible for more than 25 winners for myself and other fanciers. Together with LOT 2 he bred LOT 12 who achieved ‘Best Young bird’, Best Bird’ and ‘Best Overall’ Golden Medal Union winner. They also bred ‘Best Bird’ in the KRPS club LOT 17. Their babies also bred ‘Best Bird’s in Clubs and Unions for other fanciers. This pair is responsible for making many a champion across South Africa. This is a baby you must not let slip through your fingers. LOT 120 BB H BELG 2009/3146324 C BELG 2002/3217114 H BELG 2008/3153066 ‘DREAMLAND’ PHILIP NORMAN ‘SALOME’ a National Belgium racer ‘DIANA’ a National Belgium racer 3146324 ‘DREAMLAND’ was bred by Phillip Norman, a legend in Belgium. She is one of my champion breeders that produced winners for me and other fanciers. This hen bred overall distances and velocities racers. She was bought on the Sun City $1,000,000 auction and gave me a lot of pleasure. LOT 121 BB C NOK 2014/1773 C BELG 2008/6362236 H BELG 2008/6362237 ‘NOTARIS’ ‘LUITENANDJE’ PURE VAN RIJN-KLOECK PURE VAN RIJN-KLOECK – LOT 55 PURE VAN RIJN-KLOECK – LOT 56 1773 was inbred for stock out of this brother/sister click pair from a world famous bloodline. This bird should enhance any stockloft. His brother bred the SANPO gold medal winner Lot 5. LOT 122 L CHEQ H ZA 2009/21633 C SA GRPA 2004/4674 H SA GRPA 2004/4671 PURE JANSSEN PURE JANSSEN out of 30x WINNER PURE JANSSEN out of 30x WINNER 21633 was inbred for stock from a brother/sister pair out of my famous 30x winner in Holland, NL 91/2909096 a pure Janssen bred by A. Bauman out of the Gust Hofkens’s Janssen bloodline. She bred many a winner for me and other fanciers. 21633 is a living proof of the outstanding abilities of the Janssen bloodline. This is a very good investment to infuse your stockloft with the Janssen bloodline. LOT 123 MEALY H ZA 2011/D3721 THE JONGE RED PRINCE C ZA 2010/D6582 ‘RED PRINCE’ OSCAR/HOUBEN/LIMBOURG - LOT 12 H ZA 2009/D04977 ‘SILVER LADY’ CATTRYSSE/VAN RIJN- KLOECK/LIMBOURG LOT 14 D3721 is one of those exceptional pigeons you cannot do without in your loft. This is bred out of two ace pigeons in the Union LOT 12 and LOT 14. She have the potential to put your loft on the map. This bird proved herself in the race and stock loft and produced a ‘Best Open Bird’. She was 2nd Best Young Bird in the club and Union as a baby and 6 th Best Bird in the club and 17th Best Bird in the Union. In her second year she still performed and was 11TH BEST OPEN BIRD and 17th Best Bird in the club. This will be an asset for any stockloft. 2nd Bloemhof open 2nd Reddersburg open 3rd Britstown Derby 3rd Wolmaranstad YB 4th Bethuli YB 6th Bloemfontein open 6th Graaff Reinet open 1 32ND WRRPA 4TH WRRPA 19TH WRRPA 26TH WRRPA 17TH WRRPA 8TH WRRPA 13TH WRRPA 8th Richmond open 1 10th Glen YB 12th Glen open 18th Strydenburg open 1 20th Beaufort West Presidents Cup 22nd Leeu Gamka open 1 26th WRRPA 37th WRRPA 95th WRRPA 53rd WRRPA LOT 124 BB C ZA WRPU 2007/1719 PURE HOUBEN out of ‘JONGE ARTIEST’ C SA 2002/4977 PURE HOUBEN direct out of the Imported birds from HOUBEN H SA 2002/4978 PURE HOUBEN direct out of the Imported birds from HOUBEN 1719 bred winners for myself and my brother Nick Mathee. ‘JEFF’ father of this bird was bred out of ‘MUSTANG’ and ‘VERA, from the ‘JONGE ARTIEST’ and ‘KLETSKOP’ direct from HOUBEN. The dam of this bird was out of ‘NADIA’ from the same bloodline. This bloodline cross exceptionally well with the CATTRYSSE bloodline. 1719 is an inbred brother and sister. LOT 125 CHEQ H ZA 2010/55405 C ZA WRPU 2006/1389 H ZA WRPU 2008/00989 CATTRYSSE ‘YSTER’ CATTRYSSE BRED A LOT OF WINNERS ‘QUEENY’ CATTRYSSE BRED 4 WINNERS 55405 was bred for stock out of a pair that produced winners for me and other fanciers. This can just be a plus in your breeding loft. LOT 126 BB PIED C ZA WRRPA 2014/03211 C ZA 2013/18738 H ZA 2013/5109 SON OF GOLD MEDAL PURE MATHEE VANDENABEELE/SABLON/AELBRECHT– LOT 6 GOLD MEDAL VAN RIJN-KLOECK/CATTRYSSE – LOT 5 03211 was bred for stock out of this brilliant racing pair. This cock could only produce winners as the dam of this baby won the SANPO Middle distance Gold Medal and is also a double winner of which Jamestown was a Union win in her first racing season as a young bird. Bred out of the GABY VANDENABEELE/SABLON/AELBRECHT bloodline can only become an outstanding stock cock for any fancier. LOT 127 BB W/F H ZA TRPF 2009/10441 JANSSEN 1801 - LATE MONTY V D BURG This was a gift from the Late Mr. Monty v d Burg and was an inbred to the well-known 1801 Janssen bloodline which is responsible for many winners in South Africa and made Uncle Monty famous. This bloodline is virtually unobtainable anymore. Do yourself a favor and buy this bird. LOT 128 BB H ZA 2010/16567 C ZA 2008/00485 H ZA WRPU 2002/2637 WINNER LIMBOURG/CATTRYSSE PURE LIMBOURG 6 x WINNER – LOT 32 ‘QUEENY’ CATTRYSSE 3x WINNER 16567 was bred out of two of my foundation stock birds, this was a pleasure to race. She was a very consistant racer especially on the long distances. This could become a foundation stock hen in any loft for hard and long distance racers as she carry winning genes. She is a nestmate sister of LOT 4 14833 ‘QUEEN’ that bred my Middle distance SANPO GOLD MEDAL winner . 1ST Beaufort Wes open 2 3rd Strydenburg open 2 4th Three Sisters open 2 5th Colesberg open 1 11th Modderrivier YB 17th Victoria West open 1 17th Hopetown open 1 22nd Strydenburg open 1 LOT 129 BB C ZA 2011/37927 C ZA WRPU 2008/00848 H ZA WRPU 2008/00802 CATTRYSSE/VAN RIJN-KLOECK/ HOUBEN ‘YSTER’ CATTRYSSE/VAN RIJN-KLOECK LOT 33 ‘NADIA’ PURE HOUBEN LOT 90 37927 was bred for stock out of ‘Yster’ one of my best Cattrysse/Van Rijn-Kloeck stock cocks and a Union winner the best of Houben. This will make an excellent stock cock and will surely prove himself as a foundation cock. LOT 130 D/CHEQ H ZA 2012/11354 C BELG 2008/6098432 H BELG 2008/6098311 WINNER PURE MEULEMANS KAREL MEULEMANS OUT OF THE ‘BARCELONA’ BLOODLINE KAREL MEULEMANS OUT OF THE ‘PANTANI-MARSEILLE’ BLOODLINE 11354 was bred out of this Meulemans pair. She was a Verkeerdevlei club winner, 2 nd in the Union and a consistant racer that brought in the points that helped to make me KRPS club champion. The dam of this hen is out of the renowned ‘PANTANI’ bloodline of Mr. Meulemans that was known as the ‘MARSEILLE’ winners, with the father out of the ‘BARCELONA’ bloodline via GOMARE VANBRUGGEN. Inbred out of two fantastic imported Karel Meulemans pigeons, this can only be an asset to any fancier’s loft as she has the potential to become a brilliant stock hen . 1st Verkeerdevlei open 12th Colesberg open 1 12th Reddersburg open 14th Christiana YB 14th Winburg open 1 16th Richmond open 1 19th Victoria West open 1 21st Winburg open 2 22nd Glen open 28th Modderrivier YB LOT 131 BB H ZA 2009/46227 C SA 2006/3184 H SA WRPU 2004/5691 PURE CATTRYSSE CATTRYSSE BRED 5 WINNERS PURE CATTRYSSE BRED 9 WINNERS BEST LONG DISTANCE 46227 was bred for stock out of my original CATTRYSSE bloodline. She is one of those pigeons you want in your stockloft for she also bred winners on hard and longdistance races. This hen can become a foundation hen as she is still in her prime. LOT 132 CHEQ H ZA 2011/D2241 C ZA WRPU 2007/1504 H ZA WRPU 2008/4730 CATTRYSSE/OSCAR de VRIENDT ‘SKILDERY’ CATTRYSSE – LOT 70 PURE OSCAR De VRIENDT – LOT 25 D2241 was specially bred for hard and long distance races out of the best Cattrysse and Oscar bloodlines in my loft. She was a consistant racer that helped bring in the points to make me the long distance champion. This bird should make an excellent stock bird. 2nd Richmond 5th Britstown Derby 5th Leeu Gamka 6th Colesberg Open 1 12th Leeu Gamka open 1 LOT 133 BB W/F C ZA 2010/15954 C ZA WRPU 2006/1389 H ZA WRPU 2008/00989 16th Beaufort West open 2 16th Smithfield 18th Glen open 19th Three Sisters Gold Cup 20th Winburg open CATTRYSSE/VAN RIJN-KLOECK ‘YSTER’ CATTRYSSE BRED A LOT OF WINNERS CATTRYSSE BRED 4 WINNERS 15954 was bred for stock and can be a star breeder in your loft. His brothers and sisters are ace pigeons and Union winners. He comes out of a winning bloodline that can only improve your loft. LOT 134 RED CHEQ C 2012/D2379 ‘THE WILD’ OSCAR/HOUBEN/LIMBOURG C ZA WRPU 2007/2679 ‘GOLDEN COCK’ PURE OSCAR de VRIENDT – LOT 1 H ZA WRPU 2007/3517 ‘GOLDEN HEN’ HOUBEN/LIMBOURG 4 x WINNER – LOT 2 This can only be an asset to any loft D2379 was bred out of my ‘GOLDEN’ click pair and scored everytime in the few races that I flew him. This pigeon has all the makings to produce the same quality offspring as his parents who more than proved themselves in the race and stock loft. 4th Britstown Derby 9th Three Sisters Gold cup 10th Strydenburg open 1 28th Winburg YB 15TH DINOKENG LOFTS FINAL RACE LIMBOURG/HOUBEN ERIC LIMBOURG PURE HOUBEN - TAT GREYLING LOT 135 BB H ZA 2011/D2245 C BELG 2004/2021208 H SA BPF 2007/4427 D2245 is bred out of two champion bloodlines and came 15th at the final race at Dinokeng Lofts 2012. She collected R15 000 in price money and already bred a winner for me. This is a very good stock hen to have in your loft. LOT 136 MEALY C ZA WRRPA 2014/02334 OSCAR/HOUBEN/LIMBOURG C ZA WRPU 2007/2679 OSCAR DE VRIENDT – LOT 1 H ZA WRPU 2007/3517 HOUBEN/LIMBOURG – LOT 2 This pigeon is bred for stock out of the ‘GOLDEN’ ‘click’ pair who together is responsible for more than 25 winners for myself and other fanciers. Together with LOT 2 he bred LOT 12 who achieved ‘Best Young bird’, Best Bird’ and ‘Best Overall’ Golden Medal Union winner. They also bred ‘Best Bird’ in the KRPS club LOT 17. Their babies also bred ‘Best Bird’s in Clubs and Unions for other fanciers. He raced a few races, damaged his wing and was put to stock. This cock together with ‘the Golden Hen’ LOT 2 is known as ‘THE GOLDEN ‘click pair by many fanciers. This pair is responsible for making many a champion across South Africa. This is a baby you must not let slip through your fingers. LOT 137 BB W/F H ZA 2012/11343 C ZA WRPU 2007/2679 ‘GOLDEN COCK’ H ZA WRPU 2007/3517 ‘GOLDEN HEN’ OSCAR/HOUBEN/LIMBOURG PURE OSCAR de VRIENDT – LOT 1 HOUBEN/LIMBOURG – LOT 2 11343 was bred out pf my ‘GOLDEN’ click pair that are responsible for more than 25 winners for myself and other fanciers. Together with LOT 2 he bred LOT 12 who achieved ‘Best Young bird’, Best Bird’ and ‘Best Overall’ Golden Medal Union winner. They also bred ‘Best Bird’ in the KRPS club LOT 17. Their babies also bred ‘Best Bird’s in Clubs and Unions for other fanciers. Together this pair is responsible for making many a champion across South Africa. Although she never won a race she was a consistant racer that helped me to be the longdistance champion in the club and 2 nd best in the Union. You will not make a mistake by buying this bird. She can become the next foundation hen in your loft. 6th Modderrivier 7th Three Sisters 8th Smithfield open 10th Christiana YB 11th Bloemfontein YB LOT 138 BB C ZA 2011/39830 C ZA WRPU 2007/024 H ZA WRPU 2007/2514 11th Hopetown YB Championship 19th Beaufort West Presidents cup 22nd Leeu Gamka open 2 28th Noupoort open classic CATTRYSSE/VAN RIJN-KLOECK/ OSCAR ‘QUEENY’ CATTRYSSE/VAN RIJN-KLOECK OSCAR DE VRIENDT 5x winner 39830 was bred out of one of my click pairs that was sold to Mr. Kader Ahmed, champion of Stellenbosch Homing Union. The father is a full brother to ‘GOLDSPOT’ LOT 9. 39830 was one of my most consistant racers and I could always count on him when he basketed. He could’ve been one of my top birds this past racing season but his electronic ring failed to scan twice when he was my first bird back to the loft. What a great bird to have in your stockloft out of two winning families. 2nd Modderrivier Sprints 2nd Colesburg open 2 6th Beaufort West open 2 7th Springfontein 7th Graaff Reinet open 1 8th Colesburg open 1 8th Colesburg open 2 8th Richmond open 1 10TH WRRPA 7TH WRRPA 36TH WRRPA 21ST WRRPA 14TH WRRPA 10TH WRRPA 50TH WRRPA 35TH WRRPA LOT 139 MEALY H ZA 2012/11360 C ZA 2010/6582 ‘RED PRINCE’ H SA 2004/35691 ‘GOLDSPOT’ 9th Strydenburg open 2 10th Victoria West open 1 10th Three Sisters Gold cup 12th Gariepdam open 19th Leeu Gamka open 2 20th Sterkstroom open 1 30th Jamestown 46th WRRPA 79th WRRPA 33rd WRRPA 74th WRRPA 108th WRRPA 83rd WRRPA 130th WRRPA PURE MATHEE GOLD MEDAL BLOODLINE OSCAR/HOUBEN/LIMBOURG – LOT 12 CATTRYSSE/VAN RIJN-KLOECK – LOT 9 11360 was bred for stock out of the best two pigeons in my loft both which produced gold and silver medal winners for me. She is a full sister of the ‘Best Overall Bird’ in the Union LOT 16. This hen will have the ability to become a super stock foundation hen in any fanciers’ loft. LOT 140 WHITE C ZA 2010/10795 C ZA 97/96300 H ZA WRPU 2008/00087 INBRED SPRITZI ‘BRAHMAN’ SPRITZI FROM SCHMIDT & BOUWER’s SALE LOT 175 DAUGHTER OF ‘BRAHMAN’ PURE SPRITZI – LOT 20 10795 is inbred to father and daughter. He is one of the last inbred Spritzis’ in my loft. If you are a Spritzi lover, you will love this cock that can only be an asset to your stock loft. Truly the best of the best Spritzi blood. LOT 141 L CHEQ H BELG 2012/4048390 C BELG 2011/4020148 H BELG 2011/3170453 GABY VANDENABEELE/BLIKSEM BLOODLINE –BRED BY DAELEMANS ‘TARMARLAN’ out of ‘PATANI’ & ‘DAUGHTER DIDI DAX’ ‘GESCHELPT GABY’ out of ‘NEPTUNUS’ ‘HELENA’ of ‘BLIKSEM’ VANDENABEELE This hen was bred out of the ‘BLIKSEM’ of Gaby Vandenabeele’ s bloodline with the DIDI DAX bloodline of Meulemans and has a bright future ahead of her. She is a very valuable stock bird. See the pedigree LOT 142 CHEQ PIED C ZA 2012/08403 C BELG 2009/5108119 H BELG 2009/5108154 ‘FREDDY’ - SCHOOLMEESTERS ‘FREDDY’ – SCHOOLMEESTERS – LOT 41 ‘FREDDY’ – SCHOOLMEESTERS – LOT 60 08403 was inbred for stock to contain ‘die Swarte’ of Freddy v d Heede’s bloodline that is world famous, coming via Pros Roosen. Both parents was bred in Belgium by Mr. Armand Schoolmeesters who is known for this bloodline. LOT 143 CHEQ PIED H ZA 2013/19366 C SA 2005/17825 H ZA LIM 2008/06662 INBRED CATTRYSSE PURE ‘KLEINE’ CATTRYSE PURE CATTRYSE BRED WINNERS - LOT 19 19366 was inbred for stock out of a sire/daughter mating of the ‘SKILDERY’ bloodline from my original ‘CRADOCK’ bloodline that bred many, many winners. This purple eyed hen is a gem and should breed all the goods you need to become a champion. This is the blood you need to breed hard and long distance racers. This is a special hen to have in your loft. LOT 144 BB C ZA WRRPA 2014/02321 C ZA 2009/21621 H ZA 2008/00045 PURE OSCAR de VRIENDT INBRED OSCAR ‘POPPE’ INBRED OSCAR 02321 is especially inbred to my original ‘GREEN EYE’ Oscar de Vriendt bloodline for stock. This bloodline is responsible for many, many winners for fanciers throughout South Africa. 02321 is a beautiful green eyed cock that should be a great asset to any fancier’s loft. LOT 145 D CHEQ PIED C ZA 2011/37962 C BELG 2009/5108119 ‘SWARTE FREDDY’ H ZA WRPU 2008/00989 SCHOOLMEESTERS - LOT 41 PURE CATTRYSSE 37962 was bred out of pair that came out of two champion bloodlines, ‘SWARTE FREDDY’ of Freddy v d Heede and ‘QUEENY, that bred many winners. This bird bred winners for me and other fanciers and have the genes of both bloodlines to produce winners and consistant racers like the father and mother. This will be a good buy for any stockloft. LOT 146 BB H ZA 2011/37574 C SA WRPU 2006/3864 H SA WRPU 2004/35691 CATTRYSSE/VAN RIJN-KLOECK/JANSSEN CATTRYSSE/JANSSEN MATJIESFONTEIN WINNER – LOT 35 GOLDSPOT’ CATTRYSSE/VAN RIJN-KLOECK – LOT 9 37574 was bred for stock into this winning bloodline. The parents was exceptional performers and they bred winners and consistant racing pigeons. Their offspring also breed winners and consistant racers and reproduce the CATTRYSSE bloodline. This is a very good investment. LOT 147 D CHEQ C BELG 2012/4048400 ‘DE SWARTE’ C BELG 2011/3170519 ‘BLAAWE GABY’ GABY VANDENABEELE BLIKSEM BLOODLINE H BELG 2011/6049994 ‘LUCILLE’ TOP KWEEKER FREDDY DROOMER 4048400 was bred by Frank & August Daelemans out of two of the best known bloodlines in Belgium. This should make an excellent stockbird for any fancier. Via Pros Roosen. LOT 148 BB H ZA 2012/11042 C SA WRPU2006/3864 H ZA 2009/04977 ‘SILVER LADY’ WINNER CATTRYSSE/VAN RIJN-KLOECK/LIMBOURG CATTRYSSE/VAN RIJN-KLOECK MATJIESFONTEIN UNION WINNER WITH ONE HOUR – LOT 35 LIMBOURG/CATTRYSSE SANPO LONG DISTANCE SILVER MEDAL WINNER – LOT 14 11042 was bred out of the best long distance bloodlines in my loft. She will be brilliant stock hen that will breed winners like the sire and dam. She flew only one race in which she won Colesberg and was then put to stock because she damaged her wing. This hen is of the ‘MATJIES COCK’ that won the Union with an hour and was also a Strydenburg winner and mated with the SANPO LONG DISTANCE SILVER MEDAL winner she carries the genes of winning bloodlines and can only be an asset to any stockloft. 1st Colesberg open 2 LOT 149 BB PIED H ZA 2013/19368 C ZA WRPU 2007/1019 H ZA WRPU 2008/00087 3RD WRRPU ‘KLEINE BRAHMAN’ ‘LADY BRAHMAN’ PURE SPRITZI PURE SPRITZI – LOT 21 INBRED SPRITZI – LOT 20 19368 was bred for stock back to the original ‘BRAHMAN’ bloodline. This is a true asset to any stock loft and should deliver the calibre racer and stock birds that made champions out of fanciers like Koert Grobler. This hen carries the genes and abilities to become a foundation stockbird. LOT 150 BB H ZA 2012/11289 C SA WRPU2006/3864 H ZA 2009/04977 ‘SILVER LADY’ CATTRYSSE/VAN RIJN-KLOECK/LIMBOURG CATTRYSSE/VAN RIJN-KLOECK/JANSSEN MATJIESFONTEIN UNION WINNER WITH ONE HOUR – LOT 35 LIMBOURG/CATTRYSSE SANPO LONG DISTANCE SILVER MEDAL WINNER – LOT 14 11289 was a late bred out of the best long distance bloodlines in my loft. She will be a brilliant stock hen that will breed winners like the sire and dam. She proved herself by flying a 2nd on Leeu Gamka and a 8th on Beaufort West. I then decided to rather put her to stock. This hen is a daughter of the ‘MATJIES COCK’ that won the Union with an hour and was also a Strydenburg winner and mated with the SANPO LONG DISTANCE SILVER MEDAL winner she carries the genes of winning bloodlines and can only be an asset to any stockloft. 2nd Leeu Gamka 9th WRRPA th 8 Beaufort West President cup 22nd WRRPA LOT 151 BB W/F C ZA 2012/11133 KLEIN BLIKSEM GABY VANDENABEELE/KANIBAAL VAN DYCK C BELG 2010/3047152 ‘JONGE BLIKSEM’ GABY VANDENABEELE - LOT 13 H BELG 2009/5108134 ‘KANIBAAL’ SCHOOLMEESTERS – LOT 8 11133 was bred for stock out of two winning bloodlines that produced winners and consistant racers. He should be an excellent stock bird. Some of the best two bloodlines in the world. The Sire and Dam bred winners for me. In my opinion THE BEST.
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