ALDERTON / MCMILLIN SCHOOL REUNION REUNION OFFICER ELECTION JUNE 20, 2015 Our reunion President, Maxine Herbert-Hill, is stepping down after this year’s reunion. Maxine and her husband Dave have been organizing our reunions for the past twelve years. They would like to pass the torch to someone else and will be happy to work with them on that transition. This Alderton School Centennial Celebration is a fitting occasion to experience their final reunion as organizers. We are obviously looking for volunteers who would like to nominate themselves to replace Maxine as President. Maxine stresses that future reunions may look different from what we have been offering. “The larger reunion formats that we have been offering are no longer in harmony with the dwindling number of annual attendees. It will be up to the next President and organizers to determine the format for future reunions.” We have provided a place to enter your name as a nominee for the President position (please do not nominate anyone else unless you know that they are interested and willing). You may also enter your name to volunteer to join the planning committee under the new President. Please help the next reunion team to determine what kind of reunion format that you would prefer. Check any box that reflects your desires OR enter one of your own. Comments are also helpful. We will share the results of the survey at this year’s reunion. Please complete this form and return it with your registration form (send even if you are not going to attend, just check the “CANNOT ATTEND” box on the form and include this survey page with it). 1. Please add my name to the list of reunion President candidates for the June 20, 2015 election. Your name: 2. Please add my name as a volunteer for next year’s reunion Your name: _____________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Select or offer your interests in future reunion formats □ □ □ Change to smaller venue, such as a restaurant, park, or individual’s home Keep the same venue, but reduce the size of event My suggestions or comments are: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________
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