St. Andrew the Apostle CATHOLIC CHURCH & SCHOOL 6415 NE ANTIOCH ROAD, GLADSTONE, MO 64119 ● Sunday, March 29, 2015 ● Palm Sunday WWW.SATAPS.COM ● Gospel: Mark 14:1-15:47 Peter Denying Jesus (1308 -1311) By Buoninsegna di Duccio Father Vincent M. Rogers Pastor Phone: (816) 453–2089 ext. 3 Email: [email protected] Father john R. Fitzpatrick Associate Pastor Phone: (816) 453—2089 ext. 7 Email: [email protected] Rebecca Sachen Principal Phone: (816) 454—7377 ext. 318 Email: [email protected] Shelley Palmarine Business Manager Phone: (816) 453—2089 ext. 4 Mass Times Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri 7:30 am Thursday 8:45 am & 6:00 pm First Saturday 8:00 am Saturday 4:30 pm Sunday 8:00 am, 10:30 am, & 6:30 pm Confessions Monday 8:30 am (School Students) Monday 12:00 pm Wednesday 5:30 pm Thursday 9:30 am First Friday 8:00 am Saturday 3:15 pm—4:15 pm Adoration & Benediction Thursday Adoration 9:30 am—6:00 pm “ Rosary 5:00 pm “ Benediction 5:45 pm First Thurs. Overnight Adoration 6:30pm Thurs. — 7am Fri. For Sacraments, Youth Programs, & Ministries Please see pg. 11 of the bulletin for contact info. Bulletin Submissions & Prayer list [email protected] * (816) 453—2089, ext. 5 Parish News 2 HOLY WEEK * IMPORTANT DATES Holy Land Appeal Holy Thursday: Confessions are from 5-7pm with 2 priests. A 7pm Mass only will be held, and adoraon will only be from 8pm - 10pm this day. There will NOT be an 8:45am Mass, 9:30am Confessions, weekly day me adora on, nor monthly overnight adora on. Good Friday: Confessions are from 5-7pm with 2 priests & a 7pm liturgy will be held. There will NOT be a 7:30am Mass, First Friday Confessions, nor 5:30 pm Sta ons of the Cross. Holy Saturday: 8pm Vigil Mass only. NO 3:15pm Confessions nor 4:30pm Mass. * Good Friday, April 3rd * If you would like to donate to the Holy Land Appeal, please designate that on your envelope and place in the regular collec on during Mass on April 3rd. There will not be a second collec on taken up. Thank you for your generosity! Easter Sunday: Masses at 8am, 10:30am, & 6:30pm Masses. Homebound Voicemail Box If you would like to receive Holy Communion from this ministry during the weekend OR if you currently receive it but need to make a change to your weekend schedule, please call Silvia Torres at (816) 452-3231 before Friday and leave a message. You will be contacted regarding your needs. March Altar Bread Donated in Memory of Joseph Mazzeffe Jr. Donated by Joseph Mazzeffe, Jr’s Wife & Family PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS... Our parishioners who are sick or suffering: Sal Crouch Johanna Dorcy Larry Catanese Toan Dao Mary Gosoroski Mary Lou Hernandez Anthony Mazzeffe Wes McKellar Natale Occhipin Theresa Occhipin Ava Ohden Pam Parker Jorge Reyno John Smith Phyllis Smotherman Our family and friends who are sick and suffering: Steve Ballard, Douglas Bayliss, Stephanie Cain, Joan Crowder, Jace Devolder, Anna LaPuma, Tom Lichtenauer, Jay Overstreet, Ann Toler, Randy Trollinger, Tom Vonnahme, Bill Frentrop, John Carson, Beverly Zeller, and Aida Rodriguez. Our family and friends who serve in the military. All those who have passed away recently. The most recently added names to the sick list above will appear in bold-faced font each week, and they will appear in the bulletin for one month. Afterwards, they will be transferred to our Prayer Hotline for continuous prayers. If you wish to have a name appear for more than 30 days, please contact the parish office. Lenten Events, Local News, & Adult Formation Collec ng Old Book of Psalms Study Palm Leaves Time for School...The School of Prayer! Don't know what to do with those old palms? We will have a ONE-TIME collec on of old palms on Palm Sunday weekend, March 28 & 29 at St. Andrew’s Parish. There will be a barrel in the hall marked "palms." You can place all your old palms in there that ONE TIME ONLY. They will then be burned. We do NOT want palms brought in any other me. Thank you, Ginny Trischler 3 Dura on: Begins April 14 & runs 10 weeks. Time: Every Tuesday at 9am & again at 7pm. Loca on: St. Andrew’s School Rm 133 Cost: Class is free. Workbook materials are $25. Do not let that cost stop you. Financial assistance is available. Pre-registra on is strongly recommended for room size and materials order. Bible is required. [You’re on your own for that one. Try Morning Star Gi Shop.] Ques ons? Please call Fred Hack at (816) 453-2089, ext. 113. Leave a voice mail if he is not readily available. BEGINNING EXPERIENCE ~ A Weekend Away for a Life me of Change. Serving the widowed, separated and divorced who are suffering the loss of a love relaonship and may feel le out by their church, uneasy around married friends, unsure of themselves, and uncertain about their futures. Helps grieving persons focus on their experience, deal with the natural grief process, and have an opportunity to turn the pain of loss into an experience of posi ve growth. It helps them emerge from the darkness of grief into the light of a new beginning. For more informa on, please visit, e-mail [email protected], or contact Lynne (816) 457-0391 or Jerry (785) 843-2079. Good Shepherd Catholic Retreat: Celebra ng the Sacred Triduum at the Abbey Church’s FAMILY DANCE April 2 – 5 * Wed evening un l Easter Sun morning Sat. April 18, 2015 6:30–9:30 pm *18601 N. 169 Highway, Smithville This FREE event is open to all in the communi- ty! Think wedding reception dance without the wedding. We will be having the chicken dance, hokey pokey, cake walk, musical chairs, door prizes and more. All we ask is that you bring a snack to share. Good clean, FREE, fun for the WHOLE family. Invite your friends. This event is Mother’s Day weekend...what a great way to celebrate! For more information, please call (816) 781-4301. Join the monks and seminarians for the holiest days of the church year, celebra ng Christ’s Paschal Mystery in community. Moving liturgies in the Abbey Basilica, inspiring conferences, the opportunity for celebra ng Reconcilia on, and mes for silence and personal prayer, mark these holy days at Concep on Abbey and Seminary College. Suggested offering for lodging, meals, and conferences: $300 single room or $240 each for double accommodaons. For reserva ons, please contact the Abbey Guest Center by calling (660) 944-2809 or emailing us at guests@concep Parish News & Adult Formation BHI Class: Spiritual Life Dates: April 16, 23, 30 & May 7 Time: 6:30pm Register: Instructor: Scott McKellar Place: St. Andrew’s School Rm 133 Description: Prayer is loving communication with the Divine, a raising of the heart and mind to God. At the same time, it is divine guidance and bestowal of grace. Without speaking with God we cannot know Him or love Him. In this course, you’ll learn the Catholic understanding of prayer and the interior life. The course also models various approaches to Catholic prayer and explores the various spiritualities of the Church. Cost: BHI reduced the price of tuition to only $25 per course or $40/married couple! Students can save even more money if they want to prepay for the year of courses. It is $150/individual or $240/married couple. As always, if a student cannot afford a course they can request a scholarship, and we will not turn them away. For more information, please visit, email [email protected], or (816) 714-2331. Weekly Adora on Hour Openings Two holy hour spots are now open from 1-2pm & 2-3pm weekly on Thursdays at St. Andrew’s. If you are interested to fill one of those spots, please contact Tina Gorman at (816) 734-4685 or Madelyn Ross at (816) 792-8426. Monthly Overnight Adora on Updates Monthly Holy Hour OPENINGS Beginning in May 2015: A. Midnight to 1am on First Thursdays of the Month. (1 addi onal person needed) B. 2am - 3am on First Thursdays (1 addi onal person needed) Please Note: April 2/3 = Since this is Holy Thursday & Good Friday, there will NOT be overnight adora on. Adora on will just be held from 8-10pm adoraon on Holy Thursday evening only. * May 7/8 & following months = Overnight adora on resumes as usual. Ques ons, please contact Ka e Overstreet at (816) 453-2089 ext. 5 or e-mail [email protected]. PHOTO DIRECTORY The photo parish directory books will arrive the first week in April! Stay tuned! TRIBUTE TO MOTHERHOOD BANQUET “MOTHERS, THE HEART OF THE FAMILY” SUNDAY, APRIL 19, 2015 * 1PM * ST. ANDREW’S PARISH HALL BUFFET LUNCHEON CATERED BY DENISE RATHMAN TICKETS: $12.00/ADULT, $6.00/CHILD ACTIVITIES INCLUDE: DOOR PRIZES, ENTERTAINMENT, (SILENT) PURSE AUCTION TICKETS WILL BE SOLD AFTER ALL WEEKEND MASSES BEGINNING MARCH 21-22 DONATIONS OF GENTLY USED PURSES CAN BE PLACED IN THE PORTABLE CRIB BEGINNING MARCH 21-22. QUESTIONS? PLEASE CALL EDIE FERRARA AT (816) 820-5864. Parish Fundraiser 5 Adult Formation & Local News 6 THAT MAN IS YOU! Hesburgh Lecture Series Becoming a Man A er “The Road To Hell? Inten ons, Uncertainty God’s Own Heart & the Origins of WWI” Date: Sun. April 19 Open to all men in the parish! Time: 2pm; Doors open at 1pm for pre-lecture. WEDNESDAY, April 1st * 6am @ St. Andrew’s Parish Hall Loca on: Na onal WWI Museum, Liberty Memorial , JC Nichols Auditorium, 100 W. 26th Street, KC, MO WEEK 25: Make It Easy to Be Good & Hard to Be Bad Mercy is an essen al requirement of the Chris- an covenant The gi of confession leads to a gi of peace The superabundant mercy of God Prac cing a love that goes to the end An example in St. Maximillian Kolbe Encountering the Father, rich in mercy Group will always meet on Wednesday mornings. For more info, please contact Greg Lebold at (816) 454-0447, or e-mail [email protected]. Cost: Free & open to the public. Recep on held a erwards. Descrip on: The Notre Dame Club of Kansas City announces Sebas an Rosato Ph.D., Professor of Poli cal Science at the University of Notre Dame. Through his presenta on, he will ques on established explana ons and develop new arguments about the causes of the Great War. A century a er the outbreak of WWI, there is s ll li le consensus on its causes. The lessons learned are of par cular importance for the United States and the world today. Ques ons? Please call Mark S. Dold at: Office: (913) 310-8592 BREAKFAST is always served! St. Francis of Paola, Hermit * Feast Day: April 2nd St. Gabriel Alumni Trivia Night St. Gabriel Alumni Trivia Night is open to all former students, teachers, parents, and friends! Prizes will be awarded! Location: St. Gabriel School Date: April 10th Time: 7pm Cost: $10 in advance or $15 at the door! Questions? Please contact “May our Lord Jesus Christ, a most generous giver, reward you for your labor. Avoid evil, cast danger aside. Though we are unworthy, we and your brothers never cease to pray to God the Father and to his Son Jesus Christ and also to the Virgin Mary that you may receive everything you need for your physical and spiritual wellbeing. I earnestly admonish you, therefore, my brothers, to look a er your spiritual well-being with judicious concern. Death is certain; life is short, and vanishes like smoke. [email protected] for tickets and details. Fix your minds, then, on the passion of our Lord Jesus Christ. Inflamed with love for us, he came down from heaven to redeem us. For our sake, he endured every torment of body and soul and shrank from no bodily pain. He himself gave us an example of perfect pa ence and love. We, then, are to be pa ent in adversity.” Youth Formation 7 SAVE THE DATE! Totus Tuus = July 19 - 24 @ St. Andrew’s! Mass Intentions MASS INTENTIONS 8 Friday, April 3rd 7:00pm Good Friday Liturgy Monday, March 30th 7:30 am Kathryn Pham Tuesday, March 31st 7:30 am † Michael Olson Wednesday, April 1st 7:30 am † Michael Olson Sacrificial Offerings to God Saturday, April 4th 4:30 pm For Fr. Vince Rogers’ Intentions * Mar. 21 & 22 * To be posted in a later bulle n. Sunday, April 5th 8:00 am † Tony & Rose Giacomo 10:30 am † Vito & Gaetana Milazzo 6:30 pm St. Andrew’s Parish Thursday, April 2nd 7:00 pm Bishop Robert Finn († Indicates Mass for deceased person) Liturgical Ministry Schedule EMHC: Saturday, April 4th * 4:30 pm Margaret Mancuso Greeters: Ann Miller Linda Fields Karen Castrianni Lectors: 1. Brian Buckner Ushers: 2. Dan Grelinger 3. Fred Hack 4. Mike Jones Dick Trsichler Vince Liberto Jeff Gorman Gary Herman Servers: Chosen by Fr. Fitzpatrick Sunday, April 5th * 10:30 am EMHC: Greeters: Margaret Schroeder Steve Connelly Lectors: Candy Pfaltzgraf Debra Carothers Ushers: Bill Carothers Greg Ringel Shannon Gordon Kent Pesek Servers: Jack Rutledge Lectors: Kevin Perry Mike Moorhouse Ushers: Dale Pollard David Lackey Earl Pittman Jim Upschulte Servers: Gaby Chirpich Lexie Chirpich Emmy Chirpich Chiekezie Anikwe Frankie John Cherrito Sunday, April 5th * 6:30 pm EMHC: Greeters: Lynn Pollard Virginia Schembri Phyllis Smotherman Sunday, April 5th * 8:00 am EMHC: Brenda Mesh Laura Heinz Greeters: Genevieve Kalcic Debra Nordike Lectors: Veronica Buckner Mindy Ramsey Ushers: David Chase Kim Chase Tom Geisinger Kolly Mars Servers: John Vodopest Dylan McNair John Chirpich Diocesan Office of Child & Youth Protection The Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph is committed to combating sexual abuse in the Church. If you are a victim of sexual abuse, or if you observe or suspect sexual abuse: 1. Call the Missouri Child Abuse Hotline at 1-800-392-3738 (if the victim is currently under the age of 18), and 2. Contact your local law enforcement agency or call 911, and After reporting to these civil and law enforcement authorities, report suspected sexual abuse of a minor or vulnerable adult to the Diocesan Ombudsman, Jenifer Valenti, at 816-812-2500 or [email protected], if the abuse involves a priest, deacon, employee or volunteer of the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph. The Diocese has a sincere commitment to providing care and healing resources to victims of sexual abuse and their families. Calendar Monday, March 30th 7:00 am 7:30 am 8:30 am 12:00 pm 6:30 pm 9 Rosary Mass School Confessions Confessions Endow Women’s Group Tuesday, March 31st 7:00 am 7:30 am Rosary Mass Wednesday, April 1st 6:00 am 7:00 am 7:30 am 8:30 am That Man Is You! Rosary Mass School Stations of Cross Small Faith Sharing Confessions Conquest Cantor Practice Respect Life Meeting 10:00 am 5:30 pm 6:30 pm 6:30 pm 6:30 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:15 pm RCIA Saturday, April 4th Sanctimonia & Benedic* Easter Vigil. Yeah! tine Bros. * Hospital Ministers: Brancato & Hackney Choir Practice 9:00 am RCIA Practice 8:00 pm Easter Vigil Mass Thursday, April 2nd * Holy Thursday * Noon School Dismissal 11:00 am Legion of Mary 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm Confessions (2 priests) 7:00 pm Holy Thursday Mass 8:00 pm - 10:00 pm Adoration Friday, April 3rd * Good Friday * Fasting & Abstinence from Meat 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm Confessions (2 priests) 7:00 pm Good Friday Liturgy Sunday, April 5th * Easter Sunday! Yeah! 7:30 am Rosary 8:00 am Mass 10:30 am Mass 6:30 pm Mass “Never let your sorrows so consume you that you forget the joy of Christ risen.” - Bl. Mother Teresa of Calcu a Directory Parish Office, 6415 NE Antioch Rd, Gladstone Office……………………….....(816) 453-2089 Hours…………..M thru F 8:30 am—4:30 pm Website…………………… Facebook….St. Andrew the Apostle Parish & School Parish Staff Pastor, Fr. Vincent Rogers…………….ext. 3 Associate Pastor, Fr. Fitzpatrick……..ext. 7 Business Manager, Shelley Palmarine..ext.4 Pastoral Associate, Katie Overstreet.......ext. 5 [email protected] Religious Edu. Youth Director (Grades K-5) Donna Geisinger………………………...ext. 107 [email protected] Religious Edu. Youth Director (Grades 6-12) Carolyn Anch…………………………..305-1903 [email protected] Edge Youth Director, Julia Winkler...876-0633 [email protected] Administrative Assistant, Fred Hack..ext. 113 [email protected] Social Outreach, Geri Townsend…….....ext. 2 Prayer & Worship, Ginny Trischler…453-7377 [email protected] Music Director, Susan Campagna….454-1489 [email protected] Morning Star Gift Shop………..550-8310 Parish Council Fr. Rogers Jeff Gorman Gary Herman Becky Sachen Jeremy Strohmeyer Parish Ministries Tammy Liberto Kent Pesek Shelley Palmarine Grace Hickey School Office, 6415 NE Antioch Rd, Gladstone Office………………………..(816) 454-7377 Fax…………………………..(816) 453-6393 School Hours………….8:15 am — 3:15 pm Preschool Full Day……8:15 am — 3:15 pm Preschool Half Day….8:15 am — 11:45 am Extended Care, Before School,7:00am—8:00am After School……………...….3:30 pm — 5:00 pm School Staff Principal, Rebecca Sachen……….ext. 318 School Secretary, LuCinda Buckner..ext. 321 Sacramental Preparation Baptism Registration, K. Overstreet…. ext. 5 Baptism Class, Ronnie Hall……….701-6104 First Communion, Donna Geisinger..ext. 107 Confirmation, Carolyn Anch……....305-1903 RCIA & RCIC (Adult & Youth Converts)…...ext. 5 Marriage Prep, Fr. Rogers….……….…ext. 3 Diocesan Young Adult Ministry (20-30’s) Dave DiNuzzo……[email protected] Adoration (Weekly), T. Gorman…....734-4685 Adoration (Monthly Overnight),Overstreet..ext. 5 Adult Formation, R. Hernandez…....454-6655 Altar & Rosary Society, F. Vogel…..455-0503 Altar Servers, Fr. Rogers………...….…..ext. 3 Annulment Advocate, Fr. Fitzpatrick…...ext. 7 Benedictine Brothers (HS boys)…...305-1903 Circle of Friends (Singles), T. Tobin….804-9145 Coming Home Committee, Overstreet....ext. 5 Cookie Ladies, Geri Townsend…….…...ext. 2 Cursillo (Men), Henry Parente……...507-1699 Cursillo (Women), Mary Giordano....215-2677 Endow (Women), Laurie Filley……..377-9655 Funeral Dinners, Rene Daniels…….468-4355 Greeters, Karen Castrianni…...…....455-3305 Homebound Ministry, S. Torres.…...452-3231 Hospital Ministers, J. England……...437-8881 Lectors & Ushers, Trischlers………..453-7377 Legion of Mary, Rhoda Nicola…......454-8633 Prayer Hotline, Sylvia Torres…….…454-3231 Pro-Life, Edie Ferrara……….…...….468-9292 Sacristans, Dan Grelinger……...…..455-6164 Sanctimonia (HS ladies)………….…305-1903 Senior Classics, Sam Briscoe…...…436-5918 Small Faith Groups, Hope Lopez.....453-6599 St. Benedict’s Food Pantry….……...415-2728 That Man Is You! Greg Lebold……..454-0447 Vocations, Sandy Sutton……...…....413-0762 INFORMATION SHEET Church name & address: St. Andrew the Apostle #028550 6415 NE Antioch Road Gladstone, MO 64119 Contact person: Katie Overstreet (816) 453-2089, ext 5 Software: Win XP-SP3, MSPub 2007, AA-X Date of publication: Number of pages transmitted: Cover + 10 text pages + this page = 12(1 ad page) Special instructions for Production: Please print 625 bulletins. THIS IS THE BULLETIN FOR 03-29-15... FedEx shipping address: 6415 NE Antioch Road, Gladstone MO 64119 Special instructions for delivery (if any): Please deliver bulletins to the school (located behind the church). FedEx tracking e-mail: [email protected]
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