Diocesan Bulletin Sunday, May 17, 2015 - Ascension of Our Lord National Week of Life and the Family / Catholic Education Week 1 w w w. sa ska t o onr cd i oc es e. co m Upcoming Events In all things we are rooted in Christ, in His desire to bring God’s love to all peoples. Family Adoration Night - 6:30 p.m., Wednesday, May 20, 2015 at Cathedral of the Holy Family, 123 Nelson Road, Saskatoon. This event will include music, a time of silence and Benediction with Fr. Colin Roy. Snacks to follow. Prayer for Conversion of Heart about Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia will be held 7 p.m. to 8 p.m., Thursday May 21 at the Cathedral of the Holy Family, 123 Nelson Road in Saskatoon, hosted by Holy Family Parish and the Emmanuel Community of Saskatoon. For info contact Fr. Colin Roy: (306) 659-5800 or Jenny Porter at: p o r te r j e n n y1 4 @ g m a i l .co m The Filipino Heritage School 5th Annual Flores de Mayo Fiesta Fundraiser will be held Saturday, May 23 at St. Anne's Parish Hall, 217 Lenore Drive, Saskatoon, starting at 6:30 PM. Enjoy Filipino food, a year-end program and dance, as well as the Santacruzan--a colourful parade known as the "Queen of all Filipino Festivals" featuring students representing various historical religious figures. All proceeds go to support the Filipino Heritage School. Call Jen at (306) 380-8874 or see: www.facebook.com/FilipinoHeritageSchoolSaskatoon Tickets also available at www.picatic.com/floresdemayo2015 Giant Garage Sale at St. Patrick Parish - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday, May 28 and Friday May 29, and 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, May 30, at 3339 Centennial Drive, Saskatoon. There will be a concession on site, along with an all-day bake sale and a pancake and sausage breakfast on Saturday, May 30 Proceeds go to the “All of Us Campaign” for needs of the parish community: www.facebook.com/StPatrickParishSaskatoon Ecumenical Studies and Formation Program offered June 23-26, 2015 Queen’s House of Retreats, Saskatoon This accredited three-year program is dedicated to forming Christians in the theology, history and practice of ecumenism. This program is for all those who wish to increase their knowledge of the ecumenical movement for greater participation. It will be offered each year in Saskatoon during the final week of June. Registration fee: $350. For more information and registration form see the website: www.pcecumenism.ca or call (306) 653-1633. NOTE: Bursaries are available for Catholic participants In the Ecumenical Studies and Formation program. For more information contact Nicholas Jesson at (306) 659-5814 or e-mail: j e ss o n @ e c u me n i sm.n e t Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults WCC 2015 - Rites of the RCIA June 5-6, 2015 The Western Conference of the Catechumenate (WCC) presents “Rites of the RCIA,” June 5-6 at Holy Spirit Parish in Saskatoon. Speakers are Nick Wagner and Diana Macalintal of TeamRCIA. To mark the 25th anniversary of the WCC, the 2015 conference is being offered at a special rate of $99. Join us in celebrating 25 years of forming the RCIA ministry in Western Canada! Registration: Please register online at: ht t p: //we s t e r n- c a t e c hum e na t e .blogs pot .c a or contact Michelle at (306) 358-2057 or ci c.m i c h e l l e @ sa s ka to o n r cd i o ce s e .c o m St. Aloysius Parish Steak Night Fundraiser will be held Friday, May 29 at Allan Parkland Hall, in Allan, SK, with cocktails at 5:30 p.m., and dinner at 6:30 p.m. Steak supper tickets $25 each, child's hotdog plate $7 each. Supper tickets are available at: St. Aloysius Church, at businesses in Allan, or call Anita (306) 257-4225 or Anne at (306)257-3578. Queen’s House presents “What is Truth?” with facilitator Marie-Louise Ternier-Gommers from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Saturday, May 23 at Queen’s House, 601 Taylor St. W, Saskatoon. Cost: $35, including lunch, (or $25 if you bring own lunch). Register: [email protected] or (306) 2421916. Find details of retreats at: w w w.q u e e n s h o u s e .o r g Parish Nursing Conference – A Canadian Association of Parish Nurse Ministry (CAPNM) Conference will be held June 11-14, at Queen's House of Retreats, 601 Taylor Street W., Saskatoon. The theme is "Ethnic Diversity - Mirror of God's Creativity". Attend either the whole conference; or individual keynote and plenary speakers; or celebrate “flavourful” diversity at the banquet Saturday, June 13 at Prairieland Park in Saskatoon featuring speaker Megan McKenna. For more information about the Parish Nursing conference e-mail: p .n u r si n g @ sa skte l .n e t or call: Elaine Hesje at (306) 6524524; Sr. Carol Borreson at (306) 244-2983; or Deb Bauche or Carol Kostiuk, or Ethna Martin at (306) 343-0325. Find the 2015 Conference flyer on the website: w w w. c a p n m . c a Speakers include theologian Megan McKenna, Bishop Emeritus Sylvian Lavoie, OMI, Fr. Patrick Ampani, and Fr. Mark Miller, CSsR. Diocesan Prayer Intention: Lord God, we pray as a diocesan family that you will send your Spirit to help us to bring about a renewed culture of life in our nation and in our communities: a culture in which each and every person is loved and valued at every stage, at every age, and in every circumstance of life. Message Board Earthquake relief - The Canadian Catholic Conference of Bishops (CCCB) and Development and Peace have launched a joint campaign to respond to the emergency in Nepal. Contributions will be matched by the Canadian Government until May 25, 2015. Donate online at www.devp.org or by phone at 1-888-664-3387; or by sending a cheque made out to Development and Peace (please indicate “Nepal Earthquake”) to: Development and Peace, 1425 RenéLévesque Blvd. West 3rd Floor, Montreal, QC, H3G 1T7. Prayer of Deep Peace: A Maranatha Yoga Retreat will be held 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, May 23 at Queen’s House, 601 Taylor Street West, Saskatoon. Explore yoga as a practice of prayer leading to stillness and deep inner peace. Take time to reflect, pray, practice yoga, rest, laugh, celebrate and rejuvenate. Maranatha Yoga combines the benefits of yoga poses and practice with the Christian tradition of contemplative prayer. Maranatha is an Aramaic word meaning “Come, Lord Jesus.” No yoga experience necessary. Cost is $65 (lunch included). For more information visit www.maranathayoga.ca or to register, call Kate O’Gorman, RYT, at (306) 203-2938 or email Kate at: m a r a n a th a yo g a @ g m a i l .c o m Faith-based community experience - For 19-35-year-old single Catholic women who are looking for affordable rent and more, the Sisters of the Presentation offer a “home away from home.” As young women work or study, they will have the opportunity to live a community experience and grow in faith through prayer, reflection, spiritual direction and service. The house is located at 851 University Drive, Saskatoon, a 15minute walk from the university and close to downtown. Registrations are now being taken for September 2015. For information contact: Sr. Lucie Hamel (306) 244-0726 or email: [email protected] or see: www.presentationofmary.ca The Sisters of the Presentation of Mary also have a house at 5 Pells Drive in Regina, a 20-minute walk to the University of Regina. For more information contact: Sr. Emma Rousseau at (306) 584-3652 or e-mail: e r o u ss e a u 0 3 @ g m a i l .co m Naming new Catholic schools: New Catholic schools will be built in Saskatoon in the Evergreen, Hampton Village, Rosewood and Stonebridge neighbourhoods, as well as in Warman and Martensville. Do you have names in mind for these new schools? Submit suggestions for Catholic school names and/or ideas for school dedications before the deadline of May 22. Find more information online at: w w w.s c s.sk.ca Blackstrap Youth Camp invites youth ages 8 to 13 years to a “rocking summer experience.” The camp runs weekly from Sunday to Friday, July 5 - 10, July 12 - 17, July 19 - 24, July 26 - 31, and Aug. 2 - 7. Activities include canoeing, tenting, arts and crafts, praise and worship, swimming, camp out, variety night, mud pit and dance. See: www.blackstrapyouthcamp.org or call: (306) 934-1838. Blackstrap Youth Camp is also raising funds to allow underprivileged youth to attend Camp. Make taxreceipted donations at: www.blackstrapyouthcamp.org or see the crowd-funding campaign at https://www.indiegogo.com/ projects/summer-camp-for-underprivileged-youth Volunteers are needed to visit those in hospital at Saskatoon City Hospital and/or Royal University Hospital in Saskatoon. To apply, contact diocesan chaplaincy coordinator Céline Hudon, at (306) 292-5531 2 “Is Anyone Ever Really Single? The Call to Authentic Sexuality” This series is being offered by teleconference June 15-17 in conjunction with Fr. Ron Rolheiser and the Oblate School of Theology. Join in this opportunity at Queen’s House, 601 Taylor St. W., Saskatoon to hear any or all presentations. Following each broadcast, there will be an opportunity to discuss and share insights and learning with each other. Schedule of talks broadcast live at Queen’s House: • Monday, June 15, 6:00 p.m. - Dr. Richard Gaillardetz: “Sex and the City”: Re-Imagining Sexuality in a Post-Modern World”; • Tuesday, June 16, 8:15 a.m. - Dr. Richard Gaillardetz: “Crazy, Stupid, Love: The Call to Appropriate Vulnerability”; • Tuesday, June 16, 12:30 p.m. - Fr. Ron Rolheiser, OMI Plenary Session; • Tuesday, June 16, 6:00 p.m. - Dr. Richard Gaillardetz: “Perilous Vows: Sexuality within the Christian Life-Forms of Marriage and Celibacy” • Wednesday, June 17, 8:15 a.m. - Dr. Donna Freitas: “Sex and the Soul: Putting the Meaning Back into Sex for the Hookup Generation”; • Wednesday, June 17, 6:00 p.m. - Dr. Donna Freitas: “Finding New Doorways into the Christian Conversation about Sex and Sexual Assault”; Cost is $10/session. Register by contacting Queen’s House (306) 242-1916 or e-mail: [email protected] or find more information at: w w w.q u e e n sh o u s e .o r g Catholic Stewardship Conference June 12-14 at the Calgary Telus Convention Centre features keynote speakers Cardinal Thomas Collins and Bishop Robert Morneau. Find more info online at: w w w.w ccsc .ca New hall for rent at Sts-Martyrs-Canadiens Parish , 1007 Windsor Street, Saskatoon. The hall is fully furnished with banquet chairs and round tables, with a capacity of 260. Contact Muriel at: (306) 665-1829 or at s m c@ sa s kte l .n e t Nun Run 2015 - Have you ever wondered what it’s like to live in a religious community? Nun Run 2015 is an opportunity for young women to travel together from Aug. 17-28, visiting various women’s religious communities in Saskatchewan and Alberta for 1-2 days each. Sample what religious life looks like in different communities. Katherine Scott is assisting the diocese in coordinating this project and is looking for 4-5 companions to travel with her. The cost is $150 each. A formation event will take place prior to the tour, for all interested participants. To find out more contact Myron Rogal at 306-6595841 or vo ca ti o n s@ sa ska to o n r c d i o ce s e .co m This “Diocesan Bulletin” is a publication of The Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon Catholic Pastoral Centre, 123 Nelson Road, Saskatoon SK S7S 1H1 Phone: (306) 242-1500 or Toll free: 1-877-661-5005 E-mail: communications @s as kato o nr cdioces e.com www.s a s k a t oonr c dioc e s e .c om The communications office is supported by the Bishop’s Annual Appeal.
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