A NEW take on the SAPULPA PING-PING SPRING CLINIC Added section for students 6th – 9th grade interested in try outs Each spring the Sapulpa HS Ping-Ping Dance Team hosts the Sapulpa Dance Collective, a short afternoon performance starring not only the Pings, but dancers from Art in Motion, Ovations Studio, and the Patti Parrish School of Dance. This year we are adding an older group this year with an introduction to Ping try-out material lead by the current Ping Captain and Coach. This will review pirouettes, a la seconde turns, kickline technique, and various jumps. This group will perform with the clinic on Sunday a routine similar to a try-out routine. While previous training is not required for the clinic, we encourage you to buy or borrow jazz shoes to accommodate your movement. Friday, April 24th Instruction 5:30-7:00pm Sapulpa HS Shaw Auditorium *please enter by front lobby *For rehearsal, dancers should wear athletic wear and dance shoes. Sunday, April 26th Rehearsal with all dancers 1:45pm Sapulpa HS Shaw Auditorium Doors to auditorium open at 2:15 Show will run 2:30-3:45pm *If you are not performing other routines, you will sit in an assigned area during the show. You will perform in the last number of the show. After dancing a parent must meet you in the auditorium for pick up to ensure your safety. *For the performance a T-Shirt will be provided. Please arrive ready to perform Sunday at 1:45pm in show shirt, black pants or shorts, and dance shoes. Cost is $25/child: This includes the Sapulpa Dance Collective T-Shirt, FREE admission to the show for the child AND 1 adult/parent, plus the experience of performing ON STAGE alongside the Sapulpa Pings! Please return this registration section with signed release, and payment (check or money order made payable to: SAPULPA PING-PING BOOSTER CLUB) to your school's office by the end of the school day on THURSDAY, April 9th. Participant’s Name: ____________________________________________________________________ Participant’s School: _______________________________Grade: ______________________________ Parent’s Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Home Address: _______________________________________________________________________ Home Phone: _________________________________ Cell Phone:__________________________ Emergency contact information: (someone other than parent in case we cannot get in touch with you) Name: ______________________________________________________________________________ Home Phone: ____________________________________ Cell Phone: __________________________ Please Circle the T-shirt size your child will need. (There are 6 different sizes listed) Child Small (6-8) Child Medium (10-12) Child Large (14-16) Adult Small Adult Medium Adult Large PERMISSION AND RELEASE: I HERBY RELEASE ANY AND ALL RIGHTS OR CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES AGAINST SAPULPA PUBLIC SCHOOLS, ITS AGENTS, EMPLOYEES, AND ALL INDIVIDUALS ASSISTING IN INSTRUCTION AND CONDUCTING THIS CLINIC. I ALSO GIVE MY PERMISSION FOR THE SPONSORS TO SEEK MEDICAL ATTENTION FOR MY CHILD IF NECESSARY. Parent Name: (Please Print)______________________________________________________________ Parent Signature: _______________________________________ Date: __________________________
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