New EPSL (Bats) Form

The Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010 (as amended)
Licence Application Form
Mitigation Licensing – Bats
Deemed Consent: The SNCO will process this application within 21 days of receipt. If for
any reason the application is not processed in this period it shall be deemed to have been
Name of Applicant:
Address of Site including postcode:
National Grid Reference: SX XXX XXX
Name of supervising ecologist:
If this application is not made for Imperative reasons of overriding public interest including
those of a social or economic nature and beneficial consequences of primary importance for
the environment under section 53(2)(e)of the regulations please state alternative reason
Alternative Reason:
Species of bat present:
Assessed roost type(s):
Brief description of proposal/project:
Date licence to commence:
Date licence to close:
Checklist – please include the reference documents with your application.
Appropriate Bat Survey meeting BCT Guidelines and containing mitigation/compensation
plan (<2 years old)
Site Plan (Existing)
Site Plan (Proposed)
Has the Supervising Ecologist checked the site within 3 months of application and confirmed that the
bat survey and mitigation/compensation plan are valid: Y/N
Applicant Declaration:
Where required, I undertake to obtain permission from landowners / occupiers of land to
exercise any licence resulting from this application, and to allow any employee or
representative of Natural England to monitor or inspect the work described in this
I have read and understood the guidance provided in the application form and on the
Wildlife Licensing Internet guidance pages.
I declare the particulars given are correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, and I apply
for a licence in accordance with the information I have provided.
I confirm that there is no satisfactory alternative to meet the need/resolve the problem
detailed in this application. I agree to the declaration above.
Signature of applicant:
Full name of applicant:
Date of application: