ST. ANTHONY’S PARISH - Archdiocese of Vancouver 2347 Inglewood Avenue West Vancouver, B.C. V7V 1Z9 FIFTH SUNDAY IN LENT March 22nd 2015 Pastor: In residence: Office Hours: A Office: (604) 926-6881 Fax: (604) 926-3852 Email: [email protected] Website: Archdiocesan Website: Fr. Gary Franken Fr. Joseph Thanh Thoai Le, JCL Mon - Fri: 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. bout twelve years ago four pizza parlors opened the same month on the same block in New York City. Soon the competition for survival began. One owner posted a large sign, “Best pizza in the city.” Another was quick to follow suit claiming, “Best pizza in the country.” The third advertised, “The best pizza in the world is served here!” The fourth owner, an enterprising woman posted her sign, “W e serve the best pizza on the block.” The realism of her claim won her many customers, and that shop is still serving pizza today. How can we apply a similar realism to our role of being a Christian? What claims can we honestly make as followers of Jesus? The answer depends upon how we define success as disciples. Pablo Casals was arguably the finest cellist in history. At the age of 93 he would still practice on his cello for five to six hours a day. When asked, “Pablo, why at your age do you still practice so much?” He answered simply, “Because I believe I am making progress.” Being a disciple of Jesus does not mean that we have achieved perfection. It means we are making progress. It can be in small steps and not earth-shattering progress. We know that Jesus sacrificed and died that we could live. We also know that we are called to follow His example. However, Jesus places this challenge to us through a very consoling image. “Unless the grain of wheat falls to the earth and dies, it remains a single grain of wheat. But if it dies, it produces much fruit.” When Jesus wants to tell us that we must sacrifice and change, He uses the image of a very small thing: a single grain of wheat. By this image He tells us that our sacrifice need not be huge, that our dying can be limited, that our growth can occur in little steps. To be a disciple we only need to be more patient than we were last year; we do not have to achieve a generosity and simplicity to rival St. Francis’. We only need to be more generous than we used to be. To follow Christ we do not need to possess a perfect love which never judges another or speaks an unkind word. We only need to have a love which is growing rather than shrinking, expanding rather than turning inward. We do not have to be the most generous person in Canada. We only need to be someone more inclined to show interest in the elderly neighbor who requires our help. We do not need to be the holiest person at St. Anthony’s Parish. We only need to take a step closer to becoming the person God calls us to be. Fr. Joseph SUNDAY MASSES Saturday: 5:00 PM Sunday: 9:00 and 11:00 AM. DAILY MASS SCHEDULE Monday to Friday: 8:00 AM; Saturdays & Public Holidays, 9:00 AM. CONFESSIONS Mon - Fri: before 8 AM Mass; Sat: 9:30 AM & 4:15 - 4:45 PM. MASS SCHEDULE & INTENTIONS March 22 nd 9 am † Fr ank Gouglas 5 SUNDAY In LENT 11 am FOR PARISHIONERS Mon March 23 8 am Sp. Int. Margaret Vendargon Tue March 24 8 am 7 PM Sp. Int. Michelle Torresan † Kor abo † Ber natowicz Families Wed March 25 ANNUNCIATION 8 am † Emanuele Fumagalli Thu March 26 8 am Sp. Int. Vanessa Lau Fri March 27 (Penance) 8 am 7 PM † Mary Kitchen Sp. Int. Chris & Paxa Baddelley Sat March 28 9 am 5 pm For Vocations FOR PARISHIONERS SUN March 29th 9 am † Mary Kitchen PALM SUNDAY 11 am † Remo Gambioli SUN th ST. ANTHONY’S SCHOOL (604) 922-0011 STA HIGH SCHOOL (604) 987-4431 Catholic Cemeteries: are a link between the living & the departed. DATE March 28th March 29th: 9 AM March 29th: 11 AM HOSPITALITY U KERIN/F HIGGS M MEDILEK W GRAY/J CULLEN R HAUSER M CATTERMOLE L TRACH/L DALINGHAUS LECTORS SUSAN MURPHY IVY WEI DELIA HUGHES EMHC DELLA TSANG-WING ANDREW ADAM VERONICA BEREZOWSKY SOCIAL HOSTS * A ADAM & C ADAM LOLLIE ADAM St. Anthony’s Parish Religious Education Program (PREP): Every Wednesday at 3:50 PM for students in Grades 1 - 7 not attending Catholic Schools. For other Sacramental Information, phone the Parish Office or email PREP at [email protected]. “CROSSWALK” Ecumenical Holy Week Liturgies Monday, 30th March, 9:30 am @ West Vancouver United, 2062 Esquimalt; Tuesday, 31st March, 9:30 am @ St. Stephen’s Anglican, 885, 22nd Street; Wednesday, 1st April, 9:30 am @ St. Francis, 4773 South Piccadilly Road; Thursday; 2 nd April, 9:30 AM @ St. Anthony’s Church. Services will be 30-minutes long, followed by Reception. ALL WELCOME! HOLY WEEK SCHEDULE Holy Thursday, 2 nd April: NO 8 AM Mass. 9:30 AM - Ecumenical Liturgy; Reception follows in the Hall. 7 PM - Mass of the Lord’s Supper; Adoration follows until 10:00 PM. Good Friday, 3rd April: NO 8 AM Mass; Stations of the Cross for Families @ 11 AM; 3 PM - The Lord’s Passion Holy Saturday, 4th April: No 9 AM & 5 PM Masses. 9 PM – Easter Vigil Mass; Reception follows in the Hall. Easter Sunday, 5th April: Masses @ 9 & 11 AM and 2 PM. WELCOME CATHERINE JARVIS, RN! Thursday, March 26th, 12 Noon, join Catherine in the parish hall and enjoy a bowl of home-made soup courtesy of St. Anthony’s CWL. Catherine Jarvis is our FINAL speaker to our Lenten Lunch and Talk series. Come and bring a friend. $5.00 DONATION for Euthanasia Prevention Coalition. MOTHERS’ PRAYER GROUP St. Anthony’s Mothers' and Grandmothers' Prayer Group is back! Join us Thursday, March 26th, 4-5pm Hobson Room. We will meet monthly. Mother s’ Prayer s was for med to help those mothers who wished to pray together for their children and grandchildren and to find the support they needed. Questions? Call Beatriz Raynard at 604-921-6011. CALLING EASTER LILIES! In order to have a beautiful array of beauty in and around St. Anthony’s, we invite parishioners to donate an Easter Lily for our upcoming Easter Celebrations! You can bring-in the Lilies during the Holy Week. ESTATE & BURIAL PLANNING WORKSHOP Wednesday, March 25th, 7 PM, Christ Redeemer Parish Guide to Will Preparation, Advance Care Planning, Funeral and Burial Instructions, Cemetery Selection, and Tax Saving Tips. To register, Visit: PLEASE CONTINUE TO PRAY FOR: Cathy Gardner, Jay Shrager, Marcela Chavez, Vini Fitzgerald, Patricia Trapp, Blaine Fogal, Dan & Chris Peak, Sho Uyeda, Maria Castle, Ther esa Tu, J acqueline Cummings, J oyce Field, Pat Keough, Geor gia Bridger, J oy Sescar, Donna Fontanella, Rose Kowch, Susan Stastny, Harvey Sazunic, Wallace Murray, Alexandria Pius, Declan Lord, Dan Arenet, Marina Andrew, Keith Jacobsen, Mar ian & J ack Welch, Lynne Cavaleigh, David Kritzwiser, Patr ick Leslie, Les Szabo, Roman Moshevich, Joseph Wein, Ed Hauser, Agnes Koh, Grace Sue, Lachoo Narain, Alex Barraza, Tanis Stastny, Gina Charles, Don/Edna Copley, Irene Masterman, Christine Ermita, Kenelm Burridge, Rico Alvano, Bobbi Bass, Pamela Kinna, Brendan Stephens, Louise Schubert, Agnes Notte, Margar et Irving, & Annette Garm. STEWARDSHIP REFLECTION . . . “I will be their God and they shall be my people.”– Jeremiah 31:33 What does it mean to be God’s people? It means we recognize that everything we have and everything we are belongs to God. We aren’t “owners” of anything, we are merely “stewards” of the gifts God has given us. It means we are willing to use our gifts and our lives to care for our neighbors and the world, just as God cares for us. WAY OF THE CROSS FOR MIGRANTS Friday, March 27th, 5:45 PM, HR Cathedral Join us for a special reflection on migrants and their current plight. We will especially pray for those who have recently arrived, or are temporary or seasonal workers who often find themselves alone. Contact Evelyn Vollet, @ [email protected]. TWILIGHT RETREAT Friday, March 27th, 6-9 PM, Holy Trinity Parish Retreat & supper with Fr. Rey $20. Register, (604) 988-6304. NORTH SHORE MEN’S RETREAT Saturday, March 28th, 9 AM, St Stephen’s Parish With Fr. John Horgan. Cost $20. (604) 985-1962. NEW JPII PASTORAL CENTRE OPEN HOUSE Saturday, March 28th, 2-4 PM After nearly 60 years at 150 Robson, Vancouver Archdiocese has moved its administrative offices to: 4885 St. John Paul Way, Vancouver (33rd and Willow). All are invited to an Open House. Visit: WORLD YOUTH DAY CELEBRATION Saturday, March 28th, 1 PM, @ HR Cathedral CALLING ALL YOUNG ADULTS! The day starts at 1 pm with music, a guest speaker, Way of the Cross and a Procession with palms leading to Palm Sunday Mass at 5pm followed by Dinner and a concert. $10 for dinner and the concert, but FREE for the afternoon program. Tickets available at: CHRISM MASS Wednesday, April 1st, 5 PM, @ HR Cathedral One of the most solemn and significant liturgies of our Church where the blessing of the oil of catechumens, the oil of the sick, and the oil of chrism takes place. ALL WELCOME! SPRING RETROUVAILLE PROGRAM April 10th-12th, (604) 530-6710 Your Marriage in Crisis? Retrouvaille, a Catholic ministry offers help to married couples having difficulties including infidelity, separation, or even divorce. Rediscover romance! MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER WEEKEND April 17th-19th @ Holiday Inn, North Van. (604) 876-7298.
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