You and Human Rights Issues (Spring) 人権問題と私たち 3rd & 4th Year Content-specific Advanced Level Research, Discussion, Presentation and Writing This course is for students who want to use English to learn about legal, political, business and other issues. Course description This is what students will see IF they read the course handbook 本科目は、法律、政治、ビジネスなどについて、英語を使って学びたい学生を 対象とします。 Millions of people face discrimination, exclusion, and human rights violations every day of their lives (women, people in poverty, child soldiers, child laborers, minorities, people in war, refugees, indigenous peoples, victims of torture, and many others). In this course you will choose, learn about, discuss, and research human rights issues in Japan and/or other societies that interest you. In the first half of the semester we will build together our background knowledge about different human rights issues, organisations, and activists. In the second part of the semester, you will develop your own research project about a specific human rights issue or case. Your research can include visiting different organisations, doing interviews, and carrying out fieldwork. You will research the issue or case over several weeks, develop a critical understanding, and share your findings with other students. 世界には、日常的に差別や排除、人権侵害に直面する人々(女性、貧困層の 人々、少年兵、児童労働者、少数者、戦地の住民、難民、先住民族、拷問の 被害者、などなど)が何百万人と存在します。この授業では、日本または日本 以外の、あるいはその両方の、人権問題について、自身の関心に基づき、学 習し、議論し、リサーチします。学期の前半はクラス全体で人権問題、人権組 織、人権運動の背景知識を学びます。後半は、それぞれのプロジェクトを開始 し、特定の問題や事例についてリサーチします。リサーチは、関係機関を訪問 する、インタビューを行う、フィールドワークを実施するといった方法をとりま す。リサーチは数週間にわたって行い、批判的理解を進め、明らかになったこ とを他の学生と共有します。 (1) Attendance of 80% or more, (2) active participation in class activities, and (3) weekly preparation of 1-2 hours outside class are required to pass this course. この授業の単位を得るためには(1) 80%以上出席し、(2) 授業に積極的に参 加し、(3) 毎週 1-2 時間の準備をすることが必要。 For key approaches to teaching and learning in this course, see the ‘Common Areas of Focus’ page in your Teachers Information Pack 2015v1 for this course Requirements • Use multiple sources of English information for research • Student choice of research issues • Student-centered activities • Presenting and exchanging information in small groups of 2-4 • Frequent rotation of pairs and groupings for this course Resources • 2-3 cycles of research, discussion, presentation and writing • Course website information given in class • Online on the taught-in-English website: Class Schedule This may be read by students BUT teachers can adapt it and make a more specific class schedule for their students • On paper in the Teachers’ Room Week 1: Course introduction, explanation of course requirements, goalsetting Weeks 2-13: Two or three cycles of background reading and research, discussions, presentations and writing on human rights issues of students' choice Week 14: Reflection and self-evaluation/assessment Week 15: Class survey and review of the semester 2015v1
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