General Information This Packet contains information regarding the 40k Tournament for MOBICON 2015. This packet is built off the Las Vegas Open 2015 GT Final Packet, 40K Cage match tournament FAQ, and tournament experience of the organizers and maybe updated leading up to MOBICON 2015. The Golden Rule You’re attending an event run by South Alabama War Gamers (SAWG); these events are run for you, fueled by the passion of their organizers. Remember to focus on enjoying yourself while you’re here, and let organizers know if you need anything. Most importantly, show respect and consideration for your peers, tournament organizers, and the game. Quit Policy Rage quitting over a difficult opponent is not acceptable or sportsmanlike behavior. Please note that such behavior may impact your ability to attend future SAWG events. If you have to withdraw for any reason, please see below. Withdrawing There are no penalties for withdrawing just let the event staff know your intentions at the conclusion of the game after which you plan to withdraw. Withdrawing frees you to participate in other MOBICON seminars or single-day events if you so choose. Please ensure that the staff knows of your intent to withdraw as soon after the game as possible so pairing can be adjusted as necessary. Tournament Format and Schedule The MOBICON 2015 40K tournament is an 5 round “Ironman” tournament where only the strong and determined will survive. Because of time restrictions a rigid schedule and time keeping measures will be in place. Please be prepared. Round 1-3 will be true random pairings generated via computer, pen and paper or old fashion dice rolls. It is possible you may face the same opponent twice. Round 4-5 will be a bracket style pairing based on accumulated battle points from the first three rounds. Overall victory is determined by total battle points acquired over the whole of the tournament. 08:00-08:30 08:45-11:00 11:00-12:00 12:15-02:30 02:45-05:00 05:15-06:15 06:30-08:45 09:00-11:15 Registration Paint scoring First Round Lunch Second Round Third round Dinner Fourth Round Fifth Round Rounds will be 2 hours 15 minutes long with 15 minute breaks in between rounds. Players not at their tables and ready to play 10 minutes after a round has begun may be penalized for slow play. A soft “Dice Down” will be called 10min prior to the completion of the round. Players on game turn four or higher will finish out their current game turn and score/clean up. Players not yet to game turn 4 will call a time keeper and divide the remaining time equally so that all players have a chance to play to game turn 4. A word on slow play. Unlike our friendly local games, tournaments must impose a time limit in order to keep everyone attending engaged and having fun. There is nothing more frustrating than only getting through half a game because an opponent, weather by accident or design, played slow and your time runs out on turn 3. If you are new to the game, play a horde army or just want to better your game, please read the following post: We want to ensure that everyone has an equal chance to win or lose their games and with that in mind the head judge will have the ability to award battle point penalties to anyone slow playing. This will be done on a case by case basis and only if a judge is called for during a game and witnesses the slow play for himself/herself. Penalties will vary based on the situations and will be solely at the discretion of the head judge. 3.0 Overall Mission Guidance Terrain at MOBICON 2015 The following rules apply to the terrain layout. Terrain Abstractions SAWG has created more than 16 tables of unique terrain, with the explicit desire of adding additional Line of Sight blocking terrain pieces to almost every table and provide an even distribution no matter what deployment type is used for the missions. Because of the nature of this terrain design the following rules are in effect: Each table has one to two pieces of large terrain in the center. These pieces were built to be ascetically pleasing as well as block true line of sight between armies and may not be functional for model placement. As such these pieces are Impassable Terrain unless agreed upon differently by opponents. Objective markers may never be placed on these pieces of terrain. All terrain is rubble (5+), ruin (4+), or forest (4+) unless agreed upon differently by players prior to start of the game. Army Requirements and Restrictions The MOBICON Warhammer 40K event uses single force organization restrictions at 1864 Points. Please bring at least 6 printed copies of your list: 1 for the organizers and 5 for your opponents. You must also bring published, electronic, or copied printouts of any and all relevant rules for your army, including the core rules. If you use electronic rule books to meet this requirement, the devices must be working through the duration of the tournament. The status of electrical outlets and WIFI internet is unknown at this location. WYSIWYG. All models must be What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWIG). Alternate or converted models must be approved by the Tournament Organizer or the Head Judge. Email [email protected] if you have ANY doubt about a model meeting this requirement. Painting There is a three color minimum requirement for models to be painted for this event. Armies will be judged on painting with each army receiving 2-20 battle points. Please see below for more details. Models created during a game in excess of the 1864 point list are excluded from this requirement. Each tier is worth 2 points. The max you can get is 20. 1. Free lunch ( you showed up with a army grats on your 2 points) 2. 3 color specialist (you have the bare minimum 3 colors grats on your 2 points) 3. Advance painter ( you have discovered they make more that 3 colors grats on your 2 points ) 4. Dynamic ( you have models that are dynamic poses you strive to make you figures look unique grats on your 2 points) 5. Done!! ( your army is fully painted and follows a theme from the first figure to the last and exceeds the 3 color specialist grats you get 2 points) 6. Super artist ( you have discover the ancient art of highlights and shadowing grats on your 2 points) 7. Flock-a-riffic ( you have mastered the art of glueing cat litter to your bases grats on your 2 points) 8. Lord of the bases ( your models are heroic based and you laugh at others kitty litter , lord of the bases also awards the points for flock-a-riffic grats on your 4 points) 9. Over achiever ( you have done flags and scroll work ,fine details, banners, decals across the whole army grats on your 4 points) This applies to the army as a whole can’t just have 1 model with the above qualities and get the points *While these criteria are laid out plainly, our judges are still human and art is subjective. Your definition of “dynamic” or “fine detail” may differ from theirs. Legal Codices/Supplements/Forgeworld/Etc. Only the latest version of Codex’s will be allowed. Codex must be out for 30days prior to the event to be considered current. Army Composition 1864 point limit. 2 Detachments Total. You may take any 2 detachments you wish, but may not repeat any detachments. 0-1-CAD (Detachment) o Detachments may be produced from a maximum of one Codex / Codex Supplement. Only 7th edition updated Forge World army lists are allowed which at present is only the Renegades and Heretics list in IA13. o Example – You may not selectively include units within one Combined Arms Detachment from both Codex: Tau and Codex Supplement: Farsight Enclaves, despite them being within the same Faction per the Detachment creation rules in the 40k Rulebook. o Exception – Units that are added to various Factions by means other than the primary or supplemental Codex are exceptions (i.e., Dataslate Characters, Forgeworld 40K approved units where they are permitted, etc.). o Codex Supplements will be considered their own Faction, ie. Farsight Enclave, Black Legion, Crimson Slaughter, Militarum Tempestus, Legion of the Damned, Harlequins, etc. o In the case of a Forge World unit having a profile in a Forge World book and Codex or Codex Supplement, the rules in the Codex or Codex Supplement are always used. 0-1 Codex Specific Detachment (Detachment) 0-1 Allied Detachment (Detachment) o Your Allied Detachment may be the same faction as your CAD. 0-1 Formation (Detachment) o See the Black Library for examples of Formations. o No Fortification or Apocalypse Formations will be allowed. 0-1 Fortification (Please note, these are not a detachment, but a part of certain detachments such as a CAD. Only 1 may be taken in your list, regardless of which detachments you use.) o All of the rules may be found in the Stronghold Assault supplement. No Fortification Networks or Strongpoints will be allowed. All upgrades on pg. 180 of the Stronghold Assault book will be allowed. o Fortifications must be deployed more than 4″ from a board edge. For some fortifications in some deployment types, this may result in a fortification being deployed partially outside of a deployment zone. 0-1 Lord of War (Please note, these are not a detachment, but a part of certain detachments such as a CAD. Only 1 may be taken in your list, regardless of which detachments you use.) o All of the rules for Lords of War available at MOBICON 2015 may be found in the parent Codex or Imperial Armor for the unit. In the case of a Forge World unit having a profile in a Forge World book and Codex or Codex Supplement, the rules in the Codex or Codex Supplement are always used. o Players are required to have the actual LoW model to use them. Exceptions will only be made for exceptional conversions. What constitutes an exceptional conversion is determined at the sole discretion of the Tournament Organizers. Send pictures of your model to [email protected] in advance if you have any doubts. o All Special Character LoWs such as Ghaz, Draigo, etc. can be used. A LoW may be chosen from the following list. *Please note, the Battle of Keylek legacy of glory upgrade is not allowed for a LoW for this event. o o o o o o o o o o o o All of the Baneblade chassis vehicles except for the Hellhammer (and Traitor’s Bane variant) and Stormsword, which are not allowed for this event. All of the Imperial Knight variants (Note: Imperial Knights will be considered a LoW for this event even though they are not by definition a LoW) Crassus Armored Assault Transport Gorgon Heavy Transporter Minotaur Artillery Tank All Macharius chassis vehicles All Malcador chassis vehicles except the Malcador Infernus which is not allowed for this event. Valdor Tank Hunter Marauder Bomber (may not take Hellstorm bombs) Maurader Destroyer Fellblade Cereberus Heavy Tank Destroyer o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Thunderhawk Transporter Greater Brass Scorpion of Khorne Khorne Lord of Skulls Nurgle Plague Reaper Obelisk Gauss Pylon Stompa Big Mek Stompa (Big Mek Buzzgob pays the normal amount of points for his Stompa, not that listed in his unit entry) Gargantuan Squiggoth Kustom Battle Fortress Kill Krusha Tank Kill Blasta Cobra Scorpion Lynx with Pulsar (but not with Sonic Lance) Tiger Shark (Escalation version) Orca Dropship Scythed Hierodule Barbed Hierodule Note: The following special rules will be in effect if either player has a Superheavy Vehicle or Gargantuan Monstrous Creatures. Impending Doom: +1 to seize the initiative for any player facing a Superheavy Vehicle or Gargantuan Monstrous Creature that does not have one. Through Attrition, Victory: +1 Battle point for every 3 hull points / wounds done to a Superheavy Vehicle / Gargantuan Monstrous Creature. (These battle points are in addition to mission battle points and tallied separate at the end of the game. These battle points can only be earned by an army that does not also contain a Superheavy Vehicle or Gargantuan Monstrous Creature.) Stronghold Assault units listed as Strongpoint, or Network, are not allowed. Mission Special Rules Mysterious Objectives, Game Length, Night Fight, Reserves, Heavy Metal (p128), Fast Recon (p129), and The Relic (p131) should be played exactly as described in Warhammer 40,000 The Rules. Points/Victory Points Victory Points reference the Codex points value of individual models and units. A unit awards full Points if destroyed, and half Points if brought to or below half its starting model count. Vehicle units are worth half Points if the unit’s total Hull Points are brought to or below half. Squadrons are scored as one unit even if divided by Immobilization. A multi-wound single model unit is worth half Points if it is brought to or below half its starting Wounds characteristic. (NOTE: Victory Points are only used in the event of a battle point tie to determine a winner and are not added into your total Battle Points) Battle Points Battle Points will be used often to determine your score in a given mission, and to identify which opponent won the mission. The player with the highest total accumulated battle points will win the tournament. Kill Points Instead of First Blood secondary mission, Mobicon has adopted Bloodied. This objective is awarded to the first player to kill or destroy 4 units rather than just one as in First Blood. Warlord Traits Determine Warlord Traits by rolling a d6 and choosing one of the results from the Warhammer 40,000 The Rules. (ex. Get 3 on a d6, choose any of the 3’s from the columns). Tactical Traits may not be used. Certain warlord traits award additional points for accomplishing certain criteria (i.e., Legendary Fighter from the Personal Trait table of the Rulebook). If you select one of these traits, any additional points earned are worth 1 battle point and 50 Points toward your Tiebreaker Score. Players must choose to roll from their codex or MRB prior to rolling. Mission Catalog, Tiered and Cumulative Missions In Rounds 1-3, the Win Conditions will be Cumulative. Where this is the case, victory or defeat is determined by the total number of Battle Points earned. All Goals should be considered active in a Cumulative Round, and their value in Battle Points will be listed in the rules for that particular Round. Players losing a cumulative mission still receive the battle points they earned. In Rounds 4-5, the Win Conditions will be Tiered. Where this is the case, victory or defeat is determined by progressing through the Goals sequentially at the end of the game. If you win the Primary, you win the Round. If you tie the Primary, you proceed to the Secondary, if still tied then to the Tertiary, and then to Tiebreakers. Players losing a Tiered mission receive Zero battle Points. Tiebreaker: Should a game tiebreaker be required, the winner of the tie breaker will receive 1 additional battle point. The Ultimate Tiebreaker In thousands of tournament games using NOVA style missions around the world since 2010, there’s never been a recorded Tie on all values, including Tiebreaker. Eternal War Secondary Objectives, followed by Kill Points, followed by an adjudicated 3-round match of Rock, Paper, Scissors will determine the outcome of such a statistically unlikely tie should it happen for the first time. Round 1 – The Attack on Mobile Bay History: On August 5th 1864, Union Navy Ships under the command of Admiral David Farragut assaulted Mobile Bay. Threading past Confederate mines and taking fire from Fort Morgan the Union ships made it into the harbor where they were engaged by CSS Tennessee. After a brief battle the Heavily Armored Tennessee was disabled and captured. Vanguard Deployment Helpful Note: When determining the points with which to connect your deployment line for Vanguard, measure 14.5” along Short Table Edges, and 21.5” along Long Table Edges. Mission Special Rules Night Fighting, Mysterious Objectives, Reserves Objective Placement Three (3) objectives placed equally across the middle of the board lengthwise as seen in the illustration below. Whoever wins the roll for choosing Deployment Zones places Objective 4 anywhere in his Deployment Zone, and not within 6” of a table edge. Then his opponent places Objective 5 in the same fashion Battle Points (0-25 Battle Points) – Each Objective Controlled at the end of the game is worth 5 Battle Points (0-5 Battle Points) – Slay the Warlord (0-5 Battle Points) – Linebreaker (0-5 Battle Points) – Bloodied (The first player to earn 4 Kill points wins this mission) Tiebreaker Points Destroyed +50 additional points for first blood Round 2 – Assault on Fort Gaines History: Union forces under the command of Maj. Gen. Gordon Granger landed on Dauphin Island on August 3rd and moved against Fort Gaines. Outnumbered almost 4 to 1and being shelled by Granger, Confederate Col. Charles Anderson, Fort Gaines’ commander, still fired on the Union Navy as they entered Mobile Bay. Col. Anderson eventually surrendered the fort on August 8 th 1864. Hammer and Anvil Deployment Mission Special Rules Night Fighting, Mysterious Objectives, Reserves Objective Placement The 4 Corner Objectives should be placed one in each quadrant of the table, situated 18” from the nearest Short Table Edge and 12” from the nearest Long Table Edge. The Fifth Objective will be not be used for this mission. Mission Points 0/15/30 Battle Points – The 4 Corner Objectives Controlling more Objectives than your opponent is worth 15 Battle Points. Controlling all 4 Objectives is worth 30 Battle Points. Controlling the same number of Objectives as your opponent is worth 0 Battle Points. 5 Mission Points – Slay the Warlord 5 Mission Points – Linebreaker 5 Mission Points – Blooded (The first player to earn 4 Kill points wins this mission) Tiebreaker Points Destroyed +50 additional points for first blood Round 3 – Clash of the CSS Tennessee History: The Union Navy had successfully ran through the Confederate naval blockade of Mobile bay. Admiral Franklin Buchanan, CSN, on board the last Confederate vessel in the bay, the heavily armored CSS Tennessee, engaged the Union Fleet. The Union barrage and ramming of the Tennessee eventually crippled her guns, boiler and steering chains, but could not punch through her heavy sides. Eventually, Union Ironsides were brought to bear and, wounded; Admiral Buchanan was forced to surrender her. Dawn of War Deployment Mission Special Rules Night Fighting, Mysterious Objectives, Reserves Mission Points 25 Battle Points -The Relic– As per Warhammer 40k The Rules 5 Battle Points – Slay the Warlord 5 Battle Points – Linebreaker 5 Battle Points – Blooded (The first player to earn 4 Kill points wins this mission) Tiebreaker Points Destroyed +50 additional points for First Blood +50 additional points for first Slay the Warlord Round 4 – Siege of Fort Morgan History: Maj. Gen. Granger, having captured Fort Gaines, now moved to take Fort Morgan across the channel. Moving his forces behind the fort he started trenching forward to bring his guns in range. Meanwhile Union Navy ships began to bombard Fort Morgan from the bay. After two weeks of steady bombardment, surrounded, out gunned and the fort taking steady damage, Brig. Gen Richard Page, Fort Morgan's commanding officer was forced to surrender. Hammer and Anvil Deployment Mission Special Rules Night Fighting, Mysterious Objectives, Reserves This is a Tiered Mission. If you win the primary mission you win the round. If you tie primary you proceed to Secondary. If you tie Secondary go to Tertiary. If you are STILL tied go to tiebreaker. Win the Round – 40 Battle Points Objective placement The 4 Corner Objectives should be placed one in each quadrant of the table, situated 18” from the nearest Short Table Edge and 12” from the nearest Long Table Edge. The Fifth Objective will be placed in the middle of the table. Primary Mission Control more objectives than your opponent. 0 Battle points if tied. Secondary Missions Slay the Warlord Linebreaker Blooded (The first player to earn 4 Kill points win this mission) Each of these Objectives is worth 1 Point toward winning the Secondary Goal. Whoever scores the most Points toward this Goal wins the Secondary. A tie leads to victory determination via the Tertiary Goal. Tertiary Mission PURGE THE ALIEN – As per Warhammer 40k The Rules. Tiebreaker Points Destroyed +50 additional points First Blood Round 5 – Damn the Torpedo's, Full Speed Ahead History: During the blockade run of Mobile bay the USS Tecumseh struck a Confederate torpedo and sank. This slowed the USS Brooklyn and she signaled that torpedoes blocked her path. The Union Admiral Farragut is said to have ordered USS Hartford “Damn the torpedoes. Four Bells” and the USS Metacomet “..full speed” This was altered over time to become “Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead.” Dawn of War Deployment Mission Special Rules Night Fighting, Reserves This is a Tiered Mission. If you win the primary mission you win the round. If you tie primary you proceed to Secondary. If you tie Secondary go to Tertiary. If you are STILL tied go to tiebreaker Win the Round – 40 Battle Points Primary Mission Purge the Alien - As per the Warhammer 40k Rulebook Secondary Missions Slay the Warlord Linebreaker Blooded (The first player to earn 4 Kill points wins this mission) Each of these Objectives is worth 1 Point toward winning the Secondary Goal. Whoever scores the most Points toward this Goal wins the Secondary. A tie leads to victory determination via the Tertiary Goal. Tertiary Mission Table Corners Each player add up the total value of their units in each table corner (see points/victory points section at the beginning of this booklet). The player with the highest value wins the corner. The Player with the most table quarters wins this mission. If a unit straddles multiple quarters, consider it to be in the quarter containing the majority of the unit. If the unit is only a single model and straddles multiple quarters, or if the unit is evenly distributed across multiple quarters, randomize between the relevant Quarters at the end of the game. Units AT OR BELOW 50% their starting number of models/hull points are worth 50% of their base cost, otherwise they award full value. Tiebreaker Points Destroyed +50 points for first blood
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