February Edition

February 2015
9g5 Thought-Leaders
By the creative minds of 9g5 facilitated by Ms. Prabha
Art Exhibition
The art exhibition of The
Westminster School was
held in February 2015. We
were amazed by the talent
displayed, it was spectacular! We were overcome
with awe. The theme this
year was ‘Moods and Communities’. As I observed the
masterpieces of each student. I was able to sense the
feelings the artists must
have feeling when he or she
splattered the canvases with
paint. Each painting was
realistic. The artists had
exquisitely expressed different aspects of life in their
paintings. From tradition to
moods to different sorts of
communities. Art is defined
as, the expression or application of human creative
skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such
as a painting or sculpture,
producing works to be appreciated primarily for their
beauty or emotional power.
This was truly seen at the
art exhibition.
I am proud of the talent in
our school. Some of these
artists might become as
famous as Leonardo Da
Vinci, Pablo Picasso, and
Michelangelo. To all those
upcoming artists, I wish
you all the best!
Sports Day
This academic year, the enthusiastic girls of years 7 to
13 battled it out in the form
of sports. Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Sigma having fierce
rivalries gave their best on
the field . At the end Alpha
emerged victorious. With
their passionate and happy
faces, the students and teachers of Alpha took the cup
home with immense joy
clouding their smiles. Their
were matches of basketball,
football, volleyball, throw
ball, shot-put hockey and the
event that everyone looks
forward to, running races and
relay. The girls gave their
utmost effort and although
they might have not won, the
important thing is to remember that participation is what
really matters.
Class Council Members
President: Devmini
Vice President: Ruchika
Prefect: Farzeen
Monitor: Rand
Student Welfare: Serley
House Secretary: Shanaya