Medusa Art&Craft

with patronage of:
with patronage of:
Capo S. Maria di Leuca
Cultural Contamination
DEADLINE 05.30.2015
from July 19
to August 2
Palazzo Lia - via Gramsci
INFO : +39 328.3205952 – +39 329.7152379 - [email protected] - fb: Noùs-Associazione di idee al lavoro
Misura 431 Azione 2
with patronage of:
Capo S. Maria di Leuca
art craft
Medusa Art&Craft
Promotion and dissemination of contemporary art, design and crafts
Medusa Art&Craft is a Project/Exhibition conceived by Sergio Panese, an entrepreneur, gallery
manager and artist, with the aim of promoting the dissemination of the art, design and crafts of
the Salento by exhibiting the works of artists, artisans, architects and designers working in the
The first edition of the exhibition took place in Presicce’s sixteenth century Palazzo Ducale in the
summer of 2013. Presicce, a small town in the province of Lecce, is counted among the ‘most
beautiful towns in Italy’. The exhibition roused the enthusiasm of local artists and had a great
response from the public, drawing over 2,000 visitors.
"You don't know the South" was the theme of the second exhibition, held the following summer,
in collaboration with SDW Salento Design Workshop (
Tradition and contemporaneity met in the forms and techniques of the works of the 12 artists
who took part. Visitors, invited to stimulate awareness of their own identity, again responded
with interest, confirmed by the presence of more than 2,000 visitors despite the short duration of
the show.
Above all, the second edition succeeded in encouraging encounters between artists and
companies in the sector with some of the participants receiving important commisions.
In tandem with the exhibition there were theatrical and musical performances which enriched
the content and encouraged public participation.
Design Contest/Exhibition - Medusa Art&craft 2015
Now in its third edition, Medusa Art&Craft is making a leap in quality, leaving the
purely local sphere to open itself to ‘cultural contamination’ in a competition for artists from all
over the Mediterranean area who wish to participate: Mediterranean Europe, Mediterranean
Africa, Mediterranean Asia.
The theme is: Trans-Mediterranean cultural contamination
Presicce, a town in the heart of the Basso Salento, is to be the backdrop for an encounter
between diverse artistic languages echoing the cultures of the various countries bordering the
"Middle Sea" which is both a link and a divide.
The idea is to create an exhibition of design which wlll be an experimental melting pot in which
overseas creative potential may bring about encounter and reciprocal exchange.
For the competition 15 design works will be selected by the organizers from the works submitted.
At stake is participation in the exhibition for which a catalogue will be published.
A jury made up of professionals in the world of art and design will judge the 15 works exhibited in
anonymity and declare the winner who will receive a cash prize.
Medusa Art & Craft 2015 will also promote local artisans and design.
‘Contamination’ by different cultures - in the positive sense of exchange and mutual growth so
long as that doesn't translate into abuse of power and subjection - passes from full awareness of
one’s roots and the essence of self, which leads to the propensity to innovate.
With this perspective, among the events planned alongside Medusa Art & Craft ample space will
be given to the promotion of traditional local crafts, reinvented and reinterpreted in a
contemporary key, and to their potential entry into the market, even in an international sphere.
There will be conferences, meetings and discussions involving Salentine craft and design
companies distinguished by innovation and market presence, and with the participation of
institutions and trade associations.
The historic centre of Presicce, with its courtyards, underground oil mills, and historic buildings
will be the scene for performances by artists and local artisans who prefer using traditional
materials and techniques for their creations while offering a contemporary interpretation. .
The Association NOÙS
The third edition of Medusa Art & Craft is organized by the association NOÙS which grew out
of the idea and efforts of an individual and a few volunteers into the structured and enthusiastic
commitment of a group of men and women united by love for their land and motivated by the
desire to see it opened to the world, not in an exchange of tourist souvenirs but in a rich, durable,
and impressive experience of life.
The association NOUS was founded with the aim of increasing, through initiatives of various
kinds, the cultural density of the territory and the aesthetic intensity of the projects in which the
public will be invited to participate.
The initiatives it puts forward are of a cultural nature in the broadest sense, including both the
diverse languages of communication (art, music, literature, journalism, etc.) and the different
ways of living the culture, not only as consumers but also as producers.
Promoting an international event dedicated to the design of the fusion, as also to the fusion of
the design, and setting up it in the historic centre of a small Mediterranean town, the association
NOUS also intends to achieve results from an anthropological perspective, that is to inspire
reflection (both aesthetical and ethical) about emotions and experiences linked to objects and to
the day-to-day environment in the cultures that border this "succession of seas."
We want to give life to a ‘collective hearth’, able to attract and gather around the artistic debate
those who work in the sector and selected public, but also ordinary people who, observing
objects in daily use transformed by the ìdivergent mind" of the artist, can recognize the
elements of poetry inherent in private experiences.
NOÙS - Cultural and social promotion Association
via Lazio, 18 – 73054 Presicce LE ITALY - CF: 90043570754
with patronage of:
Capo S. Maria di Leuca
art craft
Art. 1 - Objectives and Goals of the Design Contest/Exhibition Medusa Art & Craft 2015.
The Design Contest /Exhibition - Medusa Art & Craft 2015 aims to promote contemporary art,
encouraging meetings between artists, designers and companies in the sector, to stimulate the
interest of the public and create a vibrant relationship with the artists.
To ensure the effective promotion of the participants at the exhibition/contest, it is planned
to prepare a catalogue edited by the organizing association and a focused and extensive promotional information campaign in the specialized media as well as in the general media.
Art. 2 - Theme of the Design Contest and Exhibition Medusa Art & Craft 2015
'Trans-Mediterranean cultural contamination'
"What is the Mediterranean? A thousand things together. Not a landscape, but many
landscapes. Not one sea, but a succession of seas. Not one civilization, but a series of
civilizations crowded one upon the other. "
The words of the French historian Fernand Braudel sum up better than others that feeling of
hybrid identity, which almost seems to be an oxymoron.
Is contamination a positive or negative term? For us, it refers to an idea of fusion, crossover, and
a respectful encounter on equal terms, in which each culture enriches its
identity through the human, cultural, experiential heritage of others. But history teaches us that
contamination is often synonymous with invasion, occupation. And then occurs the
criminalization of the ‘different’, and closing like a clam.
The artist should propose a work that involves using the materials, techniques and traditions
typical to the territory to which they belong, reinventing their use to make them contemporary,
having as a beacon the theme of the competition: 'Trans-Mediterranean Cultural Contamination’.
The artists can be freely inspired by the theme of the Contest/Exhibition, Trans-Mediterranean
Cultural Contamination, but must adhere to the technical specifications given in Art. 4 WORKS of this announcement.
Art. 3 - How to participate in the competition
Participation is free and is open to all artists.
The deadline for registration for the Design Contest and Exhibition Medusa Art & Craft
2015 is May 30, 2015.
Art. 4 - Works
Design works accepted can be published or unpublished.
The objective of Medusa Art & Craft 2015 is to show the techniques and materials local to the
artist’s country of origin in the spirit of presenting them anew and reinventing their use.
The works must not exceed 1 cubic meter in volume. The maximum height allowed is 2m
The works proposed for the Contest / Exhibition of Design Medusa Art & Craft 2015 should be the
physical and intellectual property of the artist. In this regard, to avoid being excluded from the
competition, the artist must certify ownership of the work using annex B of this announcement.
The selected works must be sent together with instructions for assembly and whatever is necessary for their display. .
Art. 5 - Registration
To register for the Contest / Exhibition of Design Medusa Art & Craft 2015, artists must:
1. complete in full and send the Application form (AnnexA);
2. complete and mail the certificate of ownership of the work (Annex B);
3. send a minimum of 3, maximum 5 images or sketches 2d or 3d graphic work (taken from
various angles and from which the features can be seen clearly) indicating technical
characteristics and materials, dimensions, title, and year of execution;
4. send a brief description of the work to be entered;
5. send a brief curriculum vitae, a biography, and an artist’s statement.
The Application form and the required certification can be downloaded here: )
- sent by e-mail to the following address [email protected] ;
- posted in a sealed envelope to the following address:
Associazione NOUS
Mostra Concorso di Design Medusa Art & Craft 2015
Via Lazio, 18 – 73054 Presicce (Le), Italy
In the event of being selected among the 15 finalists, the artist will be required to provide further
material suitable for high definition reproduction of the work for inclusion in the catalogue.
Failure to do so will result in exclusion from the competition. The specifications will be included
with the notification of selection. We urge artists to submit the material required in the manner
and within the time limit to be specified.
The work of those who enter more than one work will not be assessed.
The documentation received will not be returned.
Art. 6 – Selection of Works and Jury
From the submissions received by and no later than 30 May 2015, fifteen works will be selected
to be exhibited from 19 July to 2 August 2015 in the rooms of the sixteenth century Palazzo Lia,
in the center of Presicce, in an show dedicated specifically to them.
In addition to the 15 works, five ‘reserves’ will also be identified and will become part of the
exhibition in case of exclusion or withdrawal by the author selected previously.
Selection will be made on the basis of photographic images, sketches or 2d or 3d graphics.
The association will inform participants by e-mail about the various stages of the competition.
A jury, composed of prefessionals in the world of art, will select in totally anonymity from the 15
works exhibited the winner of the competition who will be awarded the Medusa Art & Craft 2015
prize. The jury reserves the right to recommend a few other works, in addition to the winner.
The opinion expressed by the Jury is final and conclusive.
The JURY of Medusa Art & Craft 2015 is composed of:
Sandra BRANCA - Architect, member of GAL-Capo di Leuca
Virginio BRIATORE - Design critic, contributing editor to the Interni Magazine
Massimo Tommaso GUASTELLA - Professor of History of Contemporary Art 'University of Salento'
Giuseppe LISI - Professor of decoration 'Academy of Fine Arts of Lecce'
Toti SEMERANO - Architect
Art. 7 - Awards and Equipments
A) Award Medusa Art & Craft 2015
The winning artist will receive the "Award Medusa Art&Craft Jury 2015" and a prize of € 500¹
The award ceremony will take place on Sunday August 2 2015 as part of the final evening of the
The work will become part of the permanent collection Medusa Art & Craft.
By accepting the prize, the winner cedes to the Association NOUS the work and the rights to
publish it. All the rights and intellectual ownership of the work remain the exclusive property of
the author.
B) Public Award Medusa Art & Craft 2015
The winning artist, will receive the “Premio Medusa Art & Craft del Pubblico 2015”. The
ceremony will take place on Sunday August 2 2015 as part of the closing night of the show.
The winning work will remain the property of the artist.
The "Public Award 2015" does not consist of a cash prize.
¹ Sul premio sarà operata come per legge una ritenuta alla fonte a titolo di imposta.
Art. 8 - Opening of the exhibition
The opening is scheduled for Sunday July 19 2015 and the works will remain on show until
Sunday August 2 2015.
Art. 9 - Transportation, Insurance and Exhibition of Selected Works
Transportation (delivery and collection) and insurance are the responsibility of the artist.
The association NOÙS, organizer of the event, takes care of the works exclusively within the
exhibition space.
To avoid exclusion, the 15 works must be received no later than Friday July 10 2015
at the following address:
Associazione NOUS in Presicce (LE), ZIP code 73054, Via Lazio n. 18 are open from 9:00 to
18:00, Monday to Friday (by appointment only).
The works will be displayed by the organizers as agreed with the artists (see
Art. 4 - WORKS).
All works must be withdrawn from the venue by Thursday August 6 2015 ,
Palazzo Lia, via Gramsci, Presicce (LE), ZIP code 73054, between 09:00 - 12:00
Works not removed on time will be considered as left to the Contest.
Art. 10 – Privacy
The information and data collected will be used in accordance with the provisions of Decree
196/2003 for participation in the Contest and Exhibition, for sending information material and
promotional purposes relating to the Contest and Exhibition and to the public presentation
and will be kept in the Archives of the Exhibition/ Competition of Design Medusa Art & Craft.
Interested parties can request, pursuant to Legislative Decree 196/2003, correction or deletion.
Participation in the competition implies full acceptance of this announcement.
TEL +39 328 3205952 - +39 338 2925723 - +39 329 7152379
E-MAIL: [email protected]
WEB Noùs-Associazione di idee al lavoro
NOÙS - Cultural and social promotion Association
via Lazio, 18 – 73054 Presicce LE ITALY- CF: 90043570754
with patronage of:
with patronage of:
Capo S. Maria di Leuca
art craft
\\\ annex A \\\
Name & Surname____________________________________________________________
Birthplace (Nation And City)____________________________________________________
Date Of Birth________________________________________________________________
Telephone Number __________________________________________________________
Email Address_______________________________________________________________
Web Site___________________________________________________________________
Title Of Artwork______________________________________________________________
Technical Support____________________________________________________________
Size (base X height X depth in centimetres)________________________________________
1. Biographical dossier : short curriculum vitae, biography and artistís statement
2. Minimum 3, max 5 images of the artwork
3. Short description of the artwork with its title, year,technical details & dimensions
I, the undersigned (name & surname)___________________________________________
a) declare I have read the Rules of the Contest /Exhibition Medusa Art & Craft 2015 relating
to the competition announcement and accept it in its entirety.
b) authorize the Association Noùs organizer of the Contest /Exhibition Medusa Art & Craft 2015
to process personal data in accordance with DL196 / 2003, and subsequent amendments and
inclusions, for the purposes of the competition in object.
Place and Date _____________________
Signature _________________________
E-mail: [email protected] - WEB - Noùs-Associazione di idee al lavoro
NOÙS - Cultural and social promotion Association
via Lazio, 18 – 73054 Presicce LE ITALY - CF: 90043570754
with patronage of:
with patronage of:
Capo S. Maria di Leuca
art craft
\\\ annex B \\\
I the undersigned (Name)_____________________(Surname)_________________________
born in (City)_________________________________(nation)__________________________
on __/__/____ identity document___________ n°___________________________________
a) Declare I am the author and owner of the artwork, & hold the intellectual and physical
rights, & have not assigned to third parties the distribution rights or other rights related to
copyright and to have the use of it in full and absolute freedom.
b) Relieve the Association Noùs, organizer of the Design Exhibition/Competiton MAC2015, of
any responsibility towards third parties concerning the infringement of copyright and
intellectual and physical property rights to the artwork.
c) Accept all the terms and conditions of this Declaration and of the Announcement.
d) Attach a photocopy of my identity document.
e) authorize the Association Noùs organizer of the Contest/Exhibition Medusa Art&Craft 2015
to process my personal data in accordance with DL196 / 2003 and subsequent amendments
and inclusions, for the purposes of the contest in object.
Association Noùs acquires the right to publish images for promotional and dissemination
purposes of the Contest/Exhibition itself, ensuring, above all to the artist, the maintenance of all copyrights on the artwork according to the current regulations.
Place and Date _____________________
Signature _________________________
E-mail: [email protected] - WEB - Noùs-Associazione di idee al lavoro
NOÙS - Cultural and social promotion Association
via Lazio, 18 – 73054 Presicce LE ITALY - CF: 90043570754
TEL +39 328 3205952 - +39 338 2925723 - +39 329 7152379
E-mail: [email protected]
WEB Noùs-Associazione di idee al lavoro
NOÙS - Cultural and social promotion Association
via Lazio, 18 – 73054 Presicce LE ITALY - CF: 90043570754