Newsletter-2015-03-30 - Atherton State High School

Riding to Success
ooking resplendent in their new uniforms and proudly using their new saddle blankets, members
of the Atherton SHS equestrian team competed in the first round of competition against other schools in the
region. The students did a fantastic job across a number of equestrian disciplines and now look forward to the
next rounds over the upcoming moths. Thank you to all parents who provide the opportunity for their
children to compete in this extra-curricular competition.
Artist in Residence
Libor Smoldas is an internationally celebrated Prague
based composer and guitarist who shared his talents and
experience in a creative workshop with Atherton State High
School students on Thursday.
Every day, every class counts!
YEAR 7 - 94.4%
YEAR 8 - 94.1%
YEAR 9 - 91%
YEAR 10 - 90%
YEAR 11 - 88.4%
YEAR 12 - 90.9%
This is great news and well done to Year 7’s and families. Keep up the great
All students must be in attendance up and including every last of term. It is
not acceptable to remove your child/ren from school for an early Easter
Student Photo Day
School Photo day is scheduled for this Wednesday 1 April. Students have been provided with information
envelopes from the photographers. Students are to bring the photo envelopes to school on the day of the
photos and hand the money/envelope to the school photographer. They are expected to wear the
everyday school uniform for the photos.
Special student group photos (Junior Secondary Leaders, House Leaders, Prefects,
Senior Leaders) will be taken in Recess 1. Students are required to wear formal
photos for these photos.
Sibling/family photos are available in Recess 2 in the hall. Separate envelopes are
available from Student Services for these photos.
The special Year 12 group photo will be taken later in the year.
Senior curriculum and Assessment Survey
Would you like to participate in a survey on assessment processes and the role of school-based and external assessment in
Queensland senior schooling?
In 2014, the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) conducted a review into Queensland senior
assessment and tertiary entrance processes. Information regarding this review, including its recommendations, is
available at
To coordinate its response to the review, the QCAA Board established a cross-sector Senior Review and Assessment
Taskforce which has commissioned 22 subject working groups to provide expert advice on specific technical issues
relating to the review recommendations.
To guide their advice, the working groups are conducting a survey focused on assessment processes and the proposed
role of school-based and external assessment in Queensland senior schooling.
Responses to the survey and information obtained through other consultation and trial initiatives will inform QCAA’s
advice to the Minister for Education about the review recommendations and system improvements. More information
about these initiatives is available at
What you need to do:
To complete the survey, go to The survey
should take approximately 15 minutes to complete depending on how detailed your responses are.
The survey is available from 23 March to 23 April 2015.
Date Claimer
Mid Semester Reports
Week 10: March 30-April 2
Australian Geography Competition
All Week
Year 11 RYDA
Junior Secondary Parade
Junior Secondary Leaders Meeting
Student Photo Day
Prefect Meeting
School Holidays
Term 2 Week 1 April 20 - 25
Term 2 begins
Year 11 RACQ Free to Go
Digital Technologies Comp
Interhouse Cross Country
Mid semester Report Cards issued
ANZAC Ceremony
Junior Secondary Leadership retreat
03 - 19/04/2015
This week’s news in brief:
Teachers are presently completing Mid
Semester reports on students. These reports
will be based on assessments completed to
date and are issued as a guide for parents to
judge how your child is going at school. The
Mid Semester Report will report on
Achievement, Behaviour, Effort, Homework and
indicate if a Parent/Teacher
Interview is recommended.
Mid Semester reports will be issued
to all students on Thursday 23
April, 2015. Reports will also be
emailed to parents that afternoon.
If you require any additional information
regarding reports, please contact your child’s
class teacher.
End of Term 1:
As we enter the final week of term 1, we remind parents and students that classes will continue as normal up to
3:00pm on Thursday. Attendance is vital to ensure students can maximise their learning opportunities.
Congratulations Peninsula Reps:
Congratulations to these students for your selection in the following Peninsula teams:
Swimming 19 Years and Under – Stephanie Armstrong
Hockey Male 19 Years and Under – Ben Lowe, Jordan Riesen
Hockey Female 18 Years and Under – Jody Barletta, Shadow Player– Alice Phillips
Netball 15 Years and Under – Shadow Player – Frankie Constant
Rugby League 18 Years and Under – Anthony Curcio, Shadow Player – Leigh Freeman
Rugby League 15 Years and Under – Dominic Patralia, Connar Hamilton
Interhouse Cross Country:
As you can see from the calendar above, term 2 starts with a number of events including the interhouse cross
country carnival . Students are encouraged to nominate for the event at the Avenue of Honour at Tinaburra on 22nd
April. The cost for the bus is $10 and includes a BBQ lunch and drink after the race. Students not attending the
carnival go to their normal classes and competitors return for the start of period 4.
Mid Semester Reports:
Print copies of mid semester reports will be issued to students on Thursday April 23 with parents also receiving a
copy via email. More information will be published next term about how to register for interviews on May 4 using a
new online booking system.
Paying School Fees
You can pay
5 your child’s schooling fees in one of the following ways :
Direct Deposit into the school bank account—BSB: 064 - 800, Account No: 00090137.
Cash, cheque or EFTPOS at reception.
Credit card payment by calling the school on 4030 5222.