~page 2~ Y|Üáà V{Ü|áà|tÇ exyÉÜÅxw V{âÜv{ Our Church family continued: Please also continue to pray for Matt and Danielle V and their unborn baby Zeke; for Ken S, Sandra V and Betty V and their cancer treatments; Patti K with Bell's Palsy; and Greta P 1105 Exmouth Street 519-336-8808 1934 – 2015 The purpose of First Church in Sarnia is: LOVE SHARE The love of God is celebrated. The love of God is shared. The love of God mobilizes us to care. W CARE Sunday, April 19, 2015 elcome to everyone on this day which the Lord has made! Our prayer is that this place will be filled with songs of praise, with his Word, and with his loving presence. If you are a guest with us this morning, we extend a warm welcome to you. We hope that you will enjoy your time of worship and fellowship with us, and will feel encouraged to come again. If we can be of any assistance to you, please ask today’s greeters, an elder, or at the church office. This morning once again we welcome Mr. Steve Baarda, from London to our pulpit. We pray that God will bless him as he brings The Word to us this morning, and we pray that we would be blessed by hearing that Word, and responding to it. This evening at 6:30 we are again meeting to continue our study of “Reclaiming the Heidelberg Catechism”. Please join us. DRAWING OF LOTS: This morning, immediately after the service, we will draw lots for the offices of elder and deacon. We will draw for 4 elders and 3 deacons. We also are thankful for the work of those retiring from these offices: Ed D, Bert H, Brian H, Alex K, Carol P, Diane P and Freda Sc. May each of you be blessed by the work you have done and as you move on to other areas of ministry. Following this morning’s worship service, everyone is invited to join us downstairs in the fellowship hall for a time of conversation and coffee, tea or juice. The prayer room upstairs is also always open after the service, and there will be people there to pray for you for whatever concern you may have. Our Church Family: Many of our members are no longer able to worship with us. Please remember to pray for Sharon F, Jean P, Aaf S, Trudy S, Janny S and Erie V. We extend our condolences to Flo and Pete VK and their children Amanda, Nic and Christian, on the death of Flo’s sister Alice S last Friday. The funeral was held on Wednesday here at First church. May you find comfort in God’s promise of eternal life for His children. We extend our condolences to Andy and Alice V, Gladys V and Ann E. Their brother/brother-in-law George V died on Monday, in Chatham, just a few weeks after his wife. The funeral was held on Saturday. We pray that you will find comfort and peace in God’s promised everlasting life to those who put their trust in Him. ~ MILESTONES: Happy birthday and God’s blessings ~ Apr 23 Scott D Apr 30 Stephen N Fred N May 1 Blake L Apr 25 Sharon F Cody M Sophia Z Adam V Apr 26 Peter K (Ray & Ann’s son) Sandra V May 2 Jim V Living Hope~ This morning Darren & Darlene H's son, Keaton Edward will be baptized. We celebrate the seal of God's grace to Keaton and the privilege of adding him to our church family. We continue our prayers for Ekkie K and her family with the death of her husband Jack. His memorial was on Wednesday at Living Hope. Jack was also a brother to Janny T. This morning will be Mandy B's final Sunday with us before she moves to Kitchener next weekend to be closer to family. We give thanks for the wonderful years we've had with her and Emery and pray for God's continued blessing on her. Ted D is finishing up another round of treatments after having his schedule adjusted to account for changes in his cancer. We continue to remember him and Mettha in what has been a difficult season. We continue our prayers for Joyce W and her family as she remains in the care of St. Joseph's hospice. Redeemer~ Please pray for Ytje S. Ytje was admitted to Bluewater Health last week Sunday because she had internal bleeding. She was moved to ICU on Monday. By Wednesday evening her health had improved greatly. She is expected to be moved out of ICU to regular room care. ~page 3~ Redeemer~ Our sympathy is extended to Helen V and John V and their children. Helen’s uncle, Gerrit V, 78 years of age, of Owen Sound died suddenly last Sunday due to a heart attack. The funeral service was held on Thursday. May God continue to comfort you with His promises and grace as you grieve his passing. Congratulations to Diana W and Bill Z who celebrate the birth of a granddaughter. Mila Sophia was born to Ruella and Mateus M on Saturday, April 11. Little Mila continues to receive hospital care but hopes to be home by this weekend. This morning our oncologist met us, beaming. "Good news for you this morning!" This was after an interim scan, and it showed that in most of my system the chemo had taken effect. There is more chemo to come, but there has been enough change to suggest that I may well see a cure! For me, that's almost unbelievable -- at stage four with lymphoma and bone cancer! God seems to be giving us more than we (I anyway) asked! Thank you, Lord. And thank all of you for your calls, visits, notes, and prayers! Jack and Pat W Thank you! John has now completed 4 rounds of chemo and 28 radiation/chemo treatments. It has been a long and difficult journey but your cards, words of encouragement and prayers showed us we were not walking alone. Although the journey is not yet over, we wanted to let you know how much your support and encouragement has meant to us. John and Joan H OUR GIFTS WE BRING Today: AM: 1. Ministry Shares 2. Diaconate Next Week: AM: 1. Ministry Shares 2. Operation Manna ~Deacon’s Corner~ Our second offering this morning is for the diaconate. The deacons use these funds to provide local financial support to families both within and outside of our fellowship. As well, they will disburse funds to local causes, as the funds are available, and the causes are made known. ~Our thanks today to~ Serving Elders/Deacons: *Jack T, Ed D, Matt V, MaryAnn D Coffee Servers: John and Betty B, Chris and Lisa D Alex and Christal K Ushers: Will Schenk, William S Stephen N Projection Tech: John P Sunday School: Alice V, Sherry C, Stacey H, Maddie K Prayer Room: Fred and Marg R Library Attendants: Liz L, Angela C, Sherry C Nursery: Patti K, Margriet S, Angela C, Emily V Greeters: Sound Tech: ~page 4~ ~Scheduled for Next Sunday, April 26, 2015~ Serving Elders/Deacons: *Shirley KD, Fred Z, Bert H, Freda Sc Dennis and Nancy D, Lex and Jennie K Greeters: Alex and Christal K Ushers: Tracey and Fred Z Sound Tech: Tom S Projection Tech: Ian S Sunday School Alice V, Sherry C, Stacey H, Maddie K Prayer Room: Fred Z, Diane P Library Attendants: Jeanine S, Helen S, Kelly V Nursery: Betty B, John D, Lisa R, Claire V Coffee Servers: ANNOUNCEMENTS EXECUTIVE COUNCIL will be meeting on Tuesday, April 21 at 7:30 p.m. COMMUNITY WORKSHOPS: Learn some more by attending one of two Workshops here at First church on Tuesday, April 21, 6:30 pm Ethical Investing: A Global Movement. Come and hear Michael Kooy explain how ethical investors aim to make a positive difference in the world, and also get a good return. Michael Kooy is part of Redeemer CRC's faith community, assists with the youth program and is very active in the community at large. Memory loss- What's normal and what's not: Cheryl DeGroot, Nurse Practitioner, will explore common types of dementia, as well as causes, treatment, and what you can do to help prevent it. Cheryl DeGroot is part of First CRC's faith community, has served as a deacon here in her home church and has helped in Haiti on several occasions. SPRING GROUNDS CLEANUP is scheduled for Saturday April 25, from 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Please come to help make the church grounds look fantastic. Bring shovels, rakes, pruning tools, wheel barrows and anything you can think of to clean up. Rain date is Saturday May 2 2015. MYSTERY COFFEE - Like surprises? So do we! The Fellowship Committee will be organizing a Mystery Coffee social on April 26 after the morning service. Guests will receive only an address right after the service, and hosts will only know how many to expect, but they won't know who. Sign up sheets will be posted on the table outside the front office. If you're a guest, please indicate if you have extra room to give someone a ride, or if you are in need of a ride. ~page 5~ The GEMS season is winding down but we still have three more exciting events! On Monday, April 20 we will be having our Year End Event of Laser Tag and Rock Climbing at 1886 London Line. Please drop your GEM off at the Laser Tag facility at 6:30pm and pick them up there at 8:30pm. In order to get all the activities completed we will be starting promptly at 6:30pm. The following Monday, April 27 will be our practice for GEMS Sunday and our "Family and Awards Night". We ask that the GEMS be at Living Hope for the hour long practice at 6:30pm. After the practice we invite family to the Awards Night which will also be held at Living Hope at 7:30pm. We will celebrate the year together and enjoy refreshments following the presentation. Our final event will be GEMS Sunday! Please join us at Living Hope at 6:30pm on Sunday, May 3 for a Combined service that the GEMS will participate in with singing, creative movement, readings and prayers. It has been an honour and a blessing to have had your GEM attend our program this season. To watch her grow in her faith-walk with our Lord has filled our hearts with joy! Helping our youth to SERVE: Spring has sprung!! That means many are itching to get out in the gardens. Our 13 SERVE team youth are selling DeGroot's Gift cards for all your gardening needs. So while planning your summer garden or looking for a perfect Mother's Day gift please think of helping our SERVE team raise funds for their mission trip to help others. Fill out the form you received in your mail slot, or see any one of our SERVE team, or talk to Jack Tamming. All orders must be in by May 3, 2015. Cards will be received that week, before Mother's Day. LADIES BIBLE FELLOWSHIP will be meeting on Wednesday April 22 at 10:00am. We will finish lesson 8, Marriage, Families and Workers. All ladies welcome! ~page 6~ LAST FRIDAY OF THE MONTH COFFEE SOCIAL, Friday, April 24 at 10:00am. An invitation is extended to you to join us for the “Last Friday Coffee Social” in the fellowship hall of Living Hope Christian Reformed Church, corner of Exmouth Street & Pontiac Drive in Sarnia. A warm Welcome to you all! DO YOU HAVE A GIFT OF ORGANIZATION? Do you want to help our community and Sarnia Christian school? The TRIP room is in desperate need of a new TRIP coordinator as soon as possible. Please contact the school if you are interested! 519-383-7750 The LDCSS Drama Department presents ‘Annie’. April 24- 25, at 7:30 pm Adult matinee: Wed., April 22 at 1:00 p.m. Tickets $12.00 each To reserve your tickets, call 519-455-4360 or email [email protected] Join us for ‘Welcome Wednesdays’ at LDCSS! Grades 9-12 Admissions Open Houses. Dates: May 6, 9:30-11:30 AM, 12:30-2:30 PM. Come experience LDCSS in action! For more information visit www.ldcss.ca SARNIA JUSTICE FILM FESTIVAL will be screening its last film of the season Divide in Concord: a tale of banning bottled water Saturday, April 25 at 7pm Sarnia Library Theatre. Post-film conversation leaders include individuals with knowledge about tap water, microbeads in the Great Lakes, and the state of water issues in Ontario. To commemorate the 70th Anniversary of the liberation of Holland, you are invited to a concert with the Soli Deo Gloria Christian Male Choir from Urk and the Musica Sacra Chorus on Sat. May 2, 7:30 pm at Knox Presbyterian Church, 59 Riddell St. in Woodstock and on Wed. May 6, 8 pm, at St. George's Anglican Church, 99 Woolwich Str. in Guelph. Tickets are $20 p.p.; $10-students; $5 - 14 and under, available at the door or reserve by emailing [email protected]. (info at 905-648-3170) DENOMINATIONAL MINISTRIES LADIES NIGHT OUT: To wrap up the Light Café season, we are going out for supper and dessert. You are welcome to join us Monday, April 26th at 6 pm at the Golden Star restaurant in the Bright’s Grove plaza. Afterward we will head to Sonja VanderHeide’s for dessert. If you would like to come, please let Sonja or Kelly VanderHeide know so we can make the reservation. JONAH AND GOD'S GRACE: - The conclusion of Jonah’s story reflects back to us a sad truth about our fallen nature. But at the same time, Jonah's conversation with God in Jonah 3 & 4 gives us hope in the greatness of our Creator's grace. Subscribe for free weekly email notifications at ListenToGroundwork.com, visit GroundworkOnline.com to listen now, or tune in to CHOK 1070 AM at 7:30 am Sunday. HYMN SING: Our Pastoral Care Team’s next Hymn Sing at Vision Nursing Home will be held on Thursday, April 23 at 10am, and we’d like to invite you to come and join us as we share this time with the residents. We’ll meet in the new chapel, which is on the ground floor, just inside the main entry door off of Brock Street. We hope to see (& hear :-) you there! A HERO, GOD'S WAY - HEROES 2: - Liz’s dad agrees to take Liz and his friends to help in Caiman City. But Liz has to get donations of supplies before he can go. Then Liz’s dad gives him the family heirloom pocket watch as a reminder to trust in God for this endeavor. Follow the adventures of Liz and his pals every week: subscribe for free at getkidscorner.com. Be sure to download this special song, “Leap of Faith,” at kidscorner.net/offer. ~page 7~ ~page 8~ FaithCARE training: How ought we to approach conflict in our church communities? Conflicts within churches are real but we can deal with them in a way that deepens relationship, strengthens community, and builds our faith. Join us for a 3 day hands-on training, including support afterwards, on Learning How to Grow Restorative Churches. The training is offered through Shalem Mental Health Network and will be in Whitby, ON on April 21 - 23, 2015. For more information and to register , visit http://shalemnetwork.org/workshop/faithcare/ or call 905.528.0353; toll free 866.347.0041 SUMMER CAMP LEADERS - Is your senior-high youth group still looking for a place to serve this summer? Your team of 4 – 8 youth are invited to impact kids for Jesus at the ‘Basic Skills Summer Day Camp’ program for kids aged 5 – 12 from low-income homes. Woodworking, sewing, cooking, science experiments and out-trips are all part of a funfilled week from Aug. 15 – 22 hosted by Ladner CRC (just south of Vancouver, BC). Check out crcna.org/servicelink (Ref.# CAN175) or email [email protected] for more information. Think Christian Creation Care E-book - What does "fill the Earth and subdue it" look like in our everyday lives? A special collection on creation care from Think Christian explores this intriguing question. In time for Earth Day, we look at perspectives on an array of environment-related topics from some of TC's contributors. Get it at www.thinkchristian.net/earthday. Canadian Teachers: - Are you interested in exploring the impact Christ-centred education has in a developing nation? Embark on a 10-day Discover & Learn trip this summer with EduDeo Ministries as we listen to, learn from, and encourage Christian school teachers in Nicaragua. Visit edudeo.com for more information. Applications due by May 1, 2015. Disability Concerns Spring Conference - At the “Let’s Talk, Let’s Listen”, Disability Concerns conference on April 25, 2015, we will learn about anxiety and depression from Jennifer Bowen of Shalem Mental Health Network. Dan VanderPlaats of Elim Christian Services (Chicago) will help us with the changing attitudes about disabilities, belonging, and inclusion. Join us at Maranatha CRC in Woodstock for this uplifting and transformative day! Everyone is welcome! See www.crcna.org/disability for more information and registration. Don’t delay! Position Opening: - The Christian Reformed Church in North America (CRCNA) is seeking applications for the bi-national position of Director of Advancement for Ministry Services and the CRCNA Foundation beginning August, 2015. The position will be based in either Grand Rapids, MI or Burlington, ON. For a complete job description visit www.crcna.org/jobs; to apply please submit a letter of interest and a detailed resume of education and work history to: Michelle De Bie, Director of HR, at [email protected]. Initial consideration will be given to applications received by May 22 Get Connected! - The Network has always been about making connections. Across the CRC, there are people like you who are involved in their church’s ministry. By connecting you with your peers, The Network helps you quickly find the answers, tools, and ideas you need to serve in your congregation! Join The Network (www.crcna.org/Network) to find blogs, discussion topics, ministry Q&A, church jobs, and much more! FREE WEBINAR - Join us on April 22 for "Youth, Depression and Suicide" presented by June Zwier and Winnie Visser. This webinar will explore the issues of depression and suicide particular to youth and how we as a church can be equipped to effectively help and support. To register for this free, one-hour event, visit crcna.org/webinars. DR YOUTH TEAM - Join youth/young adults from the Dominican Republic to form a cross-cultural youth missions team in the DR from July 22 – Aug.3 this summer. If you love sports, drama, music, kids and youth, as well as making new friends, this is for you! Additional details can be found at www.crwm.org or contact [email protected]. SWaP for YAYAs - Serve With a Purpose in Uganda or Honduras for 4 weeks this summer. SWaP is more than just a mission trip! It’s a program for youth and young adults (YAYAs age 14 – 24) who are looking to plan, learn, grow and serve both globally and locally. Do More, Be More with SWaP! See details at www.worldrenew.net or contact [email protected]. If we can be of assistance…… Office Administrator: Betty Boot (O) 519-336-8808 E-mail [email protected] Church Office hours are Tue. & Wed. 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. & Thurs. 9 am. – 4 pm Chair of Council: Harry Verburg (519-331-8919) E-mail: [email protected] Recording Secretary: Lucille VanderVies (519)542-3080 E-mail: [email protected] Clerk of Council: Dianna Brown (519)330-0793 E-mail: [email protected] Pastoral concerns: Contact either Harry Verburg (see his info above), or Diane Plug (519)383-1096 E-mail: [email protected] Prayer Coordinators Ethel DePooter (519-336-3169) and Ann Veenkamp (519-383-0887) Treasurer: Ray Kapteyn (519-332-0868) E-mail: [email protected] Custodians: Doris Calderon & Libardo Rubio (226-448-8729) [email protected] Brian Rubio 226-973-4638 The Network: www.crcna.org/network Please have all bulletin announcements into the office by 4 p.m. Wednesday Website: www.sarniafirstcrc.com First Christian Reformed Church 1105 Exmouth Street, Sarnia, Ontario, N7S 1W5 (519) 336-8808 Guest Speaker Steve Baarda Sunday, April 19, 2015 MORNING WORSHIP Welcome Gathering *Call to Worship: Psalm 86:8-10 Leader: There is none like you, O Lord, nor are there any works like yours. People: All the nations you have made shall come and bow down before you, O Lord, and shall glorify your name. For you are great and do wondrous things, you alone are God. Leader: Almighty God, we pray for your blessing on the church in this place. Here may the faithful find salvation, and the careless be awakened. Here may the doubting find faith, and the anxious be encouraged. Here may the tempted find help, and the sorrowful find comfort. Here may the weary find rest, and the strong be renewed. Here may the aged find consolation and the young be inspired; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. *Gathering Hymn of Praise: “Hear our Praises” # 302:1,2 *God’s Greeting *Hymn of Praise: “Across the Lands” Confession # 775:1-3 Call to Confession: Rom.5:8; Heb. 4:16 The proof of God’s amazing love is this: While we were sinners, Christ died for us. Let us therefore approach the throne of grace with boldness, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need. Trusting in God’s faithfulness and compassion, let us confess our sin before God and one another. Song of Confession: “Jesus, Draw Me Ever Nearer” # 660:1-3 Words of Assurance: 1 Tim. 1:15, 17 Here are words you may trust, words that merit full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. To all who confess their sins and resolve to lead a new life, he says, “Your sins are forgiven.” He also says, “Follow me.” Now to the one who rules all worlds, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever. Song of Assurance: “Beneath the Cross” # 825:1-3 Blessing of the Children: Children ages 3 -grade 4 are dismissed for Sunday School Thanks Morning Prayers John Boot Offerings: 1. Ministry Shares 2. Diaconate The Word *Hymn of Preparation: “Christ Be Our Light” # 908:1,2,5 Prayer of Preparation: Scripture Reading: Mark 1:21-28 page 968 Sermon: “A New Teaching, with Authority” *Hymn of Response: “Blessed Jesus, at Your Word” # 763:1-3 Sending *Benediction *Closing Song of Praise: “Alleluia, He is Coming” I looked up and I saw my Lord a coming; I looked up and I saw my Lord a coming down the road. Alleluia, He is coming. Alleluia He is here. Alleluia, He is coming. Alleluia He is here. I looked up and I saw my Lord a dying; I looked up and I saw my Lord a dying on the cross. Alleluia, He is coming. Alleluia He is here. Alleluia, He is coming. Alleluia He is here. I looked up and I saw my Lord arising; I looked up and I saw my Lord arising from the grave. Alleluia, He is coming. Alleluia He is here. Alleluia, He is coming. Alleluia He is here. c. 1979 Martha Butler ***Please allow a few minutes for persons with wheel chairs and walkers to leave the sanctuary***
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